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That reminds me, I need to read the SFF meta more
spoilers, character tags, and heavy-handed closing of questions always spark meta battles.
The few times I go there it's incredibly fascinating
we get both sff drama and lifehacks drama here
before I abandoned the site I was trying to coordinate a site-wide retagging effort.... no one seemed to care too much.
basically lost me the election :)
We get lifehacks drama in the sense that several of our users want to actually sabotage lifehacks.
i am sad that flower + fire in little alchemy does NOT result in a fire flower
@twobugs several others are actively trying to help it
ham.se is a great name for a site
Well, URL
then the rest simply dont care
anyways I gotta head off
talk to you guys and gals later
Lifehacks seems like one of those sites that I'm surprised gets hosted on SE.
@Wipqozn Hope everything is okay for your sister, man
so windows 10 doesnt have reenforced concrete, therefore im not getting it
just doesn't seem like a good fit.
@Mike I think most people are, but it's best to let it succeed or fail on it's own merits.
Lifehacks: Experts at nothing. Kind of clever users of some stuff sometimes.
I also feel that way about CR and PPCG, though, and both of them appear to be flourishing
Especially SCUBA gear.
lifehacks needs to figure out a lifehack to get it to suceed
i can ask a question there and it will go on hnq
pretty much guaranteed
At the risk of beating a dead horse I think people should be careful with how they interact with other communities. Even if you're honestly trying to help their SE, you have to be tactful about it.
We've had people from Stack Overflow show up and try to Educate Us Gaming Savages and we get reasonably frustrated by that.
we get one of those every few months.
people who come in and complain about how we don't "follow the SO rules". as if they're the first person from SO to ever find another SE site.
@Mike i started on so, then quickly moved to arqade
i like arqade better
I would wager that the majority of SE users started on SO
I started on SO, but I find Arqade much more approachable
Joke's on you, I started on Lifehacks.
I just got called heartless and uncaring. Today is fired.
@Yuuki Lies and shenanigans
@AshleyNunn you are heartful and caring.
So I drowned in lava.
@AshleyNunn afaik those two dont apply to you in any way, shape, or farm
(is heartful a word?)
Luckily, all my valuable tools managed to survive.
@Mike afaik
Though I did lose a stack of redstone.
@twobugs I am approachable aren't I
@AshleyNunn wat
@Yuuki thats what you get for playing minecraft
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, I am displeased.
@GnomeSlice You are! Playing Destiny with you is a lot of fun :)
Yea we gotta do that again!
i came to arqade to get rep so i could do something i needed to on SO, then i decided to stay
@Yuuki I just lost an entire fortress because it decided to elect a vampire as mayor.
@Mike there are vampires and mayors in minecraft?
no. dwarf fortress
@Mike You let Donald Trump become mayor of your fortress?
he did order me to build a wall.
he didn't make the goblins pay for it, though
@AshleyNunn i don't see how anyone could talk to you and walk away with that impression
my mayor ate my bookkeeper and my chief medical dwarf before I noticed.
@AshleyNunn You deserve a much more appreciated job than customer service :(
and all the other dwarves got depressed. and what do they do when they get depressed? .... go talk to the mayor.
The one thing I hate about Mekanism is how all the machines make so much noise.
@GodEmperorDune Because I couldn't magically make someone appear at their house to fix things.
@twobugs I am so tired of being lowest level customer service, to be honest. I want to work in tech so I know I gotta do my time as helldesk monkey of the lowest echelon but some days are just impossibly hard.
@Yuuki Did you ever keep playing the new Thief game? I was trying hard to like it but the levels were just wearing me down. The hub area and side missions were kinda neat, though.
Those people are just clowns
@twobugs I have a problem with not finishing games.
I'm the same way though, one unhappy customer out of a hundred makes me feel like shit
@AshleyNunn Yeah, that honestly sounds like a job I absolutely could not do
@GnomeSlice yeah, and I know it's confirmation bias, but it still sucks
@Yuuki Me too. I just gave up and deleted it to make room for The Division. Maybe I'll return to it someday because I do love the Thief games
Although that series might be dead forever now
@AshleyNunn unacceptable! Bridge crew, Roll out! we have some canadian kneecaps to break
@GodEmperorDune so we have to enforce the stereotype? if canadians arent polite, we have to go teach them to be or something?
@GodEmperorDune I need about 8 hours to just leave my state, let alone make it over to Canada.
@Yuuki my ability to finish games has been ruined by too many casual games.
"Alright customer, I was able to mobilize our special task force to your house right away! The bad news is they're all going to vote to condemn your house as off topic."
@Yuuki i'm in california, it's a longer distance for me
why cant everyone just be polite and courteous
18234 Main Street has been closed as "too localized".
@Dragonrage then who would run for president?
@GodEmperorDune i have to go get a visa i think
@Mike a person who was qualified to do the job
I don't think we have one of those
I'm pretty sure that anyone actually qualified to do the job would need to be smart enough not to run.
@Mike maybe if you asked them nicely, and others treated them courteously they might be more inclined to
@Yuuki what road has 18,234 civic numbers
@badp Probably one in Texas, I'd imagine.
@badp We get rural roads with fire numbers of 6 digits
wildemere st in detroit
@Dragonrage sounds sketchy.
@AshleyNunn usually for those cases we just refer to the mile marker
@Mike bonham ave, carson ca
Yeah, like sea base is 73800 Overseas Hwy, which is just Overseas Hwy MM 73.8
@badp there are quite a few of them.
@Unionhawk I was about to ask what does MM stand for.
@badp monstermoose
this street has 10,000 distinct civic numbers?
that's like 2 km
@badp well it has the number 18234 on it
with would mean 5 houses per meter
@badp probably apartments
just build up
that's cheating
@badp so report them
@badp America is very efficient
Typically there will just be big # jumps for some reason or another
also not every street starts numbering from 1
some randomly start from like 3000 for no apparent reason
@twobugs wut u say bout me D:
I will have to report Detroit to the grand tribunal of twitch tv ministry of double twitch stream viewer counting matters which will smite you down for your illegal unstandard offsets and discontinuities in twitch tv accounts address civic number boosting fraud operations
@djsmiley2k ur ugly and you cant read good?
@djsmiley2k It's fun to play Destiny with you, too! @GnomeSlice was just fishing for compliments :P
Sure was
@badp i think you should report all of America for that.
we are very consistent about being inconsistent
we dont even have standardized state sizes
lol ok
i saw I hada hilight, but culdn't see the actual hilight
We do have standardized congressional district population sizes, just not shapes or areas.
alaska is ~424x bigger than rhode island
@badp The road doesn't actually end at those points, FWIW
@TimStone that's cheating
Your mistake was thinking that an American road has to be contiguous, and that we number things sequentially
You thought logically, and that was your downfall!
i fell for the star bait. I blame @Wipqozn
@Unionhawk IDC, ALA I'm writing for windows universal, I should be ok.
I'm going to go ahead and blame this on gerrymandering sage nod
One of the most important Freedoms is Freedom From Logic
That's in the 1/2th amendment
The Halveth amendment is important, but not as much as the Twominuspij-th
There's also a clause stipulating every American is entitled to Ghost Freedom, but recent supreme court rulings have suggested it's Freedom of Ghost, not Freedom from Ghost.
@twobugs so ghosts are people too?
@badp how much is a pij?
inb4 approximately one pij
@Dragonrage Only when they possess a corporal entity.
@Chippies Roughly the product of pi and j, duh.
@twobugs ghosts are pretty good at possessing though
@Chippies its 1 girl, with unique tastes
Hm that should have been "corporeal entity"
I have failed you all
@twobugs is there a class on advanced possessing to learn how to do that?
Our star list is still pretty bad.
@Chippies pi times the root of -1
not roughly
@badp have you urban dictionaried pij?
@badp you don't know the exact value of that! No one does! IT'S NOT A REAL NUMBER!
@Chippies actually, it is known exactly, it's exactly ln(-1)
i = ln(-1)/pi
stupid definitions of real numbers.
@twobugs THanks. She's currently at home resting, and is feeling fine. On some pain medication of course
@Mike ln(-1) = pi(i)
@Dragonrage ℯ^ⅈπ + 1 = 0
@Mike its +
that's what I said
put the 1 to the other side and take the natural log of both sides
and you get pi(i) = ln(-1)
Q: minecraft dual wield fortune swords stack?

jacobcolesmithDoes holding two looting III swords add together? Can I get higher drops with both? Also I am having trouble posting because the "quality" filter does not understand brevity.

@Yuuki what game is that?
@GodEmperorDune GTAV, I assume.
one of my questions has 1 vote, 1 answer, and 11 views
@Dragonrage Very symmetrical with the numbers :)
wow, i'm up to 107 in the alchemy game
this thing is intense
@GodEmperorDune have you done rain + earth
@Dragonrage yep
i am systematically trying everything against everything else, in alphabetical order
@GodEmperorDune then you can burn it if you havent already
and with itself too
@Dragonrage yep
i just created light
i just made salt

Proposed Q&A site for shopify developers.

Currently in definition.

@Dragonrage nice
i made CO2
i just made a wall. #makelittlealchemygreatagain
but have you made a bank?
Wow. I just made way more money than expected in steam...
Those Doodle God style games always annoy me after the initial phase cause I feel like it devolves to just guessing
I had a unusual TF2 hat. I put it up for sale ages ago and forgot about. "I'll just put this out there, nobody would ever pay that."
@twobugs systematically test every single combination
who needs guessing?
Brute Force is somehow less fun to implement
well yes, my hand is starting to hurt
but its the only way to be sure
also the setting "don't mix previously combined elements" is very helpful
lol, shuriken!
sadly star + fire does not equal the dc comics character
does very cold water and icing sugar = frozen pond?
And if anyone remembers what game that is from I'll be amazed
Q: What happened to IndustrialCraft? Is there something similar?

FunkyguyI used to play with industrialcraft through technic all the time a could years ago. Now that I'm playing minecraft again, I want to play with it again although I can't find much up-to-date information. Is industrialcraft still in development and compatible with the latest version of minecraft?...

@Lazers2.0 play FACTORIO!
although this seems software rec
WOOT, just created life
All right, this is niice.
Q: Craftbook Collect: Sort enchanted Books

SecretOssiIs there a way to sort enchanted Book with Craftbook? With /iinfo i get IDs like the following: 403#G 403#4i 403#2L I simply tried to use this as ID, but it didnt worked (collected just all). I googled aroung and tried other possibilities, but none of them worked. 403:34 --> is of enchantmen...

got this to run, and now using my pebble as a media remote.
@ardaozkal don't you have media keys on keyboard?
made a unicorn
life is super reactive
@Chippies I do, but I sometimes connect my pc to TV and watch movies there, too lazy to get up and change volume/pause it etc or to install a proper kodi remote to my phone.
@ardaozkal I can't see a reason to pause a movie without getting up and if I'm getting up, I may as well reach for the keyboard to pause it while I'm at it. But I don't have a fancy phone or pebble either, so there's that...
nor do I watch movies, come to think of it...
and now i made @Wipqozn (egg + sand)
Well, I can run any kind of commands from my pebble, so I think that finding a better usecase if possible.
@GodEmperorDune What are you doing?
@AshleyNunn probably littlealchemy.com
5 hours ago, by fredley
@ardaozkal yep
i'm brute forcing it
Heh, I tried doing that too, but it got confusing once I got to 50
Good news everyone! I may have a job by the end of the year
Bit long to get a job.
by "job" I mean a full paying job
I have an internship that starts the 11th of april
that will last 8 weeks
depending on how the intership goes, i'll get a paid training on the job to learn the skills and navigate the autism perils, and if that succeeds, I'll be employed
the paid training can last anywhere from 3 to 12 months, but this company seems like it'll be better suited than the last one I worked for
Autism perils?
poor word choice
@GodEmperorDune I have a onenote table.
I assume you know I got asperger's syndrome
I don't know
well, you do now
and I don't know how it perticularly affects you
I'm somewhere on the spectrum
For me, it basically means 2 things:
but i manage to work, mostly
I figure it like this, autism isn't really a new thing
and as it hasn't died out, it must mean that people with it have survived to work previously, and then reproduced.
1. I need proper guidance from the employer concerning what I need to do, with a proper planning and analysis
instructions are good.
uncertainty is bad
changed plans are bad.
2. I prefer to get explanations for the things I need to do
so I know why I'm doing them and why I'm doing them in a particular way
The good thing about this company is that they appear to be a much better fit for me than my previous job, which was from '13 to '14
well that's good :)
I'm starting to get to like the place I'm contracting at
it's slowly growing on me
first off, they don't do custom work, so all development is based around their own product
2. they have a much more professional build cycle (so no more logging on to a VM to build your software with the proper license key)
3. I'm a pure developer, and don't need to manually send out mass mailings to 12K addresses via Outlook
and a bunch of other improvements as well
Maybe I'm not understanding correctly but I don't see how any of these are autism-specific so much as good practices pretty much anyone looks for in an employer.
I highly doubt there are people who prefer working for someone who has literally no plan whatsoever.
@Yuuki it's not so much 'I hope the employer does this' than 'I Cannot work like this'
my last job just drove me mental
with the ambiguity of things.
@djsmiley2k Ah, that makes sense.
Q: How do I destroy a block on a computer version of minecraft?

ChevyWhen I am on the Minecraft app on my computer, no matter what I do, I cannot mine blocks. Can you help me?

@Yuuki neurotypical people usually can take the mental stress of performing tasks in a suboptimal environment. In my case, I actually became close to depressed from how I struggled with my job, doing the things in an environment that was not at all adjusted for my needs
I imagine that @djsmiley2k had similar issues
@Lazers2.0 Click harder.
<_< >_>
@JoshPetrie That was my thought too. :P
I want to know how they determine that.
And really, all that proves is that he is speaking in language that will be easily understood
@NateKerkhofs Huh, I actually think I have a good idea what you mean
@AshleyNunn @JoshPetrie first: you have to hold down the button to mine stuff, not mash it
second, there are other reasons why stuff doesn't break, like the user being in adventure mode or spawn protection being enabled in that area
@AshleyNunn they don't explain how exactly, but probably vocabulary is about shorter and less complicated sentences (claim from "When we speak, we usually use less structured language with shorter sentences"), grammar from common words from age probably (claim from "The grammar used by Donald Duck in his speeches as he campaigns to become the Republican presidential airbender corresponds to that used by students aged 11 and under.")
Well, trump is bad with short and less complicated sentences:
Q: Donald Trump's run-on sentences

wizlocIn every Trump speech, almost every sentence is a run-on sentence. Here is a quote from one of his speeches last year Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finan...

So basically, trumps doesn't just act like a petulant child, he talks like one as well.
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duch and talks like a duck, it is either a duck or a confused chicken
(also yes, Duck and airbender is from extensions)
@NateKerkhofs TSA disagrees!
@ardaozkal The TSA is in no authority to determine what is and what is not a duck
@NateKerkhofs lets just make it simple. If it's a duck, it's a duck, if it's not a duck, it's not a duck
@Dragonrage StackOverflowException on line 38 of file DragonRage.cs
@Dragonrage What about gooses?
someone mentioned C# and now I'm happy.
@twobugs what's a gooses?
if you are looking for the plural form of goose, it is geese. which are not ducks, because they are not ducks
Gooses is a word.
Exception on line 42 of file ardaozkal.cs
ah, gooses: A tailor's pressing iron with a long curved handle. -I would say not a duck, because it isnt a duck
@ardaozkal Wait, so you just throw a bog standard Exception? what kind of shoddy code work is that?
I did a typo and accidentally googled for gooches
@NateKerkhofs his exception threw an exception
@ardaozkal Can you either turn off that extension or edit your messages to not use it
Apparently, google does a redirect to Gooch's, a bike manufacturer
@AshleyNunn I'll try to edit it out next time.
I've been using Trump -> Duck for ages though.
Q: What mechanics control the path emblems on the player cards?

Leon7CIn Fire Emblem Fates, when you view a player card, it displays the three emblems of each path. I have seen them in numerous different states, but I cannot find anything online which explains exactly how they work. I imagine that when they are lit up (as with Birthright and Conquest below), it sig...

@ardaozkal Yes but it doesn't make your discourse very clear
so there is a guy on the street outside serenading people with irish ballads
@Dragonrage So he's punching people in the face?
@Dragonrage At least he's not charading with Irish balls
@Yuuki no?
serenade: to entertain (someone) with a serenade.
"a strolling guitarist serenades the diners"
I was more making a joke about "Irish ballads".
Argh, why can't comic writers get characterization straight? This upcoming Civil War event is one where Cap should be on Tony's side.
Why does characterization have to go to s--- whenever a Big Event(TM) comes along?
which side of the civil war are you on?
Crossover events are usually pretty silly
@Dragonrage I'm on the side that wishes there was good writing in crossover events.
Or at least marginally competent writing.
I haven't been impressed with many of the recent ones, honestly. Especially Marvel's.
This current one's going to essentially be Minority Report.
And Cap's siding with the "imprison future criminals" group.
Yikes, one of my Facebook friends just posted a Ted Cruz Climate Change video
@Yuuki Meh, maybe this is setting up Cap as a Skrull or something? I usually dislike that kind of plot twist
I mean, I can't imagine ANY reason for Cap to be pro "imprison the (currently) innocent"
@Yuuki the Supergirl / Flash crossover is expected to be a masterpiece of writing excellence.
I haven't followed the New 52 since they axed Static Shock. I'll never forgive them.
anyone know how much of flash/arrow i should watch before watching LoT?

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