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Twist: @Frank's real name is "Origami Robot".
@GodEmperorDune No with a J
While I'm going to respect your preferences of using names (use chat name is default), please be aware that it is easy to find most of your names, however there is no reason to waste time with finding your names, so I won't.
@Frank I know no such thing!
@ardaozkal What are you even talking about?
I don't know either. My hands are typing words, it isn't my brain.
@Frank could still be an alias
@ardaozkal to be clear, i think everyone here is well aware of that but doesn't feel the need to post about it
@ardaozkal And yet...you did. This no longer makes any sense.
@Unionhawk Could be. Do I look that devious to you?
i mean i asked so i'm fine with it
@Frank yes
Decidedly yes
I am apparently a devious mastermind. Okie dokie.
concerning the NPM debacle: IMHO, there should never be a single point of failure external to your company
@NateKerkhofs yep, copy everything locally
you never know when github or w/e will go down
@GodEmperorDune I assume with "everything", you mean "everything relevant to your project"
I doubt many companies have the funds to run a personal Github clone
how does NPM work though?
@NateKerkhofs no, host a local repo of the entire internet
its the only way to be sure
like why does it even support this
@GodEmperorDune It would fit inside a jug of high-density SD cards.
@GodEmperorDune There's a difference between "prepared", "crazy prepared", "batman crazy prepared" and just "plain old crazy"
or this, isn't it just a simple package manager?
@GodEmperorDune wget *
Q: Minecraft - 1.9 What are the different spawns of end dungeons

Kingsley ZhongSo I went ahead to upgrade to 1.9 and went to the end to find some of the nice loot from the new end cities. I went to like three different end cities, one was small the other two were kind of big. I found that all of the end ships were the exact same(not the loot but the size) . So my question i...

Q: Can i or can i not

FireShift77793I have a dream to be a game programmer and I know that to be one I must have made atleast 1-2 games. Now Im just a 15 year old and I haven't learnt any languages like c++ or c# or java or anything. Now I want to know if I can make a game using any game engine or do I have to first learn any langu...

Q: What is considered a matchmade game in LoL?

ARadishSo recently (or maybe not recently, I just started playing again) Riot implemented a "Hextech crafting system". I'm still really confused how it works, but I managed to obtain another box besides the one that they gave me as intro-freebee. Now I think I need a key, but i don't know how to earn on...

@ardaozkal CacheOverflowException
Is there an estimated storage space that internet takes?
Let's Car *!!*
Hm that didn't format quite as anticipated
@ardaozkal the part indexed by Google is 200 TB
TB or PB?
And that's estimated to be 0.004% of the entire internet
Now it makes sense.
TIL @Frank's real name is Fritzi
my name is not hard to find
@GnomeSlice its obviously Nœmé
@GnomeSlice is actually Michael Westen
^ @GnomeSlice irl
Hint: I said his name without realizing, when mentioning Frank.
haha who
@Unionhawk Such a good show
@ardaozkal that page has so many caveats and holes
Apparently it had a size of 0 3 days ago
Yeah, not the most reliable, but I think that it might be helpful once I understand how to use it.
Or 10
> As of 2014 Google has indexed 200 Terabytes (TB) of data. To put that into perspective 1 TB is equivalent to 1024 Gigabytes (GB). However, Google’s 200 TB is just an estimated 0.004 percent of the total Internet. Perhaps even more impressive is the fact that 16 years of video is uploaded to YouTube every day. - See more at: websitemagazine.com/content/blogs/posts/archive/2014/07/22/…
@Unionhawk trump called Bill Gates to take down internet, duh!
This chair is so good.
A tugboat?
@Dragonrage You IRL
Q: Is there something like a global chat?

h0ch5tr4355I think I read something about a global chat in Clash Royale like it is implemented in its big brother Clash of Clans. However, I can't find it anywhere inside the app. I somehow miss this feature especially for advertising for the own clan. Was it not implemented in Clash Royale and if yes are...

Jan 18 at 16:52, by Grace Note
Hi 40 damage.
@Unionhawk It is super effective
No it only does 40 damage iirc
@ardaozkal i already posted a pic of myself.
@ardaozkal Yes, we know
oh wait really?
That's where I....what @Unionhawk said.
How was the food?
My name is surprisingly difficult to google.
@Unionhawk why so salty?
For someone who claims to have a PhD in memes...
@TrentHawkins And we're rather careful about mentioning it.
Also, seven minutes.
@Frank Indeed. Wouldn't be too surprised if it slipped into chat at some point over that past couple years, but...
@Sterno I do appreciate that there seems to be more inhuman enemies.
i dont think anyone knows my name, unless a mod decided to look it up
@Dragonrage I think it's pretty clear that what your name is, Mr. Rage.
this suits me just fine. i shall continue to live on in relative anonymity
Odd choice for a first name though.
Ooh, I'll have to look carefully through the transcript to see if I can find your name @TrentHawkins
@Yuuki that just makes me sound angry
I've been trying to figure it out for years
@Dragonrage Returned ~21 pages of results, and the only relevant ones were from Arqade which only has my username.
Ronald "Ronnie" Hawkins, OC, (born January 10, 1935) is an American rockabilly musician whose career has spanned more than half a century. His career began in Arkansas, where he was born and raised. He found success in Ontario, Canada, and he settled there for most of his life. He is considered highly influential in the establishment and evolution of rock music in Canada. Also known as "Rompin' Ronnie", "Mr. Dynamo", or simply "The Hawk", he was one of the key players in the 1960s rock scene in Toronto. Throughout his career, Hawkins has performed all across North America and recorded more than...
I assume
@Yuuki my parents named me
You're welcome, bridge
My name is Twob Ugs. I was trying to keep it a secret but @StrixVaria leaked it
@twobugs Pleased to meet you Mr. Ugs
@TrentHawkins would carrot avatar work better?
@Dragonrage No idea.
@Yuuki I really love that kind of art.
I wish I was good at something besides being extremely good at video games.
@twobugs You're also good at being extremely bad at video games.
So there's that.
I didn't make fun of you once during your Firewatch stream, and this is how you repay me @Yuuki???
@twobugs Well, my Firewatch stream was a bit of a joke in and of itself so there's that.
"Knock knock" "who's there" "my firewatch stream"
@Unionhawk my firewatch stream who?
so, I can now recognize the band Tears for Fears pretty much instantly whenever I hear one of their songs
gave me a chuckle
To be fair, "Trump" is a subsequence of "Triumph"
@murgatroid99 and they look about the same if you are dyslexic
Support Are Trumps
@badp maximum over , when too much is simply not enough.
y'know, I wonder how the Hearthstone player Trump feels about the political mess that shares his name.
> You know McCarthy was actually proven to be right about most everything right?

Id suggest he didnt even guess far enough judging by the state of the country today.
I'm... just going to slowly back away...
@twobugs who is McCarthy?
@twobugs spurt er trumps
@NateKerkhofs Guy who led insane witchhunt during American Cold War
@StrixVaria a world in which today is not Friday
@Sterno Lies, its always friday. except, when its not
@ardaozkal In general, doing stuff like this (regardless of difficulty) to people you want to continue hanging out with and conversing with is NOT A GOOD IDEA. It skirts the line of trust. If I'm not using my name here, there's possibly entirely good reasons why I am not and why I choose not to have it here regardless of one's ability to find it. Releasing other people's info without their consent (regardless of what it is) is rude at best and dangerous at worst.
@Dragonrage well I guess XKCD's CNR comic is correct: the Speech to Text of youtube doesn't get the sound of the kid, only ted.
I shouldn't have to be explaining that to you. It's a basic respect thing.
Oh yeah I think it's fair to say that doxxing people here should be bannable
I mean I know your example was just names, but even that can be a problem for people.
So don't do it.
@AshleyNunn I clearly stated that I won't from now on, while warning that it is really simple to find out.
@twobugs Who was apparently censured from the US Senate for not substantiating his claims
@ardaozkal You're missing my point- you shouldn't be doing this in the first place.
Yeah, most of us understand there's no privacy on the internet. Let us have our illusions of it, don't go digging.
44 mins ago, by ardaozkal
While I'm going to respect your preferences of using names (use chat name is default), please be aware that it is easy to find most of your names, however there is no reason to waste time with finding your names, so I won't.
@ardaozkal Basically, just because you can do a thing doesn't mean you should
If you want us to continue respecting you, you need to give us the same respect.
I use my real name on the Stack Exchange network because this is just about the only website I use for my professional life
now to figure out what the differences of these health plans are and which one is better.
(I might sound irritated by this, it's because I am. Because I've had people find my info "as a joke" and then harass me with various bits of it.)
@AshleyNunn that is exactly what I said there, sorry if it was unclear.
@ardaozkal You basically seem to be taunting people with it.
reading it again, it sounds a bit rude too.
And that's less than awesome.
@AshleyNunn exactly. Especially the "no reason to waste time" part is terrible. I'll be more careful about it (sticking to chat info, reading before sending).
We get it, you can find info on the internet. Congratulations. The point is not that the info is findable, the point is that you literally have no need to find it and there is no reason for you to go hunting, so lecturing us on how easy our info is to find just basically sounds like "I am a big bad info finder give me a cookie"
Talking about it, it is 12:45AM, and I should really sleep now.
@ardaozkal In general, as I have said before (and hopefully can stop saying at some point) - the beauty of text is that you can type a thing and then stop, read it over, think about how other people might feel, and then send the message
that moment when you turn on a computer that hasn't been on for a while and a bajillion programs start up and autoupdate themselves
@badp Hurray! Updates for all the things! You didn't want to use the computer right now, did you?
@AshleyNunn who, me? I would never.
@badp That reminds me: I should try and boot the old laptop I gave to my mother so I can install updates
I think it hasn't been on since October last year
@badp See, the computer knows that you don't need it, so it's going to happily prevent you from touching it. In the name of making your experience better.
so I have the 1511 update, a ton of other updates
@badp my computer turns itself on an auto updates, then stays on
@AshleyNunn to be fair I'm about to have dinner
@Dragonrage that's the Windows 10 default, yes.
@badp It's encouraging you to eat! And take care of yourself!
@AshleyNunn but before I can do that I need to get all of the updating started
@badp is there a way to disable that?
so that as much as possible happens during dinner
see, sometimes the updates need a click or two
and you have to be there to give it the necessary encouragement
i love when updates are like "BTW, you better install this or you won't be able to use this app anymore. Do you want to continue? [Yes] [No] "
@badp computers need love too
@GodEmperorDune no, you will burn in hell.
or rather where Java is
@badp It's everywhere, man
@AshleyNunn there is no escape
@badp It's in the air you breathe
its on one billion devices. unfortunately most of them are unpatched since java 4
This health insurance stuff is confusing.
@Dragonrage yeah our system is kind of a mess
@Dragonrage Every time I hear an American trying to navigate that stuff I am so grateful I can just show my health card and that's really the end of it
(well, except for dental and vision but that's not bad)
i may have finally found a decent doctor(haven't visited them yet) , but if so it would be despite my insurance carrier, not because of it
im trying to figure out which policy is best of 4 options. my work will pay all of the cost for 2 of them, the other 2 i have to pay some for. I have no idea which plan is better
Man the more I deal with streaming tv services from a support side the less I ever want to rely on them.
@Dragonrage most plans operate on a scale between monthly premiums and costs for actually using the system
so you'll see plans that are cheap month to month but then you have big costs if you need to see a doctor or get prescriptions
or the opposite, expensive month to month but costs to see doctor is very cheap
you need to figure out which one makes more sense for you personally
if you go to the doctor frequently, expensive premiums might make more sense
if you are fairly healthy and do an annual checkup and not much else, the cheaper premium one will probably work better for you
do you understand what copays and coinsurance are?
i almost never go to the doctor. ive been to a dermatologist once, the urgent care a few times when i was younger, and other than that i go to the chiropractor like 1-2 times a month for my shoulder
@Dragonrage ok, so definitely look up what they cover with chiropractors
@GodEmperorDune copay is what you pay for prescriptions and stuff and co-insurance is for visits right?
@Dragonrage not quite
copay is a flat fee you pay
coinsurance is a percentage of the cost you pay
depending on the plan, you'll get one or the other (or both :() for specific things
this massive document called an "explanation of benefits" has details
and you should be able to request it if they didn't give it to you up front
most of the time coinsurance will end up being more expensive because medical procedures and stuff are expensive
one of the plan has 0$ deductible, 0% co insurance, and a 6350$ out of pocket maximum
@Dragonrage ok
that seems like the best imo
@Dragonrage yes that would mean that it is "free" to use the doctor
but make sure that they cover the things you need
the others all have like a 1-2k deductible and 10 or 20% coinsurance
they might do stuff like not have many doctors available in your area or have a "maximum annual benefit", which means that after you use that amount of coverage, everything else is entirely on you
@Dragonrage that seems more in line with what i've seen
ooh nice, it has a 15$ copay per chiropractic visit
you might want to open up a spreadsheet and figure out your premium costs of the various plans vs how much you would spend on copays for the year
its called a Gold SigVal Advantage 6YD and is United Healthcare HMO
@GodEmperorDune yea that might be a good idea
are they all different companies?
also you may want to talk to your chiropractor and make sure that they accept the particular insurance plan/company you are thinking of
they are all united healthcare
one is hd, one is hmo, the other two are ppo
some doctors only take PPO and don't do HMO
high deductible generally means you pay for everything out of pocket until you hit the deductible, then everything is covered
its usually good if you have almost no medical needs
ppo usually has wider doctor networks and you can pick specialists and go to them directly
Hmm... are our fingers nostril-sized or are our nostrils finger-sized?
hmo means you need to have a primary care doctor, and you go to them first and they have to refer you to specialists
HD means High Definition
You're welcome
@SaintWacko unfortunately not so with healthcare plans
@Yuuki I mean if you're donald trump neither
@Unionhawk oh the short fingered vulgarian
This is mesmerizing
@fredley Because fuck freedom of press and honest reporting.
@fredley Wow
@Frank It does.
@Frank Yeah, but how can you trust us!? We might all be liars. Or in on the conspiracy.
@Sterno Oh snap!
@Wipqozn why do you think they started up that LA spinoff of the walking dead?
@Wipqozn This site starts a soundclip automatically. it's the worst.
Bah. Bah. Bah.

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