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Q: Satirical pixel game from the early 2000s

SeraphimAre identify questions allowed? If not, sorry. Either way: A flash game from the early 2000s that made fun of America and its culture. The most memorable elements are that business men and politicians were shown as pigs, you had a team of characters, jesus came off the cross and used it as a roc...

'tis an apostrophe, m'lord
@Unionhawk I downvoted this post because I lost my sweetener.
@Lazers2.0 I think I know what game this is, now that I think about it (maybe)
@twobugs The more important thing was seeing a Bad Rats icon on the desktop
It is my fav game
come play with me
disorted voice: COME PLAY WITH US
@twobugs To be fair, I just realized, they're just preinstalling other games in favor of Solitaire. shrug
Thank you based @Sterno
Solitaire is a cool game but also a dumb one.
Depending on the dealing strategy used a significant portion of the games are completely unwinnable
Apparently it is no longer preinstalled
Not that Candy Crush is any better, mind you
Minesweeper is fun but it can go suck an egg for the forced guesswork
Why anyone with a PC would spend their time playing solitaire instead of something fun is a mystery.
Hmm... trying to remember the four classics: Solitaire, Minesweeper, Freecell...?
I didn't have Spider Solitaire on one of my older ones so it doesn't count.
@twobugs Yeah, that's it.
Hearts is like a less fun version of Euchre
Q: Where do I find the the Home Run Baseball Bat?

bigredtam add me on PS3I have been looking on the game for 2 weeks or so, and really need this weapon in my arsenal. Where is it ?

Q: Minecraft Command Blocks: Teleport Player Even If On Horse?

FatalKeystrokeWhen spawning on our server, the player is located on an island we've dubbed "Spawn Island" (Original name isn't it?). On this island is a series of platforms with pressure plates. Under the pressure plates are command blocks encapsulated in bedrock. The command blocks have a tp command to telepo...

Q: How to hover minecraft using command blocks

Dat guy u knowI'm doing a command block creation and I need to know how to "hover" on block over the ground beneath me in survival if tried putting this is my current command but I just keeps me at the same y axis /tp @a[score_Hover1_min=1] ~ 57 ~ So I could use some help I guess this is a pretty hard questi...

:| I thought this process was working but on further testing it clearly isn't
I think I'm barking up the wrong tree with part of it. Someone gave me what I thought was a very helpful answer on GIS.se, but it's looking like it wasn't...
@Chippies Played as berserker a little, looked at video guides that showed all berserker and slayer skills, and I'm going to stick with slayer.
@twobugs It doesn't happen all that often though. Most games are very beatable.
@StrixVaria ... WildStar?
@Arperum Eh, almost all of my games come down to a guess at one point or another
@Yuuki Tera.
Although I do plan on trying WildStar when it goes F2P later this year.
Oh yeah, WildStar hasn't become F2P yet.
I'm curious how Wildstar has changed in the 1+ year since I last played
Cause it had potential, but was kind of a mess at launch
@twobugs I've heard that it was a mess at launch but got a lot better. I barely know anything about the game, though.
That's what I heard as well.
I mean, I know it was a mess at launch :P But I heard they put a lot of effort into improving things
So far Tera is actually pretty good. The combat system has grown on me a lot.
@twobugs That's weird. I got to the point where I could regularly clear expert (as in it'd take me less than five minutes to get to a cleared expert field, including all fuckups.
And I didn't have that many forced guesses.
@Arperum Maybe you're just better than me. I felt like forced guesses were a fact of life. Towards the end I was routinely getting to the last 2-3 blocks with it being an even chance for each one
Losing on the last possible mine is not fun.
@StrixVaria From what I've heard, the most common problem people have with TERA is the art. Everything looks too pretty and "sexy".
My problem with TERA was the actual content was really bland and uninteresting. The combat was neat but it just couldn't hold my interest.
@Yuuki unreal engine.
Which is awkward when you get to the one race that looks pre-adolescent but is 1,000+ years old.
@Yuuki That is purely female, of course
@twobugs Mhmm.
That's East Asia for you.
To be fair they have a male counterpart race that is hilarious and goofy raccoon/badger/whatever people
@twobugs Once you notice that something is a forced guess you should make the guess immediately though, and not leave it until the end, that might make them less remember-able (spelling?) though, I don't know. It's been a long time since I played it.
@Yuuki I don't see how that's a "complaint". It's not a draw, but it's not actively harming my experience.
Is the female armor silly and unrealistic? Of course. But it's a video game, whatever.
@Arperum That makes sense, I just put them off because I'm an avoidant person. I guess video games really are art and are teaching me valuable life lessons!
is dead
@StrixVaria I'd really like to get to the point as a culture where we can have silly and unrealistic things and be able to understand that they're fantasy and not real. I understand that there are issues with that right now though.
@twobugs we were there -cough- HE-MAN
The 80s can come back as long as everyone admits the 90s are the greatest decade
I think that's a fair comprimise
i think the whole "realistic standards" is because we are at the uncanney valley
Q: How to execute at a player holding a specific item in Minecraft?

Jaïr PaalmanI'm trying to direct /execute to the location of a player who is holding a specific item. In this case, an item with the name "Gun". This is the script I'm trying to use: /execute @e {SelectedItem:{tag:{display:{Name:"Firestarter"}}}} ~ ~ ~ /summon Fireball ~ ~ ~ {ExplosionPower:0,direction:[0....

@twobugs I was working on getting through the game faster, so that means you have to a)waste more time and run the same risk, or b) waste less time and have the same risk.
unrealistic is super apparent now since most things gun for ultra realism
@Rapitor That's a good point, and I think that is definitely an element of it
@twobugs I dunno, the 90s also gave us 90s-style movies in the Aughts and 10s. Did you see Fantastic Four (2005)? That was so 90s, it made me cringe.
nobody really complains much of the Nintendo universe (that I am aware of), because it's nicely stylized
@Yuuki Well, I love the 90s but I don't think we should try to emulate them, you know? I mean, we already have a 90s elemental (Adam Sandler) and he needs to be stopped
I mean.. Rosalina is like 10 feet tall or something.
@Rapitor Oh yeah, the art style means it ages great.
I still see people criticize the Nintendo stuff, but it's less so
@twobugs some people will criticize/complain for no justifiable reason just because they like the attention (tumblr)
@Rapitor To be fair, it's not specific to tumblr, though it is fairly common there.
true, that seems like the "hub"
I think Tumblr just lets people form their own like minded echo chambers
Like subreddits can
pretty much
I mean, it's weird. I definitely support social just as a movement but a lot of the people I've seen who labeled themselves "SJWs" were really meanspirited and bad people. I guess that's neither here nor there, though.
Stupid apartment/block/*street* decided to have a power outage.
@5pike yes
@fredley That's bonkers
How is this not closed yet? You're failing, Bridge
I already voted on it
So, myeh
I still hold @Unionhawk personally responsible.
The bridge is slowâ„¢ in general
So apparently the only votes on it are mine, @Sterno's and @5pike's
+1 and closed soon
Still am, until I finish this stupid mail.
@Sterno Well I hold @StrixVaria personally responsible.
The correct move was to blame @Wipqozn
I mainly wanted to ping him because I didn't feel like modflagging for an action that only he would carry out.
@Sterno wins
I am a mod, I never vtc
@fredley is best mod, because he doesn't do anything except troll with userscripts
The best mod was that one guy who was mod for like an hour before he went mad with power and got it revoked
@GodEmperorDune Going mad without power is boring, though.
@5pike I dunno, most of the bridge is mad without power
Modship doesn't count of it's on another site. Other sites are lame
@Sterno you're just bitter that you didn't get lifehacks mod
(he declined the nomination)
Oh, man, I haven't checked that site in a month. I'd better go look at it.
(End result was the same)
@Sterno It's basically zero traffic
Verdict: Still awful, but boring now, too
So yeah
no drama? Why is it even here?
I liked when @Wipqozn tore it a new one in the self review on meta, everyone upvoted the analysis, and nothing changed
> 6,052 visits/day
> 1.3 questions/day
seems legit
@GodEmperorDune Lifehacks gets torn into repeatedly and nothing ever changes.
Why do you conclude it is safe? Just because someone on Lifehacks.SE suggested it, doesn't mean its a good idea. Paper towels are available in a variety of colours. Even if they are white, that is not be the natural colour, they could have been bleached. — vclaw yesterday
Coffee is overrated
Coffee is underrated
@GodEmperorDune Starred for TRUTH
Coffee is amazing
If you don't think coffee is amazing, you haven't drunk good coffee
Caffeine is amazing, coffee tastes like dirt
@5pike It really doesn't. It's a strong flavour, but if it tastes like dirt you're Doing It Wrong
Coffee is rated.
Q: how to remember star craft2 counters

John GMay I know how to remember SC2 counters? for eg: Thor counter part is Siege Tank. So there are many such military units, how to remember its counters in an easy way?

Q: Steam Game in file... How to take data and play the game on steam?

Alex PeppelHelp So, I had Black Ops2 on steam (my brothers') (We had family share), but my brother took Bo2 off... he tried to enable me, so I could use it again, but it doesn't work. So I remembered that the games' data is in a file... I have been trying to move files into other files... etc. But I hav...

@fredley I just don't like the taste of pure coffee.
@5pike I'd recommend diluting it with water
And milk too
@fredley Yeah, I usually drink it with some milk.
The only way I can sort of tolerate coffee is if it has half a cup of sugar in it
Yeah, I don't get the people who are like "YARR BLACK COFFEE IS THE ONLY WAY" and it's like "no"
@Rapitor good for us, less pirated questions.
These people are all pirates, by the way
@ardaozkal inb4 "windows disabled my software, how do i fix."
Or with flavoured whey (half and half).
@fredley Coffee is
@twobugs starbait fail
@5pike mocha?
@Rapitor dayum I was creating an alt to do it. AND YOU GUESSED IT!
@Yuuki getout.gif
(I am currently drinking a cup of tea)
@Yuuki turkdetected.avi insertkebab.mp4
@fredley Mocha is nice, but I wouldn't order one. Cappuccino is more my thing.
Tea is great
@badp IIRC, you can't donate if you live in certain states.
@fredley wat
HA :(
@fredley I'm so sorry. I'm really so sorry. I'd be incredibly angry if that started happening here, too.
Yeah, that's the problem with John Oliver videos.
Apparently HBO hates @fredley
There's usually a way around it...
@Unionhawk HBO hates the UK
No, just you
Conan isn't available except in USA
Probably because Rupert Murdoch has paid for rights, so can prevent things being shown in other ways
Q: Steam Game in file... How to take data and play the game on steam?

Alex PeppelHelp So, I had Black Ops2 on steam (my brothers') (We had family share), but my brother took Bo2 off... he tried to enable me, so I could use it again, but it doesn't work. So I remembered that the games' data is in a file... I have been trying to move files into other files... etc. But I hav...

@fredley does youtube-dl work?
@badp trying
@Python Links can go stale, can you include the relevant portions in your answer? — fredley ♦ 22 hours ago
pls, Lifehacks will not die
@GodEmperorDune Tat's because Lifehacks is special
It was a pretty good episode of John Oliver. He's just picking on the televangelists who keep asking for 'seed' money.
It's allowed to be terrible. Why? Because quiet you, stop asking perfectly logically questions.
@Unionhawk Ahahaha, that's amazing passive aggressiveness
Just missing the :)
I mean, he's not wrong, or picking particularly on Lifehacks, because link-only answers are not a thing that we like...
@badp no
True that
I figured the link-only rule didn't really apply to other SE sites
Well, guideline
I mean, why shouldn't it? What if all of a sudden Lifehacks decides coffee is off topic and deletes it? WHAT THEN?
cc @AshleyNunn
@badp it feels like Epsilon Program's website
> Wealth is a sign of gods favour, and donations will result in wealth coming back to you
Welcome to the fucking middle ages
@5pike In current wordage, "karma's a bitch yo"
@5pike I used to work at a printing company, and one of my main jobs was printing the mailings of this slimy bastard Don Stewart
Sale of indulgences comes to mind
and millions upon millions of people dying as well
One of the letters he sent out was specifically aimed at people who were having money trouble, unable to make ends meet, and telling them to give him what little money they had
He is the worst kind of scum
I'd wear a party hat to his funeral
And I'd only show up to make sure he was actually dead
@SaintWacko Those kinds of people are the absolute worst.
I'm so fucking mad now
@fredley mirror.ninja/rp76 Mirror'd!
Anyone who preys on people like that should be shot a billion times.
@twobugs I'd gladly pull the trigger
Sentence them to a life of only playing Duke Nukem Forever.
@MadMAxJr neat
@MadMAxJr or bad rats
@GodEmperorDune I played bad rats today. sooooo......
@badp yadda yadda yadda GIMME MONEH
can confirm.
@Coronus is your profile pic kirito?
Q: Why Doesn't My Pokemon diamond Version work?

ErinI put in the chip, but it says there's no chip in the game slot. (The chip looks fine through.) thanks!

Q: Why Doesn't My Pokemon diamond Version work?

ErinI put in the chip, but it says there's no chip in the game slot. (The chip looks fine through.) thanks!

Someone flagged Lazers' post
Is someone trying to race @lazers?
stop flagging lazers
Do we have a flag troll again?
Oh, it turns I misclicked flag instead of star, sorry guys
So much facepalm
Why would you star that?
In all honesty, it does look exciting.
Also "misclicked flag and then said yes to the dialogue asking you if you want to flag"
@KevinvanderVelden I think that it should be viewed
@ardaozkal Twice? And then confirmed it each time?
Common mistake happens all the time
@ardaozkal why?
not much info, might be closed
Yes so
Why does it need to be starred?
owner abuse intensifies
There are other, better ways of dealing with that
@ardaozkal That's not a reason to look at it
And for dialogue, I accidentally removed my website today. There was a dialogue, but autoclick
muscle memory or smth
@Unionhawk Just about to say "I'm going to clear the stars on that post", but I think it was unstarred before I got around to it.
@Yuuki I generally shoot first and ask questions later
Well, that does illustrate a problem with dialogues: users click through them without reading because they're used to it
@KevinvanderVelden dammit I watched the whole thing. Muscle memory
@KevinvanderVelden 1987 0600 0063 4204 [shop card]
@KevinvanderVelden HOW FUCKING DARE YOU
not cc or debit.
It is Friday, so it works
@Texenox no need for that
(how many of you checked what day it is)
@Texenox It's also a running joke.
@Unionhawk I'm painfully aware that it's Monday, so not I
@Texenox Welcome to the Bridge
@Yuuki I KNOW
@TimStone Likewise
Or are you Autocadding too?
I refuse to believe you haven't seen that literal quadrillions of times Friday has been posted here.
@Unionhawk RIP in peace
Stop with the caps
I'm entirely certain that roughly ~60% of the views on that video are coming from here.
@Yuuki It was still in the star list this morning.
And that's a lowball estimate.
@badp holy fucking wat
I always knew that this stuff was inane, but I never knew it was so predatory and vile.
@StrixVaria repent you vile misbelieber
@Texenox seriously if you don't want to get tricked into watching Friday, the bridge is not for you
It's an unfortunate side-effect of the "free expression" clause
@GodEmperorDune Bleh.
extremely unfortunate and unintended
@badp I wonder if this will get woven into the "attack on Christianity" narrative that's so popular on Fox News.
@Unionhawk I don't think "side-effect" is the right phrase. It doesn't exactly follow necessarily from the first amendment
@Yuuki Hey, we're only a few months away from the annual War On Christmas!
@Yuuki oh definitely. He mocked people saying, "Jesus"
@twobugs I still haven't bought my Kwanzaa-zooka.
So, I got bored of the fallout game and am now playing dwarf fortress
At least here I can kill the children
I've been wanting to start playing Dwarf Fortress again
I see no stars
You fail it, @Yuuki
I've been waiting for the update cycle to settle down again
I can never remember how to do strikethrough
Except with more dashes
3 dashes IIRC
more hyphens
Yeah, 3
@SaintWacko 3 hyphens except @Yuuki is using backticks so it will never work
@GodEmperorDune All according to keikaku ("keikaku" means "gyehoeg" ("gyehoeg" means "plan")).
Welp, 5 minutes in and I find the cavern layer
Oh, back ticks is how to do the data accepted font! TIL
I was going to say STARBAIT REVOKED and clear the star but @Yuuki ruined that joke by not starring
Wait, did it get stars? It didn't on my screen
@uni wannabe mod abuse
@KevinvanderVelden It did not
@Unionhawk It was a long (not really), convoluted (no, it really wasn't) plan to actually prevent that from getting stars.
@Yuuki Well it worked
Aaaaand now I'm having acute chest pains.
That doesn't sound good
Okay, better.
Dammit I can't find the back ticks on my iPhone. How can I accept data?!
You can't.
4 spaces should do fine though I think
no not really
that makes it weird
@GodEmperorDune On Android, they're in the secondary symbol keyboard
@GodEmperorDune You just have to long-press the apostrophe key
oh shit
@TimStone thanks
RIP @OrigamiRobot
RIP in peace
Rest in P
RIP @orgyrambo
That sounds unsanitary.
I did not want to picture that, thanks brain.
I think ramborgy has a better ring to it
So, I guess Amazon was using some pretty damning business practices
@twobugs Oh?
@twobugs which thing are you talking about, specifically?

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