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@LessPop_MoreFizz wat
Better than Lemon Party I guess
@Sterno that's the sequel.
Eclipse, why do you break dragging tabs from window to window in every other version?
@Powerlord Lol eclipse
Eclipse isn't so bad
@fredley plastic chem plant on the other side of the factory, manually hauled by me
@GodEmperorDune Needs more conveyors
In fact, Eclipse is good enough so that the cost of switching to something else for Java development just doesn't seem worth it for me.
@fredley i'm probably going to wait for flying robots, i don't think its possible to get conveyors out of there
To be fair - I only tried JDeveloper for any length of time.
@GodEmperorDune It's always possible
@MartinSojka I use intelliJ at work. I like it.
In case it hasn't been said yet....
My old workplace used some crappy Eclipse clone. I seriously can't think of a single benefit it had over Eclipse, and it also needed licenses so you couldn't have too many people working at once
@twobugs MyEclipse, probably.
JEdit? Some kind of generic name like that
@fredley id need to push my border walls out :S
@twobugs SciTe?
the plastics and batteries are all the way on the right side
So Factorio is some kind of RTSish game?
@GodEmperorDune Nah, you could wiggle that through.
@twobugs They have a demo on their site you can try.
Not sure why the Demo's not on Steam.
@twobugs Sort of I guess, but it's not about fighting at all.
@twobugs it's like the game version of "how its made"
I might try the demo but I'm not buying it anytime soon :P Too busy
@GodEmperorDune I love How It's Made
@Ronan except for the aliens that try to wreck your factory
@GodEmperorDune Well yeah, but that's not the game.
Factorio Demo download page
I remember back when How It's Made had their 10 year anniversary and it had really goofy music
@Ronan theres a reason i built many walls and turrets
@Powerlord Nah. What could possibly happen? The spring is coming, enemies are on the run or broken, the plans to invade the Parthian Empire are in full swing ...
@GodEmperorDune I really don't like the turret part, but also don't want to turn it off.
@Powerlord no idear what that is, but looks like something i could waste some hours on
@Blem It may have consumed some members of the bridge.
@Blem It's an Early Access game on Steam that people on The Bridge have been talking about for the last day or two.
@Ronan Peaceful feels kinda wrong
It makes the endgame (needing to get alien artifacts) trivially easy
@fredley I've managed to get back to where I was before my base got ate.
@Ronan good good
completed the mission yet?
Q: What are all of the drops from the Pumpking in the Pumpkin Moon Event?

Brandon WillSo far, I've defeated the Pumpking a few times and was lucky to get the Raven Staff. I just want to know now what all I can get from the boss. I heard I could get the Horseman's Blade from him.

For me producing the bullets was a bit tedious
That was last night, I'm at work right now.
@fredley i thought it was difficult for new enemy bases to spawn
@fredley Yeah. I think I need like 10,000 steel or something.
@GodEmperorDune What do you mean?
@GodEmperorDune You just hop in your car and drive until you get near one
@fredley i was reading somewhere that the aliens don't spawn more bases on peaceful
@GodEmperorDune nah, but you can always find more
well my turrets are holding them at bay (combo of laser and gun in case power runs out)
once i automate some more weapons production, i should be good
@GodEmperorDune Setting up bullet supply chains is kinda fun
@fredley i just use a couple of inserters pulling from a steel box
the steel box holding a few hundred rounds
and the last few times aliens broke through it was because i forgot to build the walls one square onto the water
@fredley Do you know if I actually need 1,500 steel in addition to the 2,500 bullets?
@Ronan for the campaign?
@Ronan yes
it's a pain
@GodEmperorDune Yeah.
I thought so, just checking.
yeah thats a stupid ending to it but you need it
I think I'll set up another row of furnaces then.
coming up next, fighting an insane mission
Yeah, I don't know if I can be bothered to go back to that mission
Q: How on earth (or whatever planet it is) do I win, or even survive, on level 3?

SaintWackoAt the beginning of level three, I am dropped in an area with no resources and told to defeat a large biter nest with just what I can create with my starting resources. I can't figure out how this is possible. Biters show up and soak up my bullets faster than I can produce them, and every bullet ...

i might go replay that, but i'm having too much fun in free play
@fredley Oh did you not finish it?
@Ronan No, the next mission is hard
@fredley Ah right.
I might go back and cheat through that one bit
@fredley just do what @frank says
@GodEmperorDune What does the Frank say?
Yes what do I say?
A: How on earth (or whatever planet it is) do I win, or even survive, on level 3?

FrankThis one gave me a ton of trouble as well. Happily, I found a simple way to win. It takes a little bit of prep time, but not long at all, compared to most missions. First off, go ahead and take out the first biter nest. You don't need anything special for it, just run in holding space bar, an...

@GodEmperorDune Oh, right. Doing it any other way is an exercise in frustration.
yeah that answer is good. I never though to manufacture weapons
Oh shit, the news Waves game is out store.steampowered.com/app/217120
cc @badp
Trying to figure out a good middle ground that will allow my web app to scale with a reasonable number of concurrent users without crasjijOL)
@ardaozkal hey, how's things in turkey? I've been following the news :(
Hm, I don't remember mangling "crashing" that badly
I blame DST
Q: Is it better to sell items or to just ship them?

ReafexusI keep seeing people differentiating between selling and shipping items. Do you get better or worse prices based on how you sell an item or is it just the difference between having money now or later?

Q: What Minerals are used in crafting?

ReafexusIt appears that minerals and artifacts are mainly used to donate to the museum. But some, like Earth Crystals, are used in crafting recipes. What other minerals need to be saved for crafting purposes and what can just be sold after the first one has been donated?

@twobugs ugh, fuck DST
I thought I would be fine today but I still feel like a zombie
It's probably @Wipqozn's fault
DST is the worst
Literally worse than literal Hitler
> This game gave me motion sickness faster than The Witness. Soundtrack is terrible, breaking glass broke my ears, massive lag problems when something is hitting your character. Game wants you to grind money in 3 missions at a time and thats annoying as hell.
@GnomeSlice I'm looking forward to more Culling (whenever it so happens that we are both actually able)
@Sterno Yeah that was fun
"I love DST" - Adolf "LOVE DST" Hitler
Getting voice set up would help a lot
@GodEmperorDune Yay, my question!
It's just not the same without @GnomeSlice yelling
I remember when we played Destiny together and he said he's usually hoarse the next day at work
Also, I love how I seem to have kicked off a huge wave of people buying/playing Factorio
That makes me so happy. It's an awesome game that doesn't get enough attention
i think it going to steam helped a lot
Q: minecraft error

rashedwhen i enter any minecraft server it lets me play for 1-2 mins then it kicks me out by saying Internal Exception: java.io.IOException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host and it does it on any server please help

Q: How do I keep my fences from breaking?

z  'It seems I'm constantly repairing my fences after every storm. It's seriously getting to be very annoying. It's there something I can do to prevent this from happening or at least make them last longer?

I'll put it on my wishlist, I just got so much else to play right now
INCLUDING Stardew Valley which is 100% @Wipqozn's fault
@Sterno @GnomeSlice How'd your duo Culling go?
I need to play more Dark Souls 2 but Lost Sinner seemed weird, like I was missing something
@Fluttershy We made it to the final 3 teams
But mostly by avoiding other people
Apparently you can significantly weaken the boss by doing something I missed, so I need to explore more
@twobugs Did you light the big fires from outside
On the things up around the sides of the door
I didn't
That's what you missed
you can't target lost sinner in the dark unless you light the fires
I don't have the key for that yeah, I missed the area where you get the key
@GnomeSlice Nice. If I were to join, we'd have to do free for all, right? Can you go into FFA with a party?
I could target him but he'd break target all the time and he seemed too fast to reliably hit
@Fluttershy Not sure, haven't tried it.
I don't even know if you can intentionally join the same game in FFA
Hm, I didn't even eat a pie yesterday on pie day. I'm horrible.
90s Favourite 'Xena Warrior Princess' To Get An LGBT Friendly Reboot - http://www.konbini.com/en/entertainment-2/xena-warrior-princess-reboot https://t.co/dnFKImexot
@twobugs you could make up for it on international pie day, 31/4
@Ohnana TL;DR: *profanity* up.
Q: Search workshop items in Steam Big Picture Mode

pushashaWhen I go to the "workshop" section of a game in my Steam library in Big Picture Mode, it lists the workshop items in a seemingly random order. Is there any way to search, sort, or filter these items in Big Picture Mode?

Except that day doesn't exist
@ardaozkal aahhhh god you're alive
I heard that few malls were evacuated today by police.
Is it unfriendly to LGBT people to be straight
@Unionhawk shit, I just realized my windows clock is set to wrong format
@GnomeSlice but what about meeee
@Ohnana no he's a zombie
@KevinvanderVelden acceptable
@GnomeSlice sounds like porn
@ardaozkal so just skittishness, no new attacks?
@Ohnana hearsay of a terrorist being caught in a mall with bomb on him.
I already thought Xena was gay. I'm confused.
@Sterno I never watched the show but I thought that was the point...?
Isn't the younger girl in that show a minor?
Apparently they had to tiptoe around the issue back in the 90's
she sure doesn't look much over 18
Still seems stupid
I mean you could argue the original was exploitive more than friendly maybe? Hell if I know
@GnomeSlice so now they're going to base the whole show around it. Sounds like good design... for porn
It looks like Renee O'Conner (her sidekick) was 24 when that show started. Not a minor
@Chippies You can have a character be gay without basing the whole show around it
@Sterno what about the character though?
Unless it's on HBO
@Sterno Yeah, but from the article it seems like that's the whole reason they're rebooting it
@Chippies I refuse to research Xena lore enough to find out
to make her officially gay
Everyone seems to care more about how many characters are openly gay in a show than whether or not the show is actually any good
@Chippies Again, you can do that without "making the whole show about it"
There are lots of shows with straight characters where the whole show isn't "about them being straight"
I haven't read the article though because the page times out whenever I try
@Sterno well, I hope that's what they do (not that I care about the show anyway), because the article makes it seem like there's going to be no substance to the show besides their relationship
Thanks @GnomeSlice you murdered the site
@Sterno that's usually because it's not controversial and is boring, because everyone is used to people being openly straight
when there's gay characters in shows, there's always some controversy surrounding it
NBC has ordered a new Xena pilot from writer Javier Grillo-Marxuach, architect behind the CW’s cult hit The 100 – which recently provoked viewer backlash after the death of a popular LGBT character.
Grillo-Marxuach told fans that he plans to be a little more forthcoming about the undeniable chemistry between Xena and Gabrielle with this updated version.
“Xena will be a very different show made for very different reasons,” he said during a Q&A on Tumblr.
“There is no reason to bring back Xena if it is not there for the purpose of fully exploring a relationship that could only be shown subtex
because people still live in dark ages
> “Xena will be a very different show made for very different reasons,” he said during a Q&A on Tumblr.
Yep, @Chippies is right
It sounds a little too early to say either way
I watch The 100. There are gay characters on that show, but the show is in no way "about their gayness". So if it's more like that, good, I think?
Pre-release marketing and hype doesn't have to directly correlate with the content of the show/whatever
Having a show where characters are gay but the show isn't about that seems fine. Having a show where the characters are gay and the show is about that also seems fine. Having a show that's supposed to be about adventuring but is really about the characters being gay is a bit weird.
@Sterno Apparently a lot of people got really mad when lexa died
TBD if that's the case, though.
I won't jump to conclusions.
Sure, she was cool. But they didn't kill her off because she was gay or anything.
@StrixVaria A show about gay adventurers having gay adventures is probably ok though
@fredley I'd watch that on Adult Swim.
@fredley Would watch.
> Fans of The 100, an American teen drama set post apocalypse, tweeted the phrase “LGBT fans deserve better” over 280,000 times.
> Another hashtag calling for the show to be cancelled was retweeted 10,000 times.
gay people can die too
Let's be honest... Hercules and Xena were pretty shit in the first place. So I doubt, gay characters or not, a reboot is going to avoid being shit. Hopefully they're campy shit though, because that's fun to watch.
@Sterno lmao
@Sterno Hercules had a show? Or you mean Conan?
@GnomeSlice But not every. single. time.
Conan was the male counterpart to Xena
@GnomeSlice That's a ridiculous argument, but there are ridiculous people out there. YOu just have to ignore them.
Herculues! With Kevin Sorbo
@Chippies SERIOUSLY?
I don't watch any of these TV shows but when you don't see many prominent gay characters it is frustrating when the ones that do have some traction die.
Describes the show perfectly
@Chippies That confused me for too long
Man, whenever people used to talk about ponies too much in here, I'd respond with Kevin Sorbo gifs (because I'm very mature)
They were cheesy fantasy adventure TV. They were fun if you accepted they were campy.
@Sterno well, I don't recall ever seeing Hercules show in Latvia :(
@twobugs To be fair, the one that died was in a relationship with the main character of the show. So that main character is still there. And bi, I think
Those and reruns of Highlander: The Series were some of my weeknight entertainment.
They probably didn't show many things on your potato-tv aside from The Potato Show @Chippies
@Chippies What a terrible place
cc @Wipqozn for that insane burn
@Sterno Man I don't know how you people can watch all these TV shows. I can barely watch one or two
I can see people being mad about a main character's love interest being killed off
@twobugs on the bright side, they probably showed many things that were never shown on your fancy tv's :P
The shows that hurt my brain are the current DC shows on CW.
Flash is the big offender.
Calling for the show to be cancelled is ridiculous but that's Internet for you
I really need to hunker down and watch TNG sometime
Maybe I'll stream myself watching TNG
(That's a horrible idea)
@twobugs Mad, sure. Calling it a crime against the LBGT community? Eh. To be fair, there were probably straight people screaming when her previous love interest (male) was killed off the previous season
I'm pretty sure there are people who call for the cancellation of any TV show if it sinks their SHIPPING thing
Shippers worry me
That's what Strixvaria someone person writes Fanfic for
"Someone Person" is a good username
It's me, Someone Person! The most generic of all superpeople!
If you wanna get mad about people being killed in a series, you can always turn to anime where just about everyone can and will die!
So because she was gay they had to keep her alive
@GnomeSlice I don't think anyone (sane) is saying that
Person man, person man. Hit on the head with a frying pan. Lives his life in a garbage can. Person man.
But I can certainly understand being mad that a gay character died
@MadMAxJr Hey, it depends on the series. Not everyone has the Dragon Balls!
@twobugs the "LGBT community deserves better" sort of implies it
He put (sane) in there
@twobugs so just a webcam pointed at your face then?
Q: Penalty of removing facility

UserControlI'm currently out of room to build another Resistance Comms. I'm thinking of removing one of: Guerilla Tactics School (got all the features it offers) Psi Lab (got 2 magi) Defense Matrix (got one base defense mission but UFO is still hunting me) Will I lost my Guerilla Tactics bonuses and mag...

well, there wouldn't be an article about sane people now, would there
To be clear, I'm saying the tweeter is not the sane one, not the LBGT community at large
@KevinvanderVelden Like the Shia Lebouf thing but far worse
I mean, I think the LGBT community absolutely deserves to have well written main characters
Well written people can die
@twobugs It really is
As soon as there are more than like... 5 non-straight characters on TV you can start killing them.
@GnomeSlice Absolutely, but you have to also look at it from the context of there are few LGBT characters to begin with
The problem is that if a character is LGBT they will most likely die.
And that sucks.
So a prominent LGBT character dying is a bigger blow
@twobugs well, proportionally accurate, I guess
@GnomeSlice ...
Not to mention the issues in general with how LGBT folk are generally portrayed (especially Bi folk)
@GnomeSlice wait what
I agree with your point that anyone should be "killable", but I think there's more to it than that
anyway, all these people say that the whole point is not to care about someones sexuality and now theyre rebooting Xena literally to focus on it
@AshleyNunn That's one of the things I like about Sense8, two of the major characters are LGBT
just seems weird. xena is a camp classic
@GnomeSlice Not to make it the main focus. It should still be there.
I'd reserve judgment until the new Xena actually comes out. We don't really know what they're aiming for
Hope so
It sounds like the gayness is intended to be a factor in the reboot, but we don't know how much of one
@GnomeSlice we want to have representation without just being plot devices.
@AshleyNunn As far as The 100 goes, the show's #1 main character is Bi. it was her female love interest who died (just like her male love interest did in a previous season)
@SaintWacko I still need to watch that.
If they make it into a super serious tv show with but with gayness I think a lot of people are going to be frustrated because from what I understand Xena is 100% about camp
So at least in that case, it seems weird to get bent out of shape. Show still has a bi main character!
@AshleyNunn You really do. It's amazing
Plus, plotwise, the love interest really needed to die
> Xena will be a very different show made for very different reasons. There is no reason to bring back Xena if it is not there for the purpose of fully exploring a relationship that could only be shown subtextually in first-run syndication in the 1990s.
@twobugs yeah, if you make Xena serious it will be super super weird
@Sterno Yeah, but one of those deaths is significant in a wider context.
Hands down the best show I've ever seen
that implies there's going to be more than just some focus on it
@AshleyNunn Bisexuals need to do with prejudice from within the LGBT community as well from what I've seen and heard. A guy I went to high school with who has gay hated bisexuals. He thought they were all cheater and untrust worthy. I was like wtf. I remember bringing it up withmy (ex) room mate once, who is gay, and he told me that he's known others that feel the same way. Like what the fuck. People are dumb.
@Chippies Right, that implies it will be explored but not the main focus of the show
@Wipqozn oh sweet Jesus do we ever
@twobugs well, sure, but it's the main reason to reboot it
@Chippies The main reason they're mentioning. Campy stuff seems to be making sort of a comeback with Doctor Who's popularity
I just think we should reserve judgment until the show airs and I don't watch it
I wish our sales and ad steam would stop complaining about ad latency
tbh I really don't care how and why they reboot the show, I'm not watching it either way :P
The reason ads take time to load is because A) you've got over 10 type of ad units on any given page and B) Because the ad server takes X amount of time. If you want to speed it up drop the number of ads, and reach out to your ad provided to get their shit together (or switch ad providers).
@Sterno That's legit of the show to feature a bi main character, I didn't catch that the first time you mentioned it
You can't toss a fuckton of javascript on a page and expect everything to load immediately.
I guess I don't really know enough about the show to say more than I think it's ridiculous for people to call for a cancellation but I can totally understand anger and frustration.
@Wipqozn straight people assume we will leave them for gay people, gay people think we will leave them for straight people, a lot of people think we use it as am excuse not to decide and to sleep around, and if we are with a same sex partner we should call ourselves gay and of we are with a hetero partner well we were just straight all along I mean who are we kidding
(sorry, that is just something that pushes my buttons)
@AshleyNunn That's just stupid
@Wipqozn People are stupid
@AshleyNunn Ugh, that's crazy
Bi-erasure is so incredibly mindblowing to me. I had no idea people were actually that stuck up until I started reading about it
Q: 1 vs. 1 mode on Android MK X

Chanandler BongIs there a way to enter a simple 1 vs. 1 mode after installing the Android version of Mortal Kombat X? I can't seem to find such an option. Does it need to be unlocked somehow? According to Wikipedia this mode exists, at least for the Windows and consoles versions.

@KevinvanderVelden Easy for you to say, dragon!
@twobugs It's really common
@twobugs It boggles my mind that folks who have to work so hard for tolerance can be so intolerant of others
@SaintWacko YEP. After reading about that I started noticing lots of other stuff like that in other areas and it just makes me super depressed
Anyway, lunch time
@twobugs another reason it's not my job to eat the stupid people. THERE'S TOO BLOODY MANY OF THEM
@Wipqozn See also
@twobugs it's a thing. It happens all the time. Heck, it happens in my own family.
Right now I am pretty much mono in a hetero presenting relationship so everyone assumes that 5 years I spent with a same sex partner was just a thing that happened but is done now and I am straight and things.
Anyways, I am going to stop being a downer
I'm not even that far along for interpersonal relations. I'm kinda at the following. The person I'm hanging out with. Do they meet the following? Have they showered lately? Are they pressing my anxiety buttons? Are they being a jerk? If they pass this, then congratulations, I am having a good time, oh god Max don't screw this up.
OwnShot for Linux Alpha is ready, yay!
also i accidentally went from a straight relationship to a gay one. my poor dad is still trying to keep up :P
@Ohnana Accidentally?
Q: Do the Steam ToS allow a single person to have 2 Steam accounts?

Nate KerkhofsI want to play some of the Steam dating sims, but I don't want to get derisive messages from my Steam friends when they see messages like "Nzall has started playing Tank Dating Simulator". Do the Steam rules allow me to create a second Steam account that I can play games on I'd rather not announc...

Q: Is there a way to know whether a fleet has already attacked this turn?

OakI had a system with two of my fleets and one enemy fleet. One of my fleets attacked and destroyed the enemy fleet, but I forgot which - and now I want to move the fleet that has not already attacked to another system, to attack another enemy fleet there. Is there any way to tell which fleet has ...

@SaintWacko i went from a girl to a guy and my partner was like "hurr hurr now you're gay the other way"
in front of company so that was hilariously embarrassing.
Just nobody tell my grandparents how complex relationships get these days.
I don't want to explain 'when a man loves an anime character pillow' to them.
^ First picture captured with ownshot for linux.
What's ownshot?
@MadMAxJr oh my god
Don't most Linux distros have a built in screengrab tool?
I use Greenshot on just about every machine I own.
@Ohnana Clarification, NOT ME.
@MadMAxJr sure
we'll go with that
I think my closet shrine to Wayne June will clear my name for that issue.

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