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Caravan Palace tickets acquired
@fredley Oh shit yeah that was a thing.
Wait no, I was thinking of Post Modern Jukebox.
14th July? Really? The day after I run out of house here?
throws rocks at database
Although to be honest, it wouldn't take me that much longer to get to london from nottingham.
What the fuck is wrong with whoever made this?
@Ronan That was last Friday, and I was at that too
@fredley Was it good?
@Ronan It was epic
Totally amazing
Stacey's Mom à la Mumford & Sons was a highlight for me
Mykal Kilgore has an amazing voice
Like seriously how?
@Arperum The files are in the computer?
@fredley There are completely random foreign keys. And they are missing on random other places.
It's making my code a complete mess.
@Arperum It's more secure this way.
Literally inaccessible files most secure files
Oh I see why these error messages are useless.
@Arperum Ouch.
@Ronan Which you then get from the DB, parse to int, and then send back to request the other information you actually needed.
Because braindead stupid.
@Arperum Dump the data out, build a proper schema, write a script to transform data, import
@Arperum You can cast in sql if it helps.
@Arperum amateur. We once had a database where some of the things that should have relationship built on where composite key on the original table and single field on the related one.
Q: Has Gotihic 3 ever become kind of playable?

ZaibisI just started playing Gothic again with the intention to play through the whole series in a flow. I really loved the first 2 (and addon) because of its atmosphere. I bought the 3rd part 1 year after its release and even a lot additional patches made this came just... sry... crap! The game cra...

@Derpy HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That sounds easy compared to the shit I've dealt with.
At least you guys have a database, you haven't experienced true pain until you've dealt with a flat-file system
There was a very fucked up DB I had to work with on my previous job. It involved an import from an access DB every so often.
I got halfway through turning that DB into something that was not pure insanity, but then changed jobs.
My last project had me not working with the database directly, but with an xml api designed by someone who'd once heard of REST.
It's not like you are allowed to work on doing that at normal times, so you kinda have to do it when you are 'working' on other parts of the project.
@fredley do SharePoint document sets count?
@fredley Is in in 3 days?
@Ronan yes
It's worth it
Worst part? They're not wrong
I mean the conclusion is awful (trump can run for president => china's method of government is the best)
@KevinvanderVelden worse than that, Trump can potentially become president
Q: Can evacuation be used as a tactic and do evacuated soldiers get experience?

PadisharI have been trying to finish an unmodded legend ironman game for a couple of weeks, having started over countless of times. One tactic that I haven't even thought about before is evacuating some soldiers mid-mission. In a guerrilla op mission for example, can I run to the open with my ranger, get...

Q: How to prevent others from changing a structure in minecraft?

AjayI have constructed several structures in Minecraft but have noticed that when I log back in some of the structures are changed or damaged. So my questions are Can other players see and make changes to the structure I have built? Is there someway to create a user group that will prevent players ...

Guys guys guys... IT'S FRIDAY!
And payday, too
@MBraedley Even better! My workday is already over!
> Leprechaun Porn Searches Spike 8000%
Title of a youtube video I see in my feed
@Wipqozn You're not even trying

Proposed Q&A site for people who have dreams and are looking for help from those who have accomplish that dream.

Currently in definition.

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment That's not broad at all!
@MBraedley Not Friday
@Wipqozn That's at least a little better
@Frank Course not. It's only for people who have dreams or have accomplished dreams.
@Arperum What about those who have none?
@Frank That sounds like a sad life. And why would you want sad people on an SE aimed at making people happy?
oh, wait, I have a dream. follow
Every time I find something new about powershell I die a little inside
Q: Why is lifeboat making me register when I already did?

Swa87654321I went on lifeboat earlier and it said register your account and I already did a few months ago. Why?

I just wanted to get the current directory powershell, you don't need to prepend an empty line, a line with "Path", a line with "----" and then append another empty line
its doing what you said because the current directory is an object not a string.
e.g. you can also do $(get-location).Drive.Free
I hate powershell
I <3 powershell.
its an object oriented shell !
Like "Oh hey I'm pwd and I'm asked to be converted to a string, let's surround it with a lot of useless crap"
well if you were just printing the results to the screen -- the "typical" behavior -- it did the right thing.
Simultaneous good and bad news: I'm not going to the work site today.
printed the property that you most likely cared about
It printed the output what I wanted and a bunch of garbage that I didn't ask for
so? if all you cared about was finding out what the current directory was, it told you.
So that if I go "do-something-that-requires-absolute-path $(pwd)/bla.txt" it'll crash
Because that ^ is what I want to do
right. because --^ not typical.
Yes it bloody well is
if you want to do something more complex you need to know what you're doing.
Sure, where's the complex bit?
"do-something-that-requires-absolute-path $(pwd).Path/bla.txt"
I mean, I know powershell is making it complex. But it isn't
the part where you're constructing a string instead of just reading the screen
It's really rather trivial
you have moved from 'using' powershell to 'programming in' powershell. since everything in powershell is an object, it all works the same way.
All I'm asking is that it does what it's doing, but not throw garbage all over the floor in the process
Q: Is there a best weapon, star card and powerup in Star Wars Battlefront?

Walker NiemeyerI've been playing for a little bit, and I would like to know if there is any agreed upon best load out, best weapon, star cards, and what is the best power up. Does the best weapon only depend on the skill of the user? Or does the environment factor in at all?

wait. it's not even making it more complex, as $pwd.Tostring() in fact does just return the path...
[35] kutulu@wombat C:\Development $ Write-Output "$(pwd)\bla.txt"
What's echo then?
PS C:\Users\KVN> echo $pwd

Is that some kind of complicated magic for some reason that I'm not aware of
$pwd is an object. "$pwd" is a string
you asked it to print an object, so it printed all of the primitive properties.
the other properties are complex types so it skips them by default.
So echo isn't "Take a string as an argument and print it"?
no, it's an alias for write-output
Which isn't what I just said?
which takes an object and figures out how to print it
Is there such a thing so I can unfuck echo?
surround the variable in "" and it will coerce it to a string first.
So a function would work?
or just
But let me guess, there's no .powershellrc?
there is.
There is? :o
Next question! Is there an editor in powershell?
it its a new enough version.
later versions come with "Windows Powershell ISE"
if you've got powershell pinned to your taskbar it's in the right click menu
No no, I just want the equivelant of nano or something
oh, well. no, i just use notepad++
Not a separate program, I've got actually good ones for that
@Mike but that isn't in the shell
you could install one of the console editors from cygwin or mingw i guess.
Can't install cygwin at work
Otherwise I'd be using bash
Because that doesn't break decades-old assumptions without offering benefits
you mean you want something that takes over the console window when you run it and drops back to the command prompt when you're done?
nothing like that ships with windows anymore, afaik
can you install anything at work?
Not really, bit9 and such
ah. because GNU builds nano for windows. :)
So if it's a microsoft thing then yes, some unsigned thing no
Aah no I don't think that'll work
Uugh windows y u no $path?
I just want to start notepad++ from the commandline without typing the full path
ok so.. that is kind annoying in powershell.
environment variables are in their own namespace.
I always instal this
Oh this isn't a complaint about powershell in particular. It's a complaint about the general windows thing of not registering things in the path by default
notepad++ is in the current directory?
Naah somewhere else entirely (prog files)
then you can edit $env:path to add more path names.
or I have set up aliases.
Q: What would happen if I make an empty $profile file?
it's just a powershell script
Well I'm seeing this thing stackoverflow.com/questions/12143245/… and it has functions like prompt
yeah mine is pretty extensive at this point.
but an empty file is just ignored; if you don't define a prompt function it just uses the normal one
Okay (got interrupted by work)
I thought it would be a brilliant microsoft move to allow you to create a profile file, and then not also import the default profile ><
AFAIK there is no "default" profile file. it's just built-in defaults.
Aah the other microsoft way of doing things
the file in that answer, AFAIK, is just an example file.
well keep in mind, 99% of Microsoft installs are single-user
'Kay cool
@Mike true true
oh, huh, learn something every day.
there are 6 profiles :)
in which case I do not know what the order of loading them is.
something to play with today as I watch Daredevil while pretending to work
. : File D:\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is di
sabled on this system. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies at go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=135
At line:1 char:3
+ . 'D:\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1'
    + CategoryInfo          : SecurityError: (:) [], PSSecurityException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess
yah you gotta fix that, but just once.
it's trying to protect you from accidentally running malware scripts.
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
that will let you run any local scripts, but block remote scripts unless they're authenticode-signed
again, target audience: 99% of Windows users have no idea what powershell is, let alone any need to run scripts.
they figure if you're in the 1% that even knows what that is, you'll be able to change your policy to allow it :)
I like this answer: stackoverflow.com/questions/12143245/… using it generates several pages of errors on powershell startup
well that answer is just copy and pasting the example script from his version of PS
that thing at the bottom is particularly weird looking.
it's setting up functions called A: B: C: D: E: etc.
Yeah, old cmd style
I'm so happy that's gone
I mean, I don't understand why it took till... 2008? I'm pulling numbers out of my ass right now though
backward compatibility.
@Wipqozn I restarted S&S as a Chef. His starting weapon sucks so much more than the Pauper
Luckily it takes all of 5 minutes to get a better weapon
@Sterno Did you restart because you were doing horribly?
ALso, @Sterno, how far did you get before the restart?
@Mike have you ever used the functionallity it provided?
what, the drive letter syntax?
i.e. being able to switch between 2 drives and have separate paths for them?
in legacy apps that use convoluted batch files because someone was too lazy to do it right.
but being able to do:
CD \Output
CD \Input
i'm not saying it's smart. it's clearly sloppy.
but people used it
i'm pretty sure I have video games on floppy disk that do crap like that in their "install.bat"
I don't think worrying about floppies from 3 decades ago is sufficient justification for it but eh
@Wipqozn No, I just wanted to spend my points a bit differently and I was only like level 10
I hadn't killed Queen of Smiles before the restart, so not far at all. Now I've downed Sodden Knight, Queen of Smiles, and the alchemist guy. So still not all that far, unless you measure it in parent-gaming-units
@Sterno Make sense
I was hoping to kill the boss on the ship with a frying pan, but alas, I died before even reaching him
@Sterno If only he didn'tkill people in one hiut
He only has 3 attacks I think, all pretty easy to ddge, but that one hit kill is basically the worst
@Sterno When I do a new playthrough I might actually start with chef or pauper. Depending on the type of build you want it can actually be the best for min maxing, and you can get a full set of non-shit gear pretty quickly.
Oh, hey! Daredevil Season 2 today!
Oh right
Right now I'm trying to go greatsword/heavy armor/miracles
But haven't quite gotten over to the miracles part of the tree yet
And don't have the endurance to actually wear heavy armor.
So I'm basically a swordsman who is really bad at it
This was pretty much the perfect game to get me to the release of DS3
Well, I bought Salt and Sanctuary.
@Fluttershy Excellent
I keep reading that magic is kind of OP in S&S
> Pure magic build is very fun, but starts out easyish and steadily gets easier. By the time I got to Inquisitor I was killing most bosses in 10 seconds or less, and I ramped even farther from there.
> Went pure magic. Every levels were a bit difficult but slowly got better. Picked up Dark Swarm and it's probably the most overpowered spell in the game. I was able to kill the last boss without him attacking at all. It stunlocks just about everything in the game.
So don't play as a magic user. Noted. :P
As another anecdote, as melee Queen of Smiles (roughly second boss in the game) was doing a number on me. @Wipqozn plays a mage and killed her first try.
He might just be super awesome, but he's @Wipqozn, so I doubt it's that.
Magic is pretty rad
I hatye whispermen
The enemies are invisible
Q: What is the "sandbox"?

WondercricketThe other day, Bungie released information on their upcoming update. In the Bungie Update 2.2.0 article, it is mentioned there will be updates to the Sandbox. I have seen this term quite a few amount of times in regards to update releases. What does this term mean?

move and attack fast
and take off half your HP in one hit
it's kind of complete bullshit
@Wipqozn git gud
What's with all these poorly researched terminology questions lately?
Daredevil kicks in both the front seat and the backseat
When I click a link by @Sterno my mouse reflexively goes to the tab so I can close it immediately if necessary.
That's a solid defense mechanism
So apparently, we've been frying circuit boards because the equipment down the line is spiking to 52A (!) at 300V during startup.
Q: Default critical hit rate in Bravely Second

MC ΔTIn Bravely Second, some weapons have listed a value for critical hit chance, for example, Katanas: Ise-no-Kami Critical: 15 However, most weapons don't have a value for critical chance: Moon Glaive Critical: --- Yet, I often get critical hits while using weapons that "don't" h...

Chrome 51 is so edgy
#materialdesign #infinitelythinsheets
@StrixVaria I usually just mouse over and check the link before I click, but that doesn't always work, so I tend to not click anyway. :P
@Fluttershy Just remember, you're the one who started it all.
May 12 '12 at 5:35, by Sterno
I need to start linking this video in here every Friday.
Man. That was a long time ago.
@Sterno Yup, @Fluttershy is to blame for this one
@badp Which release channel are you on?
@MBraedley the one between beta and canary
...on Ubuntu 16.04 :P
...my mobile runs Android N
I'm sure there is a word for the likes of me
I'm sure the most fitting is "the kind of person we should the grateful to because they run into all of the weird issues so we don't have to"
you're welcome :P
kfVsfOSbJY0 has received about 430 stars in total
@Sterno Could you type this from memory yet?
@Sterno 400 too many
I still remember MSdugITBANI
although i think the caps might be different
Sep 26 '11 at 18:21, by GnomeSlice
Good old MsDugITBANI
Oh, man, I missed that one. That was a good one.
so close
@StrixVaria Nope
I just type "reb" into chrome and it autocompletes for me
so everyone at my current job finishes early on fridays
this = win
caps shouldn't matter in http iirc
or maybe they do, and emails don't
Something odd like that.
@Derpy -1, not "Gnesa - Wilder"
Q: Are all PAL-versions limited by the "PAL-bug" and did bandai take any measures to fix it?

ZaibisWhen I first played Digimon World I really loved the game, but sadly the so caled "PAL-bug" rips out a big amount of the game. For those who don't know it: The PAL-bug causes that Agumon at the Mountain-castle won't start his dialouge. So he also doesn't leave the passage he is guarding and yo...

@Fluttershy I've decided to pick up early access to Paragon, will probably play sometime this weekend.
Q: Can't see own playermodel in thirdperson. Garry's Mod

Minecraft_NoobLong story short, I subscribed to the playermodel "BlackRockShooter" on steam workshop, now I want to see how it looks when I enable third person by doing "sv_cheats 1" followed by "thirdperson". When I manage to enable thirdperson I only see the man with the white gas mask and suit. I have cli...

Q: Technic launcher downloading empty files, instead of Modpack files

AlexI am hosting a custom mudpack on dropbox, it downloads but for some reason when I go to the download location of the file, its empty just the standard files, no mods or any thing, am I doing something wrong here?

Yay,My replacement pebble will be soon shipped (probably monday, but it is 7AM on pebble hq)
Q: What to do if a title is not best format, but my edits get rejected by the OP's poster?

ZaibisHow many kills do you need to get before leveling up a trait in Star Wars Battlefront? I atempted to remove the games name from the title, since afaik those don't belong into the title, sicne thats what tags are for. I also noted exactly that explanation into the edit notes. But OP's poster rej...

What's the groupthink/meta on game titles in the question? I thought it was okay if it clarified the question?
Aw for a few short hours, the Fallout 4 Season Pass was free on EU PSN.
@StrixVaria Send me a message on PSN, or a ping in here, and I'll join you if I'm free.
y u guys no add me :(
@fredley I can't believe I fell for that
I should know better than that
I'm so ashamed
It's fredley linking something on a Friday. What did you think it was going to be?
@3ventic What the title said. I didn't evenm think.
I'm such a fool
See, I have today off so it doesn't feel like a friday
@Wipqozn I can't believe you fell for that
It was so obvious
You're clearly out of practice
I should probably delete my account in disgrace
@Wipqozn That would be an appropriate course of action
Account seppuku isn't necessary this day in age.
@MadMAxJr I can't think of any other action which would be even remotely reasonable.
@djsmiley2k I don't know your name on PSN. :P
@Wipqozn Yeah, the only option here is to delete your account.
We'll just send you down to the meta mines to read all the innane complaints.
@Wipqozn Of all the people to miss
Q: Minecraft cant break blocks

Minecrafterso I went to play a minecraft map I was not lagging but there is a delay like when I break a block it blink and after like 1 or 2 seconds the block breaks and after 1 second I can pick up the item the map was planetary confindment I need help I cant play like this

@Fluttershy My PSN name is StrixVaria. I don't think I'm friends with you yet on there.
@fredley Jokes on you, even YOUR script alerts it. I'd expect some kind of backdoor so it wouldn't show warning on your messages.
@StrixVaria I see a few StrixVaria names. X_x Is your avatar a skull and scythe, and do you play Street Fighter V?
Judging by the mutual friends all being Bridge people, I'm going to say yes, that's you.
@Fluttershy Yes, that's me.
@StrixVaria Weird. I could've sworn I added you back in the PS3 days... Oh well. Request sent!
@Fluttershy I never had a PS3. I'll ping you when I get a chance to play!
@fredley hey that's not a rocket launch!
@GodEmperorDune ha
Q: Does Mojang blacklist or throttle login attempts from specific IP addresses?

Pat JamesI recently ran a Minecraft event with 50 players, all in the same physical space with a shared internet connection. About 2/3 of players were challenged for their authentication credentials, and after entering known good email addresses and passwords that had all previously worked, login was den...

@fredley ur jelly
fredley confirmed pudding
pudding is not jelly
@Unionhawk flan confirmed
so is @fredley @badp's Mistah J?
What was our stance on questions about game mechanics that were removed in patches?
pork pie jelly
Q: Can I abuse the Auction House to "increase" my stash size?

Nick TCan I put everything in my stash up for sale then quick cancel it before it lands on the block to give me more space in my stash? It's not as convenient (though exiting while in-town and logging back in is still fairly quick), but for longer storage it seems like it might be nice. In the "Compl...

This question is meaningless now because the Auction House doesn't even exist.
Close? Delete? Ignore?
What even is it? Nobody knows.
@StrixVaria Ignore.
@StrixVaria Assuming it was valid when asked, just ignore it.
@fredley Ok.
If it was just posted, then delete or close it.
Nah, it was valid at the time.
I do not miss the auction house.
Q: Does the DLT-19 Heavy Blaster have any advantage over the RT-97C?

Mark RogersIn the wikia entry for RT-97C Heavy Blaster it says: The RT-97C outclasses the DLT-19 Heavy Blaster in every way, making it a critical upgrade for any players that prefer using rapid-fire heavy blasters as their primary weapon. But that seems kind of crazy, every other blaster in the ga...

Q: Minecraft 1.9 - What do I need to download for shaders, texture packs, optifine etc?

Kenny BonesSo I've been off Minecraft for about a year, but 1.9 looks promising, so I thought I'd download it and play some again. But, Minecraft is riddles with mods, packs and whatnot. So what I need to download to get going? I remember OptiFine was nice, and some texture packs. But I also liked the sh...

@Yuuki yeah porkchat seems to mark all chat.stackexchange.com links as potentially friday
@GodEmperorDune If, on that particular transcript page, there's a Friday link, yes.
@Yuuki ingenious
Pls patch @fredley, Porkchat literally unplayable.
1/10 IGN
I like this job, free popcorn :D
please don't pad yourself with too much filler, @HalfLife3
@Yuuki wut
oh that
ok, patch incoming
@Yuuki core functionality broken. 8/10 IGN
inb4 all friday checking is gone
i mean i only really use porkchat for the ಠ_ಠ button
I should make a pls button that appears next to anything @fredley related
RIP @spugsley
but at this point @fredley pls is basically muscle memory
@GodEmperorDune Is that not accurate?
@SaintWacko well yeah, everything on the bridge is a potential Rb link
Q: At which levels does Yasuo get his power spikes?

nukeforumSo, every champion has their power spike items and often power spike levels. I recently picked up Yasuo and I'm having a hard time identifying his level power spikes. I know his item power spikes are at Statikk Shiv and Infinity Edge. SS gives him 60% critical hit chance and reduces his rank 1 Q...

I might add custom options to the friday catcher
While I'm working on it
kfv only might be mostly sufficient tbh
Most of bridge are lazy
Like, as a "strict blocking vs lazy" option mayhaps
Borderlands Pre-Sequel is ~$4 on Steam if you own B1 and B2.
Plus DLC, I think.
Well, more like $5.
Definitely pick it up at that price
Yeah, even if it's supposedly not as good as 2, I picked it up.
I enjoyed it. If you liked borderlands 2 it's like that except with low gravity
It's a bit of an involved process, you don't go straight to the Pre-Sequel store page.
Go to the Borderlands 2 store page, scroll down to the Triple Bundle.
Maybe it doesn't work if you own it?
1 min ago, by Yuuki
Go to the Borderlands 2 store page, scroll down to the Triple Bundle.
Ah, I see
It should give you a major discount for owning the previous two.
I had fun with it more than 2, mainly because I was playing with @TimStone and the paper robot
@Yuuki You decide on who you're marrying in Stardew Valley?
@Unionhawk We are pretty cool
Q: What is the Sparrow racing league and how do I join it?

TelestiaLong story short, I'm a new player and I've recently hit 40. When poking around in the Tower I found the sparrow vendor. They have their own rep and new sparrows to purchase when you hit the different levels, but they don't ask me to join anything nor do they have a quest/mission. What do I nee...

Borderlands 2 was snore
I just couldn't get into it. I tried really hard
@twobugs YOU'RE A SNORE
Lies and slander!
I wish I was snoring right now.
Me at work right now:
Canadian newspapers
oh god it gets worse/better

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