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This place is a tip
No that's a trip
@GnomeSlice Saturation
Okay at least it's not that noticeable in a hat
I mean you can normally see my hair at like the top of my forehead
Ah whatever
Worrying about this is dumb
@GnomeSlice You assume that people know what your hair looks like normally. I assure you the only person who knows how my hair looks normally is my mother
I go to work
I'm gonna make a music video for Universe on Fire with guardians of the galaxy clips
Too many lines are appropriate
"Questing through nebulae in search for crystal stone"
Holy raging power
No mighty dragon though
Plasma guns and nova bombs
You should make a music video for Universe on Fire that is just people writhing on the ground screaming with really crappy CGI fire
This might be the first metal album I've bought in years if I decide to get it when it comes out
Oh yeah, supposedly Fallout Shelter releases on Android today
Unless you count that chiptune pirate metal one from rainbowdragoneyes
Oh dope
@Unionhawk Cool. Maybe I should get back into the iOS version
Check that, is released
I don't really have much left to do aside from grind achievements, though.
Q: How do you unlock the "Drift King" achievement in Rocket League?

Svj0hnThe achievement description states that you have to: Perform a 180 powerslide with both the Cristiano and Spinner Wheels I played a few games with each, and made sure to powerslide a lot. I tried 180, slightly over 180, and up to 360+ slides with both wheels, without getting the achievement...

@PrivatePansy too much rainbow dye?
@badp A radioactive unicorn barfed on my head one faithful day, and my life was changed forever thereafter
Please can you help me identify this game from the 80s for Atari 800XL / Commodore 64 where you where walking 1st person in a cave meeting dragons. The title was only one word and it was perhaps the first 3D game ever. How can I find the title?
@PrivatePansy oh that's when the demon stuff started, right, I forgot.
the end of the world, the great illusionening, all that stuff.
heya, Bridge
Oh jeez.
Jochem and I just got tickets to The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses concert. :D
nice :D
I'm really excited!
@FAE Oh wow
It's coming to Amsterdam in November and I was like :OOOO
@FAE I heard about that yesterday.
@Yuuki There's... not a huge amount of landmarks in that radius
I think I heard that hydrogen cyanide was released in the explosion though
Hmm... they'll be in Columbus in October... >_>
Q: I got permanent Absorption in minecraft! HOW DO I GET RID OF IT!

Ducks28I was playing minecraft in creative on mods, and randomly I got all absorption! And is SUCKS! I can't see or do ANYTHING and it really sucks cause in this game it's creative and I cant die!!! Help me!

@PrivatePansy Well, even if they were, they're not there anymore.
@Unionhawk It's not a cheap concert, but still, worth it IMO
That image basically says no one within one kilometer of the explosion survived.
@Yuuki Geeeeez... :(
One of the streamers I watch put together a digitally remastered Symphony of the Goddess show from music from the 25th anniversary soundtrack and footage from people filming in the concert hall
It was a fantastic show, just watching that
@Yuuki I don't think it was that severe. Reports are that the windows of buildings within a 3km radius was blown out
Nedal. Wat.
@PrivatePansy That's the green radius.
@Unionhawk Ned Flanders metal band
@Unionhawk Oh nice
@Yuuki Yes. I can read Chinese, you know
@FAE The good thing is that it was in an industrial port area, so there weren't that many people within 1km in the first place.
@Yuuki the real question is what sorta gasses are now in that area?
@Yuuki Ah, that's good. Do they know the cause yet?
@FAE Most reports are saying a shipment of explosives was ignited by a fire.
> the first explosion was the equivalent of detonating three tons of TNT, while the second was the equivalent of 21 tonnes
That's a lot.
@Yuuki Yikes
The Halifax Explosion was a disaster that occurred in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, on the morning of 6 December 1917. SS Mont-Blanc, a French cargo ship fully loaded with wartime explosives, collided with the Norwegian vessel SS Imo in the Narrows, a strait connecting the upper Halifax Harbour to Bedford Basin. A fire on board the French ship ignited her cargo, causing a cataclysmic explosion that devastated the Richmond District of Halifax. Approximately 2,000 people were killed by debris, fires, and collapsed buildings, and an estimated 9,000 others were injured. Mont-Blanc was under orders...
The question I have about that is: Who let such a large shipment of explosives into, or anywhere near, the civilian port of a city?
The Halifax explosion is generally considered to be one of the largest non-nuclear explosion in history
> 2.9 kilotons of TNT
@badp Toxic ones, probably
@PrivatePansy And there were people in nearby ships who survived.
@KevinvanderVelden Are you going to go to Indigo this year again?
@FAE it's not like it's out of the way for me, so probably yeah =p
(Seriously, I work 15 minutes walking from it)
I'm debating on whether to attend or whether to respond to their email asking for volunteers to help.
Fallout Shelter starts pretty friggin slow
So it's a reverse infinity clicker game?
@AshleyNunn Thanks for recommending Cooking Fever. It's not exactly like CSD, but it's got the same kind of frenzied panic thing going on, and exactly what I was looking for.
Woo! I got a raise! And will be getting retro pay! (Of about $160 retroactive.)
@StrixVaria Have you checked out CSD lately? They did a big update earlier this year and added stuff like weekly challenges and stuff.
@FAE I played it at some point this year, but I don't remember that stuff, so it may have been before they added it.
I'll just have to play it yet again.
Also, screw the developers of this one class for not making it clear that you expect radians and not degrees for one of three variables.
I fixed that in my code and now everything is awesome
@StrixVaria They added a Battle Kitchen, a Mystery Box mode, and the weekly challenges, it's pretty neat
@StrixVaria You heard they're making a sequel, yes?
@FAE Yes, I did hear about that.
I'm looking forward to that
Will definitely be picking that up.
I never expected to like that game that much
Yeah, it's hard to explain the appeal. It's just good.
Oh, they also have Campaign Co-op now too, so you could duo that with your wife!
@FAE She does not like that game.
@FAE You messaged me recently about Sanderson something or other, and I missed it. Still relevant?
@StrixVaria Oh yeah! A friend of mine's cousin was asking about fantasy books to read. I wanted to recommend Sanderson, but I haven't read him yet myself. She's Christian, so I was wondering how explicit the books were re: sex/violence.
I know Sanderson's Mormon, but I don't know if that is reflected in his writing at all.
@FAE He's super-Mormon, but I've read his commentary on his book Warbreaker, where he specifically said that he was uncomfortable writing certain stuff but he had to do it for the sake of the story.
So he doesn't adhere to being particularly within his own values.
Ah, interesting.
There isn't much in the way of sex in any of the books. There are relationships, but they're mostly romantic and I can't even remember seeing much of anything (except in Warbreaker, but it was mostly "why are the servants with me while I'm bathing this city is weird").
Violence, I don't know where you draw the line. He's really well-known for his action scenes, so there's lots of fighting, lots of war. There are rooms full of corpses in some places, coups where entire armies are slaughtered. But, it's also fantasy, so that kind of thing has to be expected. He doesn't do gore and gruesomeness for its own sake.
It serves the story.
Yeah, that stuff's really hard to judge.
I read some stuff on Goodreads where someone asked how appropriate it would be for like an 11 year old or so and some people were saying that the battles and stuff were really graphic.
@FAE Redwall?
You'll have people who break limbs or get hit with a high-speed coin that's essentially a bullet. It's hard not to have people get injured if you're writing action/fighting scenes.
It's pretty Christian stuff
He doesn't focus on the graphic bits, but he has them when necessary.
Sanderson's books are decidedly non-religious, despite the author's personal affiliation.
It's really good. I honestly don't know how being a Christian would make you not want to read about people having their arms torn off. I feel like that's more of a personal thing than a religious thing.
I don't actually think anyone has their arms torn off, though.
He doesn't get that graphic in my memory.
@fredley Even as a child, I didn't really like that one book about the ferret kid raised in the abbey. Felt too much like a "your kind is evil so you have to be evil" moral.
And then he sacrifices himself for his adoptive mother at the end and all she has to say was something about there wasn't any scrap of goodness in him at all? Like, wtf.
@Yuuki Can't remember that one
Some of it is pretty controversial in a modern, secular light
So, apparently ComCast now owns Polygon and all other news sites owned by Vox Media.
@fredley Looked it up, it's Outcast of Redwall.
@Yuuki Don't think I read that one
@Powerlord So it begins
@fredley Don't, I didn't like it.
I think I only read the first two Redwall books. They were kind of cool but I barely remember them.
A mouse who kinds like a magic sword or whatever? And badgers.
Or maybe I did. I remember Sunflash
Is he in other books?

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