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That's an expensive copy of Fallout 4. I have no pity.
@Unionhawk meh. It's super easy to answer, so whatever.
In unrelated news, holy shit look at David Letterman's Beard:
Looks like he wants a gig on Duck Dynasty.
♫ I am slowly going crazy. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, switch ♫
@LessPop_MoreFizz That'll teach you! don't pirate and do other dumb shit at the same time.
(owning bitcoin being the other dumb thing)
I already gave you money, Wikipedia. Stop bugging me.
Why would you give Wikipedia money
@Sterno it knows it can get money from you now.
@Sterno This. I would pay to remove the ads, but to pay and still be pestered? Bah.
Any of you played the GoT episodes stuff?
@djsmiley2k eh?
Game of thrones....
telltale games?

Proposed Q&A site for astrologers and people interested in astrology, horoscope, birth charts, tarot, i-ching, numerology, etc.

Currently in definition.

blarugh no
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment dupe of Paranormal
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment you have a very short name.
@Sterno ~$1800
@fredley No, man! It's not paranormal! It's science!
@Sterno ಠ_ಠ
@fredley Not played it then?
Secular Life

Proposed Q&A site for a place to ask, and get answers to, questions about people who live their lives without making reference to a higher power. Topical questions range from objective philosophical to practical everyday-life questions about non-believers.

Currently in definition.

@djsmiley2k no, didn't know it was a thing
@fredley oh not-god
people just propose EVERYTHING
@ardaozkal *no god
@fredley I can't decide if I like it.. :/
@djsmiley2k How does it actually play?
Is it a point and click, or a text adventure, or what?
@fredley Telltale Games style Point & Click
@fredley 3D point and click
@Unionhawk Haha, I liked that
@djsmiley2k o ok
@Arperum I'm back at work today :( No more JC3 til tonight
Very Simular in playabiity to the walking dead series
tho didn't play much of that
Rebecca Black
Proposes Q&A site for a place to ask, and get answers to, questions about Rebecca Black's best songs, favorite foods, and factors to weigh when deciding between the front and back seats.
@LessPop_MoreFizz just another reason why I'm not a fan of bitcoins
When you enter a character you didn't play for months in diablo 3:
@ardaozkal luckily seasons is all that matters and only for the first couple weeks after season starts ;)
@Chippies diablo has more brother chrises than actual players (context: a streamer who was caught botting called it was his "brother chris")
@Sterno Which question shall I clooooseeeeeee?
@ardaozkal I don't really know why people even play it this late in the season
@Chippies I have nothing better to do
@ardaozkal I suppose it depends on how much you played at season start
So I'm just pushing for P800 (746 atm)
@Chippies I played 18 hours a day for a month
@Sterno I see no drama.
I generally get to end-game, play for couple more days and get bored
this season was the lognest I have played
Unless you mean that Brahmin question, in which case, meh.
I got the fancy achievement thing, whatever that was called that gave the fancy avatar frame
then I still played for 2 weeks or so
I think I played for almost a month total this season
usually I get bored at 2-3 weeks, lol
Hey guys! How are you doing??? :)

I have a quick question that I need to know before posting something here.

Is "game setup" considered off-topic?
@vianna77 what do you mean by that
@vianna77 what do you mean by "game setup"?
@Frank (he does mean that question)
I was about to explain :)
My Just Cause 3 is burning CPU + Graphic card
@Chippies I just don't have anything better to do, so I nolife diablo. I'm collecting puzzle rings lately
@vianna77 so, you want to set the graphics settings so the performance is reasonable?
And I heard that there are a few command options to add in the game launcher that will improve the memory+process
overall performance.
that would be off-topic for the main site, but you can ask in here, in the chat
@vianna77 perhaps if you could refine this as a question, that might be on-topic, but I could be wrong
Oh goddammit this java update is going to force me to reselect NVIDIA GPU for Minecraft isn't it
it seems like it could be in the gray area and depending on how you formulate the question, might end up going one way or the other
I'm pretty sure asking if there are options you can add in the game launcher to improve performance (with some definition of what "improve performance" means to you) would be okay.
@vianna77 reddit might be more suitable for that, if anyone here doesn't know.
perhaps ask for a list of launcher options with the priority on memory/performance affecting ones
@Sterno (I've always defined it by FPS)
@Chippies hmm, good idea
thank you, guys!
will do that.
@Unionhawk so, best way to improve performance would be to use the launcher option that reduces resolution below 640x480, right?
@Chippies You got it
then there's also min fps, max fps and average fps
speaking of fallout performance - updating my nvidia drivers more than doubled the performance I was getting
Closing my 50 gajillion Chrome windows massively improved my framerate.
I remember the old days when if you had an old gpu, there was no point in updating drivers past a certain point
We weren't speaking of Fallout performance.
Still not happy with the F4 ending(s). Hoping DLC improves that like it did in 3.
@Yuuki what is this "closing chrome windows" you are speaking of?
@Yuuki This is just a sign that you need more memory
(I upgraded from 8 to 16 and it's awesome)
@Unionhawk Yeah, but I'm too lazy to go out and buy some more.
@Unionhawk well, in his defense, it does help to close the shitty tabs that leak cpu and memory usage
Oh, right, Minecraft uses its own dedicated Java install. WE'RE GOOD
Plus, I need learn OpenGL within a span of... (checks calendar) Friday.
@Unionhawk find me a ddr3l 1x16gb (if you can) and I'll upgrade.
@Yuuki go out to buy things? what is this, year 2000?
@Chippies You mean, like, incrementals?
@Yuuki Rebecca Black teaches OpenGL
@Unionhawk poorly coded incrementals, yes
@Chippies Well, I guess I could go download some RAM.
and anything flash based
@Chippies So... incrementals :P
and facebook
definitely facebook
@Yuuki I order things and they get delivered to my door, I don't even need to put pants on!
p.s I am wearing pants right now
I do live in newfoundland after all...
Newfoundland? Huh. For a rather small Island, odd I've encountered two people from there.
Crazy people with your half-hour offset timezone.
@MadMAxJr oddly enough, there's two people in this chat from Newfoundland
@MadMAxJr North Korea approves.
@Chippies And now I feel bad for forgetting who the other one is >_>
Unless I'm an idiot and it's @Wipqozn in which case you mean 3
@Unionhawk I forget if he was @*The*Ace or just @Ace
I think the first one
Oh, right
or maybe I'm just spelling it wrong completely
he hasn't been around here in a while though
No, @Wipqozn is a Nova Scotian
New Scot
My friend from up there showed me a youtube that explains the Newfoundland accent. I have no idea how you people communicate in pubs. I assume it's via wifi encrypted with Irish-isms.
Couple days ago, I was buying porkchops and the big pricetag said they're on sale for $1.34 and the thing on the package said $3.xx and I had to g o ask someone if it's priced wrong and they told me yes, yes it is. Which made no sense to me, so I said "are you sure?" and then they had to point out to me that 1.34 per pound is 3.xx per kg
At which point I once again got pissed at stupid Canada trying to be all modern and cool by using metric, but also trying to be like the "big brother America" and also using imperial.
@SaintWacko I beat your far flung foe record! 2.7km or something. ANd I know how to get it even higher.
@Arperum Holy crap, how did you do that?
I had an idea, and it worked :p
@SaintWacko How did you do yours?
also, wtf is up with messages being too long and not being able to send it? I thought it would just add the "See more" button at the bottom?
There's still an upper limit
@Arperum did you attach someone to a plane and flew up really high?
@Chippies that's only for multiline, so shift+enter somewhere.
It's a big upper limit
@Arperum blah, well, good to know
@Chippies To a chopper, but yes :p
@Arperum I was on one of the platforms below a giant radar dish, and I would tether someone to the edge of the dish and retract to catapult them off the edge
before I dropped him I made sure to change to a new tether though in case the old one counted as hung there too long and was sorta cheated by moving the chopper, so the tether that actually got broken was placed without the chopper moving.
Also apparently they don't need to be alive when you release the tether, they can already be dead by that time.
@SaintWacko Ah, I kept trying to fling people from the poles that extend from some of these platforms.
@Arperum I tried that at first, but they tend to bounce off things and lose speed
@Arperum What. Well, that changes everything
I know what I'm doing when I get home!
replacing that tether also resulted in me wrecking my heli. Since I don't know how to break a specific tether cable, so I have to go through a whole cycle, which means three doubler cables tethered to my heli pulling it apart.
@SaintWacko Yes, I noticed that right before I pulled someone up a couple kilometers. I was trying to swing someone around between those pole extensions, and accidentally crashed her into it a bit too hard, she was clearly dead, but I did the swing anyway to test if it would properly launch, I beat my previous record on that throw, so dead people throwing works too.
What game is this o_O?
Ugh, now I just want to be home so I can throw dead people off helicopters
Throw Dead People Off Helicopters Simulator 2015
I'm sure if we grin at @fredley enough he'll make us a web vrsion
@djsmiley2k of?
5 mins ago, by MadMAxJr
Throw Dead People Off Helicopters Simulator 2015
The simulation begins after you are in jail
You are in jail
There are bars
It's literally just bars
Across the screen
Bar Simulator?
@djsmiley2k I'd like a martini, shaken, not stirred!
@djsmiley2k Gin and tonic, please, made with Bombay Sapphire
@fredley Bars, all the way down?
I'm really not getting into Fallout4 :/
Why not?
@djsmiley2k you're not obligated to love it.
Somebody recorded all the dialogs from companions in Fallout 4 for when they tell you how much they hate you:
Spoilers, obvs.
the Strong Hates You conversation (around 3:30) is the best.
He is both angry that you are insufficiently violent, and also insufficiently nice to people.
@djsmiley2k I might code that in unity.
@Rapitor I know but I want to
@JoshPetrie Not sure
too big... undirected, maybe
same problem I had with skyrim.
I finished the main quest the other night. I liked it (the game, not the plot, the plot was bad) enough to start over.
But I didn't get into as much as I thought I would. Or was hoping to.
Bethesda is so bad at writing for the most part.
I kinda want to install Skyrim again actually.
@JoshPetrie This but New Vegas.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah. I just finished NV for the first time a few months ago though, in preparation for FO4 :D
@JoshPetrie It's glaring how much better the writing and story and faction stuff in NV was
I'm probably the only person here that didn't like NV and loved F3
@djsmiley2k I feel like I felt too directed by the events of the tutorial and early game.
Like I couldn't justify my character doing anything but progressing the main quest because, come on. When your first major choice for quests is:
1) find your kidnapped child or
2) help a bunch of scrubs build beds for themselves and find a drug-addled old lady some more crack
shrug I plan to explictly ignore the main quest this second time around.
@JoshPetrie Yeah, in some ways, it feels like Bethesda tries a bit too hard to provide stakes, but they're fundamentally incapable of doing so in a way that doesn't feel either manipulative or overbearing.
We'll see if I get anywhere past the mid-game, as that's usually when these sorts of RPGs fall over for me
See also: Fallout 3 and chasing your dad.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes.
Somehow I didn't feel as pressured to chase my dad in FO3.
I dunno.
New Vegas handled it perfectly, IMO. You can seek revenge, or not. You've got good reasons to do both. It's your story now, and you can blow it off or take it on as you please.
I'm ready for the next Elder Scrolls game now.
@SaintWacko He was alive when I hauled him up. Until I pulled in the first tether and he ended up in the blades of my heli.
Yeah, the NV set up was better. I didn't like NV at first but it grew on me.
GG for not mentioning Fallout 1 where you had to find the water purifier within certain amount of days and if you didn't, it was game over
I'm just sad that Obsidian isn't going to be handed the reins to do Fallout: Seattle or Fallout: Denver as an intermediary.
@Arperum Did he not just detach the tether?
But that setup means you can, as you said, legitimately feel like you should go out for revenge, or legitimately feel like you'd been granted a new lease on life and should "start over" as something totally different or whatever -- and thus segue into the "do whatever and wander aimlessly" gameplay
@SaintWacko Not once they are hanging in the air.
I would like to see Seattle in a Fallout game.
@Arperum That's good to know
@Chippies yeah, but there's no real urgency other than 'beat the time limit', and that time limit is very very long.
You first need to get your heli in the air before you tether someone too it, otherwise they will indeed release the tether.
They do a horrible job of writing main quests.
Mainly because their main quests are all "urgent, you need to do this now" sort of deals when their games are so open-world.
@JoshPetrie Denver would be more likely if they handed the reigns back over to the Black Isle crew, if only because there's a ton of design docs from the Van Beuren days that make it clear they had Denver in mind.
Fallout: Kansas. There was nothing here to nuke. So it's just Kansas.
Seattle would be interesting because it would let them perhaps set up some frontlines from the Chinese Invasion to the northwest.
I just want to see it 'cause I live here.
They've also hinted at Chicago and Texas in the past.
Fallout Texas: Guns. More guns.
@Yuuki There's a Brotherhood of Steel chapter in Texas!
@MadMAxJr ... is already living the Fallout dream.
That's... about all we really know about Texas.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Apparently there's Railroad presence in Dayton \o/
@LessPop_MoreFizz it's not that long, unless you have beaten the game before and know exactly how long the story is
With Detroit we could have car cultists.
Boston in Fallout 4 was fun because I literally spent all of August through November driving literally every single block of every single street of the Boston metro area.
And trinkets made of Fordite.
@Chippies 500 days is a pretty absurdly long time, relative to the size of the world and amount of things there are to do.
You basically just have to sit around fishing for random encounters to grind to hit that limit.
@MadMAxJr Hail Ford
Q: What is the full list of tools and purposes in A Dark Room?

sensiwooIn the middle column of the room, there is a bunch of supplies. What is the full list, and what does each one do?

(Yes, there's the much shorter time limit to first establish contact with the Hub, but I don't think forcing some urgency into your initial exploration of the world is the worst idea in the world.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz again - you don't know any of these things without actually having gone through the game already
all you know is that there's a time limit that is constantly ticking down and there's an open-world of undefined size
there's no urgency in any of the fallout games once you have beat the game, except in Fallout 1 you still have to get your ass in gear and save the vault
in the other fallout games you can do whatever you want, because the urgency is limited to people telling you that it's urgent
@Chippies Okay, but I fail to see how this particularly counters my point that "Bethesda tries to provide stakes, but does so in ways that feel manipulative or overbearing". I'm specifically trying to critique their poor narrative design, not the gameplay choices that coincide with that poor narrative design.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I never replied to any specific message of yours, because it was not meant to be a counter argument. I just expected that speaking about how bethesda manipulates you into doing the story asap, someone would mention Fallout 1, where you weren't manipulated into doing it, you were actually forced by a game mechanic
not that Bethesda had anything to do with Fallout 1 anyway, but that's not the point
I still enjoy the fact you can finish Fallout 1 without combat.
Have I said "fuck uber" lately? Because fuck uber.
Yeah, that's kinda very much BS
Q: Strength as a priority stat for vengeance juggernaut?

GothburzI'm currently leveling a Vengeance Juggernaut and have been looking around at stat priorities so I can be aware of what I need to hear for. I'm seeing a lot of strength on various websites as the #1 stat priority. However under my character panel I have not seen "strength" as a stat? Did they do ...

@LessPop_MoreFizz So not only to you have to pay to work, you have to pay to be a good worker?
> If they go over 2800 miles a month (90 miles a day) there’s also an additional $0.25 per mile fee tacked on.
@Yuuki this is the most predatory thing I've seen in ages. And that's saying something.
Good headline, NYP.
I'm gonna go with seat
people are losing their seat over this bird
> “When I first tried to photograph it, I was literally shaking so much I had to calm myself down to get the shot,” he said.
People are losing their shut over this bird.
Maybe it is shot then
people are losing their shot over this bird
@fredley Maybe you should slow down with the crystal meth...
@Yuuki maybs
TIL Always use military time when talking on Miiverse.
Having "PM" in any of your messages could get you auto-banned.
@Yuuki that's... a sensitive autoban script
@Yuuki Haha
Everyone should use military time
@fredley Nintendo is not known for having good filters.
Apparently, the ban reason is "Piracy".
@Yuuki What?
What does PM have to do with piracy?
Project M.
Which incidentally has been shuttered because the team behind it is going independent.
(As in, releasing their own game)
Wanted to get a 40" 4k monitor for work, found out my laptop video card won't support it :(
Q: How do I use Strider Hiryu on Marvel Vs. Capcom 2?

HenryRuizI like using Strider Hiryu, but I don't know how to use most of his moves in Marvel vs. Capcom 2. What are the move names and how do I use them. This is on the Xbox 360, if thats important.

Q: How do I start a colony?

BulliedByModsWhen I make a new adventure game (not story mode), how do I set up a place to become my own colony so it get's recognized by the colony interface and attract NPC's to live there?

I wonder when we'll get Euro Throw Dead People Off Helicopters.
@Sterno I can think of a solution
It's coming. winterbash2015.stackexchange.com Prepare for hats.
They just bought me a new work laptop last month.
I'll buy my own 4k monitor but I don't know if I'll buy my own video card to support it
xbox stream to win10 stream to hololens to wall. surely we can go deeper
wall, video camera, twitch.tv, twitch plays halo
Dear Verilog: what.
Sincerely, Uni
Q: Why are some raiders uniquely named?

king14nyrThrough quest progression and exploring, I've run across unique, named raiders. For example, Gristle was encountered in Concord as part of the main/Minutemen quest. I've also run across a couple others, such as Tower Tom, and his terminal makes reference to another named raider and some info on o...

Q: Weird 4 tile jump height in Terraria

GeriThe problem is I have just a 4 tile jump height instead of the 6 tile in Terraria. It is really really annoying and I don't know why did this happen. I cant find anything about it at the internet, just keep searching but I can't find anything. Does anyone know how can i get back the 6 tile jump ...

Q: How do you surprise Moon Jellies?

DVKI'm stuck on a mission in Runaway's (aka Dena's) "Splash" Android game. The mission is: "Jelly Surprise" and says "Surprise a school of 5 Moon Jellies". I can't seem to figure out what to do to complete it. I created 5 Lipped Moon JellyFish I put them into a school (they all move together whe...

Q: Call of duty ghosts, such in no man's land

Peter AndersonAs the title says, I am such on the mission no man's land. Just after we take control of Riley for the first time we have two guards, one of which we have to kill, the one watering the grass, Hesh or Logan kill the other one which we lure out. In my case when I lure out the one they don't kill hi...

Guys! Is it possible to scroll windows (with the scroll wheel on mouse) that are out of focus in Win7/8? Or do you have to click on the window to be able to scroll in it?
@Chippies the window you want to scroll needs focus yes.
@Chippies There are apps that let you do this.. I forget the name but there are apps that do it.... (send the messages to the window under the mouse instead of the active window)
@James Win10 does it natively
you can enable focus-follows-mouse, i guess, but imo that's annoying as heck
@Chippies depends as well if you have any sofware installed (Like Microsoft's Intelli experience or Logitech experience)
@Chippies Ugh
Another reason I dont want to upgrade then
@Chippies does it? I haven't noticed
@James I mean, the scrolling part
it doesn't auto-focus windows or sends keyboard stuff
but it does let me scroll windows by hovering over them
I like my scrolling going to the active window regardless of where my mouse is :)
It is an option
although, judging by what @NBN-Alex said, it might just be my Logitech software
but I never noticed this in Win8
so, I'm not sure
You must tread the murky waters of Win8 for SCIENCE! and let us know :)
someone without a Logitech mouse on Win10 could confirm
I do think my MS Intelli stuff used to do that
@James umm, I'm fine with Win10, I'm not downgrading :P
@Chippies Downgrading out of win10 is a sheeple response!
@James yes, because using the vastly inferior Windows 7 is somehow much better, lol
sure, there are a few things that are better in Win7, but for the most part, Win10 is an upgrade
as much as I love Win10, it does have its problems, sometimes the entire start menu just stops working entirely and I have to do Powershell magic to get it working again
@Unionhawk that is a great option, I love that
@Rapitor I'm actually experiencing this myself
@Rapitor I have never had that issue, but I also only use the start menu as a shortcut holder
Wait, why is SearchUI.exe suspended?
Oh, it suspends when it's not up. I see
@Chippies I don't even use it anymore.
Search all the way
@Unionhawk I use it for some games that I don't have on steam, but for everything else I just hit win key and search
@Unionhawk option #4
apparently the app or some other related app corrupts and craps out the whole thing
Q: Will I have enough points to unlock all skills and enough material to unlock all weapon upgrades?

Zero StackI am playing through the campaign and have been unlocking skills and weapon upgrades as I go along. I am only 25% through the game, but I would like to know if I will have enough points to unlock all skills and enough material to unlock all weapon upgrades. If not, I will then go for specifi...

As long as search works, shrug
As soon as that stops working though
@Rapitor I have all the apps that can be uninstalled (except the weather app, I like that one) uninstalled and the rest of them removed from start menu
I didn't even arrange my start menu or mess with anything, really
I should probably do that
Win10 is certainly an upgrade from Win8.1 and Win8.1 was an upgrade from Win7, imho, but I can see people thinking different
there's no reason not to upgrade to 10 from 8.1 though
inb4 someone comes up with legit reasons
7->8 was pretty drastic jump of everything changing
7->10 (what I did) still changed a bit, but it wasn't nearly as jarring.
@Chippies Rule with Microsoft's OSes is you use every other one :)
@James so, you agree that that Win10 is superior to Win7? :P
@James And yet I'm the troll.
@Chippies When its done, maybe.
This release before finished has kind of thumped it on the head
@James so you wait for Win11 or whatever the next one is going to be before you use Win10?
or you wait for EOL?
when is it done?
I thought their announced plan was Win10 is the last windows?
so, never?
From here on out its just upgrades and reworks inline but no more new OSes as a whole?
@James so they said. Not sure how that's gonna work 5-10 years from now, but whatever
@James i don't think it will be the last windows, but it's life will be longer than the previous releases
I was just picturing it going like Linux
This is just Windows
the Kernel version number is 10.20992309.12309820398123098;sigma;apple;120398123
But its just Windows from here on out
Install the modules you want
Q: How do I use the Turret Override Program?

DCShannonThere is a holodisk called the Turret Override Program, which you obtain by finding a specific Total Hack magazine. Anytime you use a terminal that has turrets connected to it, you can "load" the override program to get additional options. There is a short readme file that states that "scrambli...

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