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My team lost the fitness thing :( Or more accurately, we didn't win
I have a mockup of a thing, I'm waiting to show the mockup, and my mentor essentially said as long as I'm learning and there isn't anything then whatever
Thanks to me alone we're in like 3rd place
@twobugs Does that mean you didn't get Super Fittest too?
I don't know I'm going to ask who logged the most overall whenever it officially concludes
We were "racing" to a specific point and the first two teams reached it already
Ah, okay
I have my impromptu 1 on 1 with my boss in an hour. Worried
@GraceNote Good enough
Also 3/5 devs (including myself) don't know what dwarf fortress is
@Wipqozn How do you not
@twobugs If she tries to complain tell her that the a CTO said you're doing a fine job
Q: Who should I be damage buffing as Mercy

ZaralyndaI just started playing Overwatch (played a few games during open beta, but wasn't able to play much). I'm enjoying Mercy, but who (in a group situation) should be getting the damage buff? Additionally, when my team splits up, who should I follow to support?

@TimStone My boss is actually a nice lady!
I'm just worried she will be in business mode and end my life
Because, you know, business
@twobugs Yeah, that was rather presumptuous of me, sorry >_<
Stupid business
Huh. I guess promptu really is a word.
A latin one from what I can tell
And the name of many products/companies, apparently
Go figure
English Impromptu comes from French which comes from Latin. I guess French never had a reason to use promptu?
@GraceNote impromptu. "Promptu" as far as I can tell does not exist as an English word
Wait, does it?
It exists as a latin word
Even Firefox spellcheck says it's not
As Kevin noted
Which is the root from which "impromptu" is derived from, considering it basically means the opposite of impromptu.
@TimStone Are you the CTO of Stack Overflow?
@Nzall The Chief Tim Officer is already a filled post.
He's the CTO of Dee's Nuts
@twobugs And you are the VP of Old Memes
Okay, now I'm confused. Are there any members of the Stack overflow development team that frequent the Bridge?
No, I just play one on TV
I am actually a CTO though
@badp is the Chief Officer of This Pear
@GraceNote I think it's because for what promptu actually means there are usually better ways of languaging it in non-Latin, whereas impromptu fills a particular void
@TimStone Which makes sense
Linguistics is really interesting
Q: How long do black and white repel/attract effects last?

Tomáš ZatoI walked a thousand steps through filthy ash to get Black flute which is supposed to repel wild Pokémon. This is what it says: A glass flute that keeps away wild POKéMON. And the white one: A glass flute that lures wild POKéMON. I can't see any effect after using any of these. How l...

Alright, I'm already going to break the no-non-gaming links rule I created because I'm a rebel
Beautiful. Office hits an author-chosen URL every time you open a signed document. http://blog.thinkst.com/2016/05/certified-canarytokens-alerts-from_25.html https://t.co/z38UsdDhzp
Professors should start signing documents so they know when you start assignments, heh
A couple clicks in and there's a Pikachu. Gaming enough.
Validation accepted
Hejudas if I know why there's one. But there is one.
Satya Nadella is speaking at our school the day after tomorrow
This is rather exciting
Oh come on
I updated Chrome and they reverted the Material design
Just after I got used to most of the changes
@PrivatePansy Neat, he is a nice person, I met him earlier this year in Ankara.
Ah good, there's a flag
I really want to see flags. You guys keep talking about them
They're not exciting
Spoiler alert
Well duh. But you all keep talking about them
A flag?
There ya go, on the house.
@twobugs Only 4.6k to go
@twobugs I mean, in this case I was talking about chrome://flags, but
My company is being acquired
65,000 layoffs projected
Holy hell O_o
All the articles talk about how great it is for shareholders
@GraceNote I'm not sure, but I'm concerned.
@SaintWacko Oh wow, I was thinking of that when you mentioned the size, didn't know you were part of it :/
@TimStone Yeah
@SaintWacko hope you keep your job
Our group is pretty specialized, and I think has a higher chance than most of sticking around, but I'm still worried
There's an all-employee meeting in 40 minutes, so hopefully we'll find out more
Good luck :(
Well, there is always stack overflow careers :P Good luck on the meeting.
@twobugs Just tell her Wipqozn said you were a cool dude
Firstly, I already made a better version of that joke, secondly, that would be like negative points
@TimStone I know. I just stole your joke.
@TimStone also it is not "a" nor "dude".
I steal jokes all the time. I probably stole this I stole a joke joke from somewhere, too.
You wouldn't download a joke
@SaintWacko ANd noone talks about how very not great it is for 65 thousand people?
@Arperum Pretty much
@SaintWacko Damn...
@SaintWacko so meg whitman is chasing carly fiorina's title of worst HP CEO?
> Sorry this comic was a little late, I was playing Stardew Valley
@GodEmperorDune Heh, that's exactly what I was thinking this morning
Carly got crap for laying off 30,000 people
@Wipqozn YEP
The struggle is real
I should get back to stardew
@Wipqozn Me too
@Wipqozn I'm waiting for them to implement a proper touch interface
I need to overhaul my strategy for mine exploration
So I can play it on my SP3
I'm gonna do TOME again on my SP4 I think
See how that works out
Roguelikes seem like a good fit
Ooh, that's a good idea
I should try out DCSS
So should you
So should... everyone
I should
My coworker recommend ADOM
I dunno if that's free though
@twobugs it's not
Erm, wait, hang on
Okay, it's free, but there is a Steam version which is basically the same I think
> ADOM on Steam will take ADOM gameplay to the next level by introducing the following features (among others) in the next couple of months:
70+ achievements,
game customization features (e.g. turning corruption off, increasing treasure rates adjusting monster lethality),
ghost creation and exchange between players - be haunted by dead player characters and try to win their treasures,
story mode - save and reload your games,
exploration mode - use a wand of wishes to discover completely new sides of the game,
But DCSS is the best roguelike
A: Which levels contain Failure Logs?

Private PansyThe following levels contain Failure Logs: Proving Grounds Training Routing 3 Training Routine 4 Training Routine 5 Skydock 19 Munitions Refill Type 6 Shuttle Proportion Units Guided Javelin Type 1 Resource Site 526.81 Optical Sensor Array Type 2 Landing Alignment Lights Optical...

I think got them all, but @fredley @Ronan help check if I missed anything
@PrivatePansy I don't wanna.
@Ronan :(
Also, after seeing how Meat Product 57 is produced I don't think I can stomach it any more
oh my. I feel so bad for this guy sometimes.
Q: Does Mercy's damage boost apply to turrets?

UnionhawkTorbjorn's turret is his main feature. It provides area denial and slows down offensive pushes. As a Mercy, if I damage boost Torbjorn, does his turret also see this benefit, or only his rivet gun? Same goes for Symmetra, are her sentries impacted by damage boost or not?

Some function isn't behaving as he expected, returning nothing. I suggest if he's really stumped he coud just edit the function to add in some logging to it so see wht the SQL query it 's running is. Asks "isn't that a core function?", and an tell he's worried to touch it. Like yeah, you don't want to edit core permanently, but editing it on your test box to do logging for a few minutes is fine. but I'm sure someone told him "never edit core!" without understanding why or what it meant
like it's not the first thing I'd do, but if you've been banging your head against a wall for an hour or more then you mightneed to see what query is being run
The immediate window and breakpoints are my two best friends
being able to see what this.whatever is on the fly is amazing
@badp yes
@badp Yeah
that's true
so the thing is, does php have some sort of repl?
On the other hand, I'm having an enjoyable time even if @Wipqozn isn't
or at least a debugger
@Unionhawk If anything that makes it more enjoyble!
@badp it gives terrible crash logs, does that count?
@Arperum I mean, perl has a debugger
as in good luck figuring out why it crashed
I remember this guy I went uni with who loved PHP. He did his entire datamining course in PHP, because he thought it was the best language ever.
@GodEmperorDune Assuming it gives any crash log at all.
@badp phpdbg exists, but I've never used it
not much of it, and some people don't use it, and I don't like it a lot
but it's so infinitely better than printf debugging
@Arperum assuming it actually crashes when it should instead of silently correcting and doing weird shit, yes
@badp printf debugging is literally the worst
@badp just valgrind it and see all the bad memory accesses your code is doing
and making it so that your code can be debugged helps you write better code
php -a is also an interactive shell
@GodEmperorDune if there was a segfault going on, then perhaps
PHP should have a "dont_be_terrible" option, which makes it be less terrible, and then that should just be the default.
@Unionhawk it is a good trick that almost always works, even if it is a bit old school
Even working in Eclipse this last semester I missed the immediate window Visual Studio gives me working in C#
@TimStone well then. Import the module or whatever the coworker is having trouble with, and prod it
@GodEmperorDune It is, it's good to do, but it's painful
Or can be anyway
@PrivatePansy It gets better
Meat product 101 best meat product
@Wipqozn Yeah but noops aren't that useful
@fredley I keep thinking it's the whale from h2g2
@TimStone lulz
I just can't build the factory. Those big sad eyes :(
and then realise that it can't sql because the other 200 functions that set up the globals and the env and the db connections were never run
This is probably guaranteed to be true
@PrivatePansy Well if you do decide to drop it off a cliff...
But if he needs to know what query was run why doesn't he just have the database record it?
@fredley I have set it freeeeeeeee
@PrivatePansy Also the spine in the middle...
@TimStone wouldn't that require running a database query
@badp Presumably he can do that without Touching the Thing
are you going to debug a query not being run by running a query
is that what's going on
is that literally it
I thought it just wasn't returning anything, not that it wasn't necessarily running?
this is a side of you we didn't know @TimStone
^ flip flop circuit
@badp No, we always knew I was magic
but nice troll, 7/10
Established fact
sometimes i think @Wipqozn doesn't even use php, he just makes up php stories from work to troll the bridge
Oh wow, he messed up printing out a string
@GodEmperorDune I don't think he could do that to himself
Think of all the associated shame he's had to carry around
@Wipqozn it might be that he's now choking
Maybe he doesn't know how strings work.
@Wipqozn wat
No one willing does that when they're already ashamed of their socks
@TimStone Yes
@GodEmperorDune PHP differentiates between string delimited by ' and ". The latter interpolates variables while the former does not
@TimStone i thought he was proud of the filthy socks
Presumably that's how he messed it up
@GodEmperorDune I don't know anymore
@PrivatePansy that's not a php only thing
@PrivatePansy That looks like fun
@GodEmperorDune Hmmm. Well, JS recently got interpolated strings too
And I think perl?
Python 3.6 also will
@PrivatePansy C# too!
perl has had string interpolation since forever
Update: It was just a checkin meeting and everything is fine
Ruby and therefore Groovy and Coffeescript have it.
@twobugs Whew!
I think they're going to be called i-strings in Python, like i"my {thing}"
@twobugs \2/
@GodEmperorDune why is your head now a coathanger
I had my Chief Tim Officer endorsement prepared but it wasn't necessary
sorry, VP of Tim
PHP's is a bit confusing to newcomers though because most languages don't differentiate it using the two types of quotation marks (I think?)
@badp that sounds vaguely familiar, is it still in PEP or did it actually get built yet?
I'm honestly not sure what I expected here
@PrivatePansy Right
@PrivatePansy it's the same in bash, Perl, etc.
possibly even SQL
@PrivatePansy Everything differentiates it using two different types of quotation marks.
Most languages also don't use . for concatenating strings either though so
like foo vs "foo"
@TimStone Perl, lua
@badp No one gets its right in bash either
@Ronan JS uses backticks
actually, in lua it's ..
@badp Mostly only relevant to case-sensitivity in that instance
Yeah, most languages
yes that is two dots
@PrivatePansy The three I said use " vs ', and also perl.
@twobugs in ascii art
Which is actually one of Postgres' most annoying features
There's no way to escape names without also enforcing the casing
@TimStone eww
@badp In some dialects?
None which I've used anyway
1 min ago, by Tim Stone
@badp Mostly only relevant to case-sensitivity in that instance
@badp That's my signature and I have it copyrighted
(This came up in Dapper, the SE micro-ORM, because the simple CRUD module tried to escape field names just in case, but that's problematic when not necessary due to the casing thing)
@twobugs ..tm
@TimStone That might be a good choice, actually *cough* JavaScript *cough*
err .. ©
@SaintWacko It is a lot of fun. Infinifactory - basically, SpaceChem in 3D
@Unionhawk ..(what if i just reimplement the apis)
@PrivatePansy The confusing thing about the backticks in JS is that they also function as multi-line string support
It also has a hotkey to record your solution as a gif
Which Java still doesn't have so help me god
ugh, dangit
Outside of first-class properties lack of multiline strings is the number one thing that makes C# so much better to work with
Properties are awesome
@TimStone well oracle spent all of their budget for new dev on this lawsuit thing so...
The biggest thing I miss in Java is actually the ability to create simple hashes on the fly
@TimStone wat
@TimStone Potatoes
The jury had a concern yesterday because there were too many folders
@TimStone too many folders in what sense?
They were given the Android source code
In folders
With no IDE
And apparently no one expected them to actually look at it
But they are!
like printed code in physical folders?
No, like on a computer
well thats a start
But because of the structure they couldn't really get a grasp on it because you just keep clicking through levels of emptiness
@TimStone welcome to java, amirite
way too many folders if they gave them this
@TimStone java folder structure is a nightmare.
@PrivatePansy wat wat wat
@sarahjeong @sammikes Do modern versions of notepad support unix line ends? Because if not, they might be looking at it without newlines!
Ohw I see how his code isn't working
@Wipqozn plot twist, it was the php all along
@GodEmperorDune No, just his mistake
@badp I'm not really sure what you're wat'ing at
Here's the storify for those interested
@PrivatePansy watwatwat`wat$(wat)wat`
It's mostly syntatic sugar anyway
@badp Actually it's `watwatwat${wat}wat`
that is ART-shaped syntactic sugar
@PrivatePansy oh no
function tag(strings, ...values) {
  console.log(strings[0]); // "Hello "
  console.log(strings[1]); // " world "
  console.log(strings[2]); // ""
  console.log(values[0]);  // 15
  console.log(values[1]);  // 50

  return "Bazinga!";

tag`Hello ${ a + b } world ${ a * b }`;
// "Bazinga!"
@badp It's nice for HTML strings, actually, since you get interpolation and newlines
So you can structure it pretty reasonably
but what is this tag-string sort of nightmare about
why is it getting string fragments
why are the values being passed like that
It's just a formatting function
why doesn't it need to return anything
what's wrong with its face
this is worse than perlform
@badp Because, uh, it's a fuction?
Honestly I'm not sure why it not returning anything was allowed other than I guess it's annoying to check
why would you have backticks for function invocation more importantly
Ah, no, it's because there's utility in it returning function
It's basically like preparing a handlebars template
It's not for function invocation, it's for templating!
@badp It's just syntax?
evergreen feeding
It just so happens that the logic of the template is extracted into a function
OMG Alsup tells the attorneys they should have just printed out 15 million lines of code for the jury
Banking tips https://t.co/8Q90f056EZ
I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as though one million nerds tried to reach out to an invisible keyboard, saying, "No here let me"
@GodEmperorDune rofl
@GodEmperorDune Google would have likely won so quickly if that was the case though
Like if they printed out all of the code and highlighted the portion that was of relevance to the case?
@TimStone yeah, no way the oracle attourneys would allow that
the attorneys are on offense, so that's not Google's problem, right?
yeah they'd have to highlight like one line every hundred in one page every hundred
imagine the look on the jury's face
why can't I hold all these folders
@sarahjeong (Forgive me, Duke) https://t.co/8rtZ5Pweec
they'd understand that the case was pretty much like "if I remove every hundredth word from this book, then the chapter is no longer grammatically correct!"
user image
Good news everyone, I now have my medication!
@fredley I should rename my Capital One 360 emergency savings account to the crying emoji just to see what happens
Alsup confirms that they're going to "wheel in the computer thing" and sighs, "hope that's done..."
@fredley unicode.png
ICYMI, Alsup's middle name is literally Haskell and in the first trial he taught himself Java so he'd have at least a basic understanding of the material
Q: Is there an easy way to produce or upgrade a lot of ships?

CarraThe way I make ships now is to click on each planet, go to the ships tab and add a corvette. If you've got 20 planets spread over 4 sectors however that takes a long time. Is there an option to quickly build 20 ships spread over my 20 planets? I'm pretty sure I could do it in EU4. The same with...

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