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Many game names aren't in mobile dictionaries. That's not a reasonable criteria
Well yes
I wasn't trying to make an all encompassing meta statement
Just it's easier to type that wa11ha77a
I already forgot
brexit polls closed!
@GodEmperorDune Oh snap!
@fredley @Ronan what's it like to not be a EU Citizen anymore?!
bbc is super calm about it
@Wipqozn We don't find out until tomoz
@fredley i will be watching it all night
@GodEmperorDune I won't
@fredley yeah, but I won't be up t make my joke then. plus if you actually leave it won't be funny anymore, it'll be the cold harsh reality of a world where Trump is President.
Oh google has a live feed of it apparantly
@Wipqozn apparently London Trump voted to leave at the last minute
You can't believe what I found
Just google "Brexit"
@ardaozkal Yes I can
@Wipqozn guess it then
@Wipqozn they do that for all the elections
@Wipqozn where
@GodEmperorDune yeah
@ardaozkal 'You never said we couldn't guess, but that we wouldn't believe it. Guessing and believing are two completely different things, which aren't related.
jeez bbc, you need to copy cnn for your election coverage
my english is derp
this is the weirdest representation of a bar chart ever
Anyway the first results are going to be completely useless
Q: Why can't I change my skin in Minecraft PE version 15.0?

NatashaWhen I go into the change skin area, the button for customized skins doesn't show up.

@badp your hyping is inadequate
@ardaozkal A failed handheld gaming device?
cc @GodEmperorDune on that sick burn
@Wipqozn hey, I can play angry birds on it.
@GodEmperorDune what do you have against the good old parliament-pie chart
"i heard nigel farad said XYZ, have you heard that?" "yes, i heard that just now"
It's way better than a piewdie-pie chart that's for sure
@badp its a bar chart projected on the ground of a dark street
At best it's a stacked progress bar of doom
If doom progresses past the dotted line it's over
oh man, look at those kids run carrying boxes of votes
Are they spilling the votes all over the place?
no the boxen are sealed
@GodEmperorDune are they discarding whole boxes then
@badp no they are neatly arranged on the floor
If each vote is independent it doesn't matter!!
Me at 12:30 to my wife, "I have Overwatch so I probably won't spend any money on Steam Sales this time." I've already spent $50 on games today.
@GodEmperorDune Are the boxes neatly arranged in files and columns of fire?
@StrixVaria what on?
@badp i dunno, they mention gibraltar at the bottom
that seems like a fire type
@GodEmperorDune nice, I need to tune in then
TIL portal 1 + 2 is 5 dollars.
I need this.
Cameron shows up on TV and announces the first ever live broadcast vote tally
then sets fire to all of the votes
Aye: 0, Nay: 0. Remain wins!
ominous fade to black across the city of London logo
/cc @fredley
> Older voters are more likely to back Brexit, with almost twice as many people aged over 65 set to vote for leaving the EU than those under 35.
that's not fair.
if you're going to die in the next 10 years I don't think you should get a vote.
@KutuluMike are you threatening the people under 35? do you know something we don't?
We could have just resolved this with a greased-up wrestling match between Cameron and Murdoch.
I mean apparently in Italy the current 20-somethings generation thinks the previous generation screwed them over
"you damn kids wouldn't get off my lawn. here, have a ruined future while I retire to florida."
they said if brexit passes, next will be italexit and frexit
maybe swexit
so an #oldxit would only be reasonable and fair
@GodEmperorDune Italy probably wouldn't leave the EU
Neither would France
Greece perhaps
@badp i thought the new mayors of rome and tuscany were anti-EU
if #brexit passes, how many years you think until the inevitable #bre-enter referendum?
@GodEmperorDune antEU
@KutuluMike #brentrance
@GodEmperorDune they count pretty much for diddly squat, they won for other more local reasons
@fredley breentry
@fredley breuro
@badp elections are always a reflection of local things
@badp breentrey
@GodEmperorDune brelection
Breuro for more breers
@GodEmperorDune in23d
damn, in br4d
23 secs ago, by fredley
18 secs ago, by GodEmperorDune
damn, in br4d
31 secs ago, by badp
@GodEmperorDune in23d
> Boris Johnson from the official Leave campaign was more bullish, urging supporters to seize the chance "to make today our Independence Day,"
@fredley brickqozn
I knew there was a reason I didn't like that guy.
@KutuluMike Uh...
now he wants the UK to be invaded by aliens
we only have 1 will smith, pal, and we need him.
Hmm, I'm sad there's no vive discount... but that is totally what I expected
GBP is surging on the currency markets, so the bankers seem to think remain won
hasn't it been up all day, though?
@KutuluMike he's not even in the new movie!
What do you need him for?
of course not, he's busy killing aliens for real.
Ah makes sense
Q: How to get rid of Dark Souls 2's "There is no new information" modal prompt?

l0b0There's "no new information" about literally an infinite amount of things at all times. Am I missing something, or is this the most useless prompt ever made?

Q: Minecraft pocket edition won't update on Samsung Galaxy tablet - please help!

GuestI have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook and even though our other tablets have the update, mine says that my Minecraft is up to date. I really want the update; it seems I have tried everything! Please help!

Q: Which stat does the Medic's "Acid Throw" attack scale off of?

Weaveworker89In Grand Kingdom, the different kinds of attacks scale off one of several of the different stats. Physical attacks, according to the stat descriptor, scale off of strength (Str). Magical attacks scale off of Magic (Mag). The medic seems to occupy an in-between place, using items like "Magic Flask...

MIB is a documentary, sheeple. open your eyes.
that's it
I'm done with youtube
@ardaozkal recommended is garbage, that's hardly news
why do those stuff have so many views
I also weep every time I access youtube without logging in and see the dutch front page
@KevinvanderVelden I'm logged in.
that's the problem
I never watch this kind of stuff
@ardaozkal then you just have shitty taste in the things you view and google is recommending more of the same =p
@KevinvanderVelden see the message above your message
Also the "trolling parents of brats" thing. That is illegal. Imitating legal forces.
@KevinvanderVelden at least the language barrier helps
Q: where do i join to a server?

JEVA198.245.62.57:27035 this is the link they gave me but i dont now how to introduce it or even where so i cant get my points and and its ad :''v fucking csgo its so dificult to join the server they gave me :'''''''v imma cry and myself anyway i need to write more so im just going to keep writti...

I mean, looking at this, youtube, you should understand that I don't like youtube garbage.
arab trappers?
risky click of the day
WOOOOO, got the legendaries I kinda wanted
Man the Facebook recommend news things are always stupid
@ardaozkal oh this is amazing
Guys... breaking news... someone cut the audio of Leeroy Jenkins over some Game of Thrones footage!
arabic trap is fantastic
Man this cut on my left index finger is ruining my typing
i thought about linking some videos, but the ones i found liked to lay the music over questionable activities in the background, so i decided against it
@GodEmperorDune heh, enjoy special TSA treatment you'll get because you are listening to arabic trap
@ardaozkal the first one i found was called "allahu trapbar" o.0
@GodEmperorDune oh boy that one is epic
@GodEmperorDune Have fun on the no-fly list
@twobugs plus i got a letter from trump saying i can't come back in if i leave the country
@monchéri hi
Q: Which character is best for killing Bastion from behind Reinhardt?

DCShannonOften, at the start of a game, the defense has a Bastion set up in sentry mode near the objective, aimed at a chokepoint. When this happens, one of the best strategies is to have a Reinhardt stand in front of Bastion with his barrier up, and have someone or someones shoot the Bastion from behind ...

@fredley sorry but how is the tallying actually going to work?
what's a "result"
does that mean that trump won?
is this some sort of gerrymandered single-result-per-geographic-area thing?
@badp I think it's just straight vote count. But I'm less sure now.
Italian referendums never work since a referendum only counts when over 1 in 2 of the eligible vote, but then it's a straight vote count
usually you get like 90% voting yes out of a 30% total attendance
Q: How to defeat the Eye of Cthulhu on expert mode?

Mick WilsonI want to defeat the Eye of Cthulhu but I think I'm unprepared. What do I need to defeat him?

Q: How does Yennifer feel about Geralt's promiscuity?

Matt ThrowerYennefer and Geralt are supposed to have an especially close romantic relationship. Yet I through the Witcher games, Geralt freely sleeps with a number of other female characters. I cannot recall Yennefer ever discussing how she feels about this during the games. Do we ever get an insight on her...

Q: Unable to connect to servers in Minecraft

Flaming PhancakeOk,so my Wi-Fi or something like that will not let me connect to Minecraft servers, I don't know if I should restart it or what. Does anyone know what I should do?

@Ronan bbc says straight vote count
@GodEmperorDune screenshot is from the bbc though
oh I see
@badp whoever gets more than 50% of the votes wins
@badp It's a straight vote count
the 382 is from the voting zones adding their counts to the overall total
However it's broken down regionally for counting
there must be 382 tallies, each contributing to a straight vote count
@badp indeed
in Italy the tallying happens pretty much on a city-by-city basis so I got confused there
it looked like a recycled template from national elections where they didn't change that number
@badp Here it's done by county, sort of
(actually by local authority, which corresponds to city, borough, county, or country)
yeah, usually our first results come from cities or suburbs with like 40 voters
(Milan is split in like 15 different tallies)
I'm really excited for Brexit
i was until i discovered there was no bacon in it. nothing can be exciting without bacon
Unfortunately I have to sleep and all the results will be in when I wake up.
i may have confused Brexit with Breakfast.
@Ronan Unless you wake up in a cold sweat at 3am!
@fredley i'll ping you before i go to sleep
@fredley If I do I'll be sure to check the result.
Man if the UK doesn't secede I'm going to be very upset
@twobugs y tho
Because I want to make fun of @fredley
because he's got a list of brexit jokes lined up and they'll all go to waste.
just remember the tables will be turned come november
The worst possible future is Brexit defeated and Trump elected
@Yuuki Those are the starter packs for each game
Yeah, I just figured that was pretty funny to see.
Or freemium packs. Whatever. Several of them even say so on the graphic!
Very very high turnouts so far, 70-80% in a lot of places
@twobugs the worst thing would be @wipqexit
this is good for remain
Get your act together Sunderland.
@GodEmperorDune No, that would be Good for us users
@twobugs #bridgefirst
Oh god Carswell is an arse
@Yuuki SExit
wow mega greed is errm mega D:L
@Yuuki let's leave STACK
@fredley flagged for nsfw
@GodEmperorDune You remindded me of something
We don't want all those grubby immigrants coming to our site from Lifehacks
recommendation as a comment for short stack name
Being an independent site would allow us to control our borders
Arqade also pays 350m users a day to SE
@ardaozkal there's a similar joke about the expertsexchange site
@GodEmperorDune I was at a Joel talk last week, he still talks about expertsexchange
By leaving Stack, we can have more control over our users. WE WILL ONLY ALLOW USERS FROM INSIDE ARQADE.
@fredley hehehe
But if we do, we lose the sweet sweet HNQ reps.
BUT if we leave stack, we can increase daily vote limit.
@ardaozkal how will a a few particular users earn rep without HNQ?
Something something immigrants.
Something something Stack Exchange regulations.
this guy in the orange tie looks like he was punched in the jaw too many times
They were great punches, the best punches
1 min ago, by ardaozkal
By leaving Stack, we can have more control over our users. WE WILL ONLY ALLOW USERS FROM INSIDE ARQADE.
@ardaozkal remember that 4chan loves to flood online polls
@GodEmperorDune No man, EA getting "worst company in America" was totally legit
@twobugs well EA actually deserves that
No, they don't
Don't be stupid
@twobugs they do
I don't even know what is going on here
my last job was pretty bad, but i was glad i didn't work for EA
I dislike this website — Lord Of Milk 34 mins ago
Apparently, not helping = bad.
@AshleyNunn brexit hype
@badp we have bots
or fast users
are the bots you
@GodEmperorDune They've significantly improved and are far from the worst game employer
@badp no I only run bots for reddit
But the voting thing was "xD lets troll them!"
@twobugs oh you didn't specify a timeline for the poll, i assumed it was back in the day
It was, but not that far back
Jan 8 at 16:53, by Ronan Forman
@ardaozkal [a-z0-9]{5}[-][a-z0-9]{5}[-][a-z0-9]{5}
@ardaozkal so @Ronan was bot
Even then, making subpar games and treating your employees poorly pales in comparison to other companies
But, you know, xD trole
All I'm saying is you need a serious reality check if the worst thing you can say about a company is "They made SimCity (2013)"
@twobugs well they're no monsanto, and i don't know if the RIAA counts as a company
that regex is actually for my antibot project
I should probably go back and get it working
@twobugs i was thinking more permanent crunch kind of thing
@twobugs I think it was more like "They treat their employees like shit until they burn out"
Monsanto is Far Less Evil than people would have you believe
@murgatroid99 Oh, so they're a game company?
the qualities of their games and origin are a different thing
EA treating their employees was bad but they were far from alone
They took that criticism to heart and improved significantly
People also seem to think EA is bad because Origin competes with Steam which is one of the most surreal things I've ever heard
@twobugs that's like saying a gnat compares with a bear in the food chain
I just think the bad rap EA get nowadays is extremely silly and falls apart under any scrutiny
Even at their worst they were never the 'worst company in America' for any reasonable value of 'worst'
@twobugs so who would you say is the worst company in america?
Q: Transferring powerplay weapons to another ship with Engineer effects.

themaniac27Is it possible to transfer powerplay weapons with engineering effects to another ship using the buy back option. I know it's possible with normal weapons but I wanted to know if the effects transfer as well

Certificates don't mean non-maliciousness. They mean safety of connection.
@ardaozkal And confirmation of identity
Well, there are companies that do really fuct things in other parts of the world
Origin is EA's also-ran. If I'm not playing an EA game I have literally no reason to fire it up
@GodEmperorDune Trump?
that said
at least it doesn't have a completely ruined account system like uplay's
@twobugs but that's the entire industry
I mean it depends on what you're counting as a company
uplay's account system might be even worse than Blizzard's
For profit universities are pretty much inarguably worse
@twobugs worse than EA?
@badp It sounds like you're just really bad at accounting
You need an accountant
I have a password manager
that puts me in the 99.99th percentile
@twobugs like a private university or one of those unaccredited places?
@GodEmperorDune See I'm aware you are joking now but there are people who literally think that making a bad game or two is worse than theft or murder or what have you
@badp Doesn't make you infallible :)
once I did have a pretty epic fail
@twobugs or dupont poisoning an entire town over decades?
I don't really want to get into an account argument so I'll stop now
1. generate new password
2. copy password from account dialogue
2. Delete your account
@twobugs alright, fair
3. complete password change
4. go back to password manager
@GodEmperorDune That was @badp
5. hit Cancel
6. delete your account
But basically EA is Not That Bad
@StrixVaria That's how they getcha
@badp happened to me too
Anyone who tells you otherwise has either a very limited view or is very disturbed.
@twobugs yes i agree they are not murdering people in foreign countries
Or American countries
EA: We Literally Are Not War Criminals
Holy shit. An 18 year old girl got a 40 year sentence for shooting someone for their PS4.
That's twice as long as she's been alive.
@Frank was it modded?
@GodEmperorDune Beep boop
@GodEmperorDune Doubt it.
(sorry, crass old joke)
I mean, I'm pretty sure EA has never even been the worst of the game companies in employee treatment
Damn hurt fingers
ronan's regex works
codemasters employee treatment is pretty off the rail
that dash quoting though
First results coming in
@fredley waiting
@djsmiley2k I'm not familiar with them, what have they done? (to their employees, I know their games)
19.3k/20k from Gibraltar for Remain
84% turnout
Rockstar employee treatment worst
There was also Team Bondi with LA Noire... work 12+ hour days, 6 days a week for two years
Oh, the game is done? Great job! You're all fired.
@fredley ah that was a bit unclear. 19.3k for remain, 800 for leave
and i'm also surprised that Gibraltar is still part of the UK
meanwhile Mr UKIP has already announced his victory
because in every election, all parties always win
I thought he admitted defeat?
Dewey defeated Truman
> Nigel Farage has told Sky News it "looks like Remain will edge it" as votes are counted in the EU referendum.
For certain values of defeat
@KutuluMike he says he's not losing the war even if they lose a few battles
sure, but that's not the same as announcing victory.
how often can you have these referenda?
he's gloating that euroskepticism used to be considered a fringe, and now it's oh so close to 50%, and it's going to spark similar movements in other countries
so "they're winning the war"
and he has already blamed new voter registration for if remain wins
In Florida, they keep putting the medical marijuana on the ballot every 4 years until it eventually passes.
@badp Hahahaha
Best of luck to that
this is a basic truth of all elections: no party doesn't win
after all, any amount of votes for Trump is too many votes
if Trump gets 2 votes, he's won
@badp whoever wins, we lose
@badp trumps lawyers will be the ones to win as they get paid for the lawsuits that drag out for the next decade
@twobugs it's a case of once you begin working there, you're expected to never leave
beds, games rooms, the works
it's said that mentioning wanting kids means you'd never get a job there. etc
They basically expect you to live there.
is akiba strip worth the money?
Customer on the phone was like "Are you this happy all the time or is this your customer service voice"
It was really hard not to reply with something like "My soul is as dark as midnight but I fake it well"

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