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@TimStone Dammit you already own Dangerously Elite >_> That was going to by my joke
Q: Fallout Shelter Kids in 3 Hours?

HawkIs it 3 hours of game time or 3 hours. I have played for over 6 hours of actual play time, I have 7 women pregnant and none of them have delivered. WTH?

@GnomeSlice hahaha
I have 404 music likes on facebook
So what to install on a new laptop?
@PrivatePansy Sonic Dreams Collection
HamStare @RedRiderX
@PrivatePansy ninite.com
> One such volunteer, who would only say his name was Eagle One
Someone never grew up.
Can American stores actually discriminate on religion?
@PrivatePansy no.
I'm not sure.
@TrentHawkins I think anything without nudity is fine
A retail store is considered a public accommodation and is subject to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and may not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, or disability.
(Sexual orientation, however, is not a protected class.)
Q: How can I find the guys I need to kill in Elite: Dangerous?

Adam AroldThere are a lot of missions in the Bulletin Board which require you to eliminate someone. I did not manage to find a single one of them and I always ended up failing the mission even after an hour spent searching. What am I doing wrong? How do I find my targets fast? What are the leads? In the l...

@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, that's what I thought. Wonder what happens when a Muslim were to actually visit one of those stores
@LessPop_MoreFizz sexual orientation should be none of their business
heterosexuals don't get asked who they have sex with, why would anyone else?
Q: Team Fortress 2 Dedicated Server: Sending Private Messages to Users

odixonI have recently started a small Team Fortress 2 dedicated Windows server on my PC for just a few friends to join. However if it may start to get popular, how would I send I private message to a user saying: Welcome to my server <their Steam name> Could I do this through a command in a cfg file...

@Chippies because it's not disallowed.
Phase 1, complete!
@GnomeSlice 404 like not found
@Unionhawk YEAH
Q: How do you get legit Hoopa?

poketutorI came across this App Pokgear http://pokgear.com today. In its iOS version there's a pokemon trade service. It says user with any new 2/3DS system can get Hoopa by trade. Is it really legit? Anyone uses it?

@Yuuki so fuct
This is a parody right
Yeah it's too perfect to be real
On closer inspection, video description.
And now we caching.
I think it's releasing fart gas @spugsley
@GnomeSlice it's a parody of this, and I'm watching it now (the original) and it's hurting my brain
@Chippies I watched that already. Most of them don't give horrible answers. I think it's just a case of viewers being offended because they want to be offended.
@Unionhawk much better avatar
@GnomeSlice they aren't horrible per se, but they are extremely ignorant answers
Ignorant of what?
@TimStone why is @spugsley releasing fart gas?
@GnomeSlice many of them don't even understand what evolution is
@Unionhawk I see a almost entirely black quarter circle
Maybe that means I need to turn up the brightness
Miss Washington's is kinda dumb but most of them aren't too bad
or that "theory" of evolution has pretty solid proof
and the fact that almost none (I haven't finished the video) of them believe in evolution at all
that is pretty ignorant, imho
religion should be left out of schools
Theory in science is different from theory in common usage
science is for schools, religion is for free time
Gravity is also a theory
Q: Why nothing appears in my storage space whenever dwellers collect something?

DillardsWhen i send to explore any Dwellers i can see the log working perfectly and also ai can see any item they collect, but when i recall them to the vault and hit the "collect" button those items just dissapear, they wont show up in my storage space, eqquiped or anything else, those items just dissap...

if you want to believe in creationism, so be it, but you should be taught scientific facts so you can have a better opinion
@Chippies What about Catholic schools?
@GnomeSlice that's something I don't know much about
I do think though that religion based schools are handicapping kids
@GnomeSlice if you accept govt money in US, you need to teach the govt.'s stuff
religion is fine for personal use, but teaching kids stuff with no evidence based on some book as opposed to scientific facts is just wrong
That is literally the point of faith-based religion.
@GnomeSlice I'm fine with people believing in religion and whatever
but kids should be taught both sides
but the scientific side is more important than religious side
But I think that just because a religion ostensibly goes against a concrete scientific theory , doesn't mean people should get all scared about teaching it
they taught evolution in my catholic highschool
@Fluttershy Thanks for this constructive addition to the discussion.
we didn't sent a rocket to the moon by praying to jesus/buddha/allah/whoever
@GnomeSlice You mean the discussion that probably shouldn't be going on in The Bridge in the first place? You're welcome.
@Fluttershy Why not?
@GnomeSlice the problem is when they teach religion over science
if they teach both - that's fine
but teaching that evolution is bs while saying that noah put all the world's animals on a boat is just silly
@GnomeSlice Because religion and politics are two topics we generally avoid in here.
@Fluttershy HAH, pretty sure there's been quite a bit of politics discussions here lately
Who's we?
Are talking about religion?
@GnomeSlice Because it is an inflammatory topic in which no side is going to be swayed, and arguments are the only thing to be had.
We're just chatting man, it's an interesting discussion.
Have you all come to accept Princess Celestia as your personal Princess and Goddess?
I don't think we're really discussing religion itself here
@Ktash Thank you.
Phase 2 complete!
@PrivatePansy Not happening bud.
we're discussing teaching kids
@PrivatePansy No. I prefer Luna.
@Chippies What's being discussed is the politics of teaching kids topics like religion and/or science. Which are the problematic topics :P
The only two people involved in the discussion seem to be the only two people who don't have a problem with the discussion.
@Ktash eh, fair enough
So okay, I guess I'll go to bed.
the wifi keeps slowing down to a crawl here anyway almost to the point of disconnecting
@Fluttershy Heretic! Burn the witch!
@GnomeSlice That doesn't mean the discussion is okay for the room as a whole. Just because the two parties involved in it don't care doesn't mean everyone else can't care.
@GnomeSlice And that's perfectly fine. If you two want to continue the discussion, be my guest! I would just recommend not doing it in here because this is a public place and it could cause issues or an argument, even if you don't mean it to :)
Does this mean I get to cause a stink next time you guys talk about ponies again
in-laws have this router that works fine when I'm next to it, but sucks hard when I'm in bedroom :(
@GnomeSlice Ponies aren't nearly as inflammatory a topic as politics or religion.
@GnomeSlice to be fair, it is well known that religion and politics are soft-banned here
because everyone has opinions and on the internet you can't have opinions
And again, you seem to have missed the point.
opinions are bad, they cause trouble
@GnomeSlice Ponies is a topic not everyone may like, but is not inflammatory (usually). Politics is something where people can have strong opinions, and it can cause problems when people from lots of different places talk about it in one place
@Fluttershy They're not? :P
@Frank Twilight Sparkle is best pony! *ducks*
Honestly though, I think nobody other than Americans have such strong opinions on politics or religion
@PrivatePansy I wouldn't know; I don't watch.
> I went to the comedy show, and the comedian said something about The Lord and I was offended, and when I woke up in the morning, I had leprosy!
I love Steve Hughes
Americans have strong opinions in general, in my experience...
@Frank Ask 20 fans who is best pony and you'll probably get 21 answers
@PrivatePansy Somebody just can't decide!
But now, it's time to finish Warehouse 13.
@Chippies Americans have strong opinions, and are very vocal about them. But so are other places. It's just that if you live in the states, you hear more about it (Canada probably gets some of our yelling by extension too)
@Ktash I lived in Latvia for 21 years and never knew anyone that really had strong opinions about politics or religion
but that's just my experience, I can't speak for everyone
@Chippies Really? I know people from all over with very strong opinions. All types everywhere, I guess :)
@Ktash depends on who you hang out with, I suppose :)
America is about half strong opinions and half not wanting to hear anybody else's opinions at all
And this room is mostly american, so here we are
Can a mod move @Chippies and my discussion to chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/27122/opinions
Please and thank you
What's all this pony business? I AM OFFENDED!
@GodEmperorDune What is all this NON-PONY business? I AM OFFENDED!
> Password must be alphanumeric and contains at least a special character (!@#$_) and an uppercase letter.
This seems... contradictory
What's all this unoffensive business? I AM OFFENDED!
@PrivatePansy must contain a special character? That's a requirement I haven't heard of
It does increase the search space by quite a bit, but the definition of alphanumeric is to not have special characters
So I register, login, and... get a 404 page
is there a single word for alphanumericspecialsymbolUPPERCASE?
I mean, a better word
Which redirected me to the homepage, which told me that I registered successfully, so I guess the system worked
@Chippies caps
wait what
@Yuuki Shopped but still funny
@Aequitas has to have uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special symbols
caps does not include all that
pretty sure there is no single word for all that
@Chippies ASCII
@GodEmperorDune "Password must contain everything from the ASCII table. Have fun!"
@GodEmperorDune I'll enter a bunch of control characters into the password field
@PrivatePansy this
@Chippies non printable characters are great :D
except they're alt characters
ûð♠☼# òäN&╣
My password is carriage return, bell, end of line, bell, the null character
@Aequitas Those are actually not ASCII anymore
ಠ_ಠಠ_ಠಠ_ಠಠ_ಠಠ_ಠಠ_ಠಠ_ಠಠ_ಠಠ_ಠಠ_ಠಠ_ಠಠ_ಠಠ_ಠಠ_ಠ is my password on most sites
I used to know the alt code for nbsp, but I forgot it long ago :(
It would take a desktop PC about
13 nonillion years
to crack your password
The null character is especially fun for breaking systems
@PrivatePansy what's the alt code for that
Most places won't accept Unicode for password
@PrivatePansy because @uni is always wrong, and so is his code
> In all modern character sets the null character has a code point value of zero.
You can try that
battle.net will only allow 16 characters
Password'); DROP TABLE * ;
and i can't copy paste into the change password form
Microsoft will only accept 16 ASCII characters
that a windows 10 thing or the microsoft.com account?
@GodEmperorDune Both, in a sense, now that you can use your Microsoft account to log into your OS
my fav is alt 255
@Chippies That's actually a pretty strong password too
@GodEmperorDune for whatever reason this reminded me of the fact that in Maple Story, on website you could have a long password, but in the game you could only input up to 13 characters, so if your password was longer than 13 characters, you couldn't log into the game through the client
Not vulnerable to dictionary attacks, and contains a few special characters that enlarge the search space quite a bit
I wonder if they dealt with that...
@Chippies that happens more often than you think
it was the same case with the steam website vs client
@PrivatePansy I've never encountered a website that accepts apostrophes as valid characters in any of the fields
I mean, besides ones that can be sql injected
@Chippies some will html escape them
like if your name was O'leary or something
@GodEmperorDune true, didn't think of that. I suppose some websites do allow it, but usually not for passwords
btw @Chippies 0/858 believe me now I have the worst luck? you'd won 3 times with this many entries. And I'm only entering the ones with a high chance.
@Aequitas you're entering giveaways with low chances of winning
relatively* high chance
like ~500 entrants
I won like 3 of my 6 giveaways within a single week, because I was entering expensive and unpopular giveaways
Today in Terrible Ways To Spend a Tuesday Night: I am eagerly watching Twitter, hoping that a hashtag trends so that one group of people I follow will become hopelessly confused by another group of people I follow.
@LessPop_MoreFizz which hashtag?
@Aequitas is it 500 when you enter or when it ends though?
That still doesn't say much, it just says that you haven't won 1/500 chance, which is a very low chance
if you want even higher chances, go to forum and look for hidden giveaways
858/500 chance so I should've won nearly twice by now
@Aequitas that's not how statistics work tho
@LessPop_MoreFizz im not sure how that is confusing
well, I mean, statistics might work that way, but that's not how random works
@Aequitas people tend to post private giveaways on the forum or have a puzzle or something which leads to a private giveaway. Idk how popular any of that is now, but couple years ago puzzle giveaways were very popular
@GodEmperorDune it's mainly being used by listeners to The Best Show right now - and the suggestions are thus all jokes like Gene Simmons or Riff Raff or the old dude from pawn stars.
if you were smart enough to get the answer, you'd usually have anything from 1/1 to 1/10 chance
But I'm assuming it if trends, it'll get jumped on by context-deficient nerds who want to take it seriously. And then the real fun will start.
And since I follow a lot of FOT's, but also a lot of people who actually like dr. Who... I am hoping to see this reaction in action.
Yay, I was finally able to deactivate the PS4 of the guy in Russia who tried to steal my PSN account!
looks up Oh god dammit @GnomeSlice and @Chippies. I declare both of you Certified Wrong and will move on with my life.
@Unionhawk Two wrongs make a right: DATA ACCEPTED
Two wrongs make a double wrong
Especially in this case
@Unionhawk I'll take your word for it, you're the expert on being wrong after all.
And I happen to be a graduate of a Catholic high school, as it happens, so I happen to know how wrong you are in particular
@Unionhawk not sure why that's relevant
I'm not sure why that's irrelevant.
You can only deactivate your PS4 by physically accessing the system or using a once every 6 month all system deactivation, and the Russian guy used my 6 month one in Feb :|
Sony refused to refund it
I'm a graduate of a non-religion based high school, do I get bonus points for it?
It's whatever, I got it handled now
And he's not hacking my 20 character PSN password
I went to a sunday school for a couple of months in my early teens
You don't get to declare yourself more worthy in either case, but you definitely don't get to declare Catholic schools as "getting science wrong" (hint: the Catholic Church believes evolution is 100% compatible with creation) or "crippling children"
@Unionhawk I didn't declare either of those things
I said I 1) don't know much about catholic schools and 2) am fine with teaching both religion and scientific facts
my only issue is when religion is taught as an alternative to science
@Unionhawk I can pull quotes if you want :P
I mean, I'm sure you can pull some quotes from what I said as well, I was talking with Gnome, so I wasn't exactly proof reading everything I said
vanishes in a cloud of smoke
but I have no problem with catholic schools if they also teach stuff based on science, not just religion
I don't know what catholic schools are like, I've never been to one
Well good thing for you, they do.
nor do I know anyone irl that has been to one
I guess my tiny gravatar is just mostly dark
Do I want to fix this...
it's quite dark even when it's not-so-tiny
Regular size (as in, next to my text box) looks fine
I mean, I can tell it's ganondorf, but I have to squint a bit
More specifically, IT'S GANON FROM WIND WAKER
I do have a 17" laptop at 1080p with 100% scaling though
@Unionhawk if I had to guess, that would be my first guess, considering it's your avatar
And he has awesome quotes to use in profile descriptions, like "YOUR GODS DESTROYED YOU!"
And maybe even "I can see this girl's dreams... Oceans... Oceans... Oceans... Oceans... Oceans as far as the eye can see."
@Unionhawk that's how you pee the bed
dreaming about oceans is not good
They are vast seas... None can swim across them... They yield no fish to catch...
anyway, I should get to sleep, so goodnight, folks!
there we go
I could also do a Zant the Usurper from TP with this guy as a description or something
You're definitely Zant
I'm Ghirahim.
I couldn't pull off that guy
That guy...
I should beat SS
He rules in Hyrule Warriors
Zant kinda sucked but they buffed him. I should play around with him more
Ghirahim is weird in the US version of SS
@Unionhawk this is awesome
Q: Destiny Canadian Store

ZarathustraxI bought Destiny in the Canadian Store. But I have credit in the U.S account, my question is. Can I buy the dlc's on the american store to work on the game (bought on Canadian Store)?

gaming.stackexchange.com/q/232419/8581 Burn it, but the poster may have done so already
Q: Turn-based strategy game for PC with more than two players in LAN multiplayer

myTerminalI've played Company of Heroes over LAN with two to four players playing at once and it was great. Now I'm looking for a turn-based strategy game with LAN multiplayer that also supports more than two players in a match. Something like 'XCOM: Enemy Unknown', 'Total War series' or the upcoming 'Mo...

Q: How do I create a minecraft server for pe v0.1.11

LuisI can't seem to create a server because when I search it only shows answers for other versions or IPhone's only

Q: Can Bluetooth headphones be used on a PS3?

Andrewm99My Turtlebeach headset broke and I don't have much cash to buy a new pair. Is it possible to use a pair of Bluetooth headphones on my PS3 to hear in game sound? Or do I have to buy a new headset?

1 hour later…
Q: Does the main hero level affect relic count when prestiging?

GuyIn Tap Titans when you presitge, does it give you any bonus for your main character's level, or does that not even come into account? If so, how much does your main hero level affect it by?

hello i new user
@blartmemes \o
I was wondering if you were going to find your way in here :)
wut is chat
It is awfully quiet right now though
how does i chat
Um, we sit in here, chat, and annoy each other
You are chatting
wut is an annoy?
@blartmemes bfy.tw/1N1W
That will help ya out
G'Night :)
Dude, it's me, Texenox.
I was messing around, @James.
@Chippies there are entire magazines devoted to who's having sex with whom
Hey @badp.
I'm a new user here.
What goes on here?
Nah, screw it, it's me, Texenox.
picture of owl with slightly tilted head
@blartmemes looks like you are following in retrosaur's footsteps.... but doing it wrong
@GodEmperorDune Well, I don't want to leave everyone too much in the dark.
As you can see, @James actually fell for it.
Setting a new record for making it onto my ignored user list
@PrivatePansy You mean, you'll... put me on there?
@blartmemes here at the bridge, we have a long history of trolling the trolls
they let @GnomeSlice go for weeks before they told him that they knew he was on a sock
you will find a sarcasm detector most useful
@GodEmperorDune wot
i'd dig through history but i'm lazy
anyhoo, retrosaur is not the best role model
i would not recommend imitating that style
Eh, I was only trying it once.
as we've mentioned before, you'll find more success here with being normal rather than trying to be outrageous
Fair enough.
I still like the name though.
I'll keep doing the name stuff, but I'll still try to act normal.
Q: ATLauncher Doesn't Finish Installing Modpacks?

AndersonHey guys so I tried using ATLauncher and whenever I try to download MadPack 3 and whenever it's almost finished it stops installing, it says "Failed to install MadPack 3 Check logs for error" and I did check the logs, it says something about hashes... And if you're going to tell me to whitelist s...

Do we support
minecraft mod install support?
@ardaozkal Not sure about that.
@blartmemes nice name m8, I r8 8/8 no db8
@ardaozkal thanks m8
You know who I am, right?
You are texenox
@FAE @KevinvanderVelden let's tentatively meet for 7pm at A'dam Zuid like last time? I have no plans yet for what to do afterwards but we could simply have a pizza together.
I'll take your friend invite on Steam as a yes.
(If others happen to be in Amsterdam tonight, then by all means...)
@PrivatePansy The record for someone to get on my ignore list was like 10-15 minutes.
If you have a magical teleporter thingmajig I'd love to have pizza too!
That was a person who came in insulting everyone pretty badly.
Yeah, pizzas on me, if you had a "magical teleporter"
something something in Texenoxes steam
@ardaozkal ARE YOU SERIOUS
It is one of our shared groups ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I didn't want anyone to know I was in that group!
Also, I barely even remember what Team Play First is.
I need to clean up my group list.
And friends, for that matter.
@Arperum I'd have just waited for them to be banned
my groups
ping @blartmemes
@ardaozkal Well then.
Nothing to hide ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@KevinvanderVelden I flagged IIRC
Well that too
@KevinvanderVelden It was so bad that if they ever came back I didn't want anything to do with them.
Shame there's nothing like the reddit enhanced feature that allows you to add a note to a user id
That way we could just tag people like retrosaur and be done
or gold^tm
(Or just ignore him, also an option)
@KevinvanderVelden "This user is an asshole, hellban on sight?"
@Arperum something like that
> "This user is an asshole, shadowban on sight?" FTFY
Ignore function is a pretty good function. I like how it keeps my mornings clean of annoying people.
We need an Arqade Enhanced too
@5pike Morning.
@KevinvanderVelden Looking at the transcript tells me that it is doing a fenomenal job this morning.
@Arperum Yes
I noticed by the tiny icons
Morning @5pike.
No internet @work for almost 2 hours, this really sucks :/
@KevinvanderVelden They keep moving all the time.
Did you guys read the blog? blog.stackexchange.com/2015/08/…
flew under radar
Q: What can I do to increase the smoothness of streaming gameplay on Twitch?

BerzaI've been streaming Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and GTA V I've fixed problems relating to high ping in-game and set the quality of the stream (720p). My gameplay in-game is very smooth, however over the stream it could be a bit more smoother. I don't expect it to be extremely smooth, but ju...

Q: High ping and low FPS when streaming with OBS on Twitch?

BerzaMy friend who is watching my stream of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare has told me than the FPS is blocky and the gameplay stutters. I have also noticed that I have 1 red bar in game when playing. It's not laggy per se, but it takes the whole clip in a gun to kill someone and hitmarkers only appea...

edit: not 3.
You could also hide the tiny ignored user icons
But in gamedev I've ignored a user because he keeps taking everything I say personally and getting angry (as in, I ask for what we're talking about and he gets angry saying that I'm belittling him, see also: the time everything I said got flagged)
Although... hmmm
No that doesn't work. Have to do it in CSS.
But he occasionally participates in useful conversations so I like to know he's there at least

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