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@Sterno Does this mean I can ask someone to explain the ending of the game to me, despite not owning the game yet? — Powerlord 2 mins ago
Someone had to say it
No one had to say it.
@twobugs yey lightning and well
@Powerlord well not owning the game is a perfectly acceptable reason for not understanding the ending
@Sterno you did say we should start drama today
well, it seems i wont rep cap two days in a row on lifehacks
@Dragonrage only @fredley can do that
@GodEmperorDune i almost have, but the upvotes have slowed down from @AshleyNunn
well her question
@Wipqozn It might be. It might not be. Who can say?
@Fluttershy did your strawpoll help?
@Dragonrage Correct, but if you don't own the game your question about the ending is probably going to be poorly researched
Like if you just watched a youtube video of the ending and nothing else.
weapon's awake D:
I hope roads are less slick going home than they were on the way to work.
@twobugs what if i just know that there is an ending?
To me, that's not really different than just reading the last page of a book and then demanding people explain the whole book to you.
@Dragonrage What do you mean? Every game has an "ending".
@twobugs if i havent even watched a video on it, much less played it. i just know that it has an ending and want to know what it is and what it means
"Does (game) have an ending?"
Is that what you're proposing?
I mean... I guess that's a legitimate question? But I'd downvote it for being a bad question. Every game has some sort of "end point".
no, im proposing, "what is the meaning of (game) ending?", but from a standpoint of having even less knowledge than you proposed
That would depend on the question, IMO
If you look at the versions a certain user tends to ask
Oh man, if only @MarkTrapp was still alive. I but he'd have something to contribute to this conversation .
Q: I haven't read the book/watched the movie/... May I ask a question about it?

user56I would like to ask a question about a book or short story that I haven't read, or about a movie or TV series that I haven't watched, or about a radio program that I haven't listened to, etc. Is that allowed? I've read a little about the book/movie/…, checked its Wikipedia article, googled a bit...

This person just watches a youtube video and asks the question completely devoid and any in-game context whatsoever.
Those questions are, IMO, extremely indefensible.
@twobugs is that better or worse than someone who has not even watched a video asking the question?
It's worse because this particular user is doing it in bad faith.
i.e. they simply know the game exists and has an "ending"
In the situation you're getting at I'm extremely confused about what the impetus for even asking is.
Regardless, I'd refer to the discussion @Wipqozn linked: Yes, you can ask a question about something you don't know, but that doesn't make you exempt from the rules
@Dragonrage By the way, I was poking fun at the user currently named Nitros (formerly r3tr0 t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m and Retrosaur) because twice now he's asked questions about a game's ending on the day the game came out.
@twobugs we're taking advice from sff now?
for rep of course. they know it is a popular game, but have no interest in it, but know that someone will ask the question sooner or later, so they ask it first
He's asked questions about games before they even released at all, anywhere
@Dragonrage No, this is stupid.
There are tons of questions that don't get asked because they're bad questions
"How do I move in Mario"
Trying to be the first to ask a question is really stupid
Anyway, this particular user does it to try and spoil things for others because le trole hehehehehehheehehe
@Powerlord Well, that's quite rude
@twobugs When was this?
Damnit now he's here
I've never asked a question before a game is released, ever.
Sounds like you're making these false accusations without any basis or proof
I mean, go ahead, show me where I asked a question where the game hadn't been released yet
I would go back and edit what I said earlier and say that Nitros is now a former name and that the user's current name is skully on Arqade and Unshakeable on chat, but 2 minute edit window. Or I could just say user 18916 on Arqade since users can't change their user number.
He changes his name roughly all of the time and uses different chat accounts to try and confuse people. Don't even bother
@twobugs it is rather confusing. there should be a limit to how often or how many times you can change your name
@Dragonrage there is
@Dragonrage There is. He's now stuck as skully on Arqade for the next 30 days.
There is, but you can do it separately on different sites I believe and then choose which one is your parent chat account
@Unionhawk Leaders are never late
@Dragonrage It's limited to every 30 days on main account, but if you chat parent swap, like some users do, it gets messy.
Leaders arrive precisely when they want to
but he has a different name on each site and he bounces parent user between them
or whatever the actual Gandalf quote was
I bounce between users depending on which profile icon I like
Unless you have some sort of issue with that
Whatever, I'm not trying to start drama. But don't ask intentionally bad questions just to "be first"
There's nothing misleading as most people already know who I am
@Unshakeable I have a sort of issue with that
4 hours ago, by Sterno
I really wish Bridge meta drama would happen soon if it's going to happen. I need my full attention on XCOM2 come midnight.
@Unshakeable i liked your dank meme based names
I mean, Strix got mad at one point, because he said I was deliberately misleading others
oh good that's two of us
dank memes huh
that gives me an idea for my next name change
@Unshakeable i dont see how your not
@Dragonrage What, do you know what misleading is?
There's a difference between "Hi, I'm retro" to "Well, I'm totally different"
He's easy enough to identify if you know what to look for
@Unshakeable You changed names on Arqade just a few minutes ago because I mentioned your account by name.
You have claimed to be a new user in the past though
Checkmate or something
That was like
okay, that was once
and the next 4 times
I changed my name, Strix kept getting madder
He's easy to identify because I don't have any other 20k+ user on ignore
@Powerlord Don't say such brash things
I came on chat to say hi, and noticed that the latest messages were talking about me
Look for the jarate and mad milk question and you will find the retrosaur
Just by plain coincidence
i remember the time he trolled@Texenox on steam
Who's Texenox
oh yeh :^)
@Unshakeable ...you realize that this statement doesn't actually disagree with what I said?
Basically, he's a lot like Trump in that he says things of questionable truth value and when pressed for info he just says more things
@GodEmperorDune oh god that was the dumbest thing.
@Powerlord I changed my name before I even entered chat
Top 1 dumbest thing, number one, that thing
@twobugs like trump he is also very entertaining
Okay, I'm going to make a statement of questionable truth value
@Unshakeable Again, still doesn't disagree with what I said.
I am secretly badp's husband.
That makes no sense Powerlord
...mainly because you can open chat transcript without joining chat.
Top 2 dumbest things. Number 2: this thing
I opened up Arqade, and changed my name
please. It's "husbando." Because THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL YOU CAN AFFORD ME
no need to get paranoid
Number 1: that thing
because my name change period just started again a day ago
So, without having any access to chat, and chaning my name and my profile pic to a different name, you incorrectly assumed I accessed chat beforehand, saw your message, then changed names to avoid attention or something
wait that's the other way around or something
I don't care
@badp your husbandu
Okay anyway
@badp temptation to pin
Putting all this dumb nonsense behind us
Let's talk about dank memes
@Unionhawk I know it's hard to catch me not caring
It's a rare sight
Let's get into some new dumb nonsense
but not so rare
I mean
you could be talking about XCOM 2
Hey @badp, remember when they removed your best alter ego goodp?
I wouldn't care
@Unshakeable I have had many best alter egos and that one is not on the list
@twobugs Can't, it's finally time for me to go home from work.
@badp gone too soon
born too late for dank memes
It's been two days since I finished my first playthrough of Life Is Strange. It's still screwing with me.
welp that's one face I haven't seen in a looong while
oh, sup?
ceiling, you?
watch out, tho, the weather's nasty lately
@Unshakeable how many pepes have you found?
@tombull89 is life is strange the story about a girl who loses her family to paranormal circumstances and spends her time trying to unravel the mystery like an Italian chef untangling pasta?
@Unshakeable uh, nope. This is about a girl who has the ability to rewind time, much like the developers previous game, Remember Me.
which, ironically, people have forgotton about.
@Unshakeable If you need to untangle pasta you didn't stir
What is going onnnnn
not even Undyne makes this kind of mistakes
Story-driven episodic third-person point and click is probably the best way to describe it.
@badp undyne stirs too vigorously
@Unionhawk Her technique is powerful
still she might have 99 problems but tangles of pasta aren't one
@GodEmperorDune pepes are rare, so I'd guess none.
also apparently googling "undyne pasta" gives you a bunch of really low quality recordings
@ardaozkal pepes are like loot drops. there are common, uncommon, rare, and legendary ones
@badp conspiracy
Q: Not connecting to minecraft server

Can ColstoI created a server a few days ago. A server that you run from your desktop you know... so when i was setting it up, i left the ip field blank right? So it would connect to my public ip... so i start the server up and it does the whole thing correctly. No port errors or anything. But when i go to ...

@tombull89 It's giving a subtle hint that you have to plug in a keyboard to do anything
Soo... btw I'm installing LXDE to my RPi and it is taking alot.
Is it normal?
also it's a good way to figure out if your keyboard is working without rebooting
It downloaded like 400mb of stuff.
@ardaozkal that's a lot of packages. don't interrupt the package manager
> Installing an operating system is taking a long time
things will go really bad
That sounds normal
@murgatroid99 s/operating system/desktop manager
@murgatroid99 that is a desktop manager.
> Better sharpen the pickaxes, boys! We're heading back into the salt mines!
(re Overwatch beta round 2)
I hope I get in to the overwatch beta this time
Finally done.
I guess someone is pruning stars?
Q: Any tips for beating Malthael as a Wizard on high difficulty levels?

OakI'm playing solo as a hardcore Wizard on Torment IX, running Tal Rasha's with dual hydras. Usually when I encounter hard boss fights with melee bosses, I'm forced to kite and rely on my hydras + meteors to do the damage - and it works fine. Malthael, however, is one of my hardest fights, especia...

Not I, but meh?
People like to prune stars that make somebody look bad unless it's me
@GnomeSlice That's fuct
I only star the best @GnomeSlice messages to share with the world
People used to star things like "stop doing x @Gnome" a lot
@GnomeSlice thats a dick move
or "you shouldn't do that"
@GnomeSlice That's just rude
I haven't noticed these sorts of stars recently. That's not a challenge to prove me wrong, just, general observation
I might be relatively wrong
stop doing that @uni
does putting @uni ping you?
now the bait is set for the star clearer
Good thing star clearing is anonymous
But in all instances assume it was me. Or @Sterno. Or @fredley.
@Dragonrage Yes, it does. Here are other things that ping: editing a ping, editing a ping multiple times
@dra indeed it does yes indeed
I'm done
Mar 21 '12 at 14:33, by agent86
@GnomeSlice You like to ride the line between what's acceptable and what's not, and you frequently cross it. You've shown in the past you enjoy the drama. You got suspended because of it. If you don't like being suspended, stop. If you keep stirring up the drama, you're going to keep getting suspended. This is pretty much all I'm going to say on the subject. Good luck.
there's a good one
@Dragonrage you need at least the first three letters, and it's treated as a match pattern
8 stars
so @Ror would ping Rora, Rorb, Rorc, etc
@GnomeSlice Well good thing you're not the one who's been stirring drama lately
I stirred drama by visiting family. I'm sorry.
so everyone with the first 3 letters dra just got pinged by uni?
Yes, but nobody else does
So I'm morally clear
@GnomeSlice that sucks but it was also 4 years ago
"used to"
@Dragonrage yes, but only if they've been in chat
@fra on the other hand pings 2 people (hello I'm evil)
@GnomeSlice oh, right
@Ohnana the more you know
someone in the DMZ actually changed one of the letters in their name because of it
@uni @two @tre
(I went through qwerty and f was the first one that had a match of three letters)
we have like, 4 people with the first three letters Ror , so one of them changed their o to the cyrillic character that looks like an o
quite effective at curbing the stick poking :D
DMZ has 4 rorys, more specifically
that's lame
its fun getting pinged
just ask @Wipqozn
@GodEmperorDune we love our ping aboose
@Unionhawk @mad and @nat also work
Hypothetical leadership situations are v. dumb
Like, if I have a real situation
situation: @uni is always wrong. do you follow his instructions or do the opposite of what he says?
@GodEmperorDune blame caching
and @uni for good measure
then do whatever i feel like
@Dragonrage you're hired
@Ohnana ooh, awesome. being hired is great fun
@Ohnana It still makes an o sound, in Russian, most of the time
@AshleyNunn o rly?
the more you know
@AshleyNunn language NERD! :p
@Ohnana i see what you did there
@GodEmperorDune I like Russian, it's a fun language to learn
@GodEmperorDune i hope so. it was pretty blunt
This is so duuuuuuuuuuumb
@Dragonrage oh thank you
Q: Receiving character shards when at 7 stars

winterbloodAfter promoting a character to 7 stars, what happens when you receive additional shards for that character? Will they be saleable, wasted, converted to a different character, or something else?

I thought my Galaxy of Heroes save was deleted for a second but it just didn't immediately log me in
@AshleyNunn Guh... I hate when people do this!
> Just joining us? Leigh and Jason are discussing asset sales
@AshleyNunn "paranormal researchers"
Ew and ow
@GnomeSlice I didn't even click the video and my body's just like okay nope
> Not assembled obviously
moontv where have you been all my life
hahahahaha they're skipping portions of this nonsense
that's awesome
thank you
because none of us were going to present on leadership styles
because who caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaares as long as you can actually lead people
And afaik, all of us in this room have demonstrated these things
> I just know that when we lose the hour, every time we lose the hour that's the hour I normally go to the gym, it's really annoying
At least I have, and I have my proof of leadership card in my wallet
Frozen Cortex on Humble Bundle
guess they really didn't do very well with that one
What's a milestone, you ask, leadership video?
By this time next year, I hope to have a job.
That is about as lofty as my goals are right now
Ideally said job will not be in Ohio and instead in CO or UT or maybe WA (Canadian border near Vancouver)
> It's not carbonated. It would be if I made it in the sodastream Joe
> Given that Nelson died 3 months ago I would describe his health condition as very serious indeed
Q: Is there a way to update a leet server on minecraft

Donavan RumseyI would like some help because I spent a lot of money on my server.

Gaben pls
For some reason my shortcut picture is gabe newell.
I submit to The Bridge: This or this?
> There's a big difference between a painter and a piece of bread. A reasonably substantial difference.
@MBraedley what types of games do you play?
> Focaccia I'll give you that, definitely is a bread.
@ardaozkal FPS, HotS, D3 on (a rare) occasion, games that don't need a mouse.
@MBraedley go wired.
With g502.
I'm like dying of laughter
If you play less mouse-demanding games, the wireless mx master is better, but you play FPS, MOBA and ARPG.
@MBraedley I'd go wired because I hate having to charge wireless and I only ever use my mouse on my desk anyway
Doesn't the MX Master also work over USB?
Possibly, I haven't used that on in particular. I have a 502 though and it's a good mouse.
I wouldn't trust a non-primary feature.
@MBraedley do you care to use it wirelessly ever? it's really huge, so it's not gonna be that great away from desk anyway
@Chippies No, I have a wireless mouse for my Surface already
the 502 is a good mouse, but if the wireless feature is something you would use, MX Master isn't a bad mouse
if you're using it wired, may as well save money and go for the better wired mouse
I personally would buy the MX Master, as I usually change place (in the house) and not having to mess with more cords would be better, and the cords sometimes die.
But my only mouse-demanding game is Diablo.
Q: Technic Launcher is a white screen on arch linux

Samueltechnic-pack enthusiasts, I'm running: $ java -jar ./TechnicLauncher in arch linux and the launcher comes up as a white rectangle, but never loads the whole launcher. I'm using java 8 (jre8-openjdk) which runs everything else fine. I have tried downloading the launcher from multiple sources...

I can't use my PC/Laptop without a mouse for anything other than watching movies
I guess I don't really see any advantage to a wireless mouse unless you're buying for a laptop
touchpads are the worst
> The mouse charges via a microUSB port at its nose, where you’d expect a cable to be if the mouse were wired. You can use the mouse while charging, but it’s still wireless; the USB cable isn’t sending any data. Three inconspicuous green LEDs show charge progress.
@twobugs it's good if you want it as a main mouse for your PC, but also want to occasionally use for laptop
I guess that settles it, even though I've heard lots of good things about the MX Master
@MBraedley if you are worried about the wireless being laggy or something, that generally isn't an issue these days
No, I know they're not.
I wonder if I could expense one for work though...

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