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@twobugs Not trying to be a jerk! I just found this, though, and I'm going to watch the hell out of it.
@Fluttershy historically, the answer is "bring a shield"
@Unionhawk Are you gonna watch it too?
@WorldEngineer long time no see in the bridge
@WorldEngineer Parrying daggers work too! :D
@GodEmperorDune It has entertained me sufficiently to complete my painting.
My results:
Also, watching (or listening) @twobugs die to the same two bosses over and over was amusing.
@Frank right?
Fun fact for that color: It's a combination of chrome as the base, with transparent yellow on top. Which, when applied heavily, darkens into a brass-y gold.
@Yuuki are you going to stream your boss fight now?
@GodEmperorDune I might be eating dinner soon.
But maybe after that.
I did really bad at those bosses
@twobugs You succeeded in your primary mission however: entertaining me while I painted.
@Fluttershy I'll check this out, I honestly never bothered to learn the mechanic in depth because it's absurdly punishing to fail at
Q: Skyrim double daedric weapons

Matthew_m321Are there any daedric princes that can give you an option to choose different daedric artifacts, and even one that lets you get both? (Excluding savior's hide and the ring of hircine)

@twobugs you just needed the extra kick in gamer fuel to fully consume the dorito sticks and bring the coupons home
It was @badp cheering me on and filling me with Determination
oh you think you know determination
I just watched and occasionally snickered.
For certain values of determination perhaps
@Fluttershy I haven't actually played it, and is it shit? I thought I heard a lot of good stuff about it.
Also, apparently Attractio came out of beta at some point. store.steampowered.com/app/317060
@StrixVaria Mark of the Ninja is so good though
Mark of the Ninja is AMAZING
the thing that frustrates me about stealth games is that I have limited information of lines of sight and whatnot
Mark of the Ninja has a few consistent predictable game mechanics and gives you full visibility
so I guess it kinda becomes more of a puzzle game
@AshleyNunn watch the wire it is so good so so good
@LessPop_MoreFizz it really is
I tried playing 20 minutes of that ubisoft assassin thing, spending all of the time to try and crouch and sneak behind people
to not avail
was I making too much noise? was someone able to see me? who the hell knows
@KutuluMike hitman 2
if you get spotted in MotN you know immediately why
Assassin's Creed?
Q: How do I copy/paste a command on mac?

KimatuyI want to know how to select, copy the entire command from a command block (separately) and paste it into the chat or an another command block on Mac. I've already took a look to the other question similars, none of them responded at what I had in thought correctly. Thank you.

The only two things that it ever was useful for anyway was TF2 replays (and no server has those enabled anymore) and Apple keynotes
@badp yay!
praise the sun!
maybe itunes will stop trying to install it now
you wish
> Apple officials should have shown the courtesy to tell Windows users QuickTime was no longer receiving security updates, rather than leaving it to Trend Micro.
Apple didn't actually admit to Quicktime's demise
did anyone EVER buy Quicktime PRO?
@badp only pro gamers buy quicktime PRO, for those L337 quicktime events
Stop talking about Quicktime
you wish you could leave Quicktime behind
Q: Is there a common name for pop-up damage numbers, such as in RPGs?

mwczIt just occurred to me that I've never heard a name for the damage numbers that pop up over characters, typically in RPGs. After some searching I found one person call them "poppers", but no other names. Is there a name, perhaps used inside the gaming industry, for these numbers?

@Lazers2.0 inb4 HNQ
@GodEmperorDune There's no way that should be.
Man why the hell is FF9 $20
I don't want to wake up tomorrow to that post scored +20
@Frank it shouldn't be, but weird terminology usually hits HNQ
so if we could collectively stop upvoting dumb questions, that would be terrific
@GodEmperorDune Mostly because of the influx of people watching the drama between, "This is a stupid question", and "No way, this is awesome!"
For the record: That's a stupid question.
@badp some horrible things used the codec and the only way to install the actual codec was by installing quicktime. There was 3rd party QT Lite or something like that though which was a homebrew quicktime codec that I believe worked just as well though...
@Frank your comment makes that clear
@GodEmperorDune Just in case my stance wasn't clear.
now i'm tempted to post a meh answer to score some HNQ rep
@GodEmperorDune well more answers = more hotness
@Dragonrage yeah i know
terminology usually veers into opinion too, so it attracts a lot of answers
and the , can't forget about the pedantic comments
@badp Me neither.
.....that mansplaining comment. I just...there's no reason for that logical leap
I wonder if this shouldn't be a thing that we do
Limit questions to explaining terms that exist, as opposed to idle wondering on whether or not a thing has a name
Is there a term for needing specific terminology for everything?
@badp I'd be on board with that as a thing
@badp To the meta!
@badp I'd be fine with banning in general.
Why are we a replacement for a dictionary?
so "what's a matador stab " yay, "what's it called when I feign someone to turn in a direction, then go the other way and stab people" nay
@Yuuki brb making a question about it on elu
in the former question you not only get to explain the term, but you can also explain why it works, demonstrate it, etc
It's much closer to the kind of stuff we want
and it's easily googled
@badp Ehh. For this reason alone, I'd say not allow them.
We're essentially going to become gamerdictionary.com
@Frank this essentially becomes a question about a game mechanic or strategy, it's just core to what we do
@badp To be fair, I have no issues with us explaining what a term means.
I made the same point quite a while ago.
It's when we get, "Hey, if I do this thing, and then that, what's the name for that?", that turns it into a crapfest.
And why I close them as POB.
@Frank So we agree
@badp Personally, I'd prefer just punting them all out the door, really.
But I'll take what I can get.
I just can't agree that "what's the sigafoo save" would be off topic for us
Sorry ~
Hmm... Dark Souls does not like OBS.
There. Meta-ed.
@badp I'd just argue that term definitions aren't our thing. At all.
Try googling that
Ah, apparently game capture does not work well with it.
You will only find discussion about it
maybe a couple of demonstrative videos
@badp Which...is exactly the point.
Should we be encouraging people to ask us things that are easily googled?
@Frank yes, and SE's whole raison d'être is to fix this
If you're not going to put in ANY effort to figure it out yourself, do we really want to waste our time because you can't be arsed to do so?
@Frank this is not easily googled
I can see an argument for "what does x mean"
thats reasonably specific and answerable
@badp I found several videos on that term. No problems there.
but "does x have a name" is less so
The top Google hits merely discuss it
@AshleyNunn and we can ask people to tie their question to a specific game if needs be
@badp what if its a genre term
like "what is a jungler in MOBAs"
@badp Exactly. We can narrow it down to a point where it makes sense and can get a concrete answer
@GodEmperorDune That's still specific enough that we can get focused responses
My stance is rather clear: If we keep any of these, it'll be those that give us a term, and ask us to explain it. Not point us at something, and ask us to define it. We're great at the former, and really bad at the latter. — Frank 39 secs ago
That's basically it.
Q: Do we want to support "Is there a term for x" questions?

Ashley NunnWe have a terminology tag, which makes sense. Sometimes, you run into a term in a game (or game related meta - I'm thinking of you, MOBAs, where I feel like I have to learn a whole new language...) that you don't know, and sometimes, all the Googling in the world doesn't help (because you can run...

I'll shoot for banning them entirely, but I'll be happy with just banning those asking us to define a concept or action.
Doing some fiddling with the settings, started getting some framerate issues when I started up the stream.
@Frank i think we should ban them, but only if the terms are related to modded minecraft
@GodEmperorDune I'm not much of a moba head so I can't really comment, but I do expect the answer to change from moba to moba. Like that paradox mobay thing didn't have a jungle
If your question is about the whole genre it's probably not going to be very interesting, and also very long
or uselessly short
@badp from what @StrixVaria told me, the first MOBAs had jungle areas so the role was "go do stuff in the jungle", now it has generalized to "you're not in a particular lane but do similar stuff regardless if there is a jungle or not"
"The jungle is the area where the creep don't go. Junglers specialise in controlling this area."
There you have learned almost nothing now give me reps
@badp but you can give bad answers to any question
Well yes but it kinda does have to be bad if you want to speak for all mobas
@GodEmperorDune That's kinda a bad argument though
some things are prone to more garbage than others
@AshleyNunn true
twitch.tv/yawus - Let's go fight Artorias!
now i will disengage to watch @Yuuki's stream
Like what's a headshot vs what's a headshot in tf2 — I can show you the model hitboxes and list the weapons that can deal headshots and how headshots are considered crits and deal 3× the weapon's maximum damage and also sniper rifles charge headshots while the ambassador has artificial spread
My wife just told me the worst joke. I hesitate to call it a joke.
@badp i am beginning to agree with the specific game limitation, now that i think about it
as opposed to "a headshot happens sometimes in some games when you have a weapon that hits a guy's head. In some cases, you do extra damage."
"Do you know who Darth Vader's Girlfriend is?"
"Ella Vader?"
@Sterno but girlfriends don't have the same last name?
@Sterno I love this
@GodEmperorDune She probably said wife. I don't know. IT REALLY DOESN'T MATTER
Still awful.
@Sterno if it said wife it would be an excellent joke
No no no
Honestly I find the whole practice of a woman's giving up her family name to pick the husband's to be super gross
@badp my wife and i merged our last names when we got married. first part of mine, middle part of hers
It's like you go from being your father's property to your husband's
@badp yeah its a pretty weak practice
@badp there were a lot of double takes when trying to change my last name because of marriage
Italy is usually behind the times on this sort of stuff but we kind of made it retroactively illegal in the 70s
"i don't think this is allowed" ... "here is the relevant section of the law that said this is ok" head explodes
so there
@GodEmperorDune so whose is the last part?
@badp That is why it is done, yes
@badp there is no last part
the middle of her last name became the end of the merge result
So my phone has 17 app updates
problem is all my apps move themselves from teh SD card to main memory when tehy update
@GodEmperorDune someday I'll have to ask you to draw a diagram
so to have room for these I have to manually MOVE ALL MY APPS again
let things update
For now I must depart
@AshleyNunn :(
I like my phone in a lot of ways, but the fact that there is no "bulk move these things" option is one of those things that frustrates me
@badp new_lastname = my_lastname[0:2] + her_lastname[3:6]
@AshleyNunn that's okay, the male firstborn gets his father's father's name AND surname traditionally
@Yuuki If I already have a Battle Axe +3, would it still be worthwhile for me to switch to the Fire Longsword?
never mind that her_lastname was like 10+ chars
Q: Stable club economy

AleOtero93I'm managing a decent club (Palermo - Italy) and having lot of trouble with economy (like minus $60M). I had the same problem in a lot of clubs. Is there anyway to improve this? Some info: I always sell more that I buy. The club is ok with my salaries management. I'm almost in the best 8 team...

like he isn't his own thing, just a comeback of the old man
an old man I never met anyway? That would have been super weird.
@badp sure thing, @badp the 5.3e14th
@GodEmperorDune I'll let you know all other @badp's are deprecated
@badp well obvi
I am origin/HEAD
It is me
and you are not welcome to fork me on Github
@badp its too late you are ALREADY FORKED
@Frank sorry, Steam made me think you were online
so I messaged you a bunch
sorry for messsage overload :P
@AshleyNunn Oh. I should be.
I rebooted. Yay for USB shorting my computer. ><
Steam made me think like....everyone on my list was online and most of them actually arent
@AshleyNunn is that real steam or the mobile app?
@GodEmperorDune real steam
@AshleyNunn oh, i've had caching issues with the mobile app but don't check the real steam enough to be useful :S
@AshleyNunn How so?
no one else is watching @Yuuki stream?
@twobugs By listing everyone as online and then when I clicked to talk to them it was like so and so is offline
38 mins ago, by Yuuki
https://www.twitch.tv/yawus - Let's go fight Artorias!
get hyped!
cmon @twobugs, @Yuuki watched your stream
@AshleyNunn re:Meta, I don't really have he time to articulate this more fully, but my issue is easy to see if you look at the single word requests tag over at ELU
Specifically, unless it's an easy, open and shut general reference situation, the thread quickly devolves into a shitshow of bike shedding and half assed neologisms by people who feel like it's a chance to show off how clever they are by trying to coin a new word
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes this is what i was trying to politely say
And both the former and latter are not of value.
There's not much left in the middle.
@AshleyNunn :) I just didn't get the "attracts awful answers" from your post as written. (I saw a reference to comment wars, but that's a different, if sometimes similar issue)
Q: Why wont some textures load in my Minecraft game?

august fontanaI use a mac and i download the superheroes unlimited mod the newest one and i got forge and everything but when i go into a game and look at the superhero costumes some are just white blank spaces and same with other things like all wooden tools and etc. how do i fix this?

@LessPop_MoreFizz I might take what you just said and try to word it better, because I guess I missed that point :)
(Mostly because I was like "okay time for meta" and word vomited and pressed "post"without reading my work...aka how I did all my uni papers ever)
@AshleyNunn you are very coherent for "word vomit"
There, more edited word vomit.
@GodEmperorDune Thanks, I try
@AshleyNunn wait there's another way to write a paper?
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's what I hear, but I don't trust it
We are watching the debate and drinking
It's a p good time
@Unionhawk lies, there is no debate
everyone supports drumpf
Democratic you fool
those ones are boring
Can I call you a fool or will i get bopped for that
@Unionhawk there's one way to find out
esteemed sir
@Unionhawk me too.
i am watching @Yuuki get rekt by artorias instead
15 mins ago, by GodEmperorDune
38 mins ago, by Yuuki
https://www.twitch.tv/yawus - Let's go fight Artorias!
I should be finishing homework, but, ehhhhh I can finish religion drunk at midnight, and circuits is due at 5
Don't try this at home kids I am a professional
those aren't even real subjects
@Unionhawk I read that as circus is due at 5 and thats a completely different thing
@GodEmperorDune they are
I'm a Catholic computer engineering major
@Fluttershy ruuuuuuuuuude
@Unionhawk like a double major or you specialize in computers for the pope?
@StrixVaria I can't! D: It's not a code! It just activates for you on the B.net launcher!
Blizzard really hates me.
@Fluttershy otherwise it would be ebay all the way
I didn't get into the D3 betas either.
It's letting me install Overwatch, which is new.
@StrixVaria Then I'd say you're in!
Maybe I accidentally marked the email as spam or something.
@StrixVaria I didn't get one either. But, if you go to your Battle.net account, and look at the games listed, you should see "Overwatch Beta" there.
if i was in the beta i'd just complain about the size of that character's butt the whole time
@Fluttershy That's just for the pre-purchase period in May.
Not for this weekend, unless everyone who pre-purchased gets in this weekend for free?
@GodEmperorDune Catholic is a non major
@StrixVaria I'm not sure on that part. But I preordered, and that wasn't showing up there until now. I checked it around 4 when I left for work, because I knew invites were going out for the weekend thing today.
I'm a computer engineering major with an implicit computer science minor
@Fluttershy Oh interesting.
Because the requirements for my major meet the minor automatically
@Unionhawk so where does the catholic come into play?
> If you're selected to participate in this Beta Test Weekend, you'll see an Install button appear in the Overwatch tab of your Battle.net desktop app as well as an Overwatch Beta license in the YOUR GAME ACCOUNTS section of Battle.net Account Management.
@GodEmperorDune it's just a thing that I am
@Unionhawk oh, ok
I am a believing and practicing member of the Catholic Church
@StrixVaria \o/
@Unionhawk cool, grats
Okay now I know how @GodEmperorDune feels when his headcanons get broke
@AshleyNunn RIGHT?!
like i never would have guessed that
I have no head canons
I have deuterocanons
@WorldEngineer what about headcannons
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, same.
@AshleyNunn me or @Yuuki?
@Unionhawk You
Like it's not bad, but I tend to assume my religious self is a lonely island on the internet
@AshleyNunn archipelago :P
@StrixVaria So, the beta runs from 9AM PST tomorrow, to 9PM PST Saturday.
@WorldEngineer I wanna be an island.
There are no rules.
I'm from Cincinnati. Probably highest concentration of Catholics in the country
in a deep blue of apathy, which because I'm Anglican is okay by me...
@Fluttershy So I should clear my schedule Saturday.
my only request is that y'all not try to proselytize me, which hasn't happened so far, so we're good
@StrixVaria Yep. And I have family in town. ;-;
@Unionhawk makes sense, I'm from KW which is kinda super Mennonite (I'm looking at you, St. Jacobs, with your Mennonite museum tourist trap thingamabobber)
@GodEmperorDune Nah, that's so far from my jam I can't even
@GodEmperorDune that's grounds for banning
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, pretty much believe whatever you want so long as you don't bother me with it.
That's kinda how I roll - I believe a thing, and if you believe the thing, great, but if you don't, whatever, let's not throw sticks at each other
(Although I wont turn down a good game of PoohSticks)
The frequent Jehovah's Witnesses at the train station I commute from haven't said anything to me in the several dozen times I've walked past them, which is actually pretty nice compared to my initial expectations when I saw them.
@GodEmperorDune I only go super religious when people go evangelical atheist, which has only happened like twice or something
@Unionhawk yeah i am not a fan of fundamentalist atheism either
@AshleyNunn That's weird
thanks for streaming @Yuuki
time to drive home
@twobugs yeah I dont even know
Yay, Artorias!
It was a fun fight if occasionally frustrating.
@StrixVaria Just confirmed mine was for the beta weekend only. :( You can click play, and it'll launch, but it won't actually log you in.
Oh, you guys got beta access for the weekend?
@StrixVaria You should talk to them about JENOVA
@Yuuki You might have too!
Does Overwatch say "Install"?
Checking right now.
@twobugs stop overthinking it
Wouldn't they send an e-mail?
@Yuuki They said they would. But I never got one.
Weird, B.net's not launching.
Oh hey, I have an install button too.
@Yuuki Congrats!
Install buttons for everyone! :P
@John W-what...?
I can launch Overwatch! Then it just fails to connect over and over, but still.
@StrixVaria Yeah, that's what I get too.
@Fluttershy New York looks the best. I guess that makes sense for me, though.
Coneys are delicious yo
@StrixVaria I think they're doing live maintenance.
@Fluttershy I kinda want to eat my way through this list
@AshleyNunn I absolutely hate hot dogs, but I'd eat the Amsterdam one.
@Yuuki They are, but even after that, we wouldn't be able to play until 9AM PST tomorrow.
Gonna head to Reddit to see if /r/Overwatch has exploded.
Wait we have a download button
I wonder if I'll feel up to going to work tomorrow or if I'll have to work from home.
@Fluttershy I loooooove hotdogs
I very rarely have hotdogs anymore because my wife hates them.
They're so good, though.
I only eat one brand of hotdogs
There. That took longer than expected.
A: Do we want to support "Is there a term for x" questions?

FrankThere's two different set of actions at play for terminology questions. Wanting to know what a term means. You've heard something people are talking about, maybe in chat, maybe in Teamspeak, doesn't really matter where, but you're not quite sure what it means. You're not familiar enough with ...

Mostly, we're good at pulling thing out of box, and telling you what thing is.
But we're bad at being given a thing, and telling you what the thing is.
And now I'm totally satiated on the word, "thing"
@Frank I was semantically satiated on the word "square" yesterday after seeing it once.
Which was really weird.
@StrixVaria That must be.
I'm trying to wrap my head around the concept after only one use.
Ugh no pizza rolls in my fridge. Midnight grilling may be a thing
Do it!
@AshleyNunn T_T
I nkow, right?
I'm actually falling asleep
Mid raid
New Hearthstone Hero is Apple only (for now at least)
That's really dumb
More like, you're really dumb
Go home uni you're drunk
That...is impressive.
1 message moved to Android Hell
Goddammit @badp that was harder than it should have been
@Unionhawk oh sorry did my deleting it make it harder
No @badp did some name change nonsense in Android hell
And by the time drunk me changed it to something searchable on mobile it was apparently gone
Which is pretty classic
whats this about overwatch play button?
But no I already had the message selected to move, just not the room to move
playing some more league if anyone is interested in watching/playing
cc @GodEmperorDune @Yuuki
Oh man probably UHC finale cc @MBraedley
This UHC sponsored by the players are invisible on horses bug
I'm just subconsciously commentating this UHC about health advantages vs enchantment advantages and I hate it
> I'm gonna pull a [spoilers]
No, didn't pull a redacted
Dude I think my man is going to win
Wow yeah this is happening
Welp, RIP
And that's how following one guy in UHC works
Except this time it worked out because my guy died last
is anyone watching my stream? if not im going to stop talking and just play
@Dragonrage sorry, doing something else
maybe another time
Drunk grilling currently

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