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@badp On the other <hand>, <legs>
I can't believe I was not aware of this incredible deficiency in the Hypertext Markup Language before this
So lesson learnt: cloning hard disks, especially OS partitions, should be done carefully
Bashing random MBR recovery commands into cmd.exe is probably not a good idea
You should always bash random MBR recovery commands into bash
Also, bootstraping OS is still ridiculously convoluted
In the space of two days I've learnt more than I ever wanted to about MBR, GPT, BIOS, EFI, GRUB, BCD, and a whole bunch of really fun acronyms
Overwatch was fun
@Wipqozn When you left, I missed your ice wall that was usually awesome but sometimes went up RIGHT when I'm pop my ultimate
@Sterno All five minutes of it?
I played for about 2 hours
Anti-vaxxer rage building
> What do you call Lucio's projectiles?
> Bass-balls.
@Sterno I killed @StrixVaria with an Ice Wall "on accident"
It really was on accident but it was funny. Makes you realize how powerful Mei is
Man, black coffee is really kicking my ass
@twobugs You can cancel the wall by pressing E again.
Really? Awesome
@Frank The fact people pay for this makes me rationally angry.
Mei is such a fun character, she's just different
I had a play this morning as Mei where I walled Tracer into a corner (she literally couldn't even move) while I dealt with Junkrat, and then when Junkrat was dead, I canceled the wall and killed Tracer (who tried to rewind but had been standing in the corner for so long she just didn't move).
@badp Who needs drupal when you've got <leg>s like these?
@fredley Seeing as how most anti-vaxxers are rather affluent, it makes sense that they'd have cash to burn on things like this.
Freezing someone and then casually headshotting them is great
@Frank America is awful, I'm so glad I don't live there
@fredley So how is that exiting the EU thing going? :)
*sobbing intensifies*
@twobugs That's because it is objectively terrible.
@fredley ['Merica intensifies]
@Fluttershy It's the coffee I deserve, not the coffee I need
I'll drink it, so it can punish me
Also WiFi pls
@fredley Pretty sure that picture @fbueckert linked wasn't from the US. We don't spell favor with a u because we're not terrible in that particular way.
@Sterno ......
@Sterno @fredley Now now, calm down. Don't worry, everywhere sucks. You don't need to fight about it.
@Ronan :(
@Sterno Yeah, a despicable US organization paying for propaganda outside of the US is actually not as uncommon as you might hope
Q: Are the parts of Bullet That Can Kill The Past still obtainable after crafting it?

PapaStanAfter giving all the Bullet That Can Kill The Past parts to the Blacksmith in the Forge, can i still loot the parts in my following runs ?

@twobugs In this case, the "u" came from the good guys!
Anyway, anti-vaxxers aren't an American-only problem. We're just the loudest and dumbest.
I don't understand people being that willfully stupid when it's their kids health and safety we're talking about. I guess that initial distrust has to come from somewhere. I just don't understand where.
Facebook friend just posted this the other day, and it also made me rage
@Sterno I think some of it is there are people who have had negative reactions to vaccines and they're very upset
@fredley I blame Britain for Andrew Wakefield though
Or people who had kids develop signs of autism afterwards
They're basically just trying to cope with a tough situation and taking it out on a scapegoat
That's totally true except for the things that they, you know, cure.
@PrivatePansy Yes, sorry about that
@Sterno Guess what, a live customer has greater market value than a dead one!
If you want extreme examples of 'Merica exporting our FREEDOM to other countries, there are some extremist Christian US organizations that have ties to those "kill the gays" movements in African countries
Which is really fuct
@fredley Technically speaking that can still create perverse incentives. But not in the case of vaccines though
@fredley Oh, I'm sure their line of reasoning is "They could cure this, but they'd rather just make you pay monthly for medicine instead"
@Sterno The billboard is in the US, but the extra caption isn't from the US. :P That phone number is here in the states.
@PrivatePansy Absolutely, but that's true for ALL NATURAL NON-GMO things as well
@Fluttershy Man, you're right.
Besides, if it was somewhere else, it would probably be Poulio instead of Polio
@Sterno And yeah, the pharma industry is full of scummy practices
Those are a growing business that does exactly what they're claiming "big pharma" does
Except with more opoids
@fredley Definitely. That meme is a nice, broad, anti-vax style brush to paint them with, though.
Anti-vaxx stuff is just awful. People paint it about "Freedom" or something
Freedom to infect other people with life threatening conditions is actually not enshrined in the constitution for some reason. I wonder why?
"You're free to die in whatever horrible way you choose, you are not free to subject others to it"
CC Smokers
I can somewhat see the freedom angle. I'm not a fan of government-mandated drug injections.
But I'm totally in favor of keeping their kids out of public school, then.
Yeah, if you're going to deny vaccines (I'm not saying this should be illegal) then you need to not be in public places. You endanger everyone else.
@Sterno pouliou
It's fuct to deny your children vaccines, but we allow a ton of fuct things to be done to your own children so I don't even know anymore
@Fluttershy You're right. That's better.
@Fluttershy Qu'est-ce que la pouliou?
@PrivatePansy que?
Unrelated: I'm stuck at stupid work instead of home playing Overwatch, and that's terrible.
@Fluttershy I know :(
Classy. Breitbart got upset she criticized Trump so they tracked down her property records
Jesus, I can't stop shitting on people's Facebook posts today
@twobugs At least they didn't ask for her birth certificate
> These quizzes are great click bait. They're designed to get you to share it on your Facebook wall and watch that 1 minute ad they put at the end before they show your results.

As an experiment, I purposefully answered 4 of the questions wrong. Might have had a few others wrong too... I don't know my state capitals, so that was just a random guess. It still gave me an A+. I mean, people won't share it if they fail, right? I certainly can't remember in school 80% or less being an A+
Fortunately it's weekend in just a couple more hours :D
(My sister had posted one of those "97% of people can't pass this quiz, but you got an A+!" posts)
@PrivatePansy To be fair, she apparently is not a DC resident despite working there and spending most of her time there for 10+ years
@KevinvanderVelden :( I have another day of work until the weekend
It seems like one of those things where she lives 10 inches across the line or whatever
@Arperum I took the friday off, thursday is a national holiday and wednesday is my standard day off
@KevinvanderVelden Thursday national holiday, friday replacement day off for may 1st (also national holiday) (because that was a sunday and we get it off at some other point then)
These stories about The Biggest Loser are interesting
Obviously losing that much weight that fast isn't great but the fact that it can have serious effects on their metabolism is crazy
@fredley Adult Swim

Proposed Q&A site for this site for Jain religion and jain followers and its related questions.

Currently in definition.

@KevinvanderVelden I see my original question was already asked.
@Fluttershy and I didn't arrange this just for overwatch :o
@Sterno Yeah I needed to better communicate when I was going to use it
Near the end I was trying to use it more for splitting up enemy squads
Did that a few times and it was asuper handy
@fredley Because only Europe suffering from it was not enough?
Plan your fancy dress party now
It's okay to dress up as racist stereotypes if those stereotypes are from Western Europe.
@Wipqozn That's okay. I'd say a good 80% of the time I used my Ultimate, it was the wrong time.
Pop it, and the two guys I wanted to kill just died. Pop it again, die 1 second later. Respawn later, bump Q, pop it in our spawn point
@twobugs Y'know, I read that as "it's fun to deny your children vaccines".
@Wipqozn Yeah, it was pretty cool to watch guys try to back up, thinking their team was right behind them, and bump into your ice wall. And then die
@Sterno It was great
Using it ont hat payload machine where the other team just didn;t know how to deal with it was hilarious
Q: Do the votes at the end of of a match matter?

SternoAt the end of every Overwatch match, there are 4 players shown who did things like the most healing, most kills, most time on objective, and stuff like that. I can vote for one of these people. What effect does my vote actually have? Does the recipient of the vote get any sort of bonus for the ...

Okay. So when someone logs a bug with our system, we're always asking for more info so we can reproduce, solve it, and help them. Makes sense, right?
We're finally getting more information. It's just not what we wanted or needed. Someone sent us an .mp4 of them encountering the error...
@twobugs Asking for more info? What a monster.
@twobugs There reaction to the error or screencapture?
It's just them using the program and then the error. This is very not helpful
When I ask for more info it's not because I don't believe you! It's because I'm trying to help!
A helpful checklist: "Does the information you just provided to me answer any of the questions I asked previously?", "Yes" => "Great! Thank you. I'll see if I can fix it", "No" => "Go f yourself"
At one of my last jobs we had a guy who would refuse to give us anything helpful. "Hey, can you tell me more about this bug?" "Sure. It happened on Wednesday."
We finally got him to include screenshots. They were all like 4000x4000 images he refused to crop. Over 80% of the image was whitespace!
Malicious compliance at its finest
I'm convinced that people who have unshakeable faith in the free market have never been employed :P
This is the kind of person who doesn't get to send emails to IT anymore.
I've ranted about this before but at that job the ONE performance measurement they used for developers was number of times you marked something as "resolved" and it got rejected
QA made little to no effort to even REJECT THE RIGHT DEFECTS
Numerous times I'd get a notification of a rejection, ask what happened and get "haha rejected the wrong one :)"
CC it to a manager each time
With a "Hey, you're using this as a metric, just so we don't accidentally skew the results"
We couldn't even get them to write decent defects! And this was our QA team!
Bug: "This thing doesn't work"
Because clearly it was my fault that someone else broke something
Let's say I fix that particular bug. Now, if at any point in the future that thing is broken again? My bug fix will be rejected.
Can't you send it back as unclear
Uh, swap the order of my last two messages. Wifi sucks here.
@KevinvanderVelden "It was broken on a Wednesday"
That's what we would get back
@twobugs just keep sending it back
I'm glad I quit that job, it was a nightmare
Or do that, that's also a good option :D
@twobugs so now you're merely OneBug?
@badp Microsoft's cloud bug tracking service
Bug Tracking Service Alert: 2 bugs detected lurking in chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/35/the-bridge
Q: How do i change my username in minecraft?

tykesi know i need to go mojang website thing and put my email and my pass word and click change and put the password but its not there so i'm asking a question i'm using Mineshafter so please help me with this so i can log in to online games :'(

Why am I at work instead of playing Overwatch?
Q: How do I get the medal on the game selection screen for Find Mii 1+2?

nelson2tmIn StreetPass Mii Plaza, when you complete a game, a medal is added to the game selection screen. How do I get the medal for Find Mii? I've beaten 1 and 2 multiple times before the medal update. After the medal update I haven't played Find Mii 1 anymore and I had beaten 2 a couple of times after...

Turkish Postal Service is just bullshit.
sorry not sorry about the language.
@ardaozkal You should be, there's no fucking swearing here
@SaintWacko yeah I made a big fucking mistake, sorry bridge
@Yuuki I lol'd
@SaintWacko How many hours until you get off work?
(context btw: they shut off on 5PM, I went there on 5:03PM as it was raining... the employee basically said f- off)
@SaintWacko Excellent. I'll be home before you and can then taunt you.
@Wipqozn Fuuuuuuu
@SaintWacko I might go home right now, just to annoy you
@fredley Gaah!
Overwatch is fun but I'm not in a hurry to get burned out before the game even releases :P
@Wipqozn will you be home within 2 hours or so? =p
@SaintWacko It's an older mebe, but it checks out
My favorite part of Overwatch is starting to play when it's @Wipqozn's bedtime. Because he's sleepier than an old man.
@KevinvanderVelden I'll be home in 4 hours
@Sterno :(
3 mins ago, by Wipqozn
@SaintWacko Excellent. I'll be home before you and can then taunt you.
even I'm playing overwatch lol
cc @SaintWacko
We should all leave work early to taunt @SaintWacko
@KevinvanderVelden that's fine
oh god tracer is so fun @SaintWacko
Galactic Hitman is on sale on Steam for $.49
Too late, I own it
I should stream that though
I own it thanks to @Unionhawk regifting. You should probably buy him 10 more copies, just to be safe
@Sterno Thanks to you, I don't need to
mei is also fun
Q: If I go into battle with a character at Max level does their experience get distributed to the rest of the party?

ReafexusIf I have 5 people in my party and gain 5000 experience every character gets 1000 experience. If one of those character is max level do the 4 remaining characters get 1250 experience or do they still only get 1000 experience each and I lose out on the 1000 the maxed character would have gotten?

D.va OP blizz plizz nerf
@Wipqozn its both! the latest IOTM has a meme generator thing
@Yuuki lulz
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is about trying to answer a joke that has no answer. — Frank 3 hours ago
This question is bad.
Like...really, really bad.
@Frank, didn't you try this already? — Timelord64 20 mins ago
@Timelord64 Yes. And it's still a problem. There is no answer to this. It's a joke. The answers prove that. — Frank 17 mins ago
I like that Hipchat has a built in Rebecca Black emoji
It's about the only thing I like about HipChat
Q: What do i need to play Disney Infinity 3.0 on Wii U?

BeavoruI have two figures (the two ones from Zootopia) and next month is my girlfriend's birthday, so i wanted to give her a copy of the game, and bought also one for me (3.0) and one of those figures, we both have the Wii U console in our respective homes, the question is, do i need another 'base' besi...

also @kol people, today is tres de mayo in kol. there are wandering monsters that drop rare booze. @Yuuki @AshleyNunn @iforgottherest
@Frank Isn't it just some silly trivia?
> Lifting isn't a hobby, it's a solution to a problem. And that problem is that you can still fit through doors.
I don't see the point of this question
@twobugs Without the joke, I could see it being a valid question.
A really crappy one, but valid.
@Yuuki Obesity is also a solution to this problem
As it is, it's asking us to answer a question that's fundamentally unanswerable.
It's not so much "unanswerable" as it is only tangentially related to gaming.
There's also no canonical answer
I'd say it's off-topic along the lines of boat programming.
@KevinvanderVelden urmom is a canonical answer
@fredley Depends on whether she uses a cane.
Q: Minecraft - Mod for flight transportation

Rob SkinsI'd like to ask, since I googled for quite some time now, and didn't find anything Is there a mod for 1.7.10 or 1.8 or 1.9 that allows You to create MMO-styled transportation system? By that I mean a flying mount that will follow a precreated path with You on it's back. Would that be even possib...

@fredley cc @Wipqozn on that sick burn
I need to find a question to ask/answer
71 rep til 20k!
@SaintWacko you don't have overwatch questions?
@GodEmperorDune I'll bet I can think of one
I need to think of an Overwatch question
I just thought of one. Great job, me.
Is the question "what's an overwatch" ?
@badp its the thing that goes on top of an underwatch, obvi
@GodEmperorDune wouldn't I need a middlewatch?
@badp Well of course
Why isn't wristwatch sufficient?
@badp must be a european fashion
@badp No, but that's a good idea
@KevinvanderVelden actually we need to define what "over" and "under" really mean
Haha my question was upvoted within seconds
oh that was yours @twobugs? let me retract it
i thought it was @SaintWacko's
what is "up" and what is "down" when you're a watch? if up is away from your wrist and down is facing it, is a watch a satellite of your wrist?
otherwise, is an overwatch just the business half of a watch
@badp yeah it hangs out in low wrist orbit
I can see why di caprio is so confused about watches
@badp Overwatch is almost everything in front of your body, excluding that which is between you and the top of your watch.
@fredley define "front", "top", "between"
Up on a watch is 12 o' clock, any other interpretation is ridiculous
It is very difficult to look at your own watch in such a way that 6 o' clock is facking up in your field of vision
@badp the enemy watch is down
> For the watch
@GodEmperorDune but is it down or did it just go down under? under where? under how? under what?
[topology intensifies]
Q: Why do I sometimes get a speed boost when leaving the spawn area?

SaintWackoSometimes when I leave the spawn area, I am moving much faster than usual. The speed seems to vary, as does how long it lasts. What is causing this?

Q: Can I remove a specific turret when playing as Symmetra?

two bugsSymmetra can place lots of small turrets, but only 6 at once. I'd like to be able to remove a specific turret, but I'm not sure how I can do this.

@SaintWacko Huh, it's weird they don't let you specifically remove turrets
Seems like an oversight for Symmetra
@twobugs probably would be more hassle than its worth
@twobugs Yeah, but it'd be hard to implement without causing other issues
How do you get better at games
I just faced a guy in brawlhalla it said I had a win record against
@ChromeSlice I'll go ask that
and got fucking destroyed
so obviously he improved
@ChromeSlice vegeance
@GodEmperorDune I disagree, it's pretty important for the character
I never improve at games, I just start out a little naturally better than other people and quickly get left behind
You could just let people delete the turret they're looking at when trying to place a new one
@ChromeSlice So there are a few things here
You need to understand the metagame, which means you need to read up
You need to be able to analyze your own play. Stats helps, but recording helps too
Figure out what your weaknesses are and work on improving them via practice
But you can't beat just plain experience. You need to play a lot to learn everything.
That's just a high level view, it's tough I know (I struggle with the same issue)
Do you guys think a question like "What abilities are hitscan and what aren't?" would be okay for Overwatch?
It's kind of broad, but it has a clearly limited answer space
@twobugs ooh, writing a question about what a hitscan is
@GodEmperorDune Do it. I'll answer it
31 more rep!
wikipedia answered it
@twobugs how would you test for it? ingame against AI or something?
Yeah, you could do that
I asked the question
@twobugs The supply regenerates fast enough and they're made of paper so you'll be replacing them anyways.
@twobugs But then making death traps is more annoying when I can't hide all 6 sentries in the same bush.
Q: Is there a list of hitscan abilities/weapons in Overwatch?

two bugsThere are a lot of different weapons and abilities in Overwatch. Some are hitscan, even if they have a projectile (I'm told Roadhog's hook is hitscan). This significantly impacts how you aim an attack - is there a list of which abilities and weapons fall into this category?

@twobugs would not want
In other rants about that dev
We're doing some work on a project, and I sent out a list of tasks we need to finish this week, along with who was working on each task. That way none of us both worked on the same task, and we all know wht we're doing.... and then that other dev asks me "hey, is that search form on the top of the page something you added?". I tell him yes, and he says "Oh I was working ont hat, but if you're doing it okay". I ask him if he read that email I sent out, I can tell he just didn't ead it
I swear thaty guy is terrible
At least check your email once a day
becauase I sent that email out before anyone else was even in the office
and this was 5 hours later he was asking me about this serch form
We all already know henever checks his bloody email. There's so many times we'll be going to a meeting,and he'll be like "where's everyone going?" "uh, the meeting" "oh about what". or he'll see us going "oh right the meeting!" and then "uh, you're not in it"
He just doesn't have his shit together
MAn I can't wait to get home and play Overwatch as @SaintWacko works
pfft, I'm going to go home while your days won't even be halfway done
and then I'll ignore the open beta key that someone sent me
the 5th is even a national holiday here
it will be a glorious day of not playing overwatch even if I totally could
(it's also the last national holiday before Christmas T__T)
(I blame you @KevinvanderVelden)
(your national holidays are bad and you should feel very very very bad)
@badp That's terrible
@Wipqozn I know!
@badp You monster
@SaintWacko your hope, this pear, etc. etc.
5 hours 45 minutes 46 seconds
wasn't that yesterday?
I just found out my Wikiwand plugin lets me ctrl+click any word to get a little wiki popup
@badp What?
the thing people were counting down to
@badp Oh, I'm counting down to me going home to play Overwatch
@SaintWacko 2 hours for me.
oh btw I get off at 3:30 today
I probably won't get to play with you guys. Doomtown night.
don't worry, the next downtime is planned for the day after
@badp no it's not
isn't the 5th the true open beta launch?
The national holiday thing
I don't know what downtime could be more planned than that
Wait, it's not full release?
Monday the 16th of may is also a national holiday I'm fairly sure
@KevinvanderVelden oh right.
and then Christmas
Yeah pretty much
Q: Stucked on Teslagrad

Marc CI don't know if it's possible to go forward, I've been trying for an hour and I don't really know how to continue. I tried to go back but as I have dead, the object setup have returned to the original positions so I am forced to go forward. Thank you! http://imgur.com/a/hsto2

to be fair, we still have twice as many days off as people in the 'muricas would
@ChromeSlice The game is pretty much finished. It drops at the end of the month.
"Beta" is just for testing infrastructure as far as I can tell.
gotta make sure that TurboCOBOL 87 on DOS 3.2 can still service ~1 user per minute
good morning bridge
Oh hey, Battleborn released today.
I'll have to play it and overwatch at the same time.
@Fluttershy That's nice, I guess.
That was poor planning for them
@badp Too bad!
I have no sympathy for Gearbox after they literally embezzled money
New overwatch question!
@twobugs Wha?
Q: What are the recommended team layouts?

SaintWackoWhen choosing heroes, the game tells you whether you have too few or too many of each type of hero, varying depending on your team's role and the gametype, and, maybe, the map. What specific team layouts is the game recommending for each combination?

@Fluttershy I'm curious about that too
I guess he's talking about the whole Aliens Colonial Marines debacle
or whatever the actual name of that game is
Yes, I am
They outsourced the development of a game they were contracted to work on and diverted the funds to make Borderlands 2
yeah that was a colossal clusterfuck
I guess I'm insane because I didn't really like Borderlands 2 that much, even before finding out about that
It just felt like it was Borderlands 1 but without the stuff I liked from 1
Didn't everything shake out there to where Gearbox was legally within their rights?
Probably, but that's still unbelievably shady
And, to be fair, it was SEGA. And SEGA probably deserves it :P
It's not like they (SEGA) would have released a good game if left to their own devices
My mom is gonna be pissed
Q: Can you Enlarge/Reduce the planet you stand on?

DampeS8NI won't reprint the spell's text here, but the long and the short of it is that I don't see anything in the text of the spell that would prevent casting it on extremely big objects. The planet sits below the caster and is partially in range If dragon can be hit when partially in range, shouldn...

Thank you, HNQ
There are worse things in life than marrying a dragon
Like being eaten by a dragon
@twobugs Humans taste good with ketchup.
@GodEmperorDune Oooh yay. :D

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