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Of course
How could I be so naive
There is not a single thing that is not happening there.
My UI is much more sensible, although I could simplify it
@badp Can you even...
Dammit @Yuuki now I need food but I have office hours until 3:30
@GraceNote No
@twobugs Honestly, elemental resistance isn't even all that important in MH.
Just don't bring full Gore to an Akantor fight and you'll be fine.
All you need to know about Monster Hunter is that Tigrex is a jerk.
It helps that you have much bigger selection of gear to work with than WoW, IIRC.
Back when I played, there were maybe 2 or 3 BiS or comparable items for even the most diverse builds.
Whereas pretty much all armor is equally good in MH, separated only by the three ranks and the fact that Star Knight kicks everyone's ass.
to be fair, this happens almost whenever gamers are given the opportunity to customize game UI
How does anyone know what is even going on there? How can you pay attention to that many things?
that's the post-race screen..
here's a more representative example of in-game experience
@badp Oh, that's not so bad.
I do suppose there IS some space left to look at the track
"but what if players wanted to rate the track they're racing on in between turns"
you don't look at the track while playing trackmania... you pray
"yeah let's just dock this 6-star rating system permanently in here"
@AshleyNunn you generally don't customize UI with all that fancy stuff until you have learned enough about the game that you can utilize the information from the addons
addons let you see more information that the vanilla UI doesn't show you and that information can help you be "better", if you know how to use it
just imagine the sort of crap any game ever would get by sticking a one-click DLC bar on screen permanently
@Chippies I suppose that makes sense. I am just terrible at most normal games, so the idea of adding more stuff horrifies me.
right next to the bit that gives you the splits
this is probably EA's wettest dream
@AshleyNunn normal games generally don't much hidden info or need to see the hidden info
@Chippies and then there's games like BoI that are frustratingly obtuse
MMO end game is competitive in a way, so that extra info can help you get better
how much damage does a tear do? how many hitpoints does mom have? WHO THE HELL KNOWS.
@badp that's one of the main reasons why I never bothered with BoI
every time I play it, I find an item and I have to go to wiki
I mean. You don't have to know raw numbers to play the game well
I end up spending more time looking for stuff on wiki than playing the game
then I die
because the game is well designed, after all
but having a little more feedback than five pips for six stats would be nice...
@badp but it sure helps to know what the items do
@Chippies you sort of are supposed to learn this stuff the hard way.
if BoI had some sort of description window for all the items, even before you pick it up, I think it would be a lot more accessible to the average Joe
I mean, there are mods for the basic BoI game that do give you damage numbers
Q: How do I save my game?

Ashley NunnI was playing Donkey Kong Land for the first time last night and it saved after the first level. I figured it would save after every level, but after I completed the second level and went to the third, it didn't save. I ended up getting a Game Over in level 3, and when I went back to my file, it ...

@badp but that just means I have to play the game hundreds of times innefficiently and just be frustrated until I learn the "basics"
for most people - that's a deal breaker
@Lazers2.0 Holy crap, that was fast :)
@Chippies that is true, but the game does give you a ton of relatively short-term goals
@badp like what?
@Chippies your first victory happens halfway through a full run
@badp how? what?
I've only got to the basement once, I think
or whatever the place after 4th boss was called
or 3rd boss
The fullest BoI: Rebirth run is "13" levels long
your first victory is awarded for clearing the 6th.
Oh god I need to relearn vim and get used to the fact that typing stuff like objMyObj. will not give me a list of things I can do
then you unlock levels 8-10.
I haven't played Rebirth, but I hear it's easier than original
then you unlock levels 10-12.
then you unlock "level 13"
(inb4 @murgatroid99)
That count feels wrong
even if you don't win a run, you can still "win" by unlocking stuff
@murgatroid99 I'm counting the finalest boss as its own level due to length
@badp After you beat the 6th level, you unlock 7-8. Then after you beat level 8 11 times, you unlock level 9, which can be one of 2 things. Then there's a possible level 10, which is also one of 2 things depending on what level 9 was.
A single run only goes through up to 10 levels, though.
Unless there's even more insanity that I haven't even encountered on YouTube videos of the game.
@badp Still, the Chest is level 10, by my count
oh right I double counted chest and cathedral
And I think you have to beat the Cathedral a few times to unlock the Chest
although the levels do get bigger as you go deeper, so once you beat mom you still are less than halfway through the run.
I suck at BoI.
and same for Sheol and Dark Room
Have not made it past the 4-ish level yet.
I've beaten Sheol and the Cathedral once each.
I need to play more.
Practice makes perfect
I've definitely noticed myself getting out of situations that now that were certain death when I started.
And I've unlocked the d6, so playing as Isaac the runs have become more strategic.
yeah, some enemies definitely take practice
like, uh, all skull enemies.
@badp ugh
I like the red ones because you can damage them while they're hiding.
in fact, during your very first games, you should probably focus more on learning enemy patterns rather than what item does what
When I played my first run after beating everything with the Lost, I felt like I was playing god mode, because I had been playing as a character that dies in one hit for over a hundred hours
you probably aren't going to be seeing the same item in a while, but the enemies stay the same.
learning enemies is much more worth your time.
I hate spiders.
The Lost hates spiders.
@StrixVaria everyone hates the spiders
You don't hate spiders until you've started playing the lost. You think you hate spiders, then you play the lost, and then you realize what it means to hate spiders.
The worst are the fast big spiders that poop things that make little spiders
Q: Did pylon spawn rate increase?

ardaozkalWith 2.3, I've been seeing way more pylons, even 2-3x per rift (~6-7). I've checked the official update log, but I didn't see such addition (there is a nerf to it, but nothing more is shown). Am I just extra-lucky or was it changed with update?

@badp I possibly intend never to even bother unlocking the Lost.
@murgatroid99 No we don't
@StrixVaria if you want you can borrow my save file and see for yourself.
@badp I play on PS4! Thwarted again!
@badp Never play the original game in hardmode then, there is a champion that explodes in like 10 tiny spiders.
Unlocking the Lost isn't hard
I'm back.
Doing that will probably get you banned from all sites that track steam achievements but...
or at least forever discount any BoI achievement you may ever gain
Wait, what sites are there that track your Steam achievements?
I used a save file to skip Super Meat Boy 5-5 once. astats has never forgiven me for it.
@badp Interesting.
I'll have a better look when I can access my computer again and I don't have to use my sister's phone.
apparently my second rarest achievement is now from One Way Heroics.
Which by the way, is really sucking shit. (The phone)
Hey badp, how many achievements do you have for GRID 2?
/cc @GraceNote
@blartmemes I didn't finish that game.
That's... a rare achievement?
@badp I beat many of your scores!
@badp Still. How many do you have so far?
but I didn't finish the game either
3/6 are from hardmode BoI WotL
:23716869 reading comprehension.
@James The FBI standard for mass is 3+
Hours played: 19,6
23 of the 60 achievements. (37 to go.) (38.3 Percent)
71 of the 431 points.
@GraceNote hence the /cc
Hah, I have more than you!
Your prize is enclosed:
@GraceNote For reference
@Unionhawk yussssss reddit silver
@Unionhawk Oh, shaddap Uni...
@badp Confuzzle
I have a value 188.2 achievement
wait, did you mean for that to be directed to me or @badp?
@GraceNote I guess a lot of people got the game in a bundle and never played much of it
@blartmemes Could be both I guess
It's not a contest
1 min ago, by blart memes
@Unionhawk Oh, shaddap Uni...
I guess, but how do you get Panty epilogue and not actually pull off moving a resident into the castle?
@badp 25% of XCOM players on Steam haven't completed one mission.
@GraceNote simple: just don't own the DLC.
@badp i like spiders
@Rapitor have you played the lost?
I have the, uh... either 2nd or 4th rarest achievement on that list, depending on whether you count a three-way tie as one or three places.
no, but I like spiders
...and every achievement above that, actually, other than Maniac Mode which I keep forgetting to actually try.
Hey @Rapitor, what's your Steam?
I don't have steam.
@Rapitor wot
What's a steam?
you must be new, I'm the resident steam hater
the resident steam hater here is @GraceNote
I thought that was @GnomeSlice
get off her lawn
@GnomeSlice hates everything
she is quite the welcoming kind, and I'm sure she'll say there is plenty of lawn for everybody
Nono, now you're thinking of @OrigamiRobot
but it's still her lawn dammit!!
has @GraceNote gone on anti-steam rants?
oh, neat.
(actually I wonder how many of the newcomers here are accepting the data that Grace is female as fact through my now-settled use of female pronouns, despite the fact that we don't really know)
You do Good Old Games then?
They haven't had anything I've wanted or needed so technically no.
If I'm going to buy a game, yeah i'd prefer GoG or any DRM free. but I mostly just play free2play titles or games that have the decency to have their own launcher on PC.
ugh per-game launchers
please no.
You just reminded me, I need to blow the dust off Warframe and play it a bit post-movement update.
Meh, Steam doesn't really bother me. GoG is fine.
Warframe got movement update?
all versions or just pc
Yes. 'Coptering' is no longer a thing.
At least on the PC version.
All that matters about Steam - I have 124 games and I've paid ~$250 in total.
(also applies to: uPlay)
@badp that's what i picture steam
Also my official Steam account $$$$ worth is something really embarrassing
@Rapitor at least my one Steam launcher can launch over 500 different games
uPlay hasn't given me any issues either but meh
I'm okay with steam DRM. additional DRM on top of steam isn't cool. And those few games that had Steam DRM AND GFWL DRM can rot in a fire, even if GFWL is now dead. Those should have never happened.
but yes, if you only have one or two games, it's probably more trouble than it's worth
Now I'm trying to think how many years it is for me to have actually tallied all the way up to 124 games played.
@badp Ooooooh
I've only really grown to appreciate Steam after getting a few games on the service
I have like... 5 or 6 PC games
I'm primarily console/handheld myself
but hey, before that I just, uh, pirated games, so, yeah.
@Rapitor peasant
@blartmemes poor.
I pirated extensively in the late 90s through the mid 00s.
I have hojillions more than 6 PC games though
@GraceNote Let's not talk about how many years decades it will take me to actually play all 124 games.
And I ain't got many decades left.
@Rapitor which basically means you're using the specific platform's implementation of Steam, really
Then I got 'a real job' and suddenly paying money for games where I didn't have to fidget with cracks was more appealing.
@JasonBerkan This is why I don't usually buy into the "money and quantity" argument.
I've played tons, but actively play/keep very few
@badp Coincidentally one of the factors that I don't have a problem with regarding Steam.
I've bought more Steam games than I will ever play. I've simply come to accept that.
Having access to a full library that you can fetch across multiple computers is, honestly, pretty handy after all.
@GraceNote Sure. There are a lot of games in my library that I will never play. But Steam has given me a bunch of games I love for cheap.
@GraceNote I do remember one of your points being wanting to share games with your brother, which you can now sort of do
Peeking at steam real quick, 875 games. Yeaaaah, thanks humble bundle for tons of games I'll never play but I wanted one out of the 7 in the bundle.
@twobugs So have I, but shit, I still want more.
. . .except for the part where you want to play at the same time as he does.
@MadMAxJr Wow, you actually have more than I do
That feeling when you run into a room with two golden poops but no Magneto.
@badp There's only one big main issue at the moment, and that's the need for me to pay twice to buy a game to play with my brother that there's like no sense in needing me to do that.
Split screen on PC is certainly dead.
@badp Eh, some indie games are still supporting it
Oh hey, there's a second room with two golden poops.
Rocket League will do split screen. But I don't know of other split screen examples recently.
@twobugs it's more dead than dedicated servers.
Family share means I can't say there's issue with the legality of not being the person who owns the account.
@MadMAxJr Screencheat!
and those are... pretty dead.
Q: Do I need to purchase a subscription to claim my pet?

ardaozkalI was playing Hearthstone and it told me that I got a free pet in WoW. Do I need to be a paid subscriber in order to claim it? Or can I claim it with my starter account?

So the only issue remains the double-pay for things what should not be requisite to a double pay.
@badp What even is the difference between dedicated servers and regular servers?
Can't even 100% OJ and that's a gorram board game.
A dedicated server uses all of it's resources to host the game. A regular listen server is where a player running the game client is also running the server component, which puts more strain on resources.
@GraceNote Steam reviews warned that it's surprisingly difficult
I wouldn't call it "difficult"
it means your game server is potentially running on a toaster on the other side of the ocean
I would call it...
A dedicated server doesn't have to render the game, so it has a lot more freedom with what resources it uses. Many times doesn't even need a fancy video card to run a dedicated server.
@MadMAxJr I wouldn't call that a regular server, I'd call it a peer server or something else
But yeah, it's bad because it means someone is "hosting" the game and you're at their mercy, basically.
the standard is the game devs are running all of the servers, and when they pull the plug it's over
It is a game that can destroy any idea of hope for anything positive in the world that you ever could conceive.
@badp Yeesh.
That asshole on dialup at the south pole? He's going 20-0 this round because nobody can see or respond to him
Nothing like the good old days of Quake 2 where the guy playing on the server had the godlike advantage of a ping under 30.
and even then they don't really run the servers because each game is hosted P2P
@twobugs Main reason why I can't much into MMOs often
The idea that I can't play because someone else is out is blargh
even TF2 is struggling quite a lot to strike a balance between its own dedicated servers and the community's
and Valve doesn't offer dedicated servers for CS:GO
@GraceNote Did you follow FF14? For a while after launch very few people on the west coast of the US could play with an acceptable ping because of a pissing match between Comcast and a Canadian ISP
dedicated servers have become a buzzword, imo.
@twobugs I did not but I'm not surprised.
@badp Oh yeah, how come I've only heard of the TF2 dedicateds recently?
All of the datacenters were located in Montreal, so all of the traffic from the western US got sent through a single node
Have they been around longer?
@Rapitor it does affect the design of the game. Good luck hosting 100v100 games on a P2P infrastructure
Dedicated TF2 has been around since launch
Allegiance, a game from 2001 or so, technically let you have that sort of games over dialup.
I wasn't even aware TF2 had non-dedicated
@twobugs TF2 doesn't have non-dedicated.
I see.
Valve doesn't do P2P servers. They still have a modicum of decency.
@badp true, but lately it seems like people are touting dedicated servers thus getting hype but the netcode still sucks ass -cough- CoD
If you can deliver a good experience without dedicated servers, then cool. I've just never seen P2P servers work well.
but they're definitely phasing out dedicated servers in order to have more control over the overall game
Dedicated can have big problems too, as @Rapitor just noted
CoD decided to go the route of 'we have dedicated servers, but players don't get access to them.'
@MadMAxJr That's CS:GO.
or LoL.
or DOTA 2.
@MadMAxJr adds that to the list of reaons why CoD sucks shit
For some, having the ability to put up your own dedicated server was nice, because when the game ages, you don't have to worry about the company taking down all multiplayer services (Looking at you EA / Activision)
or almost every game that has been released lately.
@MadMAxJr Or Nintendo. RIP Wii.
The main tension between Valve's own server and the community server is that server modifications essentially can be used to game the game's item economy
Player owned dedicated servers are also nice if you need a specific version (MINECRAFT).
and thus -- at least indirectly -- the game's monetization scheme.
@twobugs RIP DS
@badp TF2 idle farming maps. They did not like this.
so if you wanna do contracts, you must play on official valve servers, lest you just fire up an especially crafted achievement map and just flood the market with items
surely that's a bug.
this is a reminder that Valve gets a cut off each Steam Market transaction
so you wanna keep rare items valuable
even if they're somewhat easier to get than the goddamn crate lottery
Also a reminder that Valve has a full time economist on staff to monitor, measure, and socially experiment on the markets in valve games, to see what is and what is not profitable.
@MadMAxJr Just one?
@MadMAxJr reminder that said economist has moved on to take, and resign from, the position of ministry of economy for Greece
@badp I'm still waiting for Greece's new hat based economy. So far I am disapointed.
Greek national debt is owned entirely by Valve
66% in lego hobbit, HJOW MUCH MOAR CAAN THERE BE?!
Greek economic stimulus packages now come in crates, randomly distributed to citizens. You have to pay to get the contents. Progress!
@djsmiley2k I'm guessing about 33%.
Still, if the Greek minster of the economy would attend a government meeting with a towering pillar of hats, I would be happy just for the photo.
@MadMAxJr Instead of jobs, Greek citizens have to unlock achievements
@twobugs 'The daily grind'
Gamerscore is the new currency of Greece, the first country of to join the Gamezone.
@twobugs They can also complete special tasks to unlock exclusive designer clothing.

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