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Professional diver, anyway
Well, non-teaching-status professional diver
I'm a professional vote to closer.
Oh, so you're a member of PACV? (professional association of close voters)
@Unionhawk As a professional diver, can you instruct me on how to best clean my Laptop using scuba gear?
@Wipqozn Don't. Next question.
Q: How do I safely clean a laptop using scuba gear?

ThijserI have a laptop that keeps getting dust in it and I have a complete diving equipment (tank regulator BCD ext.). Now normally you would blow out a laptop using a compressed air can and I was wondering if there is a safe(not like using a vacuum with all the risk of static electricity) way to use th...

like how does this only have 5 downvotes
@Unionhawk But if the laptop was really dirty and literally all you had was scuba gear.
At least that sit e seems to have finally died
RIP Lifehacks
Q: For CODBO 2 PC i need quick help plzz a soon as possible..send it to my email

RohitIm having a problem with black ops 2 not opening at all not even bringing a window and saying not responding it is just no loading MY SPEC graphics_ card intel hd graphics processor_intel core i3 m370 cores-4 os windows 7 ram 6gb Plz reply me to my id quick I will be thankful Viratbakshi4@Gmail...

@Unionhawk how can I use an oxygen tank to tie my shoelaces
Hey, I need diving tips but I also only have a plastic freezer bag for an air supply.
Except @twobugs I guess
@Unionhawk is a fish bowl good enough for diving
No, you should not drink and dive. (I'm disappointed that Fish Bowl (drink) is not a wikipedia page)
Though I guess it's not a drink as much as it is a way of serving a group
@Unionhawk Yay
@ardaozkal Beat me to it
I was ready on wednesday
@fredley Part of me wonders if France and Germany will block the UK from joining the EEA out of pure spite.
it sounds like France is getting in line to Article 50 itself now, too
5k already
near 6k
If Scotland leaves the UK would they change the British flag?
Since right now it's a combination of England/Scotland/North Ireland
The Divided Kingdom!
@Unionhawk You had me all excited it was gone. Don't tease me like that.
I mean, it's not dead, but it's inactive or whatever
I might add covers of the games that are going to be played
@Sterno does SE ever prune dead sites after they've made it to public beta?
I thought they just left them in public beta forever
So if I donate do I list the donation as "Arqade" or "Arqade.com"?
Despite my better judgment I ended up buying some Steam games yesterday
@Sterno If you donate using the link, you can use any website. Otherwise it won't get added to our site directly
If you did donate and it doesn't get added, just let me know and I can add it to my matching :)
In my defense DOOM being 40% off already is a damn steal
@Sterno you are a great person
@Ktash you are a great person
Donation ahoy
Hey, look, and Arqadian won a t-shirt :D
another donation from an arqadian
I think that they forgot to use the link
Looks like we have 3 donations in our tracker
Blocked by work filter. Booooo.
@KutuluMike they used to but now I think they just leave them in beta forever
Zestiria has an extra skill system I'm not sure I'm a fan of.
> European markets have been well and truly spanked, however
Dear BBC: Thank you for this used of the word 'spanked'
@Ktash so close
I dislike xaml
Q: I cant custom my skin because there is no button that says custom skins

Lily or dandelion190Every time I go an minecraft to Change my skin there is no button to change my skin. I hate it please help

@Lazers2.0 (sigh)
Q: On a xbox 360, can wireless be turned off?

Elicube99I would like to know if I can turn off WiFi on an Xbox 360. Thanks

Because some people have problems with fine motor functions
@twobugs tbh the game is not as important as the streamer
@ardaozkal because people with disabilities?
... makes sense
@ardaozkal yeah ease of use can be a bit annoying when it comes on but it is very helpful to people who need it
I didn't think of the accessibility part
@PrivatePansy wat
the brits are supposed to be smart
@GodEmperorDune Okay, well I'll figure something out then
Anyway today is going GREAT so far. Unrelated: I might be Hitler
they didn't know that they were part of the european union?!
In lunchtime Hearthstone I went 3-0 today... forced someone to concede on his third turn
@twobugs nah i think trump, boris johnson and nigel farage have that covered
@GodEmperorDune I now imagine scientists in lab coats going around kindergartens asking toddlers if they think the UK should be a member of the EU
@GodEmperorDune Yeah but does Trump make people concede in just two turns?
One turn per bug, you see
@twobugs only if they have low energy
Hearthstone does not work that way!
@PrivatePansy to be fair, word choice in polls is a huge thing and can wildly affect the outcome
@GodEmperorDune well look at how they voted
although i don't know why they didn't have the ballot say "should the UK leave the european union"
considering the campaign was all about "leave"
Q: Do the new command blocks still cause lag by sending a bunch of packets?

LethaIitySo basically in 1.8 the was a 63 block update limit (as explained here) My question is when the command blocks changed, does the server still send packets every tick telling the client that the command block were powered? If so is there anything I can do to remove that so I can have a large amou...

that said a lot of the discussion was indeed about "leave" and "remain"
Vote to LEAVE HELL or vote to REMAIN HELL
You have successfully left HELL to join HYPER HELL
(MEGA HELL is the next step)
Tv service went down- go to check internet, cable is down, phone them; known issue. tv/internet/phone are down in my area... so why would anyone want all three from from the same provider? Service goes down and you have no means of contacting support.
@TrentHawkins cell phone?
... oh well, I'll just take this time to get caught up on FiM while playing DS games.
I'm confused. There seems to be a lot of fear about other countries taking Brexit-like leave of the EU but... why?
It's not working out very well so far...
Most of the debates I've been in have accepted that leaving was the wrong choice
Well yes, that is important
It just seems weird that there's this fear of it cascading
@twobugs because it shows the EU as weak
When the consequences seem pretty clear
we're debating whether peoples' right to vote is more important than the greater good
@GodEmperorDune Right, but why would people want to leave?
an alarming amount of otherwise intelligent people think that 51% of people are right
It's weakening the UK's economy significantly
@twobugs Watch idiocracy
that's basically what's happening
Insert relevant xkcd
@twobugs leave campaign basically convinced them that they could leave the EU and still have all the benefits of the EU without the drawbacks by "renegotiating the deals"
insert logical fallacy infographic about appeal to authority
@Studoku I don't like this movie
It's like 1984
@GodEmperorDune Ah, so it's about ridiculous elements in other nations duping the populace
Keep in mind that they still don't actually have to leave
@murgatroid99 That could also work and is how I'm on the bridge now, Shaw doesn't dabble in cell service (yet?). But there is a provider (MTS) that does everything; tv, internet, home phone, and cell phone... they drop all service, and you,'ve got to hoof it to a store (or, at least a pay phone if you can find one (though those are also mts))
a scary vision of what the future will be
It's not a goddamn documentary
I don't even like it as a movie and I don't think it makes good arguments
I think Brave New World is more accurate in terms of chilling predictions
@twobugs people are rightfully upset about their economic conditions, and blaming them on "eurocrats" is easier to swallow than "the entire economy is shifting and no one has any idea about how to smooth that transition or where it will end up"
@Unionhawk I thought it was a walkthrough
@GodEmperorDune 1. not at all 2. poorly
you can trust me, I'm an expert
I get that people are upset about things changing but things change no matter what
It's similar to Trump and his notion of American Manufacturing
Just tarifs on everything will not recreate the economy
@twobugs yes it is
the manufacturing jobs are gone to places with cheaper wages, and when those wages rise they will go to robots which are cheaper than human labor
There's a saying - microchips stole more jobs than mexicans ever did.
when the big tech companies start to succeed with AI it will start to push out the thinking style jobs as well (but that is much further out)
so if robots are better at doing physical things and AI is better at doing thinking things, then what the hell are the humans going to do all day?
Explore space like in Star Trak
@twobugs that would be awesome
Just watch out for those holodecks
they just have to make a holodeck where you can't turn the safety protocols off
and have an airgap so it can't take over the ship's computers
Yeah until Obama wants a holodeck override for the FBI
31 mins ago, by badp
half an hour ago's news today, with @Wipqozn
@GodEmperorDune so tempted to mod abuse that away.
@Wipqozn mod on mod abuse best mod abuse
remember that @badp can perform counter mod abuse
and then I can counter with more mod abuse!
It would just be mod abuse all the way done
@Wipqozn I think this is how WW3 gets started
Clearly we need a modabuse cold war right now
didn't some of TNG say that world war three started in the mid 21st century? now we know what started it
@GodEmperorDune You are correct.
Oh hey, oculus removes the DRM that locked it's software to the oculus headsets CC @MBraedley motherboard.vice.com/read/oculus-steps-back-drm
@KevinvanderVelden Took 'em long enough.
@KevinvanderVelden I have an Oculus Rift, but my friend that bought a Vive will be happy about this.
@StrixVaria my respect for humanity grows ever larger
@StrixVaria People are stupid
Q: Resetting my village

OmarHow can I reset my CoC village cause I by mistake rushed my village Can I undo this? I just have absolutely shit I have been watching videos and reading information about how to do this and been talking with supercell.

@StrixVaria an Ars commenter speculated that these are actually the real victims: those younger than 18
> French far right touts 'Frexit,'
also, I don'tsee how other countries are looking at the plummeting UK pound and are thinking "This seems like a good idea. I should leave too."
Especially those on the euro
That's a very unflattering image.
"we shouldn't be the last to jump off this sinking ship" said today an italian asshole
who also leads a relevant party
> Vladimir Putin said the result is "understandable" in light of the economic and security issues.
"The ship is fine" "But it will sink someday!"
Don't worry guys, you've got the support of Trump and Putin!
cc @fredley
Putin is so proud of the EU crumbling
you know what, I'm in full No True Scotsman mode today
he's a small-I italian
If Trump and Putin would just kiss already this election would be a lot more interesting
Instead they're just completing each other's authoritianism
I can only bear the foreplay for so long
@badp exitalia
Trump wants tanks, but only if they come in gold.
@MadMAxJr gold sharpies are good enough right?
Putin can give Trump Judo lessons or whatever
Trump plays Bastion. Putin plays Widowmaker.
@Unionhawk :(
:30599165 I thought he would be pretty gay about an EU crumbling
@fredley pls
Britain: “I want a divorce, but let’s live together for a couple of years.” EU: busy changing locks
@fredley oh man, you guys are so proud of being allowed to be smug about that too!
Oh snap
We're the UKs kid that moved out and became successful but now dad divorced mom and he's not really sure why he did it.
That means Canada can be be smug against America and the UK!
Will Quebec use this to try to leave Canada again?
@MadMAxJr probably
Especially if Scotland goes
Secession. So hot right now. Secession.
Texas not only leaves the US, but rips out of the ground and becomes a flying continent.
@fredley even gibraltar wants to join spain now
@GodEmperorDune spain wants gibraltar to join spain
@MadMAxJr I think it'd more likely slide into the mantle
No it stays aloft by constantly firing guns.
And the alternative to gibraltar is massive amounts of pain (they rely on free movement with Spain, without EU protection of that they'd be fucked)
Spain just has to win the capture point on Gibraltar. It's not a terribly hard OW map.
@fredley they've wanted that for a long time, but now they have a VERY compelling argument
As much as I hate people in the South voting and having a say over what happens in sane states, I'm also terrified of what would hypothetically happen if the South seceded and then was adjacent to the country I now live in.
That feeling when you're aware of Nigel Farage
@GodEmperorDune yup
I think I've said this before, but Nigel is an offensively british name
I've not run out of stars in at least 2 years
@StrixVaria I'm pretty sure the solution is to just force everyone to relcoate,so there's a mixture of north and south folks in all parts of the country.
@Wipqozn that was perhaps the one thing compulsory military service was good for
@Wipqozn the south is not big on integration
@MadMAxJr oh huh, didn't even think of that. They might, but given how bad Europe is likely to hurt it shouldn't pass. Like, thre's ane xample, right there, of why you should not do this thing.
people from the south would serve north, people from the north would serve south
@GodEmperorDune well it wouldn't be optional silly
@Wipqozn ethnic blending
@badp Or we could just ship northerners into London as servants, that would probably work too
Then they're all terrified they have to fight Putin.
Not the Russian army, just one Godzilla sized Putin.
@MadMAxJr What would be scarier in a fight, one Godzilla sized putin, or one hundred putin sized Godzillas
... Are the Putin sized Godzillas politically active? This is important context.
oh yeah @fredley I thought I should mention you're not dumping us, we are dumping you for australia
we don't even need a vote
I knew the whole Eurovision thing was a trojan horse
@fredley Russia got their payback
Some fredley experiences from today: Walking around the City of London, it is deserted, nobody is on the streets, everyone is inside trying to prevent the markets going into meltdown. It's eerie. Later, cycle past Boris' house, protestors/news crews have gone, but there's still a very heavy police presence.
Welcome to Brexit Britain.
I'd rather see a relevant XKCD for this topic. :|
Homestuck raising a homestink
Woo, I broke a 3rd party application (as well as the API we bought from them) with a simple 21.5MB file.
I thought homestuck ended? I don't have to pay attention to it anymore right?
cc: @LessPop_MoreFizz
Banking tips https://t.co/8Q90f056EZ
Just to clarify, would people genuinely prefer to go with the majority than the greater good?
because I swear I don't get humanity sometimes
I don't know if it's actually broken, but if it isn't, it's taking much longer to process the file than it should.
Welcome to Democracy
that's the thing
democracy is apparently good
but nobody can give an example of why
Well as long as The Bridge doesn't vote to leave Arqade, we're totally safe here.
Cameron being elected?
the AV referendum?
@Wipqozn getting elected?
Cameron again?
There's no guarantee the non-democracy chooses the greater good.
I'd be willing to take that risk
Clearly we should have used the alternate option where @TimStone hand selects me to be moderator instead of the turtle
@Studoku Move to Saudi Arabia?
What's the Winston Churchill (I think) quote? Democracy is the worst. It's just the least worst of all the options.
Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all of the other forms
Everything is equally the worst, but some things are more equally the worst than others
That's not exact, but it's pretty close
nah i think it was something about urmom
what really grates me is that this keeps happening. Other people vote in stupid ways and all we can do is just take it
Actually I'm pretty sure it was urdad
@SaintWacko That's it
@Studoku You can't objectively define "greater good", is the reason.
Although a straight up popular vote for things like this also has its issues, clearly.
@StrixVaria "alligns with my opinions"
@Unionhawk Right, that's the issue.
There was a call somewhere in history that I heard about for decisions to be made by trained professionals, economists and scientists etc., whoever has expertise for the decision.
That sounds like a nightmare to set up, but a nice pipe dream.
someone in mos easley voted leave and thinks it's a good idea
Scientists are nerds
I pity da fool
I'm a computer scientist. I count.
@Sterno And if there's a bill about something computer-science related, encryption or open internet or whatever, then people like you should be consulted.
@StrixVaria we had a "government of experts" in the wake of the end of our la(te)st Berlusconi sprint. It didn't go very well
@badp Yeah, it sounds better in theory than I'm sure it would work in practice.
so does democracy
I nominate @Studoku to be emperor of the universe so he stops complaining about things
I mean what
@badp so someone on twitter came up with a list of the new brexits
We should just pick like 10 forms of government, divvy up the planet into 10 areas with resources or whatever to be self-sufficient, and then everyone can choose which government they live in.
@GodEmperorDune This was posted at least 12 hours ago
@badp Haha
@fredley there's too many brexit memes, i can't keep up
@StrixVaria Can't have totally free movement of people and a welfare state, those two things don't add up
(People keep taking me seriously, so just to clarify: I very rarely make any actual serious political suggestions.)
@fredley I meant you pick once and then you're stuck there.
@StrixVaria are they democratic?
One of them might be!
We should just stratify the globe, from the equator (most right wing) to the poles (most left wing)
Too right wing for you? Move North.
> grexit
@fredley what if I just like the weather
which I don't because I moved to the Netherlands
@MadMAxJr Brexit
Belgium exit would be great, since Brussels is the capital and all
Q: minecraft won't launch after the frostburn 1.10 update window 8

bloodyemilyminecraft won't launch after the frostburn 1.10 update window 8 try re downloading java that didn't work and redownloaded mc nothing really work here's a image of the game output and launcher log have any question ask me http://imgur.com/a/YDFlo

@GodEmperorDune I liked exitalia
@fredley Bexit? Belxit?
Byegium is the best really
@StrixVaria I like it better than the other but I hate both equally
don't even think about it
TurkIN... right?
Rest of world: don't do anything crazy plz UK: fk u we used to own u watch this *does backflip *money falls out of pockets *cracks head open
Mario Marathon reached 10k!
@fredley There's a really good shirt somewhere that has the UK flag and says "Were #1"
@twobugs Hahahahahahahahahahahaha cry
@twobugs Found it

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