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@MBraedley I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing
@Wipqozn is this a wordpress joke, like you look at your screen and see an ocean of bad code?
@TimStone When all I've done is rearrange the order of includes, I think it's fine. It's a BS error anyway, because Microsoft created two APIs that can't inter-operate.
Ah ha
@twobugs the best thing about the vita is that it did so poorly (?) its games are making their way to Steam
Wait, what?! http://www.reuters.com/article/us-nuclearpower-cyber-germany-idUSKCN0XN2OS https://t.co/NUFkksEEGb
@twobugs Not really, it was more fully realized with the addition of a gyro in SS
> The malware spread to the planes only because factory employees were charging their phones with the USB port in the cockpit.
Wait holy fuck this is basically almost literally TP again
@TimStone The root of the problem is that, AFAIK, the only way in Windows to lock a file to a process is to use windows.h but we have another class that uses the MFC CriticalSection for a mutex, and MFC can't live alongside windows.h apparently.
@Unionhawk Twitch Plays?
> Originally planned for release on the GameCube in November 2005, Twilight Princess was delayed by Nintendo to allow its developers to refine the game, add more content, and port it to the Wii.
This is pretty much the exact same scenario. Maybe with one more delay this time, I'm not sure
So, when's the announcement actually going to happen?
@badp I think that's more a function of it being very easy to develop for so porting is very simple
From my understand the hardware is basically a portable standardized PC
@twobugs I have no idea about that, I didn't even know it was doing so poorly
@TimStone Well, that's not f--kin' terrifying at all.
@badp I'm assuming E3, and I'm assuming Q1 2017 release
@badp I think game sales end up being pretty decent (as in, games sold per Vita), but the total sales are Not Great
@Unionhawk so that would be in how many days
10millionish? Maybe 15mil by now
@badp like, however many days are left until June 14
@twobugs this brings back memories of the Origami challenge
(Microsoft said that the Xbox would shift about ten times as many units as the ps2 did, and Origami said he'd delete his account if that actually happened)
RIP @OrigamiRobot
@badp so you killed @origamirobot
@GodEmperorDune No Microsoft did
@Unionhawk that's a long way
Q: when you finish the mission innocence lost how you find astrid?

user146058please help because i don't know i'm new thank you very much

I thought it was more like this week?
@TimStone this is fantastic
I'll tell you, wherever I see those huge spaceships that are littered with lit dots and each dot is actually a window
I wonder what would the floor plan for those places actually look like
How do you even organise such a massive 3D space
Remember that the Death Star was literally a small moon filled with billions of hardworking average joe citizens and the rebels killed ALL OF THEM
Sorry, I meant the Defense Star
and make it self contained, self sufficient, and perhaps even somewhat better than hell in space
perhaps with a better fire plan than "lol just release the airlock"
So I guess what I'm saying is, what does the 3D city look like?
would it be mainly hollow inside like a mall?
or claustrophobically labyrinthine
@twobugs and that the Empire is the rightful, democratically elected government
I'm guessing labyrinth
"I need to buy bread at floor 43b third quadrant 45th Street then meet up with Judith at the 24th floor fifth ring Trump square"
@Unionhawk A New Hope is the story of a young man being seduced by a religious cult run by an old man who is a wanted criminal hiding out in the desert who destroys a major construction project
@badp trump hasa gold star destroyer. I'm telling you it is THE BEST star destroyer
"from there we'll take the space metro in space to Trump market to buy some Trump wine"
I have to resubscribe to get more clean Trump Air.
I'm only on a 40% freedom mixture right now
@MadMAxJr freedom is highly flammable
Yeah but you have Google Air in your area. That's guaranteed to be at least 66.6% Freedom. Why haven't you switched yet?
@twobugs me? Google Air is not available in my street, we flunked the airplead
I was talking to @MadMAxJr, he's in one of the Google Air test markets
Goddamn @MadMAxJr
It offers at least 70% of the air you breathe daily for only 50 Big Trumps a day
Hmm. I've still got a bunch of USD I haven't converted to Trumpbux
You should. Right now the rate of 300 USD to one Small Trump is a very good deal
50🇹s? That's a steal!
My boss was sent to the ReTrumpification camps last week. :|
There are no camps in space silly
@badp Then what about space camp?
@Ronan that's an euphemism
Space Camp is to prepare you for Space. Just like ReTrumpification Camps are to prepare you for Trumpifying.
Getting a spray tan and a gross hairpiece is a very invasive procedure
@GodEmperorDune :(
They teach you the best words, because they have the best words.
No tears. Only dreams. Best dreams.
@MadMAxJr But if I have the best words then they won't anymore.
That's why they secretly keep some of the bestest of words in the secret chamber.
@MadMAxJr How do you know all this?
This is my cue to drop a smoke bomb and escape.
Stop him! He has the bestest words!
Part of me just really wishes that at the Republican National Convention, Trump just swaggers onto the stage, makes grandiose gestures with his tiny hands, points at the crowd, and yells, "You're fired! And catch my new season of The Apprentice starting this fall at 8/7 central!"
Q: Dark Souls 2 scholar of the first sin repetitive growling bug

HikariIn Dark Souls Scholar of the first sin. I have progressed to the shaded ruins when I reach the male scorpions den and went inside and fought the duo wielding swordsman I kept hearing this strange growling sound. After I killed him and progressed through the area the sound continues at 5-7 secon...

Go home @Wipqozn you're drunk
@PrivatePansy :*(
FYI-Macdonald will be closed 7 pm Fri April 29 - 530 am Mon May 2 to replace deck segments 10 and 11. https://www.hdbc.ca/closure-times/ #t hfxtraffic
Q: Why is the destroyer disappearing when I summon him?

Bob BroadleyMy son is playing Terraria Mobile Edition. When he summons the destroyer, it breaks and disappears. How can he fight it?

They're getting ambitious, replacing two segments in a single weekend.
cc @Wipqozn
good morning bridge
@MBraedley Luckily I don'tneed to take the bridge
@Wipqozn Same here. Well, not the MacDonald.
They should just tear the bridge down and we can just drive underwater
~ Magical waterland ~
@Wipqozn This is the first thing I saw when opening The Bridge, and was very confused for a moment there.
@John Excellent.
It seems that the end of the world is finally here: I am out of sesame oil.
@Yuuki That reminds me!
@Wipqozn Quick question: what is "punction"?
oh wait no it doesn't
@Yuuki No
@Yuuki use olive, vegetable, or peanut oil.
@MBraedley If you're talking about for stir-frying or cooking purposes, that's not how you use sesame oil.
@Yuuki Do you drink it?
I bet @Yuuki drinks it
You use sesame oil much like you would extra-virgin olive oil and drizzle it on whatever you're eating.
@Wipqozn Close enough, that stuff is f--kin' delicious.
I mix my noodles with sesame oil and chili flakes and it makes a really good fast lunch.
@Yuuki I did offer olive oil as an option
Go with Avocado Oil
Q: How does Yasuo's ult interact with a tower?

user121671How does Yasuo ult interact near a tower? Will Yasuo try to get out of range of the tower?

@PrivatePansy Trumpicorn
We have the best horns.
so i answered an academia question yesterday that i saw on HNQ, and it got accepted.
I was not expecting that
Quick question: is there a way to make eclipse auto-save files when built?
@MBraedley Window -> Preferences -> General -> Workspace apparently
@JoshPetrie thanks
Although this: stackoverflow.com/questions/2943122/… suggests maybe that's not the only place
pretty sure it was an option
Alternatively, use a real IDE </trolololol>
@JoshPetrie Hey, we started out on kdevelop, which was horrible for teams. We may have been using it wrong.
(also, this is Linux C++, so options abound, but good options are few and far between.)
Yeah. I've never actually used Eclipse so I'm just being a jerk.
Eclipse is... not very good. It was recommended to us for class, and I switched away to IntelliJ as soon as I got the green light to do so.
That was the right decision
Also, I moved away partly because it had strange issues on Ubuntu
@JoshPetrie I prefer Visual Studio for all my C++ stuff, but there's still a couple of apps that we have that only run on Linux, and we've never bothered to set up a cross compiler, so anything that I can't do on my work station gets done on the dev server in eclipse.
For java I just use Eclipse all around.
Win 10 virtual desktops + multiple monitors + DisplayFusion = some wat
cc @Wipqozn
But wouldn't a "florist friar" be a monk selling flowers?
@murgatroid99 better?
thank you
if an edit only takes part of the title and puts it into the tags, should i accept or reject that?
it seems very superficial to me
If it is (a) already tagged well enough and (b) the game name in the title is not redundant, then I'd accept it (but grumble a bit), otherwise I'd probably reject it.
I think that "How do I get more ammo in Doom?" for example, is a fine having the name in the title, but "How do I change Venom Snake's costume in MGS:V" is a bit redundant.
they removed MCEdit from the title and added the
personally i think we should just kill minecraft and such, but since it's here we have to deal with it.
Probably that's unnecessary, but I dunno. Trust your gut, it's not like the world will end if you make a bad call :D
@JoshPetrie inb4 the world explodes because i reject an edit
user image
@Yuuki i played a game of ranked last night, and my whole team was doing pretty poorly including me
only our midlaner was doing decent
we got caught because of a flash tibbers from their annie and lost a fight 0-5 and they took mid inhib
Which role do you think is more popular: ADC or mid?
then they decided to go try and take bot inner turret, but they were low and we manages to ace them without losing anyone, so we took drag and baron, and proceeded to win the next to fights without losing anyone and won the game
probably mid
because i never get mid when i put it as my primary role, but i can usually get adc
Trying to figure out what to put as my secondary so I can always get ADC.
I always seem to choose a role that isn't really impactful in a particular season/meta.
@Dragonrage I approve of this cc
You have done well today, @Dragonrage. Be proud.
@Yuuki So only people with unusual outfits are allowed in?
Looks like a character you'd see in an RPG or anime
Like Luna, or your mom
@Wipqozn i am proud. I shall stand by my ~~bad~~ amazing puns
hmm, apparently that isn't strikethrough
pls halp
how to strikethrough?
@mod pls fix for me
I'll even give @badp permission to mod abuse it
@Dragonrage like this (---like this---)
@Dragonrage --- ---
thanks for telling me how to do it after 2 minutes have passed
@Yuuki how is that a problem? mid is the most wonderful lane
@Dragonrage I've been trying to get ADC mostly this season.
@Yuuki but you can play adcs midlane
@Yuuki if you want to get instantly in queue just put fill as your secondary role. you will get into queue almost instantly
How did this thing build in Windows?
@Dragonrage Yeah, but then I'll be playing support.
@Yuuki true, but im 4-0 support brand
gotta play those lane bullies
I'll give Annie a try.
@Dragonrage flagged as nsfl
@ardaozkal for the dead body or the text?
because fml = funny, much laughing
@Dragonrage dead body.
Stuart :/
@Yuuki i need to duo with you, then i can put mid/adc and you can put adc/mid, that way we always get our roles
@Dragonrage I think you need to cover at least 3 roles when you're partying with two people.
ok, i guess we will have to get 5 people then
Q: What is the average size of a folder of 1 chunk in Minecraft?

Rudolf JelínekWhen I go into the saves folder and open a folder with a singleplayer world in it, I see many various files. Each one, as I found out, represents a chunk in the Minecraft world. Also each one has a different size (I didn't check it). I would like to know how much space each one takes up, becaus...

Q: Should I rush to max level when a new expansion launches?

Brett ComardelleWith Legion coming out soon, and school starting at the exact same time, I am worried that I will be left behind if I don't rush to get to the max level. I really want to strive to be very successful in my professions, take advantage of early gold-making, and be able to stay geared enough to actu...

@Lazers2.0 I think this is opinion based and left a comment explaining my reasoning
Hm. I've apparently ended up in charge of my group's migration to JIRA. This will be interesting. At least I'm building job security!
Q: Is there a way to use the "selector" command with tellraw so that it displays a players name in chat and THEN teleports that player to a location?

Ryan DuganIs there a way to use the "selector" command with tellraw so that it displays a players name in chat and THEN teleports that player to a location? I know how to do each separately but I don't know how to do both using the previously selected player who was chosen to be teleported. Please help.

Q: Does the yellow stick smash has less impact than a normal joystick smash in Melee?

EmperorJPI am a casual player, and with all my mates with whom I play Smash Melee, we agreed to ban the ''C'' yellow joystick smash technic because it was making the smash way faster and we decided to ban this way of winning. Now that I grew older, I'm still wondering if the yellow joystick on the gamecu...

I started earning prestige points in that incrementer. This is very coool
Yeah, I'm not letting anyone playing ADC anymore.
Just because you picked Lucian doesn't mean you can 1v5.
@twobugs the tower defense one?
@GodEmperorDune Yes. Very awesome so far
@Yuuki but lucian is broken
they must have lagged
@twobugs what skills did you go with?
Also not letting anyone play mid. Too many people trying to go for early kills and outplays and dying horribly.
I'm putting a little bit into everything to really experiment. Magic is great though
Water seems to be the most easily used tower along with kinetic
@Yuuki reasons to play morgana
Is there a reason why Zed is a mandatory ban when playing Malz? I've never had trouble with him.
@twobugs hmm i thought fire would stack better with the kinetic bleed
no, malz counters zed
@GodEmperorDune I just think the water slow/freeze is great and simple to use
do water and fire cancel each other out?
They don't seem to cancel each otehr
malz counters melee assassins pretty well
Yeah, this guy is already predicting that I'll lose my lane.
hmm, i probably should've gone with that instead of going deep kinetic then
Nah, Kinetic is good and easy to use
Even if I do give up a kill, that just means I play more defensively.
All the towers synergize well anyway
I can farm relatively safely with his E.
like if zed ults you just ult him afterwards and he cant do anything
It just sucks trying to get all of them
Magic is big though
Vast majority of my damage is magic right now
Maybe not vast majority. But it's huge burst
the best thing to have happen when you pick malz though is to have them pick yasuo into it
@twobugs the magic towers or the spells that cost mana?
Spells. The arcane sacrifice one is a game changer
Kill an enemy with it and you advance a spell level
see i go for more of an idle build
Mana burst, when low on mana, is guaranteed high damage + more max mana
@twobugs mana burst wasn't proccing for me
It has a higher chance at low mana AND the display rounds so you won't always see it
Q: What is the toughest Moba between Dota 2, LoL and HotS to be expert in?

EmperorJPAs I don't want to create a useless debate, I was wondering if there was any documentation or analysis about which of those 3 games is asking the most skills/reflexes/awareness. Is there a Moba globally more difficult to get good and strong than the others? This is not about which game is more f...

Basically I try to cast it as soon as I get mana and otherwise try to stay empty
If you want to idle it probably doesn't help but it's very powerful for little investment
I typically idle but this is really painless /shrug
@Dragonrage I thought they put a delay on his flash-back for his ult?
If you can mana burst at over 90% mana it does 10x damage, nice for killing bosses
@Yuuki for zed? it should have a .5 second delay
@Dragonrage Twice I've ulted him right as he comes out of his ult and he's already back where he started.
Stupid input buffering.
@Yuuki weird, you can charm him as soon as he comes out of ult and he will stay there
ive actually charmed him just as his animation started and it canceled his ulti before
I love how he's complaining about how Zed's the problem when I've only given up one kill to him and I've killed him like three times now.
some people just need to complain
You know what I need to complain about right now?
I have not won a single ranked game solo.
This building didn't keep them from hibernating in here again
And I'm never on at the right times to queue up with friends.
And now I have a need to complain about their masses on the walls
The crunch of them underfoot
ladybugs are cute tho
And no matter how well I do in lane, it's always my fault for some reason.
@RedRiderX Thanks @Ohnana
The stench of their blood.
"You didn't ban Zed, you scrub. It's all your fault."
@Ohnana ladybugs are horrible
Them clogging the pipes
worst bugs
@Yuuki 2 other people couldve banned him
they look fuct up close
"Top lane fed and it's your fault even though you're ADC in bot lane."
and they have gross wings
Them shaking out of clothes
@Yuuki they're just deflecting from their own inadequacy
or they're too hyped up on mt dew
Them blocking out the light
@Dragonrage The hilarious thing is that he said that me picking Malz into Zed was the reason we lost.
Them filling the blankets
Or at least he strongly suggested it.
It was the #1 thing he was complaining about all game.
Them fouling your food
@Yuuki well he is an idiot. ignore him
@RedRiderX wtf no
I'm just sick of ladybugs rn
And then he stopped talking about it when Zed, Zilean, and Yi dived us (me, support, and ADC) in mid and I got us all kills with only the support dying.
@RedRiderX are you sure these are not locusts?
@Dragonrage Nah mate those taste different
I'm just annoyed because I want to play some more ranked but whenever I play it solo, this shit always happens.
And then I'm disinclined to play ranked (or even League period) for another week or so.
@Yuuki i had that problem for awhile. just use the mute button
i had a hard time winning in ranked for a long time, until i started treating it the exact same as normals
play Paragon
with me
i just played normals for a long time because i hated ranked, then i changed my attitude about ranked and i win a lot more now
still dont win all the time, and i still get bad teams and such, but it effects me less
@ChromeSlice doesnt that still cost money?
Uhhh... Yeah. Yep.
I guess I should go to campus today. Need to buy my cap & gown anyways.
Grats dude
@ChromeSlice *Grads dude
@Yuuki That's somewhat exciting, no? :)
Congraduations are in order
@AshleyNunn caps are uncomfortable though. and the tassel is irritating swinging all over the place
and you can never get the year on the tassel to face the right way
@Dragonrage tape
Yeah the uniform is pretty silly
@GodEmperorDune tape doesnt really stop it from swinging
and being in ur face
@AshleyNunn I'm excited to move out and live on my own, but also terrified to move out and live on my own. Especially if Trump gets elected.
@Yuuki adulting is hard
@Yuuki why would trump getting elected make it worse to move out and live on your own?
@MBraedley say good bye to free time
@Dragonrage Because that means my prospective job locations narrow down to "not in the US".
@Dragonrage That's not entirely true. You certainly don't have as much free time, though.
@Yuuki We're hiring. You can get Canadian Reliability Status security clearance, right?
@MBraedley Do I have to be a Canadian citizen to do so?
If not, I promise not to disclose any state secrets.
@Yuuki Moving out for the first time is kinda terrifying but you get used to it. :)
@Yuuki Maybe? I don't think so for that. Secret might be a problem.
@Yuuki what field?
> Cruz is set to speak at 4 p.m. EDT Wednesday at the Pan American Pavilion in Indianapolis. Several media outlets reported Cruz will announce his intention to name Carly Fiorina as his running mate.
As if he weren't a terrifying enough candidate.
What is this country?
@StrixVaria But is he better than Trump?
@Dragonrage Software dev, but I'm only kinda kidding about that "not wanting to live in the US if Trump is elected".
@MBraedley cries
@MBraedley He's like stealth Trump. Few people seem to realize that his policies are pretty much the same.
If Cruz wins, he'll mainly screw up the US. If Trump wins, he'll screw up the entire world.
@Yuuki I'm aware.
if Kasich was vice president for trump do you think that would help anything?
Trump won't pick Kasich
If Trump wins I think the Democrats and Republicans would finally find a common cause to work together: Impeach Trump.
also, i'm predicting Clinton will probably win the election
Anyway, I have to go do things and try not to think about politics.
@MBraedley ignore that, and assume he does. would it help anything?
@MBraedley nah cruz will screw up the world too
obligatory 2 hour @Wipqozn ping
@Dragonrage Short answer: no.
@MBraedley how about if trump got elected with kasich as vp, and trump got assassinated/impeached?
That driver thing did not fix
@Dragonrage it would be the best impeachment, fantastic impeachment. let me tell you it will be a terrific impeachment
also kasich is not much better
he just looks moderate standing next to trump and cruz
someone voted to close a discussion question on meta as primarily opinion based
@Dragonrage lulz
@GodEmperorDune how can he screw up world if he is a zodiac killer?
World would be better without zodiacs fo' sho'!
Q: Is there any way to profit from PvP?

Dan BI'm playing Bloons Monkey City in pacifist mode. I'm level 18 in my primary city. I'd like to understand the rewards for PvP. The main point of PvP seems to be attacking people to try to steal their money, but since they're doing the same to you it seems like no net gain in money. I've heard ...

Q: What happens if you don't kill a certain character?

Daniel LewTitle is vague to protect spoilers... My question is: what changes if you choose not to kill that character?

^I just learned wtf zodiac killer is and I see whow tht can be misunderstood.
@Dragonrage On ours? which?
Q: Game identification - exception based on screen/artefact/etc. and removal of valid questions

zozoFirst of all this is my first post on meta so if the post is not correctly added here, or tagged incorrectly tell me to move it/retag it (also please excuse bad english, is not my natural language). I have an issue regarding-game identification tag (http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/tagg...

when i went to close as a duplicate it had one vote for primarily opinion based
@Dragonrage I really don't want to go through the whole ITG rigmarole again. We've made a decision, it works.
@AshleyNunn yea, i think its fine the way it is, i just thought it was funny someone wanted to close a meta post as opinion based
@AshleyNunn Heavy downvotes, closure: nobody wants to have that discussion again
@fredley Pretty much.
self.on('check', function(){ self.wreck() });
@fredley rekt
Next april fools, user specified close codes!
@MadMAxJr spoiler alert, it was custom close reason all along
Maybe we need a random close reason generator.
"Closed because it failed to use an oxford comma."
I think I might buy a tablet for use in the kitchen.
Printing off recipes is for old people. OLD PEOPLE I SAY. Tablets are where it's at.
and runing back and forth between my computer is a pain
also I think I gave my printer to my folks.
@fredley Based on the last comment, Studoku does >_>
ANd one other person upvoted said comment.
Vote to close comments as primarily opinion-based.
@Wipqozn I do find my iPad useful for that
(way to say the opposite of what you meant, self)
@Wipqozn yeah, runing is difficult
> Fortune cookie: "Reward yourself with a special gift."
> So... Dark Souls 3?
@Dragonrage So there's a new client on the horizon.
And they're taking out dancing Katarina.
@Yuuki well it glitch less?
I'm voting to close Bridge as primarily opinion-based.
and what dancing kat?
@Dragonrage The dancing Kat that appeared when you bought stuff.
@GodEmperorDune yeah, especially if you are a turtle.

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