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@Wipqozn It's more nuanced than that, unfortunately.
yesterday's news today with @Wipqozn
Really surprised that Lenz is being summarized as a pure victory when it's an affirmation of denials of cross motions for summary judgment
@TimStone ssshhh I ant a moment of happiness
> Universal had assigned a staffer to monitor YouTube for Prince’s songs and send takedown notices for any postings that made what the company considered “significant use” of the material — anything longer than a one-second excerpt of a song that isn’t drowned out by background noise.
Job description: you will watch every video on youtube. If there is a Prince song, you will hit a button.
All the ruling does is essentially force the cases to go to court when there may be an issue of fair use, which is a victory for the copyright holders because going to trial is super inconvenient for everyone.
@twobugs There is no way it's more complicated than "monitor contentid"
Sure, but the idea of someone being forced to watch every video on youtube is awesome.
@TimStone This is why this copyright issue isn't getting anywhere with the public.
I have no f--kin' clue what "affirmation of denials of cross motions for summary judgment" means.
Bonus points if you have multiple staffers who are watching every video on youtube separately but each looking for specific things.
@Yuuki It means that it affirms other court decisions to deny defendants summary judgments, i.e. rulings of obvious fact that preclude the need for a trial
So if you say "Hey, no, what I did was fair use!" the judge must send it to trial to determine if the plaintiff acted in bad faith instead of saying "Yep, agreed, everyone go home"
That's pretty bad. Sounds like it just encourages bad faith lawsuits because the average person can't fight them.
"Your password is too secure, please choose a more vulnerable password." http://t.co/ypGUlONhSE
@twobugs Right. It's all well and good that they can be held accountable but since you have to go to trial to make that happen, they're just as well off as they always have been.
@StrixVaria Every university IT in a nutshell.
Although mine requires an 8-character password, no more no less.
@Yuuki No way. I refuse to believe they require exactly 8 characters.
That's... just... argh
@twobugs I'm not sure if they've changed the policy, but yes I remember being asked to input exactly 8 characters.
@StrixVaria This pisses me off no end
Any password character limitations indicate serious flaws in your password handling code.
hear, hear!
It almost always means that they're sticking your data in some abysmal legacy system deep beneath the surface
@TimStone That's the terrifying thing
Automated scripts parsing your explicitly defined 8 character alphanumeric passwords for copyright use. This is the future.
feels like my tablet battery is cliffing hard D:
charged up 9% while turned off for 1.5 hours
did you say Cliff Harding?
Q: Is there an actual 100% mod for Just Cause 2?

user124910There are posts of having a 100% save mod but they don't exist any more so is there one that exists, I know I'm late but still

ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff the cliff is real
There's nothing better than when you copy-paste the documentation code and it doesn't work!
@Chippies Nope, I only have 730 million. I might have spend ~100-200 million on stuff, maybe a little bit more, but not that much.
I did get two of those "create socket" things for weapons, so now I have to reroll the one double I have to make an ancient version with mostly good stats on it.
But I haven't gotten to that yet.
ANd that is going to be bottlenecked pretty fast by the <200 forgotten souls I have.
@Arperum 2bil gold was approx 150 souls
@Chippies Yea, but I need the souls to reroll the item in the kanai cube at a ratio of 50/ roll.
I don't have ancient weapons yet.
ANd the stats on them kinda suck.
I solod grift 45 yesterday, with room for easily going higher. So I'll try that later tonight.
But now there is the need for food, and after that I have to go do some teaching.
I don't remember offhand which rerolls can and can't get ancients, but you should be sure before dropping souls on it
The set piece reroll can't, for example.
get hyped
Close the tab. This is an intervention.
@twobugs You can't make me. I'm rank IV now.
7 hours ago, by badp
user image
stap ployin
What part of "rank IV" is unclear
nep nep
@twobugs The set piece reroll has it in the message too. The other one has a chance for an ancient reroll. (it's basically like the item dropped again, all stats are rolled for again, so 1/10 chance for ancient)
Oh, okay.
@fredley also what is CLXΓ
That's not too bad then but man, you need all the souls
Yes, and 5 from every act crafting material each roll.
Good lord. That's steep.
So I'll be running T7 bounties for some more.
(Because t7+ gives 8 instead of the 6 from lower difficulties)
Managed to find the gunpla shop today.
Verdict: disappointing.
If we weren't on separate regions and I wasn't at work and the new Destiny expansion hadn't just come out I'd run with you!
@twobugs There are also a certain amount of death's breath required. IIRC 50.
Death's Breath hasn't been as much of a limiting factor for me as Souls, so far
@twobugs Hey, yesterday I ended running with some not-so efficient players at some point. I did nearly an act while they did two bounties or so.
And then I ran into a bounty that took me like 20 minutes because I couldn't find where on earth I had to be. (one of these "free 5 dudes" nonsense)
Those free 5 dudes ones are SO BAD
Some of the tilesets are pretty bad. I don't like the Act 2 Kulle ruins.
Thankfully I don't think that has a 5 dudes bounty
@Wipqozn Sounds like par for the course.
Who is it who pointed out that programming is 100% getting your environment to work and 50% inspiration?
Or whatever?
Because that's where we're at right now
@Arperum no breaths needed for reroll
just act materials and 50 souls
@twobugs those are sooo easy, I don't understand what the issue everyone has with them
(the homework collection script collects ~/homeworks/hwN/specifiedfile.go. There is no clean way to do this while making $GOPATH work right and arg I just want to build it myself and then copy it to the folder actually that's a good idea Uni)
once you've done them a couple times, you learn their locations or at least the direction they are in from each other and they only change a little bit
((where N is a natural number corresponding to the homework in the sequence))
@Chippies They're easy most of the time, but there's always the time when one guy spawns in the middle of nowhere and it takes me forever to find
@Unionhawk Quite sure it was Einstein who said programming is 1% inspiration and 99% searching Stack Overflow
@PrivatePansy He was paraphrasing Socrates
@twobugs there's a bounty in act 1 where 4 of the dudes spawn somewhat close to each other and the 5th one is in the other corner of the map. It can be annoying if you don't know that
Other Socrates quotes include "Fuck PHP" and "Have you guys heard about jQuery?"
@twobugs I think it was Dumbledore who said that last line
It feels weird for 'Dumbledore' to be in Firefox's English dictionary
@PrivatePansy no I'm pretty sure it was 150% somehow
Typical Dumbledore. Won't shut up about jQuery.
99% environment, 1% inspiration, 50% SO
I just accidentally several letters, thank goodness for edit
@Unionhawk If you only work on one homework at a time, shouldn't you only need one of those in the go path at a time?
@Chippies Yea, the one in act two in the area of the keywarden is terrible though. Especiallyt if you get a super weird layout where the waypoint is placed somewhere completely weird.
The act 2 keyward area is awful. Act 2 has that other map that's just a big sprawling area with nothing
When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gaze back at you, but when you cast into the abyss, you get a NullPointerException
@PrivatePansy An NPE is the result of a dereference, not a cast.
Maybe "call into the abyss", since method calls are probably the most common source of NPEs
Which is a language a lot like , but where each compile error is described, not by an error code, but the entire chapter of the specification which describes the syntax you just made an error in
@PrivatePansy So, C++ with a compiler that reads out the C++ standard when you mess up
The compiler also helpfully includes a text-to-speech engine that will read out said chapter of the specification to you whenever you mess up
@PrivatePansy it will read out, but the text won't be on the screen and the reading can't be skipped
@PrivatePansy Of course, the first problem is making the C++ compiler understand what syntax error you actually made
anyone that plays Civ5 not-afk here?
I've played Civ 5 in the past, but not for a long time
@Chippies Yup.
@murgatroid99 The language espouses the idea of 'easy to learn, hard to master'. Any time you write any line of code less than perfectly efficiently, the compiler will flag that as warning and meticulously point that out to you, together with a dozen examples of how to do it better
I have a question about multiplayer game
my friend hosted the game and we were playing for a while, now he had to afk, but he didn't turn the game off
there's no save button on my side
so, Idk if I can leave and then join back later?
Seems to be a cross between Ramen Sensei, and a city builder.
Sorry - my Civ 5 multiplayer knowledge is strictly hot seat.
@Frank This sounds amazing.
fucking crazy people man
> In other words, if Davis defies court orders, and a judge orders U.S. Marshals to take the clerk into custody, well armed Oath Keepers activists intend to stand in the way of the legal process – as if it’s up to Oath Keepers, not American courts, to determine how the justice system should operate.
People are scary
@Wipqozn Religious process gets in the way of laws.
@Frank This is just crazy people getting in the way of laws
These are the guys who strolled around with assault rifles as a protest to gun control
@Frank From the article, I'm not actually sure it's religion this time. It seems more like plain old extreme nationalism.
Yeah, that ^
I mean, probably also various other forms of intolerance but firstly that.
the more I think about it, the more I think Kim Davies is right. Just think, if this keeps up, we'll start treating non-white straight christins as people! We don't want that! /sarcasm
The joke, you see, is she's huge bigot.
@murgatroid99 Nationalism doesn't make any sense to me. I don't have any particular pride in the place where I happened to be born. If anything, I want to improve the place because I live there; it is not perfect. Those who resist any and all change on the premise that their birthplace is some sacred untouchable utopia are insane.
In other news, if that shit does go down, it'll give the police a right to arrest them. Possibly large sections of the group.
Sounds like they're completely crazy
@StrixVaria Yes. This.
I think it's more than nationalism. These people think they're fighting to defend their way of life from The Other.
If the gays can marry entropy is reversed and it's chaos, pure chaos from there on out.
@twobugs I think "defend" is the wrong word, considering The Other way of life doesn't affect them at all
@Chippies That's how they feel, though.
(Sarcasm) Hey, hey, I'm not judging, but I don't want Nintendo Virtual Boy owners getting married. That's just the way I was raised.
@Chippies I'm referring to how they view what they're doing. They're not defending anything other than their own bigotry.
@MadMAxJr I actually own a Virtual Boy, but I was cured of it through prayer to Gabe Newell.
sometimes I wonder if my strong apathy is an evolutionary advantage
I just can't be bothered to care what other people are doing, so it seems odd to me that some people dedicate their lives to stop other people from living different
Is it just me, or are the Oath Keepers just going for political attention?
Clearly the only solution is to marry everyone to each other person.
@Frank Them and Kim Davies are 100% in this for the attention and loving every second of it, IMO.
@Frank Nah, I think they're legitimately crazy and defending against what they think is judicial activism because they're morons.
Kim Davis on the other hand...
I don't think that's mutually exclusive
They're crazy and they desperately want the attention.
I think @TimStone should infiltrate their group, become the leader, and then make them all use Nerf Guns.
Club for Growth Action, a conservative super PAC has declared war on Trump
@Wipqozn I am a Texan, clearly that makes me American enough. Excluding that time I spent living in Hong Kong and Canada. They'll never see it coming.
@TimStone Excellent.
Everyone knows Texans are the most American of all Americans.
They all wear cowboy hats and everything!
Oh cool, Gravity Rush is officially getting a sequel!
@twobugs This is because Trump isn't hard-lining the ultra conservative nonsense that the rest of the party is required to by their sponsors.
It's for PS4, along with a port of the first one.
You're required to dress up as a cowboy if you live in Texas, right? Like it's a mandatory dress code?
RIP Vita :(
@StrixVaria That and I think he's too openly vocal about the crazy.
The others hide it better.
@Wipqozn I believe it's more a case of all other clothes being illegal to posses so they don't have any other option
@KevinvanderVelden Makes sense.
I mean, he could walk out on stage and say "I'm Donald Trump and my goal is to render the planet Earth completely uninhabitable for all life! Permanently!" and his supporters would say "Hell, he just says what everyone else is thinkin'!"
But that kind of message doesn't do so well with, say, people who aren't already in your camp.
@twobugs only if he threw in a "So that god starts the rapture"
Actually, Trump hasn't been that religious so far (I think)
He declined to answer a question about his favorite bible verse
That's part of the reason people are railing against him as Not A True Conservative (what does this even mean)
A "True Conservative" means whatever we say it means!
@Frank ;O
a free version? neat
goddammit I must have missed some truly excellent drama
The fact that there is a political party that essentially mandates that you believe a specific religion is ludicrous.
Oh. Oh.
I thought that Stack Overflow rebranded to something different and then back
instead it's just SE rebranding to SO
Q: What is the significance of this painting?

KovikoThe Walking Dead Season One, there's a painting spotted in two locations: Once in Episode 2: And once again (though cropped and mirrored) in Episode 4: The first time, the painting is just scenery, but the second time the painting can be interacted with and viewed close-up. What's the sig...

Man, I just want to get home and play From the Depths
It's so complex
I'm 100 mins away from more fault
@twobugs my favourite bible verse is the one where it's happening, it's happening and you wouldn't listen
All we had to do was listen. Dr. Ron Paul tried to warn us...
and then — spoiler alert — it hadn't even begun
One of my friends recently started reading the Bible "for fun". She said it's exactly like Game of Thrones. I said "No, everyone is offended by that. Game of Thrones fans are offended. Bible fans are offended. Everyone is offended."
Wait, "that" is her statement?
I'm not offended by her statement.
Check your projection privilege.
@badp Ya, she said Game of Thrones and the Bible are same thing.
You normoffensive people suppressing my sense of humour
@badp Then you're not a fan of either, because it's already been decreed.
@Wipqozn Thank you for subscribing to Texasfacts. Your complimentary revolver is in the mail.
I humourously identify as a goat, and goats don't give a fuck what you think does or doesn't offend me.
Check your decreeing privilege.
Q: Placed equipment persistance

Ivan SolntsevHow long placed equipment lasts? Will laser mine/satellite phone/c4/zip-line etc dissapear after respawn? Will equipment persists if you remove it from loadout but spawn with same class? Will equipment persists if you respawn with other class?

I will summon the wrath of a thousand awful joke warriors upon thee, and all of them are probably actually @Wipqozn
There might be a couple @Unionhawk too thrown in for good measure
@Wipqozn At minimum, you need to be wearing a belt buckle. A giant one.
just to keep you on your toes
you normolaughative oppressor
Preferably shaped like Texas.
Although a cowboy hat or cowboy boot will suffice.
@Yuuki or with the name or a beer company on it
The name of my beer company is "Texas"
@badp How many upm are we talking here (unionhawk per millionm obviously)
Or unionhawk per minute
I'm not sure, actually
Unionhawk per meter
@Unionhawk 20 Upmm
Densely packed awful joke warriors are densely packed
It's the warrior singularity
A black hole of righteous indignation towards the oppression of the fine art of awful jokes
evaporating gahmma radiations right into the pancreas of everyone who would trample on our collective right to individual self-humour identification
people who only play lisp service to the enumeration of joke varieties one should enjoy
people who, when faced with a different vector of humour than their own, can't see any pros, just cons
people who would find issue with the previous awful joke as cons in lisp is the lisp list constructor and not the vector construtor
Anyone know how to upload a pic here from a mobile device?
There we go.
Picked that up for my girlfriend.
So in DS2 ... in angiaths,
the giant hippo things that break thru the walls, do they respawn? ;/
@djsmiley2k yes
If they do (I don't remember), after 10 or so kills enemies stop respawning unless you're using the covenant of champions
Or whatever that covenant is named
@twobugs I generally find that I want to be done with an area before I've been there through 10 respawn cycles
I think most people do :P It's just helpful sometimes (like for the bonfire where you can still be hit by enemies)
I would suggest killing the hippo guys at a distance.
And they can't follow you into smaller doorways
Q: How do you flush the Hard Drive in Shrink Ray Island?

sensiwooI used a walk through and it said to use the Hard Drive to throw it down the toilet. That is what I did, but it says: "this is not a good place to use a hard drive". I need to flush it to complete the island. Help!

yup that's what I did
baked one
bow'ed another.
Just annoying :D
Wtf ottawa
Q: Will PS4 be Backwards Compatible

ryekayoIs there any plan to make PS4 backwards compatible or to allow a PS4 gamer to play old Playstation1 and Playstation2 games? It would be nice to be able to play the old classics again since PS3 allows gamers to buy/play old games.

I mean, the guy min-maxed as much as possible. People do this for everything and from my understanding there was little point since he still needs to do the story to unlock most things.
Plus level is basically meaningless, as he notes.
I don't really see that as a problem. He had clearly played a lot already (he was grandfathered into the level 34) thing, so he stored 16 bounties and used the red bull code.
I guess it doesn't sound particularly amazing to you since you also bought a bunch of that foul poison for the xp bonus
I mean, would you rather the level cap (not meaningful in this case) was raised arbitrarily higher?
@twobugs Level is another number going up
@fredley should implement a level cap for the sake of @badp
No I would rather there wasn't an arbitrary meaningless counter that could be games with real world mocrotransctions
One respawned (the wall smasher) the other didn't
@Unionhawk there is one
@badp Not sure what you mean by this
@badp MAX_INT, I'm assuming?
Neighbourhood of level 1e315 or so
I'm going straight for that for maximum fredley pls
@Unionhawk Yes, but in this case level itself is only really about being able to equip better gear, which is the main form of character progression. Being max level means he can equip the best gear, but he still has to earn it.
But can you earn it while not at level cap
I don't know, I haven't played the new expansion yet. But from the sound of it you don't just immediately start earning it, you have to unlock the stuff first through actually playing the game.
Which would get you the exp you needed to level up anyway.
so your destiny level is essentially an indication of your level of moral bankruptcy and giving it in to the Man :P
Yeah, they implemented a thing where your level goes down every hour you don't drink a Red Bull
You have to tweet a picture from your linked twitter account
luckily there are still authentic games that give you authentic rewards for authentic gameplay
Authentic TF2 gameplay
So authentic
authentic the bridge gameplay
This assignment said specifically "don't use wait() to force things to synchronize"
So instead, someone is busywaiting
Yes you're very clever
Q: On CS GO competitive, is it usefull to report someone every rounds?

user3714670I noticed on overwatch sessions, you only watch some of the rounds, I was wondering if it depended on which round the player was reported. Therefore I was wondering, is it usefull to report a cheater every round or will he be considered and investigated on just as much if I report him once?

@Unionhawk lol
Huh. In less than two years in Harvest Moon, I've shipped over 9 million G.
So, I'm reading v8 (JavaScript engine) documentation, and I get to a point where it basically says "For more information, see Haskell documentation"
I wonder if the Haskell documentation has a similar referral
I guess it's really more like "The Haskell documentation has a better explanation for this sort of thing", but still, nothing there is actually written in Haskell
I told you dog. I told you about the right to be wrong on the internet
@Texenox It's been deleted for a while now. In cases like this, you just need to flag them - you don't need to bring them up here. People will type all sorts of things into answer boxes that aren't really answers - that's why we have that flag reason. :)
Dammit Java, why did you do all this cryptology export bullshit?
Epic sneeze. http://t.co/aVpXzsuxf2
@GodEmperorDune I thought that was the US
Q: I Need Help, Please

user124933Every Time I Login To Minecraft It Says That The Login Failed And I KNOW its correct because I check it. what should I Do?? Please Help. I Have Also Tried To Restart My Computer, Undo Caps. What Is Another Thing I Should Try?

@badp probably.
@lazers oh boy, Jaden smith joined arqade
@GodEmperorDune but what if it was Arqade who joined Jaden Smith?
@badp Undo Caps.
Speaking of non sequiturs
@Wipqozn take it easy...:)
@Frank that looks nice. Is it a... neck piece or a wrist piece? or an earring? it's kinda hard to tell the scale
@badp It looks like a pin of some kind.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because OP capitalising every word caused me to lose faith in humanity. — Studoku 7 mins ago
I mean, yeah, using titlecase is annoying as heck, but...
@TrentHawkins That is not a reason to close things.
A bit too far
@Lazers2.0 I like how they think restarting the computer will fix their Minecraft password.
I don't know how that isn't a dupe
Q: How do I/can I restore a minecraft map with only the region data?

CaseyI found an old email from 2011 with .mcr files in it. I'd like to know what are on them. Thanks.

@badp It's a broach.
@Frank I was right! :)
I guess this isn't quite it then :)
Oh, spelled "brooch"
I'm on mobile. I blame that.
Nah, frank was going to jam it into a cask for his GF
@badp Oh, I hope that's just Google doing a "did you mean" but with pictures, and not that many people spelling it wrong
If it's a typo it's seems to be a pretty common one
@AshleyNunn where's the "did you mean"?
@AshleyNunn Its a really pretty brooch.
@AshleyNunn Huh. TIL
@badp I am hoping it is implied in giving you pictures of jewels instead of....however else you'd illustrate a "broach"
@Frank It is!
@AshleyNunn ship in tempest?
I am a sucker for shiny things.
Iunno. Still...
@AshleyNunn I am fairly certain that many people spell it wrong
@John Yeah, probably.
@AshleyNunn I picked it up from the jewel shop. After seeing the crown jewels.
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, it's annoying to have to download the unrestricted strength jar
@Frank Very neat.
I like stuff like that but I also lose it so I don't buy a lot of fancy bits like that
@TimStone my problem now is that tomcat is not reading the unrestricted jars
I have my three rings I usually wear (although I might have to replace the rainbow one because the coloured bits are falling out) and my medicalert necklace and that's it really
@TrentHawkins Don't worry, I didn't forget you. I got you something, too.
All of this stems from chrome and Firefix being dicks about weak diffie Hellman keys, so I need to fix internal servers that will never see to real internet
Yay presents! Isn't that why we let our friends and loved ones travel? ;)
@Frank Tom Baker?! Did you get me the Fourth Doctor?!
I think he might need a bigger suitcase if so.
@GodEmperorDune You gave me a little barrel! He is so cute!
@TrentHawkins Not quite. But close.
@Frank Aww... Colin Baker? ... ugh, I guess he'll do.
@AshleyNunn I figured you'd like it :D
@GodEmperorDune He's super great.
I really need to remember I have the Spirit Vacation skill.
@AshleyNunn did you take him to the cake shaped arena yet?
@GodEmperorDune I haven't ever gone there!
Should I?
I think you'd enjoy it
And so would your familiars
Then I will try it out :)
Okay, that's pretty great.
Got an accessory for my little barrel out of that :)
Q: Is there a way to easily find dead dwellers in the vault?

DalliumMy 200 person vault recently reduced to 198 because I didn't notice the two corpses stinking up one of my Hydroponic rooms. I didn't notice a happiness dip, I have too many rooms to notice that small a drop in productivity (all my dwellers have 10 in the appropriate stat), and I'm fairly certain ...

@GodEmperorDune Holy crap I get so much good stuff with Henderson my barrel friend and his spigot
He makes you drinks now, right?
@Yuuki nupnupnup
@GodEmperorDune HE does! I am going to get so drunk! (well, not too drunk. Just enough.)
@AshleyNunn offers spare juice from this weekend that's still in our fridge
@Unionhawk Excellent :D
I should at some point check to see if any fun fall beers have hit my local LCBO.
@Yuuki free like, free to play today or free to own?
@Chippies Free to own if you pick it up today.
@Yuuki cool
They did the same thing with Sniper Elite II a couple months back.
@Yuuki I may never play it, but I'll take it anyway
@Yuuki quite a few games have done it, it's just hard to tell if it's free to own or free to play for couple days
@badp yeah, it started doing that to me yesterday
@badp That's useful.
@AshleyNunn It tastes like candy too. So it's super deadly.
@Unionhawk Oh man that's teh best...worst kind :)

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