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I think the more apt comparison is TP since 3DS and N3DS are the same cartridge
eh, yes and no
wait, was TP on Gamecube as well?
oh, how was that?
It's arguably the better version
Only by virtue of controls
did the Wii version not support gamecube controllers?
that seems like a stupid oversight
It was a launch title, so I feel like doing so would have partially undermined the thing they wanted to do
meh, I'm just disappointed that we bought the Wii U pretty much in anticipation of the new zelda game
and now the Wii U version is most likely going to be the inferior version
My money is on it'll be fine
Eh, we'll see how the NX turns out
from that one demo of the game I saw forever ago, it seemed almost like Witcher 3 with dumbed down graphics
and I can't imagine Wii U being able to run something with such an open world that well
but I'm sure it will be fine, even though the NX version is probably gonna be better visually/performance wise
Well we'll probably not get anything else until june
And as a reminder the only things confirmed about NX are March 2017, and not handheld
I don't know much about NX, except that there were some rumours (confirmed maybe?) that NX is going to be way faster than any current gen consoles
All rumors are people making shit up.
Every single one of them
It'd be smart to make up performance, but nobody who knows anything is going to talk, therefore anyone talking doesn't know anything
Nintendo is very good at keeping a lid on things that can't be datamined (TPHD was datamined for example)
well, I hope the NX is gonna be at least as fast as the ps4/xbone
otherwise it's just sad
Q: What is this blue smoke behind a wall?

user1306322I've found this wall often in the room with Muncher weapon crate, and now in the boss room: I can't destroy it with my weapons or blanks. What is this wall? Is it just a distraction? Or is there a way to break through it?

or maybe they'll come up with something super innovative that will sell like crazy and won't need the horsepower, in which case, good for them
Q: PS3 games crashing

Luke McKinnonhey guys I have this problem with my ps3 system as its been working perfectly and all of a sudden decides to peg out on me my ps3 has hardly any space so I only have about 5 games on there and the only one I play is minecraft because I had Dead Rising 2 and it worked fine but after I was trying t...

Q: What is the rules for objects positions when you rotate space in Fez?

klm123I'm trying to solve the cube puzzle room and noted that cubes kind of behave randomly when I move them and rotate space. For example, when I rotate move the left most cube forward (in the picture projection) by one step and then rotate back it falls down, though effectively it hasn't moved a bi...

Q: How to set player specific spawn points in Minecraft? (PC edition, of course)

Elric Of Amestrismore specifically: i don't want everyone spawning at the same place i want it to not need to know who's playing (so "spawnpoint playername x y z" won't do it) i guess i'm thinking that when people log into the game it senses this person logged in first, they are player1, the second to log on is p...

Q: How to change back to 14.1 from 14.2

Victoria NelsonSo my tablet updated to 14.2, and I highly dislike it because now I can't get onto servers.

@Frank @GodEmperorDune @Sterno @Fluttershy I can turn my chair around and see the Ocean right now.
Q: In minecraft pe 0.14.1, I can't give out commands. Why!

Kristen WaiWant command block can't do it. Typed thrice still not working tell me how

Q: How do I make a slow clock without taking up space?

hyperviper11I'm making a minigame where a player has to survive in essentially a world of hell. I am creating a "water bar", where players must drink to survive. It is a dummy scoreboard objective. I want to run the command "/scoreboard players @p remove water 1" every 3 minutes so players can run out of...

Q: Does it make a difference if both parents hold a destiny knot?

PikachuPopcornIf I have a 4iv sylveon spread out in 31spA/31spD/31spe/31atk and a 3iv eevee spread out in 31def/31hp/31spe does it make a difference if I use two destiny knots?

Q: Game identification - exception based on screen/artefact/etc. and removal of valid questions

zozoFirst of all this is my first post on meta so if the post is not correctly added here, or tagged incorrectly tell me to move it/retag it (also please excuse bad english, is not my natural language). I have an issue regarding-game identification tag (http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/tagg...

@badp Is that just how you wake up?
it IS a national holiday
Oh, what sort?
king's birthday
It's exam o'clock for me
Q: Minecraft Issues, Screen problems, Blocks flying everywhere

Elijah Peeit's very weird that my computer used to be fine. I was just playing my server adding plugins. Suddenly this happened. I certainly cant explain how this looks like. but if you do need to see, please find me on facebook or email. my name is Elijah Pee and my email is [email protected] . just ...

@badp Do you have orange clothes? Or the ambition to sell stuff that you normally need a license for selling it?
@Arperum yes and no
@badp Then wear said clothes today to fit in :p
I won't have to IF I SPEND ALL DAY INSIDE!!
(I might go have a walk in a while)
(objective #1 for today was recovering from danganronpa-related insomnia)
(objective #1 was successful)
@Chippies I'm loving this btw.
Zeus damn it @Chippies, zeis damn it @gnomeslice
Man @Chippies askldmasdkasjd
Man @ChromeSlice really needs to change his name back
@badp My boss and I go for walks at noon. Feel free to join us.
@Wipqozn noon was 40 minutes ago
I got up, walked to work, got a call that the surveyor I was expecting tomorrow was arriving today, so walked back home
Marketing :/
@fredley I blame walking
@badp You're just jealous of my lack of trains
I've never been on a train before.
@Wipqozn wat
@Wipqozn wat
7 secs ago, by badp
@Wipqozn wat
so are you currently on a train
Even the song I'm listening to just went 'wat' in the middle of an otherwise instrumental song
@Wipqozn wat
I live in Nova Scotia. The only reason to take a train is to travel to another province.
so Nova Scotia is your mental horizon, data accepted
Based on the travel website things I've been making lately there are trips in the US/Canada that have as main attraction "you're on a train"
Actually I haven't left my province in years
And that confuses me.
If I were to travel elsehere, I'd either plane or take my car.
I've also never been on a bus.
@Wipqozn not even on a school trip?
@badp School bus I've been on. Regular bus no.
Oh you poor poor thing
So no big boy bus for me
@Wipqozn what is the difference?
@PrivatePansy I don't regret never being on a bus
Supposedly the bus service in my province is terrible
no, I mean, most bus services are terrible
@badp one is yellow.
@Wipqozn Over here most busses are yellow. Except maybe some school busses or busses from organised bus trips.
@Arperum The netherlands is weird
@Wipqozn Your face is weird
@Wipqozn I don't know how the busses up north are.
@Arperum I already had my joke typed out, so I'm making it anyways
I still live in Belgium.
@Wipqozn If I lived over there I would be able to see my girlfriend much more frequently :(
@Arperum regular color
@Arperum The two primary liveries here used to be red and yellow. Then it was red and silver. Then purple and silver. And now it's purple and red.
@Arperum Just send @KevinvanderVelden in your place!
Man that was mean, but I coulnd't resist
@Wipqozn :(
@Wipqozn despite popular belief, they are not twins
@Arperum I'm legitimately sorry for making that joke, but i couldn't resist.
Also Doomtown Reloaded is fun
@Arperum School buses here are the only yellow ones
[procrastination intensifies]
I think I genuinely need someone to kick me off here so that I can go study
@Wipqozn Bah. Now I'm double sad :( Because I am missing my girlfriend and thinking back of a memory where I got a friend to help my then-girlfriend, who ended up cheating on me with him that evening and then running of with him
@Arperum I'm a monster.
@Wipqozn Yes.
@PrivatePansy Have you eve been kicked from the bridge before?
@Wipqozn Yes
Wait, are we playing 'never have I ever'?
Flag kick, mute kick, mod abuse kick
@PrivatePansy Maybe
I think @badp should just delete your account
@Wipqozn Dunno if I want to visit you...
@MBraedley, though, that has potential.
@PrivatePansy a kick would only last one minute
@Frank but I'm just so friendly
I get it I get it
@badp This further support my account deletion suggestion
it's time to ART
@badp Well you guys are no help at all I take that back
what shall we ART today
@badp Me
gotta give our precious @PrivatePansy their fanservice
Oh god no.
@Wipqozn that has already been ARTed
@ChromeSlice Ahahahahaha
Q: Test if a player has drank a water bottle?

hyperviper11I'm making a minigame with a water system. Is there a command to test if a player has drunk a water bottle, and activate a command off of that?

@PrivatePansy tell us how you REALLY feel
I'm tempted to leave a really bad joke as a comment but I'm also tempted not to do so because of how bad this joke is
I think I will spare Arqade my evil (for now)
@PrivatePansy, are you of TWO minds? is something BUGGING you?
@twobugs badp_irl
I imagine @badp would look more angry
But I thought @Unionhawk would sound really angry and he has a chipper and upbeat voice
Mindcanons are fragile like that
you know, I actually did ART something, but I am hyping it so hard, it could never match up your deepest, darkest fears. So I guess it's going straight to the archive.
or should I call it, the ARTive
@PrivatePansy You should ask the purple plush for the "go inside book" spell.
but what if the spell misfired
and he ended up in MY book
Neat, Makemake has it's own moon!
@twobugs does this assumption come from the fact that I'm pretty constantly angry at someone making dumb comments about the tag I have a silver in?
@badp either he gets mad or next time you open the book, you will discover that now you have a nice Color the Pony album.
@ChromeSlice Someone needs to photoshop @badp onto that
someone should link @PrivatePansy to an incremental.
@fredley has gotta have something he's been saving for a special occasion.
@Unionhawk Pretty much
I imagine that you carry around a large knife and stab anyone who makes bad comments about Minecraft
@PrivatePansy what
25 mins ago, by Private Pansy
so you would've preferred the ART instead?
4 hours ago, by Unionhawk
The new Legend of #Zelda will be the focus of #E3 2016. It will launch simultaneously on both Wii U and NX in 2017 https://t.co/icfBlybnkm
yesterday, by MBraedley
@Ronan I have a spare bedroom. And it'll have a bed (frame) too! Mattress comes a bit later.
Poor @PrivatePansy is going to need to retake his course
(no I did not buy the font)
@PrivatePansy is that the sound you make when you need more fanservice?
Q: What body parts did Remnants of Despair took from Junko Enoshima?

swswswsI just finished playing Danganronpa 2 and so I was wondering that what fake Makoto said that Remnants of Despair attached some of Junkos body parts into their own bodies. I know Nagito took Junkos hand. So what others members took ?

I'm... Not sure I understand how people are getting "no NX at E3" from "zelda for Wii U and NX will be the focus of E3"
because NX, too, is an acronym.
@Unionhawk No NX at E3 because it launches tomorrow? Got it
It stands for "does Not eXist"
@Unionhawk Schrödinger's console
@fredley Neat
people aren't saying there will be no NX at E3
people are saying there will be news at E3 that there will be no NX
The upgrade system is annoying though
elementary, @Unionhawk
@twobugs yeah
Besides, when the fuck has Nintendo ever tied themselves to announcing stuff at E3 only
@badp This is like when Square Enix announced that they were going to announce FF15's release date
Hint: they announce shit whenever they want
@twobugs what good is a countdown hype if you can't hype the countdown hype with some hype countdown hype countdown
Which this most recent time being apparently 3:30 EST on a Wednesday
@twobugs The magic system is interesting though
@Unionhawk wait that doesn't sound like Japanese office hours
@badp NintendoAmerica
or maybe it is? iunno
@Unionhawk NoA wouldn't be the ones to break the news of a new Nintendo console
I dunno about the past wheres and whens of such big announcements but I suppose they would instead happen in their home country?
They were the ones who made that tweet
Is what I'm saying
GOG keeps having good bundles but I own all of them
At 3:30 this morning or whatever time zone noa is
okay, but now I'm curious about there wheres and whens of the DS/Wii/Wii U/etc.
I think DS and Wii were E3
Recently though @Unionhawk is spot on as Nintendo is a loose canon who would rather do their own directs
the Wii U was launched on a Direct?
Q: How to /clear a specific spawn egg in minecraft

KimatuyI want to remove a specific spawn egg from a player's inventory but instead the two commands removes every spawn eggs. The first one remove every one while the second one removes nothing (but the command block says that it is correct): /clear @a spawn_egg 0 5 /clear @a spawn_egg 52 5 ...

It might have been announced in one
I'm pretty sure the new 3ds was announced during a direct?
if that happened, I can see why they'd rather go on E3 this time around :P
@fredley The fact that it says "lowest upgrade-cast" really annoys me
N3DS was announced in a direct by Nintendo of Japan, Wii U was E3 2011
Oh wait no NX is actually confirmed in the earnings report or something
@Unionhawk Multiple users at neogaf where claiming that supposedly today marked the end of an embargo for producers working on NX games, so there would have been a leak of info...
Q: Can I start with Eevee?

theblueshovelI want to play Pokémon Heartgold with Eevee as my starter. I tried using Universal Randomizer (I think it was called that) but the game froze after a short while. Is there some other way to start with Eevee and play using a flash card?

I'm going to do video editing just to troll everyone with my Dark Souls 3 stream and it's going to be great
two bugs stream supercut hype
did you actually beat DS3?
No, I will stream it live. I have a few areas left
I have at least the Lothric fight, an optional area I sort of missed, and the super ultimate mega final area
@fredley The earth explosion thing is hilarious
Q: Explorer died and the stuff is gone. Bug?

AvasollaI play this game for a while in the "normal" mode. I recently décide to start over with the survival mode. So there's my question. I sent a explorer in the wasteland with a weapon 22-23 and 8 stimpacks. He survived for 8 hours without using any of them. Before sleep i called him back. He still h...

@twobugs you mean... Doritos HQ?
are you going to prove your ultimate gamerhood by being the gamer that ended all games?
I'm going to fight against Bobby Kotick, yes
a world without gamerfuel...
and I thought 1984 was bad!
That was just the beginning, my friend
This will be Brave New World without the Soma (which is actually Mountain Dew)
@twobugs skill up for adaptive upgrades. that one promises to self upgrade your towers!
That's brilliant. This is a neat incrementer
@twobugs Yea, in four minutes that upgrade will start. (doing the final upgrade before it now)
Q: Serana fighting Paarthurnax

eiglow_I just completed the quest Alduin's Bane. Serana was my follower at the time. My problem is that during the fight with Alduin, Paarthurnax must have accidentally damaged Serana or vice versa, and now that the fight is over they are fighting each other. I am playing on PC so I will be able to us...

It's going to take a while to upgrade my towers, but leave it on farm mode and it'll get there eventually.
@Derpy I feel like Nintendo would allow themselves to break their own embargo
This is first party
Therefore I maintain that we know only console releasing March 2017 and all rumors are made up
Welcome to video games rumors where everything is made up and the stars don't matter
The new Legend of #Zelda will be the focus of #E3 2016. It will launch simultaneously on both Wii U and NX in 2017 https://t.co/icfBlybnkm
Hmm. Crap.
@Unionhawk those are rumors and should be treated as such. Neogaf managed to guess many times in the past (see: Smash Bros) but it is still a rumor.
The real question is: wasn't Zelda U supposed to be using the controller a lot in their claims?
So... ported on NX
the controller really must be the focus.
@fredley dammit you. this incremental tower defense is taking away the last bit of productivity I had in me.
That was the case with TP for Wii
@Arperum meanwhile I'm playing kittens game again
I don't think TP for Wii really made great use of the Wiimote
@Unionhawk Nah, that got boring rather fast.
It was just kind of a "eh this is a thing"
@Unionhawk wait. That was supposedly to be a gamecube game ported to a gimmick controller, not a game for a gimmick controller ported to something that probably won't reuse the same gimmick
I'm currently farming the lvl 60 boss to upgrade my towers more. he gives 1.7M gold/kill and every shot lowers the cost of the next upgrade of that tower with 5k or something.
@Yuuki so... the Wii U and NX are of comparable graphic prowess?
NX: it's like the Wii U, but without the bullshit
@badp More likely: NX, like the Wii U but with replaced gimmicks
@badp That doesn't necessarily follow
@badp Current theory: NX: Virtual Boy 2 - now with more colors!
@Arperum I don't know why it happens but mine bugs out - all towers stop firing after a few minutes, have to refresh to fix it
@Derpy Zelda in VR wouldn't work I don't think
@fredley Weird, me too
@fredley That sucks. I have no issue in firefox.
Less than a week until the Overwatch beta!
I don't think platformers work in VR
@Derpy the gimmick is Link is now blue
Zelda is not a platformer
That's almost as offensive as calling it an RPG
@badp what I said? Virtual Boy. It isn't supposed to work
@fredley @twobugs Are you sure it's not just a display bug? because I do have times where not all my towers seem to fire, but the killing speed doesn't change.
@twobugs right. but it does have heavy platforming elements.
@badp Heavy platforming elements like "not having a jump button"
@Arperum Nah, enemies stop losing health
@badp You are Very Wrong on the internet and it's Not Okay
@fredley That does suck indeed.
@Arperum Seems to be holding up in Safari
@twobugs ...right, because Skyward sword's green bubble thing represented his brain power as he thought about puzzles
IT's getting sluggish in my Microsoft Edge
@badp That's literally the only 3D Zelda with an actually jump button and the one I have played least so I won't comment as much
But OoT, TP, MM, WW, etc all have no platforming
My maze + skills
@Arperum Your layout is bad and you should feel bad
@fredley Why is it bad?
@twobugs WW definitely has platforming and jumping and it was annoying as fuck
feel free to call it "swinging over ropes" though
@badp It had the leaf, but I wouldn't call that jumping or platforming
@fredley Mine has longer path length.
Oh you meant the swinging
also the leaf, yes.
@Arperum But less towers
(I've played some pvp tower defense game at some point, and diagonal mazes are not bad at all.)
When I'm talking about platforming I'm talking about a pretty different type of gameplay. I think we just have a semantic disagreement
I will retract my statement of your wrongness but I will reinforce your statement of not okayness
@fredley True, but more chance for towers to hit enemies, because they get back in range more.
I guess I'm referring to platforming in the sense of "I am here and I need to go there, and some of it is climbing, some of it is swinging, some of it is whatever the hell it is that you do when you drop down the wall and move along the edge with your hands"
@Arperum Mine looks nicer
all the sorts of stuff that you couldn't really have in LttP
which only had stairs and holes
@fredley I agree that mine is a shoddy version of a diagonal maze, I did not properly plan it.
is that clearer perhaps?
@badp When I talk about platforming I mean more frantic jumping stuff like you see in Merry-o or Meat Boy or those kind of games. Where frequently lining up jumps and navigating platforms is a key component
It's also that the waves are tiny and you never have two at the same time coming through.
Which is stupid.
In that sense I don't think Zelda is a platformer
@twobugs oh okay. Yeah, it's no SMB
But it sounds like you're talking about a more broader sense, and I agree with you on that level
You win this one!
and I meant super meat boy there
so I guess what I'm saying is LINK TO THE PAST: STAIRS AND HOLES EDITION
@twobugs play N
Yeah N is cool
And fun, and free
I never played N+ but I really liked N
N+ was also great but my progress was borked on x360
Jumper was cool as hell too, I don't remember what happened to those
N++ took out online co-op which sucked
the co-op levels in N+ were surprisingly fun
> Fixed a bug where players were having too much fun
So creep satiation is not a thing to account for in this tower defense. ANd that's a whole blocvk of depth thrown away.
Which game @Arperum?
@ChromeSlice The "what" link by @fredley in the star list.
That tower defense is seriously one of the better incrementals
Very fun so far
I'm on mobile
Oh, incremental
don't care
When is Defenders Quest 2 a thing
That reminds me, I picked up Deathtrap
heard it's pretty good, should play it
I am debating a maze redesign with double wide tower walls that has a focus on loads of twoers, since there will never be many mobs.
Are we finished talking about how Nintendo is dead in the water? :P
are they?
> Error 57 fatal error C1189: #error : WINDOWS.H already included. MFC apps must not #include <windows.h> c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\afxv_w32.h 16
Also: if you want to farm a boss wave and you don't like the current boss stats, go back a level and then progress to the level you want again, you'll get a different boss.
@ChromeSlice Pretty much, yeah, unless the NX can pull off another Wii miracle. A Miiracle, if you wiill.
@ChromeSlice Not really. They're not doing well in the home console market
It's not an MFC app, but a single class includes some MFC helper classes. Because reasons.
But the 3DS is basically unchallenged
Don't get me wrong, I love my Vita. But it has like 1/10th the units moved that the 3DS does
Hah, I think I've foiled you, compiler!
70 dollars wtf

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