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ok. whatever voodoo skill you need to possess to catch fish in stardew valley I am clearly lacking it.
@Mike It gets easier as you rank up.
@Mike But there's an "Easier Fishing" mod you can install if you choose.
that's good to know. probably means this guy isn't getting his Bream by tomorrow, tho.
wonder if he'll take 26 soggy newspaper instead
@Mike I've heard that using Z (or was it X?) to move the bar works better than mouse-clicking.
i shall give that a try
well, i just landed 3 fish in a row using x
so either the game took pity on me and gave me dumber fish, or that really does work better
> Wow, you can't just call people homeopathic, that's so offensive...
Have I mentioned recently how much I love /r/shittyaskscience?
If not, then I love /r/shittyaskscience.
Q: Can named elites in daily missions be farmed for Phoenix creds?

vartecKilling named elites, whether on mission or not, gives some small amount of Phoenix creds (1-3 AFAIK). But if I'd kill a named elite on daily mission, then die, respawn from checkpoint, will the subsequent kills to the same elite generate more Phoenix drops?

I forgot how cute Snowpeak mountain is
@Yuuki Bridge farm communed?
@AshleyNunn I'm totally up for it.
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment why do I feel like this will be a terrible idea
Q: Arena cards and if once you have got to arena and then demoted can u still get the higher arena cards

JoeCan I still get new arena cards if I was n arena 4 but got demoted back to arena 3 can I get new arena 4 cards if got demoted and while I'm n arena 3 Clash royal is the game

@Yuuki all of that sounds like good stuff, I just hope I will still care by the time it rolls out :/
the multiplayer is probably huge enough that I will care
Q: What is the last column on the scoreboard before players' items?

StrixVariaThere are 5 columns on the scoreboard in Paragon. From playing other MOBA games, I've figured out what 4 of them represent, but the last eludes me. The first four are kills, deaths, assists, and number of minions killed. The last one starts at 0 for each player, and seems to only be able to be a...

Q: What kind of weapon are the Hydras in League of Legends?

OakIn League of Legends there are two "sister" items, Ravenous Hydra and Tytanic Hydra. Both of them are built out of a Tiamat. Items in League of Legends borrow names from other things, such as The Bloodthirster, which is simply a serrated bastard sword. Hydras and Tiamats are mythological creatu...

I'm curious how knowing real world weapons is a skill we're supposed to have.
@Frank It's not.
@StrixVaria Thought as much. The review queue was inconclusive, though.
I didn't even mod close it. Conveniently, 4 other people had already voted.
@StrixVaria How'd you like your first game(s?) of Paragon?
@Fluttershy So far so good. I'm playing against bots just trying everyone out so I know what I'm going up against when I transition to playing against real people.
The most frustrating thing is how complicated the jungle layout is.
Just trying to find a path from one lane to another sometimes gets me lost for 30 seconds.
@StrixVaria Yeah. It was quicker for me to recall and just run up the lane than it was to try and navigate through that mess.
The art style for the heroes is a bit lacking IMO. Like, it technically looks really nice, but they're just uninspired.
That is pretty much it for negatives though so far.
Once I figure out who I like playing as, I'll spend some time making decks for them that actually include enough upgrades to buy what I want in game.
@Fluttershy Is this out now?
@GnomeSlice It is in the same state it was like literally 2 days ago when I explained it to you.
You can buy early access which comes with some bonuses, or you can wait for it to go full f2p sometime in the summer.
I must have forgotten
Right, that
What are the bonuses
and can you get it on ps4
@GnomeSlice Yes, I got it on PS4.
I didn't even know @GnomeSlice liked mobas.
I dont
but this one looks fun
I don't love playing mobas, but I wanted a long-term game I could go back to for PS4.
and shooty
@GnomeSlice It's moba-ier than I expected it to be.
Q: How do you activate the "Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 1" quest?

DarthPizzaI usually activate the witcher gear upgrade quests by buying maps for them from vendors, but I haven't been able to find anything that activates the quest for the Enhanced Feline gear, which would be called Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 1 I know I can look up the l...

Airmech is also on ps4, the only moba ive really played a lot of
Last hitting minions matters, and your attack speed is super low in general.
@StrixVaria :(
Spamming abilities is also going to run you out of mana in short order, so you have to actually choose when to use them strategically.
I feel like each game so far I've learned a lot. There isn't really any kind of tutorial, so I was left to just figure things out.
@GnomeSlice Interesting. This was posted during the NDA.
levelling up looks nice but is it going to be a thing where your teammates scream at you if you dont pick the same shit every game
@Fluttershy I googled "paragon gameplay"
@GnomeSlice As far as I can tell, you literally can't even type custom messages on PS4.
There are pre-made messages you can say kind of like in Rocket League.
@GnomeSlice Apparently, they just did commentary over stuff Epic released themselves.
@StrixVaria are people gonna report you for not following a meta is what i mean
I hate metas
why even have customization if youre obligated to follow a set rule
I'm not sure what you mean. There's always going to be a numerically best option
People who blindly follow that are dumb but those people exist independent of the existence of a metagame
its like how people called me a faggot and stuff for using quick fix in tf2
Those people are stupid
(I don't know what the quick fix does)
People who call people that in any game are stupid.
I do get upset sometimes if people are intentionally using a bad combination and slowing their team down
This would be more informative if I understood any of the jargon
also that character atax slow as balls
@GnomeSlice What jargon are you unsure of?
@Wipqozn I've still only downed 3 or 4 bosses. I can't remember. I haven't had any chance to play it this weekend.
headshots don't count as crits? lame
@GnomeSlice Ambush with a numbers advantage.
@GnomeSlice Kill minions in a lane as fast as possible to attack the enemy tower in that lane.
@GnomeSlice The player on your team who sticks to killing neutral monsters in the area between the lanes (known as the jungle).
@GnomeSlice One of the minions that runs down the lanes to attack the enemy towers, OR a neutral minion in the jungle just standing around waiting to be murdered. (I have no idea why they're called "creeps" but that's what it means.)
@GnomeSlice Stationary structures that sit in a lane, have a lot of health, and deal a lot of damage. You need the help of your allied creeps or a really powerful tank on your team to even approach one without dying.
@GnomeSlice Probably used to mean "backdoor", which means attacking a towers without the help of allied creeps.
Thanks, that helps
this does look moba-y
Actually looks pretty fun though but I'd probably just prefer a tps
Yeah, it's definitely a MOBA first and the aiming/shooting mechanics are just a way for it to distinguish itself from other MOBAs.
@GnomeSlice Characters need time to get going, but deal the majority of your team's damage once they are up and running.
As opposed to tanks (who don't deal much damage but are just dirsuptive to the other team and take a lot of effort to kill) and supports (who also don't deal much damage and tend to buff allies and debuff enemies and just be all around annoying, but not necessarily tanky).
@GnomeSlice If you want to play something similar, try Smite. It's completely free to play right now, so you wouldn't have to buy into a founders pack or anything.
I highly recommend Smite even if you don't like MOBAs, because the Arena and Assault modes are fun and have way less strategy and you can do whatever you want and not get flamed unless someone's especially elitist, and then you know that person is just a dunce.
Oh, huh
is it on ps4?
Smite is coming to PS4 soon.
There's a private beta now.
@GnomeSlice Generally when you're "laning" (the early part of the game, you split up and have 1-2 people go into each lane), you just have small skirmishes and harass each other a little.
A teamfight, in contrast, is when the majority of both teams is present and all of you engage at once.
oh fun
Teamfights are pretty crazy. At least in the games I've played (mainly LoL and DotA2) they get decided pretty quickly. It's all about which team is better coordinated
this guy seems like a good player
(Part of the reason I think solo queueing is so frustrating)
Teamfights are really hard. At low skill, the winner is pretty much random.
What's the point of the jungle
@GnomeSlice Each lane generally produces enough minions to give a single character enough xp/gold to be relevant.
You have 5 players on your team, and there are only 3 lanes.
The jungle gives you a 4th source of xp/gold so you can farm up 4 members of your team.
Oh I see
The support character tends to be someone who can be relevant without enough gold or xp.
For example, a skill that stuns someone is good whether you have items or not, because they're still stunned.
starting to sound meta
@GnomeSlice Running into the enemies with reckless abandon, trusting that you are tanky enough to just deal with whatever they throw at you.
@GnomeSlice It's not really meta. It's just how that character is designed to work.
Support, that is.
makes sense
The jungle also serves as a buffer between lanes. Something had to go there to make it so that there could be strategic decisions in the mid-late game about what lane to be in as a team.
do creeps go through them
@GnomeSlice Creeps either walk straight down the lane, or sit still in the jungle.
No, but there are neutral creeps in the jungle to farm
They don't ever move through the jungle.
And the two I mentioned are categorically different kinds of creeps.
The ones in the jungle are neutral and can be killed by either team.
The ones in lane are allied to a team and fight each other.
Oh okay
I have to sleep now :(
Stupid work.
Hopefully someone else can pick up defining things if necessary.
I can try my best!
this looks fun
"AD Carry"
@GnomeSlice AD Carry is someone who is a carry (see Strix's description earlier) whose primary damage comes from their base attack.
Carry-type MOBA characters are weak in the early-game and very reliant on their team to survive.
^ But then mid-to-late game, they burn enemies down extremely quickly.
Oh, good, they found the baby and the stolen car safe and sound. Haven't got the guy who stole the car (and also the baby) but hey, at least the baby is safe
Hooray for that, at least. That must have been pretty horrifying :/
They're called "carries" because you have to "carry" them in the early-game up until they can "carry" you to victory in the late-game.
@TimStone Yeah, I can't even imagine it. So glad it has a happy ending
@Fluttershy what does the AD mean?
@GnomeSlice Usually stands for "attack damage".
@GnomeSlice ^.
@GnomeSlice Typically as one team pulls ahead they'll start to gain more and more power
@GnomeSlice Zoning is spatial control. If you have a character that a lot of ranged damage, they can "zone" enemy characters because they risk taking damage when they get too close.
@GnomeSlice Controlling your enemy's position. Basically, when you control your zone (area in the lane), and are able to push the enemy out of their zone, you're zoning them.
I'll let @Fluttershy do the talking since he's actually played the game, I think.
I just know general MOBA terms.
@Yuuki That's all he's after right now.
So you're free to join in. :P
Is this better than Smite
Depends on what you like?
@GnomeSlice Flagging this chat message as primarily opinion based
IIRC, SMITE is third-person and Paragon is apparently as well?
@GnomeSlice Smite felt more fast paced, but I like Paragon's customization better.
So it's really dependent on personal preference.
I'm watching a guy with a neckbeard in a cowboy hat play
nice graphics
@GnomeSlice Which?
@GnomeSlice That's one I don't know. It's Paragon specific, and I never messed with them.
Looks like team objectives.
Capture points essentially for bonus resources.
oh like they just collect xp I guess
why does this guy only seem to have like 2 abilities
@GnomeSlice Everyone has 3 abilities and an ultimate.
there's 5 keys shown on the ps4
Q: How do i start a new match on csgo offline?

2Doge3So, im playing CsGo offline with bots. After all of the enemies have died and all of the objectives have been completed and the time is up, the game wont start a new match. Ive tried vanilla maps, ive tried multiple workshop maps but i still get the same exact problem. anybody got any ideas?

@Fluttershy Is there more than one map?
@GnomeSlice There wasn't in the alpha that I played. Dunno about now.
Will there be?
Typically there aren't many maps in mobas
HotS is actually a bit strange in that regard.
Q: The Big Spot Of Natural Weight Loss

RamiroGammonIf you could really use some guidance on quick weight loss, Pure Natural Forskolin Slim with meal plans or workouts, my coaching program gives you both of these, plus support and continued guidance. Best of all, it's designed to be easy and life-changing. ===>>>>> http://greendetoxpatch.net/pure-...

Domestic Chores has reached 60 followers
also happy bday @Wipqozn. in your honor, i set my turtle free
Q: Is there a simpler way to ensure that two inserters always fire at the same time?

Alexis KingI have built a simple factory that produces construction and logistics robots. However, since these robots get made very quickly (they only take half a second), the bottleneck is currently my production of flying robot frames. I am totally okay with this—I don’t need to make new robots at maximum...

Q: Is there any strategy for acquiring specific items?

DpeifThis is about the Star Trek: Timelines mobile game When farming for a particular item, is there any strategy to how you should go after it? Or is it all RNG-based? Do faction stores cater to items for characters of that faction? E.g. Would an item for Worf, or any Klingon character, be more co...

Q: Is there a population cap for cities in SC4?

Even AndyIm currently working on a city that's population has been growing fairly steadily for a while, but it seems to be struggling to get past the 600,000 inhabitants mark. It's strange because the major rating is full and health, education, police and fire coverage is all funded to capacity. Recentl...

Q: Minecraft is crashing! please help!

Starqueen233Minecraft 1.7.10 forge is crashing on me i downloaded Pams harvest craft and the NPCS's mod and joined my world then said Shutting down internal server then crashed so i went on youtube and a guy said delete option.txt i logged in again and it didn't say Shutting down internal server and joined t...

Q: How Do I Make a Server For MCPE and How Do I Use It?

Alvitos 101I am making a really cool Kit PVP server for MCPE but I do not know what to do. How do I make a server? How can I change the spawn or make a safe zone? How can I make it so if the player taps the sign and gets this item?

1 hour later…
Q: Mass effect series: shall I start from the beginning for better understand?

Earth EngineAs I didn't play any game in this series before, and I noticed that in Steam, Mass Effect 1 is still available. So I wonder if it is a good idea to start from 1.

Morning chat
Q: Why should you donate cards?

Mathias711You can request common and rare cards in your clan, and it is obvious that this is beneficial for the receiver (you get free card(s)). What is in it for the donator?

We have motion activated lights over here. One is right above me, I managed to (by accident) sit still enough for it to turn off
@Powerlord (sorry, very late answer) True, but back then the DS used to be region free (which also allowed many to play games like Jump Ultimate Stars). You are also right about the publisher begin the one deciding, while I think that Nintendo could have done something about the matter if they really wanted to.
Q: Will using Fortune allow me to collect more food?

Jason_I collect food from my farms, but I would like to collect as much as possible from them. I have automatic farms on servers that you can sell your items. I was wondering if by adding fortune to a tool would allow me to collect more food.

@Blem That's ... not how you estimate a cost of such a project. At least not the long-term cost. Yeah, it would cost 25 billion upfront and some 3 billion/year maintenance, but as any strategy gamer knows, that's just initial cost and upkeep. "What would the effect on the economy be?" and "How does it compare to other potential uses of that 3 billion/year?" are the important question if we're talking about costs.
And again my computer won't start anymore, just like last morning
I managed to bring down the suspect list to an empty CMOS battery or a problem between the on/off switch and the mobo
which in both cases means I have effectively no idea how to fix it
Respectively: Replace the CMOS battery/Replace the on/off switch
How old is the PC though?
Or more specifically the motherboard
Well thank you Captain Obvious. — Tom Medley 8 secs ago
Couldn't resist
@KevinvanderVelden The computer is from 2011. I have only replaced the GPU and added an SSD since then
The motherboard is an Asus P8P67
I think the CMOS battery is the likely culprit, because when I managed to start it yesterday, my BIOS was reset to default
Hmm 4-5 years, CMOS battery could be it
Q: Can I use xbox one controler in PC for mass effect?

Earth EngineI asked this question and according to the answer I decided to buy all the trilogy. However, there is one concern. I am a bit bored to use keyboard + mouse and want to try the Xbox one controller. Of cause I can get the Xbox version but it is less private to the children. There seems to be some ...

@KevinvanderVelden okay, I'll see if I can order one online
They're regular ones, probably CR2032
Are all CMOS batteries the same, or do I need one specifically for my type of motherboard?
So you can just go the the grocery store or something
Might want to take the battery out first to be certain that it's that type of battery
problem is that I don't even know where my CMOS battery is located
Generally pretty easy to find
It's on the motherboard, flat on it so just look for the shiny CR2032 sized bit :)
how big am I looking for? pea size?
It's located next to one of the PCI slots
Second from the right, the big metal thing
okay, I hope I don't have to take out my GPU to replace it though
Don't think so, it might be in the way but it's probably in the top PCIE slot
Besides, that's not that difficult either =p
Remember, it's pretty much all plug and play. As long as you don't grab a hammer and take it slow it's pretty hard to break
Except the CPU, those are annoying
yep, CR2032
I'm looking at it right now
they seem cheap, only 4.25 EUR
Sweet, remember that before replacing it you should turn the PC off and unplug the powersupply cable. Then press the power button to drain it for safeties sake
@NateKerkhofs yeah they're just regular batteries, the really good brands over here are 3.75 at most
@KevinvanderVelden so I got it turned out and unplugged. long press or short press?
Is Varta a good brand?
@NateKerkhofs just a short press as if you would turn it on
It's just to discharge the capacitors in the power supply. In my PC you'd see the lights on my fans turn on for a tiny bit
@NateKerkhofs Yeah that'd be fine
Basically anything that comes in packaging with a brand on it is good enough =p
It's not like 4 euro every 4-5 years is expensive, it's mostly for the extra bit of safety against a crappy made battery starting to leak
Okay, I'm off to the store now
cya in 15 minutes
@Fluttershy Sounds like money well spent! Which game?
@Dragonrage Well that's a thing. I hope you released it somewhere safe.
@Sterno Lame
Weird, did I get kicked?
Or maybe my login cookies expired
@PrivatePansy Nope. I would have recieved a message saying you were kicked, and I didn't.
Hmmm. Probably expired cookies or something then
@NateKerkhofs that's why you should never unplug your PC for long periods of time unless you absolutely have to
the battery should last a long time (more than 5 years, ime) if you regularly use the PC
Q: How can I judge hardware against minimum and recommended specs?

Matt ThrowerWhile investigating graphics card benchmarks for a new PC, I noticed that some of the games I've been playing on my current laptop list minimum specificaitons on Steam that are considerably higher than its hardware. It's packing an old Nvidia 635M graphics card, which has a 3D Mark score of 1070...

I'm pretty sure the battery doesn't drain unless the PC is unplugged, but maybe I'm wrong and was just lucky with the batteries I had...
Did it just sy "you need to login" ?
@PrivatePansy I meant to ping you with that
No, I was at the room selection page after I woke my computer from sleep
I'm back!
@PrivatePansy hm, you my have been kicked there
The moral of the story is that
@Chippies it's also a PC that's about 5 years old
@KevinvanderVelden Okay, I replaced the CMOS battery, and now it still won't power on
Won't power on as in what happens?
I press the button, and nothing happens
(Also check the cable =p)
no fans, no sound, nohting
@KevinvanderVelden which of the umpteen cables are you talking about?
The PSU one =p
I'm assuming that's the only one you unplugged
from the outlet to the PSU?
I'm just kidding
I unplugged them all
There wasn't really any need for that to be honest
so, what else could it be?
I mean, it is a 5 year old PC
@KevinvanderVelden I had to though, because otherwise I couldn't place it on my bed
Was the problem intermittent?
@NateKerkhofs ooh I thought internal cables
I had it the first time about a month ago, then the second time yesterday, then the 3rd time today
I did hear something shift when I put the computer back upright after replacing the CMOS, but I'm not sure what
it wasn't the battery, that was plugged in properly
I'm unsure of where to proceed from here
@NateKerkhofs then it probably wasn't the battery. Battery empty means the BIOS is cleared every time you unplug the machine from power
@NateKerkhofs hmm, unplug everything but the bare essentials to figure out what the issue is
By which I mean internals. Unplug the GPU, hard drives, all but one of the RAM sticks
If it doesn't turn on then try a different RAM stick in a different slot, etc
(I could write the whole decision tree of things to check but that'd take way too long =p)
Also time for lunch o/
@KevinvanderVelden Shouldn't it at least boot with an error beep code if it's other hardware that fails?
@fredley Arming up for Macross-style Missile Massacre?
@NateKerkhofs nope, that's mostly when you plug something in the wrong way
@KevinvanderVelden okay. No matter. I'm going to wait for my father to get home so I can discuss it with him together
Meanwhile, i'll use my laptop
Might be that I'm going to buy my computer this year and my phone next year
Although this is the truest factorio gif
@fredley "There are only 24 mining drills at each site, to reduce lag."
I like this guy, he does what I do in minecraft except in factorio :D
@KevinvanderVelden iirc he was getting 2fps out of it
Also I am now looking into factorio mods that add complexity, and there are lots
@fredley So exactly what @KevinvanderVelden does in minecraft.
pls to confirm the no access sign not necessarily epilepsy inducing
Though that's mostly other peoples machines, I aim for 10fps on mine
@badp Depends how many you've tiled, and how much of an offset there is between instances
maybe it should re red-black
@badp thank for reply
@fredley nah, there's just going to be one
yeah let's go with no flashing at all
I... uh... wut?
Is @badp extending his ART to animation?
This was a badp ARTs for Business focus-testing event
@PrivatePansy you forgot about maximum overjin I see
@fredley Catplosion: the game?
@badp I think I mentally blocked that one out
But thanks for re-traumatizing me
@PrivatePansy you're welcome
Okay, I don't have epilespy and even I feel like I'm building a seizure wiht that last one
Must have developed natural immunity from playing Sonic 2's Scrambled Egg zone on a Game Gear back then.
Q: What are the additional privileges earned by an elder?

JohnI've noticed that clan Members might get promoted to Elders, due to a certain number of donations reached, or something like that. What are the (general) privileges earned by Elders?

Not only do I have to work today, I have to host a meeting today. Sigh...
@twobugs will there be cake?
There will not be cake
@twobugs 2/10 would not attend
okay you gain some marks due to your voice
but you also lost some due to your inadequate mousing
I do not understand why The Bridge likes my voice but thank you nonetheless
I'm undergoing intensive mouse training. I hope to reach adequate mousing levels someday
Q: MH4u: Equipment for meowster hunters and stingers?

LucaIn Monster hunter 4 ultimate surely equipment for palicoes going on quest with the hunter is useful. Is there any benefit in equipping also the first stingers and meowster hunters?

How frequently should a news/content site update?
Every Time
@twobugs I need something more specific
Hm, that's tough. Ideally you want to keep pace with the actual news/content, but maybe provide regular summaries for people who don't read all the little updates?
@twobugs Okay, how about this
How often should you update, in terms of days?
(aka ever day, every 10 days, et cetera)
If it's feasible, I'd say every day
If there isn't enough info, every other day or 3 days should be sufficient
@twobugs Exactly
This is just personal feeling but once you get much longer than a weekly update people tend to lose interest
I was thinking last night about the ays in which my company doesn't understand how the Internet works (we'r ea print media company), and update frequency is one of the things
We hv these online magazines, which they update once a week or once a month
because that's how the magazines or community papers are released
but they don't get that's not how internet updates work
Yeah, there's not really any point to do that online
Q: What's the MAXIMUM number of squadmates I can lose on a successful ME playthrough?

user6043915Ok, I know everybody hates loosing mates, but just for fun... The playthrough must be from eden prime to the final mission (so failing the suicide mission in ME2 doesn't count) The squadmates "kill" counts even in the following cases: the squadmate is not in the squad anymore (e.g. loosing Mo...

Megaman X4 plot got its deserved place on TV Tropes "IdiotPlot" archive or so it seems. Yet, I am quite surprised they don't mention at all Iris and only focus on Colonel behavior .

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