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This says the details page should have an "Add to Chrome" button, but I don't see it.
Maybe it's because I'm using SRWare Iron...
@ArdaXi I've had that for a long while now
I never noticed it until now.
How is that an upgrade?
um, I'm fairly certain it's an upgrade
at least from Google's perspective
many services get augmented if you have google+
@ArdaXi The bigger thing I notice is that your (default) picture isn't centered.
Oh, Google+ is no longer 18+
@ArdaXi It isn't?
the latest of which being search
@badp Really?
"This feature is not available for your account
You must be over a certain age to use this feature. Learn more."
@Ullallulloo I just signed up fine.
@ArdaXi How old are you?
@ArdaXi Then maybe it's 17+?
Maybe it's geographical as well.
"Spain: 14 or older
South Korea: 14 or older
Netherlands: 16 or older
All other countries (including the US): 13 or older"
I'm 16 in the US, though...
That's for Google accounts in general. Read below that.
How do chat quotes work?
> text
@ArdaXi I did
Mightn't work with linebreaks.
"Keep in mind that specific products may have additional age requirements. For instance, Google+ requires users to be 18 or older."
So, you have your age wrong?
I think they're a year off. I mean, I did turn 17 recently.
Hey all!
@ArdaXi When was this?
@RedriderX hi
@Wipqozn My birthday? Two weeks ago Monday.
@Wipqozn Remember, his arbitrary day.
@ArdaXi Happy belated birthday.
@Wipqozn @ArdaXi this
@John's answer should be given a few more up dates to put it above the other, now outdated, answer:
A: Are sheep permanently dyed?

JohnYes. I dyed a sheep orange, sheared it, and it regrew orange wool.

You can dye sheep in Minecraft now?
@Tristan I think you've been able to do it for a while.
@Tristan You've always been able to.
Sheep just regrow their wool now.
Huh... I guess I just never thought to try it. lol
@Tristan It's better than dying wool because sheep usually drop more than one block.
Plus, now they regrow that color too.
@Ullallulloo That does sound extremely useful. Especially since my pixel art uses more wool than anything else.
Oh cool, did anyone else know that Notch is going to continue working on MiniCraft?
@RedriderX I did not.
@Wipqozn Well, I think he's going to call it MiniTale.
Can I ask a random question?
@RedriderX Maybe
Okay then:
Does anyone else's shower seem to defy all logic, physics, and general reasoning?
@RedriderX How so?
Mine seems pretty...non-sentient.
And normal.
@Ullallulloo Okay, so there are hot and cold handles that you rotate to release water right?
Wait... Shower?
@RedriderX Yes.
@Tristan Told you it was random.
@Tristan Not game-related, I'm guessing.
Oooh. Gotcha. <.< I thought we were still talking Minecraft/Minicraft.
@Ullallulloo Anyways, you can turn these handles about 720 degrees.
@RedriderX Sure.
So, what would you think happens when you turn hot water to 720 degrees?
@RedriderX It gets hot.
Lots of hot.
@Ullallulloo Very good
And what do you think happens when you turn cold to 720 degrees?
@RedriderX It gets cold.
Lots of cold.
@Ullallulloo Good just checking that you follow my line of reason.
What do you think happens when you turn hot to 720 degrees and cold to... say 10 degrees?
@RedriderX Lots of hot.
@Ullallulloo WRONG
@RedriderX My shower behaves correctly then, it seems. :P
That's when you get "lukewarm".
Whichever one's higher is more dominant
if they're equal it's a touch chilly.
@Ullallulloo What do you mean "higher"?
Like, behind the wall?
@IanPugsley @OrigamiRobot You guys planning on getting on tonight?
@RedriderX Like if they're both turned 90 degrees.
@Ullallulloo Well it seems that cold is definitely more dominant in most cases with my shower.
@RedriderX Even if you let it run a while?
Like it's not just that the water in the pipes cooled down since you last used it?
@Ullallulloo Ooooh Yeah.
And you aren't running out of hot?
@Ullallulloo No, I let the hot water get hot
That's weird then...
Your cold water wouldn't happen to be like -10F would it?
@Ullallulloo Except for when it gets really hot and then really cold within like two minutes.
Q: What are these strange red and blue squares?

DrakeAt floor 7 of Dungeons of Dredmor I found these strange red and blue squares. How can I interacet with them and what should I expect?

@Ullallulloo It's not totally ice in the pipe, if that's what you mean.
Sorry for making this "home improvement" chat, but I was just a little frustrated.
Well, got to go, bye all
@RedriderX No, but if you have 10 parts 100F water and one part -10F water, maybe it'd be room temeture. :/
It could still not freeze if it was flowing.
@RedriderX bye
Why does the TOR update have to be so big? =(
@Tristan nah, there's shows and I've still gotta edit that video from a couple days ago
@IanPugsley Darn. I was hoping we'd all get to kill WoF. lol I have life crystals and molten armor for you
need offensive flags please :)
A: Where can I find items to Disenchant?

Shit face McgeeFuck nuggets- Bung Hole- Man Cave

@agent86 Done and done.
Q: How come none of my characters are available for the Witch Hunt DLC?

AdanionI decided to pick up Dragon Age: Origins again so I could play the DLC that I didn't play. I haven't played any of the DLC but I traded in my original copy for the Ultimate Edition so I have all of the DLC now installed. I have two characters that have finished the game, one of which I romanced w...

@agent86 nice edit
@Wipqozn thanks :)
Can someone link the GamingSE server list again? =\
Nevermind. I found it.
Q: Gaming Stack Exchange Server List

WipqoznWe have an increasing number of Gaming Stack Exchange servers for things ranging from Team Fortress 2 to Terraria. I've posted a community wiki answer to keep track of all the servers. Use the following format: Game/Program: name of game/program Address: server address Password: password of ...

It's also pinned in Game on

 SE Game On!

TF2 server is TF2.stackgaming.com Minecraft server is mine.sta...
I wasn't aware of that. Thanks! I was gonna play on the Minecraft server, but it's outdated. =(
Oh, right, I meant to ping @ThomasMcDonald and @MarcoCeppi to let them know that a Minecraft update was released.
I'm not sure if there servers will update automatically at any point.
@Wipqozn Here's a question. Why don't I ever see you on the Terraria server? =P
@Tristan Why don't I ever see you on the Team Fortress 2 server?
@Wipqozn Because 10GBs is a lot to download on hotel wifi with a 512kbps connection
@Tristan gosh darn ya sir, you ruined my joke!
but yeah
I don't really play Terraria
I played it for a bit when it first come out, but that was it.
I've jumped on our server to check it out, but that's about it.
Looking at my twitter stream I wonder if I shouldn't update my avatar too
@Wipqozn Darn. I'm trying to get more people to play on it because I'm usually solo when Ian, John, or Origami are busy.
@Tristan Clearly the solution is to ruin @john's life so he has nothing left to do but play Terraria with you/
but yeah, that can be annoying.
I hate it when people have lives that don't revolve around me.
this should work
@Wipqozn inorite?
@badp I assume I'm missing something.
(seriously... the more time passes the more I think SOPA really is smoke screen.)
@Wipqozn lol I'm not really expecting their life to revolve around me, as I'm currently unemployed and waiting to move back home and therefore have nothing better to do than play Terraria.
@Wipqozn A lot of people have put "STOP SOPA" on their avatar on twitter
@Tristan I expect peoples lives to revolve around me. Then again, I'm also incredibly egotistically.
@badp Isn't the real solution to SOPA for the UN to just declare the United States no longer has the right to be a country?
@Wipqozn um... doesn't the US have veto power in the UN?
funny how that stuff works eh? You win a war in 1945 and in 2012 you get to tell who's a country and who isn't!!
@badp Just tell them that it's "that country below Canada". I'm sure they won't catch on.
@Wipqozn I don't think the rest of the world would be able to keep to the prank for long enough
@badp It would be sooo funny though!
Clearly the world exists for the sole purpose of amusing me, so I'm sure they would do it.
@badp Only in the Security Council, otherwise, in the General Assembly where they decide that stuff it's "one country, one vote"
It's not about the US, it's about the corporations. government power is nothing compared to the power of the big multinationals. they want their money from you, and they're in a postion to take your freedom along with it.
Q: Playing dvd games

MancioneI'm trying to play a dvd game and I don't know what program to download to play games. It plays without any problems on windows, but Ubuntu won't load game, comes back with error message missing some exe. file.

If the server shows people playing on it, but won't let me connect because it says Outdated Server... How do I fix that?
@Tristan Get the server manager to update.
@agent86 We have an army, the MPAA doesn't.
@Ullallulloo I guess what I'm wondering is why is it still letting others connect, but not me?
@Tristan Maybe they haven't updated yet?
@Ullallulloo I guess that's what it is. Oh well, I'll try it again later.
Q: Which characters have playable routes?

Jonathan DrainWhich of the characters that you interact with in Katawa Shoujo have playable routes?

Woo! New tab in /review! :D
@John New change or 5,000 rep?
Ah, the latter, congrats.
@Ullallulloo 5k. And thanks. :)
@Tristan You on Terraria?
@John You're almost to me. :x
I need to start Skyrim soon. D:
@John About to be.
@Ullallulloo Wonderful, ain't it! ;)
@Ullallulloo 3 months ago, that would've done wonders for your rep.
@Tristan Me too.
Hey! I have more rep than @GnomeSlice now! :D
@John I know. :( You would have passed me up already, I think if I didn't get a Minecraft question today.
@Ullallulloo I just love those old super easy-to-test questions where the answer changes and no one realizes and I make out with >100 rep. B)
@Ullallulloo Wow, if you didn't get that question, I would be exactly one point ahead of you. Also, come play Terraria with us! :D
@John I contributed to that rep! =D
@Tristan Your contribution is appreciated! :D
@OrigamiRobot I got your ninja shirt.
Yayy! I finally get to see the episode of King of the Hill where peggy goes skydiving. lol
FYI, might make a meta post about this eventually, but I released this tonight:
Q: LaServ - A python/twisted based flexible command line bot/framework for StackExchange

agent86LaServ (a play on Lazers, The Bridge's feedbot and '*Serv' bots, which provide IRC services ) is a python/twisted project that I've been poking at since Christmas break. It's still beta quality, but it's ready for more eyes and input. In it's current incarnation, it is an IRC bot, but the overa...

Crashes through this video
Q: What do the icons under the modern warfare gamer tag for xbox 360 represent

Birdies CoulterWhen looking at other players in the xbox live lobby i notice that some players have icons under their name. I just have 4 empty holes. Is there some where that explains what the badges mean and how to get them?

Q: Where is Draven and how do I return his bow? I can't find him anywhere

BryanI found this bow which I can't get out of my inventory. It supposedly belongs to Draven, but I have no idea where he is. Can someone tell me and or how to start that quest?

@Lazers dupe.
Q: How do you finish a stalemating game?

Nick TI just lost my second game where the teams were fairly even, all the enemy turrets were down, but we lose a team fight and just get rolled while we're waiting ~70 seconds to respawn. When we kill all the inhibitors in a raid, we'll keep them bottled up in their base for minutes while they run ar...

1 hour later…
Q: How to combine soul gems in my inventory to make the list smaller?

BryanI understand some soul gems not combining b/c u can't have a grand soul gem w/a petty combine with a grand soul gem w/a grand soul. For example, my inventory looks like this: Petty Soul Gem (Petty) Petty Soul Gem (Petty) (13) Now if I drop the 13 one it actually drops as one soul gem, not 13 li...

3 hours later…
Q: What should I do with schematics for the opposite faction?

TibI just had a lockbox come back with a schematic inside that is for a Jedi Consular(or other Republic side class). Being Sith, I have no use for this and presume selling it to be pointless, again, presuming as I can only sell to Sith on the GTN. Is the assumption that I can only sell to the S...

2 hours later…
Q: What is the name of this older action/adventure game?

Mike PThere is a very old game that I am thinking of, but can't quite remember what it is. I'm fairly young, and played this game so long ago that it may as well be a memory my mind made up. Hopefully someone can help me out. It was 3rd person, fantasy, and most likely a Playstation 2 game. It's possi...

Q: Why should I use a bound sword?

DementoI am playing my first character in Skyrim and I decided that I want to focus on conjuration. Up to now I used swords for close combat situations and transitioning into a bound sword seems to be a good choice. I looked up the damage a bound sword can inflict and it seems like that even the mythic...

1 hour later…
Q: How are women portrayed in King's Bounty: Armored Princess?

GnomeSliceSo a game caught my eye recently when I was doing some online shopping. The game is called King's Bounty: Armored Princess. The reason it caught my eye is unimportant, you jerk. What I really want to know about is how that cover reflects on the actual game itself. I'm not familiar with th...

...was this really closed again?
I dunno, looks like it hasn't been closed since last year.
@GraceNote Well, gee.
There's a guy who looks like @Arda in my class. He's creeping me out.
@GnomeSlice I thought the final consensus was closing it
@OrigamiRobot What? Where?
So, why does the answer get 11 upvotes, and the question gets 13 downvotes?
Now that I look at it... most of the answers to my questions have much higher ratings than the questions themselves...
I never even read the entire meta post about that question.
People don't appear to understand what I was asking about.
@GraceNote You may be interested in this:
It's a good package, for the price of free.
have we ever given Grace a recommendation he's liked? She's mysterious like that.
Also... why is the only option for a bounty on a certain question 500 reputation?
Q: Does lightning strike on an angle?

GnomeSliceSo, with the advent of weather on my friend's SMP server, two structures have already been burned to the ground by lightning strikes. Miraculously, the current tallest flammable structure on the server is unharmed. The observation deck of my lighthouse is made of red wool (I've converted the wh...

When I go to create a new bounty, I can only choose 500 reputation.
@GnomeSlice If you've already put a bounty on a question, the following bounty must be at least for twice as much rep
@badp ...Phooey.
other people are not restricted from this though
@badp ...So it's only for me?
technically twice 300 is 600
so I guess it's a concession you can make a bounty in the first place!
@badp I don't think anyone here would really pass The Mushroom Test.
@badp Wat. Why would this only apply to me?
@GraceNote The which?
@GnomeSlice because you've already placed a bounty
not because you're the question owner
@badp Oh, I thought you meant that the feature was designed to target my account.
I could place a 50 rep bounty on it if I wanted
@GnomeSlice ...
we hardly have features targeting sites, why would we have features targeting you?
Aug 20 '10 at 1:09, by Grace Note
I can tell you anything that can't pass the Mushroom Test is incapable of giving me a good recommendation
@badp I wouldn't put it past you.
@GnomeSlice You're kind of overestimating mod powers
Note that in that scenario, we were talking about recommendation software. That's why it said "anything", and why the verbiage was "incapable of".
I'm not familiar with the Mushroom Test.
@Wipqozn Get out.
@GnomeSlice I guess that's the whole point.
If she wanted us to take the mushroom test, he would've said what it entailed.
@GnomeSlice It's an image of 15 poisonous and/or deadly mushrooms, labelled each with their scientific name. The objective is to identify the 5 that I like most.
I think she made it up. Googling it turns up nothing but drug tests.
@GraceNote ...What kind of test is that?
@GnomeSlice That would be so funny.
well I can make up a feature where I kick gnomeslice from chat every 10 seconds, but that wouldn't be so funny
allow me to demonstrate on @Wipqozn
@GnomeSlice One designed to identify whether a person knows enough about my core to understand what I'd be interested in.
yay, I'm a guinea pig!
curses! You were supposed to rejoin right away!
You've missed a tick and screwed up the demonstration
My apologies.
no worries.
You're welcome to kick me again if it makes you feel better.
it's ruined now
forever and ever more
and it's all @GnomeSlice's fault
Leave me alone...
@GnomeSlice At least you're not the most disappointing thing since @mana's son.
Grah, there's a milkstone studios bundle for $1 that has the three games, two of which I've already purchased for $1 each.
Although, the page is broken.
If you're distributing pirate copies of cardinal quest at least make sure you're distributing the latest version!
New AirMech with no guns? Two giant blades make up for it, so fun to use! It's in the new patch, go slice and dice! http://t.co/oYAlIYc9
Interview: Vlambeer on the iOS launch of Super Crate Box http://bit.ly/yteVKp
I think that's enough twitterspam.
Kong is on iPhone for the very first time! Download / ESCAPE \ today on Android: http://kon.gg/zXdslP or iOS: http://kon.gg/xTCmhS
@IanPugsley We're in Hardmode now.
Ooh, Terraria hardmode?
So you finally beat that boss, eh?
@GraceNote That's the one.
And I'm not sure I like it. lol
@Tristan why not?
@IanPugsley Because it's very, and I know this may come as a shock to you, hard
Then why'd you fight the dude in the first place?
@IanPugsley our anti-hallow/corruption barrier didn't work. Hallow started inside our barrier, so we had to mine all the pearlstone away and dig another shaft.... During a goblin invasion.
Isn't hallow a good thing? Like, by definition?
@GraceNote We wanted Cobalt, Mythril, and Adamantium.
And yes, sorta. The unicorns and pixies that spawn on Hallow are extremely deadly though.
@Tristan okay yeah, that doesn't sound very pleasant
Aaaaaaaand, now I gotta go mine dungeon brick to redo our house so clowns can't blow it up during blood moons.
it sounds like I just can't join you guys with my barely started character just yet then
@badp We have a ton of ore so you can make molten armor immediately, and I still have like 10 Life crystals. =P
Why AS2:

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Only 10 gigs to go til I can start playing SW:TOR! =D
what're you going to make first, character-wise?
@DavidB I have no idea... I've been keeping myself spoiler free for this one, and don't know anything other than Jedi Consular = healer.
well, that's not entirely correct. think of Consular as advancing to be either healer/mage or stealth/meleedamage.
... What are smugglers?
@Tristan like Han Solo!
@FallenAngelEyes Looks like I'm playing a smuggler then. =3
smugglers advance to either a pure dps class (dual wield pistols), or a dps healer hybrid (with a pistol/shotgun)
they have a mechanic called Cover, which allows them to well, take cover and changes some of their skills while in that cover state
you also get a little portable shield power you can use as cover, eventually
Yep. Smuggler it is then. brb
the smuggler has the most relaxed dialog. they don't have that military edge of the trooper or the discipline of the jedi
very free spirit
@DavidB What do you play?
I started with Trooper, and am currently (due to server change) playing a bounty hunter
Are bounty hunters the empire equivalent of smugglers?
but I've played them all to 10 except sith warrior
bounty hunter matches trooper. agent matches smuggler
Ah, gotcha.
Basically, what it boils down to is this: I've played a healer in every MMO i've played, so I wanna try something different while still possibly being able to be a healer if I don't like what I'm doing.
ah, well it turns out that's not much of a limitation
3/4 classes support that
Is Trooper/Bounty Hunter the only one that doesn't?
all the healers have a healy skill tree, and two damage skill trees
no, jedi knight/sith warrior are not healers
healers... don't really melee
I take that last bit back.
Healers do melee then? O.o
@Tristan SWTOR is not Terraria....what are you doing?
@OrigamiRobot D= I can play both!
well, I learned last night that agents equip vibroblades in thier offhand. not sure if healy agents do that
@DavidB Ah, gotcha. Guess I'll toy around a bit with it then. Surely you can have multiple characters, right?
8 per server
which, is 1 of each advanced class for 1 side (there's 16 total advanced classes)
Oh wow... Alright then. I'll have 1 server for Republic, and 1 for empire! =D
that. is a lot of characters. I'm trying to figure out if I can juggle 3 :)
have you played any mass effect?
@DavidB I've beaten 1 and 2.
ah - well swtor will be very familiar then
Q: Are the quests/storyline optional?

geckoI do not really like quests. In SWTOR how much of the storylines/quests do I need to do? I understand from the beta I had to do a long quest line to unlock the space ship and first companion.

@DavidB That's what I was hoping to hear. =P
Agents stab things. Even Healy agents.
NB: Scoundrels DO NOT.
I've noticed a trend for agents to go "light side. It's good to know they're still all out to stab me.
Radiangames' Quadtastic Launch Collection Available for Pre-order http://bit.ly/y5WnRY
Ooooh, Inferno+? Inferno is one of my favourite indies on the XBL store.
@DavidB that's because the Agent story has a "secret" extra light side ending.
And even the normal light side story is less fluffy nice guy and more telling the Sith to shove it because they are fucking insane, now let's conquer the galaxy for the Empire.
ah, I thought it was the natural balance of the force. first character - dark side sith. second character = opposite
yeah, true
I like that there are darkside options with "good" outcomes and lightside options with "evil" outcomes
few as they are
@OrigamiRobot Got some Mythril and Adamantite.
@Tristan did you find any more mythril?
@OrigamiRobot I had to use the mythril to make a mythril drill so I could mine adamantite. lol
and the first 30 admamantite should go towards an adamantite forge
Q: Missing pushups in UFC Trainer

CalicoBeardI am about 3 days into my first 30 day challenge on UFC Trainer and have been getting frustrated that the game isn't picking up all of my push-ups. I can grind out 20 or so ( don't laugh (; ) in the allotted time, but can barely get the game to register 12 or 13. Does anyone have any tips on gett...

@OrigamiRobot We have an adamantite forge.
Whyyyy is this download taking so long? =(
@DavidB How early do I get a ship? =D
do you really want to know?
Yes. But only how early. Nothing else.
I want to be precise with the spoiler here. You want to know the triggering event, or estimated hours in, or something else?
Estimated hours in/level requirement if there is one.
between level 15-20. which I would guess to be about 10-15 hours in if you play like I play
Awesome! Thank you. Is there a server that a group of GamingSE guys play together on?
I think there is - I'm not on it though
Party pooper. =P
@OrigamiRobot now that we have an Adamantite forge, what should our focus be?
@Tristan idk
ill be on in like an hour
@OrigamiRobot Alright. Ping me when you're getting on. I'm taking a break to let TOR download a bit faster.
Q: Do Delvin and Vex's Jobs Hinder Any Further Quests in Windhelm?

desaivvI am in my second play through Skyrim. I am trying to catch all the things I missed in the first play through. But this play through I completed Blood on the Ice quest first. It was bugged in my last play through. My one miss was this link, I need to finish 125 Delvin and Vex quests to get a s...

Q: Quake 3 -- Bots Don't Join Automatically

AJ.I am using the following config to cycle through maps on a CTF server: set d1 "devmap q3ctf4 ; set nextmap vstr d2" set d2 "devmap q3ctf1 ; set nextmap vstr d3" set d3 "devmap q3ctf2 ; set nextmap vstr d4" set d4 "devmap q3ctf3 ; set nextmap vstr d5" set d5 "devmap q3ctf5 ; set nextmap vstr d1" ...

Man... Waking up at 4 am after 2 hours of sleep is terrible.
@Tristan That it is.
@ArdaXi My friends wife can't drive manual transmission, so I had to drive him to the airport... lol
Q: What enchantments can bows have?

Ronan FormanAs of 1.1 bows can be enchanted, what enchantments can they be given and what approximate level are they?

@Tristan Terraria GET!
Q: How should I tag Splinter Cell Chaos Theory?

fredleysplinter-cell-chaos-theory exceeds the maximum tag length, what should I call the tag instead?

Q: What will happen if both players have no money but Terran can fly base in map's edge?

IMBI've played with some "cheap" Terran players who's supposed to be defeated but they flied their base in the edge of the map (accessible only by air units) and wait till the opponent produces a flying unit to destroy their base. It's annoying but manageable, but what if the other player has no mo...

Q: When using my PS3 controller as a gamepad, how can I turn it off properly?

AubergineI've been using my PS3 controller as a gamepad quite a bit recently. I'm using MotioninJoy's DS3 tool, with the controller connected with a USB cable to the desktop. Everything is working great, except that each time I close my computer or disconnect the controller it "panics" and turns on my PS3...

So, I see Google is starting to force people to use their "new look" on GMail.
I no longer have the option to switch it off on one of my Google Hosted accounts.
Q: Meta.Gaming - why are the question and my answer downvoted?

MyFaJoArCoI have had a question in my head similar to this one, and have decided to consolidate everything in one place, and answered it with my own proposals. It got downvoted by several people, for no obvious reason. Where am I wrong? Is there more popular duplicate question? Or I can't discuss this subj...

moddb beware.
@badp my game crashed.
I was enjoying that.
I got to roll out my unusual for a few hours
Whoop! I passed 6k, now for 7.
@RonanForman 6k?
@badp rep.
@RonanForman grats
my strange shotgun has finally caught up to my strange wrench
as in, they both have 188 direct kills
(sentry's at 1,946)
@badp You got 188 kills with the wrench?
@Ullallulloo yes
It crits often and crits hard.
Sentry Damage -> improved engineer crit chance
@RonanForman Congrats!
Q: What does it mean when an item in swtor is orange?

FuzzIs there some kind of wow-equivalent item quality level for orange items in swtor?

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