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For maximum sanity, don't.
No, thanks, I've got enough, I just hope I didn't screw too much with the spot where the tooth was and I just wounded/disturbed it with my brushing
Extract all teeth. Replace with tiny chainsaws.
Accidentally bite own tongue
@MadMAxJr I'd rather take diamonds.
@twobugs but it's fun!
That or remove all teeth and switch to a diet of peoples hopes and dreams.
Obtain nutrients via incremental games
Thank Mr Sketkal for good bones and calcium
@5pike I am badp. This is a group of five sentences. You are already at the third sentence. You will stop reading now. You have stopped reading one sentence ago. There were six sentences all along.
Take that @badp, I read all of your stupid message. You're not my mom
@Unionhawk Let me reciprocate the feeling
No I can say with 100% certainty
I know you'd hate to be the result of extramaritial intercourse.
I cannot confirm that, but I can confirm it was not my extramaritial intercourse.
You're welcome.
@badp Granted, you weren't married at the time, but that is neither here nor there.
Thank you for elaborating in a fashion only you are capable of
I am still perfectly capable of extramaritial intercourse.
@Unionhawk Why else would you be looking for my elaboration.
@badp No, that's "extra marital intercourse".
@Yuuki It's also extra martian intercourse.
And extra martial intercourse.
@Unionhawk Headcanon: @badp is @Unionhawk's father.
And extra maritime intercourse.
i am so confuse
And extra marzapane intercourse.
And extra marmalade intercourse.
at least its not mascarpone intercourse
@GodEmperorDune marr0r?
@Yuuki no
Extra margarine?
First of all, isn't @badp like 27?
72, I thought
but I could've been your previous life's father in my previous life!
Nono, @Sterno is 72
dammit, i am older than @badp. this must be what @sternold feels like
Extra marmaduke internet?
I can't wait for the realistic Marmaduke reboot
exterior mandrake alligator, i drive a CHEVROLET BADP THEATRE
@GodEmperorDune You finally get it.
These are both real things that happened last night
In case anyone was unaware
@GodEmperorDune What kind of stupid question is that to ask a presidential candidate?
@Unionhawk I was blissfully unaware and I would have preferred to keep it that way
@PrivatePansy ... an american one?
> Republican
Seriously, you're surprised when the american dog and pony show that is their political system acts dumb?
@PrivatePansy the answers were great
bush said he wants to be called energizer. trump wants to be called humble
@KevinvanderVelden These are not even the worst moments
Don't even worry
@Unionhawk at least show the gif one
@GodEmperorDune there's missing one little stripe at the bottom of that h
@GodEmperorDune Can't find it too lazy
@GodEmperorDune I'm not sure what your definition of 'great' is - the only response to that question I want to hear from a candidate is 'why the fuck are you wasting your time on stupid questions like this'
@PrivatePansy great as in "at least it didn't make public health worse like the answers when asked about vaccines"
I don't fault any of the candidates for stupid questions being asked
@PrivatePansy I agree, anyone who answers something besides "Goku" should be immediately disqualified.
I do fault the candidates for being dumb
@GodEmperorDune That's... a depressingly low standard
@PrivatePansy such is our political system
@Unionhawk Yes I know about that
American Politics is basically "find a non-issue to make into an issue so you don't have to actually answer questions about real things that matter"
Example: Benghazigate or whatever they're calling it now
@Unionhawk I read on twitter that one of them was spouting anti-vaccination BS, didn't know who though.
@MBraedley pretty much everyone was
"Benghazi was the biggest loss of American life since 9/11" - I think that's a Rand Paul quote, but I'm not 100%
Q: Is it possible to play console online games with used games?

AlonIf I got a PS3/PS4/XB360/XBONE can I play the online mode of games like Battlefield or Call of Duty If I buy the games used? Or is it like the pc with serial keys? I appreciate your answers.

@twobugs Rand Paul's answer to the vaccine question was something along the lines of 'I care about vaccines but I also care about freedom'
no one mentioned herd immunity, which is the reason why vaccinations should be mandatory
@twobugs That's politics 101
@MBraedley Trump was, Carson said something to the effect of "You're an intelligent man, I believe you are, there's science for this stuff, you are wrong." and Paul stayed in character making it all a freedom thing or whatever
@PrivatePansy You have to realize Rand Paul isn't actually a real doctor, he's unaccredited IIRC
Which is a hilarious non-answer because you can literally swap out 'vaccine' in that statement with anything and still get support for it
ben carson tried to mention that vaccines don't cause autism, but then it was off on teh autism tangent
Or he's accredited but by a goofy organization he created that he is the only member of
Or something like that
I wonder what this election cycle's Herman Cain quoting one of the Pokemon movies moment will be
@twobugs He's an Ophthalmologist
But he is licensed to practice medicine in the state of Kentucky
I see. I was wrong, then.
He's still a completely insane quack, just one with a medical license.
Hopefully in 1000 years
this will be known as america's dark ages
as seriously guys, wtf> XD
To be fair, I think we're slightly better off than you know, the past couple centuries
but this is not a shining era of high level political discourse
We must go deeper
Wait... what if it's not a clock or a bomb. What if it's a device trying to cause time itself to overflow?
@twobugs I thought 4 people died in Benghazi?
So, last night when I couldn't get to sleep, I got half of a Ghost House level done in Super Mario Maker.
i wish I could find some way of getting a loa of cartoons and stuff for my daughter to watch in the car tomorrow D:
free D:
I say half because it's one of those "chooser one of 4 routes" type maps.
I wish this house had more goddamn grounded outlets
I got the first four done, but once you finish the first set, it dumps you into a room with a pipe leading to the room with choices 5-8.
@PrivatePansy You can also (gasp) buy them from Amazon Video or iTunes.
Assuming you live in a country that those support
Yeah, but only if you're in America.
Orrrrrrrrr you could be a filthy pirate
It's actually really hard to get these legally here in Singapore
Like, the only legal options are to import the DVD from the states when they are released, or buy ridiculously overpriced DVDs from local distributors, which are released even later than the US DVDs
Friendship is trade sanctioned.
Ridiculously priced is one DVD with 2-3 episodes for S$25, which is about ~USD20
> My Little Trans-Atlantic Trade Partnership: Friendship is Copyrighted.
At that price the episodes better be in 3D 4K resolution at 60fps
@Yuuki That's probably correct. You have to add a lot of qualifiers for there to be nothing like it before 9/11
But hey, who ever cared about that in American politics?!
@twobugs you forgot socialist, clinton, benghazi and emails
@twobugs That last one should be OBAMA MUSLIM BIRTH CERTIFICATE
> Eleven years old.
Charged with marijuana possession in juvenile court.
It tested negative for marijuana three separate times.
@Yuuki why did they need ot test it 3 times?
For any music geeks
Or physics and math geeks too
> if another kid thinks it might be marijuana, that's grounds for expulsion.
If another kid planted it on him and reported him, that's also grounds for expulsion. That's what no-tolerance rules do.
Well, of course it would be impossible to Tuna Piano
@twobugs I wonder if you can get any faculty expelled using that rule too.
@Powerlord ... no
@Yuuki So instead they decide to charge him with possession of hoax marijuana?
> [...] school districts in Virginia and elsewhere consider "imitation" drugs to be identical to real ones for disciplinary purposes.
@Powerlord If you continue with this "tuna fish" joke I will be tempted to kick you
@5pike Wait, I was joking. Why... I... what... how...
But probably not actually do it
> The terms of his original suspension letter state that he'll be searched for drugs at the beginning and end of every school day until his probation is over.
JUST because he brought a maple leaf to school.
@PrivatePansy Yeah. My urge to kill is also on a steady rise...
What. The. Fuck.
@Yuuki A similar situation happened in my school district back in the day. One of our Bio teachers got accused of having a marijuana plant in the greenhouse by a student. He explained it to the principle, who was chill and the issue was diffused. I think I was just lucky in that our school had a good principle, naturally he was deposed by parents for something ridiculous
> If your kid calls it marijuana as a joke, or if another kid thinks it might be marijuana, that's grounds for expulsion.
> When I was in sixth grade my friends and I would dump out Pixy Sticks on our desks and arrange the powdered sugar in neat little lines, like cocaine, although I don't think any of us was dumb enough to try to snort it.
That's smart. I never snorted Pixy sticks but it's supposed to be absolutely horrible.
I doubt there are any long term health effects but the experience itself is described as "very unpleasant"
@twobugs Heh, we used to do that with dextrose
god fucking dammit
Until we started to get nosebleed...
@Unionhawk Why do people trust non-independent studies?
From my understanding, the problem is if the companies don't fund the studies themselves the studies won't get done
Not that them funding the studies and fudging the results is any better
Honestly, our whole drug policy is pretty fuct.
I think we should focus on real education and regulation rather than "drugs r bad"
Am I the only person who never tried any drugs? Except for alcohol(once)?
Q: MultiPlayer Game

Soos Chemisthello everyone I'm new in Game Development and using Unity 3D engine I have a question on a multiplayer game like some radar show you a red target on it if anyone near by you play the same game I wanna know how can I make it it's so simple if anyone could help me I'll appreciated :D

Q: Aela items glitch!Any way to fix?

LolI farmed a TON of dragon scales and gave them to Aela and guess what?When I took them and sold most of em then dropped it again,STOLEN yes STOLEN!I blame belethor as this only happened to me in his store.Please help!Is there any way to fix it?Its really annoying and I have now lost em forever unl...

I've tried alcohol, but not others
The problem is that people "like science" until one of two things happen: 1) Science produces a conclusion counter to their beliefs. 2) They have to pay to get science done.
Not really my thing. My mental state is messed up enough already.
@Arperum I'm not disclosing what I tried on a public chat.
@5pike RIP @GnomeSlice
My meeting with alcohol ended up with me waking up from a coma the day after in the hospital. I got really lucky I didn't die that day.
@Arperum No you're not, but I won't say who, because that's not up to me.
I mean, I knew people in college who did drugs. I don't have an issue with it. I just think you need to keep them under control, like anything else.
@MBraedley Yay.
I've never even really gotten drunk... I don't find the taste of any alcohol I've tried yet to be appealing
@twobugs Long Island Iced Tea
@twobugs I know people who do drugs, I don't care. I'd be all for legalizing them all, that way there is more control over it and people will not be drawn to the illegal aspect of it.
@Arperum Agree 100%. Tax and regulate. Lots of the danger, from my understand, comes from the fact that with no regulation there could be all kinds of harmful substances added through shady manufacturing
Plus, by making drugs illegal all we do is create a black market to (at least in America) funnel untaxable money to drug cartels
@twobugs Yup. And addicts can have an easier time to try to find help to stop being addicted.
@twobugs That goes for everywhere.
Sure, we could stop sending money to cartels, but then Americans wouldn't be able to make as many jokes about Mexico, and that would be a tragedy.
I mean, can you imagine a world without Mexican jokes? Ned Holmus would have to change his name again!
Oh, that's not Carlos Mencia's birth name. I wonder where I got that from.
@twobugs I'd love a world without racist jokes and other racistic nonsense.
His birth name is Ned, though.
(And he's not even from Mexico)
The domain Googlevideo.com... What's it used for?
Drugs are a weird thing. I knew a group that liked pot in college. They offered me $20 to keep an eye on them one weekend. I obliterated them at mario kart.
Then weeks later, someone tried to bring harder drugs to that little party and I just went 'nope nope nope' and backed out of that forever.
Ohio is voting to legalize marijuana this fall, so that's a thing.
Apparently Colorado makes shitloads of money taxing it, so...
Girl Scouts who ignore some of the local rules are also making a bit of money across the street from the pot shops in Colorado.
Q: What happens to dwellers in training once their stat is maxed out?

WrathchildWhat happens to a dweller in a training room once their special stat is maxed out? For instance, I have a dweller in the gym. Once his Strength gets to 10, does he stay in the Gym, taking up space but otherwise not do anything go on Coffee Break, or something else

Q: Can you see if a card was created by an Unstable Portal or Webspinner in the log?

TobLoefAs you may know Hearthstone has an output_log.txt, which you can enable in the log.config. Here you can see a whole bunch of information about the game, which cards have been played and so on. Is there a way to see if a card was created by another card's effect, such as Unstable Portal or Webspin...

So that's a thing that happened.
There was some idiot drifting in the parking lot near my house
vrooom squeeek vrooooooom squeeek vroooom CRASH
In other news
I just ate a Yak burger. It was good.
@KevinvanderVelden was the crash onto something of yours?
@badp fortunately not
It did hit 1 car, which was pushed in to the car next to it
Note: Their car hit the side of the other car
@Unionhawk Alcohol and sigarettes result in loads of income by taxes too, so why would other recreational drugs be any different?
They are now stuck between that car and a tree
@KevinvanderVelden They as in: their car. Or themselves in person?µ
@Arperum the car, they are out of the car and walking around fine
In the first case: take a picture as proof of who caused the damage in case they get away.
@Arperum I have indeed, though not with the license plate
However one of the owners of the damaged cars has arrived from the look of it
@KevinvanderVelden With the people on it?
@Arperum yes
Though from a distance because I don't want to get close to that
Yea, I can understand that, but anything police has when they decide to run away is better than nothing at all.
The car is currently still stuck =p
I'm on the police website currently so :)
So, I just found out that, if you want a literal in C# to be a decimal, you put an M after it.
Q: Are some events "permanent"?

LafIf you answer in a positive manner to some events, will they be flagged as being settled for the remaining of the game? For instance, if I decide to pay my student loan (20k IIRC), or buy my mom a purse (10k), will these events pop up again during the game? And if they are indeed marked as being ...

I know that decimal types are usually used for money, but really?
@Powerlord too many other letters are already taken
D is taken for double already, so there's that at a minimum
M is for Moneys
That's good enough for you
personally I think they should've gone for a β
or even a ϐ.
Q: Medal Of Honor Warfighter (PC) error-" DirectX function "GetDeviceRemovedReason" failed with DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG "

AlonAfter upgrading to Windows 10 I get the above mentioned error every time I die in an online match, and then the game crashes. It also happens when I try to see my platoon card in the game. I tried every fix I could find: Disabling Origin in game Executing Directx setup Disabling v-sync ...

HA! Long live good cameras
I took a picture with my proper camera from my balcony. While on the phone one you can 't recognise a face, on the good camera you can see the license plate and read it while it's at about 80 degrees turned =p
The phone one was also taken from half the distance
There's a construction guy on my floor here at work, and I just heard him say (very loudly) "It'll be good to take butt-dumps." I really really hope I misunderstood him, but it was pretty clear.
Q: /blockdata command help

Evas0rI wrote this command for making a chest to costant replacing items inside himself, the problem is that the command worked forthe first part (command block) but if I try to add a second item like the button the command stop working. How can I solve this problem? Command: /blockdata 3 56 0 {Items:...

@badp M is for
Alas poor @John, his car driving messages were poof-ed
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah I poofed them
@John I assumed as much
Sometimes I say things before remembering this room is Google-indexed for all eternity.
What's the deal behind this "user177063" character?
@John He's a known troll causing drama again.
@StrixVaria Oh. How unoriginal.
That car is still "parked" where it was
Q: What are the real perks of crafts, at endgame?

LohorisI'd like to know which are the real perks that each craft offers at endgame, in Guild Wars 2. With "perk" I mean things that you just couldn't do if you didn't have that craft. Anything that can be solved just buying the relative item at the trading post doesn't count, i.e. I'm searching for wh...

@john congrats on the deleted messages things :)
@AshleyNunn thank you :)
Oh man. I think I'm actually getting close to a beta release for my web app
As soon as I can launch it I'm taking several days of much needed vacation!
Q: how to find minecraft

donaldoI installed Minecraft 1.7.2 and after installation it showed the launcher, and I played the game successfully. But after I closed it, I realized there's no shortcut for Minecraft on the desktop, and when I go to my .minecraft folder and try to run anything there (such as launcher.jar, or 1.7.2.j...

@twobugs That's cute. Have you launched software before?
Yes, but this is in a research environment, not a corporate one ;)
I'm actually allowed time off here.
Plus, we actually set aside a significant amount of time for beta testing, so there's no immediate sprint towards release. I'm sure there will be unforeseen problems (there almost always are), but we've allowed for a reasonable amount of time.
I found out that yesterday they finally pushed out an update to our production environment.
About time... it hadn't been updated since July 2014.
However... shouldn't you tell the developers when the UAT to Prod push was finally done? I shouldn't find out about it from one of the end users a day later.
Q: Forge is not not loading mods

Tom haraldWhen I open the minecraft launcher and shall play minecraft forge 1.7.10 it doesnt say minecraft forge 1.7.10 it says minecraft 1.8 and when I click play it doesnt load the mods and I just start at the normal minecraft screen and no mods are loading I need help pleeease!!😓😓😓😓😫😦😒😒

Q: fossil fighters how to unlock the ancient ruins dig site

Tommy KershI'm wanting to know that in fossil fighters do you have to have to only have a level 12 t-Rex and Tabor or can you use a third vivosaur as your team to get the ancient ruins.

@twobugs that's what she wrote!
heye yall
My monitor is full of rapidly scrolling cli terminals... I feel so 1337 right now
cat /dev/urandom
@badp That will just make it look like you're breaking your computer
@badp cat /dev/urandom > /dev/audio
@murgatroid99 just run it on someone else's computer
@murgatroid99 it'll at least break the terminal session =p
@KevinvanderVelden reset helps.
@badp I don't think it fixes everything
@KevinvanderVelden It has for me
@KevinvanderVelden it seems to fix it for me
cat /dev/urandom | strings
I thought there were things it couldn't fix
@djsmiley2k sudo cat /dev/mem | strings
@djsmiley2k One of the first things on that list for me was "elmo".
@djsmiley2k Did you know that strings has a buffer overflow bug?
evne more fun!! :D
@KevinvanderVelden "You must load COMPAQ BASIC"... hahaha
@TimS. sudo cat /dev/mem | strings | grep *your password here* =p
@GodEmperorDune I can do that too!
opens up a few SSH windows and tells it to start compiling, starts a local compile
@KevinvanderVelden Operation not permitted :)
my output truncates after a while, can't see all of the memory
Aah it probably looks linearly to memory space and then gets some unmapped space
Doing a cat /dev/mem |strings |more gives a nice group of tidbits
Something something airtight hatchway.
@Powerlord oh yeah I'm not at all saying it's a security issue =p
(And I knew what site you were gonna link to before you linked =p)
@KevinvanderVelden I didn't make him link it FOR YOU.
@Powerlord By the way, the reason the strings bug I mentioned really is a security hole is that you might be using strings to analyze a hostile executable
@Powerlord OH I hadn't seen murgatroids earlier message
I wasn't even sure if that blog post was a response to me. I just thought that was worth mentioning
@KevinvanderVelden Well, no, I meant for people who didn't know what the airtight hatchway was a reference to. ;)
Wow, the SourceMod devs finally merged my Map Workshop code into SourceMod master.
@KevinvanderVelden and then your password goes straight to your hard drive in the .history file
@badp That's why instead I just did sudo cat /dev/mem | strings | sort and looked in the right spot
@badp let it go
let it combooo, let it combooo
match the gems and yadda yadda.
@murgatroid99 or go through less and use less to search
@KevinvanderVelden less also has a history file right?
Not that I know of
Q: How can I stop less from storing history?

InkBlendEvery time I search for a term in less, it stores my search in the file .lesshst. How can I stop this behavior?

That's why you only search for the first few characters
@badp pretty much, yes. It gets boring fast (I played a version of it on my phone)
Yay phone security update :D
@badp I saw this too a few nights ago
The weirdest thing is that the game wasn't delayed for Frozen 2 or something
now instead they'll have to rush something completely different through the door
@badp They're making a sequel? That's news to me
Weird. I introduced a bug into a segment of code I wrote, but the bug itself gave me the inspiration to refactor that block of code to be much cleaner and better written (and to solve the bug)
Hey, I'll take it.
@MBraedley how couldn't they?
Ducks sake
My bad
@badp I'm not saying it's unexpected, just that I hadn't heard anything.
@GnomePhone, go home
PhoneSlice is one of the few things in this dreary world that brings me joy.
Rainbow Doritos, in support of the LGBT community
Preeeetty sure the security update I just did on my phone has borked it.
What's wrong with the phone? Not booting?
No, it boots, but it is struggling with finding and connecting to my carrier now and it looks like it can't find my SD card either.
Hm, that's not good. I had an SD card seemingly randomly become unreadable, but a few months later it was back to working.
If it can't connect to the carrier, though, that stinks.
The thing is most of what I use app-wise is on the SD
so I kiiiinda need it to be a thing.
Q: Locked doors in Vizima outskirts

EusebiusThere are a lot of locked doors in Vizima Outskirts, and I can't find a way to open them. Is there some kind of kley that I should find?

Q: Fast travel in the Witcher

EusebiusIs there a "fast travel" feature in the Witcher (enhanced edition)? I could not find any by clicking on the map, but it would be really useful sometimes.

Q: Why is Siegmeyer not appearing in Sen's Fortress?

l0b0In Sen's fortress I reached the boulder router before deciding to go talk to Siegmeier of Catarina. Now he's not where at least one map (below) says he should be, below the ledge where you get creamed by the first boulder. Is it possible to get the Shotel and kill the two serpent soldiers on the ...

Aw :( You can try and copy the SD card contents to something external, but that wouldn't help too much in the short term.
okay, latest reset has it finding the SD but most of the apps on it are gone
Who is your carrier? And what phone?
Like it looks like this update uninstalled....most of the apps I use.
WIND Mobile (I'm Canadian). Moto G 2nd gen
Hm. I'm not familiar with them. Got nothing to say beyond the obvious stuff which you're probably already working on
Good luck! Phone stuff like that stinks
Yeah, I am trying to figure out now if it means I will have to redownload apps
I am okay with that, it is just going to take a while to get everything back
(Obvious stuff like contact their tech support or a local store or whatever, dunno how it works in Mooseland)
(and I suspect a bunch of my game progress is now gone)
@twobugs Yeah, if I can't get it sorted I will start poking people with sticks
So I guess our java files aren't being compiled against the right runtime.
Does Google Play not do cloud game saves? That would be a big bummer

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