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Spell his name right so he doesn't destroy you!
Q: For playing Skyrim, recommend a Nvidia 560 Ti or an ATI 6950

StoneFXI know this is a bit of a loaded question, but for playing Skyrim on 1920x1200, can you guys recommend the 560 Ti or 6950? I haven't seen too many benchmarks for these two cards on Skyrim specifically. Tom's Hardware recommends them both at the $250ish price range. I have a 4870 right now and th...

Q: Psn network error causes lose GT5 bonus

user674887I get a couple of seasonal or remote races in and then I get a random network error and am logged out of the PSN. When I loggin back to PSN, I've lost the % bonus for log to PSN. I've tried to restart the game but it has no effect. The solution is waiting for the next day to get the bonus bac...

Jon Skeet, Reading, United Kingdom
381k 94 1575 2802
Highest rep user on SO.
@John I know who Jon Skeet is, but who's John Skeet?
@Lazers That one could probably be even saved if it just asked if either Nvidia or ATI have an advantage in Skyrim, or?
@Wipqozn His brother.
@Wipqozn Actually, that's me.
> Activision says that sales of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 have surpassed $1 billion in just 16 days — a record that Avatar set in 17 days
13 mins ago, by Powerlord
> Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has exploded past James Cameron's 3D blockbuster, Avatar, to became the fastest entertainment offering of any kind to achieve $1bn in sales.
At any rate, two huge blockbusters I haven't played
way too mainstream!
@Powerlord Yeah, what he said. Conga-rats and all that.
@badp Nor I. I also have no intention to.

Proposed Q&A site for people who don't have time for questions from common riff-raff.

Currently in definition.

Cal of Duty doesn't interest me at all, and I've already see Dances with Wolves, so I don't see the point in watching Avatar.
@John I love how that still hasn't been deleted.
I thought @TimStone said A51 has no API. Why does that get oneboxed then?
@Wipqozn The "I Quit!" "discussion" hasn't even been closed yet. :D
The best part is how TomWijs seems to be taking the proposal seriously.
Oh, it was closed.
I blame @John
@RonanForman I like the way you think.
@John Internal API? I dunno
Also, @bwarner, your next match is ready. With @ArdaXi.
I think I pinged you in the meta, not sure.
Q: How to run Bully : Scholarship Edition in ubuntu?

AlaukikCan someone give a step-by-step tutorial on how to run it under wine ?

@Wipqozn Ah yes, I keep forgetting to send the invite. I'll try to do it tonight. Don't worry, once it starts, I should be demolished in short order.
@AnnaLear It doesn't surprise me in the least that your lots wouldn't be invited to such a proposal
@badp She has a cat though, that alone should warrant an invite. Cats are the most elitist elitists around. Trust me, I have two cats, so I know this stuff.
(It also goes without saying that my lots weren't invited either.)
@bwarner Leave the being demolished to me.
@Wipqozn Citation needed. My cat's fairly inclusive.
@badp I dunno... if you look at Programmers meta, you'd think I'd be not only in the first round of invites, but that they'd roll out the red carpet for me.
She's quite the social being actually.
My cats are so hipster they're underground.
@badp Pish. New money.
@badp Congratulations, you have a mutant cat.
@AnnaLear You're a SO mod though. SO is the most popular site. Far too mainstream for an elitist.
@RonanForman Sheesh that was starred? :(
@Wipqozn You're replying to the wrong person
@badp No I'm not. You're crazy badp.
@John Every insult gets starred here.
@badp If they have one of those, why don't they use it to onebox A51 discussions?
@AnnaLear Nah, more like sadistic. She allows other cats to enter her garden so that they can watch in envy her being in the warm inside
@RonanForman Fine then. I hate you.
Especially if it's also out of context.
No star yet...
@John I got another star.
@John That's because we hate you, and don't wish to star it.
@badp Exactly. New money.
@RonanForman You don't count.
@John Hate is not an insult. Not from you, anyway.
@ArdaXi I'm not sure I understand what you mean by that
@Wipqozn But you just said yesterday how nice I am!
@John I was lying.
@ArdaXi How about despise?
@John Again, not from you.
@Wipqozn About saying that you hate me? Good.
@ArdaXi Is there any way I can be insulting‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽
@John You? No.
@John your abuse of punctuation insults my eyes
@John +1 for interrobang.
@John Nobody takes you seriously anyway.
@badp Abuse‽‽‽‽ THIS‽ IS‽ SPAAAAARTAAAAAA‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽
@ArdaXi ‽‽‽‽
@badp Now your just bein mean
Interrobangs are fun.
Far too fun for @badp to understand, obviously...
@ArdaXi This.
@bwarner twitch you're*
@Wipqozn Oops... ;-)
@bwarner Indeed. My grammar is far from perfect, but I do have a few pet peeves. your/you're is one of them.
@ArdaXi @Wipqozn You guys are meeeeeeeeeeaaaannn. )))))))))))))))))))))):
@John Thank you! :)
I concur.
play -n -c2 -d synth whitenoise lowpass -2 120 lowpass -2 120 lowpass -2 120 gain +14
Oh well. At least I have this nice snowman that keeps appearing to cheer me up. :)
So relaxing.
@Wipqozn That was the point
@ArdaXi Would try it, but I'm too lazy to type sudo apt-get install sox.
@bwarner I assumed.
@John Is snowman slang for LSD?
@Wipqozn I'm afraid to Google "LSD".
But I'm assuming you just insulted me again.
Whooshes @Wipqozn away
@John Probably a good idea if you're at work.
@John It's a drug.
@John We almost have the full cast now. All the ghosts are present, too.
@AnnaLear Wait, how did I end up married to you? :P
@John You picked "Bob Cratchit" for your username. :P I beat you to that meme by hours. ;)
But yeah. This is a bit awkward... >.>
@AnnaLear I had it picked out last night, actually. ;)
@John Now it sounds like you're coming onto her.
@John Well, gee, this is almost like wearing the same thing to a party. ;)
@Wipqozn Yikes, that was one badly needed edit...
@bwarner Indeed.
@AnnaLear Only much more awesome. Because we're awesome. ;)
@John Yeah, we'll go with that. =)
....I have no idea what is going on, so I will just settle with the fact that you people are a little strange. ;)
Still no sign of @Brett White. He isn't getting to enjoy the fruits of all his labors.
@AnnaLear Come to think of it, there aren't really any other girls in that story, are there?
@John Yes there are.
@Wipqozn I think that is because you get people like me who take forever to complete the story and would never go for everything.
@AshleyNunn Me and @AnnaLear got married. On Meta.Stackoverflow.
@John Congratulations? throws rice and confetti :P
It looks like we might actually level out above 50k views per day. Compared to around 20k just a few months ago.
@AshleyNunn No thanks, that just gets in my hair. ;)
@AshleyNunn Great, now all the birds are going to eat the rice and die.
@bwarner sadface retracts the rice
literally wearing the same thing to a party would be awkward, as well as impact mobility.
@DavidB Um, I don't think that's quite what she meant, but yeah, that would be far more awkward. >.>
@DavidB That depends entirely on what you're wearing.
@DavidB Unless its one of those two-person horse costumes or something
@DavidB Or a "people riding a roller coaster" costume? coolest-homemade-costumes.com/images/…
@Wipqozn Actually no. If I had picked that out after I knew what her name was, then yes, but since I didn't, it doesn't.
@AshleyNunn How do they move?
@AshleyNunn that's not awkward, I stand corrected.
@John I think the sitting legs are fake ones.
@AshleyNunn Or it's built on top of an epic wheelchair
Found the instructions for it: coolest-homemade-costumes.com/…
user image
I am tired today
I blame you, internet.
all of you, at once.
@agent86 You're welcome.
okay whoa, suddenly the little icon for "your name has been mentioned" is a snowman
all is forgiven, internet, and thanks for the snowman.
39 mins ago, by John
Hah! Snowmen notifications! :D
I can't be bothered to read things before I post! where have you been, this is the internet!
@Wipqozn I don't get it.
@agent86 I don't get that either. Downvotes
@BobCratchit well, now I'm going to make an angry post on meta about the proper reasons for downvoting. and if you downvote that, I'll threaten to come to your house and beat you with a baseball bat. but we both know that won't happen because this is the internet and I'm just a scrawny nerd with wet noodles for arms.
@agent86 And my house has no heat, so you wouldn't like it here. @RonanForman's dad, Scrooge, does not pay much.
@BobCratchit have you considered downvoting your boss?
@agent86 Downvoting Scrooge‽
Hi @Mana.
@Mana :D
Q: Is there any quick way to tell whether I own a different version of the same game on Steam?

Matthew ReadI have way too many Steam games. As a result I don't always remember which ones I have when browsing their fantastical sales, and more than once I've tried to check out only to have it warn me that I already own the game and am wasting my time. Recently I noticed that on the game pages they now...

6 mins ago, by Bob Cratchit
39 mins ago, by John
Hah! Snowmen notifications! :D
this is the internet! you should read all of it before posting something new.
@agent86 Oooh! A quote of me quoting myself!
@agent86 I did!
+1 for recursion.
I just wanted to comment on it myself.
7 mins ago, by Bob Cratchit
39 mins ago, by John
Hah! Snowmen notifications! :D
There. Now quote that.
@Mana sigh, I forgot about the "I did that on purpose" defense.
@BobCratchit No let's not start this again.
@Mana But why not?
Start what, actually? Did @Wipqozn and @ArdaXi get into a quote war?
@Mana Snowmen make you angry‽
Don't make @Mana angry. You wouldn't like him when he's angry.
insert coin
@Shads0 inserts coin Now what, do we get to throw hadokens?
@Bob Becuase technically I'm Scrooge too, so I'll make you work on Christmas, and then get visited by ghosts.
@AnnaLear @Mana already screams all the time.
@BobCratchit Pardon?
On the internet, noone can hear you scream.
@agent86 type in just 'insert coin'
Unless you're on Skype or something.
I finally understand why @Mana is always screaming. He's yelling at snowmen.
@BobCratchit No. GnomeSlice had this habit of quoting himself saying "No one stars anything I post."
@Wipqozn You. Heard. Me.
@RonanForman Yadda yadda nobody likes you.
Something like that?
and then quoting himself saying that
@Mana Oh ok. I would hate to be like Gnome!
No one posts anything I star.
and so on until it got to the point where it filled more than three/fourths of the screen
@ArdaXi Have you seriously never read A Christmas Carol?
@BobCratchit ...of course I have.
@RonanForman As long as we're working on Minecraft, I'm ok with that.
@ArdaXi Then what does it have to do with
1 min ago, by Arda Xi
@RonanForman Yadda yadda nobody likes you.
I prefer the muppet version.
@RonanForman ...
Oooh... the reply thingy is a snowman now? I really should refresh more often. /slowpoke
@BobCratchit I was doing the short version.
@ArdaXi Riiiight....
also, o.O
@tombull89 That's already on the star list twice.
But thanks for mentioning that. =)
@Bob The muppet version of a Christmas Carol, where you're played by kermit.
hey, did you hear about this free game on GoG?
awww just once on mine
Also, anyone curious about my name can go upvote me here.
also yellow snowman?
don't eat the yellow snow -_-
@BobCratchit I'll pass thank you
@badp :( Spoilsport. You could be "That boy who runs to get a turkey at the end"!
which reminds me, today's steam deal is live, and it's 75% off Force Unleashed 2. don't forget to log in and get entered to win the wishlist giveaway.
@tombull89 Great....hadn't noticed that until you mentioned it...
@RonanForman So what you're saying is that I should change my GSE name to Kermit?
I feel the urge to change my name to Kazran Sardick.
@ArdaXi Christmas, not Doctor Who.
I should change my name to ChrisF while it's no being used...
@BobCratchit What is the name of the episode starring Mr. Sardick?
@RonanForman You should also change your gravatat, it'll make the confusion perfect
@RonanForman this. Very much so this.
@agent86 Ew
Also, I'm not against funny titles but this one's kind of useless when it comes to describing what the question is actually about
Q: May I call you Brian?

ccoakleyPrior to the 1.1 release, my friends and I always referred to the guide as Brian. When we generated our new world, the guide had a name: Trent. This was sub-optimal, but we didn't try to do anything about it. Later, Trent had an unfortunate accident involving a lot of lava. A new guide appeared:...

@FallenAngelEyes I concur.
ahahaha @ snowman
@BobCratchit Why not combine the two?
mmm, doctor who christmas special.
Welcome to BACON101 Principles of Baconomics.
Also, Girl Genius = best webcomic ever.
So, what is this about you getting snowmen notifications @John?
@Wipqozn It's a snowman!
@FallenAngelEyes Oh, now I get it. I had to refresh.
that's pretty awesome
Someone should ping me.
Q: What is veteran status, and how do you get it?

IsaacI noticed that in my battlelog (listed below my platoons) I have a veteran status for BF3 and BattleField Play 4 Free. What BF games qualify for veteran status? How do I set up these games so the veteran status is shown on my battlelog? What does being a veteran do for me?

Q: Which enchants are worth the most?

victoriahIn terms of gold return. If I'm levelling enchanting by enchanting iron daggers, which enchant gives the dagger the most value? Assuming I'm using just petty/lesser souls.

I'm still not sure what people are talking about.
@Powerlord refresh the chat
@Powerlord the little yellow number that shows you've been talked about in chat is now a snowman, in celebration of non-denominational winter celebrations everywhere
this snowman icon business is clearly anti-florida :(
@BobCratchit Too long
@DavidB Do you live in Florida, and are feeling discriminated against?
@Wipqozn and on top of it, I don't see the snowman. It's just a 1 in a square box with a yellow border
@DavidB IE7? BAN!!!
I like to use browsers that offend web devs.
@DavidB IE6?
@DavidB You don't get to see the snowman though.
It says IE8
No snowman for you, mr. fancy pants!
@DavidB That's probably worse. IE8 is a slow, unusable piece of shit. Go get IE9 right this second. It's so much better
Oh look at that. I am a very bad person.
Who is this "Kazran" guy? Probably an Arda Xi impostor! BAN!!!
"Of course, we are sure that you didn't violate any laws of the Netherlands and downloaded only legal stuff, right?"
I have IE9 at home, but I don't like where it puts the favorites button (on the right, then pin it and the window goes back on the left).
I could download copyrighted material and still not violate any Dutch laws.
I should probably get a winter themed alot
I should probably get a winter-themed Spy.
Perhaps an alot of snow? or an alow with a santa hat?
I wonder what new stuff will be added to TF2 on Thursday... or will it be the week after that?
eyes the Naughty/Nice Winter Crates
I wonder how the new crates will work. Last year, they only contained new items, but this year, crates drop Strange versions of the weapons they drop rather than standard versions.
As a note we have a duplicate question someone should have a look at:
Q: How can I start the Blood on the Ice quest?

RachelI am currently part of the Stormcloaks and just finished Rescue from Fort Neugard. The Jarl wants to make me a thane and is telling me to buy a house, but his steward is telling me the house is unavailable due to some unpleasantness. I have already completed the 5 quests to help people of Eastmar...

Q: How do I find the murdered woman in Windhelm?

OverTheTop7223This answer indicates that if the steward in Windhelm won't sell me the house or give me the quest to find the murderer, then I can start it by finding a body in the graveyard and talking to the guard. I've visited the graveyard at night, but I can't find the body or the guard. What should I do...

36 mins ago, by Bob Cratchit
7 mins ago, by Bob Cratchit
39 mins ago, by John
Hah! Snowmen notifications! :D
36 mins ago, by Bob Cratchit
7 mins ago, by Bob Cratchit
39 mins ago, by John
Hah! Snowmen notifications! :D
I think the newer question is better written, can we merge the old question into the new?
@Canageek I'll trust you on that
@RonanForman Actually it's still being used on GSE, just not on MSO. Unless you want to do it on MSO? Anyway, SE has no requirement that names have to be unique.
How else would anyone get a name like John?
@badp Oh, you merged the opposite way. shrug As longs as the answers work.
@KazranSardick I don't get it.
@KazranSardick Very true. I'm run into a lot of trouble with that.
@Powerlord Whovians will.
And I wasn't just checking to see if changing my name on SO changed it here as well.
@Powerlord Only if you change your active user.
@Powerlord Your chat user maintains the name of your chat parent user.
@RonanForman I'm going to haunt your dad, btw.
@Powerlord You're supposed to do it on MSO! Then I could include you in the meme post! :D
@BobCratchit You think I didn't do it on MSO too? :D
Besides, I already edited your MSO post!
@Powerlord Oh there you are.
> Powerlord - Jacob Marley
@Powerlord Very good. I approve. :)
Although... do they ever refer to his first name?
@Powerlord I think so...
@Powerlord Ouch. Look back at the meme post.
You were totally sniped.
@BobCratchit I did it on MSO too, but I never use MSO.
@KazranSardick I think I would get downvoted if I added a user named after a Doctor Who character...
You do realise that Kazran is the name of the protagonist of Doctor Who's Christmas Carol parody, right?
@BobCratchit He added himself after I added myself, and bumped me down. >:/
"A Christmas Carol" is an episode of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It is the sixth Doctor Who Christmas Special since the programme's revival in 2005, and was broadcast on 25 December 2010 on both BBC One and BBC America, making it the first episode to premiere on the same day in both the United Kingdom and United States. It was broadcast on 26 December 2010 on ABC1 in Australia and on Space in Canada. It is also the first Christmas episode not to feature any scenes taking place in London. The episode features the acting debut of Welsh singer Katherine Jenkin...
@Powerlord I saw.
@KazranSardick Yes, I do (only after Googling), but I don't think it would come over very well. MSO is a very, very, very, harsh place.
Which is why
2 mins ago, by Kazran Sardick
@BobCratchit I did it on MSO too, but I never use MSO.
Q: When do Snow Golems despawn in Minecraft?

Kevin ReidLong ago, I created a large batch of snow golems and let them wander. I don't see them any more. Recently, a boxed snow golem in my home vanished. I thought they lasted forever, but apparently not. When exactly do snow golems despawn? The only discusssion of despawning I could find on Minecraft...

I hear that @balpha is stalking us.
feigns death
@Powerlord Link?
@BobCratchit I can't link to someone joining the chat. :P
@Powerlord Well then did he just come and leave? I looked before posting that, and I didn't (and still don't) see him.
@Wipqozn ಠ_ಠ
@BobCratchit He's still here.
I was waiting for someone to try to make that "joke".
@Wipqozn @balpha still doesn't show up for me. His name doesn't autocomplete either. OMG! He really is spying on us!
@Wipqozn While we're on that topic, who's that?
@BobCratchit 4th icon from the left on my chat participants.
@Powerlord refresh the page, he will vanish.
Second from the left, now.
@balpha Whoa. He just appeared. No floating in or anything.
Just, BAM!
struck by panic, bans @gnomeslice
@BobCratchit That would be.... your mother!
@badp Wait, you were serious? News flash folks: Gaming mods now officially ban people to make jokes.
lol @ ChrisF changing his name to Scrooge
It's a big red panic button. I HAD TO PRESS IT.
@FallenAngelEyes He's not the only one
A: The Many Memes of Meta

Bob CratchitMeme: A Stackoverflow Carol Originator: Tim Post Cultural Height: Christmas About: One day near Christmas, Tim Post decided to change his name to Tiny Tim, a character from Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol. That prompted other users to change their names to other characters from it, includi...

@BobCratchit I'm not being serious you dumbbuck
thank you for making me saying that
now you ruined it.
@badp Wow one letter from being flagged. Anyway, I wasn't serious either, you swinehund. I was making another joke. You're the one that ruined both of them.
salvages some humor from the broken jokes
Ok, who is this guy?
What did his name used to be?
Also, anyone else find it odd that Santa has an account only on MSO?
Q: How do I get the Ride the Wind achievement?

lunboksI distinctly remember Bastion having 20 Steam achievements, because it's a nice even number, and I had them all. Now, however, there are 21, the new one being Ride the Wind, with no explanation text whatsoever: How do I unlock that? I want it.

Q: Spawning Eater of Worlds in an Artificial Environment

rlb.usaI'd like to build an Eater of Worlds arena but I'm confused at what his summon requirements are. I see some arenas built entirely of wood. The wiki vaguely references corrupted dirt (how much?) and ebonstone (200+).

Q: Multiplayer console games that aren't FPSs?

Omar KoohejiI'm not a big fan of FPS games, but I like playing multi-player games with my girlfriend, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestion for good multi-player games that weren't first person shooters. I'm mainling looking for games we can play CO-OP through a story mode or campaign.

@BobCratchit Possibly he unlinked his accounts.
Oh I guess linking accounts would give it away.
Q: Why are *-rec questions closed as off-topic instead of not constructive?

Nick TThe close reason that a new user sees for an off-topic question is: Questions on Gaming - Stack Exchange are expected to generally relate to gaming, within the scope defined in the faq. Why isn't not constructive used? This question is not a good fit to our Q&A format. We expect ans...

@Lazers vtc, game-rec
@Powerlord Based off his edit to the meme post, he doesn't want anyone to know who he is, so that's why I must find out who he is.
@Powerlord I still think that the "off-topic" close reason for *-rec is a bit obtuse for someone not versed in Gaming.SE politics
@Powerlord Closed 9 seconds ago.
@NickT Not Constructive would be a better choice
well, I'm certainly surprised that my choice of words caused a comment storm there.
did not realize what pile of dung I was stepping in
@agent86 For those of us who have no idea what you're talking about...
plus it just looks bad to people when we squabble over minutia
@Lazers @powerlord
Oh, well, Gaming is blocked where I work.
oh. I said "game rec is off topic" and then there were about 5 comments about whether or not "off-topic" was the correct thing to say there.
or if perhaps "not constructive" is a better reason
personally: 0 craps given

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