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And the support for high-dpi screens is still pretty terrible
And powershell... I've talked about powershell in here before
Basically every single time I want to try something new with it I have to fight against powershell to do basic things
Or at least, the APIs for drawing dpi-independent UIs are so terrible that most devs get it wrong.
Like, say, changing my profile. You have to enter obscure commands to enable it or get a warning everytime you use it
@KevinvanderVelden ughhhhhhhhhhh
room topic changed to The Bridge: General Arqade chat, wherein we accept your right to be wrong on the internet, but also like to be wrong on the internet, so occasionally we're wrong on the internet about your wrong on the internet, and that's also okay? It made sense at the time. [+hate] [+murder] [badsplanation] [-context] [-fun] [jin-fanclub] [lazers] [-overwatch]
@fredley yup, no simple vim ~/.bashrc (did I mention the lack of editor in the terminal?) and typing what you want.
It's a file somewhere deep in your $appdata, that won't be executed by default
@KevinvanderVelden not even vi? I thought vi was everywhere?
@KevinvanderVelden D:
@fredley I mean, you can install stuff, but it doesn't have anything by default
Except I can't really install much because bit9 and work pc
(Otherwise I'd already have bash and not have to worry about powershell)
@KevinvanderVelden cli package manager?
I mean, can you at least get pip/virtualenv working?
@fredley hahaha why would windows mmake a package manager?
Updated cmd, one product line (that is why they are getting forza on Windows), Start menu is back, Cortana, Windows Hello (more of an enterprise thing, this is), Virtual desktops, DX12 and of course, running the actively supported OS.
I mean, there is a barely functional 3rd party thing of course
But the windows method of installing software and lack of dev support make it hell
@KevinvanderVelden brew is great. I get beer emoji in my command line when installing packages
(Because why would you have applications in your path so you can launch them via process name?)
@KevinvanderVelden You and @Wipqozn should team up and get new jobs where you don't work with horrible tools
@fredley I barely use powershell =p
@KevinvanderVelden You use Windows
It was a one-off case of "Oh I can do this in one line of bash let's do it with powershell, that should work right"
@fredley @SaintWacko @otherpebblepeople Pebble 2 and PT2 2x funded already. that means 2m
@fredley this is true. We're also an ASP.NET shop =p
good morning bridge
@KevinvanderVelden Error
@ardaozkal Yep! I'm hoping they announce a PTR2
Waterproofing, longer battery life, smaller bezel
I'd buy it
@fredley I mean, it's better then PHP
@KevinvanderVelden So are a lot of things
But as things stand, I'm going to cancel my pledge
@SaintWacko Original PTR came out Q3 2015? Probably same again this year
@SaintWacko backer's remorse?
@fredley this is true, there's not much non asp.net jobs though
@KevinvanderVelden There are....plenty
(I mean, there's plenty of java ee which is worse then asp.net)
@fredley not that I've seen around here
TBH I'll not get PT2 if some P2 apps doesn't work on my PT. I don't want to buy a new watch just to have a new one released in a few months and me not being able to run the apps for it.
@fredley I backed immediately so I could get an early bird slot, knowing that I could think about it afterwards
Also let me rephrase that, there are not many non asp.net, php or java jobs. Because that's mostly what I meant
@SaintWacko Fair enough
And with the only real upgrade being the screen size/resolution...
I've backed for a Time 2, because I kinda wished I'd got a PTS first time around
@KevinvanderVelden Move to London
It's Great!™
It has an HR monitor, but I can't see me using that much, plus I'd have to stop using my NATO strap
@SaintWacko Good point, I'm using a NATO strap
@fredley Yeah. I love my NATO strap
Speaking off, I've been thinking about going to visit the far west of britain for a few days during my holiday (whenever I take that)
I really don't want to stop using it
@KevinvanderVelden Stone henge?
@fredley I mean, the entirety of england is to my west
@KevinvanderVelden What do you want to see? There's not much out West, and much of it is a pain to get to
And also to your east because a globe is a sphere
@Unionhawk well yes but then you'd hit other bits of land, if I go west from the netherlands I hit england
@fredley I was just talking about the fact that england is to the west of the netherlands, not indicating a region of it =p
@KevinvanderVelden OK
Worst thing about PT2 is that it still sucks at high angles.
Right, I'm going to go tubing
it looks like it is even worse than PT1.
@ardaozkal I mean, it is a screen that works via polarization, full any-angle vision is basically impossible
@fredley have fun with tubing \o
Q: How do Faulty Lamps work?

DanmakuGrazerWith logic gates, the "state" of the output is decided by the logic gate's condition and when the output changes, the gate sends out a pulse, just like a switch or a lever. Faulty Lamps, on the other hand, seem to change how gates function completely, and I'm not sure I understand all of the diff...

@KevinvanderVelden If I can't see it while biking or holding smth etc, it is not a worthy upgrade. Already made that mistake with T1.
@ardaozkal oh I wasn't saying that a smart watch is useful =p
Anyway, home time o/
@fredley :(
RIP @John
@Unionhawk why would you ever do that @KevinvanderVelden? Physical copies re for squares
@Unionhawk :(
I saw @John the other day. He was sad so I gave him a star.
Is Phineas and ferb even still on TV? Haven't watched it since I moved out
> Final episode date: June 12, 2015
@Wipqozn youre childhood is now history
and history is now this pear
and in this pear reside all your hopes and dreams. Also I have eaten this pear
@Dragonrage Not really childhood
Also yeah that show existed from like 2012-2015
or something
Maybe 2008
I don't know or care
@Unionhawk well idk how old @Wipqozn
old, but not that old
so stop ruining a good story with facts.
I will do as I please
I also really want that sound clip
But it probably won't be a thing until Moonbeam City hits retail or something
@Unionhawk Yes you do
@Wipqozn Did I guess right the first time and I inadvertently know? Because I def don't care
Alls I know is it was a thing in 2013
And also I know that I have no idea how to get this to build
I added a view and viewmodel, and now it's cranky that I don't have that in App.xaml correctly?
so apparently obs and overwatch dont get along very well
@Unionhawk It actually started in 2007
@Dragonrage Next avenues to try after game capture are borderless window mode and window capture
If that fails, monitor capture won't
@Wipqozn eh close enough
@Unionhawk Were you born by then?
@Unionhawk hmm, ok ill try that. it kept freezing apparently with game capture.
@Wipqozn I am not even going to dignify this with a response.
Wait, shit
@Unionhawk I'm used to you doing that. I don't really care.
@Unionhawk You've been foiled again!
@Frank All of you are equally worst, except @Wipqozn, who is more equally worst.
@Frank Did you see the patch notes for Stellaris?
Or something
@Wipqozn is the terriworstest
@Unionhawk All Bridgers are the worst, but some Bridgers are more the worst than others.
ok so if an answer is flagged as vlq, and it is just wrong, but not a badly written answer, the correct thing to do is say looks okay correct?
o good only 15 build errors this time
cc @badp @frank @Wipqozn
downvote and maybe leave a comment but skip otherwise, yeah.
you don't have to leave the comment.
But it can be a good signpost of "yo this is wrong, answerer fix pls, reader, don't believe his lies"
which can then turn into a very long argument
for the low quality queue should i just hit looks okay after saying this is incorrect, since vlq is supposed to be for bad quality answers, not incorrect ones
and then leak to chat and then meta and there's blood everywhere and @twobugs has to disengage
so if you don't feel like dealing with that, it's perfectly fine to just not comment
I mean, the only possible response to "this is incorrect because xyz" is "no it isn't because abc"
Or "downvoters, why are you downvoting my answer I work hard" I guess
And then the classic "@Frank is responsible for x% of downvotes", which while true is not only not relevant, it's irrelevant
@Unionhawk and you think that'll be the end of it?
welcome to the Bridge
you must be new here
Of course then wrong answers get into "we should just delete this" territory I guess
The Bridge: "We should just delete this."
@badp yup, second this advice, @Dragonrage
@Unionhawk but why tho
@badp Because if it's wrong then the community blah blah arbitrators of correctness etc don't ask me
do we really make the internet a better place by ALLOWING people to be WRONG with only negative votes and comments saying they are wrong? PEOPLE MIGHT GET CONFUSED
@Unionhawk It's too late. We already asked you.
all of this /s
by the way
@Unionhawk is now in charge of creating and defending a policy around deleting wrong answers.
they just sediment at the bottom
I don't necessarily care about that
I don't either, some people do
OF COURSE that might send mixed signals when we also downvote answers for being duplicate
another dumb thing that we shouldn't be doing
I agree
Unless it's actually a copy paste
then you have both right and wrong answers at negative score
and then yes that IS confusing
then that should delete
I have a solution
Delete all questions?
@Dragonrage Ban answers?
@Unionhawk No delete all answers
Ban all users?
@Wipqozn yes delete all answers
ooo, good guess @Wipqozn
except mine, because I just got a tag badge
@Dragonrage A tag badge for what? Your face?
@Dragonrage the first pass my brain had at reading that word was "faq"
Man @Dragonrage is getting burned SOMETHING SERIOUS
then it realized that it was not a q but a g
and it got awkward
coc tag badge
Q: How can you transfer saved game black ops online to same PS3 but diff account?

Greenmann13I tried it and it say "the save data was created by another user and cannot be used. Select OK to select save data to delete or press the PS button to quit."

More like bawn
Is @djsmiley2k an overwatch owner? I feel like he is, and we played with him during the beta
@badp >_>
I could be mixing him up with @KevinvanderVelden though
nope lol
@Wipqozn Probably
also @Wipqozn you cannot burn me. im immune to fire damage
@Unionhawk brains are funny things
@KevinvanderVelden is probably playing overwatch right now though
@Unionhawk so confusing when @KevinvanderVelden, @djsmiley2k, and @Arperum are all the same person
@Unionhawk the jerk

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