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@ardaozkal so this website tracks the specific bundle prices for you personally?
Nope, I plan to do that too though.
so how does it track them?
I am confused as well.
Is it just a listing of all of the bundles currently on Steam?
@Fluttershy yes.
Currently it gets the discount amount for that bundle only. Not any better than arethereanydeals, however, I have the data and power to allow personal tracking, just not the time. 2am, NAPTIME.
yep, I have the data.
@ardaozkal discount amount based on??
no carbs/sweets is a hard diet, but i shall prevail
munches on veggies
so you have reimplemented part of the steam UI?
I'll add mailing support too, something steam doesn't do (you can't wishlish bundles).
@GodEmperorDune sounds like
i'm sorry @ardaozkal i don't see the value add for this
I'm too sleepy to explain.
Can you ping me in 10 minutes so I'll see it in the morning and will reply?
gnight bridge, for real this time hopefully
Q: I've tried turning off the synchronization for steam cloud and re enabling it, but the question mark on the cloud icon is still there, what do i do?

huehueThe question mark on the cloud icon on steam is still there after I disabled steam cloud and i re enabled this,what does this mean?

Oh hello Taxonomist tag
For of all things
I tried to get into Candy Crush. It just felt way too random after the first few levels
And there were like 19283761438971314 levels
Thats generally the problem with those style games
Ooooh, the Crusade rewards are great (but "Crusade"... doesn't really feel pirate-y)
@twobugs I'm not strong enough for most of the events yet
(like I said before I love the game but I usually end up playing it before bed and invariably fall teh fuck asleep)
I barely do the events but this one just unlocks by player level. It's really lucrative and I recommend doing it asap
Each battle is netting me like 500g and the first chest just got me over 1k
ooooh thats awesome
What are you playing?
Pirate Power, this cool mobile game
It's quite fun. It's got a good sense of humor and there are pirates and you build ships and fight stuff

Proposed Q&A site for dystopian Information

Currently in definition.


Proposed Q&A site for to answer any question about Jainism (one of the oldest religion in India) and Jain Culture.

Currently in definition.

@twobugs I don't even play the game. I just created the tag for it because the user who asked the first question was new
@PrivatePansy Best Badge
Q: Summary to storyline of Battlefield 4?

Toby CannonI've never played Battlefield 4, however can someone please provide me with a brief summary of the storyline of the campaign on the game?

@Chippies The Culling is $14.99 full price on Steam, so saying that $13.49 is "75% off" is kind of a blatant lie.
That question has a close vote as "too broad", but that doesn't seem to make sense
Wednesday I'm probably going to buy a car. This is weird.
@StrixVaria It's $17
> Buy The Culling
copy/pasted from steam
American/Canadian price difference I imagine
Oh right.
In any case, it's not nearly $60.
So that site is full of shit.
@StrixVaria It's added The Culling and Lichdom together in the price, and then taking 75% off of it, apparently.
I think they mean the bundle is 75% off overall, but it's a very bad way of wording things
@Fluttershy Then it shouldn't say "free game".
Because if they're taking 75% off the total price, yeah...
I would rather pay $1.50 more to deny that site a sale.
@StrixVaria Bundlestars are non-scummy. Just bad wording.
And not get a game with shit reviews that I wouldn't play anyway.
Eh I've heard the combat was fun but the game just felt empty
Paragon says it's installing but it must be downloading because I can't even use my internet right now
@GnomeSlice Once you actually launch it, there's even more to download.
thats the part im on
Not nearly as long, though.
idk i watched a whole episode of orphan blacl and it's not done
97% now
also APPARENTLY I don't have all of season 1
i rewatched it so i could finally watch season 2
wtf why does it show my psn name and not my epicgames name
fuck! did i set it up wrong?
oh apparently sony requires thr psn name be shown
@ardaozkal ping about the steam bundle server thing and what is the value add
Is there a tutorial for this or what
@GnomeSlice nah sony is just programmed by a bunch of drunk teenagers
no offense @uni
@AshleyNunn Apparently I repaired your boat?
@SaintWacko oh is there a friends thing in the pirate game?
@GodEmperorDune There was a shipwreck icon on the map with the name "Ashley N." on it, and when I tapped it it told me to tap the three ship parts to repair her boat
@SaintWacko wat
And I got a pearl thing that will increase the health of my hull
Q: Where do I find all the artifacts in Stardew Valley?

Jonah BishopI'm trying to collect all the artifacts in Stardew Valley, but I'm missing a number of them. I seem to have exhausted the supply of new artifacts from worms (the ones you dig up with a hoe), as I keep getting ones I've already seen. Where else do I find artifacts? I've gotten a few from treasure ...

@GnomeSlice No. I assume there will be at launch, but so far I've had to figure everything out through trial/error and knowing how MOBAs work.
If you have any questions, I'll try my best to answer them, although I'm hardly an expert yet.
lol, i got wood from some crabs
this pirate game is fun @AshleyNunn
It really is
Are there repeatable missions?
Or is there just this storyline?
now i got wood from the monkis
@StrixVaria still working controls. combat is funner than I expected
feels like an mmo
Yeah, I can see that.
Remember about L2+X to go fast while out of combat.
It's on the control reminder screen but it's easy to forget about.
@GodEmperorDune Dude, TMI
yeah it took me a min to figure that one out
The card system is really strange too, so once you play a few games and grasp the basics there are a few gotchas.
There's a card system?
I thought this was a FPS MOBA?
lol rampage is floating around with his arms up and his legs not moving
nice and alpha
@StrixVaria gotchas?
@Yuuki TPS MOBA. Instead of items you have a "deck" of "cards".
@GnomeSlice Like, if you discard a card, it's just gone.
You can't use it again that game.
also whats ward cooldown
I'm not too sure about ward-stuff in this game yet, because warding isn't that useful against bots.
I've been playing 1 game as each char against bots only to try to get a grasp for what everyone does.
why does the guy keep saying EPIC
yea im playing bots
what is warding
A ward is an item that you put on a spot on the map, and it gives you vision there for as long as it survives.
like a camera?
I don't know the specific mechanics in this game, but they often only exist for a certain time limit, like 3-5 minutes.
@SaintWacko now i got wood from axl
These games have fog of war like RTS games.
You can't see things that you don't have an allied unit near.
@SaintWacko Aww thanks :)
In LoL where you can pan your camera around, it gives you full vision if you happen to be looking there, plus vision on the minimap.
@SaintWacko There are repeatable missions kinda - like you can go back to areas and do them on harder difficulties
In Paragon, it looks more like it's just the minimap since you can't move the camera away from your character.
There are also like weekly missions and things
idek how to read the minimap
The minimap in Paragon is balls.
I get lost the instant I step foot in the jungle.
Within the lane it's fine.
@StrixVaria some jungler you are :p
I'm starting to spend time in each game specifically stepping into the jungle to get better at navigating it.
@GodEmperorDune Jungling was always my least favorite role in LoL.
yeah the jungle things are smallerthan your icon
many people have tried to explain to me what a "jungler" is/does and i still have no idea
I have played jungle in LoL 5 or fewer times total in all 500+ games I've played.
@GodEmperorDune Are you actually interested in knowing or is it more fun having the fun fact that it goes over your head?
@StrixVaria i'm interested in why it's called a jungler
as opposed to some other real verbed noun
@GodEmperorDune MOBA maps have 3 "lanes" which is where minions run down and fight and stuff, where most of the action is centered.
@GodEmperorDune Hey, me too!
yeah i understand the lanes
There is space between the lanes, to physically separate them so that moving between them takes time, so it's a strategic decision about what lane to be in.
The space between the lanes is called the "jungle".
It probably got that name because in DotA, the first MOBA, it's full of trees and hostile exotic monsters.
so a "jungler" hangs out in the in-between spaces?
So the "jungler" is the person who spends the majority of his time killing those monsters in the jungle, rather than going to a specific lane.
well damn that makes much more sense
im going to call him tarzan instead
the hell is an inhibitor
@GnomeSlice Each lane in Paragon has 2 towers and an inhibitor.
If you're walking down the lane and you get past all your team's shit.
The first 2 buildings are towers, and the third is the inhibitor.
When you kill a tower, the orbs you collect give everyone on your team CXP, and the absence of the tower gives your team a positional advantage on the map.
When you kill an inhibitor, instead of giving your team CXP, it powers up all your minions in that lane.
The inhibitors respawn after a time; looks to be about 3 minutes in Paragon.
The towers never respawn.
The beefed up minions in your lane when you kill the inhibitor put extra pressure on the other team to defend, because if left unchecked they're strong enough to kill the core.
Okay, Borderlands is pretty fun
I am not very stellar at it
oh, huh
but I am managing okay.
(I mean my aiming is all over the place and I have died a bunch but whatever)
@AshleyNunn so you gut all of us hooked on the pirate game while you play borderlands? :p
@GodEmperorDune Apparently!
Although I love that you guys are loving the pirate game
I like knowing people are playing the same stuff as me!
And the game is really fun.
Is this a mobile game, because I've been looking for something other than Minesweeper to while away the time on the train.
@StrixVaria yes, but i think it needs connectivity
@GodEmperorDune I have that for most of the trip.
@StrixVaria Ramble planet
@AshleyNunn is it better to buy all the upgrades or save up coins for buying other things?
@GnomeSlice I'll try it.
I'm going to bed, but someone ping me the name of this pirate game so I can install it when I wake up.
@StrixVaria pirate power
@GodEmperorDune I find with how the levels and stuff scale I tend to need the upgrades
although I keep trying to save for the pearl thing
Stupid question - I am looking at my equipped stuff, and some gun names are green - what does that mean
@AshleyNunn Rarity/quality.
@AshleyNunn probably relative item rarity or quality
Basically, green guns tend to be better than white guns.
And blue guns tend to be better than green guns.
@Yuuki racism
@GodEmperorDune No, that's sexist. Get it right.
@AshleyNunn So you're playing the first Borderlands?
@Yuuki oh, k
Stupid question, I have Steam, I can look at my friends list.
@Yuuki Yeah, I am
and I am not nearly as bad at it as I expected I'd be
@AshleyNunn Ooh, yay!
Such an amazing game
Also, is there a certain thing to do to find Black Rock?
@Unionhawk "Oh, shit, the public has turned against us! Abort abort abort!"
They really don't want the precedent set that Apple doesn't have to help them.
I don't think they're really interested in the development of such things if they can get in through other means
@Unionhawk They were pretty sure they could get the public to side with them on this one.
Now that public sentiment isn't going their way, and there's a risk of the judge ruling against them, they needed some way to dump the case without setting a precedent.
It may surprise you to hear that the Internet is an echo chamber, but there are people who believe that all efforts should be made to perform a terror investigation
And the internet is an echo chamber of people who understand the implications behind such things
I'm...not following.
Let me put it this way: some people disagree with you
(and, incidentally, me)
(and, incidentally, a lot of the internet)
The FBI are clearly wrong about this.
So if that means you disagree with me, then I'm okay with that.
There are greater things at stake here than unlocking a single phone.
I know that, you know that, we know that
@Frank I think we can all agree on that
Regardless of whether or not the FBI and the people who agree with the FBI are wrong/fail to see the consequences, they do in fact exist
that is
@Unionhawk Misleading questions get misleading answers.
@Unionhawk Oh god, don't reference that "study"
@Frank I think that's a very broad conclusion.
@AshleyNunn When the FBI made a public statement to the tune of, "Yeah, we'll never get that backdoor now, but we just need to wait for the right public tragedy, and try again", I'm not really seeing much of a broad conclusion.
Wait, no, that wasn't the FBI. My bad.
Except their motion specifically mentions that they may not even need help so
Yeah, if they are now saying they have other means, then it's not the same as your statement, @Frank
@AshleyNunn I'm not really inclined to give the FBI the benefit of a doubt here.
If they had other means, they should've tried those long before dragging Apple into a very public court case.
@Frank That's a whole different matter, though.
@Frank Or you know, they might have just discovered said other means?
@Frank They were doing such things at the same time
Neither of us are teh FBI, neither of us have access to the info or how they found it
so making large brush assumptions like that makes no sense
They've had a history of keeping these requests under seal until now.
This was supposed to be the public case that put public pressure on Apple to bend to their will.
They don't even currently know if said means work, they're required to submit a status report by 4/5
There was NO reason to file this one publically, otherwise.
I'm not going to argue this with you
It strikes me as one of those times where no matter what's said, you've decided a thing
@Frank Because this was not a FISA court request
So instead I'm going to go make some juice and find my book
Those are the ones that are sealed from literally everyone
@Unionhawk And why wasn't it? Could've been, just as easily as the others.
Q: How to test vulkan api in Nvidia GT 630M?

kiranI am really excited about vulkan api support by new nvidia graphics drivers. I have downloaded some of the vulkan examples provided by nvidia, but couldn't run them in this rig. My rig: nvidia gt 630M 1gb 12 gb ram intel i5 3rd gen Any help on testing this api on my rig is much appreciated.

@Frank It's not really surveillance if the target is deceased, is it?
@Unionhawk That's a good point, although I'm not sure that's their logic.
Their logic has pretty much always been "we have this thing, we need the key to unlock this thing to search it"
@Unionhawk I'm not inclined to take that at face value.
Due to them needing Apple's help because of their own incompetence.
I mean, the device was encrypted, what do you want?
They're not wizards
Talk to the NSA?
Who, y'know, is generally the first line of government spying and technical knowledge?
Bulk collection is no longer a thing
Who said this had anything to do with bulk collection?
Well, as far as I can tell, the NSA can't break it either
My thoughts are that if the FBI thought there was a chance they could get their court-ordered custom backdoor, they would continue to pursue it regardless of other option made available to them.
@Unionhawk It's more that the NSA isn't really concerned with the FBI's objectives and has no intention of revealing its capabilities (or lack thereof)
@TimStone Probably
Plus there's always been a theoretically practical solution, just one that requires a proven technique to minimize the chance of destruction of the device. That's probably what they're going ahead with now, since they anticipate losing
The bigger concern is the number of other similar cases that haven't gotten as much attention
@TimStone There's still that precedent from Orenstein's case.
So hopefully it's not ultimately a "Look over there!" tactic
Think I spelled his name right.
@TrentHawkins This cracks me up so much every time I read about it
I gave my cats some salmon wet food and they don't like it :(
This is a different brand but... it's grain free! And grain makes them have digestion problems!
(At least, for my cats
One of our cats is the same way. but she's also horrible
@AshleyNunn Boaty McBoatface, a name truly worthy of belonging to a cutting edge research vessel! :D
tbh I should probably just send her to @Wipqozn
One of my girlfriend's cats is super picky.
And often throws her food right back up.
@TrentHawkins It's the most research-y of names for sure
@twobugs See this is why I love my cat - he will eat any cat food going
He doesn't care what it is
is it food? and in one of his dishes? GREAT LETS PARTY
@AshleyNunn Now I'm just imagining one of those party lights above his food dish that lights up when he's eating.
@Frank giggles I should get him one that's like triggered by him hitting the bowl or something!
This is the last time I let people vote for my new twitter name.
@AshleyNunn He'd probably freak out or something.
-1 onebox for not showing the display name
Best cat diet plan ever.
@Frank Either that or be liek AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN
@AshleyNunn Bela managed to kill a squeaky mouse toy in a couple of days.
Which is good, because we had to put it away for a couple nights, or she would've kept us awake forever.
Oh yeah, Norbert doesn't get noisy toys
Now it's mostly torn apart and absolutely loved by one of the other cats.
@Dragonrage No. I suspect people were reacting to the pre-edit mess
Oh, never mind
I don't know why I thought it was edited
it's still a mess
I mean I'd close it as unclear because it is tagged as one thing and asking about another
Only stopping in for a sec, but Day of the Tentacle went up for download on Steam at midnight EDT... 20 minutes ago.
but asking stuff like that isn't OT per se
i dont see it as being off topic, just really bad
its' not a very good question, because like 30 sec on google will tell you
(It's also no longer 10% off)
but it's not OT necessarily
that said, though, I can see a clear "lets close it as unclear" because of the tag vs question title problem
hmm yea i suppose. because he doesnt mention which nfs and uses the diablo tag
Oh, it wasn't getting OT votes
it was getting unclear votes
that makes perfect sense to me
Not sure why Alex was saying it was getting OT votes
i cant see that yet. just a comment saying flag for OT
@Dragonrage Yeah, I really don't understand the logic in that comment tbh
well, i just need 297 more rep to see close votes i think
You'll get there :)
hmm, i have a question with ~5k views
and it has 2 upvotes
I have a bunch of high views low votes ones
I assume they're popular on Google :P
yea probably
my lifehacks question got to ~13k i think now
apparently people are interested in knowing how to destroy secure documents without a paper shredder
hmm a new user successfully edited their question to get it reopened. kudos to them
@Mike does the time traveling inconsistency in the flash ever get explained/resolved or do they just ignore it?
Q: First Skyrim carrier never came...?

T-BoneI know the first carrier is suppose to come when the Greybeards summon you. But he never came? Is there anything I could have done wrong? Or is my game glitched and how can I fix it?

Q: A proven and all natural anti-aging formula

MauroNowakThe writing of relevant posts to your industry set you apart and brand yourself the expert inside your field. Illumagen cream Anyone have own a restaurant, write cooking articles to help your customers. Retailers can write on fashion tips, salons on Beauty tips, auto repair shops on basic car mai...

> "Why aren't any of the forms you wrote submitting objects to their controller methods?"
> "I dunno, maybe it's because you deleted all of the setter methods for their bound objects?"
Computer Game Modding

Proposed Q&A site for anyone who enjoys creating or modifying content for their computer/video games. This includes altering game data, mechanics, textures, sounds and models, as well as creating tools to help with the process.

Currently in definition.

2 hours later…
Q: Pekka Kana 2 Level editor

gabriel.buzduganI want to know how to play pekka kana 2 level editor on windows 8? If it's possible, give me some steps to follow... I wait your answer! Thanks.

Q: Why can't we make light guns work on LCDs?

Kunal ChopraLight guns, the peripherals used for playing NES games like duck hunt where you shoot the moving target. The principle relies on the TV flashing a black screen with a white square, and light sensor in the gun detecting a white square where the target is located. If the gun detects light, it's a h...

... And my birthday started of with explosions with possible death as a result. two explosions in Brussels Airport
Death toll through various Belgian media outlets ranges from 1-11 deaths.
@Yuuki Yep, that was the whole point ^_^. I mean... is that thing... green? Is that Green Lantern's flask?? I have saw sake bottles that are better Estus replicas that this one.
@Arperum Fuck, and up until this point, I have been cheering on the Belgian police for actually being midway competent
@NateKerkhofs They can't stop everything.
I expect this to be a rebuttal for the arrests a couple days ago.
That's the main entry terminal there
And if I've read things correctly it's in a part of the airport that does not require any sort of checks to enter.
hint: those plates should be on the ceiling
SO anyone can walk in and blow shit up. just as easy as just blowing up on a random touristic spot in Brussels.
I just checked facebook. Apparently, the daughter of a family friend was planning to go to Italy today
She's fine, but she had to be evacuated
Even worse now, also an attack on the Brussel Metro
the subway
according to my father
One attack in a subway station has been confirmed.
Q: Has leaving the battle any further impacts?

h0ch5tr4355I noticed that some players just leave the battle when they lose obviously very early in a match. Do you lose crowns normally on this way or does it have consequences like temporary bans for example due to unsporting behavior (in the case this behavior is repetitive since the system can't detect...

Q: There are games of this kind?

LupettoLet's take Rainbow Six as a background example: a special force team, infiltration, strategy etc. But the player controls the entire team "from above". He gives to the team his instructions, or he moves the team members likes pawns, then he clicks "play" and... let's see what happens. There are...

@NateKerkhofs That's scary
@Arperum Not any more...
@fredley True, at this point the whole perimeter requires a check
@Arperum Nobody can reliably stop someone who doesn't care if they live or not.
@MartinSojka True.
Nobody I know was planning to be even near Brussels this week, so at least that's a relief for me. I hope everyone else here is safe from this tragedy as well.
Q: can't collect a weapon in fallout shelter

John CI just crafted a weapon in Fallout Shelter, but it says I can't collect it because my inventory is full. Just built a storage room, but still can't collect. Any help?

@MartinSojka Everyone I know in Brussels is safe
Everyone I know in belgium is safe cause they're chatting here
@KevinvanderVelden And in my case: living in the bloody middle of nowhere.
Q: How do I unban myself on servers?

thecake8I got banned on Mineplex. How do I unban myself so that I can go on that server? Thank you.

Q: Is asking us to identify a genre a game recommendation?

DCShannonWe had a question posted recently: There are games of this kind? I voted to close this as a game-rec, but I'm not 100% sure that that's correct. I think the asker basically wants to know if a certain type of game exists, and what that genre is called, rather than focusing on wanting to know a s...

Okay, I am watching Flemish news about the attacks.
Current news: 11 people dead in the airport, 30+ injured. Explosion in 3 different metro stations, multiple injued reported.

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