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I just dunno if that would be as interesting or not
I don't really watch many streamers so I don't know if people really do that
Soloq is bad, remember that
Well of course, but I can interact with the audience more directly with soloqueue
I feel like I fundamentally can't do that at the same level if I'm also playing with people
And I don't know if it's as interesting to just watch me hanging out with people as we play a videogame????
Streaming bringing up the deep, introspective questions
if you want a livestream game, momodora 4 is good and requires absolutely no mousing
That's a metroidvania, right? Pretty sure it's on my wishlist
I will also likely stream Ratchet & Clank (2016) as I'm pretty confident @AshleyNunn would love that game
I can't remember if she played the older ones
@twobugs yeah, but with souls elements (apparently; I'm not super qualified to talk about it since I've never played any Souls)
I guess the more obvious thing are the bonfirey places that restock all of your items and save your game
It's hard for me to tell what is and isn't soulsy because people say "This is Literally Dark Souls" about every game
And also about things like Vegan Cooking (yes, you read that right)
What you're describing does sound similar, but in a good way
the game isn't quite as slow as souls though
Overwatch is the Dark Souls of hero shooters.
I was playing Hyper Light Drifter (another really cool game), but people said it's Exactly Like Dark Souls, which is silly
what I liked the most is that the difficulty curve on normal felt just right to me
Here is how it is like Dark Souls: It is difficult
oh and there are save points almost right before every single boss, so that's not so soulsy
Hyper Light Drifter is very cool. I like it but I am missing one of the collectibles from the first area and the game seems to be telling me to progress onwards already
And I don't have the powerup or whatever to get the last collectible
That always makes me :(
It wouldn't be metroidvania otherwise
So people unclosed that terminology question. I have no opinion either way but hopefully this means more rep >:^)
gotta reexplore the whole thing with the new thing so you don't miss the thing to reexplore the things with
Yes but Metroidvanias typically don't have a big flashing HEY YOU MISSED THE THING IDIOT symbol (at least at the start)
@twobugs well of course.
In Hyper Light Drifter the collectibles form a square for each area
And they structured it so I have the top left, top right, and bottom right pieces
Which makes me even more angry!
@twobugs if anything now I want to migrate it to gamedev
but I've already touched it so I'm gonna just let you guys be wrong about it
I just answered it because I thought I had some decent input. I ultimately have no real opinion and I'll recuse myself from voting since I stand to gain rep from it
@badp I'm not clear on why this question is a problem for Arqade
A: Do we want to support "Is there a term for x" questions?

badpAbsolutely. The latest set of terminology has several negative traits that reveal they aren't necessarily a good fit for us. Is there a common name for pop-up damage numbers, such as in RPGs? there is no one common shared name for this thing but a very common answer is right there in the qu...

this is a very long winded way to say "please only ask us to define a term in the context of a single game"
@badp The only real problem I have with this question is my intense dislike for the asker, but that's hardly a reason to vote, so I didn't.
the asker himself admits that the thing he wants doesn't exist
@badp The answer doesn't provide a verb that can be used to describe the behaviour, "Drawn" is too general, since everything on the screen is being drawn, to say that you can see objects being drawn might not be clear when what you're actually referring to is the sudden appearance of the objects from out of nowhere. I'm quite surprised that the question was put on hold for being too broad. — Wanda 6 hours ago
and what I think is the answer he wants is extremely game-devvy
Well as you just explained the answer doesn't give you a verb because there really isn't one. Technically speaking what's happening is either "frustrum culling" or "the object is entering the viewing frustrum through the far base"; the former causes the object to not be rendered at all and the latter means that the object was rendered but it became invisible due to the perspective transformation anyway. good luck having anyone who didn't take a 3D rendering course understand what you're saying. — badp ♦ 6 hours ago
of course we gamers spend a lot of time worrying about the perspective transformation's frustrum's far base
Doesn't that just mean "There isn't a word for this" is the answer, rather than "Let's sit around and invent a new word for it"?
I only know what about 75% of these words mean
@Sterno but if we make up a word for it then there is a word for it! Making up words is fun! Portal 2, +100!
also here's twenty other words that sorta are it
I don't see a problem with "drawn" since "object/actor/scenery distance" is literally the term for when those things are drawn.
proving negatives is hard. Let's not have unanswerable questions
I'm not going to get into a comments debate though, I just posted my answer
@badp Then you have to prove it's unanswerable!
there's almost nothing that is going to have the same word in all games, not even hit points
@Sterno pls
this wants us to come up with a word for something in all games. it's the complete opposite of what we want.
Yeah, I think if we're looking for a term for every game it's not going to work
It's basically trying to be as unspecific as possible and it's super subjective
This question doesn't get any better if it is "What is the term used to describe objects appearing from nowhere IN DOOM?"
I mean the actual techniques involved are fairly universal in 3D games so a generic answer kinda sorta can be written
@badp That was what I tried to do but the response seems to be "too generic"
@Sterno yes, that's why we want questions that ask us to define terms (= explain what they mean) in the context of a game
So /shrug
as opposed to come up with words to match a meaning
so "what's an headshot in tf2" is fine
Clearly the proper term is floaty-pop-numbers
@badp the answer gamedev would give is exactly the answer @twobugs has already given. It is called draw distance (more specifically near and far draw distance) and pop-in
"what's an headshot" is not
You can subdivide floaty-pop-numbers into colored and non-colored
Q: Will preorder skins be usable on all of my PSN accounts?

IgotquestionsOk so I bought Overwatch on my primary PSN account and I was wondering if the skins will also be present on other accounts if I use them on the same PS4?

Q: cities skylines residintial bulidings stuck at 0/0

MrAbdulI am playing Cities skylines and building the most kick ass city but now that i exapnding buildings are stuck at 0/0 households? why is that? it is connecting to highways and it have electricity and water. the buildings get built but no one moves in? thanks

"what's that thing that sorta sometimes happens when I click on some areas of some enemies in some games and sometimes it seems to kill things more quickly than normal in tf2" is not
I disagree that "What's a headshot" needs to focus on a specific game to make any sense, but I also don't see how that example applies
"what's that thing that sorta sometimes happens when I click on some areas of some enemies in some games and sometimes it seems to kill things more quickly than normal in some games" is also not
Actually, let's step back - first you decide "coloured" or "colored"
Mostly I'm confused because you seem to be saying "Is there a term for X" questions are bad, but your meta says they're fine (absent some other specific problems)
I think this question is okay because this is a setting you have influence over in games. It directly relates to the playing of the game itself
@Sterno I don't think I'm contradicting the bit in bold
It's kind of a grey area, and I understand the arguments against it
> Compare the answers you could give to "What's an headshot?" and "What's an headshot in TF2?". Once you ground it in a specific game, you can talk about character models, hitboxes, weapons that can headshot, how much damage a headshot deals, charging headshots, the Ambassador's spread penalties, etc.
> The former question can only be answered "sometimes in some games when you shoot some weapons that hit some part of the enemy that the game considers to be its 'head' or otherwise a critical spot, regardless of whether or not this part actually looks like the enemy's head, you may under some circumstances deal some amount of additional damage." This answer is the best kind of correct, and also completely so generic to be basically content-free.
I've just regiven the very same example in the answer
@badp You are definitely not contradicting it. But you do seem to be saying (here in chat) "Is there a term for X?" questions are bad and should be closed, whereas your meta seems to say "They're okay, but they could be better"
I probably just misunderstood what you were saying with your Meta answer.
well, in this case, I feel that the reasons I've listed make the question bad enough for closure
it's basically off-topic
it's asking us to come up with words
it's super broad
@Sterno yeah the meta answer really should have a heading that says "only if they are for a specific game"
@badp This is the part I'm arguing with. Isn't this what every "Is there a term for X?" question is?
@Sterno not if I give you the word. "What's an headshot" doesn't mean you should come up with a term for headshots
@badp bullet-head-floaty-spielen
@badp If you give me the word, you're not asking me if there's a word for it.
We're supposed to be confusing @badp, not @badp confusing Sterno
A problem I have with it (which I don't know if it warrants closing or not) is that that form of question may or may not have a gaming answer. It may instead have a gamedev answer
Yeah that's where I'm currently at
Anyway, you're right, my first line should be clearer
Like this one, it has a very clear gamedev answer but does that make it off-topic?
This feels gamedevvy
just so you don't think I'm being sneaky
A: Do we want to support "Is there a term for x" questions?

badpAbsolutely not. The latest set of terminology has several negative traits that reveal they aren't necessarily a good fit for us. Is there a common name for pop-up damage numbers, such as in RPGs? there is no one common shared name for this thing but a very common answer is right there in th...

@Sterno here it is so you can change your vote should the addition of that one word anger and disappoint you
@badp That's a pretty significant change.
I didn't vote on anything on this topic because I don't care. I just like arguing in chat.
the rationale was always speaking to not allowing them
Yay arguing in chat
Seriously though, I read your old answer as "They're okay, but they suck." which in turn I took as "Downvote, don't close vote"
Which does not appear at all like what you were actually saying
I doubt I'm the only one who misunderstood but who knows
right, how abotu now
A: Do we want to support "Is there a term for x" questions?

badpThe latest set of terminology has several negative traits that reveal they aren't necessarily a good fit for us. Is there a common name for pop-up damage numbers, such as in RPGs? there is no one common shared name for this thing but a very common answer is right there in the question title:...

just the rationale without the headline
I still do believe that question should be closed though
@Unionhawk I think in this case it's okay because draw distance is typically a setting in video games you can directly interact with that impacts gameplay
Just my 2 cents
Absolutely not was fine. It made your intention clearer. I mean, no matter what, there's the potential problem of "This has 22 upvotes, many of which might be people who actually thought it meant something different, and people might point to it as having overwhelming support when really it doesn't". But in the scheme of things that's a pretty small problem to have, and people can change their votes (if they notice).
Mainly I was just really confused because your meta seemed to contradict what you're saying in chat. It no longer does. HEAD CANON RESOLVED
mostly I'm not a fan of the word "absolutely"
I still don't really have a problem with the question, but my care level about this issue is at just about zero.
I save my passion for arguments.
I only dislike those when they're for the ending of a game that hasn't come out yet :P
@fredley "my main is not OP, ur just bad"
I think I might try getting back into TOME. Seems like a decent fit for my surface
Q: Does covenant rank progression reset on starting a new game cycle?

zaroseI've been playing offline and decided to start the long and arduous grind for the various spells and rings associated with covenants. I decided to cash in on a few once I got ten of each of some of the covenant items. However, all this repetitive slaying of the same enemies is wearing on my sanit...

Neat, my landline at the office blocks draw.io for being an "interactive web app"
Yeah... that's the point!
@badp Dammit, this got reopened?
@badp I almost choked thinking this was an actual tag
@GraceNote I hope proper respiratory functions have resumed
Well, they never stopped since luckily it was almost.
@badp Is mainsplaining different from mansplaining, or a just a manspelling of it?
let me mainsplain mainsplaining to you
Does Trump have the best mainsplaining?
sometimes people are in a rush, right, and maybe the keyboard is not very good, maybe they only have .76 keyboards per keyboard
@fredley It's mainly the same, except for when it is mainly different.
but it still has a bunch of keys, so it's still kinda sorta a keyboard, right?
and maybe some of the keys are a little bit different, like fn and command and a power button on the keyboard? that seems a little weird but don't you worry your little head about it
Thanks for badsplaining that for me
well sometimes those people might type in the wrong thing, and that is okay
@fredley Sometimes badsplanations are goodsplanations. It's complicated...
but then they do not want to look wrong, so they mansplain a mansplanation for their mansplaining typo that also lets them almost choke innocent passerbys while also making fun of most online things
@fredley [tag:.*splanation]
@Unionhawk denied
of course I would suggest having more than .76 keyboards per keyboards, your keyboarding might be inadequate, I would suggest keyboarding harder
Your regex broke the regexes
IOW, my keyboard's not OP, ur just bad
for more information, please reread.
Is it bad that I can't see the number 76 without thinking about Overwatch
That's bad right?
Ok that's what I thought
@Unionhawk Oh good, it's not just me
@Unionhawk Just makes me think of buses
I was just verifying
Ugh @badp is stuck in a while true
I don't precisely know how many hundreds of keyboards per keyboards is the correct hundredths per keyboard count
Wups, he's out of it
Q: Missing buttons, options and astronauts in Kerbal Space Program

user258532Recently, Kerbal Space Program had an update. Since that update, several buttons and options are not visible anymore. For example, the in-game settings are not shown: And at the vehicle assembly, the buttons (for selecting "Engines", "Structural", "Pods"...) are invisible: Likewise, no astro...

I am multithreaded, yknow
I can keep multiple unfunny jokes going at the same time
Oh dear
I think it worked
@Unionhawk I haven't even played it and that was what I first thought too
(I just get fed screens and vids and everything on a regular healthy breakfast diet)
@SaintWacko ^c;:q!;^d;
@SaintWacko denied: meme detected
@badp What? How's that a meme?
@fredley ZZ is way better
@fredley Is that vim?
oh right you said "REI" not "MEI"
well you were insufficiently memetic
@SaintWacko yes
You can't deny that!
That's hardware level restart!
I have turned off the sysctl key
uni@bridge: killall badp.exe
@badp Well, crap
@SaintWacko At least one of them is vim
@fredley Oh, okay, I thought it was a series of vim modal entries
No, it's a universal "I want to leave now" thing
Purely because of the leading colon in the middle :P
@Unionhawk That's good to know
^C quits some programs. ^D marks that the input is over. :q! is for vim that's a special flower
Where does ^d work?
^c getting most, :q! getting vim, and whatever
@badp my brain scrambld the "ctl" part of that message, then added a vowel and then was very confused.
Oh yeah, that's right, ^d is EOF
or whatever
^D is necessary when the program thinks you're still typing your input in, and so Ctrl-C becomes actually part of your input
I see
it's how you'd get out of wc or perl
I know it kills a putty terminal
@badp Huh, that's good to know!
in windows (so cmd and powershell) you would use ^Z instead of ^D
but that's less generally useful
Because of course windows has to be different
Otherwise they'd be infringing on Oracle's copyright
Oh wow, Austria narrowed avoided electing a far right President (apparently they are weird like us and have Presidents?)
room topic changed to The Bridge: General Arqade chat, wherein we accept your right to be wrong on the internet, but also like to be wrong on the internet, so occasionally we're wrong on the internet about your wrong on the internet, and that's also okay? It made sense at the time. [+murder] [badsplanation] [-context] [-fun] [jin-fanclub] [lazers] [-overwatch]
@twobugs There's like a minority of countries that have royalty.
I'm going to talk about so much Overwatch here
@twobugs most countries have presidents I thought
Q: Red Alert 3: Install mods for OS X

Miguel LorenzoI have a red alert 3 on my mac and I want to disable the super weapons in the game since i'm more into building stuff. When I read online on how to disable super weapons in red alert 3 it requires me to download a mod and place it inside the mod folder of red alert 3 but there is no mod folder in...

Maybe he's distinguishing president with prime minister or somethign
Well I always see the USA being mocked for having a President
Yes I am @Unionhawk
Which is dumb because those two titles are literally the same
well not in Italy
(inb4 someone tells me there are actually huge difference)
@Unionhawk This is why you don't use relaxed comparisons!
The worst outcome
In Uniscript "President" == "Prime Minister" returns true
In Italy the president is the head of military and has limited veto power. He's also, you know, kind of "Mr Italy"
@badp Ah, so you guys elect a Donald Trump?
@Unionhawk France and Germany also have a president, sure, you barely ever hear about the German president though.
Oh I'm late to that joke by 5 minutes
It's ok, the punch line hasn't arrived yet
I didn't know Germany had a President
Well now I look very silly
Just a separation of military leader and PM then in some cases?
@Unionhawk They are not. belgium has a prime minister, but also a king. Prime minister is completely different than president. We'll just go with you being wrong as usual.
I actually do not understand the difference, I thought like the Canadian PM was basically the president of Canada, for example
> In parliamentary systems such as India, Japan, and most European nations, the president or monarch is merely the ceremonial head of state, and the prime minister is the head of government.
Based on recent news, I thought PM stood for Punching Minister.
Quote from some random dude on the internet
@fredley Ha! Jokes on you! We can't upgrade to newer versions of PHP because you can't trust a PHP upgrade to be backwards compatible!
@Arperum Oh, so the difference is we cut out the monarch and combine those positions into one guy
Either way, it's scary that a major and prosperous country almost elected a far-right leader
His party had roots in Nazism
@twobugs I read that as "preposterous country" for some reason
@Unionhawk The election process is different, as is the power of authority
@Unionhawk Sorta. Maybe. I'm not sure.
Presidents have power unto themselves, whereas Prime Ministers always act on the behalf of Parliment
But beyond that the distinction varies on a country-by-country basis
It's also crazy the UK is seriously considering leaving the EU
@twobugs yes. Also dumb.
@twobugs Yes, in a very, very literal way
@Sterno Oh snap!
As someone on Twitter mentioned it's good that he didn't win but terrible he came close
@TimStone Sounds a lot like Trump, only he hasn't not won yet
Supposedly Trump has a slight edge on Clinton now in the polls, if she takes the DNC.
I don't see how anyone can like Trump and it makes me really mad
"He's a regular guy" He's literally the opposite of a "regular guy"
Canada is technically a monarchy, actually
@twobugs I was with my wife's family recently, and one guy who is either lower middle class or poor (probably the latter) is gung ho for Trump over Sanders, because he thinks that all his problems are caused by Mexicans.
"He just says what we're all thinkin'" No, he doesn't speak for a significant portion of the country
He isn't one of those gun-toting ultra-right dudes; he actually seems like he looked at both and then thought Trump better represented him as a person.
And when he said that I was just bewildered.
"So what if he lies? All politicians lie" Not like this, they don't
@twobugs For a lot of people they're willing to ignore all of the horrible associations with him because they think that somehow his flagrant disregard for everything, including reality, will somehow change their current condition
The guy has one of the worst truth records EVER.
Then there's a not-insignificant contingent of racists and misogynists, but those are more obvious
Also we don't actually vote for the PM in Canada. We just vote for local officials, and then the people elected choose who will be the PM. I think it's a vote. I can't remember.
His stated plans are either things he has no power to do (build the wall that Mexico will pay for) and/or would devastate the US economy
@Wipqozn Generally in among the party.
The Muslim travel ban is particularly ridiculous
Yeah, but fear is easy to sell
@TimStone FUD generally is.
I know, it just makes me really mad that as a country we've gotten so disillusioned that we're willing to elect someone like Trump
The masses, as a whole, are absolutely stupid.
I mean, look at how long people are waiting at TSA lines right now. The TSA is a huge waste of taxpayer money, the long lines outside of secured areas create enormous soft targets, but we aren't taking up pitchforks on Congress to do anything about it besides the minor complaint here and there
@twobugs no, we elect a POTUS
except not
and it's not us who elect them
Ah, so it's like America then
@Unionhawk basically the PM is the head of the party that won the direct elections
Technically we don't elect the President, the electoral college does
@badp You elect a President of the United States?
So you can have goofy things like winning Presidency while losing popular vote
@Frank Everyone here is part of the masses.
@Sterno Yup.
Or winning by a small margin but having a huge electoral lead
@Sterno Still accurate yes
@twobugs this one reminds me of a situation we had early april with our minister of immigration and integration saying a significant part of the muslim population was dancing on the streets to celebrate the attacks in march (He's still our minister and basically nothing happened, Belgium sucks)
@Unionhawk then ~all parties every few years have to agree on a president
@Arperum Yeah, that one is particularly bad because Trump's argument for it is "I have said this happened and people agreed on twitter"
@Unionhawk except not
Which is basically the same as Kenorb's law of "if two people agree it is a fact"
@twobugs Our situation ended with people heckling over the definition of "significant"
(there is one guy who got arrested for doing that, and he was already on probation for extremist nonsense)
@Arperum belgium pls
@twobugs Yes. Our leading party is good with words. And Belgium is notoriously "fuck this, whatever"
there is a national march against the government tomorrow IIRC.
There is a whole lot of terrible politics over here.
I'm always glad when we aren't the only insane country. Then I'm sad that insanity is so common
@twobugs Yea, it's really bad.
Long term I'm probably leaving Belgium. (probably as in 80%+ chance)
That moment when the backyard murder beasts (aka a friend's cats) bring you a present and it is only the back half of a thing.
@AshleyNunn hunting 101!
I guess I don't really know where I would go if I left the USA. I like it here aside from the insanity
and/or the cat is really proud and wants you to know just how large that thing was
Not quite sure what it was
@AshleyNunn I was reading about this (animal behavior is super cool) and there's still scholarly debate about why exactly cats do this
@twobugs the NL is probably the least crazy anglophone country atm. Maybe NZ too?
@AshleyNunn My neighbours cat always comes to steal the food of mine when I feed them outside (which basically happens only when I'm away and the owner of said cat comes to feed my cats)
NZ is a good suggestion but I have a friend there and he's mentioned they get kinda screwed on some exchange rate stuff
well it's not so crazy until you manage to survive your first month or two
@badp NL is in the list of possible destinations :p
Q: pp meaning in OSU!

Davidim just starting to play OSU! I was watching to know what pros can do in that game, and i just realized they were talking about pp. What pp means? What pp is the standard in a game of OSU!? Thanks

Also apparently certain cities are not located in the best geographical areas
@Arperum you're so biased
@badp Yes.
Like Auckland, which is on top of 56 volcanoes
Can't deny that.
@twobugs Isn't like 90% of NZ on top of a volcano?
Also New Zealand having it's own subcontinent is really neat
@Arperum Probably
And they have good cheese in NZ.
I remember reading you have to be more careful about Sun exposure though, particularly in the summer
Since, you know, Ozone hole and whatnot
@twobugs I don't even have to leave the country for good cheese, my mom makes some pretty damn good cheese.
@twobugs all those happy sheep
@GodEmperorDune Apparently a lot of them end up blind from the UV radiation
@GodEmperorDune Isn't it mostly sheep in NZ?
@Arperum probably
Q: What should Minecraft mods be flagged as?

AlexSo recently I have found a question about Minecraft crashing due to mods(which is off topic). But when I flag it and the post closes I don't see my name in the "who flagged it as off topic" list. Am I using the wrong flag? Please tell me what I should flag questions like that as.

I dunno, the growing far-right movements worldwide just really scare me and I don't know what to do. I feel powerless.
Q: No Prisoner Release Money

rivermont - Will B.I have a prison with a couple hundred Prisoners, so every hour or so one is Released. The way I see it, as soon as they exit the map, you get a $3,000 Prisoner Release Reward. This happens most of the time with my Prisoners, but every now and then, on will exit the map as usual, but I don't get a...

the annoying thing about moving to the EU for @twobugs would be reading the papers that say "If you're an EU citizen, skip sections 2, 3, 4, 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 6, 7, 8.1, 8.4"
That's true, since I can't count
now now. I don't think counting is affected by mousing
do you try to count while you mouse?
@badp cc @Wipqozn on that sick burn
At least I can cereal correctly
@badp is completely incapable of eating cereal and it causes him severe trauma
sometimes i want to reject the edit for the edit comment alone
> fromatting and gramar improvement
@GodEmperorDune Yeah I was mad enough about that I just skipped it
@twobugs someday you will see the light
Plus just making a few numbers into blockquotes doesn't really help at all
@twobugs syntax highlighting is good
Meh. I don't think just adding a tiny bit of formatting helps.
Regardless, it's funny that the Thatcher crowd is all anti-EU but can't list a single good reason
They're calling the argument that leaving the EU would hurt the economy "fearmongering"
@twobugs because brexit is a cool word
Okay, so what is a valid argument then?
Since the economy is apparently Not Real
the better argument is "y u do dis"
I think what bothers me more than someone just doing party-line politics is the faux-independent who just wants to act superior to everyone
as in why do you actually want to leave the EU?
what are the harms
Basically, I hate South Park
Matt Stone and Trey Parker are actually really big assholes in interviews, a lot of the stuff on the show isn't really satire because they actually believe some of it
It harkens back to my "robbing a bank as a joke" analogy
"our economies are interlinked with the EU" well yes, but even if you leave and still want to sell goods to the EU then it will still be interlinked
"we don't want to use the euro" afaik you still use pounds anyway
They do use the pound
I think they want to get rid of schengen visas or w/e because "brown people"
Q: How would I prevent a wild Pokemon from fleeing?

LeDerpIn my adventuring in Pokemon White, I have come to the attempt to catch Thundurus. However, I can't seem to make a move without it fleeing on the next turn. I realize already that there are ways to stop this... For instance, I had the option to teach Mean Look to my Cofagrigus, but I absentminde...

"we don't want these brown people coming in here and stealing our jerbs" ...
It was really cool to learn that lots of European countries have their own extremely douchey white nationalists
@twobugs im not sure that "cool" is the operative word
There's a group in the UK who pretend to be like druids or whatever and call themselves "Woden's Folk"
@GodEmperorDune For certain values of "cool" as in "I want to die"
Q: What does the '76' in Soldier 76's name represent?

O-OSoldier 76 is Jack Morrison. After the death of Overwatch, Morrison was presumed dead when in reality he was in hiding. He raided multiple corporations that had profited from the downfall of Overwatch, and stole their tech, including his tactical visor and the Heavy Pulse Rifle he wields. How...

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