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Huh, even the high end one is rather cheap: amazon.com/Intel-Compute-Stick-Windows-BOXSTCK1A32WFCR/dp/… (160$)
@Wipqozn 4 hours
> [...] and I was surprised I could get World of Warcraft to play on it.
Oh god
WoW plays on my SP3
Really well, actually
Wow is OLD.
Yeah ikno, but SP3 is way more powerful than a intel compute stick.
yes there's been updates
@djsmiley2k urmom is OLD.
butit's lowest common deomoniator computing
@ardaozkal concidering I'm 31... (I think?!) yes, yes she is
1984, Jan
I'm 32?
o_O BoI update, 1.03
WoW started development in the late 90s I think? At least the planning did
@djsmiley2k happy biiirthday DJSMILEY2k, happy biiirthday DJSMILEY2k, happy biiirthday *copyright strike*
@djsmiley2k yay, someone older than me in the bridge
no more copyright on that lols
How old am i tho
@ardaozkal Not copyrighted anmore
I acxtually don't know
32 right?
@djsmiley2k 2016-1984
@SaintWacko neat.
@GodEmperorDune ew math
Fix seed exploit for challenge runs
Q: How to give vassals provinces?

GalabycaDuring a war, I took enemy's provinces. How to give these provinces to a vassal ? I know it may appear as a simple game-mechanic, but when I try to "sell" these provinces, my vassal is willing to accept only one at time and it make me loose 10 prestige points.

Man, I'm so excited for Titanfall 2
Titanfall 1 was a game I saw a bunch of people make fun of but it's actually a great game that is really fun
Q: What is the maximum attainable level of a Steam account?

GalabycaWhat is the maximum attainable level of a Steam account ?

Good variety of movement and maps, there aren't like 50 guns as there are in CoD games but each gun is more balanced and has cool custom attachments
Titans are a fun mechanic
@Lazers2.0 this is a clear dupe... not sure why someone answered it
@GodEmperorDune I guess the reason I could see is that the old answer is out of date. But the question is still a dupe
And that would basically require a daily update with all the new badges and games that come out
@GodEmperorDune you're in the gaming chat room asking why people are doing things for fake internet points?
@twobugs but the old answer includes the methodology for determining the max, so its a matter of plugging in new values to the old formula
I agree
a. anyone on?
Several of us are.
wuz goin on here
Sei gegrüßt
what da ziff? is that like a swear in russian?
Welcome, @gamer103
nein, es ist Deutsch
Hello @gamer103
Ja, deutsch ist gut
Welcome to bridge gamer
what language is that
ur german?
than why are u speaking in german?
das ist, wo wir zu verschleppen und Zeit verschwenden
Most of the chat speaks english, I talked german because @Dragonrage did.
@Dragonrage stahp.
oh. makes sence
@gamer103 warum nicht
...my pc doesn't have a wifi adapter... I completely forgot about that
@Dragonrage sorry man but i have no idea what that means
why not?
@Wipqozn Amazon drone.
cuz i don't speak german
Damn it
@gamer103 real who's on first situation here
I'll just get it on PS4
i only speak a little bit of German, but I rather like the language
isn't it like hard to learn
@gamer103 yeah
@Dragonrage so what does warum nicht mean
I've been studying it for 2hours/week at school in the last 5 years, got my a1 certificate last year.
@gamer103 good night
@gamer103 Warm night, obviously
@gamer103 why not
@SaintWacko it's not obvious if u don't speak german
@SaintWacko which i don't
@gamer103 We are just joking. It means "why not"
why not what?
4 mins ago, by gamer103
than why are u speaking in german?
speak in german
4 mins ago, by gamer103
than why are u speaking in german?
23 secs ago, by SaintWacko
4 mins ago, by gamer103
than why are u speaking in german?
7 secs ago, by Dragonrage
23 secs ago, by SaintWacko
4 mins ago, by gamer103
than why are u speaking in german?
so what where u talking bout before i came on
just stuff?
Absolutely nothing.
@gamer103 dark souls 3 mostly.
@gamer103 you can scroll up to see the chat history
Anything but gaming
Gaming is off topic here
... Ignore him.
Just look at the description
@GodEmperorDune i know but i was to lazy to scroll up
@gamer103 Anything, everything, and nothing, all at the same time.
C'mon, don't mess with the new guy too much
ya i agree with two bugs
Dark Souls 3 is out tonight, Battleborn is in open beta this week.
This is the official room for the @Jin Fan Club
i feel the @frank response in me rising
@gamer103 mostly nothing before you came, but there was a small talk about intel compute stick and dark souls 3 before.
@GodEmperorDune Well, go ahead, be frank
@twobugs nicht ruinieren mein Spaß
@ardaozkal oh
@gamer103 Mostly meta of DS3 though, like "PS4 or PC"
Not "x boss is too hard" or stuff (mainly because it isn't released yet)
@Dragonrage strange how i can mostly understand that
And unreleased games are off topic
This is stupid
@twobugs Hm?
@twobugs Yes.
@Dragonrage STAHP
@GodEmperorDune i can kind of read spanish and german. mostly i get a general sense of what its saying
its easier for me to write it than read it
@Dragonrage yeah, context clues help
@Dragonrage how long did it take u to learn to read spanish and german
@gamer103 it varies by person.
@ardaozkal that makes sense
@gamer103 i only took 2 years of spanish, and never took any german, i just like german so i studied it off and on
Не говорите по-немецки
@Dragonrage two years on spanish. i would've given up on like 2 months
i like spanish, but i can't roll my r's
i took 3 years of high school spanish and 1 semester in college. but i don't use it much
basically i can pronounce things properly and sort of follow a conversation
its fun when you walk into a room and the people talking switch languages
but you understand it anyway :D
@SaintWacko 'S e seo na b' fheàrr ?
it's funny when people who don't understand get ticked cuz they don't know what ur saying
@Dragonrage Bless you
@SaintWacko All russian I know is Cyka Blyat, which is from CS:GO.
@ardaozkal Yeah, those are not nice words.
@MadMAxJr yeah. Google helps.
@MadMAxJr Wow, yeah
yeah i know "grenadu" from COD MW2
I only remember enough Japanese to get me in trouble.
i can pronounce german much better than i can spanish
that's about it
Ыщ Ш ыуу ерфе фдд еру сщщд лшвы фку тщц ызуфлштп кгыышфт.
does like everyone here know spanish and german?
@gamer103 nope.
Q: Minecraft strange glitch?

ZoeUgh I really need a picture to explain this but you know where it's the edge of the world and you can't go any further? And d'you also know where the flow in water runs to the middle of one specific block area? Well over the "invisible wall" there are rows of evenly placed out flows. (It rhymes...

@ardaozkal really it seems so
No, just some people. Everyone here speaks English but several people know at least one other language
@Wipqozn 3 hours
Second language education was mandatory in my school, but I only recall enough spanish to read basic signage.
@MadMAxJr still an important skill
I'm going to be at the gym when Dark Souls 3 releases. I wonder if @Sterno will send me a bunch of steam messages
This room is usually a mix of primarily US and EU with a sprinkle of others.
@twobugs are you streaming DS3?
I want to try and finish DS2 first
i used to have wingdings memorized, but now it takes me awhile to read
wo what? how do u post links to questions like that person just did
I need to make room for it on my SSD anyway
@gamer103 That's just a bot
@gamer103 lazers is a bot
@ardaozkal What?
@Dragonrage That's... a waste of time but hey, it's your life
@twobugs so a bot just randomly posted a link to a random question
Links to certain forms of content in chat get 'one boxed'
Which displays part of the content
@Sterno You probably already saw my misery, but I realized I don't have a wifi router, and no router near my tv.
Lazers tells us about new questions.
@gamer103 New questions are posted
@SaintWacko "So I see that all the cool kids are now speaking russian", in russian keyboard.
Another bot, Sepia Lazers tells us about meta questions for discussing site operations.
@Wipqozn hahaha.gif
@MadMAxJr and NOPe
@GodEmperorDune Oh wow, google is amazing
Newly Opened Proposals for Entertainment
got2go. cya ya'll
I use a phonetic Russian keyboard, so it wouldn't work the same way for me
It posts new posts on Area 51 (the stack exchange website creating thingy).
@twobugs i was bored in my web design class
Gaming Topics From Outside
Posts gaming related questions from other sites
that one was disabled i think
I think so, too, but it's still a good one
Oh, there's also Okay, Panic
isnt there still the panic one as well?
i feel like i saw it when we had that migration problem a bit ago
@Dragonrage yeah, "Okay, Panic", like SaintWacko said
@SaintWacko ah thats the one
@Dragonrage yeah that one is the stack exchange status twitter
@ardaozkal he posted that like a millisecond before i did
Newly Opened Proposals for Entertainment
Can't forget that one
and I was ignoring him, because i was still typing while looking at another screen
@twobugs I already posted but you can't see me.
@twobugs the great site that tries to make mc.se all the time
And paranormal
@SaintWacko OKAY,PANIC is a slacker compared to the SO team
Ignoring someone on the internet is the most evil, vile thing you could ever do
^knew it
@twobugs shadowbanned is worse
Like this group of messages, the slacker
> side note: If you're still able to sell items to Frampt and don't wanna risk losing the souls you have collected, buy dung pies. When you want the souls back you can actually sell Frampt the dung pies for the same price you bought them.
And considering Frampt supposedly eats the items that you "sell" to him...
It's the ciiiiiircle of duuuung
Hey, it's a livin.
@Yuuki so only give him crappy souls
hmm I could byu s team link
@Wipqozn do eeet
And Hawkeye Gough crafts all the items he sells.
And he also sells dung pies.
I'm famous again whoot, whoot
@Yuuki does anyone work their hands to the bone to bring you these fine goods?
I love how @Wipqozn is putting so much effort into playing Dark Souls 3 a few hours earlier
@twobugs WORTH
@twobugs tbh I wasn't too concerned, but looking at how tyhe PC port is not crap is making me want to buy it
4 gold badges now :)
Meh, almost done at work today. I want to go home and play more video games but I should gym first
Oh good, Kepler is out of emergency mode.
Did they ever announce the cause?
Oh, nice, I forgot I created the Rogue Legacy badge
@GnomeSlice I think I'm gonna try the Dark Souls fix and see if I can't get some Jolly Cooperation in.
I wonder where the best place to put my summoning sign would be...
@Fluttershy Right before bell gargoyles.
I usually see the most signs right next to bonfire and right next to fog gate
The best spots are either right before the boss or next to the nearest bonfire.
I prefer putting them next to bonfires because then I can help out more.
Not everyone's going to make it to the boss fog.
Yeah, and you get bonus souls for clearing on the way there
So apparently the user tags on Dark Souls 3 Season Pass were, at one point, "family-friendly" and "walking simulator".
@Yuuki Nice
Casual, too
Lookjs like STeam link isn't that great. Latency issues.
Ha haaa... Casual. Cute.
Steam Link on wifi is a bad idea, even if it has the hardware on board to do it.
Tags are still really poorly maintained
I hear on a wired system, it does 'okay'
@MadMAxJr Maybe undead Parish bonfire? Split the difference between Sen and Gargoyles?
Not everyone is as good at tags as we are
Speaking of, I hope is dead, yes?
@Fluttershy There and the area just before you get into the church.
It's just sad that people still do "le epic trole" tags for games they don't like
@Fluttershy There's a new issue that hasn't been fixed yet, IIRC.
Sadder still that Steam doesn't seem to care
@twobugs No, they're still looking at the data. They've ruled out some things, but that's about it.
@Yuuki An issue other than the one I linked?
Curators are pretty bad, I wish it was easier to hide them
Yay, all recently created bad tags I saw this weekend are ded
@Fluttershy This one?
I had to follow an inoffensive curator so it would stop recommending I follow offensive ones
@Yuuki Yeah.
@twobugs like the curator is personally offensive or they recommend offensive games or the reviews are offensive?
All of it. There are some really bad curators and it seems to base them off games you own
vs what that curator recommends
Owning Nepnep games means I get lots of really gross ones
@twobugs those are the @badp harem games, right?
Yes but I liked them before @badp did
He is copying me
You haven't even finished chapter one of the first game
That is not true
I have finished chapter 2.
Technically, @badp could still be right
@Wipqozn That's nothing 100 feet of CAT5 can't fix
Technically speaking, @badp is never right
@Sterno Expensive as fuck
@Fluttershy Undead Parish
@Wipqozn that much cat 5 is like $20
maybe $30
@GodEmperorDune If I wanted to buy it via Canadian local retailer I'd be looking at a lot more than
Isn't a steam link at least an order of magnitude more expensive
Oh, right, third world country
@Sterno Won't arrive in time
oddly enough I was making CAT 5 lengths not too long ago
I'm just going to have to ping @Wipqozn every time I die.
Just tweet each death
@MadMAxJr Does Twitter not have any sort of rate limiter?
@Sterno you should totally make a dark souls 3 @wipqozn edition to show on steam
@MadMAxJr I'm shocked this isn't a real feature
I can get 100 feet of CAT5 delivered to my house by 8pm for $14.
Must be slower when it goes by moose.
All your cable are belong to us
Oh, wait. I'd need 300 feet of Cat 5 so I'd be over $35. That's the only way they do same-day for free.
I could just use the other 200 feet to tie up the kids so they can't bother me while I play DS3
@GnomeSlice Bonfire, right?
@Sterno Most local stores don't even seem to have a large cable in stock
Also, could people at the Parish even summon me? I'm SL100.
@Fluttershy Can't
@Fluttershy No
Go to oolacile
I have a tip for you so that you don't have this problem next time. Get a better monitor.
Then you won't be sad you can't play it on your TV
@Sterno But my TV is so big
@Wipqozn too bad you have such small hands
I will be playing Dark Souls 3 on my 50 inch TV because my PC is connected to it
My 27" monitor is just right given the distance I sit from it
@Fluttershy what is the actual fix here?
It's just detailing the problem
1 min ago, by GodEmperorDune
@Wipqozn too bad you have such small hands
My life is misery
Forever misery
Praise The Misery
@GodEmperorDune Yes, that is what I was referencing
@SaintWacko ah the reply was off
I think it's time to just accept my fate
@GnomeSlice, cheer me up\
@GnomeSlice No idea! Didn't really read it.
I'll be turning my pC off at 7pm tonight
because of @twobugs and @Sterno
and also everything
Actually mostly @Sterno
Mission Accomplished
@twobugs is a pretty rad dude
Just destroy all technology that isn't related to you playing DS3 in peace.
is it wrong that @Wipqozn being sad makes me feel great?
Wow, thanks!
@Fluttershy Pretty sure it's not a fix, just an explanation of the problem
@GodEmperorDune By Bridge standards? No.
My evening plans:

1) Listen to Last Week Tonight while coding.
1a) Mock @Wipqozn, update DS3 countdown.
2) Go to the butcher shop and get steak.
2a) Mock @Wipqozn, update DS3 countdown.
3) Grill steak, eat dinner.
3a) Mock @Wipqozn, update DS3 countdown.
4) Mock @Wipqozn extra hard because it's release time.
5) Play with the kids and get them ready for bed.
5a) Mock @Wipqozn even though I'm not playing either.
6) Play DS3!
6a) Mock @Wipqozn
@GnomeSlice oooooohh
@Wipqozn 2 hours!
@Wipqozn Early contender for release of the year
(that was 1a, by the way)
7) Handoff mocking duties to kids while I sleep
@Sterno how can you listen to last week tonight without watching it? half the fun is the visual puns
My evening plans do not include DS3
Just KSP
And maybe some WoW
@GodEmperorDune It's usually this or nothing
@GnomeSlice is now cooler than @Sterno
Maybe I will start a game of DS3 but I need to finish 2 before I make much headway
@twobugs Oh good
Stream DS2
Yes, I will
Like right now
I'm at work
I love it when invaders complain about ganking.
okay well
enough whining
1v1 is for dueling, asshole. Be a Dragonbro if you're looking for that.
People complained about it a lot in Bloodborne but to be fair they made it so 1v1 is pretty much only voluntary
@Yuuki I'm not even sure what ganking means in that context
@Yuuki What like someone invades, gets ganked, then complains about it?
@SaintWacko Yes.
@Yuuki Nice

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