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Why the heck do we even need rules
yes, precisely
like okay, I get why people want rules
but like...use whatever bathroom works for you, don't be an asshole to anyone else using the bathroom
only bathroom rules should be "no talking, no eye contact"
@GodEmperorDune well, no, no anything contact please
Absolutely required everyone washes their hands before leaving, too
@AshleyNunn Hence why I said there should only be co-ed bathrooms.
If you do not wash your hands I HATE YOU
unless you're like expressly there to assist someone
Everybody uses the same ones. No choices, no decisions, nobody cares which way you identify.
I am completely fine with posting death squads outside every restroom to punish people who do not wash their hands
@Frank Yeah, but you know people are gonna get weird over that for a variety of valid reasons (culture, etc), and a bunch of invalid stupid ones
@twobugs wash your hands, people, its GOOD FOR YOU.
@AshleyNunn Even here in North America, male and female bathrooms are the social norm.
We'd struggle to incorporate that to a single mixed sex bathroom.
Seriously. I know washing them well takes time (flashbacks to the handwashing test as a PSW) but do it
Although there's some evidence to suggest we've been overusing antibacterial soap
@Frank I....know?
At least use water!!!!!
@AshleyNunn Sorry, wasn't trying to make a point. Agreeing with you.
@twobugs yeah we don't need to be like...killing all the good little friends that hang out on our skinbits
That and we're causing the bad ones to evolve to be more resistant to common antibacterials
Which is not good
The real answer to the bathroom problem is Iron Man suits.
Antibacterials are a great tool but people misuse them all the damn time
@Yuuki While I would not be opposed to mecha for everyone, there's still all the other problems that come with living in a metal suit.
@Frank Oh yeah? Name one. I dare you.
@twobugs Nope, thats ungood. I'm lookin' at you, c.diff (trust me you don't want that) and MRSA (you don't want that either and trust me you don't even WANT anyone THINKING you might be having it or whatever because guess what one of the ways they test for that is? THATS RIGHT, it's a SWAB in your BUTT which is just awkward even if they let you do it yourself)
@twobugs Knocking over walls.
@twobugs The possible chafing?
Growing pains.
@Frank More jobs for construction workers
Weapons of mass destruction in the hands of mad men?
@Frank you'd be surprised, some places have a bunch of separate unisex bathroom "cells"
@Frank Well, the suits don't have to be weaponized.
@Frank As opposed too? :P
While we're fixing bathrooms can we put baby change tables in the non-female coded bathrooms too
@twobugs calm women
@Yuuki You said everyone gets Iron Man suits.
They're weaponized.
@AshleyNunn i've seen a lot of changing tables in both
(sorry for the rant about MRSA and c.diff, they're just less than awesome)
Can't be changing the goalposts on me now! :P
@AshleyNunn yeah my dad has MRSA
@GodEmperorDune What bathrooms are you in?
And where can I find them?
@AshleyNunn We had three cases of MRSA in my barracks when I was in training in the Army. :|
@AshleyNunn I've seen some baby changing stations in bathrooms around here
(I have male friends with tiny offspring who would be super happy to find change tables in male-coded bathrooms)
Not commonly, but they're there.
@AshleyNunn target has had them forever, a lot of mall bathrooms
@GodEmperorDune We don't have targets anymore
they are that beige thing you have to pull down from the wall
i mean even like fast food places had them for male restrooms when i was a kid
@Fluttershy I had to swab myself for it 3x when I was in the hospital. The first time the nurse was like "I can help" but I was like "honestly it's okay just let me"
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, usually marked "baby changing table" or whatever
I know here you get a bunch of places where they're just in lady washrooms
i mean i haven't seen them in office building bathrooms, but they are in so many places i don't even notice them
I've had a couple times where I've offered to change friends' babies because of it
I don't know what is weirdest. That I live in a monarchy, or that the royal family is literally a dude in a suit, a lady in a lady hat and three princesses in denim
@AshleyNunn i can't believe the US is more progressive than canada on this
@GodEmperorDune I suspect it might jsut be your area
@AshleyNunn we used to go on a lot of road trips when i was a kid
so fast food places in other states have them too
@GodEmperorDune Huh, who knows then. Maybe my area just sucks :P
Or we are eating in the wrong places ;)
i mean there are some in malls, but most restaurants and stores ive been to dont have them.
or its the kind of thing that is everywhere except where you are when you actually need them
@badp King Willem seems pretty chill about the whole "oh hey you're king" thing, in that sense
ive seen more at stores lately, when i actually go to stores, but definitely not everyone has them
Look at them. Where's the fancy hat? Why don't they even have a tiny Dutch flag pin on them. THEY AREN'T EVEN WEARING ANY ORANGE AT ALL.
@badp is that a requirement for being royalty?
@badp Yeah, the lack of orange on Koningsdag (spelling that is weird now) is pretty weird.
@Dragonrage orange is the theme of king's day yes
which literally is the king's birthday
@Dragonrage Dutch people + Koningsdag (or Koninginnedag when there was a queen) = EVERYONE IN ORANGE
It's a national holiday and you get to sell your garbage tax-free?
and yes also orange.
Because Dutch people and Orange stuff is a THING
Oranjegekte (Orange craze) or Oranjekoorts (Orange fever) is a phenomenon in the Netherlands that occurs during major sporting events, especially international football championships, and during Koningsdag, an annual holiday celebrating the king's birthday. It manifests itself in the wearing of orange clothing such as T-shirts, caps and scarfs; lavish attention for sports and sports fans in the media; and the decoration of cars, rooms, houses, shops, and even entire streets in orange, the traditional color of the Dutch royal family, the House of Orange-Nassau. == History == Oranjegekte wa...
Like really, a thing.
Too bad this year it was extraordinarily cold and windy
It's still weird that it's King's Day now.
I mean duh, of course it is now, but it's still weird.
I guess they're more or less consciously trying to project an image of their being yet another normal family? I dunno what they're saying there but the imagery is pretty clear
@badp Yeah, I can't understand it all, but they seem to be trying to dress like all normal people-y
@ChromeSlice For some reason this makes me very, very happy
> Some ducks showed up in the Eastern part of the United States from 2000-2003. Other ducks traveled on to England and arrived starting in 2003. Even today, a floating duck, turtle, frog or beaver occasionally floats onto a beach while others continue to ride the ocean currents. They look a little different, though — only the frogs have kept their color. All the other toys have faded to white.
@ChromeSlice I wonder what's different in the frog colouration that means they kept the colour
I feel like that's one of those "better not lick those" sorts of things :P
@AshleyNunn yeah, tells you something when your average sportsball manager dresses in more fancy clothes than an actual European king.
Especially not after 24 years at sea
@badp That it does.
@badp y u no have crown?
I guess Elizabeth and the Pope really are the last holdouts of the fancy dressed kings
@ChromeSlice Most definitely. Who knows what they've touched. Although now I am entertaining myself with thoughts of like...seals playing with them.
dunno about the Spanish king
Yeah maybe they've just demonstrated dolphin habits, not ocean habits.
and the pope is only technically a king
@badp I can see why various monarchs are going for a more normal look but it's just odd to me, seeing royalty and not being able to immediately code them as royal based on dress alone
@ChromeSlice Exactly
Okay, I should drag myself away from all this awesome conversation, though, and catch my bus home
Happy commuting
Thank you :)
RE: baby changing tables - in my experience it depends. Most male bathrooms in malls and any stores large enough to have more than a single occupant room will have a changing table. In the few cases where they might not, there is often a seperate 'family' washroom. Male gendered washrooms in restaurants are more iffy- big chains (McDonald's, Burger King, etc) tend to have, but fancier/local establishments tend not to.
@TrentHawkins yeah this fits what i remember
Also might slightly depend on the age of the building and how recently the bathroom facilities were renovated.
Probing user demographics like age, location and gender by timing requests to targeted Facebook pages - dev.opera.com/blog/timing-attacks
It's scary how easy this is
@TrentHawkins but the fast food chains started adding them in the 90s, iirc
@PrivatePansy i recognize the presenter's name from the html5 boilerplate project
@PrivatePansy so this hinges on the target being logged into facebook and having an accurate profile
@GodEmperorDune That's true for a lot of people these days
@PrivatePansy luckily i am immune then
Also, not necessarily Facebook, although it is probably the only social network that serves up such specifically targeted pages
yeah the functionality to "only show this post to users with these demographics" is a weird one
i don't know when that would be useful
although https is a pain in the ass to set up, i really hope browsers don't start throwing errors on plain http
@GodEmperorDune Is it really? As I understand, HTTPS has been a lot easier to get working recently
@murgatroid99 first you need a cert, so you either need to pay a CA or do self-signed (which now starts getting flagged as "self signed is not really secure, FYI")
With Let's Encrypt, it's free
@murgatroid99 i did not know about that
I've used Let's Encrypt on a fairly restrictive shared hosting environment
@GodEmperorDune Self-signed certs have been flagged as not-secure for a long time, because they only give half of the benefits of SSL
I used a third party script that requires manual legwork because the environment is so restrictive
It still only took 20 minutes on the first try, and most of that time was understanding the protocol, which is strictly speaking not necessary
@murgatroid99 let me put it another way, if i wanted to put up a web page that has no authentication or secret things, why should i be forced into https?
@GodEmperorDune Sure, if there's nothing secret or private, HTTPS isn't really necessary
or if i'm on a corporate intranet and relying on the firewall to deal with it
@GodEmperorDune As long as you trust that your firewall is 100% infallible, then sure, you don't need HTTPS in an intranet
It's not necessary, no. But in general it is better to HTTPS everything then to not and accidentally leak something which you thought was not necessarily secret/secure
@murgatroid99 but browsers throwing scary "u gonna get hacked" warnings all over my page because i have determined that it doesn't need https
@GodEmperorDune Do you have a form with a password field?
@PrivatePansy nope
@GodEmperorDune What browser are you using? When I go to SE, for example, that's HTTP, and I never see any warnings
Because that's the only situation I can think of where you'd get a warning about HTTPS on a HTTP page
@murgatroid99 oh this was from the q&A that @PrivatePansy linked
Or a form POSTing to a HTTPS URL
Or if you're serving parts of the page over HTTPS
an oracle dev talking about putting http warnings instead of a green yay https lock
@murgatroid99 In general HTTPS resources on a HTTP page is fine. The opposite is not.
well yeah i understand mixed content warnings
@GodEmperorDune There's a difference between showing a little red padlock or something and "plastering warnings all over a page"
@GodEmperorDune I guess most developers underestimate what needs to be secured
A browser can't tell for certain, in general, whether a page's contents are supposed to be secure, so it's better to just err on the side of caution and always warn about insecure connections
this one is also fun
Q: Force Chrome to Ignore a "weak ephemeral Diffie-Hellman public key”

Raine DragonWith the update of Chrome to v45, it's blocking access to pages with weak ephermeral Diffie-Hellman public keys. I understand that this is due to Logjam. I understand that switching from https to http is a "solution" in some cases. However, I can not switch from https to http because I am auto r...

especially when you can't upgrade the key encryption because the version of java its running on is too old to handle it
I think the browser vendors erring on the side of security is fine.
Yeah, blocking the page seems extreme
@murgatroid99 IIRC they did have a grace period where they showed warnings instead
but anyway, TIL about letsencrypt so its a good day
Well that was fun
Dark side story done
> US presidential hopeful Ted Cruz has been called "Lucifer in the flesh" by the former Speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner.
go john
@Unionhawk It would be rather hilarious if Cruz actually turns out to be the Antichrist given his support among the evangelical right.
I mean, he's already the Zodiac Killer, so...
It would make sense for the Zodiac Killer to be the antichrist
@Yuuki everyone i tell that to says "yeah, i can believe that"
And it does make sense for the antichrist to hate any person
I only hate you all facetiously
Wait holy crap wtf am I doing here, ARCHER
@Unionhawk WHAT
oh, eastern time
You will know when you hear it, and you will know to cc @Wipqozn
In a very meh mood
@twobugs you should watch archer
or stream stardew
or ping @Wipqozn
Soooooooooo boooooooored.
Overwatch needs to hurry up because TF2 is really disappointing as a time filler now.
I'm raiding
But we're doing stupid shit
Doing stuff "just because" so we don't get burnt out before expansion
I... don't think it works that way
@twobugs I was gonna say......
Q: How do I fix EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION on Minecraft?

WilliamWhen I try to join a massive server the minecraft client crashes with this error: java.lang.NullPointerException. Anyone know how to fix this? Here's my log: http://pastebin.com/9DL7ybc4

@Unionhawk good episode?
And good ending
Should rerun on FX in 20
East Coast anyway
@Unionhawk Especially since I keep getting shit teams that run 2 engies, 3 snipers on attack.
And a soldier that spends more time rocketing around the map and picking up every health pack in sight instead of pushing the cart.
Q: Is it possible to transfer game data between two different game center accounts?

sbswimI have been wanting to transfer an existing game from my old game center account to my new one. I still have access to the old account but I am unable to find a way to transfer the data. Is there a possible way to do this or a better solution?

What do you usually roll with?
Woooooo I finally got to do one of the goofy fun things
@KevinvanderVelden Sent you a friend request on Bnet. I'm Niro#1943
@Unionhawk I've been trying to play Spy recently because it's the only playstyle that Overwatch doesn't cover.
But I always end up having to switch to another class because my team has no idea how to comp.
Wee! Someone at work managed to acquire some scareware.
@KevinvanderVelden Rassium#1327 sent you one
And we're out of bosses to kill
Oh shiiiiiiiiiii free pizza
Woooooo dominos piece of the pie is the literal best

Proposed Q&A site for cosplayers, anime enthusiasts, costume crafters, cosplay photographers, online gamers, Japanese culture entusiasts

Currently in definition.

@Unionhawk Speaking of delivery pizza...
Pizza delivered in a pizza box!
Also Dominos is really good delivery pizza and I will fight every single one of you who says it's bad
@Unionhawk yo dawg, it's time to 1v1 me IRL because dominos is terrible
@GodEmperorDune Now now... they make some great vaguely-pizza-flavoured cardboard products.
Domino's is fine for chain pizza
Y'all must be high
Dominos is great delivery pizza
It's been vastly improved in the last like 5 years
It's not comparable to like, Mellow Mushroom, or something, but it's still good
My first reply would have been the first image result of "navy seal copypasta gif" but I'd probably get flagged down for that so
Mellow mushroom? Is that the drug you're on that leads you to believe that dominos tastes good?
@GodEmperorDune It's extremely good pizza with some chains incl one at home
@Unionhawk how many stores do you need to be a chain? Because crispy crust has 2 locations but is fantastic
@GodEmperorDune I think 2
Like, it's just a local pizza shop at 1
Maybe I'm Hitler but I enjoy pretty much all Pizza
You are not
@twobugs way to Goodwin it
Papa John's is not the best, but it's okay
I'm actually not a fan of thin crust pizza anymore
Which is weird because it used to be the only pizza
But dominos garlic crust tho
Thin crust works well in new york
I like thin crust or thick crust
That's the only place I've had it where it's been good
As long as the Pizza itself is made from good ingredients I will probably enjoy it
@GodEmperorDune I think I mean more edge-to-edge donatos pizza style
And not good as in "only ingredients I like"
Good as in "good quality"
Which, apparently, is an Ohio thing
Q: 5 Tips To Boost Brain Power And Productivity

LucioHuttonYou need to do eat in the place of cut all fats out be clever about the types. Look for healthful AdderRx fats including those within olive and canola oil, nuts, avocados, fish and fish. Lowering these out of your diet entirely can lead to boring, flat hair and poor claws, poor system and stress ...

God dammit
We also got light jalapeno normal bacon stuffed cheesy bread
Oh hey @GodEmperorDune Lana's voice actress is on @midnight apparently
Also @midnight is a great show
It's literally Chris Hardwick spent his day on reddit and made a comedy game show about it
@Unionhawk that sounds delicious
@Unionhawk you're too high kyle
I ate sad bus station pizza for dinner with halal beef pepperoni and y'all will likely judge me for it but my tummy was happy
Why did someone vtc that spam instead of literally flagging it with the flag for that purpose
I just ... That's up there with commenting asking people to stop spamming
I mean I assume they did both
Q: How can I recognize someone who has done an ''input buffering'' in League of Legends

EmperorJPIt has been some time since more experienced mates than me are talking about input buffering and its way to cast or Auto-Attack as fast as possible after a flash to maximize efficiency (I don't even know if I well explained what is an input buffering...) Is there any way I can notice some detail...

Q: Login System on Vanilla Server

ForcelydatedI am currently working on my vanilla minecraft server. Everything works fine until my friend use my account to /op his account. I don't want something like this happen. Is there anyway(command) can let player to have register and login system with password like the AuthMe plugin? Note that my se...

But at the same time
@Unionhawk I've seen ones where they don't vtc and just go oh hey don't spam
I guess you can see who flagged it I assume
Yeah but I can also tell if there are no votes left but there Is a comment.
> Server Full - All download slots in use
Also wow the stock iOS keyboard is really bad at predicting words for me
So much for downloading my vods rn
Yeah @midnight is very much "Chris Hardwick saw this on Reddit the other day"
And it's awesome
Nice! We are downloading one segment of the VOD
Q: Hydroxy Citric Acid (HCA) - HCA is another appetite suppressant

UrusQuxiHydroxy Citric Acid (HCA) - HCA is another appetite suppressant. HCA is not very popular and does not work Testosterone Booster Review for everyone. Even if it does work with you, It's not going to have an effect. http://eternitynaturalscleanse.com/megadrox-and-testadrox/

Also @twobugs please ping me randomly tomorrow (friday) afternoon telling me to go to the goddamn gym because I've deferred the last few times it's come up
I made a thing cc @badp
cc @Wipqozn on that elaborate burn
@GodEmperorDune -1 for no pictures of socks.
@Yuuki i couldn't find a turtle either :S
Q: How can I install a pc game from an iso file on my pc without using a dvd?

John Ray MendezI want to install a pc game, directly on my pc, bypassing the whole process of burning an iso to dvd. Is this possible ? Can I somehow directly execute the iso file on my computer using some software ?

@Lazers2.0 cc @sterno for the drama
@uni "how's nobody"
cc @Wipqozn on that sick burn
@Lazers2.0 damn, i think this is going hot
Q: Proshred Elite As time goes by

user146193Proshred Elite As time goes by, running can be both a curse and a blessing. It can do your body quite a bit of good, but it can also do quite a bit of harm. By only running about half of your normal run one week out of every six weeks, you can minimize the damage running does to your body. By giv...

Q: Why should anybody use Nat, the Darkfisher? Are there synergies?

RobI just got exited when I saw a legendary turning and after one second disappointed because it was Nat, the Darkfisher. Why should anybody use this card? I can not think of anything except maybe a fatigue deck. But even for such a one Nat is not a good choice. Why does this card exist? Are there a...

@Unionhawk don't forget to gym
gym wouldn't forget you
Gotta get that MUSCLEPHART
So, a wheel of time TV series might be coming io9.gizmodo.com/…
also somehow I'm on the train with a LoL caster
mad private beta reps
he's got the branded suit, the fancy shirt, the weird mustache, a bottle of coke, and something he's watching in his DS
I don't know who he actually is luckily and no one here seems to have recognised him
not very subtle, still
I blame, uh, @Arperum for this
@KevinvanderVelden I've read that yesterday!
@KevinvanderVelden but what if it was a wheel of fortune movie
@Arperum I'm just hoping it won't be as bad as the sword of truth tv series ><
@KevinvanderVelden I have not seen that one.
@Arperum They're not at all like the books
Weirdest rap video I've seen in a long time
@KevinvanderVelden Eragon movie levels of bad?
I'd say so though I've only seen the first 6 or so episodes
That's pretty bad.
Yeah, though it's probably partially because I've read the books a few times through soo
Yeah but I'm still not clicking it at work given the URL alone =p
It's about the magical journey of a certain Slütsof in the land of Stagram
> Welcome to Slütsof In Stagrâm an online fantasy series about a Princess duck named Slütsof and her adventurous journey across the mystical lands of Stâgram. Join her as she leaves her castle, searches for her long lost brother Whöresof The Magical Goat and challenges a tyrant King who has claimed all of Stagrâm for himself.
@fredley good old Stagrâm
So what kind of mischief happens inStagrâm, @fredley
I just got $6.58 CAD refunded by OnePlus for my phone purchase... and I have no idea why
@Chippies Exchange rate changed at some point between purchase and them receiving the money? I don't know.
@Arperum Idk, I didn't think that was a thing.
but it is a possibility
I don't see anything else that might be remotely plausible.
well actually, the listed price in CAD is still the same, so I don't think that's it
@fredley that must have been a hard childhood she had to endure inStagrâm
they do have a listed price both in USD and CAD and it doesn't change by exchange rate
Q: Everytime i try to join mineplex i crash

user146199When i join mineplex,it crashes instantly and i dont know why.The game output has alot of stuff but heres one part of it: Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows

@fredley also I thought Slütsof was a princess duck named Slütsof inStagrâm, but that is not a duck, or a princess
@badp That's also not the duck in question, that's her brother.
oh sorry.
their names looked all alike to this untrained eye.
Such is life for those inStagrâm
Q: clash of clans village login problem

Ali MirzaI am not able to get my village back. I tried all possible ways to get my village but i am being forced to start the game all over again. Please help me. I logged in google play and google games but the same problem continues.

@Lazers2.0 if you've "tried all possible ways" then what could we possibly do?
He is literally asking us for help to do the impossible.
Lots of spam today
how did same-protocol links start like?
@KevinvanderVelden No : I think
Q: How to become invisible to opped members in minecraft?

BhaveshI have installed a plugin called Vanish No Packet in Minecraft Bukkit Server in which me and my friend play. I am the owner of my server but my friend too is op. I thought of trolling him by becoming invisible and he was able to see me. What can i do so that even the op players can't see me. What...

cc @fredley since I know he'll really enjoy tht
And it's not even an archer thing!
Yeah, it's a thing I think he will legitimately find is funny
TIL that comic goes beyond two panels long
Q: Click-Emerald reaction

RoyalGaming369 For fun, I'm making an arcade template thingy, and I want a shop where you can buy perks or costumes etc. by clicking on an emerald, like Hypixel. Ive tried "/scoreboard players test @p Shop 0 1" after clicking on the emerald which should increase the Shop score because I set the Criteria Type t...

that's like the third to last page
> [Ted Cruz] is seen by many Republicans as the only option to prevent Mr Trump from being the party's candidate. Others, however, dispute this, saying he is a divisive figure.
And Trump isn't?
@badp I've only ever seen the first two panels
My entire world view has changed

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