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SaveMyPrincess.com got 11 upvotes?!
I hope not. That doesn't really convey the spirit of the site.
That's funny, I only see it having 2 upvotes...
11 up, 9 down
Ah, indeed.
7 hours later…
dammit @ardaxi I've been waiting for your reply for 50 seconds now!
SE is truly amazing.
Site is acting up. SE is truly timing out.
Thanks, checkmark coming when I'm back from gym. Later.
Every SE site has always timed out every 10th request or so
[status-norepro] ×2
Check your ISP.
Nope. It happens only on SE sites and from multiple ISPs, accounts, browsers and computers.
I guess I'm unusually lucky then. Oh well. Later.
3 hours later…
oh wow.
Q: Webapps.stackexchange.com versus Nothingtoinstall.com

Robert Cartaino Related StackOverflow Blog post: Domain Names: The Wrong Question Nothing to Install is a fine name, probably one of the best in the network. Yet, it's confusing to have half the people talking about Webapps and half Nothing To Install. Considering... Naming (domain name selection) i...

from meta.webapps.stackexchange.com
:5510 reading.
Oh wow indeed.
Yay. No more domain name fighting!
That's the worst possible end for the fight, though.
Maybe, but the brand will become more known soon enough
However, then StackOverflow must be rebranded Programmers.SE
Collision detected!
in Minecraft Talk on Gaming Chat, Oct 2 at 17:45, by alexanderpas
I feel lonely here!
:5526 [status-bydesign]
Are you sure? I even answered a question on NTI
I'm replying on you being alone in Minecraft
:5529 I know ;)
by design, until beta gets released. (SMP FTW)
Suvival Multi Player
I'm not sure I like the idea of survival multi player.
Depends on implementation I guess...
But a couple of people working together survival on a protected sever... is fun!
(how many will die the first night?)
Notch just announced his millionth sale
which is... nuts.
(and which mod will move this to minecraft talk?)
:5538 that's 10 million euro!
(1000000 / worldpopulation) * 100 = percentage of the world playing minecraft
what the heck? Webapps domain name got taken away?
:5544 yes
NTI redirects now to webapps.
Q: Webapps.stackexchange.com versus Nothingtoinstall.com

Robert Cartaino Related StackOverflow Blog post: Domain Names: The Wrong Question Nothing to Install is a fine name, probably one of the best in the network. Yet, it's confusing to have half the people talking about Webapps and half Nothing To Install. Considering... Naming (domain name selection) i...

Yeah, I was reading that
instead of webapps redirecting to NTI
I think they made the change way too soon, I guess if they left it at NTI for 90 days, everyone would be talking about NTI
Which name did they have first?
webapps.stackexchange.com during beta, NothingToInstall.com after release.
And they changed it back again?
and now back to the "series" name.
The series being 'stack exchange'.
:5558 meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/66443/#comment-159125 (I'm linking to the comment with "Previously"s)
@JoelSpolsky I expect a blog post from you for furure reference!
I except Joel telling me I need to take down the "backups" for copyright/trademark infringement more than anything :P
Well, I see their line of thinking. People already associate the SE name with a certain level of 'professionalism', if you will.
so fitting in so many situations :D
Posted by Robert Cartaino on September 29th, 2010

Stack Exchange is about questions with objective, factual answers. We’ve been crystal clear about this for as long as I can remember, even back to the earliest, pre-beta days of Stack Overflow. It’s right there in the standard Stack Exchange FAQ:

What kind of questions should I not ask here?

Avoid asking questions that are subjective, argumentative, or require extended discussion. This is not a discussion board, this is a place for questions that can be answered!

Thus, questions that are not answerable — discussions, debates, opinions — should be closed as subjective. It seems simple enough: Fact good; opinion and discussion bad. But why? …

regarding subjective.
# Great subjective questions inspire answers that explain “why” and “how”.
# Great subjective questions tend to have long, not short, answers.
# Great subjective questions have a constructive, fair, and impartial tone.
# Great subjective questions invite sharing experiences over opinions.
# Great subjective questions insist that opinion be backed up with facts and references.
# Great subjective questions are more than just mindless social fun.
A: Webapps.stackexchange.com versus Nothingtoinstall.com

MachaThe aim of the SE sites is of course to attract the experts on each topic to answer questions. As Yahoo Answers shows, the way to do this is not to have one gigantic brand. While Yahoo Answers doesn't limit its scope, there are many questions you simply cannot get answers to, because the people d...

My thoughts on the W.SE/NTI debate.
A: Webapps.stackexchange.com versus Nothingtoinstall.com

badpI find this silly for a variety of reasons, and also mildly offensive (not unlike some other questions we saw at meta.Gaming.SE) given the amount of effort that communities are still pouring into getting good domain names in the justifiably tight restraints given. I'm going to assume those quest...

/me is tempted to make a goats.stackexchange site just for the abbreviation :P
Since we're on topic.
Q: Do you think Nothing to Install should include a "This is Spam" or "Mark as Spam" button?

KennaNothing to Install is a good but I think spammers can easily take advantage of it because of the lack of "mark as spam" feature.

migrated from nothingtoinstall.com
I love the backend clusterfucks!
:5572 I played the trump card.
@alexanderpas Cool
hah, Jeff came back at me saying "I want to split Wikipedia in 1,000k top level domains"
Tsk tsk tsk
Somebody forgot about Wiktionary.org, Wikinews.org, Wikiquote.org, Wikibooks.org, Wikispecies.org, Wikisource.org, Wikiversity.org
all part of wikimediafoundation.org
keeps wiki in the name.
Not to forget the dozen language-specific versions of each!
:5589 Let's have StackApps, StackGames, StackUnix, ...
not webapps.stackexchange.com
language specific subdomains do not count.. from both sides.
:5593 Because they're second level domains?
Besides, had you ever visited wikimediafoundation.org before today?
:5595 actually, I have donated to them, several times already.
:5594 no, becaue they're another language, not engish (time for en.stackoverflow.com, fr.stackoverflow.com etc.)
does "ludoers" make any sense to you?
ludoers.com, ludentes.com are available
from ludo, latin for "I play"
No, that makes no sense to me whatsoever until you point it out.
I'm guessing the domain name issue is still being discussed?
@Oak, if we don't get a decent name we'll be stuck as gaming.stackexchange.com forever
that's worse than pauseforhelp.com tbh imho
Actually I'm unsure about my opinion on the domain name thing
I see advantages to being a subdomain as well
'we play' → ludemus.com?
I think there's a ray of hope around the 'ludo' prefix/suffix
I don't think the SE subdomain is neccesarily a bad thing at all.
"ludemus" sounds cool
Man, no one I talked to about gaming.stackexchange.com liked it
I /do/ think it needs to be accompanied by an overhaul of the root stackexchange.com as a better gateway into the network as a whole.
it's really really a lot of typing for a site
as of now, it does a poor job of acting as a hub for visitors already familiar with the site, and a mediocre job at best of encouraging someone new to drill down.
just FYI, "Lude" is a (admittedly, not much used anymore) german word for "pimp"
You know what's the problem?
:5614 the solution is to make the front stackexchange.com page work better and make it easy to nav to gaming from there.
The guys who eventually say "this domain name is too horrible for us to consider" don't take part to the community self naming efforts
@badp I don't think many people type a site's name anymore. Maybe technical people do it more, but non-technical people don't. The main portal to our site is via users searching Google for a specific question. Having them see "stackexchange" in the URL can be beneficial once "stackexchange" gets a decent reputation as a brand. When I look for a programming issue on Google, seeing a URL inside stackoverflow.com makes me more likely to click that link. That is something I would like to achieve.
It took Robert ~70 days to come back to us saying we didn't come up with anything good
:5616 It's also evocative of Quaaludes, which is... a very different audience.
and they needed 94 days to decide nothingtoinstall.com was bad
They should've given that feedback at day 15 or so at latest
:5620 hit and run users are not people branding can appeal to
Evening all
:5625 Disagreed. If I'm searching for something and I see a domain that I've heard of above the fold, I'll click it first.
@badp it's not "hit and run", it's "hit and run"x15. Just look at my above (edited) sentence. One doesn't have to be a SO user, he just needs to be a programmer who came upon that site a few times to understand its value.
Whether that's Wikipedia, or a newspaper I'm familiar with, or .stackexchange, or whatever.
@LessPop precisely.
Now, having a separate domain also has advantages,
I'm just saying, so does being a subdomain.
:5627 yes, but gaming.stackexchange.com is too long to be read in an eyeful
Besides, if we titled our site simply "Gaming", I don't think the people at gaming.com would enjoy that
"en.wikipedia.org/wiki/" is also long :)
Someone ask for a quote for se.com
as bad as gaming.com actually is.
:5637 It's usable, but I doubt anyone will be able to pay the price.
Trying to catch up a little on backscroll here... so we're staying a subdomain or...?
:5639 Nothingtoinstall.com is now a redirect to webapps.stackexchange.com
@Fallen for starters, I wouldn't be surprised if we'll be forced to remain on a subdomain until we come up with a better domain name.
:5641 I'd rather stay in beta until we come up with a better domain name
I don't care if that means we go "live" in 2015
So webapps decided on a name and SE is taking it away? :o
@badp why? What's the benefit of a beta status?
:5645 Not being released.
Not being final.
@badp I mean, I would rather like to have better rep threshold, better design, permanent moderators
Not having a final name.
A domain name is just one part of the package
Yeah, and if part of the package isn't ready, well, the package isn't ready
They really shouldn't have just gone against the community and pulled the Nothing to Install name
It's just a missing name. Personally, I consider the [game-rec] conflict a much more severe problem, one which I would like to see settled before we go live. But I still don't think it's a reason to not going live. Being out of beta doesn't mean everything has to be settled - even for SE not everything is settled, and you can't say they are in beta.
RE: the beta thing, gmail stayed in beta for like 5 years and it was became one of the most popular email providers in that time while carrying a beta badge
I don't think staying in beta is a bad thing
I mean, gaming.com doesn't even exist
it's actually gaming.com.37636.fb.dbbsrv.com/
@Arda with that I agree, they should have discussed things with the community beforehand.
Or at least gave them an earlier warning
:5659 AMEN
Gaming.com is definitely for sale, but I'm afraid we can't exactly afford a domain like that.
Those are their sites to do with them as they please, but if they want the community to stick with them they should be a little more... nice to them, I suppose. I'm not saying it wasn't nice, just a bit rash.
:5663 I think it's definitely not nice to them, judging by that meta question a huge majority disagrees.
Anyway @badp I disagree with the whole "beta" thing. I want to have the other things associated with going out of beta, even if we don't get the whole package. I don't see the need to wait until everything is tip-top. The most important thing - as measured by the area51 statistics - is size and strength of the community. Not how good our domain name is.
besides, if it gives us more time to come up with an awesome domain name...
Then why can't we get a domain name. Any domain name.
and STILL get our nice design now
then why not?
... no community consensus? :)
Tsk, that's not it
NothingToInstall.com had community consensus
Wait wait
but the team decided after 94 days it was too bad to be usable
Don't confuse discussions
Why don't we just buy the top-5 domains, make 5 logos and make 5 identical sites with just tiny differences in design.
:5675 well, it's an example of community consensus being worth jack shit :)
or well, not being the full story
One discussion is about my desire to go out of beta even if we don't have a name yet, and remain a subdomain until we do. Another discussion is whether subdomains are preferrable to a regular domain.
oh okay.
My bad as well
We should discuss one at a time :)
I'd rather get a domain name with the release because it is very poor to change names while running
I don't think it's a big deal, I mean, try accessing gmail.com
It redirects to mail.google.com
see the whole TheDailyWTF → WorseThanFailure → TheDailyWorseThanFailure → TheDailyWTF ordeal.
@Arda @badp I agree with badp that although redirecting is technically very simple, it's not a great thing for a running site
I just think the only people who're going to care is the people who look at it from our perspective.
Well, we are those who answer the most.
We kind of count :P
Yes, but to be honest, do we care what domain our site has?
Literally we.
We care about the reputation of the site, hence we care about what others want to see, not us.
Yes, because I can't be really arsed to write gaming.stackexchange.com any time I want to promote the site to friends and co
Just try and write the darn whole shebang
because we'll sure have to should it be our final name
Ah right, I see the site once I type g.
But then the redirection isn't a big deal.
On that note, why doesn't thatonelevel.com for example redirect to gaming.se?
Wait.. there's a nice domain! gaming.se
But not used.
So what?
Gaming.com also isn't used
good luck getting it
It wasn't serious anyway. Nobody is going to like gaming.se
:5707 With a big enough budget I'll have it in a few days.
With a big enough budget we can buy the ICANN
@Arda are you suggesting buy the "se.com" domain name?
:5711 Taken
:5711 Well no. I was referring to gaming.se but I wasn't serious.
The bad kind of taken too
:5712 Taken doesn't mean it's off the table remember? We'd just have to ask for a quote.
@Arda good luck with that
:5717 se.com is just a rebranded google.se
:5718 which means it's being used
:5719 You don't know that
And it's a useless enough site.
Hmm, it's parked. The bad kind of parked.
Domain Admin
CBS Interactive, Inc.
235 Second Street
San Francisco CA 94105
[email protected] +1.4153442000 Fax: +1.4153442000
se.com is owned by CentralNIC, who, when asked for a quote, responded
> Error: 'se' is too short. Domains must be at least three characters long
then it's just disallowed :)
Well no, just parked and not given away.
Which is the bad kind of parked
CentralNIC doesn't sound like the company who'd park sites
okay, not an administrative agency. Sorry.
psychonauts is now 5bux on gog.com geez, they're as bad as Steam these days.
also Arcanum is 3bux.
I never really did like GOG after they did the worst ever PR stunt since "the wow is now"
:5734 yeah. [polish joke goes here]
they got back a /lot/ of goodwill by getting Torment in the catalog though.
they'll actually start getting my money again if they put system shock up now.
I need my SHODAN fix.
See if you can guess what are the blurred-out games in my answer in gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/8355/…
StarCraft II
I see Starcraft 2, Dragon Age: Origins...
Team Fortress 2: Meet The Spy
2 King's Bounty titles
between us that's 5 out of 6
is the last Civ 4?
or Civ 5 demo?
I see the Sid Mier's...
but cant make out the last portion
Sid Meier's Civilization V (EN)
Well anyway, you were better than I thought
it's civ5 SDK
Oh, right.
Aaah. I knew it was A Civilization Thing.
It'd help if, yknow, I owned any of that :D
It's not too late!
For your eyefuck contest it is :)
I don't own any King's Bounty games!
There are demos available for those as well!
But yea nice going
We should make it into a contest
Everyone will publish their recently played games and we'll have to find out what the blurred names are
And the winner will get a cyber cookie!
for the my sockpuppet got newtwitter before I did series, please add me to the counter
It does look very meh, at any rate.
I mean, yeah, having some context doesn't suck
huh. Playing minecraft. Turns out you don't want to have the bucket of lava selected when you right-click your workbench
ruh roh.
unless you like your house filled with lava
:5774 Who doesn't?
This might be the greatest achievement of my life: http://goo.gl/wZ2r
I am so glad Minecraft doesn't worry about structural integrity
@FallenAngelEyes Speak for yourself. I'm sure my glass house filled with lava suspended 50 ft. in the air by a single wooden pillar is quite structurally sound.
My current Minecraft project is a house with Lava walls.
Have you ever played Wurm Online?
if you dug a tunnel out for mining there, you'd have to make sure you had proper supports, or else it'd cave in
I would probably enjoy something like that, but in a very different way from minecraft
Wurm Online is crazy, Minecraft reminds me of it in some ways
You really can't play it alone though
You can, but it's not nearly as fun or as satisfying
I joined a goonrush for it back in '07 which was pretty epic

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