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What are some games you would say handle it "unfairly"?
Nethack with the Medusa, if I'm remembering that correctly.
Ah, I haven't really played nethack so no clue on that one
Oh, you didn't know you had to be blind or equivalent before you entered this room? Game over.
also works: a potion of acid (IIRC)
I mean, Dark Souls has game overs you basically had no way of seeing coming
Like entering the new Londo fog gate without the Artorias ring or whatever
@twobugs Dark Souls also handles game overs differently than Nethack.
In Dark Souls, it has a whole system of respawning and recovering after you die.
True, I should have said deaths
@Dragonrage For what?
In nethack, if you game over, that's the end.
Start over.
However, I think that New Londo one in particular is bad
@twobugs I'm not familiar with that specific one.
IIRC there's also a point where you're in a room and some dragon just fills the floor with death spikes and there's nowhere to go, but I think you wake up in jail and that's just plot progression?
Once you enter this fog gate if you don't have a specific item that is not mentioned before hand you can't exit that room without dying
@StrixVaria Yes, correct. You can never recover those souls
@badp He could have looked around the corner.
Rushing forward to engage the obvious enemy, in Dark Souls, is something you learn early on is probably not a great idea.
There's also a specific part in Anor Londo where you're being shot by two archers but that part is just really stupid in general
@twobugs One thing I don't like about Dark Souls is that Transient Curse nonsense.
Like, what do you actually do if you run out of them?
Dunno, never had to deal with that thankfully
@twobugs I think you can, actually, if you survive to make your way back to that room
@murgatroid99 Really? I always heard otherwise since that is a forced story death. I'm curious now
It is a forced story death. But I'm pretty sure the room is still there, so you can go back and collect the souls
I never verified that, though, because I died well before I could have gotten back
Yeah, that would make sense if you could but it was hard
@StrixVaria "neeneer neeneer I tricked you again?"
I've read that you can't, but I've never seen anyone provide proof
@badp If the game demonstrates to you over and over that acting recklessly is a good way to get yourself killed, and then the player decides to act recklessly and gets himself killed, I don't consider that unfair.
so once you look around the corner what do you do? you still can't attack the hiding skeleton and shield yourself from the other one
Couldn't you make a similar argument about Nethack, though? (I'm not familiar with Nethack, but from my understanding you die a lot for varying reasons and it's about learning how to manage that)
@badp Retreat a bit, let the first skeleton chase you around the corner.
Nethack is randomly unfair. Dark Souls is designed unfair.
Or roll past both of them before he can push you off the cliff.
Or probably a bunch of other stuff, since the game is pretty open-ended.
@MadMAxJr We're talking about a specific spot in Nethack, though
The medusa
Woah, ankara is at 27F
A little lifehack for souls games is you can run past most enemies and it's actually way easier than fighting them
Particularly useful for areas like right before Bed of Chaos where they just copy-paste 1093287123142341 giant enemies
That reads like a kotaku review.
@badp Maybe don't use the heaviest, slowest weapon in the game
@badp inb4 android enthusists
(I don't have the game)
Congratulations, you are now a qualified kotaku journalist.
@MadMAxJr Don't insult @badp like that
The area from that gif has problems but it's funny, I never really noticed that one
I mean, you have holy weapons with do nothing aside from keep a few specific undead enemies from respawning
Immediately after fighting those enemies you're fighting more undead but they're weak to fire not holy, because reasons
this sounds suspiciously like a nonanswer gaming.stackexchange.com/a/252609/127901
@twobugs is this the part where you pick up brimstone and WHARGARBL
I'll go hunt for brimstone
This is also the part where it's extremely dark just so you have to go find a light
I just thought that part felt rushed and artificial
@badp the item hunt for that super rare devil item is one I'm not looking forward too.
@Arperum ugh
at least with the lost you have guaranteed devil rooms
Also, Lilith is not viable for filling greed machine anymore. She ended at 6%explosion chance last run
@badp highly likely
@murgatroid99 well it's the easiest one to get devil rooms with
Yea, first deal can be shit like chests or krampus. And then forever angelrooms
@Arperum You only get angel room precedent for refusing an actual devil deal
I'm pretty sure
@badp blue baby also never has issues with redheart damage
If I didn't know this was BoI talk I'd be really worried about you guys
As things are I'm only moderately worried
@murgatroid99 nope, krampus or chests also count. As long as it opened after the bossfight and you took no deal that costs hp
@twobugs It always takes me a minute because I don't and won't play BoI so I get confused
Taking an HP deal in a black market also gives devil precedence
@AshleyNunn Me too. Tried to get into a few times, it's not my thing. I just filter out the crazy vocabulary by now :)
@twobugs Yeah, it's one of those games that just doesn't click for me.
@Wipqozn Yes, I was.
I logged in once like three weeks ago.
It's cool when you're like "ugh I bet there's no function for this, let me go over the doc and then see what I have to do..." and then exactly what you want is in the doc
@Arperum but the deals aren't free. well some are but I can't be arsed to remember which ones
There's that one with the hollow star that costs 3 spirit hearts but gives you 6 black hearts
These Deals Ain't Free
That should be the theme of the next Steam Sale
out of curiosity, does anyone else have misophonia?
Why is Onionsan even here. Why did I make this character
@badp Abbadon. And I think every deal costs 3 soul hearts when you don't have red hearts
@murgatroid99 it's more obviously a good deal when you pay in spirit hearts anyway
Hopefully Toby doesn't become the new Notch. I'd hate to see that guy burn out.
@MadMAxJr it must be strangely depressing. You're 24 and you've made on your own what many respected people truly believe to be the best game of its year. How do you top that?
Is undertale literally your life now?
When you're 80 will you still be that Undertale guy?
Will you make more and disappoint people, or will you stop making and be sad that you can't make more?
Notch buckled under the pressure and angry mail he kept getting over the fact every patch he made people upset by fixing bugs that were used as features (and many others).
Toby is still mostly hiding behind a semi-anonymous wall and occasionally speaking out on his tweets.
I'm very curious what his next project is, but hopefully fans with enormous expectations don't murder him.
Today's update seems to have been rather... careful
And then he unveils Dog Solitare 2016.
If I ever make a smash hit indie game I'm going to have @GnomeSlice take the blame while I get all the $$$$
he still plans to ship the Japanese translation of Undertale
I like that he's condoning the translation work.
Auto Sports

Proposed Q&A site for people involved into auto sports (both amateur and professional)

Currently in definition.

Heyo All, Any WoWers in here?
I play WoW a lot, what's up?
I started and quit late last year. Thing is addictive.
I played a little like...4 years ago? Then I got frustrated because there is too much to keep track of. It's the same reason I don't play stuff like Diablo, or anything with a lot of stats and gear decisions.
I figured if in Warlords of Draenor, you are the quest giver, that means you've retired from adventuring and won.
That's really just a little mini-game they added
Anything major I should get from a Garrison before they go Poof?
I still have stuff to do /shrug
Nah, they'll be around for another ~6 months anyway
Next expansion is not in the immediate future sadly
Like is it even feasible to get the vanity pets in 6mo?
@MadMAxJr one of the main reasons he left was because people got really pissed when he made it explicit that you can't make money making minecraft mods
They will be taking garrisons out?
Yeah it says September
@James Yes, absolutely
I dont want to be trying to get stuff down at the wire :D
Getting to level 3 gives you a level 25 pet stone for free
I have a nice collection of vanity pets and would not mind getting a few more
You can get a lot of vanity pets leveled that way
Get barn to level 3 (requires grinding work orders at level 2) for an extra pet
I am looking for the pets themselves, not so much leveling
I also had to quit before I got sucked into WoW's not-pokemon subgame.
There are probably some good guides on Wowhead
(Why in my day pets didnt level, they just followed you around and were awesome)
I just liked the leveling because I never bothered with it before for the same reasons
I just like collecting useless things
But you need max level pets to do some of the new pet content
Was a bit annoyed when they suddenly had a use :D
@MadMAxJr They won't be going away, but they'll be staying on Draenor
Wonder if my Tyreal pet is worth while in the battles.
They're going to apply some of the lessons learned from Garrisons to the new Class halls\
Basically, there will be a lot more player interaction and they're dialing back the follower stuff
I just recall rolling Blood Elf and wandering the woods a bit wondering where the heck everyone was. Then I found out I'm in the one piece of content that hasn't seen updates in years and people don't typically quest there.
Sounds like heaven to me @MadMAxJr :D
That's the problem with a 10+ year old game
The one thing I hate about MMOs is all the people
And google is being annoying
Apparently there are pets for your Garrison .. which is getting me confused results in looking for pets from the garrison :D
@James so the one bit you hate about MMOs is the MMO bit?
@KevinvanderVelden Yes
@James i agree completely
So friggin annoying to get even 4 people to game with who are reliable and understanding let alone 20-30-50-100
Garrisons are neat because there's no randoms in your instance. You don't see other players till you go outside.
I have mixed feelings. I like the community interactions on principle but I think there are tons of problems in practice
For one, MMO communities are horrid
@twobugs Hehe, are there any game based communities that are not pissing grounds for tweens? :)
Two, other people in the area tends to just make things worse for everyone
@James not to mention it combines all the problems of IRL scheduling large amounts of people with IRL coordinating large amounts of people
Three, I hate everyone to begin with
Yeah, there is a reason I multi-box WoW :D
I do not want to get that deep into it again
Four, I don't want to party with Drwholover
i forget which game it was, but they partially solved a lot of the overpopulation problems by making it so that quest mobs spawned specifically for the player and were invisible to other players
But.. I may want to get a few of those vanity pets before they kerpoof
Some of my most frustrating moments are trying to do matchmade content and someone is either extremely stupid or extremely rude
If you're making an honest effort and having trouble, that's fine
Nothing grinds my gears more than someone messing up a really easy thing and then lecturing everyone else
@Ullallulloo You crazy kids
That was why I started multiboxing
So I could run instances... Alone.
Just Me, Myself, Me, Myself and I.
That's honestly a pretty good idea
Q: Buying used play station 4

joshhi guys i'm about to buy a used ps4 in an hour. what should i check in (software) or on (codes on the console) the console ? i just know it's 1216a 500GB

Was also funny to freak people out and then report em for harassment when they would say they were going to get me banned. :D
other than asking to see it turned on.....
check it's not banned I guess?
I raid which is mostly okay but also not okay sometimes
@djsmiley2k I don't think Sony does console bans
Q: Categorizing items/skills/gems as additive or multiplicative

swordedI was wondering if there was a site or resource that compiled all skills and items, and told you whether it was additive or multiplicative, or even a calculator site that allows you to find out the DPS of a specific skill. I'm trying to optimize a new build and couldn't figure out the mechanics ...

@twobugs yeah i wasn't sure
@twobugs reddit disagrees, but only in rare/extreme cases
Whoa, I'm at 63 consecutive days!
@twobugs Destiny? XD
@ardaozkal where do you view that again?
I've been on every day since.... well, 29th when I got canned :/
Found this :)
@ardaozkal im at 24
It is written here:
@ardaozkal yeah but where
ah tehre we go ty
Also you can click on it and see which days you missed etc
appently I wasn't here last thursday :D
Sad :(
@djsmiley2k Hah, applicable there too but I was mainly thinking WoW
@twobugs ah god yes
people doing things wrong in mmorpgs where you need to work togehter sucks
and you end up needing to build chara's that can solol
and then those same people moan at you for soloing and not joining in the 'team spirit' or something
What is ardaphys getting next? HINGES!
This one will be fun to mess with
To me it's more mind boggling in Destiny since all you do is shoot gun
There's no complex mechanics or rotations or abilities
Gun, Grenade, Melee, Super
Ok another WoW related question
It says Early Access to Demon Hunter Class...
Have they announced when that access happens?
From my understanding you'll get to play Demon Hunter one week before Legion releases
Granted, so will everyone else...
(Who preordered at least)
well yeah I didnt think they meant JUST me :D
And who knows
Maybe Ill be working at Blizzard by the time this releases
Yeah, I just mean it's going to be a trainwreck no matter what
Get me in on the friends and family alpha :P
I was just wondering if it meant Now :)
D3 or DD or NAP?
I've been meaning on applying to Blizzard, they seem like one of the few gaming companies that are actually fine to work for
@twobugs Valve too. You never get to develop a game!
Barbarian or Wizard?
@Sterno If that is a choice question, go with barb.
I picked Wizard, having a lot of fun. Barb has some good builds too
Im running a wizard and 3 crusaders
@twobugs A couple of people on my team used to work for Blizzard. From what I've heard, it doesn't sound too bad
There is ... a neat set of rings that I want to try out a build for with a crusader
Crusader is the other class I really wanted to try this season
But it sounds like seems like they have the bad coding practices that are kind of endemic to the industry
+500% damage for every ancient legendary you have equipped
That should be a huge amount of damage and pretty much let you build your own 'set'
Those definitely open up the door to some cool builds
Ive been gone a while
Are there different level of Plans you can learn?
Like if I learn a plan at level 20 did I mess it up?
Should I have waited until level 70?
There are different levels, I think the high level plans won't even drop before 70 though
Just open a few bounty caches and you'll be drowning in plans anyway
I guess I meant are there the same plans available for different level ranges
and if I get em too early did I screw it up?
And yeah, that is what I started doing last night
Yes and no
Took a newb crusader w/o gear out doing bounties..
Same plans for different level ranges. You can learn them anytime and not worry
Stopped when I was wearing mostly legendaries and level 35 ish :D
The special act materials you get from the caches are super useful. You can extract legendary powers using Kanai's cube
Ok so I can 'upgrade' the level later if I find em again?
Yeahhhhh Ive not even seen that cube thing as of yet
If you talk to Zoltan Kulle in town it should open up a waypoint there on the Act 3 map
@twobugs I wish they weren't useful, since I hate doing bounties.
hum de dum
back to kingdom hearts!
Is that what he wants me to do?
@StrixVaria Yeah, they're kind of annoying now
He drones on about not being really dead and how kewl it is to be him and I went off to do bounties instead :D
Killing Belial when you're level 3 is kind of fun
Especially since all the new bounties are like "kill a bunch of guys that are spread out around the map"
@Sterno Haha, I had to do it last night at level 18 :D
That was freaking hilarious.. I even went 'Are you effing kidding me!?'
But I did it
Just.. had to do it slow
Oh. He died super fast at level 3
Low level crusaders suck at single target damage
just stood still and frost beamed him
/me nods
incoming burner
Playing a wizard is cheating :)
OBS Twitch settings.
Opinion based, right?
@djsmiley2k Just set it up like how twitch asks you to set it up and it works fine
There are configuration guides
Jumping straight into bounties at level 1 is the most fun time to do them.
People who tweak their settings to get it Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuust right are idiots :)
I'd want to see the question first, though
You have no skills and no damage but you can still somehow manage.
Its streaming people, its not complicated and Twitch is going to encode anything you send them sooooooooooo your settings matter notta.
Oh okay, this is a bad question
Q: OBS Question -Streaming without ingame laags

Robihttp://www.speedtest.net/my-result/5014358707 CPU: i5-4590 GPU: GTX 970 Guys, can you say me the best obs settings so that I can stream without ingame laags? the quality can be worse.

ok they added the speedtest now XD
(I thought Germany had better internet than that)
Oooh I see what you are talking about now :D
Ok so recap: Nothing bad will happen if I learn plans when I find them @twobugs?? :)
Q: OBS Question -Streaming without ingame laags

Robihttp://www.speedtest.net/my-result/5014358707 CPU: i5-4590 GPU: GTX 970 Guys, can you say me the best obs settings so that I can stream without ingame laags? the quality can be worse.

@James Correct
No fear in D3
20 vanity pets to get in WoW
in 6-9 months
Cool, more lines of evidence for a 9th planet!
7 of which require 500 pet battles wins
> As part of our push to increase account security, you can no longer opt out of trade and Market confirmations. To complete a trade, trade offer, or Market listing, you'll need to confirm that action via a Steam email sent to [me]
Valve getting sick of scammers?
Glad I got my knife already :D
These D3 graphics are worse than I remember
It looked good to me
Check your sets?
I started the RoS content for the first time last night, thought it looked pretty nice.
Hinges Test 1: Destroying The Bridge.
@ardaozkal Hinges or Spring test?
Is it common behavior when listing an item worth at least $100 on the marketplace to get people not only trying to add you as a friend, but inviting you to group chat with a title asking to discuss the item?
@James both
Probably, and it's probably all bunk too
I had people spam me for TF2 items since I have a bunch of vintage things
@MadMAxJr Honestly, only if they want to negotiate a trade.. In which case you get into scam territory
If you put it for a price and want to sell it at that price then simply do not accept a trade
I had to make all my inventory and stuff private
I'm happy to let my unusual hat sit on the market and rot for all I care.
I just didn't think it would draw attention.
@twobugs this is a very good thing to do
I will admit Steam's two step authentication was not the greatest launch in the world
But, I have more value in my steam account than most accounts... its worth it working
hmm. The lower priced hats finally sold. Mine might actually see buyers in a month.
Go buy Unusual Ground Control hats so I can go buy a couple steam games for free. :P
.... No
I wish I could find some really expensive hat and then sell it and buy a bunch of cards
I'm not going to pay Real Money for cards though
wow, impressive twitch
Thumbs up
thumbs down since it only seems to suggest non-popular streams :s
Why is monstercat on twitch? They do music, not games?

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