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:4874 I happen to really like zerglings, they win me a lot of games
7 hours later…
7 hours and no new question? Kinda worrying.
7 hours later…
:4886 1 more to go
is it me or this week our activity has been decreasing, anyway?
:4888 Done
Have y'all seen an increase in views b/c of Civ 5? I ask because of the views on
Q: How do I disable Civ 5's opening movie?

bwarnerIt seems like the opening movie always starts up and won't let me cancel it until it has played for about 10 seconds. Is that because it takes the game that long to load regardless? Is there a way to turn off the movie?

I've seen an increase in certain members rep
:4895 Who do you mean?
should we synonym [iphone], [pad], [ipod-touch] to [ios]?
(Not an owner of any device, but...) I thought they're not 100% identical. Can't you can have different versions of a game on iphone or ipad?
AFAIK, they're as similar as android devices, different features, different versions of the ios, but AFAIK, those are non-issues when considered for gaming.
:4899 Its worth noting that when there are different versions for different devices (iphone vs ipad) they usually have different names
:4901 That works for me. As I said, I don't own such a device so I would not know.
My next suggestion would have been to ask on the new Apple stack exchange, or see if they've come up with a solution.
I don't suppose I could get one more close vote out of anyone: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/8255
:4904 it is closed
4 mins ago
check who that last vote came from...
On my screen it says closed 5 minutes ago and my message was 7 minutes ago
I think there might be a correlation here...
fair enough
@alex could've said something :)
was distracted by sim tower question.
↑ that stage is awesome
It's official. TF2 is ruined.
Oh. Right. Steam Wallet in action ;)
For those who don't follow Arda, TF2 got itself a BF:Heroes-like item store.
Basically, it's an MMOFPS now, complete with micro-transactions.
AKA "Battle of the Disposable Incomes"
still how long do those items last once purchased?
€5 is a shitton for an ingame weapon
Please excuse me while I use erkie.github.com on the TF2 site.
Much obliged.
> Team Fortress 2 is not free to play. Robin said they considered it, but “right now the cost of purchasing TF2 again is the main cost that cheaters pay when we catch them.”
That is really a great point :)
I feel that Valve must really offer some kind of "TF2: Legacy" or something. I want to play the vanilla game, with the vanilla guns.
but I'm shocked by the prices
TF2-- = TFC.
For the same price as that knife you can get one of a lot of games on Steam.
However, I fear the reference to TF2 has been replaced and is forever lost.
yeah, $4,99 for a knife... heck, a real knife can be cheaper!
Unless that purchase is a one timer that grants you indefinite access to, that item it's just insanely expensive.
Unless it's a one-timer, then it's OUTRAGEOUS.
it sounds like its a one-timer, when they talk about trading
You can't trade bought items.
bought weapons can't be traded (yet)
I'm not talking about trading, though.
All the purchasable items are cosmetic I thought?
I mean, I know TF players are kinda slightly crazy about hats etc. and all, but I don't really see a problem with micropurchases that don't confer a gameplay advantage?
:4942 All purchasable items that aren't available for random drop, says the FAQ.
If it's up for drop, it can be bought, says the FAQ.
Oh, look. A Steam beta. Who knows what it may be about :D
So if there is a free way to obtain it, it has a game play advantage, if there is no free way it is purely cosmetic?
some are drop only, some are buy only. all gameplay influencing items are drop.
(a implies b) does not imply (b implies a), @tzenes
I was asking if it was the case, not the natural implication
I guess there also are cosmetic, freely available items.
while it doesn't imply it, it might coincidentally be true
Just not all of them are.
Oh, I thought you were nitpicking my logic there. Sorry.
I probably mistook you for that @badp guy.
In other news, nothingtoinstall.com
looks like they're not in bootstrap
Yay for Webapps
So, when are we getting ours :(
I really want to add something to the faq about game-rec but I don't figure out what
Turns out the reputation requirements for NTI are different from all other live sites'
Create new tags:
1500 SO
200 SU, SF
150 NTI, public betas
500 SO, SU, SF
200 NTI, public betas
So it's some form of bootstrap. The high tiers however are still 2k to edit, 3k to close.
..."dishoused"? O_o
I wonder how an "anything goes" SE would work
just to abuse the engine to its fullest
different engine
Pretty much SE gone wild though.
Same result though.
I think the results might differ
That is how an "Anything goes SE" would work.
:4978 Then you have far more faith in humanity than I do.
the presence of the reputation system conferring power would lead to power struggles
anything goes moves the stuff to the specific SE, off-topic get's moved to anything goes...
:4980 or less
:4982 this is probably a better suggestion
a home for orphaned questions
as the relevant SE goes up, the questions get "adopted"
unwanted questions can be moved to the orphanage
I'm more interested in creating a "pseudo" site which attempts to unify a single topic across multiple sites.
for example, I could create a pseudo [java] site, which only referenced questions tagged [java] on SO, SE, Programming, etc
from the perspective of the site it would be a "java" se, however the back end would mean that you were really contributing to other sites
So really, what you want is more of an "SE Homepage" where you can look at your Interesting Tags across all SE sites?
Because that is actually a pretty reasonable feature request as the network grows IMO.
and the new 'inbox' is definitely a great first step towards that it feels like.
I don't know about an SE homepage
I feel like people want more specific SE's than are viable (because of community size) and I want to support that without fracturing the community
this gives people the "feeling" that their community is being supported even while they're part of a larger community
what's more the SE api allows me to do this easily
:4997 maek it happen
I'll work on it some tonight
:4996 Yea, but you're basically just creating a custom 'interesting tag' based SE page. And at that point, I honestly think being able to make my own, custom mixed SE page would be even more awesome than being able to dynamically generate java.se on demand.
i.e. I'm sick and tired of needing to go to gaming.se, apple.se, SU, and NtI, especially when, at the latter two sites, I'm interested in a fairly narrow range of what gets talked about anyway.
maybe, but I think I'm solving a different problem from you
your problem is there are too many SE
the problem I'm trying to solve is that there are too few SE
communities grow around an SE
:5006 Right, but what's interesting to me is that both problems are solvable with the same mechanism.
no, I don't think your mechanism solves that problem
the problem with there being too few SE is that the communities are too large and diverse
having a unified site promotes large and diverse communities
I'm trying to create smaller sites to for more concentrated communities
I actually want to show people less information
I'm not saying you aren't creating a useful tool, but I don't think it does what I want
But if all you're creating is a page that indexes a set of tags across multiple SE, you're not really creating a community, since you're feeding off users in 5 directions anyway. You're essentially creating a tourbus for like minded people to drive through SE-ville together, but when they want to interact with a question, they have to get off and end up in the larger community regardless.
and yes, that is a fucking horrible metaphor
I like the tourbus metaphor.
I guess I'm just not seeing what mechanism you have for fostering an internal community within the site you're proposing.
in your example if I set up my tag for [vim] I am going to run into the same people, the "vim" people, but we aren't going to have our own rep, we aren't going to have our own meta, we aren't going to be able to have our own ping pong tables and humidors, we aren't going to feel like "vim" is an SE
if my example I can simulate those thing and make it feel special
because that's the goal, the "feeling"
:5019 Ah, that's what I wasn't seeing in what you suggested. So basically, you want to be able to aggregate rep within those focused tags essentially, etc.?
I create my vim site, and all of a sudden we can have discussions like: should we include [vi] tag
and provide a whole bunch of tiny meta._ sites
it'll be virtual rep (since you can't close topics), but you can use it to vote questions on our off the vim site
basically, some 2/3rds of Area51 proposals just become Meta._____.SE sites
well I dont' like the term Meta here (since its over loaded), but lets call them, _.TS
Tiny SE
I think my first one will be hard coded for one tag, but from there I can have the code dynamically handle the general case
while we can't "close" questions we can vote them off the island
and I can have a special symbol in comments to have them not post to the main site
so you can have [tag] specific comments
On an unrelated note, erkie.github.com has proved to be of enormous use of late. I can surgically remove posts from my internet-enemies from pages that I wish to read.
I use it on game-recs
:5036 It's called "ignoring"
:5039 Sadly, 'ignore' is not a viable option in certain contexts.
@tzenes I'm just going to say that request (interesting tags only sites and the like) has been turned down so many times it's not even funny
also, it's more satisfying to blow someone up than to just disappear them silently.
which request?
@lesspop, get the tag feeds you're interested in and put them in the same folder of a feed reader
Its not a request
Sure, if you go ahead and build it with the API it's an entirely different matter (but then it's read only.)
I have access to the API
It doesn't have to be read only, I can support it locally
:5044 Do the RSS feeds show old questions that have been bumped because of edits or new answers? I haven't played around with them at all.
:5048 dun dun dun
Also, that would require using a feed reader again. I kinda swore off mine as the enemy of my productivity a few months ago. :/
:5050 No, they look and feel precisely like the chat feeds :)
:5053 that's not an advantage. I like the bump behavior for the way I browse the sites.
Feed readers are a huge productivity boost... if you measure productivity by amount of interesting news read
:5055 Sadly, it is no longer my job to simply consume large amounts of interesting news. (though that was the best job ever and I miss it so.)
:5055 I'd star that if it wasn't on gaming.
I'll star it
I'm sure someone has mentioned it, but using erkie.github.com on a SE site is _fun)
The video shouldn't have pixels?
I can't tell if you're being serious or not
(Of course I do realise what is meant, but still...)
I don't realize what you mean
I was referring to this question
Q: What can I do to record videos of me gaming for free?

Nick Possible Duplicate: How can I record demos of my gameplay? I have looked at a few choices: I liked Fraps, but it's $37 for the full version. dxtory was good but the video quality wasn't clear. I wasn't able to use virtualdub because i did not have the hardware to go with it. Camstudi...

in his question he says he wants no pixals (spelling error I assume)
by which he means he doesn't want to be able to visually identify individual pixels
obviously every video has pixels
As I said, I do realise what is meant.
so I don't understand your question?
It wasn't a question, just a remark.
:5080 How's that for a provocative title? Not quite "How to pray to god", but ...
do you mean lumbermill?
I honestly don't remember logging camps in FFH
crap ...
but yes, lumbermill
yeah you can't do that
most disappointing ...
that would be a little overpowered
I can live with that, fellowship can already build some massive cities
damn hippy elves
its all about the Calabim
go ashen, just destroy people
:5092 I played some a Sheam (sp?), got to the demons, but it spawned me right next to a powerful civ :-(
they can be fun especially if Infernal are out and you have a lot of demon portals
you start spawning tons and tons of units
so in other words, don't switch to Infernal, play on as Sheaim?
oh if you want to go Infernal don't go Sheaim
I love the fact they made it so much more random than normal Civ 4
you never know if your first city is going to get trounced by some 10+ str barbarian
I usually go Luchuirp when I want to go Inferal
I get like 1 City
and a I rush pact
I just answered How different types of weapons do compare in Dwarf Fortress? http://gaming.stackexchange.com/q/8272/29 I play DF too much...
Q: How do different types of weapons compare in Dwarf Fortress?

Juha SyrjäläHow do different types of weapons compare? For example, is sword better than a mace, or are they different somehow?

I think your answer is better than mine
so I upvoted it
oh man there was this really BS strat I used to use with Luchuirp into Infernal where I did it by turn 70
I say yes to 8bitlavapwnpwniesbossstage.com
So say we all!
:5113 lol!
@tzenes I just commented I want the opposite of what you thought I did :)
BTW: Just a few more days until we're out of beta and releasing online.
So you posted on meta to get the attention of Robert? or Juan/Oak/Grace?
:5123 all of the above
Robert mainly, though.
I guess he's the one that really is responsible for this, unless Jeff or Joel feel like chiming in.
I think there might be an easier way to contact him...
(It's also an open call to stop the madness)
:5122 I probably missed something, but isn't boss-level the clear victor?
A: Last Chance -- Top domain name: pauseforhelp.com. Speak now or forever hold your peace.

Raven DreamerBoss-Level is also available, (and works as a double-meaning-- the place where bosses, us, the experts, hang out) but I was afraid to suggest it on account of the hyphen (as bosslevel is taken (but then again, has copyright 2001, so it might be for sale)). is available through GoDaddy (either 7...

:5129 Is that a clear winner over pauseforhelp?
meh, flip a &^&*ing coin
Is bosslevel.com an actually viable choice?
anything is a clear winner over pauseforhelp
:5132 Yeah, that's what I'm asking for ;)
:5134 You have my support there, but it doesn't count much.
nothing to install, pause for help, Do i see a pattern?
bad names?
I'm starting an area51 about domain names
it's going to be called allgoodnameshavebeentakensince1992.com, agnhbts92 for friends.
:5133 If I recall correctly, www.bosshelp.com is taken, and www.boss-help.com would be rejected by the SE team due to the dash. I can find the quote that makes me think that is true if you like.
ahem... bosslevel and boss-level.
:5142 pause for boss then?
come to think of it, have we checked www.bosshelp.com....
that feels less gamey
taken and way too much of the same letter: bossstage
:5145 Bosshelp Technical Consultants
we could make Boss-Stage be the main site, and have bossstage.com redirect to it
:5144 This actually amuses me.
bossstage.com is taken
well shit
:5150 "A domain name should be readable over the phone. Even on AT&T Wireless. Tricky spellings are always a bad idea. **Similarly, dashes reek of desperation.**"
Posted by Joel Spolsky on July 12th, 2010

Let’s say, just hypothetically, that you wanted to learn how to bake a cake. So you go to the bookstore and you have a choice of two books. There’s a generic yellow book that is part of a series:

And there’s another book that stands by itself… it doesn’t look like a part of a series.

If you had no other information, which would you buy?

American audiences, generally, don’t trust series. They tend to believe that they want the best baking book, period, not whatever baking book comes in yellow. When they see a shelf full of yellow dummy books, they mostly say, “yeah, a bunch of second-best books.” …

penny-arcade.com doesn't reek of desperation
Not that we aren't desperate, or that you CAN'T find a good - domain name. Just predicting Jeff would say no.
what about something with arcade in the name?
how about CivCraft14-ModernAnswers.com? ;)
interesting, arcadejunkies redirects to arcade-junkies...
readability vs. typeability vs. speakability
woah, don't go to gamingfanatics.com
gamingnuts.com arcadenuts.com gamernuts.lolz
@tzenes ... nothing is standing out at me, but I do like the brainstorming. I would help if I were not otherwise engaged. I will speak up if I see something awesome.
arcade buffs
pixel buffs feels more like computer graphics designers
I like buffs better than nuts
We've been banging our head for 85 days now. What makes you think we'll have epiphany now?
what makes you think we'd have one on day 40?
or 37
or 58
I don't have another option so I am exhausting the only resource I have available to me
I didn't say probability(day = 85), I said probability(day > 85)
if all days are equally likely, the chances are pretty slim :)
bathtub graph
unless they're not all equally likely
I picked a model and went with it. Sue me.
well I'd say the days where we brainstorm are more likely than the days where we post stuff on meta which are more likely than the days where we do neither
:5188 I can't, different juristiction.
:5189 If you notice from the graph, brainstorm spikes are followed by a wave of equal upvoting and downvoting
Downvoting rule first, then upvotes catch up.
At the end of the day we have 1.5k votes with a net value of 12.
Talk about a waste of time...
Anyway, I'll go now compare this with what happened over at NTI
You mean NtI?
Fun fact: we've had hundreds of visits from users who searched for "gaming stack exchange" and "gaming stack". Maybe we should just call ourselves "gamingstack.com" and be done with it. It is available...
Then we might as well stay on our domain.
So four torches around a mob spawner are enough
dunno why people went so far as digging lava in its neighbourhood
:5197 those were lazy googlers.
@alexanderpas yea, I guess so too. But maybe one or two were genuinely new...
Anyway the wind is all out of my sails, I'll go with anything Robert chooses
gaming.stackexchange will still redirect to us
even after we have a new site name
Also, I think we were all a bit too focused on a gaming-related name
we should have just gone with "the rhinos" or something
"upgradedanswers.com" is available, too
Hey, @User3286. I'm sorry, but you need 20 rep to speak.
or "highlevelanswers.com"
Q: The site should use a Killscreen image for HTTP/500 Server Error pages

JoshAs badp proposed in chat, this site should use a killscreen image for HTTP/500 Server Error error pages:

I still think this belongs with the 404 question
Then again, I've never seen a 500 error page on SE before
:5218 workin on ur problemz
A: What should the 404 image be for the site?

badp Page Not Found We're sorry, we couldn't find the page you requested. However, we did find the release date for Half Life Two, Episode Three:

Nice fixing
01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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