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Q: Which starting planets are shared with which classes?

MufasaIf I want to level with a friend, but we want to play different classes, which two classes should we pick so we start on the same starting planet? Example: Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent both start on Hutta. What are the others? There are a lot of resources for class X starts on planet X, bu...

@FallenAngelEyes, I seem to remember you talking about payday. is that worth $10?
@agent86 If you like co-op FPS's, yes
@agent86 co-op FPS's with RPG elements, even
@StackExchange I think the correct answer is to put on weight :-)
Argh, missed the answering within 5 minutes hat by 26 seconds
@FallenAngelEyes Here, you can have mine.
Oh wait, I can't trade hats on Gaming.
I thought I read they patched this section of Psychonauts to make it doable without 500 deaths
I wonder if they'll put in the Steam trading achievement... and if so, does anyone want Dueling mini-games in TF2? I have 5 that I want to tra... er... get rid of.
(Obstacle Course, right after you've climbed all the poles)
@Powerlord according to that wiki article, there's going to be a trading requirement "achievement" for the gift giveaway
@FallenAngelEyes Yes, that's why I mentioned it.
However, it's clear that not all achievements listed there will make it into the sale.
@FallenAngelEyes hmm, I do like co-op FPSes but my co-op buddy is anti-PC
maybe someday when it gets super cheap. what's ironic/sad is that he has a super high end alienware rig
2 holiday coal
I guess I got 2 in one hit. HOW LUCKY
@agent86 it's on PSN too
@FallenAngelEyes, thanks but it didn't work. :-)
@agent86 why does he have a high end gaming rig if he's not a PC gamer?
@FallenAngelEyes XBLA? he's a xbox'er to the core, again, ironic since he also owns an expensive PS3 that doesn't see hardly any play
@badp You have an interesting definition for the word lucky.
@msh210 pardon?
@FallenAngelEyes oh.. never mind. It did.
@msh210 It's not immediate
could've been, uh, one coal!!
@agent86 not on XBLA :(
@FallenAngelEyes he uses it to do HDMI capture with a pretty high end pcie card. he also likes buying shiny things :)
@badp Nope. Couldn't have.
@FallenAngelEyes yeah, I see that now. :-)
the PS3's for its blu ray player
@agent86 Why would anyone play FPSes on something other than a PC?!
oh come on.
@agent86 Well, it's definitely a fun game to do co-op. I don't think you can get through the higher difficulties with just AI. You really need to strategize together sometimes. The RPG/leveling elements are fun as well.
@Powerlord he prefers the controller to the keyboard/mouse
Seriously, there are certain kinds of games PCs are a lot better than consoles for. Three of those being FPS, RTS, and MMOs.
(mouse, mouse, and keyboard being the respective reasons)
Well, OK, you could argue mouse/keyboard for all 3.
I'm buying a controller for my gf to play swtor...
@DavidB @badp Scalpel. NOW.
@Powerlord I have tried to explain this, but he's been on the controller for so long that the mouse/keyboard feels weird to him
@Powerlord wat
@badp I want to examine his head.
okay, grotesque tactics... worth buying? metacritic is failing me miserably
it's a wierd situation.
okay, everything about GT2 is in german. and the reviews look poor. so PASS
I have to take that back I guess - it doesn't contradict your point about games being better on pc.
Q: Killing people in skyrim and witnesses vs. bounty

IAdapterIn this question Is it ok to kill guards? on of the comments suggested "Just make sure you also kill any witnesses". Is that comment correct? In previous elder scrolls game it doesn't matter is someone saw you ... you will still get a bounty if you even think about hurting any city person. is t...

Q: What are some good tactics to use on DeGroot Keep?

user16851I'm struggling on DeGroot Keep. Are there any specific strategies to win rounds consistently?

Q: How do I get the Flurry achievement?

murgatroid99In Defense Grid: The Awakening, what level and tower build order will allow me to easily get the Flurry achievement, which requires me to get a gold medal on an adrenaline challenge mode?

user image
and we thought ITG was bad
@FallenAngelEyes Na na na na na na na na BAATMAAN
@FallenAngelEyes Hey Jude! :)
why does the little number under my name near my posts say "9799"?
Busier here than I remember
that's not my rep
@alexanderpas Because we sing that at the end of our student / fraternity party when the music is off. ^^
not even time delayed
@agent86 It's your network rep, which is your rep across all sites
i'm a 10k+ user on chat, but not on the site.
Am I too late for the capture the wool thing? Saw the event on steam.
@Macha about 3 days.
Oh, ok then. Oh well, that's what I get for not being active then
@DaveMcClelland oooh, okay. I guess posting some silly suggestions on meta has bumped me up a bit
@Macha I think they're doing again next sunday
and every sunday for a while
@Ullallulloo Next sunday's christmas, I think we're starting again on the 8th.
@RonanForman oh, right
@agent86 9,459 on s.tk/gaming, 254 on s.tk/meta, 101 on s.tk/apps
Are we doing TF2 this Saturday?
Because I want the hat, but I need 5 friends to play at the same time.
@TomWijsman And that is why I don't like ITG.
@alexanderpas yeah, I know how to get my network rep. I just hadn't thought of that when I saw that number.
it makes sense, but I always associate this as "g.se chat" and not "stack exchange chat"
(register on ALL the sites in the network ;) )
register on ALL the sites? :(
@alexanderpas I'm a 30k+ chat user, but not on the site.
@RonanForman bla (bla :D ) vs. bla (again ;) ) <- always two spaces around emoticon, emoticon itself is a single entity (that's my thinking.)
@Ullallulloo There are 12 achievements for Foundry, you only need 7 to get the hat.
Granted, those achievements are ridiculously bad. I think I have 5 total.
@Powerlord Yeah, some are just really hard.
You pretty much need to farm some of them, such as the 15 back and forth one.
Knock a person into the cauldron fire? Win 137 games? Kill two people at a place no one goes in the same life?
@Powerlord I actually got that legitimately, with coincidentally very evenly-balanced teams.
the Cauldron fire thing is only achieveable by 4 classes, and it's nearly impossible to get with 3 of them (leaving Pyro)
and no one goes there anyway.
@Ullallulloo I've had one game that kept going back and forth, and we still didn't hit 15.
Also, the one where you have to win after having the enemy push you back to your final point doesn't count unless they actually touch the last point.
(we lost all but our final point, then pushed them all the way back and won, but because they never touched the last point, we didn't get the achievement)
I have all but the four I've mentioned and the teleporter one, and the one for getting 7.
The teleporter one is one of the more ridiculous ones.
I should just join a 24/7 Foundry game.
anyone want to play openTTD?
@Pubby sure, need to update first.
@alexanderpas Ok. 1.1.4 is the version I have
@Pubby sure
Where are ou going to play?
I'll join :)
I'm going to host it
Peter Jackson's The Hobbit was split into two movies, apparently.
The first being "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" due out next year.
The game should be added to the list as "StackExchange" or something
ok, just installing the stable version. Only have a nightly atm.
@badp are you around?
Could you possibly trim the comments from this post:
A: Steam item giveaway/trading thread

Dave McClellandFree Counter-Strike/CS:Condition Zero/CS:CZ Deleted Scenes (Pack) Counter-Strike Deathmatch Classic Half-Life Half-Life: Source/HL:DM Source (Pack) Half-Life 2: Episode 1 (2 copies) Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Portal 25% off valve game coupon (Jan. 2 - Mar. 1, 2012) 33% off valve game coupon (Jan. ...

A lot of them are no longer terribly important, since I've already given games away, and it's just hard to keep track of new comments
@DaveMcClelland You couldn't ask @Mana or @RavenDreamer or whatever?
Q: What do you do with questions where the correct answer has changed after a game update?

SternoAbout a year ago, I asked a question about Die2Nite asking if you could camp outdoors and survive. At the time, the answer was no. However, when Season 2 started (a few months after I originally asked the question), the answer changed to yes. What should we do in cases like this where game patch...

@Powerlord I didn't see @mana or @raven in chat. I could have asked @grace, but I hadn't seen his gravatar
@Pubby Yep, "StackExchange Rail"
...and I need to install that update first.
the password is "pepe"
@DaveMcClelland How much cleanup do you need?
@GraceNote Just the comments that are people asking for games and me asking for their email addresses, then them saying thanks
@DaveMcClelland Grace is omnipresent.
@DaveMcClelland Cleaned
@GraceNote Thanks!
makes a note to check DMA's TF2 backpack for Nice crates
Is it co-op then?
If @fredy31 turns up, tell him my upload has 30 minutes left.
@Macha yeah.
makes another note to check @agent86's games list
@Lazers Pretty sure that's a dupe, but can't find the original right now and don't have time to go digging. Ping @badp, @GraceNote
Q: what is legacy system?

RodolfoI finished act 1, and it gave me an option to choose a surname as part of the legacy system. I guess this is shared by all my alts? What other benefits are there for this (or have they mentioned any future benefits of this)?

Q: Where are screenshots taken with the SWTOR holocamera saved?

Wayne ArthurtonI purchased the digital plus pack for SWTOR and received the Holocamera. This should take screenshots (and seems to). I cannot figure out where these screenshots are store or if they actually are, or it is just a gimmick.

@Powerlord I posted a link to my stuff in the meta thread, feel free to browse it.
whenever you remember at home, that is
oh, now I had a thought and I lost it
OH WAIT THERE IT IS. I want to buy anno 2070 if it comes on sale
so if anyone gets a % off ubisoft coupon, if that even exists, let me know...
@agent86 I actually just got one, i think
Let me check
I thought I saw someone mention an Ubisoft coupon earlier.
@agent86 Yep, I got one. But it's only 10% off
aww :( 10%'s not really enough to drop it to where I'd pick it up
thanks for checking though.
@agent86 Yeah... ubisoft coupons exist though, so there may be more higher valued ones out there
I just had a thought
Why are there no TF2 hats for Hatdash? I know it's not a new game, but if we're copying them, the least we can do is have a hat in their honor
I demand a Towering Pillar of Hattening!
@DaveMcClelland Didn't I already say something like that in response to the blog post?
@Powerlord Jeez, I don't know. What am I, your mom?
@DaveMcClelland yes?
may I say, the family resemblance is striking
@agent86 If that's the case, @powerlord must have a very large, mannish mother
@DaveMcClelland who am I to judge?
Oh man, SWTOR didn't release with server transfer ability? That sucks.
@FallenAngelEyes Nope.
Oh, I noticed in the US that the servers added for the launch yesterday all have LIGHT populations while all the servers available at pre-order time are HEAVY/FULL.
It seems to me that no one is joining the game since its release because everyone pre-ordered and started playing early.
Or the people that are starting now and being encouraged to play by people already playing the game and join the aforementioned HEAVY/FULL servers.
gah, 7 seconds too late for the Quick Draw. :(
Q: How do I cross the inside of the Great Tree?

splattered bitsI'm inside the Great Tree. In front of me are two floating platforms, hanging from ropes. I can leap across to the first platform, but can't leap to the next, or to the ledge on the left. How in the world do I get to the second platform? I've tried running back and forth to get the platform t...

Q: How do I defeat the Wooden Shield Moblin?

splattered bitsAfter completing my first trial, I quickly encountered my first Wooden Shield Moblin: I'm able to hack away at his shield, but can't see to kill him. It looks like my blows continually bounce off his big, fat belly. How do I defeat this guy? Fi is no help at all.

> the Humble chaps have decided that you need to spend a minimum of $1 if you want to also receive Steam keys with your Bundle purchase (though you’ll obviously still receive the games themselves if you spend less). Reason being that canny rotters have apparently been buying multiple copies of the bundle for 1c in order to add the games to multiple Steam accounts in the hope of winning stuff Valve’s current lottery.
Why do people suck? :(
@FallenAngelEyes Wow, people are asses
@FallenAngelEyes I'm gonna laugh when they come out with a list, like they did for the first bundle
of all the non-payers
@IanPugsley Oh did they really? I never heard about that
@FallenAngelEyes I know some shady individuals who, at least for one of these bundles, set up a script to mass-buy bundles at 1c to exploit the steam system
That reminds me, I should at least do the free stuff on my alt so I can send the free stuff back to my main account.
@agent86 I hope you smacked them upside the head
@FallenAngelEyes oh yes.
> For the first time in the past 10 years, I felt like I had a reason to be 33 years old and still live at home with my parents. There was a reason that I went to a local 2-year Technical College. This was my time to shine. My time to show my father that I could turn our house into a magical Christmas light show, pushing the boundaries of what Christmas lights could be, without betraying the classic xmas light aesthetic.
@Powerlord that's interesting. I wonder how they're dealing with this. Perhaps the "free" achievements have a different weighting system?
@FallenAngelEyes Why didn't people predict that such a thing would happen? The first thing I ask myself whenever I set up a new system is "Ok, how can I break or abuse it?"
it seems like you could just spam alts and join the steam group/check your inventory and you'd have infinite coal (or infinite coupons or what have you)
@agent86 No clue. I think it was brilliant that day 2's was actually in a game rather than just a freebie.
Unlike some accounts, my alt account has one real game on it... a paid copy of TF2 (paid for by Valve, but still paid for!)
Mmm, potatoes.
Oh, right.
I've got loads of tater games.
I could set up some alts to do this.
@Powerlord I've got a second potato-y account with just tf2 in it too! Whoo
@DaveMcClelland \o/
@ArdaXi You should give them to the less fortunate: meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/3536/…
Also, if you use Skype, make sure to use the \o/ emote in it with graphical smileys on.
@DaveMcClelland Look at my hat.
lol, just got a badge for this:
Q: What competitive games can I play within Minecraft?

Nick TMinecraft is pretty fun as a sandbox game, but are there any games I can play within the game so I can compete while not-really-competing with others? I remember seeing something in a Notch interview video about people trying to knock the blocks out from the others and don't know if there are ...

@ArdaXi Scrooge?
@ArdaXi Aww, unicorns love you
@DaveMcClelland Sorry, look at it now.
@NickT That didn't get game-rec closed?
Even if it is for game-within-a-game...
@Powerlord That was the idea.
@ArdaXi I think my cache is broken, I still see unicorns
that reminds me, HOLIDAY BOUNTY GIVEAWAY, 600 rep so far, but it's Wednesday, wimps. Go nominate and vote, or I will come back with EVEN STRONGER TAUNTS for you.
@ArdaXi That is classy
@ArdaXi Woo! You finally rejoin our ranks!
@agent86 Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!
@GraceNote Aw, I can't see it.
@GraceNote You...? But you're nice!
@agent86 No one's giving good answers, blame them!
@Powerlord Imgur still blocked?
@ArdaXi Yup.
Seems like they stopped flipping a coin and just left it blocked.
One moment.
@ArdaXi Niceness doesn't necessarily correlate with holiday cheer.
Wrong one.
@ArdaXi You didn't mean to post Grace wearing a Scrooge hat?
You can see that one right?
@ArdaXi Yup, I can.
I forgot which hat I'm wearing now. Likely the first SWTOR one.
Jedi Hood
Hmm, I wonder...
Reminder to everyone: TF2 drops reset at midnight UTC tonight. It is unknown whether double drop rates will count if you didn't get your first week's drops or not.
(usually one week's worth of drops carry over)
@ArdaXi It looks like the spy is in some sort of straight jacket
Clearly the Spy is channeling the Dark Side.
Incidentally, I have like -1850 Dark side on my Sith Inquisitor.
Unfortunately, Sith Inquisitor didn't get as many Dark Side choice towards the beginning as Sith Warrior did.
(Seriously, I had Dark 1 before leaving Korriban as Sith Warrior, it took until halfway through Drumond Kaas on Sith Inquisitor)
No chance to burn down orphanages?
I will say this: Somehow, Bioware managed to introduce some bugs between Beta and pre-order play.
@Powerlord At least they didnt show up unannounced
Korriban is currently impossible to 100% because the Sith Academy location isn't registering in the Codex, nor is the Sith Scholar title being awarded when [HEROIC 2+] Hate Machine is completed the first time.
Those both worked in Beta.
There's a mysterious 6th Datacron showing in the Planetary data for Drumond Kaas despite there only being 5 in Beta. No one seems to know where the sixth one is or if it's a bug.
Oh, and no other planets around that level have 6, they all have 5... so likely 6 is a bug.
Some of the Dark Side / Light Side choices are... sorta random.
@Powerlord why'd you add the heroic recommendation in the mission title?
@FallenAngelEyes Because it's a heroic quest.
I could get Light Side Points for betraying a quest giver.
@RavenDreamer Yeah, in beta at least, as a Smuggler, I got dark side points for telling a kid to go back to his parents o_O
And technically, [HEROIC 2+] is part of the quest title.
@RavenDreamer Welcome to BioWare Morality. Check your sense at the door.
@LessPop_MoreFizz But... MASS EFFECT!
@RavenDreamer was not that great?
Renegade / Paragon Interrupts are the best thing ever.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ME2 was better than ME1. But, generally, yeah.
As soon as they fix the title award, I'll go back and solo that instance. 2+ at level 7 is definitely soloable at 19. ;)
Q: Dragon not appearing at Bonestrewn Crest

GaryGamesoupI've heard that this particular dragon has been causing problems for people in that it won't die and whatnot, but it won't even spawn for me :(. I have a bounty for this dragon, so I would like to take care of it as soon as possible, but there's absolutely no sign of it anywhere. I've learned the...

Q: What is this fighting game?

Nick122I remember playing this old sega game where you were cops I believe but in normal clothing and fought your way through the streets and had weird bosses at the end of each round. It was extremely addicting and would like to find it again. If memory serves you could play as a White Male, a White fe...

Villain is monologuing
shoot villain in the face
GG Shep
I've heard Hutta is working properly and can be 100%ed, but it's the only one of the first 3 Imperial planets that can.
btw, I found that the Security Key Vendor is located in the Fleet as well... it's near one of the banks in the Imperial Fleet (upper level around the center ring)
mmm, ME3. want.
I hope yvonne whateverhernameis is in it again
she can boss me around the galaxy anytime
A: Draugr Wight Lord disarmed me, can't find my weapon

Raven DreamerDisarm does not make your weapon disappear. Unfortunately, Draugr usually live in the dark, and it can be very ard to find individual anythings in Skyrim, let alone in the dark crannies of its dungeons. So your bow won't have simply vanished, and should be findable, if you want to devote the t...

Why the crap is this getting so many upvoteS?
btw, if you play SWTOR, there only seems to be two professions for creating things you can slot into orange items: Artificer (mostly lightsaber hilts, color stones, etc...) and Cybertech (weapons and armor?)
@agent86 We call her Miranda.
Or, Sarah Bartowski
@Powerlord Orange items?
There were three new games added to the Indieroyale Xmas bundle.
@RavenDreamer Items with orange names have upgrade slots.
I have two right now... a Lightsaber and a Robe.
That reminds me. Goes to check if the Amazon.com fairy has been by yet
@RavenDreamer I vote mustache, by the by
@FallenAngelEyes You would. ;)
Orange-named Lightsabers have slots for Color Stone, Hilt, Mod, and Enhancement
Robes have 3 slots: Armoring, Mod, and Enhancement.
Exceptional quality armor items have a single slot: Augment.
Artificing produces things for Color Stone, Hilt, and Enhancement. Cybertech produces the rest.
@RavenDreamer you can call her whatever you want. I just call her hawt.

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