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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

I showed a friend our naming threads
he liked StageSix the best
he had a good idea though, just use a gaming word, plus a number.
@Jin Good to hear that people like Stage Six
it has a nice ring to it.. and both words start with the same letter
I like that it sounds like a place.
1 hour later…
Holy shit, almost all the domain choices are in the negative now
we are the self hating SE site
We're gamers, self-loathing is a part of that!
1 hour later…
ok, minecraft is ridiculously addicting
2 hours later…
does anyone have a server we could use to host minecraft?
Welcome to chat.gaming.stackexchange.com
This is a general discussion room, but please feel free to create more subject-specific rooms (a single room with every possible discussion isn't very helpful)
For playing with chat features:
For feedback:
and remember; please read the FAQ ;p)
not sure
Gaming now has a dedicated chat server
I don't plan on migrating the existing messages from this "general discussion" room (you have all been busy...), but if there are any side (more subject-specific) rooms that would genuinely benefit from migration, let me know.
I plan to freeze this room later today. After that, it will be available for review only.
So pack up your gaming rigs, tidy the cables from your über-keyboard and high-precision mouse, and head on over to the WAN party on the new server.
3 hours later…
Oh, hi.
g'day sir
@RanjuV, you need 20 rep to talk I'm afraid.
I'll give hime access, hang on a sec
there ya go
we're generous on launch day :)
I wonder how many people will listen to the beep and decide that's morse code for 4
(or is ....- 9?)
it's from the "song" I posted yesterday -- did anyone ever remember what game it's from? :)
It's probably older than I am :)
about your age, I think
although I do have the impression it's a 8-bit rearrangment of a more famous tune.
ah, 1986 -- it is older than you
I guess inter-chat oneboxes are [status-planned]?
not officially -- but in my head, yes
@Marc, when you freeze this don't forget to also freeze Game Recommendations
:195013 There would be the whole domain choosing ordeal, but it's probably too much work to go cherrypick all related messages
should we add the feeds here like we had in the gaming room in meta?
maybe as the ticker, not the full on message feed
I've also setup a room for close/edit/etc so people who aren't interested can avoid that
I thought the in-chat feeds was brilliant and a luxury until our site really takes off
yeah, I liked them too
If you don't like them I will set them up in another room anyway.
I'll add them here, if it bothers people so much, we can remove it
:54 I'd like to put them in the most frequented room
But I prefer to have them in General, as a general reminder that we also should answer questions from time to time :D
to maximize exposure
they were useful
:56 Precisely.
Yeah, the initial dump is kind of ungraceful.
@Juan, I've recreated the Game Rec room and rerouted the meta post to there
yes, I saw, thanks
Yeah, the domain name ordeal probably deserves its own room.
good idea
Is that still going on?
:96 The top proposal right now has 2 votes
...How do I get 20 rep D:
:107 Ask!
Oh wow, it's a different notifier beep
I'm so used to perking up at the other one
Yeah, each chat site has its one.
This is an excerpt from the theme of a game from 1986 balpha refuses to further pin down :)
The obvious thing to do ;D
It is uncannily similar to the very beginning Indiana Jones theme, but isn't quite it
Hey all. Enjoying the new site?
:135 It makes me long for Firefox Panorama :P
:135 It's shiny
yeah, you guys make sure to take your shoes of at the door, so it stays shiny!
:138 Your assumption on the cleanliness of our feet amuses me
Hey, we could dig out "keen" for flagging/deleting :)
Hmm, Castlevania was released in 1986 -- but the sound is completely different
Haha, it's driving you nuts, isn't it?
:142 Nah, just perusing pages around.
If I really wanted to figure it out on my own I wouldn't have posted that question.
I'm kind of sad that I won't get to feel like Picard every time I'm highlighted now :P
You're not banned from MSO, mind you
The end of the audio resembles Star Wars theme a bit.
I still kind of hate that I have to use this chat in my browser :(
@Fallen, dedicate a window to it then
Bleh, I want to do that even less than I want to have it open in a tab. :P I'm one of those people that prefers to have as few windows open at once as possible for what I'm doing at the time.
So GoG.com is supposedly bought by Steam and they are going to have Baldurs Gate in store, too much information for one day :)
new room
By Steam? Really?
supposedly some polish website has some inside intel
gram.pl/news_8QjrH,m6_GOG_wykupiony_przez_konkurencje.html here is the site scroll down for english version :)
we has our own chatz now?
we has a chat of our own!
I starred the first post! I win.
:165 answered
the short version is that the two rogues play on both teams. The other two romance options do not.
i hate the whole lesbian thing in both ME and DAO
@Cristina why?
:168 I hated it in ME. It felt like tacked on fanservice. In DAO it felt a bit more... legit, if only because of the gay male romance option.
Also, we need to get to work. Our Starred list is insufficiently polluted with nonsense.
what is ME?
and damnit. I lost Leilana. Do I get her back at some point?
@LessPop: Agreed.
in some games it doesn't feel right and legit like @LessPop_MoreFizz said
DAO I didn't have a problem with.
:173 Mass Effect.
What about Fable?
ah thanks
it's ok, you can have both female and male companions
I had a guy hit on me last night. It was... interesting
The single most starred post in gaming.chat 1.0:
you have to try everything at least once...
Aug 5 at 16:11 in Gaming, by Mana None of us have any friends.
8 stars.
:184 Learn from other's mistakes. You don't have the time to make them all yourself.
@JuanManuel well I would rather try cheating on my girlfriend and guys at different times. She'd break up with me either way.
close behind at 7:
Aug 25 at 16:01 in Gaming, by badp subjective! argumentative! CLOSE!
:190 without context it's weak
:191 I think that works just fine out of context. Better even.
:187 there's a time and a place for everything. And it's called college.
:193 There's no such thing as a college here you insensitive clod!
University is college++
btw. I'm just going to stare everything
:195 and thus different from college :P
To make our star list look bigger
there is a difference between college and university?
@badp yeah I suppose. I was at college until last semester now I'm at University
In non-American countries, yeah
A university offers both undergraduate and graduate programs, while a college only does undergrad
in America
In America, we use the terms more or less interchangeably
Isn't college some kind of school where people live at, instead of commuting to?
i see, thanks
In the US, while the terms technically have different meanings, they're used interchangably.
Can someone name a University that doesn't offer a grad degree (or isn't certified to offer one?)
From a schools standpoint, a College is one division of a university that might, for instance, divide up it's science and arts programs into two separate colleges.
Yeah a college is also a word for a dormitory
:209 Off the top of my head, no, but I can tell you that I looked at a few 10 years ago.
College is a word for dorm? Really?
oh wow. You're old.
:211 that's more of a british use.
I'm old. :(
Ah, that'd be why I've not heard of that
am I the oldest person here?
Well I'm here at X university in NY and most of the dorms are called such and such College
which reminds me
I have to go to algorithms
how old?
NYC or upstate?
:219 If it's the University I'm thinking of, in upstate NY, then that's an attempt at aping the british style, and it's a recent decision...
:222 I'm 27.
well if I told you where it was, you'd know within 2 miles of where I lived :-p
We still wouldn't know your address!
I grew up in Manhattan
meh true. or my name. I go to Stony Brook University
:229 Ah, SBU ripped off Binghamton then.
:229 That's more of a trend in the SUNY's though.
Ah cool, friend of mine went there, she double majored in astronomy and physics
Yeah, I was thinking of the SUNY's too
@LessPop_MoreFizz hehe. Binghamton. They are crazy there. Last time I met Binghamton kids, they stabbed some guy at my college.
Also, I am like 35 minutes from you at the moment @mechko. Time to get my stalk on.
stabbed...as in literally stabbed?
Binghamton's not that bad.
:240 was gonna say... the primary 'bad news' about binghamton is that the campus feels like an industrial park rather than a residential and academic complex
they have smokestacks!
Syracuse's north campus is next to a graveyard!
also, their goofy misplaced pride in the fact that the campus looks like a brain from mid air.
A frigging huge graveyard. It's bigger than north campus.
Oh no it's a great school and its also in a good place. Upstate NY needs more state schools. One of the poorest areas in the US with so many expensive private schools is a bit of a sham
ok class time.
@Mechko: I know that pain. I got into NYU but I had to leave cuz I couldn't afford tuition. :(
:247 Upstate NY actually has a whole lot of public schools. Most of the private ones draw from out of state, and it has more to do with availiable land. I wouldn't call that a shame.
question how many hours does a lecture have?
The SUNY schools are pretty affordable overall
and generally give good quality educations
I mean, just talking about the ones that you could compare to national universities, you have SUNY Bingo, Buffalo, Albany, Geneseo, Purchase. And then you have a whole TON of second tier SUNY's that just don't have the national rep of the ones I named.
and then you have the whole CUNY system as well. NY is actually pretty awesome for public education.
All this upstate talk is making me homesick :(
@FallenAngelEyes I have 40k in loans altogether. SUNY costs $7000 + $3000 + $1500 a semester without a scholarship, but I have tuition waiver + 7.5k a semester TA-ship + 4000 fellowship. I'm pretty happy.
it's just that it's not consolidated into a single campus that gets lots of research dollars or a top tier athletic team, so there isn't the name recognition a lot of states top schools get.
I get to go upstate in October
That's pretty nice @Mechko
If I took out loans to cover what I would have needed to stay at NYU, it would have been around $160,000 for 4 years
And I didn't really want to start my life out that far in debt :/
I'm excited. I miss upstate too. it gets in your blood. I lived in Australia for 10 years. Upstate is still 'home'
:261 Sounds like me and my undergrads end.
I need to go back to school :/
I should've slept in the library like my friend Steve :P
@FallenAngelEyes yeah. I know what you mean. My dad made the decision for me, but I got lucky and got scholarships.
ok really class time
I moved over to the NL in the middle of my undergrad education, so nothing can transfer :/
So I've got to start from scratch
our new chat beep is the best chat beep. I just turned on notification for every posting just to hear more beeps.
I can't keep it on for every post because I never get anything done
I had it on for all posts the first few days and whenever I heard anything, I had to check the newest messages :P
you all are ComputerSci majors?
:276 NO
:276 I was a Media Studies/Urban Studies DM
I've never studied a lick of compsci
Ok, that's a lie, I did a month of C while at NYU
its largely a waste of time
computer science?
I think there were 2 computer science classes that were worth going to
Networking and OS
and that was largely because they had nothing to do with programming
DB might have been a good class if my professor didn't teach it as MySQL 101
SQL shrugs bad memories from last semester
I couldn't program my way out of an infinite loop.
the teaching assistant wanted 3 or 4 versions of the same query and didn't explain some core concepts
:288 Funnily enough, when I took my one programming class ever in high school, I did nothing but hide infinite loops into everything I wrote to annoy the teacher when he went to run them.
Haha, nice
we had programming tasks, but also lectures about electrical engineering :(
I have thermodynamics also!
you are lucky i had quantum theory =.=
I'd rather have quantum theory =D
don't hate it or anything but freshman year and quantum theory don't mix well
Too much drinking?
too many things that were badly explained, and that's about the summary of higher education in Romania.
Gah! I'm seeing so many of my Steam friends playing Civ V already!
It doesn't release here for another few days sob
I am Being Responsible and not buying Civ V
I... I was bad and got the Collector's Edition
Regular game was 50 euro and CE was only 75 euro, so I sprung for it
If I was in the states, I probably wouldn't have paid $50 more for it, but I found this acceptable
damn type...where are you from fallen?
If you want a complete answer, I was born in South Korea, I grew up in Upstate NY, and I now live in the Netherlands.
↑ I want this topic to die so hard
me too
yey Demo on Steam
:312 I want a pony made of lava.
What I want to know about Civ V is if Leonard Nimoy is in it
no :(
That makes me sadface
oh yeah can't even download the demo, Americans stop hogging all the bandwidth, give Europe a fighting chance
doesn't crafting a bad and a bag give a larger bag?
is the laughter sound coming from here?
It's the voices in your head
just realized The Joker is in my head :(
wow civ5 has dx11
:323 you mean chests in minecraft?
:328 yup
put two chests down on the ground next to each other, they'll merge automatically
That means I'll have to make a larger shelter.
Wow Civ V's manual is 233 pages o_O
yay, a boomer right out of my shelter.
I'm sure he can't wait to blow shit up
i miss Nemoy
I read the new guy is apparently Morgan Sheppard
wow 5 fps
gaah have to change settings
does anyone know if Civ V uses more than two cores?
:334 Have you made the proper Floral Offerings?
It actually didn't blow up
I went out of the shelter and sworded him to death
Three jumping baddies right out my shelter, scheduled to burn in 3, 2, 1...
@badp you've got your (correct) answer
A: What is this sound from?

ire_and_cursesSounds like Space Quest I to me...

So are there terrain types that are water proof in Minecraft?
Stone should be?
the water mechanics are... strange tough.
you can make a bucket to move water as well if need be.
The water always seems to be flowing.
If you want to move water permanently, use a bucket
very strange interpretation of fluid dynamics there
:360 Knights can't carry swords because it would be a knife crime?
what is wrong with the Brits these days ...
Words With Pirates is THE BEST GAME
If it's TEH BESTESTEST GAME EVAR we might as well choose it as a domain name :)
i am okay with this.
Tag Synonym -- vote
I'd rather have save-files but alas, that's something for diamonds to change.
the comments here are hilarious
what does "nerf" mean?
Wait.. you can't play offline when the servers are down?
Oh wow.
:384 opposite of perk
so, make it weaker?
:389 yea, though generally the opposed term used with reference to game balancing is 'buff'
:389 Essentially, nerf weapons are soft and harmless. When something is nerfed it is 'softened' and made less useful.
great, thanks
Damn. I have to TA in 20 minutes. Office hours listening to students complain about their own stupidity :(
Nerfing usually makes people angry (then again, all changes do)
Nerfing just more so than others
Well the people that get angry when something is nerfed are usually the ones who base their entire strategy upon something overpowered
I only tend to get annoyed when patches change the entire game (TF2)
@Juan: you didn't play with any Nerf toys as a kid?
I don't think they're very popular outside the US
:400 English is not my first language
Ah, didn't know where he was from.
so, yes, but they are not called like that :)
Nerf's become pretty popularly used especially in online gaming
aaah gotcha
Q: Little Big Planet - how do I get people to join me to solve puzzles?

milesmeow Possible Duplicate: How do I play a level online with other players in LittleBigPlanet? When I'm navigating the planets, I see an indicator that shows how many people are on that board. How do I get one of them to join me? Is there a lobby of some sort that I'm missing?

I believe that one's a dupe
Is it me or daytime is much shorter than night time in Minecraft?
Er, what do you mean?
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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