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{{user Sock Puppet|Freedom to share}} ☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭The Camarrada Lenin as orrgulloso of you☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭...
You have to be real careful when you dig and penetrate the 90s layer of social sediment.
@djsmiley2k brb rewatching all of Mr. Robot
One wrong strike and you release raw 90s gas into the air.
Last time someone carelessly dug into the 90s Adam Sandler was released. The world hasn't been the same since.
@MadMAxJr jesus that's horrifiying
@Unionhawk Yeeessssss
@Wipqozn ALOT of S
Every now and then you see a friend who thinks back to parachute pants or unnecessary amounts of denim? This is a sign of 90s exposure.
@MadMAxJr saw exactly that today lol
@MadMAxJr >inb4 'SCP-1990'
Q: Hidden ability problems

NikicaSo I'm trying to get poison heal gliscor and I got a normal ability gligar, and i need immunity gligar, can I get a hidden ability through breeding? I'm playing Omega Ruby so I cant get it through DexNav or anything, please help!

That right there is why I can't watch the DC tv series The Flash. "Alright Flash, he's at the nuclear power plant. I'm gonna hack the door open and hack open the door to the reactor so you can go fight the badguy." DING
@Sterno All those GUIs and no one using a mouse.
By the way, @MadMAxJr, have you seen this one yet?
@MadMAxJr Well, no airgaps explains a lot about how Hollywood hacking actually works.
@MadMAxJr A guy who can run so fast he can travel back in time is okay, but hacking a nuclear power plant isn't?
@MadMAxJr Hollywood hackers are basically wizards. You have to suspend disbelief
Like, if a wizard in a TV show said "I'm going to wave my magic wand and open the door", you probably wouldn't have an issue with it. See also: Doctor Who
Yeah but what if the Wizard said something really dumb like "PHP is a good programming language"
I couldn't suspend that disbelief. Even for Dumbledore.
@murgatroid99 Hah! Doctor Who no longer waves a magic wand around..... he points his glasses at things. ... ...
@twobugs According to the multiverse theory, there will always exist at least one universe where... actually, I don't think that applies to PHP.
@TrentHawkins Doctor Who is such a cool guy
Can you imagine getting three wishes from a Genie. You ask for him to make PHP into the dominant programming language so he kicks you in the balls and leaves
@murgatroid99 He doesn't kill aleins and runs away from everything.
@twobugs But it is a dominant programming language
I said "THE"
Imagine some eldritch dimension of pure terror where EVERYTHING, ESPECIALLY things that have no reason to be written in PHP are.
Imagine the horrible universe where PHP documentation is written in PHP.
> PHP is used by 81.5% of all the websites whose server-side programming language we know.
So it's a dominant web language (sadly). I'm talking about a universe where PHP is everywhere. Where it (or a derivative) is used to write kernals
Why? Horror.
Guys I found a lifehack that told me how to hack Jurassic Park.
@MadMAxJr Does it involve a can of shaving cream?
@MadMAxJr wot
@twobugs OK, I don't know what you're talking about any more. Nobody uses "dominant" to mean "only"
@Wipqozn you've done better burns in the past
Also, fun fact: something like half of all websites use a version of PHP that no longer gets bugfixes
@Unionhawk I was full of booze and now I am not.
Soon I will be full of booze again.
@murgatroid99 shudder
@LessPop_MoreFizz how are you enjoying the frigid southern california weather?
Booze goes in. Booze goes out. You can't explain that.
@Wipqozn I got into the Overwatch beta, yes.
Still have to find a character that I enjoy though
It is colder here than it was in Boston yesterday!
@LessPop_MoreFizz are you talking about those fish bladders that guinness uses as filters?
Q: Generate structures on a Minecraft server

BirdI set up generate-structures=false in server.properties before creating a world. But villages still exist! How to fix it?

@Yuuki he lied about not endorsing that herbal snakeoil when promotional videos of him going "i'm ben carson and i recommend xyz" exist
Ben Carson is a real goof.
I hope it catches up to him but in politics lying and being a complete fool seem to only make you more popular
@Frank ...what did I just read?
It's mind-boggling because he has an astounding history in his professional career.
@Texenox Word vomit.
Just read enough to confirm, flag, and move on.
@Frank Uh-huh.
Done and dusted.
@Yuuki It's refreshing to know that even an accomplished neurosurgeon can be a complete moron. Just like me!
I think that might actually warrant an abuse flag.
or not?
@NateKerkhofs ...that's the only flag that can apply.
Rude or Abusive.
@twobugs he might be a great neurosurgeon, but his intelligence ends after that
Yep. Guy is absolutely clueless when not cutting up brains
@twobugs To be fair, you still have to know a lot about medicine to be a surgeon.
@twobugs At least he got that when when he is doing THAT
It'd be more correct to say he's absolutely clueless about anything not medicine but then you have that hiccup with evolution.
@Yuuki Not enough to endorse vaccines, apparently.
> "He's absolutely clueless about anything not medicine except when pandering to his base convinces him to be wrong about even that."
Humble Monthly bundle. First game is Saint's Row IV. already got it
There. That's a good statement.
second game: Besiege. Not interested in Early access games
@Yuuki he's pretty clueless about medical things outside of neurosurgery
I'll allow it
This game: Valkyria Chronicles. might try it
hey all, does anyone remember the name of this old browser based strategy game? you played on a risk-like map with maybe 10-20 other players at a time, the games would last about a month at most, and you can use your resources to build god like units that are way stronger than regular troops. each different race has a different type of god unit
Valkyria Chronicles is good. I liked that game a lot
four: Lethal League. I'm horrible at fast paced game
@NateKerkhofs Worth every penny.
5: sanctuaryRPG
@NateKerkhofs Lethal League is good.
@bazola That rings zero bells, I'm afraid.
@Texenox might be. I know I'll hate it because I don't like fast paced games, and that game is literally the definition of fast paced
6: towerfall Ascension. recommended to play in coop
and Legend of Grimrock 2
So basically, the only game in there that I might like is Valkyria Chronicles
And there's a good chance that would have gone in deep discount at the end of the month
Grimrock is gooooood
@twobugs perfectly possible
I'm going to see what the December bundle brings. If it's a similar disappointment, that's it for me
would a question about what game that is be on topic?
@bazola Nope.
@bazola nope, we need an artifact from the game, like a screencap or video
its so old that i can't find any record of it, but maybe it will come to me
I think reddit has a subreddit or two dedicated to figuring those questions out
Tip of my Joystick or something
Are humble Bundle gift keys allowed in chat?
I activated all games except SRIV since I already own that
@Yuuki That's impressive.
The only thing missing is the flashing MLG stuff.
@NateKerkhofs Generally, it's better to ask who wants it, and then private message them.
Which games did you have, again?
Q: Creating feudal vassal as tribal ruler

Tahsis ClausI am an independent unreformed Pagan tribal ruler and when I give an unlanded tribal courtier a city or temple, there government changes to the correct type, but when I give a castle they stay tribal (and have the wrong holding type penalty). I think it might only apply to county capital castles.

Question for who the mods that are around (or anyone else I suppose) - I want to post a question to QA about legality usage of a 3rd party usb keyboard & mouse to console. I don't want to spark a debate if he/she thinks that it is cheating but I want to know if it is a legitimate question that would be valued here at QA (not downvoted to oblivion & then closed)
@ZeroStack If you're asking if something is legal or not, it's going to get closed.
@Texenox I already own Saint's Row IV, all the other games I added to my account. I turned Saint's Row IV into a gift
@ZeroStack Try the legal exchange
We aren't lawyers, and we can't really tell you if doing something is legal or not.
@NateKerkhofs Ah. I already have Saints Row IV.
is anyone watching the blizzcon stream?
@Frank let me rephrase. Would microsoft ban me or is it against microsoft's EULA to use such a device ?
@ZeroStack We can't answer either of those.
@ZeroStack I don't think it's banned per se, but the game would have to support it
@ZeroStack we can't speak on microsoft's behalf
@GodEmperorDune yes
One would require the devs to say yes or no, and the other requires us to interpret the EULA.
@Blem anything good?
@Frank fair enough. Thank you all
HotS is getting Cho Gal where you have to be 2 players in 1 hero
@GodEmperorDune So far mainly just trailers and addon packs
then some other new heroes and 2 new maps
@ZeroStack Sorry. Wish we could help, but there isn't really much there we can work with.
there will be mini story mission packs for StarCraft 2, first 3 will be about Nova
New Hearthstone adventure based on Brann Bronzebeard
@Frank Don't be sorry, [I] totally understand. Thanks for the clarification.
there was the trailer for Warcraft movie
@Frank and everyone in general, I really think this question
should be un-holded. there has been talking from the writer in regards to it. I looked about it back when i complete FC3. Still your call, but I think it has potential
@Blem like DLC or free?
@GodEmperorDune they didnt say, but my guess is free since the first is just 3 maps
@ZeroStack There is a separate Stack Exchange about legal advice that's still in Beta right now
@Zerjack Unless it's in-game, it doesn't count.
We can't rely on writers to have said anything.
@NateKerkhofs I'll check it out, thanks!
@Blem Archon Mode?
Wasn't that revealed some time ago?
@Frank Oh I see, ok then
But kudoes on managing to answer it 45 minutes after it got closed!
@Yuuki kind of, one of the 2 players need to have the hero, but if you play 2 games the player who didn't have it get the hero
they didnt show game play of it
@Frank I started writing before it was put on on hold :)
@Zerjack Yep, it happens.
I think you got in just under the wire, though.
@Blem Oh, Heroes of the Storm.
Stupid Blizzard.
After a certain point, it just tells you the question is closed.
Having two HotS games.
the Golden Monkey looks hilarious
Basically, it's a new hearthstone card that replaces your deck with legendaries
@NateKerkhofs i misread that as "replacing your dick with legendaries" and was impressed by how that could be done in software
well i did find that reddit dedicated to this type of question, thanks for the help! reddit.com/r/tipofmyjoystick/comments/3rsvja/…
but unless you're lucky, you have to basically draw your entire deck for it, because you need to get a card, play it, which shuffles a map into your deck, which shuffles Golden Monkey into your deck
when will they get to the WoW stuff...
Basically all I've heard that's even remotely related to WoW is some HotS heroes based on WoW characters and the warcraft movie
only thing i want to hear about Overwatch is that I got in to the beta
Did you get into the beta?
I don't even have a Battle.net account, so
I should probably do that at some point
cant you just create a battle.net account?
I assume
pore guy, so pumped to announce it coming to console and it got leaked
If I could, I would give you my beta access. I've played a handful of games so far and I haven't yet found a single hero I like
I'll keep trying of course
TBH i think the Overwatch univers looks more interesting than the game it self
Anything that results in Blizzard making more short film intros.
@GodEmperorDune Nice CGI
@Blem That's my experience with every Blizzard game.
I have fun playing the game for a few hours or so and spend days on the wikis.
Dear Blizzard, consider going the full Pixar and making 'outtake' reels of your fantastic CGI features.
Eh, I feel the opposite of you guys. The lore for a lot of their games and universes just gets really silly and there's too much of it for even them to keep track of
cc @spugsley
Two falls for the price of one!
Huh. Blizz just made a TV and movie studio.
A TV studio? Oh dear. Here comes Real World: Azeroth.
Tracer in HotS, how predictable
Tracer was a fan favorite since day one
Yay. Do they say when we get her?
when the game is released
> The "Expected Game release" is on or before June 21st 2016
Finally, WoW news
They're basically just targeting quarters for Overwatch and WoW right now
had been waiting to go number 2 until they announced that
Q: How many gigs is the AT launcher

Gamer3001I am thinking of getting the ATLauncher to get modpacks, but i am limited to 2.5 gigabytes a day. Can anyone tell me if I will be able to get it? Or how many gigs it is anyway?

@NateKerkhofs Her and Widowmaker. For obvious reasons.
Also, protesting "corporate greed" while wearing a gold (even if it's just painted) mask.
Nice, they already got the introductory cinematic ready
@Blem Oh, Starcraft II. I thought they were finally releasing the Nova FPS game.
I wish
Nah, Ghost is dead. Completely.
There cinematics just get better and better
My zeus I hate pinkie pie, seriosuly
yay, Dragon Age Inquisition style rift in the sky!
/cc @Unionhawk
They really take the best from every game imaginable
@TimStone You know what's the worst? Using MyFitnessPal and finding out my lunch is 59g/62g fat
@Wipqozn I'm sorry you have bad taste
Ghost is dead, Warcraft Adventures is dead.
oh dear, this cinematic touches the feels
or not
For a moment I thought they were going to kill Varian Wrynn in a cinematic
Oooh, Artifact Weapon previews
@Unionhawk It's best to live in ignorant bliss when it comes to food
cc @spugsley (no kids falling this time)
cc @GnomeSlice @Rapitor (wait, Rapitor isn't really going to like the song)
@TimStone Yeah, well I cannot sustain alcohol consumption, continuous food consumption, and my current weight all at the same time
So I have to at least pretend to try
@Yuuki I have a real bad feeling about this
@Yuuki this is your fan. this is your fan on shrooms
Oh. It's not horrifying.
It's just... yikes.
@twobugs basically a guy who hasn't turned on his PC in such a long time the dust in his fans was able to grow mushrooms
How humid does your place have to be to have shrooms growing on your fans?
@NateKerkhofs spoilers, jeez
@GodEmperorDune shrooms. good shit, mang
Oh, they renamed Combat rogues to Outlaw rogues
makes sense, I supposed, since they'll be more about swashbuckling
Except we now have slightly negative progress on that front, so... >_>
Only slight
amazing at how easily Blizzard's servers get overwhelmed by requests
Eh. None of the artifact weapons really blow my mind yet.
I haven't even seen 80% of them yet properly, the connection keeps breaking
I mean, they all look cool but... meh. Some of the caster ones look bland IMO
Speaking of on shrooms.
Ah, the AxCamel
Actually, it's a "Bloodthirsty Death Camel"
@GraceNote Poor knife camel
Also, holy crap, that thing would be horrifying.
It attacks by rolling like a giant bladed wheel.
So apparently, the US battlenet site is still online, but the EU one isn't
so I just had to manually rename 9 tabs from eu.battle.net to us.battle.net
Q: How do I use "cheat giveexptoplayer .."

EnigmaListed on Steam Community: cheat giveexptoplayer id how much tribeshared preventsharing Gives experience to another player, use showmyadminmanager for the required information. Unable to test currently. id is presumably gained from showmyadminmanager but not sure what format tribesha...

@murgatroid99 I'm warming up to Twilight Sparkle, although it took several years.
@Wipqozn Well, that's something, at least
Q: Will a dino gain experience while being near combat but not in it?

EnigmaI want to have a Pteranodon sitting on top of a platformed Pracer gaining xp without having to be engaged in combat. Is this effective at all? Are there other ways to have dino passively gain experience that are effective?

It's been years since I last watched MLP. The last episode I watched was either '11 or '12, the one where they tell that winter story about the feud between the ponies
@NateKerkhofs Hearths Warming Eve. I think that was mid-season 2
I forgot how awesome Maud was.
@Wipqozn with bea arthur?
@GodEmperorDune No, from my little pony
pinkie pies sister
40 man coop scenario between horde and alliance, it seems
@GraceNote why do these things always have to attack
@GnomeSlice It's a Bloodthirsty Death Camel. If it wasn't attacking things I don't know what I'd expect it to do.
Keep water in a hump I guess
It doesn't have a hump. It has MURDER.
It has a huge hump
Two even
That's actually just a big blade.
Blade hump
How did it get it in the first place
Obviously just grows that way
So its capable of storing stuff maybe
Maybe it's the brain, or the butt
I don't quite understand what the point is of keeping your main armament always pointed away from the thing that's attacking you
unless these mobs actually run away when you attack them and suddenly stop, hoping to impale you on their twin axes
Maybe they attack backwards
Oh yeah, like that's a smart idea. attacking someone you can't see, as well as pointing your ass towards them so they can murderstab you until you're bleeding from it
They really should just replace Pinkie Pie with Maud. MAud rocks.
Sounds like something a demented pig would do
or maybe one of them meatgirls that's bred for obedience and taste
Q: How do you make chainmail armor in minecraft PE survival?

YabboooooI have Minecraft PE and don't know how to make chainmail armor. I have seen it in creative but not in survival.

although I don't understand why someone bred for obedience would attack their master
All this talk about MLP is almost making me want to relapse
come back to the herd, as it were
Looks like I'll have my work cut out for me
It's my goal to collect every single artifact weapon in WoW via the questline
@NateKerkhofs Good. Let the friendship flow through you
not just for hunters, for all classes
And I think I just confirmed that I'm rerolling to Hunter from Paladin for Legion
Weird, I mained a paladin basically through my entire career
Mainly because of WoWhobbs and a very fun boost from a draenei paladin back in TBC, where they just looked so OP compared to my hunter
I thought the idea was getting Artifacts is pretty simple, after that you power them up and customize them which is the time consuming part
that's why I'm saying I want to get them all up to the first empowerment. The way I understand it, you got the base tier that you get them with, and then through your storyline (maybe at 110?) you get a second tier
Q: I need to spawn a chest filed with command blocks containing a tp command

looksy321 GamingI want to /setblock a chest filled with command blocks with this command pre-entered in all of them "/tp @e[r=2] -92.500 67.00000 242.000" all i have tried was google, and i couldn't find it anywhere.

My goal is to have all artifact weapons of all specs up to that second tier
Picking exactly 50/50 of each gender just for the sake of it seems dumb
@GnomeSlice yes, but it is the world we live in atm
They maybe the best for the job
They might not be
Maybe they just picked the best 30 people and it ended up that way
but sometimes, making the point is more vauable :/
Doubt it, he made an announcement about it
Wasn't Canada basically the laughing stock of the west alongside Belgium before Trudeau came along?
@GnomeSlice it's normal to annouce the choices, isn't it?
and of course the press went 'but, women??!'
@NateKerkhofs I think you mean "America"
@NateKerkhofs You might want to look at italy
or greece
You know, the country where people are still saying Wheres The Birth Certificate Obungo
And Support Are Troops
And Guns don't kill people!
@Unionhawk Only if you don't believe in yourself
Q: Can I use a Oculus SDK and runtime with Unity 5?

NottolinaI am a new user and I am trying to get the Oculus running on an old PC. I had a few issues with the latest SDK so I am currently using the version. I would like to integrate Oculus with Unity. My question is whether I can use Unity 5 with the SDK and which kind of integr...

Since we were talking about Canada:
Basically, it's an extremely diverse, extremely apt cabinet where most posts seem like they were given to someone who actually cares about the subject
they got quadriplegics, blind people, First Nation people, openly gay people,... I think any other nation these days would struggle to fit their government with competent people
At least, the Canadian government SEEMS competent on paper
There are tons of first world nations that don't even manage that correctly
In the last Belgian government for example, our minister of culture hadn't even been to the theater before
And currently, about half our government has been in a scandal since the elections in June 2014
The Bob Ross marathon is ending D:
(2 hours 34 minutes remain)
Q: Playstation Online Store & D.M.R.ights

SidharthaDMR. Digital Media Rights - correct? If you own a PS4 and download full games on the PS.Store, like I have for at least three games I've purchased. When does that ownership expire? The answer should be never, since I paid for them. But I want to know the details... Are they locked to the Playst...

@Unionhawk they should just loop it. forever
Oh yeah, I forgot @3ventic is a twitch admin and therefore shows up on localsub mode o/
And is 100% more conspicuous with that police badge
Woo, almost weekend time
TIL there's a difference between Admin and Global Moderator
Eh, good enough. Weekend time.
@Unionhawk Saaaad
(also known as TIL there is such a position as "global mod")
Q: can you change my username EndBrine101 to Airfuision

user129047Hi i am EndBrine101 could you please change my minecraft username to AirFuision From Endbrine

Q: Decreasing maximal health in Minecraft 1.8

Nik333How can I decrease maximal health of a player using commands in Minecraft 1.8?

> openly ginger.
Good lord.
Canada is clearly going to the dogs.
Ah fuck, part of the Legion progression goes through PvP objectives...
I assume you can just ignore it, but tons of people complained about having to win 2 BGs for your legendary back in MoP and are doing it now about having to PvP to get max valor points
Question: is censored hentai on youtube still considered NSFW on here?
I mean, youtube doesn't mind since it hasn't been taken down yet after 7 hours and 71K views
@NateKerkhofs Probably? You can still link NSFW stuff in the chatroom. It's just strongly suggested that you put it behind a text link with a warning.
In general, if you gotta question it don't post it.
I think posting is still fine, so long as you don't one-box it and do add a content warning.
I found that hilarious when I watched it earlier today
is it just my headphones or is this video only playing in one ear?
is it just me?
it's the video
thank you
i thought they might be broken
they didn't have stereo TVs at the time, I think, so everything for TV was recorded in Mono
Mono usually plays the same stream in both ears.
Probably some kind of mistake trying to convert mono to stereo.
yeah, that makes sense

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