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새로운 비타민은 언제나 환영이야 출처는 디시 오버워치갤 https://t.co/AbGMvZG0Uo
@Fluttershy Ah, I see
Lunch.. I'll have to see what's available in the company canteen.
Looks like the Israeli Defense Minister resigned over governmental extremism... this doesn't bode well
Oh cool, FC Cincinnati is hosting Crystal Palace FC in July apparently
good morning bridge
New Horizons identified a new decently sized KBO, but it won't be within range to do close observation until 2019
Isn't it in interstellar space now?
@Dragonrage mornin
16 hours until TH7
th7 is a pretty nice th to be at.
you get access to dragons
giants + healers = best th6 strat imo
@Unionhawk Technically no
Voyagers are
TH7 is the biggest TH in the game though
loads more troops, loads more walls, loads more buildings and dark elixir.
@twobugs ah, still within solar wind or w/e
Has anyone here beaten Uncharted 4 yet?
@Sterno Yes, hello
@ardaozkal you can go from th5 to a fully maxed th8 in the time it takes to max th9
The issue earlier was caused by a routing problem, which has been resolved, so all sites should be back to normal.
I just did the bit where you drive around a jeep near King's Bay (for the first time, anyway), got to a tower, found a wall with a bunch of symbols on it which then triggered an ambush, and my team just split up. How far do you think I am roughly?
@Sterno Halfway in chapter count, under halfway in terms of total content I'd say
Well, maybe about halfway overall
I'm never going to finish this before Overwatch
Hmmm I wonder: the moved messages have an arrow before the message, what would happen if the message was exactly the max length?
@Dragonrage oh, nice.
In other news, I suck at Crash Bandicoot
Elena just has a decent high score
But yeah, my Crash skills have atrophied.
@Sterno funfact: crash bandicoot 1 is the first game I've played.
You could definitely beat Uncharted 4 before Overwatch
If you're not a slacker anyway
@twobugs Probably not with about 2 hours of gaming per day left
Oh, less. I'm heading out of town this weekend.
Q: Getting Heroes in PvZH

Fictional CarachterHow do you get heroes, and when you get them via the 'Calling all heroes' thing, do you get different options depending on what u picked earlier? And what are all the ways to get heroes? Is there a certain number of times u can get them from acheivements? Plz help.

@Sterno Casual scum
Well you're probably playing on easy mode so it's definitely possible
@Sterno Not knowing what a 'gank squad' is, I'm not sure about clicking that link
@twobugs I'm not, though this is exactly the sort of game that would make me consider it. Combat gameplay is boring as hell in the Uncharted games
@Sterno Disgusting
Honestly, climbing is boring too
@fredley Basically it's a bunch of people trying to kill one person in Dark Souls 3 PVP
In retrospect, I probably should have just watched other people play Uncharted
'Gank squad' typically means just a group of people trying to kill other players. It has a negative connotation of them trying to get an unfair advantage
@Sterno 5/7 perfect video
Typically picking 3 or 4 v 1 engagements in their favor
I think I first heard the term "ganking" get popular back in the early WOW days when rogues would sneak up on people who were fighting multiple mobs in PVE, backstab them, and then vanish again while the mobs kept beating on them
VTC as urmom
If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete themselves upon execution.
That's horrible starbait and you should feel bad
You're all terrible
@Dragonrage damn that's an awesome quote
@twobugs except @AshleyNunn
She could have prevented this but chose not too
also I never feel bad about starbait. I wholeheartedly embrace my roots from the bridge
Honestly I just starred it to annoy @twobugs
@Unionhawk good point
@Unionhawk a good a reason as any i suppose
seriously though, java is not nearly as bad as say PHP
I have the best reasons
@Wipqozn uses php. nuff said
I will never understand the "Java is teh worst" meme
It's stupid and baseless
It is, but the "annoy @twobugs" meme is stupid and has a base
This is highly irregular but I'm going to allow it
besides, if you're going to criticize java you should do it with super verbose classnames
"I’m not a real programmer. I throw together things until it works then I move on. The real programmers will say “Yeah it works but you’re leaking memory everywhere. Perhaps we should fix that.” I’ll just restart Apache every 10 requests." -Rasmus Lerdorf (Creator of PHP)
"Starbait" needs to be a valid flag reason
@GodEmperorDune pls.fredley.tom.modabuse
@twobugs if so, I would flag that message
@Sterno did you ever finish Doom 2016, or did you quit due to cowardice?
Probably quit due to slacker
He probably forgot about it already
@twobugs True, old folks do forget things a lot
Like how to spell "a lot"
@twobugs I know how to spell it. I just make a lot of typos.
Hmm, UPS is piloting a feature to track your package in real time for time-sensitive deliveries
@TimStone I hope it takes the form of a twitter account for each package that tweets geospatial data every minute
Just a live map, sorry :P
That provides a significantly lower value of "fun" for me
@TimStone time to yell at the screen as the truck makes a left instead of a right
I hope this opens up a new dimension of unboxing videos
Where you watch someone watching the live delivery information
@Wipqozn That is a false dichotomy!
When my wife works, I don't play Uncharted because the PS4 is in the basement and if my kids wake up looking for me, it'll take them forever to find me. So those days I play DOOM. When she doesn't work, then I play Uncharted
So you make your wife work while you play video games? You monster.
However, I'm going out of town this weekend, and when I have gaming time Monday, Overwatch will be out.
So on Monday, cowardice might be the reason
We need 12 Bridge people playing Overwatch so that we can set up 6v6 matches
@Sterno i'll be on ~9pm PT
I will try to be on at launch
I don't think we even have 12
I'll be on at launch
i will be at work at launch
I count like 9
Note that we will almost definitely have trouble logging in
Bridge Match. Every bullet is a vote to close.
At least some of us, that is
@MadMAxJr This sounds dumb
@twobugs Probably @KevinvanderVelden
Thats because it is dumb.
That's the price he pays for being a Dragon
I don't know when I'll get my copy because physical shipping
Wait what why
they still make those?
Dragons love to sit on their loot, duh
They're like cats
I'd love to play, but unfortunately the girlfriends play group takes priority.
@twobugs I'm the only dragon here.
@Unionhawk We can if we include The Bridge's extended family (@Wipqozn's friends, @Kexlox, @MBraedley's brothers)
It was @MBraedley with brothers, right? I forget
@Sterno he has at least 1
We could include my Very Stupid Friend but I don't think he is actually going to buy Overwatch
@twobugs That would make it very difficult to include him.
@Unionhawk a profile picture does not make you a dragon
I don't think that's how it works
If we're just going by name you aren't a dragon either
You're a dragon type attack
That doesn't even scale so it isn't even good
dragon is my surname, rage is my name, however by my family's naming convention, the surname comes before the first name.
@MadMAxJr Hmm, if this means I get to use mod abuse then I guess I'm in
Mod abuse would be a custom match where we ban Bastion.
Remember when that guy had a shield?
a 1000 health shield?
No. Because I wasn't in the closed beta.
I mean generally
@Sterno yes, at least one of my brothers were playing with us
ooo, Elite Dangerous 2.1 drops on Thursday
I'm not sure if either has bought the game, though.
Is there cross play with PC and Console Elite?
Xbox One has a sale on Elite right now
I don't know much about it but I like Space and Numbers
PC would hilariously destroy console players
Oh, Elite. Nevermind
@twobugs Not exactly, unfortunately
They felt it would be a balancing issue?
Hm. That's too bad
The persistent universe is shared among everyone but you'll never encounter PC commanders on Xbox
@Sterno yeah, and it was two brothers. Chuck and...someone else.
I can't remember the other ones name.
That's... interesting. So what kind of game is Elite? Similar to the X series?
@Wipqozn Larry? Maybe it was brother-in-law
It's a first person space game
@TimStone I'm not sure if console has access to HOTAS peripherals, which may or may not constitute a balancing issue.
You are an independent pilot in the year 3302
That's the game
Anything else is pretty much up to you
@twobugs It's similar-ish, you can explore, trade, combat to your preference
@Unionhawk Someone had set you up the bomb.
@Yuuki We get signal?
I enjoy destroying unsuspecting criminal ships, but you can also explore and whatnot
And if you're into serious player roleplaying there's communities around that
@MBraedley Didn't even notice you replied
What with that whole competition now to turn one of them into a major power
@Sterno I actually have one more person who can join us too, I think. So I'm sure we can manage 12.
Interesting, I'll consider it I guess. It's nice I'm not cut off from the whole universe if I get the Xbox One version, but it sounds like that probably isn't worth saving a few bucks
Umm... IIRC, Urdu is the most spoken language in Pakistan.
And may be the national language.
@Yuuki It is
That article seems to be based on a false pretense, then
That said it isn't a plurality, 44% speak Punjabi, 8% Urdu
My cat that is old and has been about 21lbs for most of his life is down to 14 lbs. He lost 7lbs in about 4 months. This does not bode well for him.
@Sterno Sorry to hear that
The article doesn't really explain why people are supposedly lying on their census.
You know, because multiculturalism is bad or whatever
Does Canada provide some sort of subsidy or funding for quickly growing minority languages or something?
Like government funding for language classes?
I mean... Urdu is the official language of Pakistan and is understood by ~75% of the population. That counts for something
I dunno, Canada has official languages unlike the United States (which merely has a de facto official language)
Uncharted 4 is making me want to watch The Goonies.
@Sterno Man, I haven't Lord of the Rings in so long.
Punjabi is the most spoken overall, but there is a lot of regional variation. I don't think there needs to be a conspiracy for people to pick that as their mother tongue.
@GnomeSlice how does one group trying to distort the census make "a dark side of multiculturalism"?
The article seems to be trying to get as close as possible to "Islam is bad" without actually saying it outright
Also, consistently referring to Urdu as a Pakistani language and then saying "this beautiful language of northern India" is just asking for trouble.
@murgatroid99 The story is from a Tabloid
@twobugs Did you feel like Nathan Drake is even more or a straight-up murderer in this game than in previous ones? I mean, he goes to steal a <thing> in one of the early chapters, and when detected, just starts murdering security guards left and right.
No witnesses
Dead men tell no tales
@Yuuki I have a feeling that the author of that article has a greater personal stake in this political issue than they let on
@Sterno Sort of. That's kind of a running theme
I think it's really funny when in one of the first chapters someone else kills a man and Nate gets upset
@murgatroid99 yeah i read that as well
Despite him having killed at least 1000 people on screen up until that point
(Granted, the timeline is fuzzy)
Nathan Drake: Super Murder Man
One day I will play the Uncharted series
He just really likes to kill people. Elena is the perfect counterpart for him because she also enjoys it (playing as her in multiplayer is AMAZING)
@twobugs Well, there's killing the people trying to kill you because they're murderers, and then there's killing other people so you can do a thing you want to do that you shouldn't be doing in the first place
I don't think Nathan Drake makes that distinction
I think it's just "person I am allowed to kill" and "person I am not allowed to kill"
He got mad when Rafe killed that guy because Rafe stole his kill, you see
Josh Brolin was the older brother in Goonies. My mind was just blown.
// Safety pig has arrived!
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He's about to be safety bacon.
Email sent out to everyone that there is free cake, cheese, and cookies.
@twobugs It was weirder for me when he's all "No, we're not bringing guns to this heist" and then his brother is like "I brought one anyway, here" and then Nate is all "OMG, good thing, BLAM BLAM MURDER BLAM"
@twobugs time to run, son
Don't send an email to people in a different building about free food. That's mean :(
@twobugs just go to the other building
@Sterno True, I just think the idea is to show him as a morally flexible guy
@GodEmperorDune It's actually not that easy, this building is pretty far away
@twobugs but the cake, cheese, and cookies?
They'll have to wait. Or I'd be the one doing the weighting.
@twobugs that means you can burn the calories you consume
Man that was so clever. I'm so much better than @Wipqozn.
That's not saying much. It's like me claiming I'm better at gaming than @twobugs.
Obviously that's the case, but it doesn't actually say anything about my gaming skill.
cc urmom on that sick burn
man @Yuuki is the @twobugs of sick burns
cc @Wipqozn
cc @Wipqozn on that burn
Crap. They're turning the movie Frequency into a CW series, and I'm going to have to watch it because time travel (sort of)
But... CW
Didn't they already do that?
I don't think so
Oh wait, I'm thinking about a different time travel movie.
Syfy adapted a series based on Twelve Monkeys.
@Sterno Man CW is so bad
@Wipqozn yeah, no one gets rep from it
@Wipqozn They have the shows I should like, based on genre, but then they teen-ify them.
death to cw
@Unionhawk copenhagen wolves?
yes obviously
i think they died
is time travel/nostalgia TV shows the new flavor of the season? There seem to be a lot of shows looking to that this coming fall
well, at least they got knocked out of the lcs
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Which other ones?
Q: If you advance Arenas while your card request is up, which tier card request do you get?

wizlocFor example, I am in Royal Arena. I am trying to push back to Legendary before my card request is available in a few hours. If I reach Legendary after my card request is available, do I get to request 30 commons and 3 rares, or 40 commons and 4 rares?

Oh, I just found 4. Okay, yeah, apparently it's the new thing
@PrivatePansy is the worst
Making me want to play Infinifactory, then not giving me a key
@fredley how is inifinifactory compared to factorio?
@GodEmperorDune different
I want to play Railcraft (the minecraft mod) after watching Zisteau do shenanigans with trains in Factorio
@Sterno Timeless, Time After Time, That Making History Fox documentary type show, 24 reboot/spinoff, Time Traveling Bong, Legends of Tomorrow... the list probably goes on
24 is going to have time travel now?
@Sterno falls under the nostalgia portions of time ravel
I hope the new 24 show stars David Hayter
That would be a nice twist
The voice on the radio needs to be Christopher Randoph. (Otacon)
People thinking the 24 seasons take place with no time in between and it's just a really long week for Jack Bauer are cool
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ I don't know what that means
@twobugs 24 is the @twobugs of tv shows
@Sterno reboots of old franchises essentially
Jack Bauer is up to 309 on-screen kills
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ That isn't time travel!
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ a reboot is time travel?
Unless time travel rebooted it.
But not every single reboot has Spock fly through a black hole to make everything way, way worse.
Quick, throw every cast member through the black hole!
you're technically taking a nostalgic trip through memory lane, to the past. But yes, it's not literal time travel
Reboot Warehouse 13, AKA Warehouse 14.
I'm still amused by every single episode of Arrow where the Green Arrow refuses to kill whoever the main bad guy is, but kills minions left and right. In the most recent episode, the bad guy was actually saying "You can't stop me because we both know you won't kill me" while Arrow was literally killing his henchman. And the bad guy was right. Arrow let him walk away
I only recognize the DCAU Green Arrow.
It's the laziest of writing. And their action scenes suck now too
cc @StrixVaria who watched at least some of it I think
DC live action Flash is barely tolerable.
Previews make it look like the Flash season finale, and resolution to his season-long conflict with the bad guy, will be settled by a footrace
I like DC live action Flash. And Arrow
I prefer Arrow when he's being a jerk to Batman.
Nothing is more terrifying than a villain who decides, "Eh, beat me at a footrace, and I'll turn myself in"
@Sterno thats flash villains for you
Flash and his best friend Memelord who can see an episode into the future.
@MadMAxJr His vision works more often across distance or dimensional boundaries than across time
They've moved that character away from 'Gimme a minute and I'll hack that!' which I'm rather glad.
Wanted to bang my head on the coffee table when he 'hacked' a nuclear facility.
They're having a lot of fun with the Earth 2 plotline.
@MadMAxJr oh no, hacking too much time
@MadMAxJr I've said this before: Hollywood hackers are just an excuse to write wizards into a world that doesn't otherwise have that type of magic
@twobugs At least say .gif on the end of that, you lazy bastard
@murgatroid99 that's why they always call them "tech wizards"
Hackerman would protest this notion of computer based wizardry.
I've become convinced that whenever a script writer includes a "hacker" in a script, the mental image they have is a technomage/technopath
@murgatroid99 and the way they show hacking and counterhacking... "he's too fast, i can't reroute the controls"
New Pathfinder spell: Bridge IPv4 to IPv6
He's buffering our gigawatts faster than I can delete his IP addresses!
Best hacking:
@Sterno two sets of hands on the keyboard makes the hack twice as fast
Because they have twice as much hacker power when you put them together
So if that's how we're going to do it, then I demand the next crime drama featuring technology problems have a scene where they consult a real wizard. Beard, hat, staff.
Maybe they were just lying to their boss about hacking though. It looks more like they were visiting a porn site, started getting a ton of popups, and were both mashing buttons to try to close them all.
Games used to have 'The Boss Key' for that.
It's all because it doesn't matter what the computer is actually doing. What matters to the audience is what the characters are doing, and how they are reacting to what's going on.
@Sterno they were "researching malware"
@murgatroid99 like how elevators always take one conversation to get to their destination
Show idea: Hacker is so good he can hack any system... even ones IN THE PAST.
Time Travel + Hacking = ALL THE MAGIC
Past hacking...
@Sterno hacking too much time is already done
and actually there was a couple of voyager episodes about a ship hacking the timeline
"What?! when did they build chronoshields?!"
"I don't understand, this machine cannot be hacked!" "Wizard, this machine has no network line. You must interface, MANUALLY."
Congratulations on being more out of touch with memes than my dad.
@twobugs urmom is more out of touch with memes than urdad
cc @Wipqozn
Well my mom can't be hacked.
I wonder if that girl from Jurassic Park 1 is a mom now. And if her kids make fun of her
"It's not unix mom, how could you possibly know this?"
"Okay, you're not going to college"
@twobugs i thought that someone made a jurassic park os
Does it use Chris Pratt to stop runaway processes?
Some guy made a miniature Jurassic Park for his turtle
That turtle is the envy of all others.
@MadMAxJr we don't speak of him or his superblue eyes
in unrelated news, does anyone play istrolid.com ?
I'm trying it out.
Q: Ziggurat's list of weapons(staves,spells, etc..)

B.J. A.A.Where i can find a full list of weapons of this game? i have seen that you can see the weapons in the 'armory' in the extras in-game menu but those are the one you have already unlocked

And now, the Donutccino: http://dnain.fo/1Tsf44Q https://t.co/W8U73i40O2
We've gone too far
yeah, coffee is a terrible flavor
@GodEmperorDune LIES
@TimStone i would ban him too
tea will rein supreme
@Dragonrage good thing you're not a mod
@GodEmperorDune see, the trick is to joke about mod abuse when ur not a mod, then actually be serious if you are ever a mod

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