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I had to nap :( My body was like nope that's it
@Yuuki are you blaming batman for this?
Not saying it's his fault, but he might've had a higher chance of survival if he stayed in his car and called AAA or something.
@Yuuki I know that stretch of highway; visibility straight ahead for miles.
Again, I'm not saying the accident was his fault. I'm saying that if he stayed in the car, at least he would've had the body of the car between him and a Toyota Camry.
I think we need to take out this Camry, aka the jokermobile
Or rather he would've been in the car rather being struck by it, after having read a bit further.
@GodEmperorDune Are you saying that it's simple? That we, uh, kill the Camry?
@Yuuki yes, and well played sir
10/10 would reference again
@spugsley so now you're awake and ready to post hawt pics? Where is @ktash?
denverpost.com/breakingnews/ci_28652523/… live stream of a corpse flower getting ready to bloom
@GodEmperorDune no hawt pics. I gotta get used to this insane schedule
@spugsley Rafflesia?
@Yuuki Amorphophallus titanum
Heh "phallus"
Ah, rafflesia is also called the corpse flower, for the same reasons, but they're distantly related.
Q: Link colors don't match in both sites

Rainbow DashWhy are links blue in the main site, but orange in Meta? Was there a contrast issue? I wouldn't know, simply because I am a relatively new user.

So it blooms every 7-10 years supposedly.
@Yuuki yup and it smells like death
@spugsley Yeah, rafflesia also smells terribly rotten, though it doesn't have the same bloom cycle, IIRC.
@Yuuki it's a also a lot smaller right?
Agave plants bloom roughly every 20-ish years.
@spugsley Some can get really big.
Agave can also get really tall.
@Yuuki whoa
@Chippies Yeah, it's what Vileplume is based off of.
Ugh, that's tiny. Image size, that is.
> The flower stalk may reach up to 8 m (26 ft) in height
You can see tons of them in West Texas.
@Yuuki Wait, so those 'leaves' are stamens?
@PrivatePansy Blossoms actually.
@Yuuki the stalk looks like asparagus
The agave shoots up this stalk with all its flowers (so stamen included, I guess) at the end of its lifespan and dies.
a really big asparagus
@spugsley Boooooooooooooooooring, make it happen already.
taps foot
TL;dr: crickets
@PrivatePansy This is the greatest thing.
@Wipqozn @Fluttershy I wish to talk about Sword Art Onlinnnnnne!
Bridge, I picked up another kit to add to the backlog.
Mostly that I finished the first 14 episodes, and have no desire to see more.
@RavenDreamer Skip the last half of Season 1.
Just assume all ends well, and then start Season 2.
@RavenDreamer Good.
The first season is good.
But I'm not sure I agree with that statement. :|
Maybe it's just a matter of mixed expectations
@RavenDreamer Ugh, I could not get into that series.
but it just felt really unfocused to me.
@RavenDreamer That's also fair
I enjoyed the first arc, aka the whole first game world
I also couldn't get into Mahouka.
I couldn't stand the second
And then all of a sudden there's random fanservice, and I'm like, whaaa?
it just was creepoy
But everyone else I know raves about the two.
@RavenDreamer Now that you've seen the Aincrad arc, you can play Hollow Fragment.
@RavenDreamer Good plan.
The second season is quite good, in my opinion.
@spugsley In the interview they said it might not bloom until the 18th D:
@Frank That's the gun one, right?
A bit of filler in the middle, but the last arc has all the feels.
"Sometime around August 16th to 18th", they're worse than the cable guys!
@Fluttershy First half, yeah.
@TimStone Even then, it seems to only bloom for about a day or two.
I'm going to go lose in SC2
I was really proud that when he came out of the machine he was all atrophied and emaciated
and then wish I went to bed isntead
proud of the writers, I mean.
@RavenDreamer Yeah, but he was still able to walk away.
@Fluttershy And there were no people in the hospital.
And also, no one on the show has any concept of programming.
"I used the GM console to hack her program into an item, no big deal"
I don't know.
@RavenDreamer If you like the Aincrad arc, there's a novel series ongoing called SAO: Progressive (not to be confused with the manga by the same name), that goes into more detail, floor by floor.
It does retcon the story slightly, though.
I think I kept watching through those episodes because I was incredulous, and not that I was actually enjoying them.
Premise: Awesome! Execution: Ummm...?
@RavenDreamer Yup, pretty much
And here y'all are sayings its pretty good. (Except @Yuuki), and now I'm concerned because I have different opinions from my internet friends.
Now you should watch Kill la Kill. :P It's a deconstruction of the fanservice trope, and it is excellent. If you can handle all the fanservice.
Like, I don't think it was bad.
@Fluttershy It is fanservice.
The whole damn thing is nothing but fanservice.
I just think it was incredibly Japanese.
@RavenDreamer 'tis. Very.
So much so that it drowned out everything else?
The Tsundere was strong with Asuna.
@Frank It's a deconstruction of the fanservice trope in the same way that Evangelion was a deconstruction of the teenage mech pilot trope, and it worked.
I do like that it explored how life would be in a video game if you couldn't leave, and death was permanent.
If I am understanding that word correctly.
ughhhhhh my first school tomorrow is 60 miles away
@RavenDreamer You are.
@RavenDreamer I think that... goddamn it, whatshername girl who works the smith was a better example of the trope
@PrivatePansy Lisbeth.
But Asuna isn't very tsundere at all.
@PrivatePansy I don't know. I don't recall her hitting anyone.
She's just a typical japanese girl that smacks a guy when she's embarrassed.
That's probably it, then.
About halfway through the season it feels like the show was developing a harem for Kirito... if I spelt his name right
She's a much stronger female partner than many series have.
@PrivatePansy Yeah, sadly, it does kind of go that way.
At least he chooses one and sticks with her.
It does get better, and yeah
Also. Wtf ending out of nowhere.
@RavenDreamer Yeah.
You don't see that coming at all.
And the random foray into "Here we are as a happy married couple"
@Frank Well, I saw the reveal coming, but I didn't see the, "we're going to fight for 2 minutes, then you're going to override the game's programming to sacrifice yourself, and then your partner is going to override the game's programming to survive death and then I'm going to allow you to stab me without trying to do anything".
And the Chekov's gun of the Resurrection item remained upon the mantle.
Kind of a literal deus ex machina, isn't it?
@RavenDreamer Shock can make people do crazy things.
I think it was believeable, as that was the whole point of his experiment in the first place.
"Here is the world, with these rules. Can sheer willpower overcome the rules?"
There's crazy things, and then there's, "I didn't think anyone could overcome X! Oh, ho ho, isn't it amazing, the things that can happen in MMORPGS?"
@Frank Except I never saw that as a theme. :\
I saw it more of, "Here is the world, with these rules. Good luck (but not really)"
@RavenDreamer It was the exploration of psychology. If you're stuck in a video game, and you will really die, are you going to still treat it as a video game?
And different players reacted differently.
And there might be an awesome anime that focuses entirely on that. But SOA just sort of dances upon the issue, never really goes too deeply into it, IMO.
@RavenDreamer If you want a real mindthink exploring that theme, to a degree, Log Horizon focuses more on gameplay issues and living in a world you can't leave.
I mean. The anime influenced me strongly enough to want to rant about it, which is positive, but it's all a very confused rant.
So I'm not sure how I feel? Mostly bemused.
Like I said; there's novels that are going more into depth.
Contrast to: Mass Effect 3, where strong feelings made me literally sick to my stomach for an hour or two. Erf.
Not skipping over two full years.
Yeah, the timeskipping was the worst part.
It was based off of a light novel originally.
So they really had to rush the character development.
It didn't help that the only time the dates were displayed was briefly at the start of each episode, and I couldn't be bothered to look when the last episode started and see how much time had actually passed.
Since it was so popular, the author is going back and fleshing out the story much more.
@RavenDreamer If you'd watched episodes 15-25, you'd want to rant angrily about it, instead of confusedly.
It has the makings of an actual good MMO, I think.
Although some mechanics would make most players ragequit.
Such as the floor boss' last attack bonus.
I forget who I was talking to
But I'll reuse an analogy: I was expecting Yu-gi-oh levels of gamification, where the anime was about literally playing the game. Instead I got the Pokemon Anime, where the "players" exist inside a game world, but everyone pretty much knows how the world works (even if those are oddly MMO-styled rules by anyone else's standards)
@RavenDreamer Log Horizon focuses on and exposes more of the game mechanics, and introduces the watchers to them better.
SAO is just, "Here's the world, and, oh, don't die. Have fun!"
I've never heard of it.
And then 20% of the players die right off the bat.
@RavenDreamer "Being trapped inside a game" is a popular anime theme now.
Log Horizon did it after SAO, and Overlord is this season's.
Maybe my biggest disappointment was that the first boss fight had a really awesome battle sequence... and then there basically wasn't any more awesome fight sequences for the rest.
.hack had that theme forever ago
@Chippies Yeah, it did.
And it was boring as all get out.
A total snoozefest.
@Fluttershy shrug I will defer to your better judgement!
@Frank I think the theme in itself is kinda a snoozefest
That flower is taking a long time to bloom
@Chippies There are good ways to take it, though.
The game was pretty decent. I liked those.
either it's done good and realistic (ha!) and is a snoozefest or it's done bad and unrealistic with loopholes and whatnot and that's not a snoozefest
The anime, though, I have no idea what they did.
@GnomeSlice Six.
I've only watched a scattered couple episodes of the anime, it didn't seem interesting to me, but I enjoyed the games on PS2
I guess it's very meta to play a game about playing a game
@Chippies Especially when it's supposed to mimic an MMO.
@Frank when the real game is a single player game
That said, I do enjoy Hollow Fragment. Bad translations and all.
weird stuff
it was quite fun though
typical japanese grindfest (I suppose less than some others), but it was enjoyable nonetheless
I played episode one and two, but never finished either, since I sold the PS2
Ooh! Apparently, the new translation got patched into the Vita version!
goes to download
Q: Fallout Shelter :: Does Mr. Handy Pick Up Loot?

ScottSEAI know that Mr. Handy will pick up caps when on walkabout; will he also pick up weapons and/or outfits?

Whoa guys. WHoa.
I just won a match! Man, I'm so pro.
First human match in HOTS actually. Did unranked, got matched up against a bronze playerr.
@Wipqozn Heroes of the Storm?
I out macro'd the heck out of that guy
Oh, Heart of the Swarm?
I still feel like that was a poor naming decision.
@TimStone Especially since they're both by the same company.
I'm not a fan of MOBAs, but if I ever try one again, it'll be HOTS
did blizzard really name two of their games so their abbreviations are the same? Really?
@TimStone I know. Blizzard is all "deerr"
@Chippies Yes
IT's so confusing
@Wipqozn If it's anything like it was at launch, good macro gets you to gold.
Also Hearthstone, because why not.
@TimStone Hearth Of The Stone
@TimStone Absolutely
@StrixVaria Probably
Macro is the most important thing
I've mostly been playing against AI since I'm just trying to refine my macro
I thought macros were meh programs in word and excel
Oh man, that's messed up
@spugsley, someone brought in a girl in a wheelchair now, she can't even run away if it gets stinky
@TimStone O_o omg
@Chippies @Tim of the Stone
@Unionhawk 0/10, abbreviation totally ruined, would not read again
@HawtPics of the @spugsley works much better
ughhhhh I might have to leave the house even earlier than Starbucks opens
that's a fucking travesty
starbucks is a travesty
ur a travesty
But you'll arrive after they open, right? RIGHT?
so is your face
@TimStone NOPE
Q: Which items give free buffs?

lunboksI'm building a boss arena, and I'm trying to figure out which items I should put in it. For example, Campfires have a constant aura buff that increases life regeneration, so that's a no-brainer, and the Sharpening Station gives me a 10-minute melee buff whenever I click on it. Are there any o...

they open at 5:30, I think I need to leave the house at 5:20 :O They are right across the street
Oh, wait, is this an episode of Where in the World is @spugsley? Or do you just have a starbucks next to your house?
@Unionhawk right next to my house :D
Is there any way to stop the albums window opening whenever you open a picture on Windows 10?
I mean there's literally a Starbucks everywhere, so
I'm literally traveling like 60 miles into the middle of nowhere tomorrow
all that's out there is a stoplight and a school
and farms
and cows
@TimStone *looks behind me* There is not a Starbucks behind me, therefore Starbucks is not literally everywhere.
Did you use your x-ray vision to see through the wall and several blocks down?
@spugsley the school must have coffee... What do the teachers drink?
we aren't allowed to ask for things :_;
Also, there is not Starbucks in the air I'm breathing, the water I'm drinking or the keyboard I'm typing on
RIP @spugsley
I also do not have Starbucks for fingers
my job is not donuts. That's the lead photog's job. I WILL ASK HIM TO GET ME COFFEE
he will be like what is wrong with this girl
What donut place is open at 5:20?
@spugsley plz to be bringing me donuts
@GodEmperorDune lol maybe he went and got them tonight :p
*looks down at finger* Wait, do I have Starbucks for fingers...?
also some Krispy Kreme's are 24 hours here
because this is the south
and nothing else is open 24 hours except Krispy Kreme
Now I want donuts, thanks @spugsley
@spugsley For failure to mention Waffle House I'm afraid I must revoke your Southerner Card
ew, not mentioning Waffle House is a service to mankind
you should knight me
Q: Nintendo 3DS XL

SonicS. 182What will happen if I remove my loaded 4GB SD CARD from my 3DS XL and put it into another 3DS/3DS XL? ['Cause when you take out the sd card,everything that is on it stays in the sd card,but not in the 3DS System and when you put it back in the 3DS XL,it does.So,will it have the same effect if I j...

Spugsley: Denier of Waffle House
Spugsley: Waffle House Naysayer
Put those on my tombstone
Cargo shorts are awesome. Buzzfeed can go into the sea or whatever that British expression is
I don't care so much about having the pockets, but the above-knee male short is an abomination.
Above the knee? Then you have insufficient room for massive pockets
@TimStone I would rather wear cargo shorts than any other pair of shorts they showed. The rest of them just looked... uncomfortable. Constricting would be a good way to describe them.
Q: problem with importing net.minecraft.block.Block

willwhen I try to import net.minecraft.block.Block it gives an error. Do I need to set up forge with java?

Q: How do I make peace between the Guarians and the Geth?

LeGrim ReaperI have an imported save from ME1 and 2. I've saved Legion, Tali was not exiled, I destroyed the heretics, I brokered a peace between Tali and Legion, I completed Rannoch: Admiral Koris and saved Admiral Koris I have 4 bars of Paragon However, I still don't get the option to be able to m...

@Yuuki That's what I like to hear :D
@Fluttershy There was one pair that I thought was acceptable, but yeah, the rest of the alternatives were horrible.
Also, anyone who stores more than a wallet or phone in their cargo pockets are doing it wrong.
@GodEmperorDune TBQH most donut places are open at 5:20 AM in my experience. The super early morning coffee/breakfast rush is a major major moneymaker time.
Wow. This guy does some awesome Gundam artwork.
wow your painting skills are pretty good
Q: How do multiple Mobile Processing Labs work?

Coomie Related: How does the Laboratory work? I had a orbital station with 1x Mobile Processing Lab (MPL-LG-2) in LKO. With another small vessel I did a tour of Mun and Minmus, collecting science as I went and finally docking with the station. Now I've got way too much data being processed way too...

@Aequitas Not my work. But you've seen some of my stuff, haven't you?
@Frank I was about to complement you on those flames
@LessPop_MoreFizz heh, that thing needs a seizure warning :P
@GodEmperorDune I already said that wasn't my work!
@Ktash It needs a SYNTHPOP WARNING.
@Frank mobile lag
@GodEmperorDune Okay. I'll let you get away with it. This time. :P
@LessPop_MoreFizz did you watch show me a hero yet?
@GodEmperorDune Nope, just got into my hotel a little while ago. Plan is to curl up with iPad either tonight or tomorrow night, depending on how quickly i pass out after writing these emales
@LessPop_MoreFizz OH MAN
I assume you've seen this but just in case
Q: Minecraft 1.0.15 Server

Officially MaxDoes anyone have or know where I can download a 1.0.15 server jar? My friends and I want to play a really old version of Minecraft and 1.0.15 added survival in multiplayer. If anyone knows where I can download the server jar, please link me. Just in case there is another version with the same nam...

I did it. My first gold badge! All thanks to Fallout Shelter
Wow. Amazon doesn't sound like a very good place to work at all.
Might as well destruct the user, too.
@Frank Haha, yeah, if you didn't know that already, that's the sort of thing I've been hearing from people who work there for a while
@twobugs grats
Q: Is it possible to download an older version of minecraft_server.jar?

Officially MaxMy friends and I were wondering if there is a website or something that allows you to download old versions of the Minecraft server file "minecraft_server.jar". I tried https://mcversions.net/, but the latest version you can get is 1.2.1. I also tried MCNostalgia, and http://assets.minecraft.net,...

Q: When does the Deathclaw start attacking your vault?

Tyler V.I've been playing the Android version for a few days now, and have 33 Dwellers (slow growth FTW?) and I've noticed that I've never been attacked by the Deathclaws that I've heard about. Do the Deathclaws and other stronger enemies like Raiders with more guns or molerats only show up after a cert...

Q: Why are my buildings and zones completely disappearing in Cities Skylines ?.

DeeI am completely new at this and have no idea of gaming lingo !! I'm learning by watching 'You tube' and reading blogs, so if you are nice enough to answer my question please be kind !!! I'm also old !! I have built a really nice city in Cities Skylines and all is going really well, everyone is ...

Q: VBScript Error When Launching Minecraft Server

Eisler 485Whenever I try to launch my Run.vbs file to start my Minecraft Server I am greeted by the following Error Message... The Launch.vbs is trying to launch the following code... java -Xmx1G -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui This code has worked before but for some reason it isn't workin...

Q: How do you backstab in Bloodborne?

MechaI can't seem to figure out how to backstab in Bloodborne, it doesn't seem to be like in the previous Souls games, Can someone give me a bit of insight on this?

Q: What is the name of this 3D flying arcade game that I remember playing in the 1990's?

Jeremy FriesnerThis game was a 3D/first person flying-and-shooting game, and the gameplay was a bit like the 1983 Star Wars arcade game in that you had an aircraft-yoke controller that would position a target reticule on screen, and moving the reticule would (eventually) cause your aircraft to tilt and fly in t...

Q: What % of Your Dwellers are Exploring? (Fallout Shelter)

Dave GIn Fallout Shelter, I have 31 dwellers total. At any given time I have about 6-7 out in the wastelands. As I train my dwellers stats to higher levels, I am moving towards having 7-8 exploring at once. That's around 25%, growing toward one third, of my workforce exploring. How does this compare to...

@Chippies Thank you very much for checking that.
Q: how to update Witcher 3 on GoG

GillesDVI bought Witcher 3 in a local store at the time, so I installed it through discs. I've noticed the game hasn't updated since then though. In-game it says I'm still at version 1.02, though the changelog of the GoG Galaxy program talks about version 1.08 being implemented already. Does anybody kn...

hallo from A'dam
Had a good flight?
There was turbulence but somehow the landing was smooth.
The only annoyance is that the person I gave my OV-chipkaart to a couple years ago vanished so I had to buy a new one.
now I probably have to take public services 195 times to make up for the €7.5
Heh, I don't think 7.5 euros will get you that far
Q: When should I perform the inclination matching maneuver?

Sergii ZaskaletaI'm sending a manned mission to Minmus and, as Minmus' orbit is inclined to Kerbal I need to perform a maneuver to align inclination. From one of Scott Manley's newbie career guide videos I hear that I should do that as early as possible, i.e. at some LKO as it will be more efficient, but its not...

Okay. New laptop. Let's do this
Erm. So. It's 1080p on a 13.3" screen, which a weird sort of resolution
I'm using what I think is 125% scaling mode, but it only sort of works. The text is quite blurry
At least in some places
Q: Do upgraded birds become more powerful?

RaystafarianSo, I'm pretty sure there's no Angry Birds 2 documentation within the game, so I can't quite figure it out. When you collect enough feathers in the Arena, your bird gets "upgraded" - that is it goes from vanilla to bronze to silver etc. When a bird gets upgraded, its card background color change...

Q: Is it safe to abandon a child when moving in with your husband?

EalhadFrank seduced Pauline, who was dating Hank, and convinced her to dump him. (Yes, Frank is a d*ck) Things happened, and Pauline somehow got pregnant ; Frank proposed to her, and they eventually got married. The thing is, Pauline's child was already born, and Frank wasn't there because you know, ...

Well it either has to scale the image slightly (causing blurring in text) or duplicate every 4th pixel
Might wanna try disabling cleartype
That produces images that are not meant to be scaled
Already did, though I have no idea if I'm doing it correctly
I untick the 'use cleartype' option in step one, and the computer still takes me through 5 adjustment steps
I hope Windows 10 would help here
"Please adjust how we aren't going to be not using disabled cleartype functoinallity"
The text on the Bridge for instance is really bad. Verdana, I think?
100% scaling makes everything looks like they're for ants
Words are so small it's hilarious
@KevinvanderVelden that's not how that works
125% should make all text 125% bigger
crossing fingers that the UI will scale to match the bigger labels
@badp so scaling as in purely font scaling? Ah ok
this HAS been a feature since 95...
No, it's scaling of all items, at least that's what this Control Panel option here says
@KevinvanderVelden I guess graphics would be upscaled too
but text should render fine.
That looks weird because of the lack of ClearType
Hmmm, Ubuntu, Xubuntu or Ubuntu Mate?
oh. oh. I see. I was wrong. @KevinvanderVelden was right. It actually is every window upscaled in post
I've not heard of ubuntu mate before
@KevinvanderVelden I think it's a Gnome 2 fork
Mate, that is
> The MATE Desktop Environment is the continuation of GNOME 2. It provides an intuitive and attractive desktop environment using traditional metaphors for Linux and other Unix-like operating systems.
but that's only until you sign out and back in again
Hmmm, yeah, I should probably restart to see if things get better
But the Windows 10 installer is downloading files right now...
although some things remain upscaled such as Steam
xfce is nice
I'm not on Windows 10 yet
@PrivatePansy it's what I use in my VMs
Yeah, lightweight, gets out of the way. I don't hate Unity, but I don't really need it. Although this laptop does come with a touchscreen, so I guess I could use Unity better...
@PrivatePansy Do you have a numberpad on your laptop?
No. It's a 13" laptop
The bezel is a little on the big side, but still not enough space for that
I'm not sure I see how well Unity would... scale on a 13" 1080p monitor
but definitely Gnome is better equipped to support higher DPI than Windows
since they've been allowing users to change the system font and size since forever
How about xfce?
dunno. Don't they still use GTK?
I found an article from someone with a 2560x1440 13" laptop saying Unity worked better than Xfce
Of course 2560 is a pretty good resolution since you could just use 2x scaling and get 1280, which is pretty good for a 13"
Then again 1920/1.5 is also 1280
But that half is killer =p
With x2 scaling you can just duplicate every pixel
One Way Heroics is $0.50 on Playism
Q: Multiple screen on Flight Simulator Steam

Gianni AlessandroI'm trying to use Flight Simulator on multiple screen, how should I do that? I already checked the Microsoft Page but it doesn't help: when I have FS full screen, it occupies only one monitor and the second one does not appear black: it appears with the usual background. How to fix it?

@GraceNote in case you're wondering: 1 2 3 4
I guess 2 is the only item of importance
Ah, you upgraded~
@StrixVaria nice, that men's they have everything
I bought a bike lock that uses a word instead of numbers and my friend and I immediately tried to make it spell dirty words
They obviously took care to make it so you cant spell really bad stuff like 'fuck' or 'cunt'

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