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@djsmiley2k Google teamed up with Sony and now your PSN account is linked to Google+ and you have to sign in from there.
Progress! This time, when my chair broke into pieces, I didn't fall to the ground with it
And you thought they dropped G+, huh?
@badp congratz on unlocking Daslim abilities.
was D(h)aslim a person with a chair breaking habit?
@djsmiley2k Dhalsim?
yeah him
@twobugs you sure you spelt your GT right
Yeah. I can't find yours either. Looks like PSN is being weird.
Q: Game rental software

ydobonebiNow a lot of people use steam or specific software to manage games. There are also sites that let you play older games (like playr.net) but years ago there was a service that was basically like steam+gamefly. You paid a monthly fee and were then allowed to download and play full games for as long...

I show up on my own searches
But it says there are only two players with 'djs' in their name, neither of which are you
Probably some kind of marketing spiel, but it's still funny.
@Yuuki -10 minutes: what the fuck is a Kale and why the fuck do people make juice out of it
@badp ... it's the thing Pizza Hut used to decorate their salad bar
-8 minutes: wait is that what kale is? and they make juice of it?!?!?
@PrivatePansy I don't think I've witnessed such a crime against humanity.
@Yuuki looks logical to me.
Kale juice huh?
@djsmiley2k It's apparently made by a "Competitive Enterprise Institute" which sounds sketchy as hell.
Kale is disgustingly bitter.
people telling me local stuff is better, are funny as hell.
Unless it's potatoes... or maybe apples
@Yuuki It's a parody of the poorly made "What Happens In the First 10 minutes You Drink a Coke" infographics
I think most of the time there's a mixup with the idea that supporting a local economy has benefits translating to 'therefor all local things are better even if they might be bad for the local area'
That infographic used studies done on people consuming about 100x - 1000x the ingredients found in Coke and make drinking Coke sound more like smoking coke
Steven Spielberg is adapting Ready Player One.
Because people prefer the course of action requiring the least amount of critical thinking.
I could link it here, but I think reading the infographic would give you cancer
@PrivatePansy Yeah, it's really bad and dishonest.
/me points out 1000x the water in a glass of water would kill you
I stopped drinking soda because it's empty calories. I don't need to make up crazy reasons.
You stopped because your sensible.
I'm not :(
@PrivatePansy How would one smoke Coca-Cola
@djsmiley2k Depends on how big the glass is?
I'm trying to prise myself away from energy drinks, but with the shifts etc, it's still hard
@Yuuki you can drown in... what, 3 inches of water?
Kristin Chenoweth confirmed for the 2017 My Little Pony feature film
So..... even 1000 shots...
I'm going to end up buying a Red Bull just for the Destiny tie in. And that makes me hate myself.
I stopped drinking soda because I'm building up a water bottlecap collection.
oh what, the MLP thing is still a thing?
@PrivatePansy Michael Bay's My Little Pony. Friendship is EXPLOSIONS.
I guess I kinda exist on the outskirts of the internets..
hearing about things before most 'normal' people
@djsmiley2k There are 'normal' people in this room?
prob not.
Hey guys! Look! We're normal! Wait, do I have to apply the scare quotes? We are "normal"!
We've already been exposed.
Normies must die!
Normal. I used to know what that was. I spent some time trying to be more normal, but then what being normal was changed to some other norm.
Q: Does Katrina's Fortune-Telling tent spawn randomly on different days?

LittleCaesars808Sometimes on random days, I see Katrina's fortune-telling tent and ask her my fortune. But then the next day, her tent is gone. Does it spawn randomly, or does it have to have certain requirements to spawn?

@MadMAxJr I thought it would be "Explosions are Magic".
Also possible.
Sony is doing a Dark Tower movie.
> From the company that can't even get Spider-Man right, comes the movie adaptation of a complex story involving the collapse of the multiverse, traveling through time and space, free will vs. destiny, and a bunch of other things I didn't understand.
what can possibly go wrong
there are other worlds than this
so in one of those, it'll begood XD
@Yuuki A single Dark Tower movie? How's that work?
@StrixVaria It'll be a terrible movie that bombs at the box office, thus destroying any future attempts at an expanded Dark Tower movie universe.
The end of that series made me simultaneously want to reread from the beginning and never touch it again.
Sony's playing the long con.
Q: I can't log into my minecraft account

SmifficansI have shut down my pc 3 times, scanned my pc and changed my password on both Optifine and Mojang. For some reason, my password wont work. It is typed correctly but still hasn't worked. I need help for i love minecraft and i paid alot of money for my cape and my minecraft account

@Yuuki Is it the one I get when looking at this?
Oh, no, that's the other one.
@badp Is her name actually Broccoli in canon or did you name her that?
(Or are those not names?)
@StrixVaria Yes, that's canon. Those are names. They can't be changed. Every character is a reference to some company or game series or whatnot.
> Broccoli represents the company Broccoli, who made the Di Gi Charat Anime Series.
duuuuuuuuuuuh. Who hasn't seen Digimon.
@Yuuki I was expecting another cruel ricochet shot as Halo snipers are infamous for... but this is way worse
I think I might wind up getting this game.
Or, one of them.
Q: Failed to write core dump

atm397I recently installed windows 10 but ever since I've been getting this error: Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows It only happens when I go into the Betweenlands dimension. I googled it and it said either my java version was out of date or...

Man, our minecraft landfill is getting huge.
It's been mostly deleted.
Get out.
It's substantially less
Some days you just wanna watch clouds. Like Mr.Bear there.
I'd go cloudwatching more often, but the weather is oppressively hot right now.
Mr.Bear however doesn't care about that. Of course, Mr.Bear doesn't also have a 9 to 5 tech job.
That's just adorable though. Little panda cub lying back and watching the clouds as he munches on bamboo.
I imagine it's a cub since the proportions on an adult panda are a bit different, I think.
Damn you @StrixVaria and @GodEmperorDune
@Yuuki I imagine it's a living plush bear, but what do I know
or rather a short person in a bear costume
That game sucks
commence catfight
@5pike I recall playing some of it and not really liking the Guardian Force and Junction system.
@Yuuki The "story" is where I quit
I got way into the card game until I accidentally spread terrible house rules too far.
It's also where my hatred for the trope "school of killers" comes from
@Unionhawk This is the second time you've said this in as many days with no context and I have no idea what you're talking about.
I played it in Japanese, so I could barely understand anything.
I think it helped, as I read through an LP of it later to get the story and it was horrible.
@JoshPetrie It's so freaking bad
I will take it over FF13. :P
@5pike Disagree. I like it :)
I like all the FF games. My least favorites are probably 4 and 2, though.
@twobugs I did not play FF2 long enough to give it a "fair chance", but it's still my least favorite. I started, had little to no direction on where to go, wandered around, and found an encounter entirely too difficult for brand new characters, wiped, and got a game over screen.
FF1: Welcome to 80 hours of grinding and dungeonbusting. Plot? You need an orb thing. Go get that.
Q: How long does it take to upgrade the t&t mart

user118625I have the t&t mart and finally it is going to construct into super t&t mart. I really want to know when my shop will open.

Q: Teleport a player away from certain entities?

user9819382Got multiple armor stands with the name safezone, what I want to achieve is to basically have "safe domes" where no players can get in, except for the ones already inside. So I tried setting up a command which teleports everyone near the armor stand named "safezone" to spawn. And it returns with...

FF2-3: You're American. You didn't get these as a kid.
FF5: American again, you didn't get this one either.
My least favourites are ff8, ff10 and ff13
FF6: Okay, now we're onto something. A villain whose only real motive is that he is just a mad man. Chiptunes and magitek armor
FF3 was great. FF4 was bleh. FF5 was great. FF6 was bleh. FF7 was meh. FF8 was great.
@StrixVaria Well, the whole world is one giant super pangaea. It's incredibly easy to take 4 steps in the wrong direction and then be viciously destroyed.
FF7: AANGGSSSSTTTTTT. Goddamit I grinded Aeris. Waste of time.
@StrixVaria You literally suplex a train in 6. How is that bad?
> grinded Aeris
Isn't that the past tense of grind? :P
It has some neat stuff and is a fun game if you know what you're doing. But the NES version is pretty broken and nonsensical
FF8: GUN SWORD. BOSS FIGHTS. BEST AIRSHIP. The rest of this not so much.
@5pike I didn't like the restrictions where each character did a specific thing.
FF9: This story is so dang long I keep quitting every time I get to Ark.
If you noticed, I quite liked 3 and 5 where each character was whatever you wanted whenever you wanted.
FF10, FF12, FF13 - Started, never finished.
3 is one of my favorites. 5 is nice but I just don't like that job system as much
I liked 5 but ARGGH Exdeath
White Mage Kimahri, never forget.
I actually used Kimahri in my playthrough of FF10 (unfinished, possibly due to this decision).
8 has a crazy goofy story going on but it has awesome music, GF system has a lot of awesome things you can do, card game was fun (the rules can go suck an egg though), and a beautiful world
FF Type-0: I have no idea what to think of this yet.
I had him go down Auron's area of the sphere grid, so he was always a less-good Auron.
The "best" thing to do is to make Kimahri a mage, but he's always going to be behind the curve
All I've learned from Final Fantasy game playing is that I don't like Final Fantasy game playing.
I think I said it before, but 10 would be tons better without Tidus.
A thing about 8. Get Bahmut card. Refine into 99 megalixirs. Faceroll the last couple boss fights.
@5pike That forced laughter scene :|
8 caught me off guard with the castle near the end that takes away all of your combat options but 'Fight' and you have to earn them back.
@StrixVaria Tidus is such a tool
@5pike I disagree, I actually like him and Jecht a lot. I think they have a good dynamic.
10.. Isn't Wakka also Bender the robot?
I hated him initially but on my HD version replay I like him more.
@MadMAxJr Yes.
@twobugs Tidus feels like an afterthought plastered to the story
He could be removed
@5pike ... Are you sure you aren't thinking of Vaan?
and the story would have been better for it
Because FFX is definitely Tidus's story.
@StrixVaria the stupid crocodile alligator nonsense that's been in my head for two days
I found out they're making a HD remake of Grandia 2 and now I'm more excited for that than I've ever been about any Final Fantasy game.
@twobugs Remove tidus and make Auron the MC
@Unionhawk Oh, had you somehow avoided that meme before?
@5pike That wouldn't really work at all IMO.
I do believe it predated Rickrolling, so you may have not been born yet.
I didn't fully understand 4 but WOAH THIS AIRSHIP GOES TO THE MOON AND I HAVE A NINJA. :O
The bulk of the game is about how Tidus and Jecht relate to each other
4 just does a lot of things I don't like. It has some stupid plot twists (whatever, not a big deal) but you don't get your final party until the final dungeon. That is stupid.
@twobugs It totally would - remove the whiny guy with his father complex and make it a story about Auron and Jekkt.
Seems it was around the same time as rickrolling. Oh well.
FF4 has the four fiends of the elements, some of my favorite boss battles.
@5pike You'd have to change a significant portion of the game around for that to work. Without Tidus you lose a lot of Yuna's characterization, too.
FF10 I gave up at the fight with lady yunalesca. The three platform boss fight? I'm trapped in there and I can't go back to grind.
I'm pretty sure you can go back at that point. But that fight is dumb.
Extremely long unskippable cutscenes, boss has an unintuitive 1shot mechanic
Did they ever explain why only certain characters can go underwater?
I feel like they must have.
@twobugs Sure, but the story would benefit.
Sorta. Tidus and Wakka are the Blitzballers
@twobugs So that allows them to breathe underwater?
I just want an FF6 remake to see the beautiful absurdity of what Zozo would turn into.
Rikku does underwater salvaging
growls at her stupid ethernet adapter who worked for days and now hates her
@StrixVaria Hey, there are magics and dead kids dreaming of cities and giant hate monsters. I don't think too hard about it :P
Final Fantasy: 8 > 5 > 3 > 10 > 7 > 13 > 6 > 12 > 4 > 1 > 2
For 13, just replace lightning with a train that only moves forward.
What makes 3 so much better than 1 and 2? They are all "walk four steps and fight" grindfests.
@JasonBerkan 3 actually let you customize your party.
@JasonBerkan Jobs are fun to play with in 3.
I recall the insanity that was Nintendo Power's four white mage challenge for FF1.
1 is very dry. Outside of historical reasons I don't really care for it.
1 lets you customize your party but you're stuck with it for the entire game, and 1 is brutal.
2 tries some great new ideas but it's the first implementation of them so there are a LOT of missteps. Interesting to try, not really worth serious customization
1 is deeply brutal.
er, serious effort
Hmm. I don't think jobs saves 3 from being a bore to play.
Really? I think 3 is one of my favorites.
@JasonBerkan Yeah, the style of game isn't for everyone. I'm kind of upset that RPGs have mostly been going away from turn-based random encounters recently, though, to more active battles.
closes conversation - Primarily Opinion Based
You're basically always progressing through some new jobs that are pretty much all useful for at least some portion of the game.
I wish more games came out like the older RPGs, but most people like action more so they don't.
My biggest gripes are you get the last set of jobs too late and the airship shuffle at the end
Bravely Default was nice (except the looping part)
Oh and the final dungeon difficulty spike, but I explored with the airships and did sidequests so it was no big deal
@twobugs and the unsaveable final dungeon?
@5pike Ugh I have no idea how they thought that was a good idea.
FF6 got me because the badguy wins before any of the heroes can do much about it.
@JasonBerkan Apparently there was a famitsu poll while the game was in development on if they should add a save point or not. Guess which option won!
Also, my judgment of all the Final Fantasy games is almost entirely based on combat and customization, and not on plot.
FF1, the sky temple dungeon thing.. running into WARMECH and not knowing what it is.
Although the lack of plot does hurt FF1, since you have no idea where to go or what to do ever.
@MadMAxJr Ah, the real final boss of FF1
@StrixVaria 1 maybe 2 loops, fine, but not ... So many
Warmech, the first Omega Weapon
everyone forgets about crystal chronicles
Chaos isn't really a chump or anything, but WARMECH is a monster
thats best FF
Oh, I need to go talk to this specific dwarf to get dynamite, so that I can blow a hole in the terrain to make a canal to the exterior ocean? Glad you told me any of that.
@Rapitor Loved that one, shame about the multiplayer shenanigans but my friends had the right stuff so we had a blast with it
@5pike Yeah, that would have been ok.
@Rapitor Mystic Quest
The combat in the early FF games is awful.
They could honestly just cut chapters 5/6, those add basically nothing.
For a series that was meant to be a one-off as a developer went into a swan-song thinking it was the end of his career, it's gone on for quite some time.
@MadMAxJr Yeah, that was really cool.
Even the refights are just boring scaled up numbers
@JasonBerkan FF3 is also the first game where if you targeted a monster who died, the game would just retarget your attack to an alive monster.
7/8 is where things get really interesting
In FF1 if you had all 4 of your guys hit 1 enemy, and the first killed it, the other 3 wasted their actions that round.
7 was zomg 3d. FF8 was zomg textures.
I bought 8 and parasite eve same day. I ended up liking both.
@StrixVaria See, I sort of liked that because it added an element of strategy, but it was a stupid element of strategy built around an engine limitation.
@twobugs Yeah it wasn't awful to deal with in FF1, but it sure was nice to have it.
@StrixVaria Which made the combat even mind-numbingly easier. A, A, A, A, A.
@JasonBerkan I do like my incremental games.
@JasonBerkan Well, in 3 you do kind of need to use some strategy unless you grind a lot, at least in my experience
Heh. That would describe the early FF games. All that matters is your level.
I would play around with cool job combos and find synergies
FF8 had a surprise when I ran it in ePSXe for the first time. The textures were oddly sharper and cleaner than on the PSX. Square had loaded higher res textures than the PSX could handle, which render just fine under directx rendering.
Like bard + dark knight
Also, my first encounter with FF7? The PC release.
The PC release isn't terrible but the music is of pretty low quality
If you had the Yamaha XM synth loaded for midi, it was fine.
Also the FF7 PC version has some hilarious mods
There's the infamous one of the guy who wants to go full George Lucas and remove Cait Sith from the game. His replacement would be an ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL
Man, I wanna find that now.
Mentioning Cait Sith reminds me that Dirge of Cerberus ever happened. Thanks.
That's part of the reason I'm very hyped for the FF7 remake: they're going to channel George Lucas and it's going to be glorious
I honestly liked the FF13 combat, if it was about 200% slower.
Either it ends up awesome and I get a sweet game, or it ends up as a smoldering pile and I get to watch the tears flow.
@twobugs Heh, I just hope they keep the infamous bath scene in.
@5pike That scene is going to be so awesome in full 3d with voice acting
Emerald Weapon - you just start the fight dead now.
Man, that whole Honey Bee Inn segment is gonna rule.
@JasonBerkan Yeah, I could see that. I liked the combat quite a bit, but if you weren't using "auto battle" then it was really hard to menu fast enough to keep your combo or whatever it was going.
@MadMAxJr He's a chump if you can figure out what "aire tam" is backwards ;)
Dear SquareEnix, get Phil Lamarr for Barret. Do this.
Also remove Yuffie from the game. kthx, bai
@MadMAxJr Also used Yuffie in my recent playing of FF7.
Also probably a mistake.
@MadMAxJr I hated when she stole my materia and then hated her even more when she gave it back, just in the wrong order.
She actually has one really good use - one of her weapons (I think it might be her ultimate) has a different damage formula that overwrites the morph damage equation
so if you REALLY want to farm sources for max stats... use Yuffie!
My hair is fucking awesome now.
@5pike This. Where she steals it all and hides. I just wanted Vincent to shoot the hiding spots.
Gotta love people with low reading comprehension. When I reply to you and tell you to use steamcmd.sh, don't just quote your original post where you used steam.sh and got output telling you about a problem. They're different commands.
@MadMAxJr Good thing she's optional. Bad thing that I didn't know during my first playthrough.

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