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@badp You're going to have a good time watching my stream. Or else.
Or you can just have an endless bad time
Man this bing rewards thing is... really bleh. Literally 1,000 searches for a $10 gift card
I think it takes like 400 to even be entered into a drawing for something. 400 searches just to lose!
@twobugs It'll be like watching last month tonight, with the two of bugs
We'll be going from last year tonight (my Dark Souls 2 streams) to last month tonight. That's a huge improvement
I don't know man
you're losing on iconic fright town
I beat fright town. I didn't even stream the true tight town experience
also you'll have to start again with no coupons
I don't even know if there'll be coupons
I'm a pro at collecting coupons
you'll miss out on all rebates you've already acquired
There will be coupons.
I doubt I can finish Dark Souls 2 tonight so I might not start 3 until Friday or Saturday
I dunno if you saw it but there was some joker who tried to pvp me and I'm horrible at pvp but I owned him hard
I watched almost nothing last night
@PrivatePansy I grabbed Strike Suit Zero
@badp I noticed
You weren't criticizing me very much
It's not the same when I'm not being berated by a haughty European
@TrentHawkins This is a fun game. Hope you enjoy it!
I only provide the highest level of constructive commentary and pertinent insight
I will definitely stream more tonight, I hope you can join me
@Sterno I'm seriously considering buying a digital version just so I can start playing tonight, but then it would be a digital console version and I'm always leery for that.
@twobugs I've been eyeing it for a couple years... Space sim games are hit or miss for me.
@TrentHawkins It's basically just a space combat sim where you can turn into a gundam and kill people
It's quite fun for what it is
@twobugs I gathered that; but somewhere between the controls and the feel of the combat most seem to lose me.
TIL I'm probably preparing my French press coffee wrong. Hopefully some of the suggestions over at coffee.SE will help.
Ah, I can get that. Are you someone who really gets into the physics? I'm not, but I've read that a lot of space sims tend to fudge the physics to make them more accessible
@MBraedley Are you psyched for Dark Souls III?!?!?!?!?!?!!
@Wipqozn Nah.
@Fluttershy Coward.
I wonder how Trump feels about Dark Souls 3
@Wipqozn No
Overwatch, OTOH...
Q: Is there any reason to buy keys on the community market?

ZaibisYou can buy keys un (appearently) unlimted stock from the system itself. But I see soooo often people placing keys on the communitymarket, some times even the cheapest ofer starting by 0.50€ more then the price I had to pay them directly. Is there any reason that 1 should do? Or are this just o...

And buying a house...
And getting my Oculus Rift...
@MBraedley bah
@Yuuki I've never understood Civil War Reenactment.
I don't really get it either. Union maybe, but I don't think the confederates are really that sympathetic
> Tactical battles, which may or may not be open to the public,[34] are fought like real battles with each side devising strategies and tactics to defeat their opponent(s). They have no script, a basic set of agreed-upon rules (physical boundaries, time limit, victory conditions, etc.), and onsite judges or referees, and so could be considered a form of live action role-playing game. Tactical battles might also be considered a form of experimental archaeology.
See that sounds interesting
But that's basically LARPing
I get that to the average soldier they were protecting their homes. But the side they were fighting for is pretty much objectively wrong
@Wipqozn They've done the same thing at the Fortress of Louisbourg
@MBraedley What geeks man
@Wipqozn Hm, this could be our chance to normalize LARPing and make it a mainstream thing
@Wipqozn I'm not afraid to play Dark Souls 3. I'm just not as hyped for it as you. :P Overwatch has all of my hypes.
@Fluttershy HYPE HYPE HYPE
come on @Fluttershy, be cool again
@Sterno Did you take tomorrow off work?
@MBraedley I'm thinking of getting the valve thing
@Wipqozn Did you?
The whole room bit sounds cool
I can't afford to take work off as I just started a new job
And I'm not as hyped as you guys
@MBraedley Yes. I'm getting up early, so I can get to the store when it opens at 7am.
@Wipqozn Bestbuy?
So you'll have beaten it tomorrow evening?
@MBraedley Walmart. Best Buy opens at 9.
@KevinvanderVelden No
I can't wait until 9am, that's crazy
Speaking of Best Buy, I need to get some advice from @Chippies on Ultrawide Monitors since my Best Buy has a 10% (!!!!) cashback thing for this month
If I could snag a nice monitor I might as well
@twobugs what's your budget?
PROTIPL Just steal a TV from a homeless shelter for orphans
I have only used one ultrawide monitor myself and I probably wouldn't recommend it unless you're on a really tight budget
I am a single software dev in my 20s with no dependents. It's time to make bad decisions!
@twobugs That is the perfect time to make bad decisions
@KevinvanderVelden My apartment can't handle room scale all that well, although my original top pick house would have. My current top pick doesn't have an office big enough, but the family room is right there. Mind you I pre-ordered the Rift before even looking at a single house.
as for a high budget, there are some options available, but it's hard to tell for sure, because there's new monitors being released all the time and the prices differ a lot
also, with a high budget, you will probably get something with either gsync or freesync and which one will depend on what your gpu manufacturer preference is
@Chippies Ah, okay. Anything in particular to look for?
@MBraedley I've recently redecorated my living room (where my PC is also located) and now should have enough room
@twobugs On the flip side:
yesterday, by MBraedley
@djsmiley2k You don't have to think about retirement, just saving for retirement. It's never too early to start saving.
I haven't been monitor shopping for a while (seriously like 4ish years)
@twobugs o/ same here
@MBraedley Yeah of course, I'm not THAT bad about making decisions :)
@twobugs what gpu do you have and do you have a gpu (amd/nvidia) preference?
Last time I was monitor shopping for LCDs I had to really pay attention for Ghosting
@twobugs I'm still one of the ones who starred that.
@Chippies Right now I'm on NVidia but for my next build I'm heavily considering AMD since they've got some good stuff going on
New build will be relatively soon
Not this month as I want my finances to stabilize a bit
@Wipqozn I'm cooler than the other side of the pillow, like Billy Dee Williams. I just don't have enough hypes to give for Dark Souls 3. That said, DS1 has rekindled my love of the series, pun intended.
@twobugs AMD does have some good stuff going on indeed :P If AMD is planned in future, look for something with freesync technology
freesync enabled monitors are better anyway, because they don't have the limitations that gsync does
Will do. Do both companies support Freesync, it's just not as optimized for Nvidia?
@twobugs no, nvidia at the moment does not support freesync, even though it is an open standard
you can however use the monitor with an nvidia gpu, just without the freesync functionality
@Fluttershy WEll, you'll always be cool in my heart. Even if you are a coward. I am happy to hear you didn't dump your DS1 playthrough.
Ah, I see. That kind of stuff Nvidia does is really scummy I think
And, from what I gather they've been slacking on the tech front
freesync (and gsync) allows the synchronization of monitor refresh rate and framerate of gpu, so you don't get screen tearing and it's super smooth looking
They just kind of cram more processing power in without refining architecture
@Wipqozn sozzles
in the last couple years I have grown to dislike nvidia
@twobugs gsync is proprietary nvidia tech based on a displayport standard, which requires monitor manufacturers to license it and also needs a device built into monitors
@fredley TIL a new word
Also I'm making a grcoery store run on the way home to stock up on everythingI need, including snacks
@Wipqozn ha
My mother also agreed to make me supper for tomorrow. I'm either going to buy her chocolate or baileys as a thank you. I'm honestly not sure what she'd prefer.
when nvidia announced gsync, amd demonstrated the displayport feature (which they called freesync after) that was available in laptop monitors for a while before gsync was announced, just no one made use of it
@Wipqozn Chocolate baileys?
@fredley Mayube
I remember reading Nvidia has really bad DX12 support, but that's still an emerging technology
She's making and delivering me supper, and probably a dessert too, and likely enough for two meals. My mother rocks. I gotta do something for her.
oh baileys is only $30 according to NSLC internet
that's cheaper than I expected
jQuery is perfect and does all the things
has no idea what alcohol costs
@twobugs from the very few benchmarks available, nvidia has no gpu's that scale well with the dx12 improvements, while AMD gets like 40% or higher performance boost
@badp Can jQuery help me plan my retirement?
                var ids = this.find(".selector")
                              .filter( function(_, t) { return t.checked })
                              .map( function(_,t) { return t.dataset["id"] });
> ["28808"]
@badp $('#badp').fadeOut("slow");
@Wipqozn Nah, man. I'm killing Nito tonight. Still trying to decide if I want to redo the DLC stuff, or just finish the base game, since I never have before.
> []
> -1
> ids.indexOf is not a function
> ids.includes is not a function
everything is terrible
@fredley I'm dying
@twobugs this bit I think you got backwards, because AMD is the one with fairly old architecture, while nvidia's current gpu line is on a newer architecture
@Wipqozn I did
yet AMD still manages to beat nvidia as their drivers improve
@Wipqozn Why are you playing the console version? I'm going to be 3 hours ahead of you just on load times alone
what is wrong with this piece of garbage
Probably, I just remember reading in the past that AMD was innovating while Nvidia was kind of stagnating but just making numbers bigger
@twobugs to be fair, AMD has always been innovating while intel and nvidia were just in it for the money (it's more complicated than that, of course)
@Fluttershy Just get to final boss, nd then decide if you wnt to DLC.
I need to figure out which WalMart is near @Wipqozn and buy all their copies of Dark Souls III
@Sterno big TV. ALso my computer chair is broken.
@Wipqozn See, if I do the DLC, it will be before the Sif fight. So I'm more or less stuck after Nito.
@Wipqozn That loading screen after YOU DIED is going to be so big on that big TV
@Sterno It is
I always buy souls games on consoles
@twobugs couple things you should look for in a monitor is probably an IPS panel, freesync and support for 100+ hz refresh rates, if it's within your budget
the sony ones to be specific
those would be the 3 things I'd want in my monitor :P
I only got 1/3 :(
@Wipqozn It must be hard to be so wrong about everything all the time
@Sterno taunt him with the Lord of Cinder figurine
@Chippies And 1440p. So good.
@badp You need to add .get() to the end of that
@Sterno eh, it's good, but requires a fair bit more of gpu performance to run at native resolution, especially at 21:9
Because $.fn.map returns a jQuery object even if it is only wrapping arrays, so you have to unwrap that using .get()
@Sterno You get used to it
That's why you also get a GTX 980 Ti
also 1440p at 21:9 has even more compatibility issues than 1080p at 21:9
The jQuery object is only array-like, which is why you can access it like an array, but fail when you try to use any of Array.prototype's function on it
Oh wait, I can do Seath! So I have a little bit of time to decide on the DLC stuff.
@Sterno I hope your PC gets a virus
Very common mistake, and I have no idea why jQuery doesn't automatically unwrap when it returns a plain array instead of DOM elements, but there you go
@Chippies Cool, thanks!
@PrivatePansy if it actually did kinda behave like a container it'd be more helpful I suppose
@Wipqozn pffft
but thanks for the assist
I've usually bough souls games on consoles before but now that it's a simultaneous launch I don't see a point.
you bougher
The PC versions end up looking better and having lots of fixes from the community
Who would star a Friday link on a Monday? That's awful.
I guess the downside is PVP has more hackers
@Sterno My alignment is Chaotic-Friday
Some bugs just want to watch the world get down on Friday.
@Sterno It's effectively Friday for @Wipqozn, since he's taking tomorrow off.
@twobugs I'm more Friday-Neutral
@badp jQuery is a container. The entire idea behind jQuery is to wrap around DOM element(s) to give you a friendlier interface to work with them
@MBraedley That's not how it works. Otherwise I'm quitting my job so that I can link Friday every day
@fredley Alignments do not work that way!
The only problem is it's pretty much only useful as a container for DOM elements
@Sterno I'm not saying it's a valid reason
Friday is on the Good - Evil scale, not the Lawful - Chaotic scale
@twobugs this
@Sterno It was probably your mom
I'm off until thursday, so I can play all the games I want.
As long as I want to play the games from last year, because I work minimum wage job and can't afford new releases
That's probably better than buying games you never get to play at full price
@Sterno except on a friday?
@PrivatePansy $('.friday').remove(); FTFY
@fredley Oh, right
@twobugs eh, debatable
@Sterno I bet your mom LOVES starring Friday on Mondays
I mean, you'll probably retire early and will have lots of time to play games then
unless you keep making bad decisions :P
@twobugs You're right. I should buy games I never play at 50% off. Then I can have twice as many games I never play
@Sterno Exactly. You earn more steam cards and levels that way.
@Wipqozn I hope when your mom brings you dinner, she trips over the power cable for your PS4 and breaks it, rendering you unable to play DS3. And I hope she spills the food all over you. And that someone is there to take pictures and laugh. And maybe some scary clowns, too
And some socks.
He does need socks.
What kind of mother lets him wear socks like that?
It would be amusing if @Wipqozn left his socks on his PS4, causing it to overheat and be unable to play DS3.
@Sterno omg lol
I'm legit laughing out loud
my coworkers were asking what was going on
that's actually hilarious
He tries to put his DS3 disc in but instead inserts his socks and his PS4 catches fire
@Sterno trips over the dirty socks seems more plausible
But luckily my mother won't be tripping over any cords
How's your daughter feeling? Does she seem to have the sniffles at all @Sterno? I sure hope she doesn't get sick!
All I can picture is @Wipqozn taking the plastic off of the DS3 case, opening it, and the disc inexplicably catching fire.
That would be terrible
I'm looking at monitors now and I blame @twobugs and @Chippies
I would probbly cry
Like that Homer Simpson gif where he's making cereal. But it's @Wipqozn and Dark Souls 3.
and then drive to walmart, and be like "what even the fuck"
@KevinvanderVelden I hope you're looking at ultrawide monitors :P
(Also me already planning to buy a new one)
I wonder if my mother will want to watch me play Dark Souls 3 atlal when she comes over
She'll probably be like "let me see this game you're playing"
and then I'll die
and she'll be like "you're not very good at this"
@PrivatePansy it's failed horribly
and I'll be like "thanks mom"
@KevinvanderVelden I love that we all troll each other in buying things
@Wipqozn and then she's like "here, let me show you how it's done" and beats the game for you
Tech companies should pay us since we greatly increase their sales
Us being The Bridge
@Chippies I am looking for a nice high res one so I can move my main monitor one to the right replacing my old 1680x1050 one
My parents seem to think video games are for children. I've been debating whether or not I should sit them down for the opening of The Last of Us.
Q: How to make/ put objects in the air? (Mine craft)

kevinbestkillerSo I was making a game for fun, JUST TO LEARN ABOUT CODING IN MINE CRAFT, and then when I was looking on High - Pixel's game that he and his friends made, I discovered this area and I wanted to find out how to do this for the future if my friends want to make a map! Any help on doing this (BTW if...

So no ultrawide is probably not on the list due to size constraints
Though having 2 portrait mode screens... hmm
@KevinvanderVelden high res, as in, higher than 1080p?
@KevinvanderVelden It Begins
@Chippies 1440p
@KevinvanderVelden two portrait mode widescreen sorta-masterrace
@KevinvanderVelden well, there's always 1440p ultrawide monitors... ;)
the only thing that I've seen taking properly advantage of portrait screens is Unity
2160p is overkill for a ~24inch screen
everything else assumes the only thing you might want to do to windows is put them in the left and right halves your screen
as opposed to top-bottom
that looks beautiful
Ultrawide is 21:9 right?
@KevinvanderVelden yep
@Chippies This is the correct way to screen
why does everything look so much longer in portrait mode?
@Chippies long monitor is loooooooong
I have an Asus PB287Q, which has been pretty good in my use
They start at 650 euros for 1440p height
because 9:16 is kinda ridicolous
And theey're 34 inch which is about 8 to many inches
@Wipqozn You're a monster.
@KevinvanderVelden 34 inches for ultrawide is about the height of a 27'ish 16:9
Width is however what I'm constrained in =p
well, yeah, ultrawides, surprisingly, are ultra wide :P
@Wipqozn Oh, your mom definitely likes to watch.
@Chippies urmom etc. etc.
@fredley urmom is 21:9
@KevinvanderVelden that's a nice looking setup
Holy fuck my old phone was a potato
@Chippies it's now actually not a mess!
But it was when I took that picture
@badp can confirm
Mine is the opposite... It's now a mess, but wasn't when I took this picture
I am a messpert
my desk is always a mess, due to no storage space within reach, other than the desk
@badp we should play cards against humanity and other boardgames IRL again sometime
@KevinvanderVelden yup
I can confirm that @jochem is not dead
@3ventic Maximum overpotato
Cheap phone with potato camera
I can't fit a 2nd monitor on my desk :/
need a bigger desk
Nice Groot
Does it dance?
No, it's the worst actually
he has absolutely no weight in the base
so he tips over super easily
it's a bobblehead
Well, nothing a little blu tac can't fix
but if you even touch its head, it tips over
Ductape can fix that!
meh, it's fine if I don't touch it, and I don't
But it's groot! How can you not touch groot
I used to have one of the monitors halfway off my old desk because the desk was too small
It's just sliiiightly further than I can reach without leaning forward
that's enough of a reason not to touch it
@3ventic then it fell?
nah, it was okay
@3ventic as long as the stand is on the desk, shouldn't be an issue
except I have speakers and that creates a space issue
@Chippies most of the stand was on the desk
do none of you have speakers?
I'm not seeing any on those photos
only as part of the TV, which acts as one of my monitors
I don't have speakers, no. I just use headphones
the middle monitor has some really crappy ones built-in too
@Chippies on my potato there's this green LED, that's the power indicator
The subwoofer is on the floor
And uuh the left speaker is rather obviously positioned
Speakers are out of the question for me, I have a really irate neighbor who gets mad about any noise whatsoever
I never use speakers though... often can't have others hearing what I'm listening to
I like my speakers, they're not as exhausting for prolonged use and don't make my ears hot
If I put speakers in he would probably try to kill me (and my superior combat knowledge from years of Anime would result in me defeating him)
I want to buy a subwoofer, but a good one is gonna be around 300$...
I have a crappy one =p
But then, it's a 10+ year old 5.1 surround set by logitech
I tried using the subwoofer from my wife's 2.1 set and it was disgusting
Of which I only have 1 thing lugged in because my motherboard doesn't support more
cheap 2.1 speakers are the worst
it's the main reason why I used to hate speakers
I used to have a cheap 2.1 system and it gave me a headache at low volumes after 15+ minutes of music
my current speakers don't have such issue
Bloody hell they still make the thing
I have a set of Logitech X-530 5.1
They're surprisingly decent for the size
I haven't really done any gaming on my Surface Pro 4 yet, but I tried to run 3 GoG games and so far two of them failed to start
@twobugs Which three games?
The two that failed were Unholy Heights (doesn't even open) and Shogo (Opens but there seems to be a problem with the config)
Baldur's Gate opened and ran fine from what I played
@Wipqozn 9 hours
@PrivatePansy hey unsounded
@PrivatePansy vintage adapter
@fredley Should be fine - the outer plastic ages much faster than the things inside
Although I should replace it at some point
@PrivatePansy Or clean it?
It's not dirty - the plastic itself is yellowing
As old plastic is wont to do
@PrivatePansy fair enough
Also UK plugs?
@fredley Yeah, Singapore uses UK plug at 110-220V
Q: Is there a pattern of removed skin parts that is connected to wearoff percantage?

ZaibisI know that the weapon skins have an internal wearof scale ranging from 0 to 100. I'm wondering, (since I own a awp hyperbeast with ~25% wearoff which just looks on playerside like factory new ~ minimal wear. But on the back side its kinda... "battle scared"), is there a pattern for each weapon t...

One of the many things the British left behind
@PrivatePansy In fact, almost everywhere people are using british plugs. While we were empire building, we kept changing the socket design every few years to a new standard. The plethora of slightly different plug sockets in different countries depends mostly on when we arrived and when we left.

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