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01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

stupid civ 5
and not being as good as FFH
Well, now I guess I'll have to try FFH
this is the first I've heard of it
(hangs n00b sign around neck)
Although I guess I've always felt that the Civ series has really been about small, incremental improvements. At $50 a pop. I don't buy the latest Civ expecting wild and sweeping changes.
:4103 Civ V's changes were pretty wild and sweeping tbqh
well, I haven't played a lot, but from what I've seen - no more stacks, city states, embarkation, and differently shaped tiles. But you're still building cities, building units, and working toward essentially the same victory conditions.
I feel like they seem bigger just because so little changed between other versions
I just got done playing Civ 5
and those are tiny changes
City States are cool, but its must more civilizations (bad ones)
lack of stacking is more annoying than anything
hex you adapt to almost instantly
FFH brought in 3 amazing changes to Civ 4:
1) Religion
religion became its own tech tree
it had its own improvements and unique units
and was an alternative to just teching to guns, I felt like I had a choice
2) Magic
like religion magic was its own tech tree and an alternative to traditional tech
additionally, you had promotions which gave abilities to your units
while FFH had better promotions as a whole, abilities really make certain units precious
3) armageddon counter
this was really the biggest one, although it felt like the smallest
it completely cleaned up late game
FFH also leveraged these very well by making certain civilizations more attuned to different branches, etc
Like Gregori couldn't go religion but were master mages
there were also win conditions for magic/religion/nature (another alternative)
And you could summon other civilizations down certain pathes
that sounds like fun
it really took the game to the next level
even just having multiple tech tree branches was a game changer
also, tzenes, I appreciate how even your chat responses come in long, neatly ordered lists
haha, I'd organize them better if I could, but markdown doesn't really support nice lists on here
mostly because of the character limit
btw, if you like SC2 livestream.com/yellowsnow
right now this stream is featuring some of the best play I've seen since Broodwars
game 1 was epic
marine + scv vs drone + 2 ling to establish a bunker
Wow, double progged, drop + viking, I could never play this well
hehe, I caught the end of that
I don't think there was much master asia could have done differently
I don't have enough experience to tell what strategies are extremely difficult or creative, but I do love watching starcraft
that was difficult
I think one of the things Blizzard should have done better was support for built-in 'casting
drops or even drops + viking isn't unusual, but that execution was perfect
didn't one of the Command and Conquor games have built-in casting support? I remember reading something about that
there is some auto casting in SC2
I'm so demoralized watching this
I'll never be as good as Masterasia and he's getting his ass handed to him
every time he says turrents I crack up
well, that was a fun series
2 hours later…
sick sick sick
3 hours later…
glad to see the early hours of my day are showing great questions on the horizon
I hit 3k on MSO today
Might as well hit it on Gaming too.
Nice. I'm still aiming for 2k EXP on gaming.
Morning all
How goes it?
early. lessons. need. sleep. three. hours. hole. in. schedule.
lmao @ graph
5 hours later…
2 hours later…
So there is some guy who is going through and tagging all the SC2 questions by race
and I think this is ok
but I want some quick feedback
I guess it is
just, how much easier does it make to search for zerg questions?
I guess a lot easier if you only care about zerg
/me waves
we were just talking about your retagging
I don't really see anything wrong with it, but are there people who want just Zerg questions?
well, I was actually browsing the protoss tag myself earlier, which inspired the retagging spree
I only tagged the stuff that was clearly only related to one race, not the "how do I deal with X as Y?" ones
ok, I can definitely see how those would be useful, especially to people who only play one race
yeah, there weren't that many. I'm done now actually.
I figured somebody would notice the front page flood, so I mentioned what I was doing in the community policing room
yeah, I joined here first and then saw you in the policing room
I can see for the: Zerg help questions, having them tagged Zerg is useful
I was thinking the same thing, but I didn't want to get into that without discussing it first
ok, cool
and actually, I'll probably just leave them alone for now
it'd be too easy for every sc2 question to be tagged [protoss] [zerg] [terran] otherwise :p
we'll see how it goes for now, if someone has an objection we can start a meta question
yeah, I think we just have to reserve the race tags for race-specific questions
certainly that's the easiest decision to make, I think we should wait on "How do I deal with X as Y" until there is a desire for them. I could see how its useful but I have a tendency to fix problems we don't have
yeah, I would be much more tentative about a "protoss-vs-zerg" tag, or something like that...
Hmm I see I missed the editing spree discussion
well a PvZ tag might be useful if we're at 3000 SC2 questions, but I think that 300, its overkill
I agree
its like the difference between [linq] and [linq-to-sql]
or even [c#] to [linq]
well, I'm glad we all agree. At least until some one comes along and dismantles our group think.
in other news did anyone else catch Hink vs Masterasia last night?
You're all fools! These are terrible retaggings!
oh, go back to your game-recs you game-rec lover
I highly recommend game 1, best SC2 game I've seen played
I watched everything except the first game and part of the second
Oh you played it?
@Oak no, I'm not that good
oh oh
I've missed the "seen" word :)
Anyway, that sounds promising, but I'm not sure I understand what is "Game 1"
its the first game between Hink and MasterAsia
just the level of control
and Masterasia plays flawlessly
Hink plays amazing too, but he makes 2 slight mistakes
he lets his banshees get caught on two occasions and this game was so close I think that cost him
Well, a recommendation like "best SC2 game I've seen played" is hard to dismiss, I'll go watch it
yeah, its jaw dropping
like that initial bunker rush... and then MA's response
its like I'm watching Flash vs JD
well, Flash would never bunker rush, but that's really beside the point
ok ok stop with the spoilers, I'm going I'm going
I'm leaving gaming.SE moderation in your hands :) bye!
Is there a vod somewhere? I'm at work. :(
Not that I'd do something as not-work-related as watch SC2 matches.
let me check
they were streaming so there might be
sorry I couldn't find one
I might try to make one tonight if I have time
Hmm, I'm getting a black screen when trying to open it
A black screen with a sc2 cursor :\
did you update to the latest version?
1.1 came out last week
I mean it updates by itself, and I definitely remember it updating. Twice even, which was strange
did you update to 1.1 or did you go straight to 1.1.1
so those replays were made before 1.1.1 came out last night
And I can't watch them then?
I thought SC2 was always backwards compatible when it came to replays
only if you updated to that version
there are some "direct" updates which skip versions
so if you went straight from 1.0 to 1.1.1, skipping 1.1.0, you won't have that version and can't watch replays from it?
This is probably the best SCII game I've seen yet, if only because... fuckin' nukes. gomtv.net/videos/1114/0
Oh fuck this.
haha, TLO
he gets off 3 of them that game
:4268 essentially, I don't know if the downloader lets you skip 1.1 on the way to 1.1.1, but I do know this happened to people going from 1.0.1 to 1.0.3 and they missed 1.0.2
@tzenes maybe it's a scheme to get rep. You give me an incredibly warm recommendation for a game, knowing that I'll try to download it, then get a black screen, then ask a gaming.se question and then you'll answer it. Devious. But ingenious!
AND you even snuck the link to the series in question to your answer. Hat's off.
also @tzenes I didn't understand the question in your comment. I just tried two replays from that series, and another replay from 2 hours ago (which worked).
The world, it has just become a bit more perfect
:4277 follow the link in my comment and there is a list of 18 replays all from the same patch
:4278 great game btw
:4281 The Best Game.
@tzenes you mean, you suggest I give a few more a try?
@less you should write an article about it for the blag
@oak yeah
objectively and indisputably. If someone asked "What is the Best Game Ever" on gaming.se, we wouldn't have to close it as Subjective, because someone could just post "Planescape Torment" and they would be right.
also my current scheme right now is to convince people to play FFH2 instead of Civ 5
somebody should make a tag synonym request for [planescape-torment] and [best-game-ever]
Failed to propose synonym: 

The suggested tag must exist in the system before suggesting it as a synonym!
do I dare go so far as to retag a random planescape question in order to make the synonym...
tag something, [best-game-ever], propose the synonym, delete the tag, ???, profit!
speaking of the blag, how do I go about getting access or submitting an article?
I guess I shouldn't worry about ever not having enough clean-up work to do, with users like you guys
A: Can I buy a copy of Planescape Torment digitally from anywhere these days?

LessPop_MoreFizzAs of today (9/28/2010), Planescape Torment is availiable from Good Ol' Games, for the low low price of $9.99, complete with some fun new bonus material.

:4293 do you have a wordpress account?
@less ???
:4299 Oh, looks like it didn't work. :(
I do not
@sjohnston that would be a good place to start
I tagged the question best-game-ever, proposed synonym, deleted tag, and it deleted my synonym proposal. :(
I need the email associated with it to give you access
Actually your synonym proposal worked.
either that, or we were foiled by @oak
interesting, it seems the wordpress signup link is broken
You should have found somewhere more discreet to discuss that, honestly
oh wait, it's just the ridiculous web filter here at work, partially breaking webpages...
go go gadget smartphone
Wow, I never would have thought of that. I guess my first try would be to go search for proxies
:4314 ditto
@tzenes geek high-five :)
@tzenes email is [email protected]
sent btw
@Less do you want to get in on this?
Hey cool I reached Arda (almost!)
Never thought that day will come
He's probably on vacation or something
or in school...
Site first Necromancer badge, woop woop.
@tzenes in on what, the blog?
If so, yeah, sure, but I'll need to dig up my wordpress info, so I'll ping you later about it.
Hi guys.
lol at favourites.
You startled the Grace,
It seems like lately I've been seeing a lot more new users appearing on the front page. Feels like we're starting to attract more people from outside the SO fold.
not sure if that's empirically true or not, but it's the feeling I get
I've been a bit busy lately, writing a loong blog post. It got me 6k blog views! :)
Does anyone happen to have the link to that graph that shows all the SE 2.0 sites' traffic?
Nevermind, found it. sagg.column80.com/flot.php
egad, it's getting crowded
:4342 Welcome to the world of Infographics
data porn is insidious. Showing just enough data is sexy, showing too much data is a gynecology lesson.. NOT sexy.
That page's buttons confuse me so much, those blue button totally seem buttons, rather than current states. They even change on hover. WTF.
my main concern is that after about 5 colors, they start to become indistinguishable
is that line gaming, or stats? Is it webapps or photography
Wow, how have I not seen column80 before? Who wouldn't want to view SE sites in plain text?
:4349 Those who want to, yknow, contribute to it
reminds me of a custom stylesheet I made for a wiki once based on netscape 2.0
since netscape 2 didn't support forms, it had "option,input{display: none}"
I guess some people didn't appreciate that.
(I suppose it could have been related to the fact that they couldn't edit their profile to disable the custom stylesheet, but what else did they expect from the netscape 2 experience?)
A web browser that doesn't support forms?
Depressing :/
Hey, there was some interactivity. We had the blink tag back then.
hooray for blink
'Schrödinger's cat is <blink>not</blink> dead.'
7 days, 23 hours to go
still nothing new on the domain name stuff?
:4363 I know, but sighing won't get us a choice
the sigh was because it's depressing that we can't come up with an awesome name
After 83 days of trying
I guess it's just that
there are a few that make me feel meh, but nothing that jumps out as "YES, THIS DESCRIBES US TO A TEE"
anyone keeping up with the web design beta? Did they come up with a great name?
I wish I found the message that said: gaming is huge on the net, it's kinda late in 2010 to jump on the bandwagon when registering throwaway domains is just that easy
Say, is there any official word on whether the rep requirements are going to be un-relaxed on day 1, or if they'll continue to be low for a while longer?
:4372 I want rep requirements to be final once we go live
we're actually well shaped on this regard actually
Q: What happens to beta SE sites that do not have enough high rep users?

radpTake Web Apps, which will have its progress "evaluated" in a mere 5 days. Reputation Users Notes ───────────────────────────────────────────────────── Diamonds 9 with at least 102 rep 3,000+ 0 non diamonds - closest at 2,826 2,000+ 3 non diamonds 1,000+ (17)...

I'd like to at least have 3k by then, so I can vote on closure, but I don't know if I'll manage it
hey @badp just wondering about this...
why no "honor" tag?
Hey Cawas
If I understand right, I guess honor is just WoWspeak for experience?
not really, its more for gold
> I get to see people gaining up to 7000 exp
> What are those people doing different? How do they get that much extra honor points?
but what about wow-honor then?
yeah, I said it wrong, lol... it's about nothing to do with exp.
I just don't see the value in having a wow-honor tag when you can search for questions that have both world-of-warcraft and experience tags
okay, so it's not exp
I don't play WoW, I just based myself on your question :)
:4387 Feel free to fix both the "exp" and the tag then.
but what tag should I add?
since honor doesn't say much about other games...
currency maybe...
Are battles the only way to acquire honor? Then it's more like loot.
Can you sell honor for items? Then it's more like ingame-currency
I think honor would be an acceptable tag. I could see other WoW questions utilizing it
honor is the pvp currency
not really, but mostly. you trade honor points for items used in pvp. you get them elsewhere, but in considerable ammounts they mostly come from BGs and maybe arenas - i duno.
:4398 er, and what do you spend it on?
pvp items
I guess you could tag it pvp?
(unless there's an existing consensus that we don't want that)
Note to self: fix the money tag to distinguish ingame money from real money (or just bring the issue up in meta)
badp that's harsh one
"pvp" seems reasonable to me, as does "honor". "Currency" or "money" doesn't seem so useful, as I doubt anyone searching for a question about honor would use those terms
:4406 you mean add different tags to in game and real money, maybe?
To be honest, @Cawas, we still have to figure out how to properly tag questions
We mainly use game tagging, which Jeff hates
:4409 agree, but honor doesnt say much about other games... and also no idea why no battleground tag, but that doesn't say all that much about the question, tho it's related....
We tried genre tagging, but some games don't fit in just one
ah im just too confused right now! XD
@cawas even if "honor" doesn't apply to other games, that doesn't mean it's not useful.
We tried platform tagging, but what about questions that aren't about a specific platform?
I'm not even sure what tags are used for, I sure dont use them.
And well, what kind of tags are left?
I guess minmaxing could be okayish but only 2 questions use it
@cawas narrowing searches and front-page inclusion/exclusion are the main use-cases for tags
I tend to think of tags in terms of related questions
Yeah, but how do you find classes of questions?
@badp in such a starting community, should number of tags be considered to filter out?
i.e., if I were the "related questions" algorithm, what tags would help me find questions that are actually related?
TBQH, I'm of the opinion that game-tags are very close to the only truly useful tags we have.
(I have no idea if that algorithm actually does make use of tags or not, that's just how I imagine it)
:4421 for searches I cant use tags even on superuser or stackoverflow, because they are a mess
SuperUser tagging is just ugly
try to tag a question about removing files.
on SO, I would think most questions at least get the freebie "what language am I using" tag. Granted, even that doesn't apply to everything
even cuz languages have their many dialects
well, I tend to think of tag as key-wording... I think that'd make it simpler, but questions have limited tag numbers, so I never really could understand it.
A: What happens to beta SE sites that do not have enough high rep users?

tzenesIf you think a beta site needs a bootstrap mode, maybe it should just stick around in beta instead. I think you're kind of missing the point of beta. Beta is not a period where we're waiting for people to have enough rep so we can use the preset system. Beta is a period in which we can try to ...

sorry I didn't want to have to write it out twice
:4434 sounds to me like the wrong place to chat about that :P
but i dun care
here or there?
neways, i gtg... sorry for leaving the topic I brought in the air... I just gave the tags @sjohnston agreed on (tho I'd add [battleground] too). :P
01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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