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This is my dream date
I was SORELY disappointed
@badp It seemed to be on the nicer side of things, yyeh
Oh, Blizzard
Or maybe you messed up
@badp I was operating on assumptions and received warnings! I told you I didn't click it!
By not having a good enough computer to render text properly
@GraceNote make it "multiplayer" and you can have some sort of pillow talk time with your significant other even if he's on the other end of the world.
@badp That could be pretty fancy actually
I said I would play Neptunia today. I lied and played Destiny PVP and I hate myself for it
@twobugs Nep can patiently wait.
For this event you get nothing if you lose. Naturally people leave when they start losing as their is seemingly no punishment. The system will place you into losing games. I don't leave because I'm not a piece of human garbage but wow, this is a bad system.
There's also no form of ELO or premade vs premade matching. Expect to get pubstomped and spawn camped!
@LessPop_MoreFizz luckily your internet friends are foolish and not in a workplace at the current time
Why am I doing this? They put PvE rewards behind this stupid PvP event.
so consider yourself counter-warned
@twobugs sounds like MvM
... Except it's PvP? Ugh
Destiny PvP is full of 1 shot mechanics and awful netcode, too.
Is there at least autobalance?
Also I think leaving hopeless fun-free matches early is quite a perfectly human thing go do.
The whole quitting is bad stigma should go back to the MOBAs it came from
@badp It's not just MOBAs
In any game, it sucks when you're losing even worse than before because half of your teammates quit
@murgatroid99 MOBAs spread this far and wide by removing all countermeasures to this sort of situation
You can't join midgame.
You can't be autobalanced.
You can't switch teams.
I pretty much never see autobalancing except in TF2
And it's kind of shitty to be winning and then get switched to the losing team
Quake Live typically has people asking for team balance, yes
@murgatroid99 I sort of wish you got a weapon drop or something when you get autobalanced, yes
... But at the end of the day it's probably more fun to be playing on the losing team than it is to be playing 12v0
@badp It depends on the game and the circumstances
@badp HAHAHA
If your team has map control and then you get autobalanced onto the team that's half idle, you're just going to die repeatedly
No. There is no autobalance
The losing team certainly won't get any less losing if it doesn't get players from the winning on
@murgatroid99 This is 100% of what happens.
@murgatroid99 spec/disconnect if you're being spawn camped
I'm far from a great player but most of these people I can beat in a 1v1 shootout
The rest of my team is just sitting around doing (oftentimes) NOTHING
@badp that's what causes the autobalances
@murgatroid99 the solution is more autobalance
The autobalance will continue until morales improves!
Yeah, I don't think I can ever see the appeal of "I was about to win the match, but I lose instead"
But seriously, Destiny is like 100% momentum and when you're behind it's extremely hard to make a comeback so the lack of any kind of balance is awful.
Make it so that if the enemy toys with their food, they have a high probability of becoming food themselves
Clearly TF2 needs to add mod abuse
> You wore a hardhat with a Japanese paper fan attached to it, and had to fight a Nintendo Virtual Boy. The Virtual Boy shot many different game consoles at you, and you had to deflect them back at the Virtual Boy with the paper fan on your head to kill it.
this will result in less toying with your food
Basically everyone has supers. Supers are more 1shot mechanics
Guess what happens if you get kills with your super? Orbs of light for your teammates! What do those do?
@twobugs Everything about Destiny is terrible
@murgatroid99 I love the PVE, the PVP can suck 5 eggs though.
If you choose to suffer through that through the round end, then vote scramble, and if that fails, just disconnect already
You don't have to put up with their shit
All I know about Destiny comes from that one Critical Miss strip.
@twobugs I played destiny when it came out, for about 3 weeks, until I realized that the story made no sense and literally everything in the game was just grinding
that said it's not very common that TF2 matches turn into actual unbreakable spawn camping
So you're hardly describing the general case
What happens much more often is that a heavy medic pocket combo of friends is causing a shit time for everybody else and no matter how much you scramble and autobalance they'll do everything they can to be on the same team
Okay, so I suck at chasing babies in a spooky manor.
@badp OK, I think part of the issue here is that in my head, I'm thinking about Halo games when talking about this
in which case, really, the only resort is to either be on their team or change servers, because the odds of you going medic and getting your own pocket or viceversa are abysmal
@AshleyNunn If it makes you feel better, I'm pretty sure this isn't a commonly desired skillset.
@AshleyNunn that quest is tricky
just today I've played a game where I got autobalanced into the winning team, and to my great frustration it was all pyros snipers and scouts while my old team had five engies
we were winning buy very slowly
I went medic but no one switched to power classes
Q: How to play old games from the 1980s / 1990s in 2015 legally

fabrice dI understand that there are lots of "illegal" ways to play (let's use Nintendo as an exemple, but it could be SEGA, etc) old Nintendo games, such as the original Game Boy Games or NES games or Super NES games. But what is the "legal" approach from Nintendo? I believe the games aren't old enough ...

I went power class but no one else was trying to get the sentries so that also didn't work out
@GraceNote That helps, yes.
@GodEmperorDune I have no idea what I am doing.
so that was a shit time on the winning team. :/
I guess that's robot destruction for you
(Still I appreciate having a form of CTF that simply cannot end in a stalemate)
Neil deGrasse Tyson + The Martian = YES PLEASE!
@murgatroid99 I got really bored of it at launch but it's really sucked me in now. The story needs work for sure.
I think people are way too harsh on it, though.
Woo, 2 weeks until I get FibreOp!
I mean the reviews were a joke. 6/10? Wildstar, which had a horrible launch even by MMO standards, was getting 8/10s
@twobugs OK, because I haven't played for almost a year: what about the game is appealing?
Wasn't destiny supposed to be a 10 year game? They're already releasing Destiny 2...
@murgatroid99 The PVE is fun. Supers are satisfying (especially with the exotics), I like the character progression
@badp It was supposed to be a completely different game, if you go by what they announced
@badp ??? They're releasing YEAR 2, not the second one
Q: Question closed as Too Broad is likely answerable if inverted, should I make this edit myself?

PhaezeI came across this question today that was closed as Too Broad and while given it's current state I agree it is too broad, I think if the question were certainly inverted it would become much more answerable. I have posted a comment stating as much for the OP as well as providing a brief answer ...

It's basically a bigger expansion
Oh yes, random Indonesian man, I am sure our general support email account totally owes you all that money.
@twobugs PvE? You mean wandering around a generic environment and headshotting respawning enemies from 50 feet away?
Or defending a generic thing from generic waves of enemies for 3 minutes?
@twobugs oh so basically you just have to keep buying expansions, gotcha. You pay $60 for the privilege to pay $hundreds in DLC every year for ten years. Alright.
maximum overvalue
@murgatroid99 I mean doing dungeons, raids, etc
@badp It's an MMO except you only pay for concept patches :P
@twobugs Oh. I remember doing one raid, where a full team of us spent several minutes shooting at a boss that wasn't really a threat, and didn't do anything interesting
@twobugs ... How many people can you play with at the same time?
@badp Raids are 6
@murgatroid99 Don't know what to tell you. The raids in Destiny are good.
@twobugs so basically MvM is an "mmo"
because you're playing with FIVE other people!
@fredley I am terrible at this.
@badp Is FF14 not an MMO?
Because you play on 8 person teams for raids
@twobugs Oh, wait, that wasn't a raid, because you have to grind forever to actually do raids
I didn't grind forever to do raids. I did my grinding forever after the raids. :P
Rank: Dr. Oz Scientific Researcher
@twobugs depends on what passes for mmo these days
@fredley Hey I didn't get 0!
@murgatroid99 Not remotely. You can be raid ready in a flash.
I see recommended level: 30 for the lowest one
Back in my days MMOs were MMOs because you spent most of your time sharing the same physical space with hundreds of other people doing their own thing
@murgatroid99 Because people require you overgear everything
I don't know that Destiny does that
@badp Oh, so Destiny is an MMO in PVP?
@twobugs I'm not sure if you're saying that the level suggestion is too high, or that you need that level and you have to grind gear
@twobugs iunno, I don't have Destiny, I've just seen Marcus Lee (-typo) drone about it at excruciating length
@murgatroid99 Level suggestion is way too high. First raid is designed to be done at level 26, which takes only a few dungeons.
At no point I saw him in an actual MMO scenario
@twobugs Oh, I think it was a dungeon that I was talking about. The one that was simultaneously overly difficult and tortuously boring
@murgatroid99 Well I don't know what to tell you then either because dungeon bosses go down extremely quickly if you actually shoot them (most people don't)
Bungie acknowledged they're pretty bland though and they're redoing 4 dungeons for Taken King along with 4 brand new ones
I remember that time at some point during the Firefall beta when whatever instance of the server we were on had the enemy overrunning the tutorial area
I mean, it's fine that you guys don't like Destiny. To each their own.
Q: Why did my campaign pass expire?

Nick TI bought a Gun Mettle campaign pass a while ago, and, as far as I know, it's supposed to last until September 30th. Mine appears to have disappeared though; did I complete all the contracts I can so it expired?

@twobugs All I remember is that there was this giant tank thing that was in a separate area from us, and the whole team was shooting at it for several minutes before it died
so there was almost literally everyone on the server trying to fend off the PvE enemies
/cc @james
Firefall stuffs
Ive only been here since Jan man :)
That was easily my most memorable time in Firefall but I'm not all too surprised to see that they've scaled things back write a bit since then
You can see what I have been working on/with in some part on the PTS servers currently :D
@murgatroid99 Really? That's one of the easiest ones. Shoot his legs, then he falls over and you shoot his weak point. Takes about a minute, tops.
@James I didn't spend all that much time in Firefall :p
@twobugs We might have done that if there was any indication that shooting the legs had any effect
@murgatroid99 You mean other than it inflicting significantly more damage than shooting his body, and using the same color for damage as headshots?
There are other bosses I would agree with you on, but that's not really one of them.
I like the events
Its also one of the only games Ive worked on where I see the devs playing it a lot :D
But my head is so far up in systems work that I am rather out of touch on the content and how all that is going still.
Not sure we have been doing those things with how busy we have been but [shrugs] who knows :D
I think the farthest I've got was... quite literally trying to cross the ominous purple wall of death upon seeing it for the first time and unsurprisingly getting killed by it
@twobugs OK, I'll admit I don't really remember that detail. I just remember it taking forever and being really tedious
Yeah.. I had to track down a bug in an area Ive never been in before
I just walked a LITTLE bit to the left from where the noob area is and BOOM
I died
fast and hard
@murgatroid99 That's too bad, but it sounds like you didn't really enjoy the game anyway
Yeah. I just get kind of worked up when it's mentioned because it's the most disappointing game I've ever played, from what was previously my favorite developer
It definitely feels like Activision meddled in the development for the worse
I mean, the main story is basically just to introduce you to a bunch of different DLC hooks.
The bulk of the lore and universe is really good and well written stuff, but none of it is accessible in-game.
The main story, as far as I remember, is "walk around, then escort the floaty thing to a place and defend it from enemies. Repeatedly"
Basically, remember how in the Halo games you always had at least some sort of clear goal? And how the Covenant were actually interesting and developed, and the Flood came in too?
@twobugs This is why I bought the game. Because I loved Halo
Well, now there are 4 enemy types, none of them really get development, and you just kind of walk around. There's very little dialogue - significantly less than even Halo 1 I think.
And then it was nothing like Halo
The shooting feels very Halo-y and good. It's just that the main story content is so boring it turns a lot of people off.
I was summoned because Halo was mentioned. what's going on.
I think it's gotten better in the expansions, and Taken King looks to be a big improvement. We'll see.
@Rapitor Talking about how Destiny doesn't live up to Halo :P
of course not, it got cod-ified
@Rapitor No, the part where Halo had an interesting, comprehensible story that actually mattered to the gameplay

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