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Type 0 going far off the deep end now
Q: Minecraft Forge textures missing (1.7.10)

waltSo I've been modding minecraft for about a week now and its been going smooth, but after i upgraded forge form 1.7.2 to 1.7.10 I've had texture problems. Items recieved from mods, mod items as well as mod blocks, (and certain vanilla ones) either come up as black squares or blue/static like, or t...

Movie magic. Minus the magic.
@GnomeSlice Oh black panther?
Is this for the new one?
I guess
Oh and the magic guy
you know the one with the magic
Q: Having a static ip

ForcelydatedSo, I am running my Minecraft server, and I am using dial-up connection. Everytime I restart my computer or reconnect the dial-up connection, my ip changes. My question is, is there any alternate software/way that can let me to have a static ip even after I restart my computer?

@RedRiderX Vision?
@Lazers2.0 Nah man that's something your isp needs to hook up
Also dial-up? You have my respect and condolences.
@GnomeSlice Nah the cumbersnatch guy
Oh, he's in these now?
Vision is the robot I think.
@GnomeSlice Nah that's the thing
@RedRiderX The purple guy, yes.
Not actually a robot
His own movie isn't out yet
Same with Black Panther
Robert Downey Jr. posted that, so I guess he has insider access
I'd guess so
The Black Panther clip is from Captain America: Civil War.
And Bendersnitch Cumberbuns is in Doctor Strange.
Hello everybody! It's time for "Help @lesspop make poor life choices!"
Our favourite game!
I forgot to eat dinner and am hungry now as ten pm approaches.
Should I 1) order pizza 2) order wings 3) resolve to put on shoes and drive over to Wawa for some manner of gross sandwich or 4) travel more than the quarter mile to Wawa in search of someplace with actual food?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Pizza
Notable caveats: a) I have One (1) 22 oz bottle of fairly good beer and not particularly good tap water to drink (the tap water is fine, honestly, but the tap doesn't run cold enough, IMO, and it is a pain to fill a bottle and refrigerate it to be drinked. b) I am leaving this hotel tomorrow morning and thus would rather not have leftovers
@LessPop_MoreFizz I mean, on the one hand I am required by law to state that Wawa is delicious
On the other hand you should get wings
I did have Wawa for lunch yesterday.
Or not yesterday.
Two days ago.
It's all blurry
Wings it is!
Hooray! Now I kind of want wings, hrm. But I think we're having some sort of chicken with bacon for dinner so that's a pretty excellent fallback.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Small pizza
or medium, rather
@LessPop_MoreFizz at least you have (had?) alcohol to drink. All I have is a few shots of vodka and nothing to mix it with. Or clean glasses to drink it from for that matter.
@MBraedley the vodka will sanitize the glassware.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I still lack mix for it.
anyways, off to bed
That distant "I'd really rather be somewhere else" look though
Nah, man. That's the "Did I leave the gas on?" look.
He just seems so serene
The next frame probably would have told a different story
What the hell is this show (watching Preacher)
@Unionhawk it's preacher. Nuff said.
@TimStone indeed, a fraction of a second later he was on his knees with his forehead to the floor crying.
This might be the greatest thing I have ever witnessed
Oh, is it airing now?
It is
Preacher is a classic.
So I beat Type 0
Yeah Preacher is amazing
Type 0 was... hm. Not sure how I feel.
Gameplay: good. Concept: good. Other stuff: eh...
The structure is bizarre
Very unsatisfying ending
@twobugs I'm honestly surprised you finished it before Overwatch came out.
I could have done it sooner but I was sorta putting it off
It just feels strange. It's like a Persona game but not
I appreciate what they tried to do and I think on a gameplay level it really succeeded
Geeeeeze dubs still getting clobbered.
I'll probably platinum this and try to get some of the optional stuff done cause I want to experience the game more... it kind of does this thing where you simply won't have time or be strong enough to do a lot of content until later playthroughs
I think I found my newest outlet to burn survey money
The Feed Me Delicious Things fund?
Pffffft. My fund is a much better investment than @TimStone's
It's Google play credit occasionally in small amounts
Not only is it not Real Money
I think we broke @Unionhawk
No you're both just either dumb or just unfamiliar with Google surveys where all I have had to answer lately is "I'm 18-24 and can't afford luxury goods"
I was just kind of expecting a second part to the "Not only" bit :P
Well that's basically it actually
Plus my battery is dying so
I just use my survey $$$$ on Hearthstone
@Unionhawk Fair enough

Proposed Q&A site for geology experts and enthusiasts.

Closed before being launched.

@twobugs do u have the "~~~hope's end" legendary card that uses random spell the number of times you used a spell in the game.
Q: Prevent griefing

ForcelydatedI am running a Minecraft 1.9 server. I have built a hub and I want to protect it with WorldGuard but WorldGuard latest version only support Minecraft 1.8.1. I have tried to use the latest version of WorldGuard but it doesn't work. AntiBuild and EssentialProtect also didn't work for 1.9. So, is th...

Q: What does the '76' in Soldier 76's name represent?

O-OSoldier 76 is Jack Morrison. After the death of Overwatch, Morrison was presumed dead when in reality he was in hiding. He raided multiple corporations that had profited from the downfall of Overwatch, and stole their tech, including his tactical visor and the Heavy Pulse Rifle he wields. How...

why is my question being voted to close
That's like saying you can't ask questions about Master Chief until Halo 6 comes out
@BlueBug Yogg? No, I don't. But I'm really tempted to craft one, people seem to agree it's a very fun card
I went up against a guy who played that but got completely destroyed by RNG, though
the card is mainly for fun than victory.
I am a terrible hstone player. so I feel like extending the game till end to pray RNG to grant me victory is more of a fun strategy.
wish I could craft the card. I want it so bad.
I'm bad too. I've been playing for a while but I only recently started trying to get serious. I need to craft myself some actual decks so I can make headway
I didn't realize the new Ratchet & Clank is a reboot. It's still cool though because it's basically a reboot/remake of the first game in the series, which is like 15 years old now and didn't age well
Q: advises utilizing Dove Sensitive Skin Beauty Bar

leslierezListed here is the essential lotion tip: if you are convinced (or pushed) to damage - that is if you want a moisturizing gel or cream. You may soon discover how frequently the skin needs to have added moisturizing help prevent these episodes of severe itching.Skin Care Products (Component-2) Natu...

@committingsudoku People are voting to close as "developer intent", not "unreleased content". It seems that some people think you're asking something that can inherently only be answered by developers. And since you've gotten only 2 close votes in 5 hours, it's likely that most users disagree.
Q: Can you choose the update you play in in steam?

MatsI want to play a game in an older update, but I don't know if that's possible...

Q: Is experience the same regardless of level?

BenWhen you assign dwellers to a room like the Diner or the Power Generator, they accrue experience, and level up. Does it take the exact same amount of experience to level up, regardless if the dweller is level 1 or level 50?

Q: Will using High Power Weapons in my Vault going to cause unwanted outcomes?

BenI have come across a few Uncommon and Rare weapons, Like a Flamer and a Fat Man. Having played Fallout, I know that these weapons always come with the instructions "Handle With Care". If I give one of these weapons to a Dweller in my Vault, will this cause unintentional damage to my Vault, or ot...

Q: What does a Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) notification look like?

user1306322I'd like to know what messages appear when somebody is cheating and VAC detects it. Do they appear in-game (for games which support VAC natively) or via Steam's game overlay (opened by pressing shift-tab)? Does the game immediately close to show the message? What happens on the screen throughout ...

2 hours later…
Q: Mcpe IP can't add colon symbol

SilhouetteI wanted to join a server but I can't seem add the colon symbol (:) in the "IP Address" textbox, please help. The IP Address that the server has ,has a colon symbol in it so.

MUSCLEPHARTS! They're @twobugs' favourite source of TRUE PRO MUCH CORE GAMER MANHOOD! Make your muscles FART the FAT away! MUSCLEPHART!!
@Lazers2.0 ded
@PrivatePansy you can't stop the musclepharts
Huh, it looks like someone mapped the inside of the School of Computing building and uploaded the information to Google Maps
Unfortunately it seems only the ground floor was mapped.
Seems like someone's experiment. That's the only building in the entire campus that has an indoor map
Q: How do you make custom colored scoreboard on minehut (a server to host servers)

RileyHow to make Custom colored scoreboards on mchost.co (a minecraft server) i wanna now how to make colored scoreboards on it for my minehut server. And thx to who ever answers question

2 hours later: Program that lets oculus games run on vive is updated to allow it again
Oculus doesn't want vr to succeed
They just want money
Yeah, from thursday to sunday they blocked it, now the revive software also allows you to run pirated games. Good job oculus!
Tbh now other their move I'd pirate oculus gamea
It's not the developers fault. They had no say in the matter
I'd buy it from devs, not from oculus ' website
Why would I pay money to oculus to lock me out again?
Oculus exclusives which require this program aren't available from other websites
@KevinvanderVelden makes sense.
It's mostly for 2 things: Oculus exclusives only sold on their store, people who've bought stuff at the oculus store and later got a vive
Q: 1.9 Kill syntax

James TompkinsSo I am trying to make a command block to kill all creepers. The syntax in the command block is: kill @e[type=Creeper, r=10] This command is even directly shown on the Wiki. I am assuming that the syntax must have changed in 1.9.2, or is there a server setting I am missing that is needed fo...

Q: How Do I Use /scoreboard To Change Clone or Tp Coordinates

user148180I don't really know how to explain this lol, but here goes. I'm working on a map. I have a huge 20x1x200 area, and I'm cloning it into a 20x1x20 area. The command goes a little like this: /clone 12 104 -55 14 124 -91 46 121 24 then /clone 12 104 -54 14 124 -90 46 121 24 then /clone 12 104 -5...

Q: Any guide fo champion counters that is uptodate and not depending on internet connection?

Karoui HaythemIs there any guide for champions counters (2 or 3 champions) for all the champions ? something like a table that contains all champs and their counters, not depending on internet connection. Thanx for pointing me to it if it exists. I am seekeing for something like : champion | counter ...

anyway this is probably going to lawsuits
blah blah blah drm blah blah blah dmca blah blah everything is terrible
From what I've read it's probably legal (according to the 5th circuit court or some such) if used to access content via unsupported methods rather then used to pirate games
This seems like a thing that clearly falls under that
doesn't mean there won't be a lawsuit, or at least a cease and desist
Q: How to quickly toggle the HUD in Doom 2016 (without going into Options)

willemDoom 2016 is such a beautiful game. I like taking snapshots of the scenery, but always have a bigass gun in the way. Is there a way to quickly disable the HUD, do a screenshot, and then re-enabling the HUD? Maybe a console command? I don't want to delve into the Options every time... "aint nobod...

Q: Three display (Surround screen)

Prabagaran Gi am using nvidia display surround and using 3 monitors. whenever i am opening any application or images it is opening on the left most screen. I want them open in to the middle monitor. i have created Using interface(in C#) for accessing the games. that UI shoud come on the middle screen when t...

@Lazers2.0 big ass-gun
@PrivatePansy is that like @AshleyNunn's hug gun?
> TMN GO requires a newer version of the Flash Player. Click here to get the latest version

If you already have a recent version of Flash Player installed, you may need to enable it in your browser. Click here to get more details
Erm.. Is there any way to turn off notifications for a specific post?
Best approach

Proposed Q&A site for people who wants to dive into some new technology, but they have no idea on how to proceed. This is not about asking people to do things for you, but to ask them what is the best approach to learn and use something new that you don't know.

Currently in definition.

@aytimothy nup
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment facepalm
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment nup
@fredley Dang. I guess it's ❤ to notifications every few hours or so for stuff not directed at me... :c
@aytimothy I could destroy your account, that would stop the notifications
:P @fredley
Or alternatively ask a not-so-power-mad mod to lock the question?
@KevinvanderVelden That could work
@KevinvanderVelden probably not his question, just something he commented on maybe?
I mean, if it's so many notifications that it's annoying it's probably way off topic
@KevinvanderVelden probz
What's the question, I'll take a look
@Chippies then people would have to @ping him in a reply
@KevinvanderVelden It's on-topic to the question.
@KevinvanderVelden maybe something he answered then :P
@aytimothy Why all
@aytimothy the comment
@aytimothy pings though?
@fredley Dunno, but a comment just notif'd my phone that was set to notify someone eles.
@aytimothy Those comments are pretty offtopic
A discussion of Valve's terminology, rather than the answer
@fredley Not really, there's a couple of on-topic ones, like this one
> Throne of Games
cc: @Wipqozn
> ... Note the syntax isn’t the usual double pipe || operator that we associate with or, rather a single pipe | character ...
... PHP 7.1 introduces visibility modifiers to constants ...
... With PHP 7.1 it is now possible to specify that a function has a void return type, i.e. it performs an action but does not return anything ...
... Example four contains numeric values, so everything else is stripped out, and the sum of those are used to calculate the total of 10. But it would still be nice to see a warning, as this may not be intended behaviour ...
can i use my old router to host a minecraft server?
@Chippies -1 not enough doritos or gamerfuel
@watonis no.
@badp +10 no doritos and no gamerfuel
@watonis what do you think a router is? What do you think a minecraft server needs?
well a pc
but if i connect to my router and host on closed mode
because it says it works when offline
or its a lie
I mean unless your "old router" is actually a sufficiently powerful box with at least one gigabyte of ram or so, on which you have root access, etc.
Aah, so the question isn't can you host a minecraft server on your old router
acually its a tp-link router from 2010
its not that old
its 6 years old
younger than me
It's 6 year old in tech years, that's "Take it out back and shoot it, it's had a good run" level of old
this is how my server might be like
wait for a link
it says i can use it offline
and since my mc is cracked
anyone can join!
unless they can detect my wifi
Aah there's the problem
Don't use cracked minecraft and the problem goes away
well no
i dint have enought money for minecraft
so i told everyone to use a mineshafter
and this is waht my router is
really a good one for me
and picture is in 1080p
which is why its taken on xperia t3
I don't follow that chain of order->consequence but whatever
but im still gonna be hosting it
A router doesn't influence whether or not you can run a game (or well, it shouldn't)
but i dont care
if it will fail
because i can host of my routers ipv4 address
or i can use lan mode
so my pc will host on both
The problem is the cracked minecraft and not having an account, I don't know how to work around that or if it's possible and I'm not gonna look for it
> From the Director of the Fast and the Furious
That should never be a thing advertised in any star trek product
well i know its pirated
Poor Star Trek
but i know you dont support this kind of stuff
Well, we'll always have TNG and DS9
@Wipqozn true, though it doesn't necessarily mean it'll be a bad movie
Kevin its not the problem i did try to host on my pc
@KevinvanderVelden I'm just lamenting over the fact Star Trek is no longer Star Trek
and on my dads pc it did find it
Also has everyone seen the new xkcd? It's about rainbows! And setting the world on fire
and hasn't been since Star Trek JJ first came out
my dad doesnt play minecraft but it was jsut a test
Q: invisible followers ps3

Amnicki951I had a bloodhound and I accidentally told him to go home, so I caught up with him and told him to follow me. but he isn't following me and he is no where to be found is there a way to get it to recognize that I have no followers without out loading a previous save?

@Wipqozn true :(. Still entertaining to watch though
You know what's the worst?
Well besides @Wipqozn. Cramp in your neck is the second worst
Terminal cancer?
Third worst
I'll let you decide which is placed where
@KevinvanderVelden I'm not entirely sure if I get it. Is it about something in the Bible?
@PrivatePansy yes, according to the bible god changed the laws of physics to apologize for murdering everyone in the flood and promised to never commit genocide via that specific method again
But hey we have rainbows now
(I kinda wonder how eyes would have worked before rainbows)
I need a trump_supporter.txt twitter bot in my life
Is that not a thing yet?
@KevinvanderVelden considering the damage one single missing rainbow can do... It must have been pretty bad and gloomy.
@KevinvanderVelden HUMM
@badp I am not a trump supporter, I just say hmmm
@KevinvanderVelden HUMMM
With various amounts of h-s and m-s, no u-s
And certainly no capital u-s
but what about MEXCAO
do you know about MEXCAO DRUGS?
now with 20% added chocolate.
I'm dutch, we already have drugs and a sensible drug policy
Also plenty of chocolate that is better than american chocolate
@KevinvanderVelden Imported from the south.
(Mostly because american chocolate is terrible)
@Arperum that is true
But still
but did you combine the two
@badp Combining drugs with anything is done everywhere I assume, or is that a typical Belgian thing?
@Arperum combining anything with anything else seems to be a pretty belgian thing to do tbh
@badp Possibly.
I have never heard about this, but then again I'm not really a player in the market
I hear that washing powder is a popular additive
There are a lot of people selling chocolate with weed in it
Nor am I.
Not just someone who melted a chunk of chocolate and put some weed in it, no actually professional looking weed-chocolate bars
I'm pretty sure I've heard about people trying to smoke chocolate though.
still the idea of Kellogs' Chocopots makes me jiggle stupidly
part of a balanced breakfast
@KevinvanderVelden In Czech there was a weed tea and candy stand.

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