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@fredley pls
literally the reason why we can't have nice things
It's all @fredley's fault
We also drive on the same side as the UK, have similar legal and legislative system, have the same exams, and speak United Kingdomian
We don't have a Queen anymore though
Right-handed traffic ftw
@fredley Got to prop up the plug business I see
Next movie night (that I never go to) should be Clue
@fredley Dong.
@Sterno I love that movie and the board game
There need to be more board game movies
Let's just not talk about Jumanji
... is the Chinese word for East
@twobugs Or Battleship
I forgot that even existed
@twobugs And now I need to reforget
I actually heard some people liked Battleship, though
They should probably be arrested and tried for crimes against movies
@twobugs People like lots of terrible things.
Rather than posting Friday links @Sterno can clearly cause more distress by reminding us of bad movies
Is that the clue movie?
I've never seen it
I'm not planning to fix that
The Clue movie is actually really, really good
@Sterno Such a good movie.
It's a comedy murder mystery
TIL Clue isn't streaming on Netflix anymore :(
Yeah, unlike the other 99% of the time when I'm trolling you, in the case of Clue, I'm recommending an actual good movie
It is full of excellent quotes.
That kids these days won't get.
It's a movie older than I am, surely nothing good can be older than I am
See, kids these days would have no idea about that.
@Sterno Netflix almost always removes things as soon as I actually want to watch them
I read an article not to long ago that Netflix has been cutting way back on its quantity of content.
Like, down to 5000 movies from 7500 a few years ago, or something. And less TV shows
I made @FAE watch Clue the first time she visited. I'm convinced it's the reason she came back.
You can't stream awesome TV shows like Babylon 5
Aren't there like 5 different endings to the Clue movie?
@twobugs The solution is simple; stop wanting to watch things.
@Ronan Three, I believe.
My numbers were a little off but same idea
But yeah, there are multiple endings with a True Ending
@twobugs It's not really a spoiler if one avoids further detail. :P
@twobugs Mwahahah!
Well @KevinvanderVelden doesn't trust any of us anyway
With good reason, mind you
Pretty sure statute of limitations prevents you from prosecuting spoilers on 22 year old movies
Rosebud was the sled
If I get flagged for that it's your fault @Sterno
I should suggest some classic movies for the next Movie Night
Good stuff like Kurosawa
Although it's probably a pain to actually stream them
Why make classic movies streamable when you could have Pixels instead?
@twobugs Seven Samurai, or Yojimbo?
I like pixels, pixels are the best, why ruin them with a movie?
@KevinvanderVelden Man, I'm old
@Fluttershy Yojimbo is one of my all time favs
So I'd probably suggest Yojimbo or Rashomon
@twobugs This is how I feel about Seven Samurai.
I haven't seen Yojimbo or Rashomon though. I should correct that.
@KevinvanderVelden 30, actually!
Man, this year is going to be a good year for 30th Anniversary movies. Lots of good stuff came out in 86
@Sterno I just went by years
Wait no I derped
30 years 3 months 29 days
Tomorrow it'll be 30/3/30 :o
@Fluttershy One of my friends swears by The Magnificent Seven as the superior version. I've sadly never seen either of them
I really like Rashomon's name, though. I typically use the name Rassium in WoW so I named my monk Rasshomon (probably the most clever name I've ever come up with)
Every MMO character you make should have the word Two in front of it, followed by a noun
SciFi MMO? TwoGuns. WOW? TwoBlades. Porn chat room? TwoJugs
@twobugs I had a priest named Priestiality. Blizzard made me change it. :(
Haha, there's a guy in my guild with that name. He doesn't raid anymore
@Sterno That's clever, but using two bugs is a pretty recent thing for me and I'm not going to spend money changing all my character names
My naming schemes are kind of really fuct because I changed them several times over the years. Numerous reasons, really
I've had my PSN/Xbox Live names for over a decade now. Can't see myself changing them.
I've been Sterno for about 20 years.
Except in places it was already taken
My Xbox Live name is really stupid (Pirate Gaiden) but I made it in high school and I'm too cheap to change it
@Wipqozn I'm not getting it at launch, I can't afford it at the moment.
Probably a month or two at least.
I've had Yourdoom for at least a decade
@twobugs Get your friends to report your username as offensive and you can change it for free
I had a friend who did that like 3 times
It's offensively bad but meh
The process is automated, MS doesn't even look at it
if enough people report it, you're forced to change it
It's cool because whenever I play Xbox or PS4 games online I see people with extremely bad usernames and I immediately feel proud of mine
@GnomeSlice #lifehacks
As long as your name doesn't have numbers tacked on at the end it's a pretty good name
I'm GnomeSlice64 on psn and xbox
I would have had GnomeSlice on Xbox because a friend made the acc for me before I had my own xbox, and then his Windows Live got hacked (or so he claims) and he lost access to everything
So at least nobody else has it
Hmm I'll allow 64 at the end
Numbers are okay but they have to be certified Good Numbers
Like 64, 420, 666, 69, etc.
666 is bad by how much it's used
I got a Best Buy store card and one of the numbers is 6669 which makes me laugh
@Sterno I hate you, just putting that out there
@GnomeSlice That's not too bad
@Wipqozn morning
If I could be WizardCoupon69 I would do it in an instant
Maybe that will be the name of my DS3 character
@KevinvanderVelden Voucher based magic?
Just sounds better than wizardcoupon
h y p e
Couponmancy is a rare art.
I think WizardCoupon sounds better
I can't tell what I'm supposed to be hyped about.
@twobugs Sounds like a Dungeon of Dredmor skill tree
@Fluttershy Coupon wizards.
@Fluttershy us stealing @ardaozkal code before he can use it
@KevinvanderVelden its for education but yeah, here is a code if you want: go.microsoft.com/fwlink/…
Its a school project mostly.
Heh I don't even know what it is
On account of not reading turkish and such
(Is that the word? I don't remember)
Yep, the word is "Turkish".
Such description
Capitalisation is only for the first letter after a period
And for all caps
Unless you're using title case
Dark Souls 3 unlocks right when I'm off work today.
42 mins ago, by Sterno
user image
I brought it back around. Victory!
Dark Souls 3 unlocks one hour before my daughter goes to bed. That's enough time for it to install the .NET framework for the 10000th time on my machine.
Tarkus, you dolt.
Shame I didn't finish my DS2 run first, but I don't think it'll be necessary.
Idiot fell off the tower while fighting the Iron Golem.
Best thing about my phone is that it works underwater.
Black Iron Tarkus knows exactly what he's doing.
@ardaozkal best thing about your eyes is that they... uuh, don't?
I was trying to help someone with Smelter Demon and we got to the end with one hit left and the guy just runs up and dies immediately
That was frustrating
@MadMAxJr Well, yes, it would be difficult for him not to know what he's doing when he's falling
@Yuuki That's what I did! OrigamaiRobot saw the whole thing. I ran straight up to the golem to try and knock him off the bridge, and he immediately hit me and knocked me off.
I'm also impressed that DS2's built-in phantoms have jerk AI. I thought one was a real player.
@Fluttershy Instead you just knocked @OrigamiRobot off The Bridge
@MadMAxJr Jester in the DLC?
Thank you, thank you, I'm here all week
Dude taunts you while he's kicking your butt.
Tarkus really helped me out on my reattempt. He let the golem grab him, and that bought me plenty of time to stagger him.
Summoned a sign for a guy just outside Dragonrider. The phantom runs over to the non-aggro white knight, hits him twice, then falls off the ledge, leaving me with the knight.
@Fluttershy We both just smacked him around until he fell on this butt. However, Tarkus then fell off the tower while I finished the golem off.
When I was doing Iron Keep one of the katana guys kept running off and killing himself
And Soldiers Rest in the back of the giants forest has an invader who will circle you, use ridiculously overpowered spells for your level, and taunt you when you die. Also another automation I thought was a player.
@ardaozkal if that's the "best" thing about your phone, you either have a crappy phone or uncommon priorities
You fight him later and it's basically the exact same moveset and stats
It's just now he doesn't 1shot you
I'm getting used to putting down white soapstone marks at bonfires when I hit a new area. I progress in the zone on my own and if someone summons me, it's kind of a free pass to explore with them and not be penalized if I die. And half credit if we get to a boss!
@Chippies both.
I like being able to earn souls and check out a bosses moveset without actually being under pressure
@twobugs except, you know, social pressure to not suck and embarrass yourself
I avoid that by immediately sucking and embarrassing myself.
I feel less bad about being terrible at DS2 when I join a player and see them being equally bad.
for me, playing with a stranger would actually put more pressure
Set the bar super low so I can only go up!
@MadMAxJr Yeah, that too
@Fluttershy RIP @OrigamiRobot
Hmm... if I go ahead to Anor Londo without rescuing Siegmeyer in Sen's Fortress, can I come back later and save him?
Also thank the sun that the little pirate cove has that mega-fire light that scares off all the long armed blackened creatures.
I had a guy try to bypass a boss because he didn't want to fight it. He died in the next room when we could have easily won. His loss.
best way to do boss runs solo is to die at the boss, then immediately die again so you lose all your souls
@Yuuki He doesn't progress until you help him. I don't think he disappears.
@MadMAxJr Oh good.
then you can just casually try to kill the boss with no pressure
I don't feel like saving his sorry ass until I get my hands on the Lordvessel.
Siegmeier can only risk death on the chaos demons.
@Chippies Dark Souls 1 was good at this. It often made sure you earned just enough souls on the way to the boss from the bonfire to make you still feel bad about dying
Yeah, leveling costs in DS2 seem way lower.
But some jerk felt the need to divide Endurance into 3 stats.

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