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@MBraedley apparently this becomes way rare way fast after level 20 or so?
Exp per level caps around 20
But getting a level per night is doable even after that
It just takes slightly longer than at level 9
I'm quoting Jim on this
@badp Nope
he also complained that most of the time you unlock sprays
I think I average half a level per session for me
@badp This is true
EXP caps at 22k, you regularly earn 5k+ a game
You're guaranteed one rare in a box
But most of the time you get 3 commons and a rare, and most of the commons are sprays
You unlock a lot of stuff, but you're only guaranteed 1 rare quality item
A typical game is 10-15 minutes, which means a one hour session should get you a level.
I don't think I've ever seen 15
Maybe a megaovertime three stages control map
I'm seeing level ~60 players more commonly.
I think I just hit 45 last night.
I just got to 25 last night, so I only really see it in groups containing @Sterno or @Wipqozn or @StrixVaria
@Unionhawk im 30 i think
The main thing with the loot system in tf2 is that you don't get drops after ~10 hours per week
@Unionhawk Play with me. Me pro much.
but ive played with 90+ people
but that's because tf2 has trading and economies
@badp Yeah
@badp Also yeah pretty much
and Blizzard failed at that pretty horrifically
TF2's loot system was initially bad enough that it drove me to quit
I'm a few levels shy of 20
@badp I don't see this as a failure
@Unionhawk blizzard did
400 friend requests because you have the stupid TF2 mac earbuds.
I think he means D3 RMAH
I have no interest in trading skins with players
Or oh D3?
That was just a different take on that same idea and I don't think it was as bad as people said
I thought you were saying that failure to include trading was a not good thing
Other problems in the game made the RMAH an easy scapecoat
i.e. The shitty loot system in 1.0 Diablo made the RMAH more obvious
1.0 had a really fucked up conceptual design and I'm glad they completely overhauled it
Well yes if you have an economy you have to have rare stuff and common stuff and enough variety to keep people wanting
Q: Which Monitor should I get? 1080p 144Hz or 1440p 60Hz

Vincent DavidsonHey I've found myself in quite the dilemma.... I am in the process of making a gaming PC, I am planning on getting a i5 6500 and a R9 390x and have a couple questions when it comes to which monitor I should get and Screen tearing. I want to play 1440p so I found a couple of nice 1440p monitors bu...

D3 with the auction house made it so you didn't have to play. Time to buy 10,000 flawed gems. Oh, I leveled. Time to buy new gear.
I dunno why you'd keep the lottery system without trading honestly
Just sell the thing for $10
@badp but not 6 billion identifit guns :/ (borderlands I'm looking at you).
@badp The problem was that the majority of loot was bad not because of some evil plan to promote the economy, but because they were aiming to promote a long-tailed progression
Reading through some security.se questions, I think that some universities should try making a bot for it (like the one badp posted yesterday).
NVM I made one: if (question.Title.Contains("Am I at risk" || "pose a risk") { question.Answer("There is always the possibility that someone could have found a vulnerability that could abuse the system at any level. Vulnerabilities have been found continuously on all systems throughout the history of computers, so it is not impossible."); }
@badp Because it's incredibly popular? Trading in this case doesn't help the average player
Since it means certain skins will be absurdly rare
@twobugs well why doesn't it?
Trading Tracer shoes for Pharah hat!
I don't need a silly trade economy making more nuisances in a game.
If you want something you have two options, keep playing the game or keep playing the lottery
@badp Because there are numerous things worth thousands of dollars?
If you have something @Unionhawk wants and he has the thing that you want in particular you're SOL
Not at all...?
You can craft things.
You shouldn't try to speak definitively about games you haven't played
It's a way for me to learn
I'm not afraid to be wrong
But you're already very good at being wrong
You don't need to Learn More Wrong
Much Pro Wrong
Well why don't you drop this line of conversation and tell me more about crafting
Yay edits on bad internet
It's not exactly crafting but it's basically any duplicate items are automatically exchanged for 1/5th their currency cost
And you sometimes get currency in loot boxes
You can buy anything except player icons
So you can specifically target what you want and it gets more common as you progress further
Halo 5 does it differently where each pack is guaranteed to include X number of permanent unlocks you don't already have
Is it possible to only get dupes in OW?
I've never encountered that, but obviously there's not a high chance for me right now
I'm not sure, I haven't heard of it happening. I suspect the drops are slanted towards things you don't already have
It seems skewed for equal distribution, yeah.
All my characters are sitting at ~25 items.
What are you, like, a 50?
@twobugs right. kind of like metal scrapping meets free to play currency.
I'm also a dirty crate buyer.
still that falls under "keep playing the game"?
@Fluttershy Just got a Prestige Victory by lowering the Rot on someone attacking the King. The King got bonus die and even though he died, he wrecked the other person. Murder-suicide netted me the win since I had like 8 more Prestige than the next guy.
@badp Yes, you can earn everything just by playing the game
I don't see how having more options to get the thing that you want "doesn't help"
Oh wow, people playing Armello? I thought that one had been stomped over by all the other big titles so nobody would see it.
Because what you just cited as a success story inherently makes many of the items prohibitively expensive
Well you literally don't know how much people would pay for things
I know how much I would pay for things
Especially in a virtual economy things are worth what people will pay for it
Hint it is a number between 0 and... well, admittedly like 20
@MadMAxJr I had Steam credit for returning Dark Souls 3 (was having a bunch of framerate issues) and it's $20.
@badp It doesn't help the player if you're making certain items rare enough that they will likely never even see one
and anyway it's easy to put a cap on the number
So here's the new plan. You can buy loot crates. But other people can pay twice as much to deny you a loot crate, because they hate crates.
@Yuuki I'm fond of it because it's just complex enough to be interesting on replay and I don't have to deal with toxic chat from randoms.
If Blizzard sells a thing for $5, the community will never value it at $5 or more
because no one will buy it for more than $5
The TF2 store doesn't sell unusuals so the sky is the limit
But the CS:GO store sells knives
@Yuuki This is how I've won all three games I've played against real people.
You can look at this in the TF2 market with keys
Which is the CS:GO equivalent of unusuals
Well okay keys are a special thing because of scammers
@Fluttershy I used River and kept picking off people that had 1 health and bounties.
I guess I don't see the point of saying "Valve does this better" when your argument is "okay but not like how Valve does it"
And played a card that stole 1 Prestige from everyone else.
Oh store vs market
@Yuuki River is my favorite! They released someone new that I really want to try though. I forget her name.
@twobugs you said having a virtual economy leads to things being worth thousands of dollars
I mean it can
I have successfully proven you wrong on this
I was responding directly to you citing TF2, Dota, CS:GO (Which you did)
I have proven you wrong
You communicated poorly and then xkcd
@Fluttershy Zosha?
@Yuuki The hammer bunny is insane if you can flood your hand with weapons and armor and just constantly switch to the right ones for your next fight.
Kept getting wrecked by other things because low health.
It was worse a while back. They added one heart to everyone in a recent patch.
Somehow things being worth $$$$$$ makes the system "unhelpful" for people? Here's a hint, again, the one unusual that costs insane amount of money has an expected cost of many times that if you were to set out to just keep buying creates until you find it
If you want that very one thing then it's pretty much always going to be faster to just go for it
Either way, I am satisfied with how Overwatch handles cosmetics, mostly because I only care a little about cosmetics, so I would never use a real money market to obtain them, and I have no interest in having extra cosmetics in my inventory that I could real money market
and this is a fact
@badp Yes it does, because it means the item is inherently prohibitive to most players. I'm not saying that the expected value is bad.
Since I'm exceptionally lazy
I'm saying that you're creating an artificial scarcity market
That does not help consumers
Yes, I thought you said that Overwatch had "rare" items?
We were referring to rarity 'tiers'
and usually the other items are common?
@Yuuki Magna! She's not out yet, apparently. Elyssia sounds pretty neat, too. She can fortify settlements so that they're harder for enemy players to take.
this making the "rare" items literally more rare?
@Fluttershy What are you guys talking about?
@SaintWacko Armello
Yes, the rare items are more rare. No, the rare items are not a 0.0001% drop rate. It's not comparable by several orders of magnitude
Legendaries are roughly a 2% drop rate
That's not because of the lack of trading
That's all
I was responding to you citing valve games specifically
I said THAT SYSTEM is not helpful
This is the second time I have stated this
Okay I'm saying that there is proof on valve games that when valve wants things to have a price cap, Valve sets up a price cap and it works
But yeah, @Yuuki, there are four new heroes releasing sometime "soon." The three revealed all sound pretty neat. I'm intrigued by who the bear clan brings to the table.
I mean, this impacts like, regular tier items. Though I guess regular tier hats could be compared to rares
That is the extent to which Valve games are relevant
I'm talking game economies in general
I give up. This is a semantic argument where I'm literally correct but Blizzard evil or something
You keep saying semantics and it's funny because that's literally not what it means
but sure let's agree to disagree
Q: What are all the Accolades?

YuukiAfter winning a game, I saw that each player was accorded different accolades. "Warlock" and "Goldfinger" I figure refer to spellcasting and gold acquired respectively, but I'm a bit confused as to what "Wanderer" could mean (maybe number of tiles traveled?). What are all the Accolades possible a...

Honestly, I'm happy that there isn't a whole "oh you really want this skin? why don't you check on the market I'm sure it's there" thing, because I don't care, and I'm glad I can not care in peace.
I dunno
So that's a way in which it can be helpful not to have trading. Cool
Like, in TF2, if you don't have a really cool hat, clearly you're less good. All it practically means is you didn't want to spend money to have cool hats.
I can get behind that
> the language used (as in advertising or political propaganda) to achieve a desired effect on an audience especially through the use of words with novel or dual meanings
Not in the mood for you right now
I have shied away from the tf2 economy myself but I like reading about it
and thinking about it
@twobugs you're a very good and funny streamer
@twobugs you're arguing over the semantics of the word semantics
Now this just got 3meta5me
I'm So Meta Even This Acronym
More like "I'm So Meta Even This Acrostic".
Acronym specifically refers to the type of initialism that makes an actual word.
Like, unfortunately, the USA PATRIOT Act.
Oh my god I just got that
Well, I guess if you split it into "IS META" rather than "ISMETA".
So I guess it is an acronym.
I was always like "what even does ISMETA mean"
and now I know
Goddammit I feel dumb
@Unionhawk and so you should
@LessPop_MoreFizz freedom isn't me-dom, it's we-dom
That's deep man
> Testosterone boosters included!
I love that factorio lets you launch a rocket without a sattelite
Hmm... can I not buy my graduation photos if I don't like them?
I'm not particularly photogenic in the first place and I didn't really try.
@Yuuki if you didnt order them, yea. they ask afterwards if you want to buy them most times, but you arent required to
@Sterno you got inb4'd
That's what I get
Though really, it's not justice. Now his parents suffer
yea, make sure ur kids dont do that. thatd be terribad
almost as bad as @Wipqozn
@Sterno Oh, I'm sure they'll make him suffer, too
Hopefully he has to get a job and give all his paycheck to paying it back for a long time
@fredley because factorio is awesome
@GodEmperorDune As a troll, I admire good trolling when I see it
@fredley its not like rockets take a lot of resources or time to assemble or anything
what did @Wipqozn do that was bad? I still have one election vote left and if it's truly terrible I might award it to Wip...
@PeterDavidCarter-Poulsen wat
"yea, make sure ur kids dont do that. thatd be terribad
almost as bad as @Wipqozn"" -- Dragonrage
@PeterDavidCarter-Poulsen It's just a meme.
@murgatroid99 an evil meme?
I'm much less stressed today.
@PeterDavidCarter-Poulsen I mean "Wipqozn is terrible" is just a meme
I realized that my modus operandi is generally losing my current job before finding a new one.
And I always do better.
@murgatroid99 so Wipz didn't do any evil or bad memes? That's disappointing :/
I got all excited for a second there
@Frank i have no idea how you do that without a nervous breakdown, but i'm glad it works for you :D
@Frank Whoa, wait, did something happen to your job?
@SaintWacko Quit my job. Have no other one.
@Sterno so gross
@Frank Ah, wow!
@GodEmperorDune I did, the second time. Panic attacks.
@PeterDavidCarter-Poulsen He posted his dirty socks (see the pics sterno posted). @Wipqozn is worth all your votes other than that.
@Frank oh shit, ouch
@GodEmperorDune To be fair, they started before I lost my job.
I was a bit of a mess for a while after. Needed some time to get my head on straight again.
And walked into a job with a 10K raise at the end of it.
I found another great use for porkchat burning. I can burn @Wipqozn socks
Wipqozn is a very good member of this community that is fun on chat and fair on the main website. You can read his questionnaire answers to alsos see it.
@Dragonrage good reminder
@ardaozkal dirty socks is a vote winner for me, but not yet conclusive
Q: Import map to MoJang Minecraft version for Win 10 Beta Testversion

Hans GerberThe test version of Mojang Minecraft version for Windows 10 offers an Option were you can Import maps as .mcworld-files. But looking for such files online keeps returning no results at all. I'm only able to find zip files filled with several types of files (.dat, .mcr, etc.). Is it possible to i...

If my dirty socks win me the election then it will have all been worth it.
@PeterDavidCarter-Poulsen meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/2187/… for most of the memes
@PeterDavidCarter-Poulsen @Wipqozn is the worst
@Wipqozn you do realize that if you get elected, the Arqade will then have the worst moderator.
@Dragonrage I glanced at them a while ago... I'll have a proper look through later, seems the memes are probably important for choosing candidates
Jan 18 at 21:10, by fredley
@arda would be a terrible mod
@Dragonrage Pretty sure it'll have the best
i doubt it. half the memes are about people who arent running for the election
Wipqozn will truly make a good mod
@Wipqozn well yeah, @AshleyNunn will still be there
@ardaozkal That joke isn't even about you, in case you were unaware.
@Wipqozn ikno
That meme is older than me
@ardaozkal sure, he will be a good mod, but he is still the worst
First one was aimed at ardaxi, that one there was aimed at me
@Wipqozn urmom is older than you
However, Turtle is still at a lower position than @Dragonrage
@Dragonrage wEll, yes
(in my vote thingy)
I still need to choose a third vote. Decisions are hard.
@Wipqozn flip a coin
@Wipqozn vote for ronnie
@GodEmperorDune I already voted for myself
anyone has the old picture of Wipqozn?
The turtle one
@Wipqozn you're not pro much
@GodEmperorDune ...true :( I can't pretend to be ronnie to gain votes. Damn.
Oh hey, it's @AshleyNunn
I hear she's super cool
@Wipqozn like you said, we have the best mod
oh god I was going to make a stylish thingy to make @Wipqozn turtle again... but someone apparently made one.
I kinda missed old pic of wipqozn
(was scrolling through transcript to find anything that includes his picture, and found a great stylish skin)
Yeah @fredley built that forever ago
@Wipqozn huh, the one I found was from 5pike.
@Wipqozn badp
Oh, well, I can't keep track of all these things
yup, that's me
you can tell by my trademark mousing
@fredley was the original motivation for the burning message so that you could burn @Wipqozn's socks?
@Dragonrage I think that it was Kalina.
today in memesplaining, with @arda
May 2 at 15:35, by kalina
@Unionhawk :fire:
A: The Memes of Arqade and its Chat

fredleyMeme: kalina setting people on fire Originator: kalina Cultural Height: still kindling Related: Spreadsheet of people kalina has set fire to in the Bridge (2012, 2013, 2014)

Drat, I missed my chance to order the 1080gtx this round
I might as well wait until they're stocked decently
@twobugs how much better is the 1080 than the 1070?
@twobugs 🔥 burns 🔥
Chat needs to ban these emotes because this is already stupid
@twobugs why? they work fine for me
They're not funny
do they have to be funny?
@Dragonrage ಠ_ಠ
They should at least be not dumb things that get posted nonstop
@GodEmperorDune ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ
they dont get posted that often do they?
"Nobody kills joke like bridge....xD" doesn't work when it's just one person pasting the same thing over and over
@Dragonrage i literally have posted that before
@GodEmperorDune i know. i was hoping i got the number of extra _ಠ's right
I don't see the point of writing an article where all you say is "wait to buy technology, prices will go down". This is always true.
Prices ALWAYS go down and if you wait longer they will go down more
@Wipqozn citation needed ;)
so @Wipqozn has elevated @AshleyNunn back to super cool status?
Aug 27 '14 at 16:39, by Wipqozn
@AshleyNunn Remember that time you were a super cool gal? I know I do! It's a shame that time ended as of 1 minute ago.
Aug 8 '13 at 6:43, by Ashley Nunn
@LessPop_MoreFizz i didn't know clay "sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit" davis was in veep!
The talent in the show explodes in later seasons.
Just wait for Patton Oswalt's xharacter
And High Laurie
and Martin Mull
rip @spugsley
@LessPop_MoreFizz Patton Oswalt is great. I've not seen him in Veep, but he's great in general.
@Fluttershy his veep character is the best kind of outrageous but I don't want to spoil his gimmick for @GodEmperorDune
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's fair. I should watch Veep now. Because I need more Patton Oswalt in my life.
anyone use braintree integration for stuff? cc @programers
@GodEmperorDune also, you ought to by now be used to The HBO Repertory Company. (Which is to say, the cast of the wire shows up everywhere.)
@Fluttershy you should watch veep because it's amazing.
Also I CANNOT WAIT for vice principals oh my god I want to see this show so badly.
@LessPop_MoreFizz yes of course
@LessPop_MoreFizz yeah it looks so great
@GodEmperorDune you've watched Eastbound and Down, right?
@LessPop_MoreFizz of course
otherwise i would not be hyped for danny mc bride
i still watch some of the will ferrell scenes on youtube
@Dragonrage Yes, it's not too bad
@fredley do you know if you can use it to pay disbursements, or can you just take payments with it?
@GodEmperorDune I have been to the actual Schaeffer BMW
@Dragonrage I don't think so
It's a real dealership in Wilmington, NC.
@Dragonrage It's card based, you can refund things, but that's it I think
hmm ok. i guess we will have to set that up some other way
@LessPop_MoreFizz did you feel it in your plums?
@GodEmperorDune you bet.
quick question : can you pass another #define as an argument of #define?
You know you've reached the Arqade chat room, not one of the Stack Overflow ones, yes?
oh man
Q: What happens when seperate wars with common enemy end

MytheriousRecently I started playing Hearts of Iron IV as Sweden. Me and and the Soviet Union got into a seperat war that had a common enemy (norway). Norway managed to catch me by suprise and took over some of my land. That occupied land then got taken over by the soviet union. My question now is, what ...

I totally thought this was StackOverflow for like years.
holy... shit... mind blown
@BlueBug nah, this is gaming.se, we are way better :)
Yes! Game!
more reasons to use porkchat. i can be warned of lifehacks links
@fredley want want want
(a script that warns about lifehax and rebecca)
you can set it up in your configurations
porkchat isn't on firefox
use chrome
its shinnier
@ardaozkal it takes a lot of effort to look that shinny
and you can always download more ram
@Dragonrage My RDD is full :(
I'd rather game while having my browser open btw :)
i tried to download 32 gigs of ram, but it only gave me 4097 kBs
The Scourge entered the galaxy smack dab between two fallen empires.
Apparently, that's enough to smash them into tiny bits.
@Frank i have no idea what that is, but it sounds like maybe stellaris
@Dragonrage Yes
im still disappointed you cant blow up stars and stuff.
someone should mod that in or something
@Dragonrage I want someone to add enough complexity to turn it into the new Space Empires game.
Well I also use FF because it allows extensions on mobile
I use it on PC because it can sync with my phone, much like chrome

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