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@GnomeSlice should there be some text or something?
No, click on it.
It's a community ad.
Just an image.
Get it voted to +6 and it will start showing up on the frontpage.
yeah but i mean why are we promoting it?
i know how the community ads work
@GodEmperorDune Because it's @Sterno's kid.
@GodEmperorDune Because it's the shit
@Yuuki not sure if trolling
@GodEmperorDune I don't know how it started but that's how people here refer to Sterno's kid.
@Yuuki vote to move to lifehacks
I think I'm going to spend some more time settlement building today. Did a fair amount of story yesterday.
I just noticed how powerful the damage mods you get with the Gun Nut I perk are. I only noticed the basic ones before, which were rather underwhelming
I love that you can name your equipment. I can't wait to get my hands on a Junk Jet and call it "The Loose Cannon".
Right now, my slightly modded Combat Rifle is named "Vera".
You're a loose cannon cop, @Yuuki!
Also, the combat shotgun is extremely OP if you manage to get it before Level 5.
I found mine in a random shotgun trap.

Springtrap// I bet Cylons wouldn't have this problem. Time: 11/11/15 6:49 PM Description: There was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: jtrent238.swordcraft.ItemTable.setUnlocalizedName(Ljava/lang/String;)L...

Q: How many pieces of armor and clothing can you wear?

Mad ScientistI was a bit surprised just now when I loaded my game again and went into third person view by accident that my character seemed to be only wearing underwear with a few pieces of armor on top. It turns out that I was mistaken and that you can wear individual armor pieces on top of your actual clot...

Q: Can you share items between workshops?

victoriahI swear I read an ingame hint that said Workshops would share my stuff between them, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I have a settlement at Sanctuary and Red Rocket Truck Stop, but I can't access my items I added in Sanctuary at RRTS. Am I mistaken in remembering that you could do this, or ...

It was always pretty OP in my 3/New Vegas experience
@twobugs But it's even moreso since you get it so early.
Hm, true enough. I can't wait to really dig in to FO4 tonight.
Just the fact that it's a 12-round magazine/clip instead of the two round double-barrel is incredible in and of itself.
Had only about an hour to play last night :(
@AshleyNunn initial investigation seems to lead to the robot
"Speak Softly" is so great for tight quarters like going into abandoned buildings.
Now. Work on my current kit, or play Tales of Vesperia?
@Frank Which one's your current kit?
@Yuuki Picture, or just a name?
Picture would probably be best, but I can google a name.
@Yuuki communications towers
@Yuuki Is that different from the regular shotgun (which is already much more powerful than the simple pistols you have at the beginning)
That one.
Oct 7 '13 at 19:28, by OrigamiRobot
I don't know your daughter's name so I'm naming her SkyDrift because I love that game so much.
@MadScientist IIRC, your first shotgun is the double-barrel which only fires two shells before needing a reload.
Combat Shotgun has a drum magazine. Because, you know, why not?
@Yuuki That's the one I have right now, just modded to 93 damage as of now
Though that might count the rifle perk, not sure
best gun I found so far is the night-vision advanced assault rifle
which is just rediculous
@kalina I haven't even found a base assault rifle yet.
and of course the recoil compensated boosted fiery laser rifle
which sets fire to things while going pew
@kalina But is it ridiculous?
I did modify my pipe rifle to have a night vision scope though.
@Yuuki and its kind of underwhelming for a double barrel shotgun
@twobugs I care about people who correct my spelling less than I care about my spelling
@MadScientist I prefer the combat shotgun even if it might do less damage because of the larger magazine/clip.
Look, I think I deserve to be set fire to. It's a rite of passage on The Bridge and I haven't had my chance yet.
> rite*
@Yuuki Haven't found that one yet
Don't do it it's a trap
@twobugs since that's how you feel about it, there's absolutely no chance of it happening
Huh. Apparently Dogmeat can equip bandannas and collars.
Fine, I'll just continue my life as a non-immolated Bridge user
I thought the start of Fallout 4 was properly depressing, and very abrupt
Yeah, they just kind of throw you into things. Bethesda did a good job with it.
Suddenly, everything is going to shit
All at the same time
"how many times can we kick the player in the teeth before we actually give them a gun"
here, have some nukes
oh and your significant other can have a bullet
And they take babby
and then you have codsworth gibbering on for 15 minutes once you do get to start the game
Apparently, you can get your humanoid companions to wear power armor.
And they don't drain the fusion core.
the only thing I find missing in Fallout 4 is copper
I've spent more time searching for copper than I have playing the story missions
Copper for buildings and adhesives for equipment.
Get the perk to extract more rare materials. I get copper out of lightbulbs.
no I've got loads of adhesive
Those two seem to be the limiting factor ingredients.
wonderglue and duct tape all the things
I always run out of adhesives first before I run out of any other materials for equipment modding.
I saw a drum of Mr.Handy fuel. I hope Wadsworth doesn't need regular supply of that.
The unused components just go into some kind weird limbo until a change is made to the workshop inventory.
@MadMAxJr not that I've experienced
@MadMAxJr Nah, you can scrap it for oil and stuff.
@Yuuki wat
That's very... Bethesda
oh yeah there's plenty of bugs
@Yuuki Ah, good to know
and it's obviously just reskinned TESV
It's the Creation Engine alright. It's got a few enhancements past the Skyrim point. But there's a fair bit of re-use.
I'm enjoying it so far
Q: What does a Scavenging Station do and how do I use it?

ChaseCI'm at a loss here. I've built a Scavenging station and I assigned one of my settlers to it. I can't seem to harvest anything from it, use it in any way or see the benefit of having one. What is the purpose of this thing?

Yeah, even if it is reskin TESV, I enjoyed skyrim and I'm enjoying this. So, whatever.
@SaintWacko Just remember to drop something and scrap it to move all your limbo components to your actual workshop.
@Yuuki drop something and scrap it? What do you mean?
the only thing that has been out of place to me so far is when you first meet Trader Rylee
who is in a vault suit from vault 81
and as the first person I've seen in game wearing a vault suit other than myself
you'd think there would be a conversation option to go with it
@SaintWacko Drop stuff in a settlement, go into workshop mode, scrap the item.
and there isn't
This breaks it down into raw materials, and there's an easy 'store all junk' button on the workbenches.
@SaintWacko When you craft stuff in the workshop, you can use items instead of raw components. If you do that, the remaining components go into a limbo inventory.
The components in the limbo inventory aren't added to your workshop inventory unless you manually scrap something.
Ah, alright, good to know
Items in workbench inventory are usable throughout that settlement.
I've only just gotten that laser rifle thing, so I haven't looked into these systems much
To share between settlements, you need the perk that lets you setup supply lines.. Boooooo.
@MadMAxJr But only in that settlement?
Yes, that thing
@MadMAxJr I have the three-crank mod on it and it's great.
I'm not very far in yet
I'm quietly hoping 'That Gun' is out there in the wasteland.
But I'm enjoying it
@MadMAxJr If not, you could always make it yourself.
My 10mm is pretty beastly so far, but Fallout has had a soft spot for the gun from Bladerunner. :P
Yeah, I really like the mods system
I'm afraid I'm going to put most of my perks points into it
Don't settle for the gun you have. Settle for the gun it could be tomorrow!
that 'r3tr0 t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m' guy is retrosaur right?
I'm wondering if he's even played because all of his questions regarding Fallout 4 are things covered in the game
(like Shaun missing)
@kalina That's true for everything he asks for every game
Or at least all of his recent stuff
I mean, a man asking about the ending on release day is already suspicious to me
Questions for MGSV and Halo 5 were almost verbatim and, surprise surprise, were just as easily answered in game
well how Shaun is older than his mom is covered in literally the intro sequence
I maintain this is exactly the same as saying "Wow, I just read all the Harry Potter books. One thing confused me though... so Harry is a wizard?"
and as for "where to find Fusion Cores", there's an allay way onto an island covered in security bots that always drop 2
I assume it's just rep farming.
Duly noted
I haven't even bothered with the power armor really
it was too much messing about
almost like it's a feature designed to slow down your progression through the game
Me neither so far, but I've gotten blown up a lot, so.
@MadMAxJr I think the ending stuff was trolling. I mean, his ending question mentions several things that happen outside of the spoiler tags
I was caught off guard. Ron Perlman doesn't narrate the intro. But he is the TV news reporter that reports the bomb drops.
@Unionhawk well it also doesn't suit my playstyle at all
stealth doesn't work in a massive power armor suit that makes the earth shake
This is true
You could stealth in power armor in 1 and 2. You just needed your friend stealth boy.
I mean it was more: "spoilerSephiroth stabs Aeris/spoiler but why did Sephiroth stab Aeris?"
the worst of it is
the dog sounds exactly like a group of molerats running after you
so I'm forever going ZOMG NOOOO oh it's you
I accidentally told Dogmeat to stay once and he just stood there as numerous enemies attacked him. He was very stoic.
I get the prompt 'Dogmeat found something' and then spin around and I can't see the dang dog.
Dogmeat should be able to interface with your Pip Boy, like DD could in MGSV
I saw a doghouse in Sanctuary. Will Dogmeat settle in a doghouse if one is provided?
not that I've seen
although he does wander off when I'm in one of my settlements
usually to sit next to the food
I'm happy with him. Fairly accurate dog. Wanders around in a large circle around you at all times.
He'll play aggressively with a teddy bear if given one.
Q: I bought the Taken King and downloaded it, but when I went into Destiny t says "requires the taken king" on all levels. Somebody please help

William9162So I bought the Taken King and downloaded it, but when I went into Destiny it says "requires the taken king" on all the Taken King levels, I dont know what's wrong and I just want to play the new expansion! Please, somebody help!

Q: Can I see an overview of my settlers?

victoriahIs it possible to see a list of the settlers in a given settlement and the jobs they are assigned to? It would make it easier to pick a settler for a new job.

Q: Are settlers suited to specific tasks?

victoriahFor example, are some settlers better at farming than others? Are some of them better at fighting? Or can everyone do every job equally well?

I'm not sure if this was scripted or just something he does, but when I first saw him, I was inside a Red Rocket and he came up outside and put his paws on the windowsill
he was playing with a toy bear a minute ago
At least, I assume that's Dogmeat?
while I was getting shot
Doesn't seem to have a name yet
He does that occasionally. I came by and he had his forepaws up in one of the loops of the gas overhead support strut, looking at me through the hole.
in other news I just approached the minutemen hideout and launched a fat man, killing all of the people on my side but leaving all of the enemies they were fighting alive
Does the fatman still have the distinctive microwave ding?
oh yay another vault tec lunchbox
so far I've found nothing interesting in any of them
this one contained a plastic knife
You mean they don't contain people like in Fallout shelter?
So, I was planning on doing something productive
But f that it's fallout time
I'm just happy there are perks to support my "no companion" play style
yes, I'm getting to the point where I'm starting to wonder if I should just blitz to the end of the story before I have to spend all weekend not playing fallout
Q: Who are all of the companions and how do I get them?

ChaseCI have quite the number of companions and I've just scratched the surface of Boston. I'm wondering if there is a definitive list of companions and information on how to get them all to join me on my crusade!

> Password must be between 6 and 10 characters, contain at least 1 letter and 1 number, and cannot contain special characters.
No, your password policies need updating
That's a small set of brute force
Password maximums are dumb
Especially at 10
It makes me worried that they're not storing the password securely.
Or rather, that they're actually storing the password instead of a hash.
Your password is salted, hashed, grilled for ten minutes, and put on a plate with a little aioli
char[10] password
what the... Sanctuary now has 16 people in it
10 plus one per charisma point is the limit.
So 20 is an upper bound then /didthemath
Well there are ways to break past the 10 point stat ceiling, so possibly more.
interesting, I just went to sanctuary and it only has 10 people
and now the map shows 10 as well
The map gets confused sometimes I've found
It decided I only had one bed and no people at one point
Which was clearly not the case
It's not even a web application
I think
And sincerely hope
Caching isn't specific to the internet.
I guess yeah, you're right
> No, you should not cache Uni
*answer may be inaccurate due to uni
lol I think I've gone a bit overkill with my settlement
some random something appeared on the outskirts and 3 guys came running out going WHOS THERE before all of the turrets on that side of the settlement gunned it down
How much is there to do with it? I'm really hyped for playing around with Settlements
oh no
now I just shot one of my settlers and got killed -.-
Those kind of silly things are some of my favorite mechanics in video games
duno I'm probably over the settlement thing now
I have a playtime of 36 hours and have easily spent half of that building settlements though
After you brutally ed your own settlers!
in fairness I was standing there shooting and she ran in front of me
can you make your settlers scream 'Mediocre!' as the turrets gun attackers down?
There's a perk that lets you shoot them without retaliation.
Also, stupid question time, which key triggers VATS? Cause I haven't used it yet or had a prompt explaining it.
Git gud
Q: How to access the crystalline dimension maps?

Dark AfterburnI have bought the Dungeon Defenders Collection and have gone to go to the crystalline dimension but it does not appear in my tavern. Help?

Argh I want to be playing Fallout 4
@MadMAxJr I had been wondering that to
Q: In a perfect world

user129403Is it possible to connect to a Mine craft world that isn't in your wifi network. Like for example if you and your friend want to play on the same world but one lives in California and the other lives in Maine. Is it possible???

@Ullallulloo shook hands with and got a book signed by Ben Carson (according to facebook)
Q: cannot run games on my PC

marsbarrNekoI've only recently started gaming. So this kinda stuff isn't common knowledge to me. I've downloaded a game off game-jolt it didn't run for some reason. It was a compressed file, I tried running it without extracting the files,and with extracting the files. It still wouldn't run.. Do I need to i...

So... if my previous group for the previous group project is willing to bail me out for this presentation I wasn't in class for, I'll be in eternal debt
But I don't know
We'll... find out if we survive that long
On a related note:
If... not, then... I don't actually have a plan B
I guess plan B is talk to my professor about it and claim to have been sick
Which isn't entirely incorrect
zomg you can actually release your significant other from t heir cryo tube
and then loot them
coz... fallout
Were you one of those horrible persons who didn't check them when you got out? :o
@kalina Yeah, but I haven't actually sold the wedding ring I looted yet
I think... I might end up surviving
Also, "loot" being taking the wedding ring
@KevinvanderVelden I was too busy feeling massively depressed at the start of the game
I mean such assholes ushered us into cryo tubes
and then rad roaches
and then there's the impact of 200 years of sleep on your hair
I'm still using the 10mm I found in the starting area.
(with minor upgrades)
I still have that gun too
it's my backup weapon now though
@MadMAxJr I don't know if he "settles in", but that's where he's hanging around for me when I sent him back to Sanctuary.
I mean, I haven't seen him in the doghouse, but he was right next to it
I went back to vault 111 because that lock picking box in the overseers office contains the freeze rifle
and you don't have enough lock picking to get it any earlier
needs master
Yeah. I just got Advanced. :(
Which means I'm level 7! Proof I'm playing!
so yeah in weapon slot 1 I have a lazer rifle that burns people and in weapon slot 2 I have a freeze rifle that freezes people
So you're saying your go-to attack is to set people on fire?
my go to attack is to use whatever weapon has ammo in the order of priority
starting with setting them on fire
@kalina it was a good beginning
I don't think I like the settlement-building mechanics
It makes it too hard for me to ignore all the random junk everywhere I go
So most of my game time is spent picking up shit for scrap
@Sterno yeah I find it takes me two trips to finish anything
I've actually started crafting the carrying capacity upgrades for armor
@Fluttershy in my case it was certainly the modem and I couldn't change it. It worked fine after we switched to fiber, thus also changing modem.
Because fuck encumbrance
"but I need all the things"
"I'll just go back and do it again"
@kalina Does that get better? My character doesn't seem to look like it did in the creator
So, I have a dissapearing paladin of the brotherhood of steel
And with disappearing I mean, his face disappears and his armor stays
@SaintWacko lol I have no idea
@kalina Heh, alright
mine looks just as ugly as when I made it
I'm about to restart anyway
Yeah, I'll need to... I don't know
it's far too soon to be restarting
I have destroyed everything in sanctuary except the house you start in
I've left that exactly as it was
Well I've learned a few things that I'd like to change about my starting
@kalina o.0 You can do that?
Remember kids, show up to class even if it's a waste of your time, because suddenly there might be a group presentation assigned, and you might end up out of a group
is the only one in school I think
@Unionhawk Everyone else is out playing FO4?
@SaintWacko I mean in the room
Goddammit I painted myself into a corner
This is really heavy! 'Hoverboards' are catching fire while on charge #BackToTheFuture http://bit.ly/1KnXlDH https://t.co/Tl04Rz8Q2e
yes it is
I'm not the only one. This is good news I think maybe
I always laugh when setting fire to things
wat @ related videos
I feel like @Unionhawk has been in college for 17 years now.
My sense of time might be a little off.
Ben Carson is FINISHED - Ben Carson tried to kill his mother with a hammer!
by Texas Shrugged Book
Most definitely
I think my safer bet is to establish my own group of me, and do more work to compensate for the fact that I have nothing right now, so that I don't look like that guy who's joining a group late
@Unionhawk This could have been avoided if you showed the fuck up to class, idiot
@Sterno I just cheated the moment I hit the limit. In a game that encourages you to pick up every last piece of junk, I don't want to be bothered with an inventory limit
I'm on PS4. Cheating is harder.
who asked about the dog and the doghouse
cc @MadMAxJr
!! He can use it!
-significant other -babby -world +dog +doghouse

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