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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

Juan has also been very active, it's just behind-the-scenes like myself
Visibly, Oak more than octuples the activity of Juan and I individually.
Is there anything we can do to just keep the three of you regardless of the election results? :(
A democratic overturn or whatever.
Unless you have a cyber militia, that will prove difficult.
Difficult... but not impossible!
Q: Where can I find Rock Band instruments for Wii

lautumnI've been searching for Rock Band instruments for the Wii and I cant seem to find anything. It seems that they aren't carried in stores any more and they only place i can find them is private sales on Ebay. Can anyone tell me where i can find instruments? Or does anyone know if more instruments w...

2 hours later…
Why do I always come into chat and see (removed) (removed) (removed) (removed) (removed) (removed) (removed) (removed) (removed) (removed) (removed) (removed)...?
Has The Man been in here with his censorship stamper?
@LessPop I see what you (removed)
Q: Mass Effect 2 DLC: How do you share across multiple profiles?

calmcajunI have purchased DLC on my profile and I am able to access it fine but my brother wants to have access to the DLC on his profile. The DLC is located on the same system but I can't seem to find a way to share it. Is there a way?

Q: zombie spawning

F OakHow does zombie spawning work? Do zombies spawn off of other zombies? Any idea what the formula is? If I clear out a whole corner of zombies, will zombies spawn from the edge of the map?

I don't even know who our current mods are.
Q: MASS EFFECT 2 New Game Plus

LiamHi there, After finishing the story of mass effect 2 we get the choice to continue to complete the different/unfinished missions throughout the game or we can choose to import our character and play through a new game at our current saved level and power stats. I have noticed that I do not level...

Hello again!
@syrion Well met. :)
Are any of you fans of "sports management games?"
i really enjoy Out of the Park Baseball..
Can't say I really am. :/
and would love something similar for basketball, but can't find one
Is the game recommendation site in beta yet?
Game Recommendations

Proposed Q&A site for expert and amateur gamers who want to get game recommendations in different game styles and tastes

Currently in commitment.

@syrion I guess not. :/ You could always follow the proposal.
Yeah well.
2 hours later…
@GraceNote Were you looking for me?
Jeff Atwood

I’m pleased to announce that we’re kicking off 2010 with some new blood on the team, starting with Nick Craver.

Nick will be working remotely for us from North Carolina.

Nick is an old friend of Jarrod Dixon, so he comes highly recommended. Jarrod always told me how great Nick was, and although I implicitly trust Jarrod’s opinion, I sort of waved him off with a yeah, yeah. But then this happened:

When you top the Stack Overflow reputation leagues for 2010, rest assured you now have my full and unfettered attention. …

Q: Dragon Quest IX: Skill to prevent enemies from escaping?

calmcajunIs there a class skill in Dragon Quest IX to prevent enemies from escaping? If so which class?

6 hours later…
Q: How to enable Hardcore mode

DrakeWhy Hardcore mode is disabled and grayed out in gameplay menu settings? I am an "expert" of Fallout 3 and I would like to start my first playthrough in New Vegas with Hardcore mode ON. Is there any workaround?

1 hour later…
@Noctrine I was, but nothing particularly urgent. I just like having contacts in other sites so that I can double-check the validity of migrations. I have none at the moment to consider, though. Thanks, anyway~
Q: How can I write a macro in WoW that depends on my spec?

DelamekoI'm a Paladin. My specs are Protection and Retribution. I want to write a macro that basically says: if Protection mark target with skull else /assist Then I can replace my assist key with it to quickly be able to mark targets while tanking, but assist the tank when DPSing. Thanks.

2 hours later…
Q: How do I avoid friendly fire in Starcraft 2 single player?

BoraI often use the attack-move command on my troops, and in the course of events sometimes click on one of my own and kill him/her instead. Is there a method to avoid friendly-fire? I could use the "patrol" command, but I find the P key is too far away for practical use. Edit: I should mention I...

This question is close to getting me Reversal
A: What genre do games like Tekken and Soulcalibur belong to?

Arda XiThe genre name for those games is simply 'Fighting', there's no special name for it. Wikipedia says: Fighting game is a video game genre where the player controls an on-screen character and engages in one-on-one close combat with an opponent.

Q: Merging zombies into a giant robot zombie... or maybe just a more comprehensive question

Grace NoteIt is so hard to come up with remotely serious question titles when you have to talk about zombies, of all things... The recent question zombie spawning asks about how zombies are spawned in Die2Nite... or however the capitalization goes. An existing question from a month ago, Does killing zomb...

@GraceNote Well I'll try and be better with that join all button.
Q: How do separate some of my troops into another control group most effectively in Starcraft 2?

BoraThere is this situation, where I would like to separate some of my troops at a location, and pull the rest of the main group somewhere else. The larger group should stay assigned to the current control group, whereas the new guys (2 to 5) will get assigned to another group, to access them later. ...

Have the mod elections started yet? [†: No, @Brant, there is no news of it yet. When they start, there will be a big system message, so don't worry about missing them. ♪ -Grace]
Also, I don't know if anyone here is an EVE player, but the EVE Online proposal on Area51 is now in the commitment phase.
@Brant Used to play it, but I just don't have the money. :(
waves to @GraceNote
You know, if you're actually here in the room, you can just enter a regular chat message to reply to someone. :P (Although it's probably not as fun) [†: Yes, I know, @Brant, but I'm not here in the room. Otherwise, I would type normal messages. ♪ Regardless of the fun factor, it's an awkward form of communication for all parties involved, so I generally prefer to not have to do this at all.]
But it says you are! Confusion and bewilderment. [†: That's not me, @Brant. It's a clone technique. What kind of super assassin idol would I be if I couldn't do at least that much? ♪]
Also, curiosity at exactly how you've been editing chat messages without being in the room. Are you reading the TCP stream on the fly and manually crafting json requests, or something?
@Brant If you click a chat message from the SO Dropdown mega whatever thingie it brings you into a transcript view that isn't the room. But you can still edit
Q: Fable III: Is it possible to balance the real estate system to maximize rent and keep morality neutral?

JustinP8In Fable III, you can set the rent at Low (increases morality), Normal (morality unaffected), and High (decreases morality). That is obvious on a per property basis, but what I'm wondering if it's possible to balance out High and Low rents across multiply properties and keep morality unaffected? ...

Q: Is it possible to play Halo 1 with system link between a xbox and a xbox 360?

michelemarconIs it possible to play Halo 1 with system link between a xbox and a xbox 360?

Q: ancient game i played on trs80-III ? high kingdom? SP-TBS / MMMS

DoverAudioSingle Player Turn based Strategy, Medieval Micro-Management Simulation Possibly programmed in Basic. I know it was on the trs80, because I remember it used the special graphics characters (I think). It was a turn-based strategy type game where you rose in rank through feudal titles in an attemp...

Q: List of external applications for Die2Nite

ManaCurrently, in Die2Nite, there are no external apps approved for use on the site, and by site policy, any references to unapproved external applications in the forums must be removed. This makes it very difficult to determine what sort of external tools are available to begin with. Is there an up...

Unsure if I should request community wiki for the above question by myself.
On one hand it's not really needed if we just get links to external sites
on the other hand if someone makes a list of apps, it would be very useful to have community wiki so that changes/additions can be made.
What a conundrum. [†: Hey @Mana. If community wiki will be needed for that question, the only place it will be needed is in the answers, not the question. That's the only spot where collaboration should be needed. And only if people find it necessary. ♪ -Grace]
I agree with @Grace
Makes sense.
I think a single CW answer listing everything would look nicer, but that's sort of personal preference
It doesn't seem we've come to any site-wide conclusions on one-per-answer vs. single all-inclusive answer [†: @sjohnston, have you checked out meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/1557/…? There's our most recent discussion. Suffice to say... for many good reasons OPA is not a favorable option. -Grace]
@sjohns to be honest I was hoping for the single CW answer
The fact that there will be different categorizations of answers, however, makes me think that the top-voted answers will not necessarily be the most useful to a person searching, if they're looking for the best app in an unpopular category of apps
I agree with @sjohnston that a single CW would be best, I don't like having to look through 20 answers to find everything when they are all CW's anyway.
but I didn't want to say "what are all the external apps" since that sounds...well...unfeasible. [†: Well, @Mana, answers can change over time - we can support new apps coming into existence without needing multiple answers. With one Community Wiki answer, it's also easier for new people to come in and contribute what they find.]
@Grace - thanks, hadn't looked at that before
@Grace I know. So...hm.
@Mana - maybe you could start off that answer if you know any apps
yeah, I guess I could.
ugh. This being sick thing is starting to get old
lousy inferior immune system
Q: assassin creed 3 vs language(or I dont know russian)?

0101By default the game is in russian on my console, however I was able to do some hacking in menu and now its speak english, but menu and texts are still in russian, how to fix it?

@sjohns I accidentally committed over your edit
What misfortune!
C'est la vie
I like your edit better anyway. Mine was kind of lazy
Fun thing I learned today: it's Assassin's Creed, not Assassins Creed
I'm inevitably going to forget this the next time it comes up though.
SP-TBS / MMMS is the best genre acronym ever
A: Revenge of the Titans help: can't get enough money after stages to make good progress

OmegamormegilIf you are having trouble with the campaign, try playing "Endless" mode for a while. It's fun and it seems easier to advance along the tech tree. I was stuck on the Moon and kept restarting the campaign, but when I started playing in Endless mode I made it all the way up the tech tree without m...

Is it still a genre if it's so specific that only one or two games fit?
Slightly confused; why are there two guys with the same name and different reps? (although now those reps should be the same) [†: They're two separate unregistered accounts, @Mana. Most likely scenario is that login details were lost from the initial account, so this creates a new account.]
@sjohnston Certainly.
@Mana what Grace said
@Grace man, that's so confusing. :( [†: If it's preferred, @Mana, I'll hold off on these edit messages unless intervention is truly necessary from now on.]
It's strange, all of us being possessed on a regular basis. Although it's nice to be able to answer your own questions :)
I don't consider it possession so much as I consider it violation of personal property. How would you like it if I ran around sticking daggers with notes into all of your text boxes, hmm?
I'm not possessed, I'm not possessed!
that's what all the possessed people say
Maybe we should perform some exorcisms
@sjohns No, that's what possessed people say
(when they're not shrieking, spinning their heads around, and vomiting)
my god Exorcist flashbacks aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh
@mana sooooo, you're agreeing? I'm confused
Basically you're possessed @sjohns, whereas I am perfectly fine.
The next question in the feeds is probably an all time low for content
That closure was...fast.
Hammer dropped
I was like "haha, gonna go tag this one as game-rec and post my cute little comment thing" and then BAM. Gone.
Still, I kind of interpret the question as zombie speech. Like..."Brains? BRAINS"
Brains now, my lord!
Reminds me of zombie protesters
What do we want? BRAAAAAAAINS! When do we want it? BRAAAAAAAAINS!!!!
Well, at least since it's at the top of the page anyway, I can get a guilt-free +1 towards my Strunk & White badge.
Q: Must have virtual console games?

LetseatlunchMust have virtual console games?

Thanks @Feeds.
Anyways, I've made a vow to ask at least one question per day now
seeing as how in spite of having 6k more daily views than AskUbuntu, we are ~20 questions/day behind them
How do I beat the boss in You Have To Burn The Rope?
...wasn't that my idea?
Ask away! :D
hmm, I did have some AC2 questions to ask, but I haven't played in days, so I forgot about them
but yeah, the more questions Ask gets, the quicker they'll begin to accumulate traffic
meaning that they will overtake us
We can't let that happen.
We can't let that happen.
We cannot let this happen. It's like getting hit by a red shell on the last turn and falling down into 8th.
So what do I do? I'm a gamer and I use Ubuntu
@Fabian uhm....................stop using Ubuntu. DUH.
hides computer's other OS...:(
I even provided 1 question and 6 answers to the-site-that-must-not-be-named
FOOL. >:(
Also Critical Answers for domain name y/n?
We need more questions for the right games, I'm even answering Kinect questions out of desperation
Anybody an idea what the "Enable desktop notification" on the right bottom side of chat does?
@Fabian Dualboot.
Now I see what the desktop notification does, thanks
Didn't know browser could do that
It's part of the HTML5 new stuff.
Q: Fastest way to kill heavily armored guards in a group?

sjohnstonI've gotten as far as Venice, and I haven't had much difficulty with any of the fights so far. The one thing that seems particularly dangerous is the heavily armored knight-type guards. What I have found to work: 2 Throwing knives take one down, provided you have room and time to throw effect...

Q: StarCraft2: Terran walling-in in 2v2

BuddaLet's consider case of in 2v2 when: a. Terran is in team with either Zerg or Protoss; b. Terran can't wall-in for both bases together (there bases are too far away from each other). From one perspective Terran should close entrance to own base with barracks/supply AND bunker. In this case his ...

@Mana that guy actually takes 38 stabs
soooo close
Q: What good are daggers?

sjohnstonI've gotten to Venice and I have never so much as drawn my dagger (well, not on purpose. Thanks, obnoxiously twitchy weapon selector!). I haven't felt like anything was particularly difficult while using only my main weapon and hidden blades for melee work. Am I missing out on any dagger aweso...

Q: Can I kill everybody?

ManaIn Deus-Ex, I'm trying to play a run wherein the main character is a cruel, merciless cyborg who cannot distinguish between friend and foe. Basically, everybody dies. Things seemed to be going well in the first mission, where one of my comrades greeted me after I annihilated the enemy's leader a...

@sjohns post that as an answer and I'll accept. I had no idea about that glitch.
I'm not sure it's fair to have a glitch as the answer. It doesn't really solve the question of "is it possible to kill everyone in a legitimate way"
That's fair, I guess.
as much as I appreciate the offer of reps
holds sjohns' arm to the sky TOGETHER, WE SHALL RULE
Actually ruling is kind of a pain in the butt. What we need is a Gaming Illuminati that hides in the shadows and secretly controls stuff.
@sjohnston Grace.
@badp yeah, I thought that as soon as I hit enter
@sjohnston Jeff Atwood. DUN DUN DUUUUUN.
I mean, with the exception of occasional daggers with parchments we never know what's she up to.
I like the art.
We should petition the dev team to give us an actual dagger + parchment animation for chat, expressly for Grace's use.
@sjohnston /assign @rchern
I cannot +1 @Grace 's "surrounded by mass-murderers" comment enough.
congrats @mana, I think this is the first mass murder question that hasn't been attached to the fallout series
takes a bow
@Mana Link for another +1
starts writing up a "How do I kill everyone in Assassin's Creed" question
sometimes you just have to blow up a thug with a rocket launcher
By the way, if you haven't seen the Deus Ex Human Revolution trailers, they look pretty awesome. Of course, no actual gameplay footage, but as trailers go, pretty damn sexy
I have. I'm hyped.
If there's no HUD I'm not interested.
I wish I had cool dreams where I was Icarus
I just hope they keep a lot of the exploration/choices that the original Deus Ex had.
Unless the game itself has no HUD, then it'd be fine.
...although I did have a crazy fever dream last weekend where Wayne Newton was my spirit guide...
Isn't that what they did in that one FPS King Kong game?
I remember that there was no HUD and that you would be told how much ammo you had left by pressing a button
It worked quite well, I thought. 'course, that was King Kong and this is Deus Ex.
Jeff Atwood

I’m pleased to announce that we’re kicking off 2011 with even more new blood on the team, including Rebecca Chernoff.

Rebecca will be working remotely for us from Missouri, in a hybrid role of technical evangelist and community coordinator.

If you’ve spent any time at all on our network — and in particular on our (excellent, amazing, best-in-class, choose your superlatives, they all apply) web chat system — you’ve probably run into Rebecca and her unusual backwards smileys at some point. In addition to being one of our very first pro-tem moderators for Webapps, she is apparently everywhere! In fact, when we took informal polls of who from the community we should hire as another community coordinator, she was almost universally at the top of everyone’s list. Including our own list. Yes, she is that cool. …

OMG, now we really can /blame rchern
@Brant The announcement was made 2 days ago iirc
oh, so that's who rchern is!
Okay, just yesterday.
Welcome to work at Stack Overflow, @Nick_Craver and @rchern!
Dammit, I shouldn't reasearch further after answering, then I wouldn't know how wrong I am. Now I have to edit again.
Man, it's far too cold here.
fires up Minecraft on OpenJDK on Ubuntu. A sure room warmer.
Now let's find a youtube video to play fullscreen in the background.
Hmm, there's no open-source alternative to SE chat is there?
@ArdaXi IRC.
Something that is to IRC like SE chat is to IRC
Ie. not crappy.
Chat.SE is really the best web-based chat I've ever seen. And I know of no OSS clone.
@ArdaXi qwebirc is kind of close.
The backend is still IRC, mind you.
aww maaaaaan, I love IRC. It hurts me to hear someone call it crappy.
@Mana Then why are you here?
There are IRC middle-ends to here.
...there are?
Folks, it's @Foak.
Not to be confused with "F @oak", the sentiment of those who dislike him.
Which ways ping "Oak" and which ping "F Oak"?
@F Oak Test
Does that work?
Q: What am I going to do with all this junk inside my trunk?

ManaDuring my travels, I have picked up many weapons such as LAMs, 12 Gauge Shotguns and Crowbars. These items have clear uses and need no introduction. Then there are some other items, such as...Soda, Chocolate Bars, and Soy Food? Clearly, these are not the tools of the trade of a hardcore killing ...

Q: Giving resources directly to other citizens in Die2Nite

F OakIs it possible to directly give an item to another player in Die2Nite? I want to give a friend some resources that I picked up, but I dont want to go outside, and I dont want to go through the bank.

So does @Oak also ping "F Oak"?
@Mana Oh wow, that was fast.
Yes it was.
@Fabian was faster :/
Triple post
My answer is better.
@LessPop_MoreFizz In other science news, still no cure for cancer...
I couldn't describe it exactly as I'm playing the german Die2Nite
My answer is one paragraph and therefore better than your overly long stuff.
My answer provides two ways.
I don't think I need explain how that is better than one.
Your answer smells weird.
Watch out. My answer just stole your answer's lunch money.
Choose wisely, @Foak.
upvotes all but @ArdaXi's answer
beats up Arda's answer
@badp >.<
downvotes all answers
@ArdaXi Yes. Mine. I'm not that nasty.
I gave you an upvote too @Arda.
Oh. Hm.
2, indeed.
@Mana: No I do not know why I have the contents of that comment bookmarked.
@LessPop I found it amusing so it's cool
Which answer is being the bully here?
I think we can work this out.
@Gnome You are.
I am not an answer.
@Mana To be fair, your answer never really liked mine.
@GnomeSlice We'll see about that!
@Mana My answer gave yours an inferiority complex.
I am the answer.
Now to formulate a question to which @gnomeslice is the answer...
Worst member of gaming.se?
Har har.
@ArdaXi, someone said so.
I have to look up whom.
@Mana > :O
Some think those who already have modship are the best possible choice.
Dec 30 '10 at 20:59, by Mana
I agree. If Arda wasn't a mod on this site I don't know what I would do.
@ArdaXi Fair nuff.
@Gnome your question about raptors and the multitude of ways in which they are slaughtered by a jeep clearly shows why you should be a mod.
@Mana Damn straight.
We need outside the box thinkers like me.
@Mana But!
....That's my excuse.
You said I should be a mod!
ArdaXi, Gnome, radp. Those are my nominations.
@Macha also thinks so.
A: Moderator nominations

MachaI nominate Arda Xi. He is very active, and was the highest repped user on the site.

See? He agrees with me.
@ArdaXi "Was"
Aye. I was for quite some time though.
I'd been the top user for longer than @tzenes has been so far.
If you can't hold onto the measly top spot of rep, how can you moderate the entire community?
For shame.
I forgot about that phase.
@GnomeSlice Are you calling out @Grace? And all the others (although @Grace is obviously best) dodges dagger
@ArdaXi Just you.
@Mana I still hate Starcraft 2.
Starcraft 2 took my place at the top!
Tzenes is Starcraft 2?
Dude...that explains so much.
In the same sense Jon Skeet is C#.
but...Jon Skeet is C#. In all senses.
My dog.
So if Tzenes is Starcraft 2, and Jon Skeet is C#....
...then that makes me the sticky glue that keeps everything together?
Yay, I'm useful!
@Gnome you're the raptor who just got killed by that jeep, sorry bro
@Mana @Arda is a raptor, and @Tzenes is the jeep, you mean.
I am the sticky glue that holds @badp and @less together.
you guys lost me
Man, I really want to see Raptor Safari on Kongregate soon.
I don't know if you've heard, but they support Unity web player now.
by the way, how's advertising our site coming along there?
Most of them are indifferent.
At least I got nerdook over here a few times.
Dammit, someone give me an answer for my Raptor Safari question.
Apparently you can kill the pterodactyls as well.
Why do I have to be glued to @badp? He smells funny.
Why do all my impractical questions get the most upvotes/views?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Imagine how I feel?
Ooh, getting lots of residual ArdaXi++
@LessPop_MoreFizz Get me 1000 rep and you'll be glued to @Oak
okay, I am off to go give people 15 dollar checks for which they will yell at me and curse and spew insults.
later all
glhf @LessPop
I read that. It was weird.
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