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oh wait
@Unionhawk Oh, I see
I remember eating chocolate covered espressos. Those were fine, yeah.
@Unionhawk Same answer, basically
Just a spoonful of some bold coffee is a bad idea though
Like there's doing it wrong and then there's whatever that is
@fredley sir I'm on fire.
That is a dank burn on kalina level.
brb, going to make coffee
@ardaozkal <SheldonCooper> Actually, people also drink eaten coffee </SheldonCooper>
@Derpy oh I know that
Oooh my Pine64 arrived
@Unionhawk This is an annoying image
@Derpy nope the one I heard about is this, which is a cheaper variant of that.
@twobugs welcome to the internet, you must be new here
> See also: List of delicacies.
@ardaozkal Seriously. Don't.
@badp What's this internet thing?
@twobugs it's a place where people wouldn't just go and tell lies to each other
damn you @badp you broke my chat. The hover css on this just won't go.
Lying is bad.
I saw "you have been invited to Android hell" on my work computer on SO and knew what happened
Lying about video games is REALLY bad.
@ardaozkal this is okay
Dear Comixology: WTF
If someone used this "internet" thing to be wrong - or even worse - to lie? I hope they end up in some sort of dungeon forever more
wait, that is an actual book?
hmm, that is now on my reading list
There is apparently another wave of WoW beta invites going out and I'm going to be real upset if I'm left out
I thought it was because I was logged in, but no, I wasn't. And I don't have many of those comics on Comixology anyway.
@twobugs Prepare to be upset.
Comixology was kind of weird when I used it, but that was like 5-6 years ago
You are what you eat, right? Now you can be Kobe.
@twobugs you should be able to quote your Senpai Noti-co experience with DS3
@Arperum It's the internet. I always am.
@badp Sent me a steam message last night to make sure I saw some of his ART. I saw it. It was too much ART for me
ART scares me.
@ardaozkal go sit in the corner and think about what you've done
@twobugs and you didn't see Parker The Hedgehog Except He Has Ears Instead Of Spikes
mostly because you don't know Parker
I... don't think I need to see that.
don't worry, I know what's better for you
@badp as in @BenBrocka's cat?
@Unionhawk yes
@twobugs fight fire with fire. Send him the results of Google Rare Dream processing on a snowflake obsidian texture.
someone thought the result would be improved by using an instagram filter
@Derpy No. We do not need to escalate the ART.
I can't really agree
Whatsapp for PC is out for Windows and Mac.
"we put our web page in its own browser and called it a native app"
@badp prolly that
downloadnig to check
You filthy pie rat
It's just frustrating since I used to have some affiliation with conservation authorities in Michigan. Even asking people to hunt in sustainable amounts so that they can continue to hunt in the future faces insane pushback
I wish computer chairs weren't so expensive
That's really just from the fringe, though. Many game hunters actually support conservation because they recognize how important it is to the longevity of the lifestyle they love
@twobugs come to Ohio the deer population is high iirx
That's cool and I respect that.
@Unionhawk Deer population is high around here and there was INSANE pushback when they tried to organize a cull.
Opponents refused to suggest any alternatives
@twobugs aren't the poachers usually people that don't hunt for fun/sports?
@Chippies Term here is being used to refer to just illegal hunting
Canada Geese are also dicks listed as no concern
But typically the idea is people who are illegally hunting rare or endangered animals
I mean, I only know poachers from movies/tv shows, but they always seem to be the kind to do it for money or other bad reasons
The thing with deer is if we don't keep the population at sustainable levels they'll fall into a boom/bust cycle
Where population will explode, then they'll overgraze and have mass starvations
Which is a lot less humane of a death than a bullet, but that's just IMO.
oh deer!
Get the fuck out
Plus deer are actually pretty dangerous and harmful to local ecosystems
well of course, a human would put the bullet in the deer, so that's plenty human
deer is just animals which wish they were as coolas Moose
also maybe I'll get an excercie ball
It's wht all the cool kids are doing
I hear GabeN does it
can someone arrange a new stick of ram for @Wipqozn
I want to be cool like GabeN
@badp Maybe
he's having all sorts of parity issues, all of his output is garbled
@Unionhawk no way I'm going to pay 10$ to a physical turkish-only copy on 720p, with some scenes probably removed. Virtual movie purchasing in turkey is a joke, and the netflix's turkish library has a really small amount of movies. Extra: song.
we might have to upgrade from 512 bits to a full kilobyte
do you think we can afford that @TimStone
Also "netflix's" or "netflix'" ?
My office has this mesh chari things. I like those. In fact they might even be selling a few of them.
@badp It might cut into our snack budget, I dunno
@badp I can donate 50kbs if you want
that should be enough for turtle for a long time
@twobugs also inb7 this gets extrapolated by people to legalization of marijuana not reducing drug violence, or even, increasing it
50 kilobitseconds?
holy fuck, some random internet person suggested this: store.hermanmiller.com/Products/Aeron-Chair
that sounds like a loan, not a donation
That sure is money
Where those extrapolations are obviously dumb
But clearly that's how science works
@Wipqozn Those make excellent doorstops
@badp turtle can pay back later
@TimStone Supposedly it's a super comfy chair with a long warranty, but that price tag my word
(I don't have the picture handy but in a certain government agency one was being used to keep a door open, I kid you not)
They are very comfy, yeah. And expensive
Basically Deer suck and I hate them
They're pests.
@badp OH also I can vouch that pulp fiction is NOT bridge approved for a particular scene. Trust me. I just remembered.
@twobugs A deer hit my car once, they're the worst
That's one of the major concerns, they're pretty big and pretty stupid. They run out in front of cars all the time and can cause serious damage
I bet it didn't even signal
It didn't!
They also eat just about any and every plant, which causes a lot of damage to local ecosystems
@TimStone lol wow
After I had the courtesy to dodge it on the road, it ran into the side of my car
And left some fur, but thankfully no dents
@Wipqozn Yeah, it's like the perfect metaphor for government
@TimStone I can see it, though. The folks sitting in the chairs probably don't realize how much they cost.
Not the right tool for the job acquired at an appalling cost, but it sorta gets the job done
I don't even know why the door was open, there were zero people in the room
Q: How to /testfor a player's gamemode

KimatuyI've recently had some difficulties finishing a system; in fact, I need to /testfor myself if I'm on spectator mode or an another gamemode. Because I didn't knew what to write, I tried this, but it didn't worked: /testfor Kimatuy {gamemode:3} Can you help me with this?

@TimStone Airflow probably.
@Arperum More like your mom flow
btw @Arperum, it was great fun playing overwatch with you during the beta
@Wipqozn That doesn't even look like a good joke.
(I'll save you the trouble of replying and let you know the joke is @Arperum == @KevinvanderVelden)
@Wipqozn I'm sure @KevinvanderVelden will be delighted to hear.
@Arperum Yes
@Wipqozn wipqozn, I'm lending you 50kb of RAMs, please use it appropriately.
I wish I had played with @Arperum
@Wipqozn Your mom jokes are terrible, but that's not even a good your mom joke. It's almost as bad as your face.
I played with @KevinvanderVelden and he had a surprisingly non-draconic voice. I guess that's how they get ya.
I don't that guy is a jerk
@KevinvanderVelden is not yet ready for prime time okay
just be patient, he'll be out when he'll be out
@twobugs I mean it's more draconic than @Arperum's
@Unionhawk I'm not the person who has some weird Dutch accent. or makes the entire server lag to hell with ridiculous contraptions.
@Arperum 1) see previous message 2) yeah
3) jerk as in @Wipqozn, which is to actually say certified rad dude
@Wipqozn 't was fun, are you getting it? Because then we can play some more ^^
@Unionhawk roars loudly
Man I'm glad a majority of overwatch people are Americas
I was getting ping spikes on the American servers, I don't think I could even handle Europe
@Wipqozn Not for me at all. I'm about 15 years in and have 700+ energy. My constrained resource is influence. Mainly because my first frontier output was immediately destroyed when pirates showed up (literally spawning on top of it). Had to kiss that 200 influence goodbye, and lose access to all the mining stations in that area
@KevinvanderVelden Yes
@Sterno Pirates are jerks
@Unionhawk the connection was perfectly stable from here ;p
@Unionhawk I'm super radioactive
@KevinvanderVelden my home Internet is just Bad
@Wipqozn How did you not know about power plants? That's starting technology, isn't it?
That's a capital B bad
on the bad scale that's not much
I didn't get around to a 2nd colony until 15 years in though, which is probably later than it should have been. But my planet choices were all super crappy
@badp it's not capped or anything, but it is basic home Internet from TWC versus the BUSINESS CLASS I have at Dayton
@Sterno I didn't know how to build them
I didn't even realize you could build buildings at first.
bad badder baddest Bad Badder Baddest worst worster worstest Worst Worster Worstest terribad terribadder terribadest terriworst terriworster terriworstest @Wipqozn
I think it's in the realm of 8/1 versus TWENTY/TWENTY
and this scale is not complete
I'm going to call my mother and tell her she's rad (and then ask to borrow her truck), you should all do the same
Yes that's not super fast but it's literally twice as many fasts per fast
@Wipqozn What if I don't need the car?
Which makes it awesome
@Unionhawk you should aim for 5/7
@Wipqozn Your mother is good at trucking.
@Arperum Just tell her you love her
and that you apprecite her
and then ask her to bake you cookies
@Sterno Yes
@Wipqozn She's already making me food this evening.
@Wipqozn Building on a tile seems to take away whatever bonus the tile already gave unless the bonus matches a bonus given by the building
As does dropping a colony on a tile
Which made me sad when I dropped my colony on the best tile on the planet and effectively wiped that bonus out
Also, protip: 'e' switches between galaxy view and system view
i love when I get emails addressed to "dear mailer-daemon"
My disks are throwing a raid parity, but I wasn't invited :(
I need a laugh track button
it triggers the laugh track on everyone's browser, except for the offending party, who is offered a Very Special Punishment
@Sterno holy snap crackle and pop thank you
But seriously tho, stupid disk failure... :(
@Sterno once again proves old folks can be helpful
@badp The Bridge is filmed in front of a live studio audience
decompiled an android app, they have all sorts of crazy stuff in it. Including private keys which doesn't need to be included
@twobugs The Bridge is the live studio audience
I don't think they punish the audience, usually
@ardaozkal Wow, just wow...
> In theory, every application from a developer should be under the same signature (after all, it's >your< signature, not the app's)
that's an extremely stupid thing to put in project files
what is worse? It is an app hosted on the government's google play account
(the app is a cargo tracking app for the USPS-equivalent of turkey)
Apparently yesterday was Patch Tuesday for Redhat systems. 461 updates, and a dozen or so extra dependencies.
size of file:444, 444=r--r--r-- COINCIDENCE??? I think not!
hl4 confirmed I sayeth
Yesterday NASA announced nearly 1,300 more exoplanets. That's awesome.
Many are within their star's habitable zones
@twobugs Nah, the Bridge is filmed in front of a live studio full of figments of your imagination
That's a disturbing thought
@twobugs They're only statistically confirmed. No second observation has been made.
But I feel real, I've been lying to myself I guess...
@MBraedley True, but the statistics for all of these are extremely persuasive.
What if I'm a figment of my own imagination?
I mean, these are all the highest probability planets
@FaceSavouringDeliciousFood-Pig That's exactly what a figment would say!
@PrivatePansy But how do I tell?
It's incredible that the Kepler telescope failed it's original mission a few years ago and yet we're still going over all the data
@twobugs I just want to play the skeptic, and at the very least this prioritizes the list of candidates for secondary confirmation.
Yeah, it's a good step forward either way
Even if this approach is found to be flawed, hopefully it could lead to a refinement of the measure
nvidia better step up their game with their 10xx series
@twobugs I mean they ran it against the previous confirmed planets and false positives, and it apparently worked really well.
@Chippies They're the biggest graphics company in the world, it's a pretty safe bet they will :P
@twobugs you'd think, but they dropped the ball hard with the gtx970
(I'm not buying anything until independent benchmarks, though)
@Chippies All the more reason for them to deliver hard with the 1080
And iirc the 980 and Titan were still powerhouses
It was just the 970 which suffered
390 is just a refresh of 290, while 970 is a brand new architeture that should be superior
390x is as fast, if not faster than 980
fury x competes with 980ti
and in dx12, AMD cards destroy the 9xx series
it's not good for nvidia
hopefully they will learn from their mistakes and do some good with the 10xx series
DX12 is not widely supported yet
It's frustrating that NVidia hasn't supported it, but it's not a nail in the coffin
@twobugs when I buy a 400$ card, I expect it to be good for at least a couple years though
and there are a few pretty big dx12 titles already
The 970 is still good. DX12 has not fully materialized yet, and iirc performance for DX12 on the 970 has been improving
and more are coming
idk about improving, but nvidia has straight out said that the 9xx series can't do dx12 well
and in all the benchmarks I've seen where you can switch between dx12 and dx11, nvidia actually drops in performance on dx12
@Chippies I don't think this is exactly fair. Forza 6 was optimized for an AMD GPU from the beginning, so of course it's going to better utilize that platform better.
@MBraedley there's plenty of games optimized for nvidia gpu's where 390 beats 970
and forza isn't the only dx12 game where amd beats nvidia
anyways, gotta run a dungeon with wife
Isn't the 390 a newer card, though? If you're expecting an older card to beat a newer card...
@Sterno The game doesn't go out of its way to explain planetary buildings.
The whole tutorial isn't guided, just, "Oh, hey, you're on a new screen. Here's some info."
@MBraedley you're looking at synthetic benchmarks and they're old
970 was doing better than 390 at launch
but 390 improved a lot through drivers, whereas 970 didn't do much
I still need to figure out which one I'm going to buy. If more comparisons come in with the 390 decidedly on top, I may go for that, since right now the two are priced pretty much the same.
@MBraedley well MS seemzs likle cares about AMD more nowadays
I don't totally buy the 970 was a complete trainwreck argument, and even if it was - I don't think that necessarily dooms Nvidia. They've still achieved solid performance with the 980 and titan cards last I heard.
Yes, it sucks the 970 was flawed, but it's not a complete loss.
And for me, if the 1070 comes in at only a small premium over the 970, I might get that instead.
10** is being touted as a big improvement, but I don't necessarily buy into Nvidia's own hype
I'll wait for confirmation
@ardaozkal I still don't understand what you're saying.
@MBraedley if the choice is between 970 and 390, I doubt any sane person will recommend the 970
otherwise, wait for 1070 and see how that performs. According to nvidia, it's gonna be faster than the Titan (lol)
@MBraedley I wasn't going to send it but putting usb keyboard over laptop keyboard = issues
@Chippies That's not so much a statement about the 1070's performance as it is about how uneconomical the Titan was
@PrivatePansy Titan is still one of the fastest gpu's though
I meant that AMD and Microsoft seems like they are working a lot together.
Q: Teleport half block

ForcelydatedI am currently working on a map. There is an intro of the map where I want to let player to get teleport to have a preview of the map. But I don't want player to get teleport 1 block by 1 block. I want player to "move" along a fixed path automatically(by command block).If they try to move, they w...

@ardaozkal AMD has made console gpu's for multiple generations
it's just that current gen of consoles is actually just closed system PC's
AMD and Microsoft are working together because AMD has always cared about sharing their tech and being open
> The environmental organization is calling for cleaner cars, lower speed limits and promoting the use of bicycles and public transport. “Every year thousands of people die from unhealthy air”, Milieudefensie said. “Municipality and government really need to take drastic measures.”
I don't get how these are things that you can say in the Netherlands
> The air quality is particularly bad on busy urban roads with lots of traffic.
Not shit, Sherlock
> The environmental organization is calling for cleaner cars, lower speed limits and promoting the use of bicycles and public transport.
Emphasis added
Q: Ultima Online Classic Client cannot play

user147187I have windows 7 and I downloaded and installed the classic client from the official website. I am running it as an administrator. I have tried running it in compatibility modes but nothing solved the problem. When I click the play button client closes, computer starts running slowly but nothing ...

No gotta go fast
You should post that in the overwatch room =p
@Chippies And yet they're doing the same stuff NVidia does with having games optimized for just them :P
13 days
13 days of Scooby Doo

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