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@twobugs me neither, I'd think that bug speech wouldn't be that nice to hear for humans
I've been practicing my human speak for when we start our takeover
Aaah that makes sense
Speaking of making sense, Bacon.
So, The Daily WTF's new board is tossing 502 Bad Gateway. Wonder what happened.
Or rather, the server sitting in front of it is
Someone WTF-ed it up
Highlander was a documentary and the events happened in real-time.
Also, I get to have a lunch meeting today. Joy.
@Powerlord Mine is slightly after lunch
I have to take care of so much stuff today, though
Oh joy, I have a lunch meeting on Thursday too.
(I also have 11am teleconferences on Mon/Thurs)
Could I get some advice on hardware? I'm wondering when the next generation of CPUs and GPUs will be released
preferably Intel/Nvidia
Because the Intel roadmap article I found is not very clear to me
I think I've heard later this year/early next, but @Chippies would be a good person to ask as he definitely follows it closer than I do
@NateKerkhofs I've heard that nVidia's next generation is expected out sometime in June or July.
nVidia's is close, yes, but given the way they release their GPUs it'll probably be the top-of-the line (ie. Titan/x80) class that will be refreshed first
aaaargh just when I needed \Omega M E G A.
@PrivatePansy I'm planning on getting a top model anyway
Not a titan since those things aren't cheap, but definitely the high-end model
So basically a few more months, right?
so around June or July?
GeForce is a brand of graphics processing units (GPUs) designed by Nvidia. As of 2013, there have been twelve iterations of the design. The first GeForce products were discrete GPUs designed for add-on graphics boards, intended for the high-margin PC gaming market, and later diversification of the product line covered all tiers of the PC graphics market, ranging from cost-sensitive GPUs integrated on motherboards, to mainstream add-in retail boards. Most recently, GeForce technology has been introduced into Nvidia's line of embedded application processors, designed for electronic handhelds and...
that's just in time for Legion fortunately
The Pascal architecture is what you're waiting for, since this represents a major upgrade
Yeah, that's probably my best bet
After having 3 or 4 purchases where I buy new hardware like a month before a new generation comes out, I'm going to plan ahead this time
And Intel?
Looks like I'll either have to settle for a Skylake or wait until Q4 for a Kaby Lake
"Kaby Lake" is a really silly name
@twobugs Yes it is, not enough Bacon
I'm still not sure why I'd want to use AngularJS.
DOTT Remastered is out tomorrow. Yay!
@Sterno One more day until we go Back... to the mansion?
I'll probably need to play Maniac Mansion too
@Wipqozn Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus, Heroes of the Storm, and the Twitch broadcast of the Heroes of the Dorm tournament.
I don't know if I've ever actually completed that one
@Sterno Use Weird Ed's computer in the game.
They are actually including Maniac Mansion inside the DotT remake just like DotT had.
Although I don't think they're giving it the HD treatment. But hey, at least they swapped it for the Enhanced Edition instead of using the 16-color version
I never could figure out why they shipped DotT with the original, less-detailed version of Maniac Mansion.
@Wipqozn I also took four hours Saturday that could've been used for Salt and Sanctuary to instead play Lords of Waterdeep on Tabletop Simulator.
Q: Can I identify rings similar to the way I can identify wands?

ASCIIThenANSIIn NetHack, zapping the floor with a wand can cause some effects to help you identify it (for example, "The bugs on the floor stop moving!" can be a wand of sleep or death.) Rings are another common item like wands. However, they can not use the same trick as wands to identify them. I really ha...

Q: What are the benefits of waiting to drop troops second?

GrohlierI see people waiting to react 98% of the time. Unless I have a building (Tesla/bomb tower/etc.), I also wait. It seems that reacting gives you the chance to minimize mana; but, HOW long is TOO long to wait? Is there a point in which waiting becomes wasteful rather than beneficial. I ask because ...

Every page I see for a "this is why you should use AngularJS" type thing seems to be why I should use it over other JS frameworks rather than why I should use it over a traditional server-side programming language MVC stack.
The reason you should use JS over that is if you want to create something dynamic and don't want to go to the server
@KevinvanderVelden Except that I'm going to need to involve the server somewhere to pull data from the DB.
I know in our office some of the apps are AngularJS and .NET WebAPI REST calls.
Yes? That's what we invented AJAX for and then replaced it with not-xml things
I'm not quite sure I understand the question, the reason why they're only comparing to other JS frameworks is that they're assuming you already decided you wanted to make something interactive-without-pageloading
@KevinvanderVelden So, in other words, Angular is generally used for SPAs?
I have no idea what that is
Ooh single page application
@KevinvanderVelden Yes, that
@Powerlord Yeah, they didn't revamp that part. It's still in all its EGA glory
Yes, single page applications are a reason you'd use javascript, given that you can't do them without javascript
@Sterno VGA glory because they're using the 256 color version.
But no angular and other frameworks aren't only for SPAs, but if you want some of the features SPAs provide then a framework like that is helpful
If you just want something where you can input data and press a button and have it refresh the page... then you don't need javascript
Q: Our planets vs other - which is more interesting to you for a mobile strategy game?

Antoni StavrevWhere do you prefer the action of the game to take place? - Our Solar system (Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Earth, Venus, ...) or other fictional planets in another system, not related to ours?

Although... I'm not sure if Maniac Mansion's Enhanced Edition just used the wider color palette or if it used the ability to show 256 colors at a time. I suspect only the former.
Afrikaans Language

Proposed Q&A site for linguists, students and teachers of the Afrikaans language.

Currently in definition.

Computer-aided engineering (CAE)

Proposed Q&A site for questions related to technical aspect of computer-aided engineering, including finite element analysis/modelling (FEA or FEM), computational fluid dynamics (CFD), multibody dynamics (MFD), and software that implement these fields.

Currently in definition.

(I think Secret of Monkey Island was the first LucasArts game to use the latter)
Ugh, something tastes screwy in the water this morning. That's not a good sign
I'm out of Zyrtec, and it is making it very hard for me to function today.
Sssh it's just a few pesticides
@twobugs It's probably lead.
Well this is bottled water so I certainly hope not!
@Fluttershy Well, he IS in Michigan, so....
@twobugs Is it a lead bottle?
Not that I'm aware of. This is from our water cooler that we get those big 5 gallon jugs to put in
@twobugs Aren't those jugs filled from the communal water reservoirs? or your water real source water?
No, they're filled from actual services
And I'm not even in Flint, where the water crisis is happening
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment CC @OrigamiRo... Oh yeah :(
RIP Paper Robot
Is there an Origami site proposal?
Lol, Rockstar Games mailed me at 4:20PM
@fredley "Q: Is there a lifehack that will help me get out of doing my domestic chores?"
@Mike migrated to Lifehacks.SE
Q: How do i buy a Final blast in jetpack joyride

PrismWiz4rdHow do I purchase a final blast in jetpack joyride? I've gone through virtually all things in the stash. Please help!!!

@fredley At first I thought "Phrasing!". Then I read it again and saw it was about "Domestic Chores", not "Domestic Abuse"
And I replied with a trump meme. Seriously, what was I thinking? I wasn't thinking.
Oh, apparently Netflix Belgium added the S8 Christmas special of Doctor Who
Time to watch it!
@NateKerkhofs Wasn't Doctor Who removed from Netflix?
@ardaozkal apparently not entirely
Seasons 5 through 8 are still available
In Belgium at least
Doctor who is basically the only thing I use my HD recorder for
I used to watch Doctor Who on TV (not all eps). I want to go back to watching it. From which season should I start from?
I will never understand Doctor Who
Today's proverb with a quite surprising and vivid image: Bahtsız bedeviyi çölde kutup ayısı siker.
@ardaozkal What's the last episode you watched?
@ardaozkal new who or old who? Presumably new who
Q: What can I do with all these gold swords?

rom016I have been killing hoards of pigmen for gold but have ended up with far too many gold swords. Is there anything I can do with them? All I can find on-line is to use one to set the enchantments before entering the actual item I want.

oh, now I understand why
It's the version with French subs
The Dutch Sub has been taken offline
@Lazers2.0 wasn't this literal question asked before?
New who
I watched random eps so considering me as an absolute beginner is your best shot
@Lazers2.0 And that's why I added a "one fully repaired gold sword -> two gold nuggets" smelting recipe to my server.
Can't find the exact same one but this is a dupe
(... or four gold nuggets, don't remember right now)
@ardaozkal in that case, I recommend you start at the start
with season 1
of new Who obviously
Yeah you generally want to watch them in order
Because if you start somewhere in the middle like Season 3 or 4, you're going to have some major plot holes in the season finales
Shopping around for car insurance is annoying
Cars are a real pain!
Wow I only have 5 days of work left at this job. Weird feeling
I know the feeling
I "heard" that GTA Online PC is getting a better anticheat soon. We can only hope.
Haha the movies and TV network ad is great
It seems to be a completely random mismatch of famous and reviled movies
@MartinSojka I know one of the mods lets you melt down fully repaired gold swords into two ingots, but that's not vanilla.
@Yuuki I'm just using CustomRecipes for Bukkit/Spigot, easy to set up however I like.
@NateKerkhofs With the exception of a few aside references, I'm not sure Season 1 is all that important continuity-wise. I still love it though.
I'd consider bad wolf pretty important =p
good morning bridge
@KevinvanderVelden It's rather localized though.
Again, other than a few aside references, it doesn't pop up much outside of its season.
Well yes, but you can say that off most of doctor who (or heck any tv show)
The big continuity thing about Season/Series 1 is the Time War.
Q: Iphone/Ipad CCS does not sync with my Facebook account

SandraCCS on Facebook doesn't sync with my CCS on Ipad/Iphone. I'm always ahead on my ipad/iphone but have to replay the levels on my Facebook account. I have tried deleting and reinstalling it on all places. This is very frustrating especially when I'm waiting for tickets on the iPad/iphone but have...

@Yuuki Was the Time War really that big of a part of the plot of Series 1, though?
@Mike It's been sort of consistently important throughout all the new seasons.
I guess if you consider the Daleks still being around despite the Time War, maybe, but the war itself was mostly ignore until later in 10's tenure.
but you could probably get away with watching the S1 finale and get 90% of what you need to know later on
though, "The Empty Child" / "The Doctor Dances" are really good episodes.
Yes, those were great
Damnit now I need to watch doctor who again
The last couple of seasons have been really spotty.
its annoying because I kinda like the Clara Oswald character, but her entire time as Companion the episodes have been kinda crap.
@Mike Yeah, don't watch Series 1 if all you're interested in continuity. Watch Series 1 because it's good.
@Yuuki there was a good comment on SciFi some time ago. Can't find it now but it was something like this.
> Continuity in MLP:FiM is very similary to Doctor Who continuity: something the fans argue on and the writers don't care about...
Two years later, I am making an attempt to 'enjoy' Dark Souls again.
First time, a friend HEAVILY insisted I go into it blind. No help, no lookups.
Got to Taurus Demon, felt helpless, put it down.
This time. Rolled Pyromancer, looked up a couple basic guides on what to do with a few builds, a few game mechanics that are not explained, and common tactics for fighting mooks and big things.
Now I'm actually enjoying it.
So, wait, you mean that there are people that didn't enjoy winning the Vanguard fight in Demon Soul?
@MadMAxJr Yeah, that's... not a good recommendation
Alright. The wall. Lets go climb that ladder I didn't know about and kill those two crossbow doofs. Now lets go visit the big dem--- run awayyy. up the ladder. Wait for him to look up. Firebomb to face.
@Derpy probably got deleted during winter bash; most of the big doctor fans on SF/F were trying to get the hat for deleting old comments.
Climb halfway down ladder, wait for him to jump up, jump down... bomb again..
Out of bombs! Time for flying axe to the face.
Did not know I could roll through the legs, expected a solid hitbox. That saved me.
stop typing while fighting
@GnomeSlice unless you are playing ztype.
also drop down on him and do falling attack, run away and bomb till dead
hes playing dark souls
Was. That was yesterday.
sounds like the first axe demon guy
Plunging attacks are very nice too.
Went more smoothly than my first attempt on the uninformed play where I thought I had to fight him on the wall
I got my new sound system working this weekend!
It sounds amazing
So now I've met Solaire, seen the drake that camps the bridge, and have a newfound hate of rats that inflict poison.
I went from two mids and two small subs to two tweeters, eight mids, two small subs, and a big sub
Q: what is the best armor in terraria for the console.

cuthulu I cant figure out what armor is the best, so I can go defeat ocram in the console addiction.

@MadMAxJr I find stabbing attacks to work best against them.
Slashes tend to miss for stupid reasons.
best weapon
Spears are also good for that
I got the Master Key and picked up Astora's Straight Sword.
Right now I've still got the derpy starter axe. I went down from firelink enough to get the stiletto.
@ardaozkal From Harald Bluetooth
I'm told I can go walk the wooden bridge down below and do a suicide run past the ghosts to nab an item to improve the estus flask early.
It's probably spelled Bfyluytfftyh or something.
@Yuuki Careful, there, you're going to summon Cthulhu!
the movement looks janky though
I'll wait for reviews
@MadMAxJr Firekeeper soul, yeah
you can also use that for free humanity once you get the orange soap
@Mike saw it about one week ago actually, while searching for "I don't remember what"
Also finally explained to me that I need to be unhollow to make use of summons.
I forgot the SEGA Saturn existed
@MadMAxJr You just remembered me... I saw the Dark Soul 3 collector guide with Estus flask replica.
and... it rivals with Dragon Age 2 collector edition
Now I just need to figure out where the heck the next bonfire is on the other side of the 'rawr big red drake' bridge.
"What do I do about the big red drake?" (After I was corrected 10 times it is not a dragon). "700 large arrows should do it." "What if I want to get past it today." "Oh. Go around. Should be stairs down."
Q: Why does minecraft keep crashing after a few seconds of being in the world

BlueGamer71 It just keeps crashing. It just closes after a few seconds. I would be in the world then walk a little and it would crash! PLZ help. :(

@GnomeSlice But you didn't ping me!
@Derpy That's a terrible looking Estus flask replica.
Also, best Dark Souls weapon is the Man-Serpent Greatsword.
@MadMAxJr Yeaaa... those stairs need to be unlocked from the other side, which necessitates going past the dragon.
The most common "cheaty" way to do it is to buy a bunch of arrows and peg the dragon's tail from under the bridge.
The stairs on the bridge is what he meant.
Down to the toxic rats
And then we go back up and there's this very angry iron pig creature.
Serpent-man, Serpent-man...
My body is ready for DS3
Apparently one of the creative leads left during DS2 development?
About to watch Last Week Tonight discuss the practicality and actual cost of building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. Can't wait!
That's a fun one.
The HNQ list is even less interesting than our star list
I wish my work didn't require me to work when there's a book I want to read
@Sterno Link?
@Wipqozn HBO GO
@Sterno Gosh darn teenagers
Maybe it's on YouTube too, you cheap bastard. I don't know.
I don't even think you can get HBO Go in Canada
Canada sounds like a terrible place.
However, as in most things, you are wrong: tmngo.ca/hbocanada
All riiight, hockeyapp is awesome.
btw No, it is not a hockey app
I've had Johnny Cash's A Thing Called Love stuck in my head for the past few days
@SaintWacko Six foot six he stood on the ground
A: What is the spawn rate of Witches in Minecraft

Sharon fletcherMe and my friend was in a world together when my friend saw a witch hut I decided not to go that direction but my friend did go that direction.She went in and saw a bubbling cauldron,a mushroom and a crafting table.My friend decided to go on SURVIVAL and kill it,but the witch was not there so she...

@ardaozkal He weighed two-hundred-and-thirty-five pounds
@SaintWacko But I saw that giant of a man brought down
@ardaozkal To his knees by looooove
Such a good song
Very different from a lot of his other stuff
Lots more backing vocals
mods identifications would fall under the same category as game ident correct?
Q: XBox Gold Policy for Reduced cost games

Ryan JI know that if you cancel your XBox Gold membership, you'll no longer be allowed to play free games you've downloaded as a result of having it. How does this work for games you got at a reduced price though? Do you need to pay the difference in cost in order to play them again?

Q: Searching for mod to Diablo II Lord Of Destruction

AhtI'm trying to find an mod to Diablo II LoD which i played few years ago on friend laptop. This friend don't remember name of this mod so i try to find it by use all of method. The problem is that i have very limited information about which can help me to find. That why i ask you. First thing tha...

@Dragonrage all identifications are under same criteria.
I forgot you can't pass variables based on name in PHP
oh PHP
You're so terrible
Q: set home w./ commands

RoyalGaming369I want to make a "/sethome" kind of thing. I don't think you can test what a player says, but I want an item that can be thrown, then mark the X Y and Z cords. Could I do that, if so how, and will it require a command block for every block in the world?

do close votes expire?
@Dragonrage Yes
I don't remember the exact timing or criteria
looks to be around 2 weeks
A: Why do close votes expire?

user149432The system has actually been reworked recently to take into account low-traffic beta sites: If the question has less than 100 views, the votes expire one per day after 14 days. If the question has more than 100 views, close votes expire at a rate of one per day, starting 4 days after the last v...

Ah, that's the question I was thinking of
Q: Why isn't my Lan world working on Minecraft 1.9?

HeleTheGirli've tried this a couple of times now, so i decided to ask. Me and my friend wanted to play together on my lan world (single player world where i click "Open to LAN") but we couldn't. there was the thing where there was written "Scanning for games on your local network" but no matter how many tim...

@Wipqozn Nice!
@Sterno According to the internet Canada is Exactly The Same as North Korea
@twobugs I'm pretty sure you can also find arguments that provide proof that your face is worse.
Hot Damn!
cc @Wipqozn
@Wipqozn my turtle came back today
Neat, they rolled out a patch today for The Division with some nice fixes
Reddit is mad because they nerfed all the really unfun farming exploits
Q: How many free chests can I stack up?

DragonrageI've noticed that overnight I usually get 2 free chests that become ready to be unlocked. When I open the first, the second then becomes available. Is there a limit to how many free chests I can stack this way?

@twobugs Isn't reddit always mad about something?
@twobugs s/today/tomorrow
@Sterno Today apparently
The patch is ahead of the server maintenance?
@Dragonrage The gaming reddits seem to all hate the games they play
@Sterno Look all I know is I'm at work and I see patch notes stickied on Reddit
@twobugs I hate this game, so I'm going to play it. Typical Reddit logic.
That's for tomorrow's patch.
Ah, well tomorrow a Good Patch comes out
I'd better get to 30 and kill Bullet King 900 times tonight
@Dragonrage Good
@Sterno Please don't joke about things people will actually do
@twobugs do you want the evil version of your avatar, or should i delete it?
You can delete it, but thanks for the thought :)
ok, if you do happen to want it, i think its somewhere on the transcript
my playlist includes 80-90's rock, country, pop, and the occasional metal song

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