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Q: How to quickly cure headaches without medicine

SandySandsI've experienced this sometimes when I go for hours without water or little food and suddenly I experience a headache that gradually gets worse as time goes on. Until now I used to just pop a pill and get it over with, but I've always looked for alternatives and frankly the internet is filled wit...

That feeling when you open XCode after it's updated and try to run your code
@Sterno to be fair, "treat as dehydration" is usually right
Headache is one of the primary symptoms aside from thirst obviously
I like that he's done his research, found "the internet is filled with data over data", and decided that the place that could finally give him an authoritative answer was Lifehacks.
But it almost seems like that question was rejected from health, and asked on Lifehacks instead
In this particular situation where he says he hasn't had anything to eat or drink all day, yes, that's the likely culprit. Though that makes you wonder how stupid he is that he even needs to ask. But I'm not sure how to respond to your statement that "treat as deyhdration" is usually going to work. There are a LOT of things that cause headaches
Note to self: stop eating things cooked in oil for breakfast.
@Sterno I mean in general as far as alternatives to medicine go, water is usually a pretty solid option. It doesn't fix everything though, sure
Unless you're dying of dysentery and the water isn't clean, I guess.
Decidedly not a good bet in that case
(what are you even going on about?)
Oh wow, I didn't even catch that he had a connection as to potentially why he has headaches. What the hell.
He's roughly asking the equivalent of "Sometimes after I bang my head against the wall for a long time, it hurts. How can I fix that?"
@PrivatePansy no way
That is awesome
@Sterno yes
How the fuck have you tried and it didn't work when you say that your symptoms only occur when you are dehydrated and haven't eaten
That reminds me, I need to get my cpr/first aid renewed
Also, I just listened to Douglas Crockford speak
Huh. Apparently, people with cystic fibrosis are naturally resistant to tuberculosis.
I mean, you still have cystic fibrosis, which sucks, but there's that.
> "There is goodness in JavaScript. When you use JavaScript, you have a choice - you can go Jedi, or you can go Jar Jar."
See, I told you it's real cc @Wipqozn
Oh yeah, Houston didn't ratify HERO.
Oh yeah apparently that's a big deal... Why... Is that a big deal I have no idea
Whoo, go fearmongering and blatant intentional lying.
@Unionhawk I didn't really have anything in the movement either for or against, I just disliked how the whole campaign got centered on bathrooms of all things.
@Unionhawk HERO stands for Houston Equal Rights Ordinance.
@Sterno I guess it's probably a good thing that this is failing to load for me. Then I don't have to visit lifehacks.
Basically, city ordinance about preventing discrimination against people on basis of gender, race, etc.
Which you'd think already existed so there wasn't a need for the ordinance, but it's Houston (and thus Texas) so yeah.
It doesn't exist in most states
@Yuuki probably transgender rights?
@KevinvanderVelden That was a big thing.
But yeah, the "against" movement zeroed in on f--kin' bathrooms.
I mean, I have no idea what the thing was about but getting arrested/killed for going to the "wrong" bathroom has happened multiple times
Even my mom was complaining about guys going into women's bathrooms if HERO passed.
Ohio voted down issue 3, which is good because it was awful
Is downforeveryoneorjustme.com down for everyone or just me?
@Yuuki well there's your problem. It'd be women going into women's bathrooms if HERO passed
It's an idiotic issue because it's a complete non-issue.
Even if HERO passed, businesses still can still refuse bathroom rights to people if they believe there is a cause for concern.
Voted up issue 1 which is good because it's fucking obvious
Like a person who looks like a dude going into a women's bathroom.
@Yuuki except there are also people proposing bills ilke this: digitaljournal.com/article/346126
So, no, it is not a non-issue
If that person turns out to be transgender, the business can still essentially say "whoops, my bad, go ahead".
And not be sued or anything.
(3 is a monopoly for marijuana, which includes legalization, 1 is a bipartisan redistricting committee to stop gerrymandering)
@KevinvanderVelden No, I'm saying the whole concern about the "wrong" people going into bathrooms without repercussions is a non-issue for HERO because 1) HERO doesn't even mention bathrooms and 2) what I stated above.
@Yuuki except both things I linked
You are talking about other stuff. I am talking about HERO in particular.
Which make it obvious that it is not a non-issue, 2 grand + legal costs for going into the "wrong" bathroom
In the context of HERO (and only HERO), it is a non-issue. Because HERO sidesteps it completely. Outside of HERO, yes it is a problem.
Ah aight
Yeah job interview next tuesday
I am complaining about how the whole campaign against the ordinance, which was supposed to be a general non-discrimination law, turned the whole thing into a debate about bathrooms. That shouldn't have even been a part of the argument because it wasn't even relevant to the ordinance. Bathrooms and bathroom access would've been exactly the same before and after HERO.
Had HERO passed.
@Yuuki If you can't fight it, fight something different.
@GnomeSlice wat
> Daphne texted me
why does daphne have john cena's number?
ah, i have visited know your meme and now understand the refrance
well done @GnomeSlice
Is it a reference?
I just thought it was because the joke is that daphne knows a lot of male celebrities
thanks @Yuuki now i will burn the rest of my day watching meme videos
@GodEmperorDune You say that like that wasn't already your plan.
damn these are really good
also why are the silicon valley guys doing smirnoff commercials now?
@GodEmperorDune Nobody knows
Literally my roommate is wondering the same thing
is kim kardashian hollywood any good?
probably not
I just wrote location.assign(location.href), please advise
/cc @PrivatePansy
Q: terraria ios solar eclipse glitch or luck

koppsomeok so i have the latest ios version of terraria and I have killed chuthulu the brain of chuthulu slime king all three mechanicals plantera golem and I still haven't had a solar eclipse have spent about 500 hours trying to get a solar eclipse and nothing. why is this is it a glitch or luck. I help...

@KevinvanderVelden is dancing an appropriate solution to POST/GET confusion
Good lord how did I ever live without /localsub on BTTV
(hides everyone but subscribers and moderators in a twitch chat, which is nice for large chats)
what makes you think subscribers won't copypasta
They usually don't, and either way it cuts down on the chat experience by multiple orders of magnitude
Sometimes they do, but subs are usually less terrible
Jesus Christ that's a lot of emotes for twitch/bobross
@badp yes. Dancing is always an appropriate solution
It's more about reducing the scroll speed, and less about actually making the chat good
@Sterno Famous site. We were shown this in UX lectures as an example of terrible, terrible UX that actually works a lot better than many carefully designed sites.
@Sterno I think I found where they dumped the excess geocity gifs
RIP Sterno
@fredley And my hair. And my ears.
@fredley THIS. @STERNO'S ON FIRE!!!!
Pauses in music are weird to emulate in text.
You're weird to emulate in text
@Unionhawk urmom is weird to emulate in text
cc @Wipqozn
Q: I want to know how to get a clone of yourself!

The pro commanderNo plugins and mods please. I want to make a staff wall:

... I just realized I haven't submitted my timesheets for the past two weeks.
Crap neither have I
Crap I need ink. Wal mart today then.
I haven't owned a printer in years. I'm basically living the dream.
That sounds like the lamest dream
Note to self: never put tomatoes in a sandwich (or sub) that you plan on eating the next day.
@Unionhawk it's @fredley's dream
@fredley This was true for me up until last year. I got a printer as a birthday present form my in-laws because my wife told them that she wanted a printer.
I didn't set it up for a few months but they kept asking me if it worked, so I finally did. I've used it like twice.
I'm a student and fuck paying for printing on campus
I have two. One sitting ontop of the other.
@Unionhawk Yeah paying to print stuff is lame.
Mostly fuck going somewhere to print
I like having the option to be lazy and try to print last minute
@StrixVaria that's what a job is for :D
My university required print cards. You got 50 sheets a semester free, then a 10 cent per page charge for black and white. I discovered their admin override was 1234. For all machines.
@GodEmperorDune Yeah I was fine just printing things at work as needed.
@Unionhawk Don't worry. Once you have a job you'll abuse the office printer to make all the free printings you want.
Printing out D&D battle maps on our color plotter? Hell yeah!
All the kids use the Internet these days
Ie TTS or something
It's not real gaming if you can't smell the unwashed gamer next to you.
I think they can simulate that now too
@StrixVaria Now if I want things printed, I print them at work.
If I want things printed nicely, I get them done at a print shop
Everything is better when you don't own a printer
even marmite so i've heard
I now have danger zone in my head and it's @fredley's fault
@Unionhawk ಠ_ಠ
Your counter trolling is successful god damn you
Q: How to make fireworks in minecraft pe answer

Ethan EdwardsGet paper and gunpowder and a diamond and dies and craft it in a crafting table and you will have a firework shell and tap a animal with the firework shell and it shoots

@Unionhawk i have the unexpected cena song stuck in my head and it's all @Yuuki's fault
@GodEmperorDune Doo doo doo doo~
Damn you
Q: Is there any cheats glitches or any other things for minecraft Xbox 360 version

DannyIs there any way to get glitches and cheats and other things on minecraft like duplication glitches and cheats.

@Yuuki its funny because php is not involved
@Lazers fucks sake cheats aren't illegal
Especially not in a single player game, which minecraft can be
Q: How to lose cops?

Colonel PanicHow can I lose the cops? In previous grand theft auto games, my tactic was to drive to a spray paint garage, but I tried that in GTA V and the garages are always closed "lose the cops".

@GodEmperorDune PHP: "Act like they are interested even when they are not?"
@Unionhawk If you hack Minecraft for Xbox360, Bill Gates comes to your house and arrests you.
@GraceNote lmao
If you hack Minecraft for Xbox360, Notch cries a little more realizing how alone he is after the sellout.
He weeps into his giant pile of cash.
And then tweets.
@GnomeSlice Why are they from the 1940s?
Q: Convert cities/baronies to theocracies

Tahsis ClausIs there a way to make a vassal who only holds a city title be theocratic permanently? Theocracies can hold cities like Republics, but giving a theocratic unlanded vassal a city converts them to Republic, and if a you give a temple holder a city, I think his temple and city titles will go to diff...

oh good I managed to break my xbox 360 controller apparently
it plugs in, but does not turn on
How did you even manage that
Could be the cord up where it attaches to the controller
mine broke there too
I don't know why the cable is split in two parts
but it just got loose at the circular junction thingy
That's a break-away cord
Meant that if you had a sudden jerk or tug, you don't pull the console/PC clean off the table/whatever
Kids love those
One Weird Lifehack Discovered By A Kids
@MadMAxJr phrasing!
cc @uni
found a bug
I have no idea what that means.
me neither, but I can't do anything on Arqade.
or any other SE site for that matter
just tried restarting chrome, nope.
diving into IE...
(I blame @TimStone like he's @TimPost even though I'm distinctly aware he isn't, is the joke)
Does that mean yes, then?
@Texenox we know.
Well, obviously, its broken, gotta blame someone! ;)
Same error in IE.
well then. has work decided to some weird half ass blocking now
@Rapitor yep
@Texenox That doesn't ping me
@Wipqozn I'm well aware.
@Wipqozn urmom doesn't ping me
@GodEmperorDune quickly googles "supa hot fire gif"
@Unionhawk Someone needs to make this a thing
Looking at you @fredley
@Wipqozn meh, it's not worth the $10 annual DNS
@Wipqozn I think @TimStone should do it
He owes us for breaking @Rapitor's SE experience
i thought we agreed that @Wipqozn was responsible
all that blocking in a half shell
Ah, the text is overlaid.
Makes sense.
@Yuuki fail
>inb4 flagged
@Yuuki flagged for being awkward and unfunny
@GodEmperorDune Most of the ones that the site generates are.
Hi guys, my friend made this 2d platformer game if you wanna check it out that'd be great
(I kid, I kid.)
@Yuuki Um. Why is this here.
Now my health insurance provider is even in on it.
John Oliver had a bit about politicians using completely fake quotes and then made a website that generates completely fake quotes.
@Sterno Lifehacks, they're everywhere.
@Yuuki Fair enough, but that last one is a bit....much, no?
@Yuuki it would be better if they were funny
(aka I don't want to have to flag it, but it kinda skirts the appropriateness line.)
I think I live with a vampire.
@AshleyNunn just modabuse and delete it
Huh. Caching says there's still an active flag on it when it's clearly an actioned flag
Oh damn it
I can't read deleted stuff.
This is the worst.
Blame caching
Now I just read the deleted stuff and wished I hadn't.
@Sterno That's usually the case with deleted things.
Not with self-deleted things a lot of the time
But usually it's just boring
ooh can I be a room owner too?
(Note: I have no say in this)
Q: How to download games on Steam without using steam

Fezodge IIII recently switched to an Ubuntu computer and the one thing that annoys me is the lack of games available. However I have found a program called WINE which can run Windows applications (.exe) on Linux computers. I have nearly all of my games on Steam but it won't let me download the files if I'm ...

That's one of the things Desura had that I wish Steam had done
You could opt out of the client entirely
But Desura was also shit, so
they were the ones that stopped paying devs, right?
It was never under sound management.
Is the Desura service defunct or still floating? I see the owners filed for Bankruptcy earlier this year.
Still usable afaik
Also my bus is now 10 minutes late
So I am going to be late for work
itch.io has kind of taken over as the go-to for small indies.
I don't think Desura would recover even if somebody bailed them out
Which is a shame, they had some really nice features.
yeah the steam client UI is pretty shitty
@Aequitas according to mod abuse ordinance 1604, no
Moderating was hard in 1604, what with the Anglo-Spanish war just coming to an end.
Fun fact: 9/10 mods agree that mod abuse is loads of fun
@Wipqozn which mod disagrees with that?
@GodEmperorDune Your mom.
The blistering blackened crater where moderator #10 used to stand.
I was gonna say me, but then the implications of being @GodEmperorDune's mom are kinda weird.
Contribute to our list for #NationalStressAwarenessDay, MOST STRESSFUL SITUATIONS EVER ✚ https://li.st/l/7hCocV5RKFnUscAguUepdN
Unrelated note
> Diffusing a bomb with your mother in law watching.
Making me aware of national stress awareness day is stressful.
@Unionhawk and its not a keep talking refrance... tsk tsk
Which nation
Probably the best one
@Unionhawk all of the mentioned situtations are not very stressful
@Unionhawk Defusing a bomb with your mother-in-law watching would also be stressful.
@Yuuki no, you need to spread it around
@GodEmperorDune dude, no joke, being trapped under ice would be scary as fuck, and is half of why I don't ice dive
with her going "you missed a spot"
The other half being that ice diving is cold
@Yuuki Dang
I was hoping you'd be all "I don't think I should have been suspended", because I was going to b e all "Just let it go". Frozen joke, you're @yuuki, et cetear.
You guys really needs to start behaving in exactly the way I come up with in my imaginations so that I can make more bad jokes.
@Wipqozn just let it go @Wipqozn
@GodEmperorDune OH SNAP
That was a good one @GodEmperorDune
@AshleyNunn this is what I'm talking about with this guy being literally both of the skeletal brothers
@Wipqozn :D
And if @Wipqozn played Undertale he'd know what the fuck I was talking about
@Unionhawk I really do need to paly that
Man, you just put the idea in my head of playing 'Keep talking and nobody explodes' with my parents in my head.
@Unionhawk No argument here.
@Wipqozn Please provide guidance
In the form of a character spec sheet
@fredley lolwut
@fredley Excellent.
isn't that expensive?
@Aequitas $10
It's worth $10 to me
DNS lookup failed. aww.
@MadMAxJr F5 harder
@GodEmperorDune I enjoyed that gif
@fredley good
took me long enough to get the damn url
i also tried to get some archer/john cena thing working, but google failed me because apparently archer is another wrestler name and not referring to the awesome show
Q: Wait, so we cannot make our own seeds?

MaddyHello who ever is reading this! I was just wondering, because I seen on YouTube this person making a seed, but I feel like it was fake, and the comments kept on saying it was a prank but their were other comments that said "Great! Works awesome for me". So I'm so confused. So can we make our own ...

@GodEmperorDune related
@Unionhawk i lolled
It's one of the single greatest vines on the internet
no one?
@Unionhawk the fake swarzenegger driving vines are pretty great
@Aequitas Seems fine to me, "an Ubuntu" is a little weird but I don't actually know which article is correct to use with Ubuntu (my instincts say 'a')
I blame @Unionhawk
WEll main story compelte for FF14. Watching credit roll now.
Now... onto everything else
> honda according to arnold you need to get out of the way
@Unionhawk depends on how you pronounce it I suppose, but I was referring to revision 4, not the other ones
@Aequitas Seems fine to me
Q: I need help please

Shanii4LyfeThugishMineCraft Pocket Edition 0.12.1 I'm using right now when I want to join a server it say Invalid Name and I when on website the gives the best server so I thought that it would have something to do with the app so I uninstall Minecraft and install it again same thing what do I do...

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