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Fanatic! Yay
Apple rage levels: medium-rare
Sigh. So I'm on vacation now, and my technically inept boss keeps trying to say my web app "doesn't work"
recent email is "it doesn't work because I'm on firefox"
Solution: "Say you're gonna unplug, then remove battery from work phone"
Okay. Well, I programmed it to be browser agnostic, I tested it on firefox, and this also isn't 2005 where browsers have wildly different compatibility issues
@fredley Solution: "Burn apple to the ground"
@KevinvanderVelden tempting
Normal amount of time an app spends "In Review": a few minutes
Time this app has spent "In Review": 18 hours
Oh wow. She's actually not wrong, apparently. Somehow a bug got in that causes layers to not load for Firefox. The problem is, I'm pretty sure this isn't my code
@fredley They never had a key.
I work from home.
still wut
So I'm home most of the time anyway.
I did not give a key so I wouldn't have to change locks.
Q: Most efficient (cost & time) way to get a good Gavel of Judgement

BenI'm looking for a strong gavel to play the HotA build with my season barb but I'm only finding mediocre ones. If I wanted to dedicate time specifically towards creating/finding a strong gavel, what would be the most efficient route? Simply rifting and waiting for one to drop seems inefficient. W...

Also, final? update: My parents came over to get some stuff stored here. Found a bag with garbage placed in there (it was stored in a small space next to the room that they rented.
SO I got a little bit mad.
did you get rid of your squatters in the end?
I mean what kind of monster would put empty packets back in the fridge
Yup. They left yesterday. I found some not so fun surprises after they left. (Used underwear, garbage,...)
Fucking pigs.
how uncivilized... and gross...
@5pike I know, like some kind of head of state or something.
@fredley Ha
Incest is no laughing matter.
slow clap Well played
The worst part is still those glass splinters on the windowsill. If Pixel would have jumped/sat on those, bad things would have happened.
Good job I didn't jump up there
Bad things including fire?
What can I do if I owned fluttershy.horse?
It's available for $25 per year
> Project : error PRJ0002: Error result 31 returned from 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin\mt.exe'.
Why? Why are you doing this to me?
@PrivatePansy get another .horse thing and do a redirect loop with best pony?
@KevinvanderVelden Possibly.
@PrivatePansy Make something like glue.horse
@PrivatePansy Fluttershy is not a horse
Also I'm super happy that I got 16ms.nl (site not actually up yet)
@KevinvanderVelden 16ms?
@fredley 60 FPS
Too bad you can't do anything creative with .sg
wow my window is so narrow it's made everyone's nick's weird
fredle, Priva, Arper....
did OrigamiRobot leave or something?
his account looks... deleted
Kalin D:
@fredley Close enough
@kalina yeah he left a while ago
This is the weirdest bug. On Firefox, the javascript library doesn't load.
I don't think he deleted his account (well, anymore than it already was)
@kalina I was too scared to ask that.
/me wbbles
but he was like the bestest person in here
Or maybe small.horse, then set up fluttershy.small.horse. Because that would be more accurate
@RonanForman o/
RIP Everyone
@kalina Hey.
Because @fredley
@KevinvanderVelden He deleted his arqade account at some point.
@Arperum yes, I'm aware
He ignored everybody on chat, then got bored and left, iirc
But that's old
Hellbanning yourself might get boring after some time.
@fredley Gee, I wonder why
i dun geddit
I can't imagine chat being very interesting if it was just you talking to yourself
@twobugs Well, given that it is provable that y'all are just figments of my imagination...
PorkChat definitely doesn't simulate chat. Oh no.
If I'm just a figment of your imagination, how come you cease to exist when I close the browser window?
@twobugs you're merely closing your method of observation
the existing still continues
Best way to assert your existence: ping people all the time
Right @twobugs?
I almost went full @badp to an effort to refute you
@twobugs pls
That was really weird.
I tried to type the word multiple, but my hands decided I wanted the word number instead.
@kalina No, you're the bestest person in here!
@MBraedley aw
@twobugs but you failed
so you didn't
@twobugs Never go full @badp
@RonanForman he left about two years ago
@MBraedley do you purposely try to be alone in your opinions or is this just a method of convincing me to be here more than once in a blue moon?
@fredley Yeah, basically. I stared into the abyss and it stared back.
and deleted his chat account a year ago or so
@badp Huh. I assumed he left while I was away.
@kalina No comment
He hung around in chat until April
@RonanForman I think you were away for more than two years buddy
@fredley Yeah I was gonna say
also yeah I'm using "year" rather loosely here
@kalina Well, I missed our interesting convos D:
@badp Was I? I thought it was only a year. Maybe not.
His last message:
I tried looking it up but I only saw my message that I was sad he didn't appear in autocomplete at roughly the end of april
in Minecraft Talk, Apr 29 at 1:07, by Origami Robot
Come do stuff
I assume he still Steams, I will need to remember my Steam details I guess
I haven't done anything on arqade for longer than that though.
@kalina he does
@KevinvanderVelden Dammit you. Ninja.
@Arperum :D
I was afraid I was losing my edge with getting inb4-ed by Yuuki a few times, but I can still inb4 you so all is well.
@KevinvanderVelden I think I even inb4ed you at some point.
@Arperum it was a dark and scary time
I see there is still a tiny bit of me remaining in here then, with all of this inb4'ing
I'm mostly just a radical empiricist. What proof is there that when I look away y'all still exist? Nothing! Blind faith is what's making you guys exist when I look away
quick, @Sterno is here pretends not to be here
Also, I live in perpetual fear of densely packed Hitlers outside of my line of vision
@kalina inb4-ing @Arperum is a good tradition that I will strive to keep alive
@PrivatePansy #include <true-evil-and-other-privatepansy-selves.convo>
@PrivatePansy it's okay, at least they're not densely packed ponies
When the sun sets, there's literally nothing that ensures it'll rise again in the morning
do you even science?
@kalina Science is based on observation. I do not observe the sun. Therefore, it does not exist.
that's what I've been saying about Arqade since 2014 but every time I look it's still there
@kalina It is blind faith that causes Arqade to exist. If you stop believing in it, it'll cease to exist
But is it the same Arqade? Or is this simply a facsimile of it
Like ponies, or Santa Claus, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster, but less metaphorically
Actually, I take that back. Ponies are real. I'm hugging one right now.
well now you're talking crazy, ponies are real
damn O_O
inb4 @kalina
@KevinvanderVelden undefined?
Nov 7 '13 at 10:49, by Private Pansy
When my mother signed for the Twilight Sparkle plushie that arrived yesterday she sent me an SMS telling me my wife has arrived
Wait no she didn't :o
@KevinvanderVelden but she missed the revival.
I would hamstare at you so hard right now, but I'm more curious where that undefined came from
Jul 9 at 13:57, by Private Pansy
@5pike true, fun times
@PrivatePansy science time!
No repro, hmmm
anyway this has been fun
bye again
Is it the caps? @PRIVATEPANSY'S TEST
@PrivatePansy I've got an undefined in it though
But I didn't
Chrome specific, perhaps?
So it's if you get pinged in all caps @PRIVATEPANSY ?
Is that undefined actually in your text or is it inserted by the server?
Or is it if you get pinged with a quote? @PrivatePansy's
@PrivatePansy wasn't in mine
That would ruin the science!
But you can see it now, right? Totally weird
@PrivatePansy I can only see it in your message to me
Nowhere else
Yeah, and I can see it in your messages to me
All of them or which ones?
Noooo... I just got handed a 150 page booklet entitled "Modern Perl"
The first two
@PrivatePansy only in the all caps + quote s variant? Hmm
The S after the quote must also be in caps, for some reason
So @PrivatePansy'S works?
Yes, that did
Also, doesn't appear in the transcripts
I'm on Chrome and it doesn't appear for me.
chrome and was fine here.
@twobugs'S now it does
@djsmiley2k'S science!
me too plz D:
@djsmiley2k'Sundefined science!
It only appears to the person being pinged
So it's very likely a client side bug
try again plz....
Would also explain why the transcript doesn't do it
Hmm, what if @djsmiley2k'A
Let me check partial pings @Kevin'B
K, it's not related to 1. being in chan at the time, or 2. desktop notifications.
@PrivatePansy nope
@Private'S we haven't confirmed if it works with anything other than S though
It's not specific to the letter S, right?
Is it a chrome only bug?
@djsmiley2k did it?
@KevinvanderVelden That worked
@Arperum no idea, someone with a different browser try it?
@Arperum Nope, seeing it on Firefox
It's only 'S
uses firefox
So, it's specifically the letter capital S? o.o
@Arperum'S ? :O
Someone ping me with the entire ASCII table? :P
@KevinvanderVelden rather 's is handled especially
Yup, has undefined.
because, see? it's 's, you'd use that in 'normal' english
'S however is rare corner case.
So. The letter S strikes again.
I think they are handling 's on the end of a username,
and forgot about 'S, or didn't update 'S .
I would go report this, but I'm afraid Jeff would sneak up on me at night and bludgeon me with a giant S
Hypothesis: They're using a regex which is case insensitive and then doing indexOf('s')?
But where does the undefined come from?
That's pure javascript
'a'['a'.indexOf('s')] == undefined
#define undefined true
(indexOf returns -1 when not found, negative indices in an array or string return undefined)
Shall I post it to meta se?
@PrivatePansy'S checking
Nope, doesn't work. Someone ping me with the buggy string
@KevinvanderVelden I'm messaging one of the devs on the meta chatroom
Seems a simple enough bug
Okay, no console errors
@PrivatePansy aight
eaiest way to show them is to ping them :P
That's interesting.
Definitely a bug
In whatever script you're using
Nah, I'm pretty sure someone linked Friday directly on that transcript page and that's what it's picking up.
@fredley what should I be looking for?
@Yuuki Cannot reproduce
Either that or it's somehow detecting this:
Jul 9 at 14:54, by Martin Sojka
user image
@Yuuki creepiest gollum ever
That transcript page has the word FRIDAY on it. and Rebecca Black.
@GodEmperorDune Look at the image
Pretty sure these two combined results in it being seen as a friday link. If my memory serves me right anyway.
@Yuuki html.toString().contains("Rebecca Black")
@fredley Shouldn't you reword the warning then to CAUTION: CONTAINS "REBECCA BLACK"?
@Yuuki PR it m8
@fredley So wait, as long as the entire page contains Rebecca Black somewhere on it, that warning will be displayed?
Note to self: never get wraps from the university store thing.
They taste like s---.
@Yuuki This picture is terrible.
We need to chat more
so it moves from my screen already.
@Arperum so how is the freedom of not having tenants?
Replaced creepy image with ponies
Acceptable use of ponies.
@GodEmperorDune I've found multiple bad surprised today, but aside from that, pretty fucking awesome.
Q: Minecraft - How do i find the item tag?

Marcus13FIm currently working on some maps but i always find myself lost when im trying to find a specific item in a slot in my inventory. This time its the head, which is 103b.Currently i dont have any way so im going all im doing is check for a minecraft skull which makes it easily to bypass. Is there ...

Hmmm, is revival a badge you can get multiple times? or is it a one time only thing?
I just got that and now I'm curious.
@Arperum I think multiple
@fredley can you look at this revision comment it's kind of not pleasant.
@fredley It is. I just looked at my own profile. I have it twice.
Q: Fallout Shelter Most Important SPECIAL Categories

Wired inWhat are the most important SPECIAL categories? What are the least important? Please rank from 1-7?

Q: Playing a game, what measurement of speed is u/s?

HellreaverI've been playing attack on Titan, a game based on the anime, and have recently enabled the speedometer so I could judge how fast my character is going. Unfortunately, it uses either a made-up or poorly translated unit of measurement. Does anyone know what u/s is, and how it relates to mph?

I just got reddit gold. Such leather. So stitch. Wow.
@fredley for what?
What's reddit gold?
Reddit premium
I didn't notice any benefits the whole time I had it
They gave default mods like 3 months free
@GnomeSlice you were a default mod?
@5pike The benefits are marginal. You get more sub reddits displayed on your front page (non-gold members get a random selection of their subs if they exceed 50, I think)
You can have more comments loaded on comment threads automatically, up to 1000 instead of 200 I think
@fredley IIRC @gnome is a mod on /r/music or something.
New comments made after your last visit is automatically highlighted
That last one is perhaps the only true benefit of having gold
You get access to a gold only subreddit, which is completely pointless
And you get some coupon codes to use on some websites
The discounts are not bad, but they're almost all US only, and are fairly specific products
@PrivatePansy Mh, interesting. My interaction with reddit is almost zero. I pretty much only read r/til
r/til is kind of crappy. Their posts regularly get featured on r/badhistory
@Arperum uwotm8
What is r/badhistory?
@PrivatePansy Like RES?
@fredley RES doesn't do that, AFAIK
Also, RES is local only. Since this is stored on the server side you can have the comments highlighted based on your visits from anywhere, as long as you're logged in
@PrivatePansy The only thing I'm interested is the ability to filter /r/all.
Oh yeah, I think there's the ability to filter out your subs from r/all?
You can probably do that on the client side too, but doing it on the server side does make better use of reddit's algorithms
And you can do /r/all-<subreddit> to remove other subreddits.
So /r/all-nosleep-trees would give you /r/all just without /r/nosleep or /r/trees.
Yeah it is raining inside!
cc: @PrivatePansy
Yeah, I know. They're close to 25% funded now
Not the kind of game I'd play, but I want the soundtrack for it so bad...
@PrivatePansy You can give me the Steam key and watch me never play it!
And we all live happily ever after!
Someone pointed this out to me and it makes me really mad but it's true: when Nintendo makes a Splatoon sequel they're gonna name it something like Splatwo
Spla2: The Splattening
@JoshPetrie Spla2n
@fredley The animation quality looks quite good for a fan-made game. It'd be cool to see it get funded.
@MBraedley Spla2n^2
Which is like SplatoO(n), but runs significantly slower once you get into the game
Still technically morning
@Unionhawk Not here
It's close to midnight
It's not morning in @fredley land either what's your point
@MBraedley Spla2: 2Spla3
@twobugs I wonder if they'll realize people expect that and go with something even stupider like 2toon: The Splatwo-ning.
I can't wait for the sequel to @twobugs: @threebugs.
Or is it going to be a prequel sequel: @onebug?
Q: Inquisition - Lost Crestwood and Varric

FrankI went to Crestwood once, not sure what happened, but left after opening scene. went on to other areas. Now Crestwood has disappeared from the war table. Also, Varric is nowhere to be found. I did meet him on the ramparts at Skyhold at one point. Help

@PrivatePansy I always thought the ponies were young adults not teenagers, judging by Twilight and Rarity living on their own. And I think Pinkie lives on her own, she just works at Sugarcube Corner.
Heck, Twilight and Rarity are pretty much raising Spike and Sweetie Belle on their own.
@Yuuki They are indeed, but Equestria Girls is... weird. And oddly regressive.
They quite literally compressed an entire town and/or country into a high school
@PrivatePansy Well high school basically is the whole world. Nothing matters outside of high school.
See: KLK
@Yuuki Sweetie Belle lives with her parents. I think she just lives with Rarity occasionally
Isn't @RonanForman still in high school, what with being constantly 16 and all?
(had to be done)
@fredley That controller looks like a horrible monstrosity
@fredley Oh, that was yesterday.
Too bad, I would've liked an Amalgam comic.
@Unionhawk McDonalds are literally the worst
Unless I'm drunk
I'm surprised they didn't mash vim and emacs. Or Star Trek and Star Wars. Or tabs and spaces
@fredley they're the worst for not making peace. And also, yes.
Post-beer tasting fries were literally the greatest thing
That was a good day overall
That reminds me, we as a house need to get a weekend to go to local breweries. Or several weekends
Bridge House?
No, my house.
That's no fun
@TimStone Roboottttt house!
@TimStone She's a bridge... house.
I had all of these references in mind, thank you everyone for being on board
Chatty chat just let all the tags hang out.
@TimStone I don't believe you
Yesterday's news today with @uni
@Unionhawk Well, you're wrong
Huh, I think I just broke Windows.

Proposed Q&A site for all questions and answers about watch history, watch references and brands

Currently in definition.

@fredley Assuming that's real (you can never tell on the internet), where was it?
@TimStone are you telling me that shit can blow up without the clock half?
There was probably a clock in the general vicinity
There is always a score clock at a football game, is there not?
The joke of the week is to use the words clock and bomb interchangeably. No further effort is required or requested.
@fredley Your face is a clock
The joke of the week is definitely not that
Last week called they want their joke back
A clomb
Someone set us up the clock
Drat. Killing the training dummy in Undertale counts as a kill.
Q: How to change font size in DarkScape?

PhotonSo i started playing Darkscape - a new jagex game based of Runescape, and I run into a problem - all fonts seem too small for me, so is there any way to increase font size in DarkScape?

@Lazers2.0 "based on Runescape" is something of an understatement. There's more similar than different about the games
Basically, I suspect that any answer will apply equally to Runescape
@murgatroid99 even changing the settings?
Should be. It's basically the same game
The differences are primarily in gameplay
@murgatroid99 same game != same engine
@KevinvanderVelden but it is
They pretty much took Runescape, enabled PVP everywhere, and changed how banking works. And moved a couple of things around in the world
Apparently this maths questions was 'too hard' for 18 year olds
@fredley It's very poorly written
"time taken" for what? Why is time in tenths of seconds?
@murgatroid99 Oh yeah, but the mathematics is easy.
@fredley because age == math understanding, right
@murgatroid99 To dock points for pedantry
@fredley Basic differentiation?
@fredley I have no idea what it's asking, but I'll take your word for it
Yeah, the tenth of a second part is stupid. The rest of it looks like a standard optimization problem involving differentiation
@Chippies To be able to differentiate at 18 is not asking that much I don't think.
It's a little different from the usual 'find the largest volume with a fixed surface area', but not that different
@murgatroid99 a and b are "evaluate this function for x=20 and x=0"
They even gave you the equation
Part c is "differentiate this function, and find its root(s)"
Which is pretty generous. In most cases we have to figure out the equation ourselves

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