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Hey, could you guys use this to figure out the fastest user to 10k?
Q: Reputation graph

balpha Screenshot About I've never been a fan of the reputation graph, but it seems a few people miss it since it has been removed. This user script adds a little "graph" link to a user's reputation tab. Clicking it will show a graph of the user's total and daily reputation (using Google's ch...

@FallenAngelEyes I know who was the slowest to 10k!
I've seen people edit old posts and modify the context of the conversation entirely
<-- slowest to 10k!
We've got the one on stackexchange.com which doesn't need external tools
Maybe that would be a good reason not to let people edit older posts
@FallenAngelEyes You can see the graph on the network profile anyway
It's besides the point, we know who is the fastest to 10k. His name is agent86.
@EtonB We created rollback to fix that
Finally got my copy of SWTOR today.
@Powerlord Pretty much this.
Woo Railworks 3 is almost downloaded!
@ThomasMcDonald pretty fun game!
It turns out that having an RSS feed of the questions, then Googling every answer is a really good way to build rep.
Ah, so this is what I came onto chat to ask about.
Anybody want to trade one useless steam voucher for another to earn the "Trade with your friends" Steam item? :p
@Powerlord Just make sure you add even more awesome SEO keywords so your new answer gets pushed above the one you stole from.
@Powerlord Haha. -_-
In the Steamworks 2011 brochure, there's this paragraph:
> Heading to the living room—or anywhere there’s a big screen—is Steam’s soon-to-be-released big-picture mode, offering simple, easy-to-read navigation designed specifically for TV. With full controller support, big-picture mode will let gamers kick back and enjoy their favorite games on the biggest screen in the house.
@Powerlord Funny how many answers can easily be found by a simple google search
@RavenDreamer No, I'm serious, and I couldn't have been the only one to notice that's what's going on.
Think you mean "googling every question"
Has anything been mentioned about that recently?
@Powerlord Hence, "-_-"
@RavenDreamer Googling for the answer to every question, yes.
@ThomasMcDonald Haven't heard anything about that
@ThomasMcDonald Sometime there was...
A good while though.
If good content gets added to the site, there's no harm in it.
And it might have been on the main site.
@ThomasMcDonald Wow that would be VERY nice to have
because I know it's Valve and time and whatever, but this is in their corporate brochure thingymahig, as a coming in 2011 feature.
@StrixVaria Answering questions without understand the answer your posting can lead to very bad implications. And, with games that change a lot, the answer is sometimes wrong.
I play with a 360 controller and I'm not a big fan of having to get back to my laptop to switch games
Sure it's lazy but hey
360 controller for the win!
I bought another wireless controller from Amazon just to make sure I had the real Xbox 360 connector for Windows.
@Powerlord the other thing is that I bet a lot of people stop answering when they reach the softcap at 200.
(Myself included)
I stop answering because somebody else has usually answered the question.
@ThomasMcDonald +1 - seriously, does anybody watch their points or badges unless very bored and out of stuff to do?
Okay, so who wants to trade me a worthless coupon for 50% off of Capsized so I can get moar coal?
@Powerlord Answer is probably yes, but do they sell the cable for 360 controller-PC at retail stores?
@MartinSojka ...*raises hand*
I'll continue answering if I think the already posted answers are wrong or incomplete, or if it's a question. ;)
... why?
I'd like not to require batteries sometimes where Im playing close to my laptop
@MartinSojka We've been over this. I have no life.
@EtonB I haven't seen one in stores. That's why I had to buy it from Amazon. :(
@RavenDreamer do you get anything special for 50k btw?
@MartinSojka I do sometimes, I would say it's for the same reason Achivements exist (e-ego)
@FallenAngelEyes I got email congratulations from John Skeet.
@MartinSojka I do sometimes because I have this problem with compulsively refreshing sites I visit often
(But not really)
It's the same problem I have with Skinner boxes: I understand that they work. I know how to create them. I can see them working on others. I ... simply just don't get it, though.
Nope. Nothing for 50k.
@RavenDreamer Who's John Skeet?
@MartinSojka The reputation system is actually why I've had trouble getting friends onto the site. They just don't care about it.
@Wipqozn Are you serious?
@Powerlord Yes?
Me: "You could ask on the site!" Friend: "You ask, I don't care about rep enough to play that game." Me:":("
Or were you poking fun at Raven for misspelling his first name?
@Powerlord ...that :P
THanks for ruining my fun.
Anyway, for those people who don't know, @JonSkeet is the highest reputation user across the network.
I never knew who he was until asking because I've never been on SO
I think he's somewhere past 400,000 now
Jon Skeet, Reading, United Kingdom
384k 95 1597 2835
@Powerlord across the entire network? Yes, but not on SO.
That's just his SO rep.
@Wipqozn Yeah, I meant entire network. :P
Oh, the network profile link doesn't one-box
He has 438 404 rep network wide.
I guess that's impressive.
Does he remind anyone else of Ken Jennings?
@RavenDreamer I could see it
@RavenDreamer I sense conspiracies.
Q: How can I be stealthy?

yx.So I made myself a sniper type with light armor and a silenced sniper rifle. However, enemies can spot me from far far away, making it difficult to kill without being seen. How can I make myself stealthier to avoid being spotted so easily?

Q: Should I avoid connecting to my false account when robbing a bank?

JupotterWhen I try to rob a bank, I usually use a false account where I transfer the "generous donation". I create it in the same bank as the bank I rob to avoid IP concerns etc... However, I usually connect directly to it once, trough the finance tab, to check if everything is okay, even tough I create ...

@FallenAngelEyes Okay, I just mistook your Gravatar for @Mana's. We might have a budding problem.
@RavenDreamer My name's like 4.5x longer than his
@FallenAngelEyes Well, depending on browser zoom settings...
I just show up as "Raven" here, when I'm on my laptop.
@RavenDreamer Ah, gotcha
@RavenDreamer That's shorter than normal because of the space though.
@Ullallulloo Silence, Ullallul
I own Fate of the World? When did I get this game?!
@FallenAngelEyes Steam holiday gift thingy?
@Powerlord Yeah. I don't remember buying this.
Website my friend developed for some reason (probably just money) reindeercam.com
@FallenAngelEyes Lucky! you got something useful/decent.
Especially because it's one of the achievement games for today.
Also, I caved and bought TOR. Anyone here playing lightside care to suggest a server for when I eventually make a Jedi to fuck around with? (Already know where friends are playing empire-side)
I wonder if that means I got one.
Oh wait, someone tells me it was in one of the indie royale bundles
Though I haven't made a light side character yet myself.
@FallenAngelEyes Oh. Well, still fortunate then.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I actually own all of those except Greed Corp
@RavenDreamer Yeah, I'll worry about it if/when I decide to keep playing after a month. Gonna make an Imperial Agent when the installer finishes and go from there.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Write down "Bondar Crystal" for future reference, though.
We can go bug David Fullerton. >:D
@RavenDreamer whyzzat
Is that the server he's on?
I'mma follow a bunch of EJB people on to Veela.
Oh c'mon, you can choose "Master" as an honorific in this game, but not "Mistress"?! >:(
Also, I seem to have accidentally bought Just Cause 2 a second time thanks to it being dirt cheap. Damn you Steam Sales.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Why does that name sound familiar.
@FallenAngelEyes Those aren't quite the same thing, always.
man, my snowman is fat. I haven't checked this computer and I have 107 notifications
@RavenDreamer EJB? Elitist Jerks Benefactors.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ah, no, I meant "Veela".
@FallenAngelEyes Mistress has... certain connotations that Master, while it sometimes shares them, does so less often.
Gives me an idea for a question, though.
@LessPop_MoreFizz And what if I want those connotations?
@agent86 Your snowman is so fat... I got nothing.
@FallenAngelEyes Then you're playing the wrong game? :3
@RavenDreamer It's also where goons are.
@RavenDreamer Watch how it's done:
Harry Potter beastiary.
@agent86 Your snowman is so fat, the south side of him is melting.
I feel like the only person in the world who isn't playing Skyrim or TOR
@agent86 Your snowman is so fat, it's asking yo momma for weight loss tips.
Q: How do you unlock skulls in Halo Aniversery

MBraedleyI have a feeling that it's tied to stuff in online mode. Is this the only way to unlock skulls?

@FallenAngelEyes Oi
On the one hand, I'm tempted by Saints Row the Third being only 20 bux today
on the other hand, I know I am not going to get around to playing it for weeks if not months so I might as well wait and grab it for 15 or with a bunch of dlc included or something during a spring sale.
Q: What purple items have Samuel Jackson's characters had?

Nick TSamuel Jackson's (Mace Windu's) purple lightsaber was supposedly at his behest because that's his favorite color. Are there other conspicuously-purple items that Jackson's characters have had?

@GraceNote Oh yeah! sits in the corner with Grace
@LessPop_MoreFizz it's only $20 for you?!
@FallenAngelEyes I also have neither of those games
@FallenAngelEyes It's 20 on green man gaming with a coupon code
@LessPop_MoreFizz sr3 is totally worth $20
you should jump on that
@agent86 It's not that I don't think it's worth 20.
It's that I know that by the time I get around to playing it, it will be cheaper or include dlc in the price.
I said jump on that
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, I thought that's what the Steam conversion rate was
@NickT ...wut
Anyone like racing games? Are there any cheap ones/ones I should watch for sales on Steam?
@agent86 My steam sale rule of thumb is to only bother with the absurdly cheap things because that creates more of a backlog than I have time to play as it is.
@NickT arcade racers or sim racers?
Ah, I don't play sim racers, sorry :(
@LessPop_MoreFizz what if I bold it? JUMP on THAT
what are good arcade racers?
@NickT Dirt 3 is dirt cheap today and supposedly pretty good for the genre.
@NickT burnout: paradise has been my favorite.
@NickT I enjoy the Burnout series, though Paradise was quite a bit of a departure.
It took me a while to get used to, but it's decent.
the whole burnout series has been pretty good on the whole
Blur was on sale yesterday for 75% off
I played the demo for that, had kind of a Mario Kart aspect with powerups/weapons
Split/Second also was a decent demo, you could affect the track and stuff, it was funky
(both of those developers closed up in 2011 though :/)
I feel like recently I read an article about blur and split/second
@agent86 IGN's list of 2011 development studios that were closed?
they compared the implementation of blur and split/second
Is need for speed on the run a good racing game?
I'm looking for an arcadey one mostly
not quite a Gran Turismo
I've never played much NFS because there's no damage engine
I enjoy destruction in my arcade racers and the lack thereof (at least in earlier games) turned me off
> We realize that talking about Modern Warfare 3's single-player is like reviewing Jenny McCarthy's medical training -- the wrong part of something only designed to be enjoyed on monitors by large groups of sweaty men
pfffft lol
It's not as good as NFS: Hot Pursuit imo
would the burnout series be a better entry point?
other than mario kart / some racing games on the SNES i havent played them that much
@powerlord, RSS is too slow. I compulsively refresh the front page.
are there any GTR/Forza-like games for PC or are they all specific-console-exclusive
and google's okay for some things, but generally I have at least a kernel of a clue and I just google to find something to back me up.
when I just google it, I tend to end up posting some pretty poor answers.
it's close to the methodology though. think about how much time would be saved if the "ask question" button just redirected you to google? this is a very inefficient process.
@EtonB Depends on what kind of game you're looking for. Burnout, especially the earlier games, are quite different from NFS.
@agent86 The goal of Gaming.SE is to be the place that people end up when they do ask google instead of us.
@LessPop_MoreFizz This is true. I find the Skyrim and TOR questions to be the most interesting, where you can get into some unique situations that something like a walkthrough or guide just doesn't cover.
It's a cycle; google points to us lots, we get traffic, more people asking/answering, more question to bait searches, etc
it's too bad I don't play either of those games. I'm looking forward to some ME3 love though.
@agent86 Yes. This is also why I had set as a favorite for a while, in spite of not having played the game since it's beta.
@NickT You mean a feedback loop
@agent86 TOR is generally better-served by sites like torhead.com imho
@FallenAngelEyes How about a game where I can race fast, visually impressive, and cause a mess while I get to the goal?
at least for the vast bulk of questions
@NickT is that like thottbott? (probably spelling is wrong, database engine for WoW)
yes (more specifically like wowhead)
because lots of them are fairly specific, but the site is structured to allow discussion (and Q/A within) in those narrow contexts
@agent86 It's like WoWhead, because it's by the guys who made WoWhead.
@EtonB Burnout: Revenge was probably the height of the series
@agent86 Wowhead replaced thottbot for the wow community long ago.
a discussion thread for every item, quest, location, NPC....
But yes, same idea.
@LessPop_MoreFizz TIL. hunh.
@FallenAngelEyes is that available for the pc?
@EtonB Uuuuh...
@LessPop_MoreFizz It gets some official blizzard linkage too, I think.
Their armory item pages link to them, if I'm remember correctly.
@RavenDreamer That's new as of about a year ago.
@EtonB Apparently not :(
Only Burnout: Paradise is
Thottbot was nice, but wowhead looks so much nicer and is easier to use
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah. But still.
They didn't hook into the external community at all until the battle.net redesign that came a few months after the Cataclysm launch.
@FallenAngelEyes Thanks :)
It went for the "open world" thing, which was different than the older games
(Blizzard in general, has taken massive strides in engaging with the community in places that aren't there own forums in the past year or so. It's been a pretty impressive and long overdue transformation.)
This is an epic picture of skyrim, by the way.
does Blizzard promote e-sports much yet? They seem very coy about it, especially compared to Riot (LoL), etc
@EtonB I didn't play it for a long time because the changes were pretty drastic and I wasn't thrilled with some of them, but after some patches, the gameplay was better
@RavenDreamer put a ! before the link and it will make it force an attempt to load the image at the URL
@RavenDreamer It looks just like you.
@NickT Starcraft yes.
@NickT Ummm... considering that they've put together special builds of both WoW and Starcraft for tournament play and held official MLG events at Blizz Con, I'd say so.
@Mana Ah, to have a beard that fierce.
Or hair that long.
Or Abs that toned.
@LessPopMoreFizz but within the game itself when you log in
Or chesthair that groomed.
Q: Why was the following question closed?

Eton B.I just saw that the following question was closed for being a duplicate: In The Old Republic ship-based minigame, is there a way to destroy shielded targets? However, this question was asked an hour before the other one even existed.. so, how can one avoid doing such "duplicate" questions?

@RavenDreamer or loin cloth that short
@RavenDreamer Well I'm leaving that question to you bro
@NickT No, not unless you count the Arena tournament realms.
@Mana I don't think we look alike at all
@FallenAngelEyes Raven's just insane.
@LessPop_MoreFizz that's kinda my point; in LoL during dreamhack when you log in all you see is a link to the live stream
as such, LoL stream had like 200k viewers while SC2 only had like 60
which doesn't seem that right
On an unrelated note: Holy shit @ the Prometheus trailer.

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