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@murgatroid99 yes
Maybe that's a poor attempt at diffusing this, but I'm tired and sick so my brain sucks right now
@GnomeSlice That's not a very consistent argument.
@twobugs ?
@GnomeSlice That position is absurd and nonsensical, so I guess I'll stop arguing
@GnomeSlice You think freedom of speech is only good when people agree with you
@AshleyNunn In the cases where controversial speakers are paid, that is certainly a reason to blame the university for also wasting money.
@MadScientist opportunity cost of the renting the facilities out to someone else. Even if speakers are unpaid, it still costs the university money
You accused me of doing the same, but I'm doing the opposite
@twobugs I think that all ideas should be open
not necessarily whatever 'freedom of speech' means legally
@GodEmperorDune That is usually nothing. But travel costs are sometimes/often paid, so there is often some cost associated
The problem with that is all ideas are not equal.
@MadScientist Sometimes the speakers even have to pay fees, apparently
@twobugs And who decides?
@GnomeSlice Not at any real university
@GnomeSlice General, the host of the venue.
@GnomeSlice Well, aren't you making your own judgement of worthiness separate to others here?
@GnomeSlice The people with the venue decide who to host.
@AshleyNunn No?
Let's put this another way, I, personally, can't just waltz up to the University and demand to speak just because I have ideas
I mean, I can, but they don't have to host me.
Most people aren't invited by the university, but by individual departments or groups inside the university. And those invite people that they think have something interesting to say. That alone is incredibly selective
Consider this - let's take something like gravity. Gravity is easily observable. There's a counter-idea called Intelligent Falling. It's based on nothing but the belief we fall intelligently towards the ground, always. Are these ideas equal?
@twobugs Nope.
Then you agree that all ideas are not equal.
But that's science
science and politics are different
science can be measured
But politics is based on the real world.
It doesn't exist in a vacuum.
@GnomeSlice Science is often political, but that's a whole other kettle of fishes
@GnomeSlice you'd be surprised how much non-science wants to be allowed in schools because "equal time for both sides of the debate"
You can use statistics and facts to back up arguments.
@GodEmperorDune Which is so weird to me. Like I have a pretty strong Christian faith and I'm still like "guys seriously its not a debaaaaaate, science is real"
Do you see what I'm getting at? You can't just say politics is separate from everything else.
@twobugs not exactly
You can't really hold a debate on why gravity isn't real, but you could sure hold a debate on a topic like feminism
@GnomeSlice feminism is a pretty broad topic
You can hold a debate on the theory of gravity vs the hypothesis of intelligent falling
It's just not a good debate because intelligent falling is very stupid (har har)
and something like "feminism has a problem maybe" is also very stupid har har?
@GnomeSlice science and politics affect each other greatly. As a trivial example, climate science and weather prediction in the US is well behind most of the world because congress refuses to fund the kind of broad-spectrum monitoring satellites that requires -- because the results might be politically inconvenient for congressmembers who have been saying that global climate change is a myth to their electorate.
science is a lot easier to prove
@GnomeSlice There's a difference between "feminism has a problem" and what Milo says. A very clear difference.
It's incredibly disingenuous to frame this as "feminism has a problem maybe".
@twobugs He didn't get to say it, so who knows
Many (early) racist ideas were based on flawed or biased science (or "science"). Just because racism is primarily a political topic does not mean that all of those ideas should suddenly get equal time. It's the same with other political ideas. Some sides are based on biased statistical analysis or flawed assumptions, and they don't have equal value to the other side.
We know from thousands of tweets and nonsensical diatribes Milo has gone on
I am very confused why you deny this
@GnomeSlice what he says is well documented all over the internet, including in his own writing
@GnomeSlice Just because a particular university didn't give him a platform doesn't mean that he has never expressed his ideas publicly anywhere
he's a bad example, you all hate him
but yeah, he criticizes things, so?
Well, yes, because's a total shitlord full of terrible ideas
He criticizes things like "women being able to write and play games or have any political power"
There's a difference between criticizing something and stating that half of the world's popular are basically subhuman.
Not all criticism is equal, either :P
@twobugs Source pls
@twobugs i really want to flag that as offensive
@GodEmperorDune this attitude is the problem
and this is why people are voting for trump...
@GnomeSlice SE is not a government
Breitbart is only offensive to people who are looking for journalistic integrity
@GnomeSlice that i am offended by hateful things?
notice how i did not actually flag it
It is probably true that Trump supporters are opposed to people being offended at hateful things
@murgatroid99 or opposed to being policed in what they can say, and being called racists and shit when most of them aren't actually
@murgatroid99 I think they just disagree on what's hateful
@ToxicFrog and this, mostly
@GnomeSlice Who is being policed?
@GnomeSlice people are not racist. their words and actions can be, but i'm not a mind reader
@Wipqozn I would say this is likely, but agreeing with @Wipqozn is too high a price.
Like, muslims: hateful, openly calling for concentration camps and the forced deportation of millions: not hateful
If your answer is "Milo is being policed", my question is how?
He's still able to openly express his completely insane views
He just had to pay a very small price for openly calling for people to be harassed.
On a major international news network, no less
RIP his checkmark :'(
@twobugs like... everyone
everyone chases after you if you slip up and say something that offends some special victim group
@GnomeSlice That's a very compelling argument and I'm not about to sigh heavily, roll my eyes, and go play Overwatch.
@GodEmperorDune Separate from all of this, I just realized that the constellations for the Hole in the Sky change when you ascend
@GnomeSlice "being criticized for his shitty views" and "being policed" aren't even slightly the same thing, and he's not even being critized by e.g. the people who sign his paycheques
@AshleyNunn they alternate between genders based on if its an odd or even ascension
@GodEmperorDune It cracked me up.
(it took me a while to realize that too)
@ToxicFrog fine, by 'policed' I didn't mean actually by law enforcement
I've been called both sexist and racist
and I am neither of those things
and it's starting to piss me off
2 mins ago, by GodEmperorDune
@GnomeSlice people are not racist. their words and actions can be, but i'm not a mind reader
When you support people like Milo, who are openly sexist, and deny that they are sexist...
Okay, let's step back from this because I don't think this should be about judging @GnomeSlice as a person.
even milo is not necessarily sexist, but he says/writes/tweets very sexist things
He's a provocateur, he... pushes boundaries for sure
Attacking each other is not going to make anything more awesome.
@AshleyNunn I'm not, but I'm trying to explain why people will take these views
I don't like that word, provocateur, because so many people kinda use it as a get out of jail free card for sharing asshole views
^ that
@AshleyNunn you don't go to jail for being an asshole
And generally being monsterboxes to people.
and assholes can be right about things too
He's far beyond a provocateur.
plus, I can use words you don't like
@AshleyNunn This is relevant since that's his (Milo's) whole shtick
"Oh, it's ok that I'm constantly saying shitty things and that the thousands of people who read my articles are taking them completely seriously, because I'm just ~being edgy~"
@GnomeSlice I have no idea what this has to do with what I said?
@GnomeSlice No, but you can be criminally charged for persecuting someone
@AshleyNunn on an unrelated note, stealing "monsterboxes"
@twobugs which he doesn't do
in fact he tweeted to his fans to stop propagating the #trigglypuff thing
@GnomeSlice as far as i'm aware he hasn't been arrested?
He has openly, numerous times, called for people to be harassed
@GodEmperorDune Not that I'm aware of
Just because he said not to ONE TIME (giving you the benefit of the doubt here) does not excuse that
Anyway, I'm going to go play Overwatch right now. I don't think this discussion is really going anywhere but let me be clear that I do not think you are racist or sexist @GnomeSlice
Whatever, I don't want you guys to hate me so I guess I should just stop trying badly to defend my views
@GnomeSlice i certainly don't hate you
@badp can you move like the last half hour there?
@Dragonrage Why?
because we keep getting heated arguments
@Dragonrage hiding our history doesn't make it go away
@Dragonrage This wasn't really heated, though?
@Dragonrage That's part of being a varied community, though, and really, this was pretty civil
yeah i've been in much worse
@Dragonrage ಠ_ಠ
though i feel @GnomeSlice was heavily outnumbered and outgunned
FWIW I was being sexist earlier when I made the assumption @twobugs's boss was male. That doesn't mean that I'm a raging misogynist, but no one was better off for me having made that assumption, and I should be more careful if I'm concerned about respecting other people
Well obviously I'm the minority
and that's fine
it would help if I were a better debater, though
@TimStone No one was worse off either tbh
It's just a word
How are we qualified to judge that though?
We're white men, we don't tend to get the short end of any stick
@TimStone yeah i think @twobugs boss is super pissed at you now
@GnomeSlice american Enterprise institute is heavily biased
Just watch it
though i liked that they had a discussion about capitalism and happiness with the dalai lama some time back
I'm not able to explain it that well myself
Unfortunately I'm at work for the next 30 min so I can't watch it til I get home and by then I will likely forget to because I have major goldfish brain lately
@AshleyNunn it says that the invisible knapsack of privilege is based on exaggerated stats
Oh, okay. One of those.
@GodEmperorDune no it doesn't
I can fill in the gaps.
it complains about feminist groups cherry picking stats, then proceeds ot cherry pick its own stats
Why even bother watching it right
10 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
Whatever, I don't want you guys to hate me so I guess I should just stop trying badly to defend my views
@GnomeSlice i am watching it, blood boiling and all
@GnomeSlice I'm at work. I can't watch it.
@GodEmperorDune all she's doing is listing facts about men
what about that makes your blood boil
She's spinning the narrative to tell you nothing's wrong and people willingly accept that because it's a comfortable position
I don't know about 'nothing'
But maybe not the things people complain about a lot
You're assuming that she's right about what she's saying though, and there's not anything significant presented to suggest that's true
See, that's another tricky thing about all of this - pulling facts apart from the spin people put on them.
She says "Oh look at these numbers and feel sorry for men" as if the statistics aren't more complicated
as a white cis non-queer young male I've only been discriminated against exactly once, when looking for home in Munich. They chose a woman over me because "women are more reliable"
Or that there isn't a history of this exact problem
There are so many ways to very convincingly take the same set of statistics and create completely opposing "facts" out of the data
I'm not saying that there aren't surely people on the other side of the discussion that inflate points too
But the narrative is pretty clear, especially given the dominance of men in controlling policy over the course of history
I responded by being a maximum overtwat and wishing that they'd put in their flat the biggest whore in the history of the city
@TimStone Men also fill the prisons
Q: Fallout 4: Deal with a Deathclaw

VyndicuThere are some quests spoiler ahead so beware! I will try to keep the detail to a minimum. Basically I am trying to clear out a certain location that has a certain deathclaw in the witch muesum. What kind of weapon can deal substantive damage to a 30 level or higher deathclaw? I do have a com...

There was some study that showed that men occupy more of the ends of the IQ spectrum than women, both higher and lower
let me see if I can find it
@GnomeSlice Yes, but this is its own super complicated issue that has racial bias
There were similar "studies" back in the 1860s.
Except it was comparing whites and blacks, not men and women.
@GnomeSlice how is that relevant to more men being in policymaking positions than women?
@Yuuki Good point, I won't bother then
There's a reason the saying is "lies, damn lies, and statistics"
53 secs ago, by GnomeSlice
There was some study that showed that men occupy more of the ends of the IQ spectrum than women, both higher and lower
@GnomeSlice so the assumption would be that the smart men are in the policy positions?
Presumably, yes
For example, in divorces, women get the kids 80% or so of the time (idr the exact stat, but it's in that range). Clearly divorce courts are biased in favour of women.
Also explains why most CEOs are male
...except that if you actually look at cases where custody was contested, the father wins 95%+ of the time.
That 80% figure is because in most cases, the father bails and wants nothing to do with the kids.
I'm noticing many of the statistics in that video seem to ignore the history... "85% of active duty soldier are men" taking the tone that 'men do so much for us!' while blissfully ignoring some of the historic and systemic issues that have kept women from those roles.
@GnomeSlice Except it doesn't, because IQ spectrum is a poor indicator of anything. It explains it only if you're looking to correlate it to a narrative
And that's the danger
@TrentHawkins are those issues still a thing?
(I don't actually know much about that in the US)
(or Canada for that matter)
@GnomeSlice In a lot of ways, yes.
It makes sense on the surface because the points match up, but in reality the issue isn't founded on those points
What roadblocks do women have for joining the military?
@GnomeSlice "are those still a thing" ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha wow
If you look at the military and how it's presented - look how focused they are on things that would appeal to men first
@ToxicFrog thanks
so apparently one file cannot reference another file in the same project :(
@GnomeSlice in iraq and afhganistan, women were facing most/all of the same dangers as men, but were not allowed to collect combat pay because "women are not in combat roles"
I mean, some of them have changed
Like, women are no longer forbidden to join the military at all
Now they just need to worry about things like not getting combat pay even when in combat, or all the rape and the cover-ups of the rape and the more rape.
@GnomeSlice that's a very nice piece of satire
@badp It's not satire
@Dragonrage what sort of project is this?
@GnomeSlice even if we can categorically say that the issues are solved now. It does not mean that they do not continue to influence the numbers somewhat in that the past issues dissuade some women from seeking those roles.
@ToxicFrog Asp.Net
@TrentHawkins That's fair.
web project
@Dragonrage Good luck, don't get poisoned
@TrentHawkins And we can't even say that for some of the systemic issues....
nvm I read that table wrong
@AshleyNunn I did say "even if" ;)
@ToxicFrog the combat pay thing was remedied recently, but the sexual harrassment/assaults are still a problem.
still, the parts where she goes "male dominated fields have male dominated risks and dangers, boo hoo" is bullshit. They shouldn't be male dominated to begin with
She mentioned the statistic of women not wanting to see combat too but TBH I imagine a lot of people aren't really happy to see combat
@TimStone I wouldn't be
They feel that they're serving their country but "Yay I'm gonna go kill people" is sociopathic
@TimStone but that doesn't mean they should be PREVENTED from it
@badp The funny thing is that like some male dominated fields today used to be female dominated, but people like to brush that under teh rug
I mean without seeing the studies I can't really comment other than "men and women sometimes make difference choices on average"
@GodEmperorDune Right, of course
also there are female army rangers now. and they didn't lower the standards or anything, they just let them into the program
@AshleyNunn Like computer science before we turned it into a toxic wastepit!
@AshleyNunn "we men never liked those fields anyway, you can have them... BTW, say goodbye to those high salaries"
tfw you run into a problem that no one in the office knows how to fix
@TimStone That's my favourite example :)
oh i inverted that, my bad
yeah grace hopper was a badass
@TimStone never forget, "you don't hire an engineer, you hire their wives"
@badp the comeuppance by the guy's daughter was fantastic. "dad, don't be an asshole and stop using my pic"
@GodEmperorDune I actually read an interesting thoughtpiece the other day that wondered with teh recent influx of men into caring professions like PSW and nursing if we will see a shift there like we did with CS
@badp Don't wanna know, do I?
@AshleyNunn it was in the bridge a while ago
@AshleyNunn you already know, so if you don't, you removed it
@AshleyNunn <joke> maybe because women have all the scholarships to get doctorates
(I'm kidding)
@AshleyNunn I had never thought about the nurse thing but that's interesting
male nurses used to be pretty uncommon I guess?
Maybe before my time a bit
@AshleyNunn only REAL MEN can empty bedpans
@badp oh good I am happy my brain forgot that
poof combob ×2
@GnomeSlice Nursing and other caring professions used to be "women's work"
@GnomeSlice i think way back in the day they didn't have female nurses because "they would faint at the sight of blood"
@AshleyNunn good point
@GodEmperorDune That, among other things
@GodEmperorDune but... most nurses were female
also like....the whole thing with female hysteria and periods and oh god let's not let those delicate flowers around the real work
"let's not let those delicate flowers hear a debate about feminism"?
Wee! Did some part touchup, and a little bit more glossing.
@GnomeSlice like 1800s
I'll be ready to do decalling tomorrow.
ugh I'm SO BAD at defending my views
@GnomeSlice I...what?
@AshleyNunn the original thing that started the whole discussion
with the people banning the dudes
I literally do not understand how you took me mocking asshole men views on doctor/nurse stuff from like hundreds of years ago and twisted it to relate to stuff
@GnomeSlice my statement was about why women weren't allowed in medicine
@GnomeSlice the difference boils down to "no you cannot do this" vs "fyi, here's a trigger warning"
not men
"people can do stuff because they aren't delicate flowers!"
"... don't let these people do stuff because we are delicate flowers"
@GnomeSlice no no no no no tyhat's not the point I was making at all
Okay. Actually, let me use myself as an example.
please don't
@GnomeSlice It has nothing to do with being a delicate flower in that case though, it has to do with not acknowledging there being value to a man telling women that their struggle isn't real, basically
@TimStone that is not actually what the debate was about
@GnomeSlice why?
plus, isn't diversity of thought more important than 'is the guy a man'
@AshleyNunn in my experience, when people talk about their own experiences (myself included) it becomes more about feelings than facts
It implies that the perspective is valid and doesn't exist for the benefit of bringing attention to the person providing it
@TimStone A perspective criticizing some aspects of feminism is not valid?
@GnomeSlice The problem is, you're talking about a lot of subjects that are very emotionally laden.
@AshleyNunn That's why it's so tricky
By nature of their being.
It could be! Not if the person's whole goal is just to stir shit up though.
And also regurgitating tired arguments that almost everyone has seen (and seen thoroughly debunked) already, many times.
And make no mistake, that's what Milo's goal is, even if he tries to paint it in a pretty picture
@ToxicFrog like the wage gap?
@TimStone if it wasn't he'd not call it being a provocateur or whatever
Breitbart doesn't get attention for saying reasonable things
they say reasonable things in really inflammatory language
@GnomeSlice That's not a thing to be debunked, that's a thing that is.
@GnomeSlice Reasonable may be debatable, but the thing is, they have no interest in any real debate - if they did, they'd not have to cloak it in "inflammatory language" to get a point across
if you want to close the wage gap, get more women into trades
@GnomeSlice and how do we do that?
because the gap can pretty much entirely be explained by men and women taking different careers
@GnomeSlice eeeeeeeeeeeeergh
@AshleyNunn shrug, maybe they don't want to go into trades as much as men?

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